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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1973, p. 13

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Dur hamAgri News by Bob Watt Assistant Agricultural NEW PR11OPOSED TAXATION CHANGES With the April 121h, 1973 OntarioBugt there are a numnber of propoused changes which will have an effect on Estate Planning for, farm people. Concerning Succes- Sion Duties, there were two m--ajor changes. FýIrst of ail, there xiii be a compiete intler- spousal exemption fromn Suc- cession Duties w-,ith respect to property passing'-on the death of a eceased f0o the surviving idow or wdwr Also, conrcerning the ,famnily farm, al farmi lands, buildings, equipmnent and livestock xiii be dutiabie at their market value, wtbsubject f0 forgive- ness. Relief xiii be given-in the f ormi of a disappearing am-ortization of duty. For example, duty viii beforgiven over 25 years on the bais of one 2ý5fh of the principal amiount of duty, foeterwth întlerest eancb year, provided certain conditons are mnet. Aong these are: The farmn mnust be a worlking farmi and mnust be continiued f0 be owned býy mnembers of the dcea(used family. If musf be operated as a farming enferprise and concerning incorporafed farms, tbey will qulaflifor the' samne forgiveness where tbey meuet the above conditions. \\'len the ownership of the farmn passes t0 persons outide the, family, or w nthe land change5s from llan agricLtuIral usagýe to some otheru LSe, Ihe balance of duty and infeurest BYAM PLUMBING & HIEAT!tnG and AIR CONDITIONING ~<Phone 263-2650 Representative then outstanding will become payable. The Once-In-A-Lifetimýe GiIt1 has been reinsfated, but this1 time at an amount of $000 Af the present time, the procedure as to how this caIn be done bas not been outlinedl, but, if cerfainly appears that there couid be great potentiai in use of this;. Tf seems that every week, there are mnore, changes being made in flie Tax Laws and for a person to keep up to this, it would f ake a great deal of time and effort, thus, we feel if is important that you make use of your accolutat, wyesbankers and members of the Onitario Ministry vof Aricljture anid Food. as weii as other p)eople( Who are jinvoivýed in thisara NAROSTARTED PUIL'LET 'PRODUCERS MARETNGPLAN EfeciveApil l9thi, a new PulletMaktn Plan for Ontartio auithorizes the Mar- keting Bloard f0 aliocate quotas for marketing oùsar edpults ctual implemnen- fationý of the Quota System and other defaiis of flie planii ilbe referred back f0 the Produc- ers for approval. Quotas vi! flot apply to commercial egg producers, who raise startedù pulleýts for, their own use and the(ir own fclte.Effect',ive( date ofilimpcleentation - An-lpril Il.-xiiapply m ith reýspect to thîe quallifying period under wihstarted pullet prodiuers willreie their marketing quý motas. NIA K E YVOUR1EA\STEL1,1ILY% LAVST LO)NGER, 'IiIes maniy people reciv.a gifts ýCani have a lngrlite span, if theý plants are wl watered and kept in a tem- perature of about C8 dges blooms xii last loge.With- ered hloomns shoufld also) be cut off. A layer 'I'of coarse gave a the bottom( of the pot assureýs Most Es hrlly plants xilI not hloom again ilhf uibs re kept in foe pots. Whený1 floxering bas fnseplant thie bulb ouitdooris after Il danger of frost isý past.Jif thise poeueis followe, the plants m iay bloom agiin the fail, and if protýcfed, may survive thle winte'r and blWoom again nxtspring. c o E - 1"F eavymduy 'h irpon rai gq d'acces: pies Unsuccess fui A ttempt To Pcsss Causes $1,500 Accident on Hi*ghway 2 in the second accident of ifs kind in two days, a car xas badfly damaged onHiwy No. 2) while attempfing f0 pass another veýhicle(. Thirfy-six year-oid Shirley Trim of' Newtonvilie was driving west on Highway 2 sborfly after 5:00 p.m. Mon- day, April 3th. She attempted unsuccessfully to overfake another xestbound car just, west of Highway 115-35 and coli(dd vithban eastbound auto driven 1)y'vDaXvid Beatty, aged 3a, from shwa The Trim wonns.uffered minor l'CULs andbrusesin the miha. er car was damaged f0 th,, tune of $1,400. The Beatty veb1icle , icurred an estimatd $500 in damaiges. Newcýastle OPP ha1ve hag edMrs. Trim xith Improper Pasng)PP Consblie D-.PR ecyinvestigated the acciî- dent. P.C. Mecoy was aiso the investigatitg officer- in a IuOlPEN BOUSE"I Sat. - May 12 Mothers Day - Mvay 13 Monday - ïMay 14 Iloyds" Greenhouse TE[EPHO NE 728-3636 Special Mother's Day Arrangements Sprjing Garden Plants - Flower and V(,getable A Compleie lune for Suin and Shade Roses, Cannaj, Geraniumns, Evc-rg ecn.s, Shrubs, Trees. Hlanging Pois. Mixcd Pans. Peat Mloss, Feirtilizer Tau nton si ilincidet on [Highway 2. wesf of Bowmanvilie on Sn day, Aýpril 2)th. A picture and description of that accide-nt are reportled ei[sexvhcre in this edition of theSttema OBITUARTES HAROLD BENNETT1l A resident of Ithe Kedron area since 1926, and a farmner, Harold Bennett died suddeiyi at the Oshawa Generi bsw- pifai, Tuesday, May 1,1973. Hle lived on Conlin Rd. E., R.R. 2, Oshaw'a. Born Feb-. ,,92 iudr lanidhie was the son of the lýafe MI-. and Mrs. Fredrick Jh Bennett. IHe received bis eduication in the Snein area and mioved f0 Bowmnan- Ville in 1920.ý Ilîe was a mnember of Kedron Uniýted huch 11e is suvve y hiswie thjormecr AnsC. Ae ander R.., ,omhe 1mariejd in iliton, June 12, 1943; on son, Harold Grant Bennett of Saskatoon; one sister, Mrs. Olive Mau1de Devan!ey of Chc Mo i., and, one Brother, Grant of omnvle Servicewa at the Mm tosh-Anderson Funerai chapel Thursday, Mlay 3. Inferm1ent in Oahlawa Union Cemetery. Rvv, Waiter Davis of Kedron United Churcb, MIRS. ELIZABETH ANN D A N K S ,v fo f7 Aresident of' Oshaa or6 years, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Danks died Mlondaýy, Aprîl 30i, 1973, Yat Hisdaie. Manor, following a pr-ioinged lnes She badt resided af the îMnr for severai years. The formner Elizaeth Anni Cherrili was boral Nov.29 1882 in Hamnstead, Engiand, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Cherrili. Her husband, Charles Fred- rick Danks, died in 1955. She is survived by three daughfers, Mrs. Mae Spafford of B-uffalo, N.,Y.: Mrs. Rose BlwofO4 aa Mrs. George Puci(ketf (Acla> of Blackstock, one son, Fred Danks of Osb,\aa;seven grandichiidren and F7 great-grandchildren. Servijce wý,as at the Ar- strong Funeral Chapel, Thurs- day, May :3. infermnt ',in Osbiawa Union Cemietery. R'ev. Wesie-y ferbert offici- ated STARK VILLE Mr. and Mris, Sid Hailoweii spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. Jim iStark ,vas in Ot tawa last week. Mlr. and Mr. obert Wýest- huser and Alyson visifed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H Thickson,Eiabtvle - Snday affernoon Mr. R. Mouilton, Toronto, wýas guest speaker a' Shiloh. His lesson reading was from Paul's letter to the Riomans. lie spoke of the alcohol and drug cnerns and the present day conditions. Mirs. Lawrence Fa,,irow was organit. Service x%0ii be next Sulnday ait 2:30 wt 1v Snelgrove in charge. Mr. and Mlrs. Liew Hlallo- weli were Saturday dinner gujests wîfhMr and Mrs. Orme Falls. Also Mr. and Mrs. ,Carlos Tamnblyni, Oronoý , were recent dinner guiests a. the Fails home. Mir. and Mtrs. E. Slicer, Toronto, visited at Mr. Lloyd liallowells. GET CAU1I TODAY FOR OTA) APPLIANCES THROUGH S T AT ESNiA N C L A 'i S 1 F 1 E D S * Lloyd's O 4Mile Y2,Mie N r S. * TUNE-UPS * SAFETY-CHECKS * BRAKES * MUFFLERS Now on/ Sale at MacDONALD FORD Get Ready for Spring BODYWORK and PAINTING FAST PROFESSIONAL WORK AT PRACTICAL PRICES 623-4481

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