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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1973, p. 2

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Z' The Canadian Statesm'an, Bowmanviiie, May 9, 1973 o-pe Council Undecided About Regio1nal Gov't. Hope Towniship Council is in has previously stated t-hat il Council, other council mnem- a quandary about whether or the counties were going to be bers were reluctant to support not they want to be a part of broken up he would prefer that Banister's stand. the Oshawa-centred regional Hope Township go witb the Councillor George Stapleton government. . proposed Oshawa-centred told counicil that hie wants to Hope's Deputy-Reeve Wes- region. know what wili happen to the ton Bamister, who is also the However, at a recent meet- sehool system, the heaith unit Warden, of the United Coiunties ing of theHope Townjshiip and the road system before he ~ will make a commitment as to E whether he wilsupport the O4'0%T I CE inclusion of Hope Township in At least one counicilior is I wishi to thank my f riends and definiteiy not in favor of a tie-in wih shawa. David customiers for- their loyalty and friendship Gayindicated he believes during the years I was in business in Hope should remlain wt the Bowmanville. other three Diamnond Triangle Now the shop is reniodelled and called miunicipalitfies, Port Hlope, Coibourg-,. and Hamilton Town- Adami and Eve Unisex and I wish them hpfomaplnin 'oitof every success. view. Reeve Hîoward Quantrill iso expressed reservzations MERVYN BROCK about joining an Osha wa regÉion. lie is concerned about how mulch tlie township uill MIEN havýe to pay towards regional ONLY 50c ADMNISSION costs such as administration TO TH NEXTand police. BIG KINSMEN SUPER Barbara Me(rson, commjiented CA R IN G Othat in the first year of the %.A R BIN GOrecently created Niagaira re- to b hel in hegion administrative costs had PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE gone- up S450,001). She said that FRIDAYL, MAY il th put up two sizabie adjustmrent Ban ister pointed out that the 1% counities council has already $75 0izrz o e spent anywhere from $10,000 INCLUDING FULL CARD GAME FOR $2p0 Z to $20,000 just studying the zý regional goverinment propo- b« ig Bonus sais. "We have had three tg GAME BIG GAME for a Z sessions of county counicil $50.OO 4 leeper Hard Top GAMES l discussing it," he saîd. "Each FuilCard Ca mper, inchuding A session costs the taxpayers ut ad a Il essential camping AT $,,500 in addition to whatever Bfutl equzipmnent or $1, 1 Each our planner charges." 53 Nos, or (fromi the Outdoorsman) Banister contended that Less $7 00.00 Hope would be lef t out in limnbo if the township is excluded c20 BIG REGULAR GAMES at 8,50.00 Each fr om the region. "I'm personiaily afraid of BRAND NEW 1973 being ieft ot," h le said. HOLIDAY FORD TORINO "Governmnent poiicy is al for or $2,000.00 Cash larger units." Due to Government regulations, door prizes The United Counties will are not available. In place we wiîî give sîoooO Proiy0ll lose Man ir.vcr s, FREE full card gamie. Cavan, Cartwright, Clarke Early Bird Gamies at 7:30 - Bu'ses at Door and Dariington towýnships Ir______when theicnew ýýregion is KINSMENformeud, he speculated. -1 think we're in the soup. 1 can't udi Lin a -. M ia see them- giving us any Rudi Lindci M ia encouiragç"emnen t tset nupour own region " added Banister, f rom AriticBEUTY ÇPR Tracks S A 0 1 41 he ssti ofPieprotrudrng, IN T E B WMAN ILL PLA A ricsat the Sculgog IN T E BO MANVLLE LAZA Street crossing was brouight wish to introduce two Upl at Council on; Monda'y night by Reeve Maurice Prout. new staff memn bers who prout indicated that he! had ,recently joined them. spoken to a woman w-ho had the gas tank and muffler of IALU ETher car ipp ofxhen -~crossing the tracks last week. The wQima-n has filed a lajim with the town. Prout wanted to -~ MATH. wv know what cou](d be dlonie \ For Appointments about the offending crossing. Ž'~. NIo-WpL-rL-at Clerk-Admini st ratoi- Joe * Q<.~ -- 'Y; KATHY- BAKER Flor Appointmnents Tues.-Thurs. ,Fri.-Sat. (Botb girls are forrnýerly ~ of Greig's Hairstyling> PHONE 623-2931 FOR APPOINTMENTS i Meiciroy informed coundu tnat, he anid Town Engiineer Charlie Wtt had been up f0 the tracks f0 investigate flhc situation andi had watchedJ severai cars go over. 11e sa)id tha t although it appears as if the CPR bas put somne asphaIf ini, there isj sf iii a problemn. Thle Cierk-Administrator in- formed council thafhie fbas tclephonied CPR offic iais in Sifhtls Falis and a mieetinlg bas been set up this week with the Town Enigineer f0 discuss the problim. .So, pending' the oflomne of1 those discussions, remember -five inpl across the fracks! PIN TO ~$2334 1600 C.C. - 4-SPEED No. 1 IN SMALL CAR SALES. PHONE 623-4481 219 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE1 "THE FRIENDLY PEOPLE" Ed Ryhorchuk, 12 Albert Street, was quite excited on Monday night when thispicture wlas taken. He'd just r-eturned from the Goodyear dam where he'd landed three rainbowv trout including this five pound, 25" long, beauty and a couple of smaller ones. Board Discusses Curriculum Trustees Regret Signg Away From Core Educaional Subjects% Teachers fresh out of teach- ers' coliege should not begin their careers at the critical primary grades of kindergar- ten 'to Grade Four, Cobourg Board of Education trustee Dr. Ian Wilson said Thursday night in Cobourg. During a special mneetinýg of the curriculum committee that consists of, the- whole 16-trustee board, Dr.: Wilson said only seasoned teaçbers should teach at the primary levels, unless there are "ex- ceptionally good" teaching graduates available. "In kindergarten to Grade Four, the pupils are at the age wbere, they are the most moidabie, at the age wbere fhey require the best environ- ment f0 iearn in, specîfically the best teachers," Dr. Wilson said. He added that the kinder-, garten to Grade Four years are the years whecre the basic skills should be instilled in the pupils and clld ora erai amliount of discipline in] the Sst emr. Dr. Wilson also suggested that briefs be invited fromn parents and other conceýrned citizens giving their ideas, suggestions and 'aspirations for the education system. H1e supported the idea of sehool commîttees giving the general public an opporfunity to meet wijth teachers f0 discuss areas of concern and give the te(achers a chance to rebutt any compiaints the parents mat have about a particular schooi. *DON'T MEETl" D.Wilson nofed that some schooi committees in opera- tion function weii, "but others neyer meet at ail, which means parents have no forum to bring up their concerns and have themn rebutted by the teachers." H1e noted thllat some com- plaints of parents are not vaiid, because they don't understand the eduicationai systemu, whiie other com-i plaints "are very valid." Concerning "open," con- cepts of eduication, like the 1151 schooi credit plan cur- rentiy operatîng in ail Ontario bigh schools. Dr. Wilson said open concept systems have not been proven to be better than a more structured and rigid systemn. "We should neer -have (,open systems unless xvwe can have a parallel closed systeinm:wi the mobility- for studients to miove back and forth," he said. Dr. Wilson also calied for a pupil limit of 25 in primary grades, more careful stream- ing of students into the hîgher eiementary grades and defin- ite core subjects. ý Inciuded with basic subjects such as English, maths, sci- ence, history and geography, Dr. Wilson asked that Cana- dian bist.ory, politics and consumnerismn made mandia- tory subjects. H1e said, students should have an understanding of the morality of politics, or "we're going f0, have our own Watergate." CORE SUBJECTS Al trustees attending the meeting voiced similar con- cerns. C. V. J ohnson, said he was a "great believer" in core subjects, and wanted more emphasis piaced on the orig- inal "three R's" of Reading, writînig and arîthmetic than on the current three R's of the ministry of education, "res- pect,' responsihilify. and re- source."I Trustee Ken Lyall said he'd heard requests for the teach- ing of German ,and French you don't know it. But if you "1when, by God, \i dn ae don't know English, you're English." basically uneducated," Mr. He added that the education Thom said. authority "fits fromi1 flower to The board1 members agreed flower of fads. Th'le experts to hold another curriculum can't agrcee on how to teachi committee meeting at a future them."- date, to be established at the Director of Ed(uca1tion1 next regular board meeting, to Frank Thom sid 1he-,"s sorry discuss curriculumr in more to see the swing away fro m detail with an end to determîn- core subjects. ing curicuelumn philosophy. "If you don't know\ science, -Examiner ORONO NEWS Miss Merle Power, Miss Mrs. Raye West of the Orono Hazel Power and Mr. H-arol Hydro Office -was a recent Power of Oshaw;a were Sun- patient in the Memorial day eveninig dinner guests of Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mlrs. Gordon Pwer. "Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Sand- visited Mr. and Mrs, Fred erson of Columbus visited Dayes of- Nestieton last Sun- Mrs. Wm. Robinson on Friday day. afternoon. Mr, and'Mrs. J. T. Cook, Mr. Mrs. Nora EIlicott of and Mrs. A. M. Johnston, Mr. Brougham, a sister of the lafe andMrs. Wm. Storesbergen Mrs. Chas. Harris, calied on and Mr. and Mrs. James Stutt Mr. and Mirs. Lawrence and eilidren are among the filarris iast Frdn.many wbo,recentiy enjoyed a Congatuatins!o Debitp to the Southern taes HJeard, dughter of On Wednesday afternoon aI Mrs. Elgin He ýard on receiving rummlage aýnd bake sale wý,as ber Canada Card in Guiding held at Kýrbv United Church.1 anld is the first Orono girl f0 have received this honored BACK TO TUE GRIND award. Canada's Parliamentarians ,Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Suitton returned to Ottawa on MWonday visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim f0 resume their deliberations Abernethy of Bowmanviile on after the Easter recess. Alian Friday. Lawrence, Northumberland- Mr. Percy Mfoncrief of Durham's Memnber of Par- Fraserville had dinner wvith liamnent, must have knocked bis sister Mrs. Wm. Robinson, off early because he ýwas fin m onday afternoon., Port ýHope Mondayý night, Miss Susan Bal of Toronto blasting the Liberai govern- spent Friday and Saturday etfo en indiffereLnt, with bier parents Mr. and Mrs. alpathetic and ignorant. So Ken Bail. what eIse is ne(W? Paper Drive. Saturday, AMay ---________ l2ih at 9 a.m. Oronu igmaC and Tyro Youth Groups. dia] 9U3-5116 for furfhier diefails. Unit 6 of the United Church Women held their meetin.g on Tuesday, May th at the home of Mrs. 'Geo. E. Jonah of Leskard. Mr. and MI'rs. Howýard Stapleton of Oshaw,ýa were a iso among the guests at the Mercer-Walïiker- wedding in Thornhili on April 28th. "Mr. and fMrs. James Kent werercent Sunday istrso hrparents, Nîr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolim, Nestieton. Areca Odd Fellows (From Page One) James Youtinan led in prayer. The Senior Choir. under the directiofl of ist Jbhn Crookshank sang an anthem, "Brother James' "Air". RÏev. Oake's inspirixig and challengine sermon was fitled "IsThe-Young Man Safe". H1e a stressed' the need for parents f0 communicate more ciosely Them wfh their chiidren, f0 nd is approachable for adylcean iâ guidance. H1e referred to the obligation faken by the memi- visitec bers of the Independent Order of Odd Feliows as being those, closely relafed fe the work ofov r the Church of God, and in the e i practice of theirý principies, Friendship, Love and Truth, are heiping f0 make the woridTo a a bâtter place in which fo live. o a At the close of the service Ar e the Balmoral Girls Pipe Band r e ç thrilied the congregation wifh their rendition of "Arnazing Grace". Gr The Graind Wârden *of the Grand Lodge ot Ontario, Bro. Harry Wade and District Grand Secrefary StanleyV McMurter of Florence Nighf- Ingale Lodge/were in attend- T ance and District 41 was OPE officiaily rppresenited il: E D.D.G.* Master i-onaid Wannamaker of Wariner Lodge, Port Perry. i irtieContre! dutnes were handled by members of the local Police Department. Hop e Coucil Aroe 7.,26 Increase in Miii ae H7ope Township Council, Friday, approved a 7.26 mil increase in the 1973 tax levy to public schooi supporters which wiil mean about a $32 increase on a farm residence valueýd at $4,000. Finance committee chair- man Coun. George Stapieton, Who seconded the rating, bylawA said it was the highest, tax rate increase in a year that the township had ever had. The 1973 residentiai public miii rate is 101.72 milîs compared to 94.46 in 1972; the 1973 commhercial public miii rate is 115.07 milîs which represents a jumlp of 10.22 milis over the 1972 commer- cial rate of 104.85 milis. Separate sehoolsupre, in contrast, received a slight decrease in the residentiai <Miii rate from 102.67 milis in 1972 to 102.29 milis in 1973 or a decrease of .38 milis The commercial miii rate for separate sehool supporters, bowever, increased by 1.51 ilis from 114.20 mils in -1972 to 115.71 milis in 1973. The public school .ievy froma the Northumberland-Durham County Board of Education takes the blame for 'the sky- rocketing miii rate hike, jumnpinig from 18.57 milis in 1972 to 30.12 mnilis in the 1973 ,mili rate, an increase of 11.55 milîs alone. The township has. to raise $111,841 for public sehiool education this year,, plus $144,340 for the secondary sehlool levy. Strangeiy enough, there is actualiy a slight decrease in EXCITING HOCKEY GAIME' Chicago Black Hawks de- feated Montreal Canadiens 8-7 iast night in a free-wvheeiing gamie that. the fans and viewers ioved. It was filled with mistakes by long time pros ail of whom were going ail ouf like juniors.It aiso featured some of the besf and worst goal-keeping by two of the top netminders. The series is now 3-2 for the Habs and returns to Chicago Tbursday niglhf. LEGION DONATES BENCIIES Bowmnanville Branch of the Royal Legion hias offered f0 donate three or. four Park benches "f0 be used hy elderl y people" ai the Cenotaph next to tile Tow H Iall. (Counciil nmovedl to accept the Legioni's offer -Nwith thanks." AGAIN H1 .VDS LEG(ION On-1SuInday, at the Banc 178' Legion memibershipj meetýing becre, Ed Miajer of Newvcastie was returned as president for another termi. Other officers'elected wiii be listed next week. GARDENING EXPERT This Sat 'urday, Johin Braid- shaw, well-known b)road- caster and gardenîng expert, iwill be visiting Van Belle Gardens, west of 'Maple G rove, whiere he wilI be happy f0 falk f0 anyone aboutl their gardening prob- linm s You..a. the secondary sehool levy of Railway annuity heid by the .70 milîs this year. In 1972 the -township. secondary sehool mniii rate The township council noted was 36.65 whiie this year it is that only by cutting the 35.95 mills.1 reserve contingency fund The township council allotment to $19;000 was it abie cushioned the ful brunt of the to reduce the miii rate at ail. public schooi miii rate in- The councîl was advised not to, crease by loping 2.83 milîs off cut out the reserve conting- the township's general rate, ency fund entirely in case the decreasinig it from 18,73 milis township was not regionalized in 1972 to 15.90 milis in 1973. and found itself in financial This was done by inciuding difficuity next year as most of $3,00 of a projected,$6,000 in the money available would be municipal grants back from put into the new region and it the province. Another $25,000 might possibly be cut if Hope cushion was obtained from the Township was lef t out.- sale of a Canadian National Examiner. DELOITTE,, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered- .Accountants OFFICES IN MIAJOR'CANADIA'N CITIES BELL CANADA BUILDINGx OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA PARTNERS:- GORDON W. RIEHL, F C.A., &LLA, CORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.&. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 DANCING Satur-day Night - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. "1THE PHANTOMS"f' DANCE GROUP FROM PORT HOPE - Great Dancing - "linformnai" - Plenty of Pree Parking Complimentary Late Snack Corne to Dinnier - St ay for Dancing FuIly Liâcenised Co-ver Charge $1.00 per person THE NEW DUTCH OVEN9 Six Miles North of 401 on Hlwy. 35 and Ili -if North-East Corner of Taunton Rond Cail 1-983-5001 for Reservations Congratuatons.. We wish to congratulate *'Chuck" Smith on the opening of bis new Fried Cehicken Outiet t was our plea sure to assist in the installation of the equipmenît. Wishing great success in the future. Es Heating and VOWLESArCniinn 1 QUEEN ST. BOWMAN VILLE PHIONE 623-7591 nanagement and staff of Mary Brown's to thank the many customers who ci them Iast weekend. Our apoIoies to who had to wait in fine, but due to the -whelming response it was unavoidable .atthis time. ccommodate a larger volume of -s we are installing a third cooker, and plan to have our officiai rand Dpening once we are geared-ùp to faster service. u 73A' 512Ki»0ng S t.,E. uc A.M. toMI DNIGHT - F R Il.&SAT. 00,OA.M. to 9 P.M. SU N. thru TH URS. AMPLE FREE PARKING Ji973 ý m

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