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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1973, p. 11

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Mrs. Sam Brereton Phone 987-4221 Planning Board'sflwate Open Meeing Stirsstl Some Lively Dialogue cSo&a/ anc1 fJersona/ The not-too-long-in-exist- ence Newcastle Planningi Board 'have been doing a lot of diligent and forthright work1 and planning these past few f months and f;inally with the, hielp of the- consultant Roger Trenmner of Totten, Sims and1 Huibiceki, Toronto, presented a draft plan f0 the general public on Monday, April 30 in1 Newcastle Community Hall.« it was -a well-attended( mneeting with- about 50 ini attendance. On band to pre-! sent this draft plan andi answere questions were the Reeve and ail the Counillors (with the exception of Fred Couch) and ail members of the Planning Board, as weil asq Mr. Truemnner and Jean Wells from th Toronto consulting1 firm mcnntioncd above. 1 Mr. Roger Yates, chairman of the Planning Board, for-i mnally openred the meetingi with,.a few weli-cbosen re- marks o)n the purpose of the1 nefing and introduced thej beaLd table guiests. The meet-i ingwa then turned over to1 Mlr. Truiemner who urged everyone presenIt f0 make theiîr questions known. Mr. Trelumner then made bis presentation ,throughl a series of plat es eacb depicting a1 different aspect of informa- tion needed for concise plan-J nn.These plates wcre stra- tgicllypaced around the hafll s50ceryone couid view OUR GASOLIN V? TOPS ME REST, FOLKS TELL WHJVe them as thby, wcre explained on yoe.Plate One indicated an Orientation Map of Newcas- tI;Plate Two, physical features of surrounding areas; Plate Three, Present land use; Plate Four, muni- cipal services; Plate Five, population growth; Plate Six, future development concept te 1968. Each plate was tbor- oughly and comrprehensively explained by Mr. Truemner. Tbe Officia! Plan was at first drawn up to extend f0 the year 1986, howe ver, with tbe rate of growth already expericnced some limitations have been placed on the plan and its concept now may only be f0 1977. The meeting was then thrown open for a discussion period at -which time many pertinent questions wcre ask- cd by members of the audi- ence. The questions, asked of Mr. Truemner werc intelli- gent, thought-provoking and meaningful. Mr. Treumner answered all questions in a frank, concise manner and in s0 doing seemed fo sati 'sfy the curiosity and wondering of al present. The only criticism which seemed f0 evolve froxn the meeting was that the Plan presented was too timid and should take more notice of future development pres- sures. The discussion period was livcly and interesting and because of this demnocratie way many people have had a say in the future plans of our village. Affer ail, this is really what an appointed Planning Board is ail about. C.H,.S. News (71VC YAffen a long weekend, ne one 'N wanted to corne back f0 dean old Clarke and stant te work. iîn only visible extra curricular On Wednesday thene was lots of school wonk te be donc F .in but if was so nice and sunny that day that the students sarfed doing thein, work W m. P. Johniston outsîde, undem- the trnis Gas- MtorOh Ful Oîs eeing Club hcld their first and Grease iineeting in the Library at »JRNACE INSTALLATIONS Clarke. The meeting, was well AND REPAIRS aftended, On Thursday, tnack practice Newcastle 975l was held again. On Wednes- day, May 2nd, a track meet will be held so evenyone is madiy trying to get info shape.' uw uA canoe trip is being planned for the 24th of May weekend MAGAZ IN ES and f0 go, one has te carry a ARE BAC K! canoe around the track. The canoc weigbs 60 pourîds and AUl popular some of the girls are having publications quite a fcw problcms, especi- for aiiy if the day is windy. for On Safurday morning at 7 CHILDREN, a.m., about 40 French stu- TEENS, ADULTS dents set ouf for Quebec. They - anc going f0 sfay until Agent for Tuesday. They wili stay in a convent at night and will visif ALLIED PHOTO a French sehool and sec some SERVICES of- the beautiful sighf s of Daily Pick-up Quebec. Bon Voyage! More news next week. -Dia ne Barneff G lanville 's Variety Store King St. E. Newcastle llours: Mon. thru Sat . 9 a.m. Sundays il a.m. - 10Op.m. HCWTO Cet Cash Today For OId Appliances through 1 STATESMAN C LA SSJ1F 1E 0S 'Phone 623-3303 E-L[DFJIL Withi the arrivi of such1 beautiful wcather thoughts1 are turning to the, great outdoors. Not oniy thoughits, but also people are hcading out iooking for adventurc and funi! Wc neyer realizecl there' wcre so many Isaac Waltons in our village! Hiave you noticed the number of young- sters, fishing poles 'noncha-i lantly tucked under their, arms, heading for the nearbyi streams and ponds?1 Another sign of a greaf zest1 for living is the sigbt of our1 young people. hiking on ai Iovely day - lunch bags i hand and warming sweater orf jacket carelessly tosscd across the shoulders or wrap- pcd around the waist. One word of warning, especially te you motorists, with our' child- ren taking advantagc of tbis wonderful weathcr, yoýu mustî be always alert and on the1 lookout for darting chlildren. They aie so full of virm, vigori and vifality tbey don't always( remember f0 look wben they1 should; stop when fhcy shoruld1 or think about the safcfy rules they actuaily know s0 well!1 It1 is up to us, as respon;sîble aduits, te be ever on our guard for people darting across a road, running ouf from be- tween cars, chasing halls on the road - we must bc on thei lookout and ready for any; emergcncy, espccially wben1 driving our cars!1 Another hazard f0 the mot- erist is the number of bicycles1 on the road now. We can't1 remember ever secing s0 many bicycles going up and down the roads, Some of them aren't being ridden f00 intel-i ligently ither, we arc sorry to say! If rcally shouldn't be the1 car driver's worry about thesei cyelisfs, but we guess if fhcyi arc nof going to ride with carei and courtesy, then the poor motorisf is going te have, te assume the responsibility. This editorial starfed ouf bcing an appraisai ýof the1 wondcrful world around us but1 instead bas turncd eut te bc a lament of the surnmer mofor- ist. Tble probiems -which off en beset s should( in no way, lesnour enthusiasm fori living. With a littie more attention thie summer can be as carefrce as one wanfs it f0 bc. Go on those hikes, take býeaufiful long wailks witb family or f'ýirids;, take a trip 'f0 a quiet ret.reat- do any of these a ctivi t ies and enjoy your spring te the fullesf. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Alun hosted a famiily dinner at The Country Inn recently in cele- bration of their son's, Glenn, birfhday and, their son and daughfer-in-law's, Ross and Marion, wedding anniversary. Dcepcst. syrlpafthy is ex- fendcd to the family and relatives of the late Mn. William Butterill who passed away n Smiths Falls, April 30. Mrs. Butfeil is sfaying witb ber daughter and family, Mn. and Mrs. William Storks, Kim and Candy.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pruner, Debbie and Janet, accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pruner-of Bowmanvillc to Kingston f0 spcnd the wcek- end with Mr. and Mrs. David Pruner and Darren. While they wcrc there Mrs. Jack Pruncr's twin sister 'andiber, L. ny4 old TH E ID OHiGiIUi-A L FHH1\]i TG OIL FIEUUTUiHB BRJNG BACK THE NATURAL BEAUTY 0 F THE WOOID FINISH THE >S IriturU, SECRET 15 OUT! BICG N,ýEWS FOR ANTIQUE LQVERS AND FURNITURE OWNERS. . An old refinishing process is n0w avalable For general use. It melts down the old VARN-ISH, SHELLAC or LACQUER on furniture. Restore5 the original wood colour and grain. ILEARN HOW TO REI SCRATCHES ON EURN HALL, MASTER A NTIÇ ture problems for Mr. Hi other portable item, that( Sfurniture the.18th Centu: DON'T MI! WEDNESDA ST. Tickets i zPAIR CIGARETTE BURNS, WATER RINGS AIN ITURE AT OUR CLINIC CONDUCTED BY MR. C. QUE RESTORER. Bring along some of your own furr ail to selve. A stool', a desk drawer, a jewei box or ar can be used te demonstrate hoýv easy it is te refinish o iry way. 55S THIS SCHOOL TO BE HELD ON NY, MAY16th - TWO SESSIOI 2 to 3:30 P.M. and 7:30 to 9P.M. PAUL'S CHURCH HALL ADMISSION -$1 .00 available from St. Paul's UCW Members or Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy and Timothy of Ire- quois, spent Safurday nighf %;ith them. The, Newcastle Ifecreatien Commit tee is going full steam ahcad wifh plans for ifs suimmer activifies. To be offcrcd f0 the cbildren is a full slafe of recreational events including softball, hardball, soccer, playground and a Red Cross Swimming programme. Feeders have already heen put ouf for belp in coaching bail feams and the commit tee is now in the process et selicifing coaches for soccer teams. Practises have been called for in regards te girls' softball and boys' hardbail and the children intercsted ini any ot these activities arc advised te lis ten for an announcement in this regard af school. Soffbail is available for girls aged 10 te 17 ycars and a bouse league in hardball wili be set up for boys, ages eight te 10 years. Instructors have already been sctccfcd for the swimming programme and they are Miss Mary Grace Paterson, bead instructer, Miss Kafhy Gustar and Mr. George Gray, instructers and Mr. Paul Quinney, their as- sistant. A new lesson schedule will be introduced this sum- mer which will be of an advantage te instructors and participants alike. Registra- tien will be held for these swimming lessons the early part of dune se be on the looko-ut for adverfisemcnts giving dates.and times. Soccer 1and playground will be faken cane of later. The holdup on! the soccer deai is the lack et coaches. Anyene intercsted in helping ouf with this activity can offer their services by caliing 987-4221. The New- casfle Recreation B3aton and Ballet classes will be present- ing their annuai Spring Reci- tal the carly part of dune and the girls and teachens arc busily getting ready for this big event. ,Healthful Pecreation is the aimi of your Recreatien Cern- mitfee for ail the cbildren of are presenfed flor your enjey- ment the olyrequiremnc;i te make tbcmn worthwhile is yo ur invoivement. Who says there is nothing for the kids te do during the summer' months. Again if is the fime of year when the bowling scason ends. On Apnil 3Oth the Newcastle Monday Night Ladies League held their annuai banquet af the New Dutch Oven Res- taurant, just north of Orono. Thene werc 49 present, fwe membens being absent. After 1a very appefizing meal con- sisting of a bot and ceid butft, the trophies for the outstand- ing bowlers were awarded. The highesf feam fthroughout the ycar was the Kendalites. 1The consolation trophies were .received by the Pontiacs. iFor the year the High average was won hy Betty Major, 192; single, Mary Fosten, 309 and Hîgh triple," Betty Thompsen, 743. The lew average of 136 went te Marilyn McArthur; low single, Ruth Irwin, 83 and low triple, Mary Potter, '307. This yean we 1seemed te be lacking in 300, games but there were a feV.ý Betty Major had fwe, a 306 and a 313; Mary Foster, 309, Betty Thompsen 305 and in the playoffs, Shirley Nicholson had a high of 325.*In the playoffs the High Average of 202 wcnt te Alfa Langstaff: High single. Doreeni Neal. 291 and Hîgh triple et a 728 te Shirley Nicholson. Low aver- age, Dianne Partrîdge, 1û7; low single, Joan Miller, 89; low, triple. VelI Waitsn, 350.ý other relatives in the village. Our very bijsy Newcastle and District Chamber of Co'mmerce are on the move again. They have been de- lighted with the attendance they have been getting at their meetings recently;- they hope this trend continues when they IDSTL ETON Friends arepeae that with Mrs. Ed Lawson and Mns. Ivan Robhrer %W?5a able te Bruce werc Mrs. Fred Brad- nefuu unn home from P)'Iort- Perry bunn, R. R. Janetviile, Mrs. Hospital on Mondayof last M. McKee and Miss, Lillian wcek. Lawsen, Lindsay. Welcome home te Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes has'spent Mns. George Donnerai who this pasf week ie Prince neturned on Wednesday, fnom Albert, looking affen her Flonida, and] an extended granddaughter Coileen Ani- vacation 'teNexv.\ Zealand and -qrPws, the Fiji Islanids. baby sister Tnacey Anne Recent visitons with Mns. return from the hospifal. Vena Meuntjoy xere Mn. and Sunday evening dinner Mrs. diîn Sfalker et Saskaf- guests wifb Mr. and Mrs. chewvan. Mn. and Mrs. Ken- Victor Malcolm wcnc bis neth Samelîs of Blackstockk, panrents. Mn.,and Mns. Rac Mrs MuirraS Coates of Pont Malcolrn of Jbnetville. Pennyv and Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Fnicnds wr pleased te Slemon. Hamnpten. welcome Mn. and NMrs. Stanley ,Mns. Dorotbl McClu ,ILalcoliiite flhc Unifed Church Dai(e. BriainDe, Sharon,. on Sunday merniing. The Tery, Dwaynevi, Gneg anid -Maicolms, who haxýe necently Dawn moved on Satunday ieturned frein Florida, wene from.Nestieten te their recent- dinnen guesfs of Mr. and Mrs. iy purchased home in Pont Lawrence Malcolm and Penny. This cenîmunity ex- family. tends te them best wishes for Mns. Ralph SadIen is spend, geod luck and happiness in ing a few days wîtb ber theirn ccx envirnment. daughter and son-in-law, Mn. Mn, and Mns. Fraser Wilson and Mns. tan Scoft, Charles, of Oshawa, are the new and Jenniten at Corbyville. exxners and xiii be moving in a Sunday and weekend guests couple ef weeks., with Mn. and Mrs. Sam Mn. and Mns. George Heas- Cawker wene Mn. and Mrs. lip visited Saturday te Monday Charles Cawken, Scarbor- with ber sister Mns. R. J. ough, Mn. and Mns. Alan Fennel at Kemptville. Cawker and Christie, Mn. and On Monday evening of last Mns. Grant Cawker, Chnis, week, Mn . and Mns. Hlowand Curtis'and Kathy of Oshawa, Jackson. of Mt. l-Ieeb., wee Mn. and Mns. Raiph Cawken, guests et Mn.'. R. Wý. Jackson Sh'andne and Jason, Milibrook. and Mn. Alaî' Jackson at ThIis was a famiiy panty te Caesarea. honoi Mrs. Charlesý Cawker on Mn. Jack Curtis, Tonoffo, is ber binthday. Congratulations. spending a few days wýifh Mn. Mn. and Mrs. John and Mrs. Grant.Thomïpson. McKeewn, Caledon, East, Sunday luncheon guests wene visited Sunday_ evcning with Mn. and Mns. Ernest Freer. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip. Orillia. Mr. and Mrs.' George Bow- Visitons during, the xveek ens have neceived word that hold their next general meet- ing on Wednesday, May l6fb af. 8:00 p.m.' Wifh many important proects pianned for the nexf few months if is imn'portan t thaf a good turneut is the case as the main item on the agenda wîll be the election of ofticers for the coming year. their brother-in-law, Mr. Rob- ert Rhodes died in the Ross Meinorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Sunday, May 6. Sincere sympathy is extended te this family. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lee attended the curling banquet and dance in the Rec Centre in Blackstock on Saturday even- ing. Trophies were presented and lucky draws were made. Congratulations to Mrs. Lee who was a member of the higb team, with Elaine Bailey as skip. Mlrs. Lee was aiso one of the winners in the draw. Surprise! Surprise! On Friday evening, May 4th, Brent Johnstone was feted to a surprise party to honor him on his l4th birtbday. His sister Lori, hostess for the occasion, wa s assisted by ber friend Carol Huntington. Other guests were Scott Williams, George Wilson, Jeff Sutton, Tcrry McClurg, Sid Visser, Don, Jamieson, and Larry Huntington. To conclude a pleasant evening of fun and the traditional birthday c 'ake was served. Congratulations, Irent! Court Lady Snowbird On Tuesday evening, May lst, the regular meeting of Court Lady Snowbird was held at the home ot, Sister Carol Doyýle. The president, Sister Anne Lee, chaired the meeting. Sister Marg Lee, Secretary, read the minutes of the April meeting -and the correspon- dence. The treasurer Sister Dorothy Lee reported on finances. If was decided to buy a. patio set. Tickets are available now. and the draw xii be made at the Bake Sale, dune 3th., Court Lady Snowbird is a~ busy group. Their most recent activity was cafering for the Minshall-Collins wedding,' April 28. Plans were finalized for the dance in the Rec Centre, Blackstock, this Sat- urday, May 12th. The mcmbers extended wishes for improved health to Sister Mildred Rohrer who recently returned from Port Perry H-ospital. Sisters Shirley Jackson and Marilyn Cooiedge, assisted, the hosfess v.ith lunch and the meeting closed aceording to ritual. The dune meeting will be held at the home of Sister Jean Bolan. Tfhe group is commended for The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, May 9, 1973 'Ta IIy-Ho and Pip Pip' E q ues tria n Cu' Hopes to Form Hunt On Sunday, April 29;~ mem- bers of the Oshawa Equestri. an Club were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sjnith, R.R. 2, Betbany, at beautiful "Saddle- wood Acres" situated in the Bethany district not far from the Devil's Elbow Ski Club. The weather was ideal 'for their excellent work in the community as well as their financial support f0 the Can- cer Fund. riding and about 15 riders ýtook part, the idea of the ride being te find a location for a Hutt Club wbich is one of tbe main ideas behind the club. Hunt Club Chairman Ted Spencelcy and the members of the executive were very enthusiastie not only about the wonderful riding country but also about the excellent facili- tics offered by "Saddiewood Acres" who bave an indoor riding arena and a-ccomminoda- tion for boarding horses. NIE xI ý9 $.35 ORRUATE FIBEGLAS i FORE PIR T.-1'egh ig $1.5 8Excei te ..e....I5.4 26""WDE - G E tE r .........W$.3 $1.05 E SONOTU $7,6- ORIREC'Lengths x-f8" DUI amtr$0 $7.65~ SWIMMIG PO BS m I S COTCH 'WEAVE FENCE PREFINISHED,- PREFABRICATED PANIELS READY TO INSTALL, NO FINISHING NECESSARY. 8'SECTIONS - BASKET WEAVE FOR PRIVACY 4 FOOT $i9.95 6 FOOT, $26*72 HIGH .... .... I 7HIGH .... COMPLETE STOCK 0F ALL ACCESSORIES, POSTS, UINE AND END TYPE, TOPPER SECTIONS AND GATES BEST!! HAS BUILT IN W OOD PRESERVATIVE - GUARANTEED e NOT TO PEEL OR BLISTER. -M I I I N I I 1% I ~( I I I ~s -I GALLON $g08 i Buciildi*ng aCO-TTAGE or GARAG ?E' a*f r e e.2 CON VENIENT LCATIN ýN.2 IWY. WEST Bring us your plan and w. will pro"videCURIEY D comle. ateias ut HWAWOOD 9 BWMýANVILLE and SALES-ROOM WAREOUSENo Charge -. ___ _____ cUTCRA WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE LUMBERLANDAN * I I LOOR ST. FAST I LUMBERLAND' ___ _ _ __V McMilIan Drive eOD'.W N AY 4 _____ and Bond Street K NOG-&T. W. b ONE WAY A -_______________ i Downtown Oshawa L' 401 HIàA MIOU RTI CE 728-1611 WAREHOUSE" LUIMBERLAND72-67 Give Mother e e e A Year-Round__Helper ishwashorrs + Four Push-Button Selection + Five Cycle Flexibility + Two Easy Load Racks + Roils Anywhere + Retractable Cord + Buiît-In Quiet +Decorator Colors COME IN 1TDAY Kool Enter r'ises WE SERVICE ALL MIAKES AND MODELS, 0F DOME STIC AND COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATTON EQUIPMENT Phone 623-3221 QUART V-ý-j 1 0 6 0 24 Division St. , Bowmanville

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