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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1973, p. 1

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Midlnd Rgt.Honors Fallen Comircies _les ruce UTponi the advice of the Industrial omis sion, town counceil hias decidedI to inicrease the selling price of tonondindufstrial land. Land northi of Hlighiway 401, mlost of it on, the Base Line Road, wili now seil for S7,00 per acre, wlijle land south of WI1 wilf cos( $6.000) per acre. The former price 'vas $,0pet, acre for both locations. The reason for the difference of $1,000 is that the land north of the highway is, or would be, fullysric, and theotr is 'Iackinig Sanitary SeWerS. ple Bowmnvile'sinduëstrial Iand is stili pricedt considerably belon, that of (ther nearby com muties.Whithy, ïfor exaïmle, Iý"rporteIlyý charges uip to 14.001 per acre for their industrial property. VOLUME ]119 1 pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTAULO, WDEDYMAX 9, 19c15e Pr Copy U VIBER 19 Tighten Restrit n n Fir 'ihanks 10 federailolgiaiiti 1tpassed last bai] 'l. Qucen Vc tinria 's irihda',, norcrc known ýl10 mranv ougbes slnIfircw'orks hvebeen) mlor slefo iegeneral pulic lo addition, only qua1iiid Iîreworks supervisors wxx iiib a]loxed bo purchase and stage dem!onsirations ni "display ireworks. Courses ha-iýve henset up 1tranfrxok sýuperxisors and pet-miits musi hc ,oh)tained by iles people if a grop xx shlstostage a \otXIIFîe rk1 la n n ed The Federai Depariment of nrg.Mines and Resources cmphasitat "only those ere - oîksdeerned 10 be highly ilazardous ha\ve been banncdl for, sale 10 the genci-al public.' Exploding "fiecrackers defincd as 'hs icok whose sole purpose i,,10,reab noise. hlax c beco banncid for sale to thei(,genera, 1liubl ic Thi CIassi1ictiion inludes ail iloise-mkig liirecracker încludig iadvinger . oidividuais may obtain lire- xorks, of thlis type if they have 'V~5'~~ N * lw . te necssarv local authoriza- il the Mid xxerca x jreth aslaid iprpî(iayldte Lament11 i r sppie haith diu ýsplay tbnda 0brnd 1(,ih (L]gioniora' n ;l ve rn\hîmrd h I xvii e suerxisedhy çxx Legion mess dinner, iolloxxcd hy a ile onae agecmeetpro still bccava laotifor aurc:al fi!ear o iag ad ovei'. 'q '.P ? 4FmVreworOks ol ibfis i'onand iies, sparklers ,,and ToxxnCoucilappovd Tovî Enioci' haîies Ma\ Ïth meiglCoe1 ou' milesnI oi ! n m oa xiib a si a co n $7,9a 10 tedof Egii re, ,no-l ni tIbe bridg, 300 led i o seucti-onithBaen Rd twxn ndL40 e, as o XXaxcr Rond> ,110 edn Cl'em'k-Adiistraitoiriioe McIim' o,,rtîcbe1hai;thbb aici ter Il he eesaya !ý)jiln mav un ai oaîd o Streci 10 iman Avenue (rodrbck Reder t, iEdsali aod cka Ilod. cne it-e ru, i t he rru1of a Kimg dollrs o damge.Another tir bhid heAena ook, firme 1a otl f iliihours 110 Liiguis.JoalimoiraI cases. he tire x ere tarbedi beus eblod rinpaîgwt fire, Reources Cnada hsnpre pard aspcialbooic on0iw use of dispwlayv firex oks d100hAngfresoAm-at Pne Ridfgxre ti manul asa gude 1 reponsi i !iwdcopbn pross Pltteriko ir n h hazrdfijuy mghpbrkp t 1amiiu DOL'] happ morn it's a Big job Getting Ready to Welcome -50,000 Visîtors If you were expecting 50,000 visitors yo'dbe1. Hnresof GM Npeoplee preparing to buisy too. Hiere Mlariýln Donoghue. lef t, ofvelconle guests at thlree Osaw ocationïs -- the Bowýmaniville, and Susan Johinston, Oshawa, puit truck and passenger car asmbyplants onPark the f'inishîng touchles on signls annrounitcin-g Genieral Roadd the, North Planti cornponent fabýric-ating Miotors Open Hiouse in Oshawa on Mfay 15, 16 and operation onDison St reel, BITS ~ pi~c~ 1,lMracle of Mass$ rduto Will Be on Public Viehm BLE IIA IV ~vnt~scem to be ening in pairs these dayls. On Sunday ng. the Odd Fellows held ther churchOpHue tG rl tr pinwhiceIs 1parade tori rinity United Uflurcf wiifl te aiasons Ia irethiA pproN V, attended St. Paul's United. 'Fortunately, the elr dFw ireCiefnJinamnparades ddntconfl'.ict afterwards. Tis Friday "Thsusai îh meorb edorsed bbc egi (AI C lïnht, Mlinîster of State the Hion. Hugh Faulner of "xx iii alsoetnde s t par.1Ji brolling frwrs epitdPeterborough is slated to addr-ess Northurnber- -u l] iI> i), a pal out that in 1i971 the ow an niiuu- th iorc ln ith bthc ville Fire Departnwcas land-Durham Lîberals at a dinner in Port Hope reglar193 Rad anmg calid upon 1c limes on tbe Legion. On the way downfrom the north. he in-fight ProgmamoMay 241h w lund1 put 0Oui seek a few converts ait Bewdley Fire Hall where (~nrnnç~Crmi~ F-wr ~ 'he N-D Progressive Conservatives apre holding "lit ami attempt to (dIvanf up K i 1g S reet4"i, ,Toxxîmn ('ouncil l la agreed w î ita m'ecomeîidbion ron Town ngine il Ca v 1eq Wat an xxiiporctse1 unlored grbage cotain- r, 0bu pacdalong tbf11' ma n O-et Local; baouder1Ma:lrin vil oiliniMaiUanaiD-% i- opýnieits ia of<'ijd10 a- thie Cos! fprcaigthe, coyntaineî-s upon tlf' con- diinthat ho f-an dirt f Counil wen aliig vlt \'0-1(îci's 1oller. DECORATjq N 1)AY SundayJun f l7bhebas Cemetewrx TwnCouincil pase are:olution to Ibis eleiaI their Monday, May 7thïiii eeting. Mm rsof bbc Blowman- estimabed >400 for Cstic axe on bbc crib along tbbc way comapetiton for the bost(duc- vilKnsn Cl (ub, aiong mtbFibrise tbmub heji' efimîs n doubtwhiletaking a oraicd crib. The Port Peîryv al pair nil Kinettes, are on Salturdiay. haîrpin tut-n a eah-defying Kinsmen won first pize mný pmcutumeý,d jusi prioa- to eaving Jo the photo. irn it tI o spe& nd had 1i0 makue C ialtLcttegorv, for- Pornt ÉPerry Saturday righl. are Jim Scbeil, Jintaoccssar> CrepiS un rote The Bowvmanvmlle cribibers nmorpnîn.My 5Ah, o bake part Lawrence, Marg Lawren. cbforemfnishing se1l abitrn'pace for Athe mn the eon nn4Kinsmn Dae ra 'or, ob .are To a(ddinsulli to mjrthe evet. oveingthe _25 mile Criba[PnlDon asterson. Linda rMc nexv oranized Pine Ridge course in just over five bours TheBovmaviieKinmei obie and Bobil bott Klnsýmen lub11)itom Oono Wu xx' \on"',mention fthe fact thal xbo pushed a cmtbdbc25 miles aimoast iea, bbclocall l ! i\'(, miles1,1he tion bfore iaing bere 50 it nuid oým Poil Peorry to Lindsay. bad t&Yirshare n i prblems. cribbcm-s aisomertted an ftlb 1W Cr(awfoî-d Hatig -h Cb lulcal cm) ý ý ,,i ibbersmVIsc Lan T 1y1mlaiiged oq beakbchoorab. ,ýfi 2 i()1 llile men ý tri ion! mnl bbc4, vanr l aIr'- their annual meeting. APOLOGY - Our alert proofreaders mt)issed a dandyv last wveek with the resuit that a mn wýaS listed as a bridesmaid in a pinik Swiss- dotted dre-ss with white ebodr triim. We don't thhink things have gone quite that f'ar yct and apologize for any embharrassment he, imust have uffred MAEIT '- &re delighted to report thaýt Chuck Smnith's Mary B3rown'iis chicke? enporium ,not only opened witlout incident on F'rîday, but did a roaring Ibusine-ss ailveek(ýnd, %with une ups at meail times. ogaultos Upgraded Counties Warden WeSton Banister to Reeve of UHope. He's the Deputy Reeve anid probably just as, happy Hloward Quiantrili is the Reeve and tak;ig (the îmain abuse îrom taxpayers who won't be too halpy about iheir 7.2ii miii increase. PORMEMORY Wev been havýiing memory problemis recently but have corne to the co.nclusion that its not albad. Nowwve can watch TVf reruns and don't remember until they're just about over, that we've seen themn befor-e. CIRCUSINTVN-peityPprPs- dent Harold 'Fibber" Mee, as head nof Osh1awa Shriners, will bc, busy this Saturdayý when the Shirine Circus is playing in (shars. WVe don't know ýwhat part hie wile playing, -but hope lie doeýsnt tr-y the high wie ct i th- out a net, especiailly if his aim intaniy better than it usually is with a golf club. Theýre are three performances at 9:30 a.m., 20 and 8:00 p.m. Tckets are available at Speciaity Paper, Temiperance Streeti. BEST WISHIES - to the recently formed Pine TRidge Kinsmfen Club that vwill be holding its Charter Night at Orono this Saturday night. No doubt wve shial hear mor-e of tbem as tirne goes on. They already have made a good showing by w-inning honorable mention for their entry in the Kinsmnen Cribathon on Saturday. PLANT SALE - Next Wedilesday evinig, there wilI lie anl opportunity to pick up) some fUne plants aît the aninual Sale on Library grounds by the Hlorticultural Soeiety. The largesi ipen 1-cuse danada histor1') listake lce (n OshaxaN cu)d1.,W tdne da\uluf an1hisah May la. 1' and, 157\1j More than '11area re trucký1mý and segrci Rod nd the Norl,, ýH \iisda. av 1.mi )b prev xx ax o p opie.ý ïh1 fr is an frc s Wcned ad u rsday. ail I aU uring technique Thc~ xxiii sec such operations as weiding mutai iinishîng a inechanîcal hand i nseri ng seats mb cars and the body dmp where the complctcd hody cornes sxxinging through the ceiling and swoops 20 feU down to mcci ihŽ chassîs b the forth plant gucsbs xx mil sec radiator mantitacturing plastic parts welded by sound molliton seet mtal presses: a patîcmo ai 1 mp'dcs li da~mnbb poctio)nns Area Qdd Fellows Parade fo Trinity Local)ta j;nd district, 4 imemt inbelrsn« thel Pndependent -1 Ordem- ni Odd Flosmtaf Centennia1:Hallon Sna Ma t oattend t hu momnng servie mnTr1-inib Un e Cu rchai i ocioc k Thew,ý roeldh bcKnre B3almoraýl Grs ieband rm shawa. Parjd, Masalwas DDG as ail ilanFarrw ad Coioi Beares xxrc P G Gorge assîstcd v D.DG. as Gordn Lmontwhoread the ï(Tom '(DPagqe 1Two) ý :1 U "ýrP t (pmimuv Par inLtaiiy uestroyed thc cnio,"L. Msirs, UiRogers Dp abnvm bad 1W waita lot longer mierior ni tbc building niyChurciStee ariedcarliest than be'hud expected but be hoursbfore bbc store was an im piturd imaking tbbc faiygoi i10 seil bis firt box scduied Wo oe. This ti"neAfirsmuchse. of chiuken on Frîday, NMay 5t, round, ervin eniii !ke Smm ih atrthtbusi- mnt bis new Mary Bonscinckwork, By opening limen t ness wske tYhat ailweekend. Virgîia Fried bclken M&a-11:00 a.m. on Frîay, cl) ose VewrebLuier týhan Tcould iinsbmn on King Srue(t Est. a dozen pe)(ople were indup have îmatiined." bicom A$0.0ire- lasî' Novem- andwatg1m ySmh'mned -un

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