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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1973, p. 5

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WinsorPolice Film Well Receivedat BHS HospiîlAuxiliar There xxcre 35 tables ni Bridge.,inuchre and 1'ix e -lundred aitOh Womeii's Auxiliary Card Party on We d- nesday Aprit 231h at fbe lions Centi e.Tbe cnx )orn tItis cvent was NMrs. Geofrçge Y'oung. After two ihcîurs ni cards. refreshments xx ere serxedi under tioe capable dirýection ni Mrs damGarson and ber 'Fie xx inners of the xx nier's irnaraibon xx '-re aîînounced b'. MVrs. S. R.Jaies iin tbe absence oft tbe president. INîrs. '. H. Smitb w-bn xas attendimig a Hospital Board mîeetig, The winiiers ni (Loup 1 \V E. V. Hoar and Nrs,J Gioup 2, Mî's. Georg( and NMrs. R. Atkinsci Mixed Gm'nup MNr an( Drax'.prize'. xx b'. Marlene Gladcs Quiek. Mîli( 1,-ir s ais. Ni 1 Joan Webster.MNi botinCarot Pigf Brooks. Efbet Cook Stees. W.M.S. Spring Rai/y Heid at Haveiock Windso(r Police C.onstable jiî Lyd at right i visited BUS oti Aprîl 25th. bo addrcss the LwClasses cof Commerce ù,eacher Peter Miniss (iat liît)i Iný thu'rer i the photo is 13H5 ('ýomînrial D(1,1 irector. ('harles P.ILnd rpeet po(cnîaîsimge Uc grndol( theý pasi txxo vears. Ilis ilk 1 lr. inis tax classes x'eesprinkled xxtb bumorous rmark ,!n(I he lis isif!tioiroughl, He lo es- cribed tlic Vindscîýr lPolice l)epartiientit0hieItudeiits, comparcd bis fore!outhe iieigh boring Detr oit Potitee Departiiint. xx 00e lax'.'en- forcement problen-s are. ol course,. manx limes miore serlous. anîd coinnented on tbe drug problemn. Alter- xxards. licei ielded nuîîerous questionts troni the studemits. PC (' Lxnd also brouglit ;,ii 20 minutue film ctnc(î!îîîîîg drug use called Iklt Is".t drexxý such a good response trcîîî the stu- dents .iluriiîg the irst shoxxiîîg iliat if xxas screeîîed uniîe ies tlirougliout the day. l"roini 1311it xas taken 10 flie Durlýini Christîaîî l-ligb Scboo lîchre it xxas seeîîb teacbcî s and '.oiie siudents aJLtfer school hour- Yng people areotteit sceptilcal about xhait they consider l itatant aîîtî drug propogaiîda sýo t , s bgh tribute imde,-l that the XXimîcl bIaoriI photos! EACI-IV~I{ K W VVLMi 4 f-01)~- SO COLOUH PHINT r LM [)[VI - P 1) [9AND PIAN9T D FR-RLJUST I iCiI CIFOUAPIC 9UH[PEFtFC I VACATION. AN L-NTUY Wr FH F V1 U-ýY PHOTO ORDE FU L1-iHLUL AlSX ex cGi'regor I.D.A. Drugs King St. 'West 623-5792 Bowmanvile Il 0"Dry Cleaning SPECAL ~LERERS 'XNADA'S LARGEST DRY CLEANERS 242 KING ST. E. SPECIÂLS EFFECTIVE MAY 10-12 Nonk-E, leti Ingeo ouble Widlth BLANKETS88 ANY COAT$1 Drapes Z20 off PER UNLINED PAR E L 79Ç PAN EL 89C sor police lîtîî xxasso xx cil acceptcd. Lymid's x isît il, 81i xx a arranged n conjcmnctoii xxîîl partr mcmi. Gos Mites Defeated By Malton 4-2 Oni Sa tcîidac NIax i.\lfithe luiox aux ite Consni ers- Gas Mites xeî'p eetelb.a sti-ong 4\Italton lub 42iii flic 'I )ýt'i ouriianiiii x île n front earlv ýI t iii rsI affer lie xvas senit ax'a, ita b)eantitut pdss toî ih xx lger 1larr., ('ulteîî. b e i a l c i eP lxm un x i l t o l 'pxHogarthi scored the o sqnacl's seconîd goal, flic assisi ý-jgol its centre mna î ickxý Lix.'iii. Ken XX oîdard andclBrilii I iudcl> -darc'd flic ccalteniniîg dunies loi, 13owiiaiixilte anci hlîtlî 1lais itadle se'. ci-utfie - x i's w ii!I io fii Sept iii i a mîti nef ncei ýi cloe tiv 7a11 Moa.Ies.ubofhiii te;l iue Paîîd triîariieî i a tutu Osaiiosha i uIsaic xx îîîîig 6flic4 tîtc' tr<ipiiiii luixxn.aiîthe saon N'on(iiîg 'it acta tga l . Iîîh c'l t'ci feor \s-axa eiiMte- aks,cowmactnx'lecllcep Iurio\ iliesaoîliicl -diiig rectircl xas ver'.inîpeix en alvig iie1 a' 'Ib iseani xx ml 0eing o ntce andl sholed c10îiu 0 soiii pla> i'r (romlihi8 1îaad x4î2 btpreiseaining ini Nîite - th homean ofthM'.tand". secn oniil 28.,isc'e. Jamckslon)bie G reenfe it er .ic tOut te nCapt andtlcHo Artb ollcctcd 100 scord "ing -pits on( 38 goals and 42t!ý WIîfh'v surpri30annîe'sai' pton.oîr.n Mrs.acksoMi Vîrent acksedon xAs ilîe1. ai t er hoeof ad1 r Mausl Wrulît.Perborg on d Ail8.Mrs. Jackson xast prcmvsend wit per h ae cufflinks Gn uesixeîe re cnt frm ele' fic. Tronto. WhBlitb. BtAlbeanXele taon and and s Jacsn Jae ray., ouh. ospett x'ecknd x'îfl Mr. nd hMr Ms. Jack ar. Sih.wvsbdxvt n Mr. Cr t and Mi,. Ht James ragyohofBta (0F -Bowling Ladies' fhighý7 sigl, S.all 244;mnens high single. A. Cole 304. ladies' highntriple, R.ý Nolan 641 (190-223-228ý), iiie's high triple.,JJ. Luffman 714 (217-239-258), The bowling baniquet Wil be held May l2th at the Centen- niai Hall oh- Qucen Street. 1The bar will open at 6p.m., supper at 6:30 sharp. . .ii -,so ni Uc-f h fox ed. a-s i w x. xas ttli'ifîîe oithie Peterborougb Pi'esby feriai \\.NI .S. Spring Sei Annuat feld iin i-avelock Pi estbc iia Ch UtMcî cli NI1a '21d i>iesidexnt - li-'H . I- 1[ex liolf'.. Por t llopc op liiioîming -Sessio11n, rsXX Nleauecr and iss ".Stella Bos- xx et tof the XXestxx ood grocup lcc l dcxotioii'. talken f11,111i *tîîliîî -isoin, c- balîges of ý,ec'iti cAuctic'- - x ei ' accept- ecl as reconmcnded by the nomination commiittce. A re- port (,9 Toronto-Kingston S n- odicai.l. eld recently in St. î-'oîl l-eerborough. xvas p)esntd Mrs, 'dcx Mac- Keil/le ancl Mrs A.W. Allen. Mcnesfrorn nman'. area (lere MruîOC e x ee x lcmed 10 j» Bei], nof xIckb MsCMCYTillanî ,c WVeckcs anîd greetîngr froji Presby- on of the ter\ xx cie e\feiided bxý Re .J. d Mis. H. A.\eîlson. I 'oh ox'ilig tunlie0il. NI rS R, Onr wOn01 J. RAîîdal ld a uWmgpsongf J arx i5 ins i rom tlic nexxBook 'il C Edger. Fraise. Area resoiuCe1pers, N' Sweet. Nlîs - l)orothc Keilci ý,jurgý>ed the ,ca Brad- st, ofi h-ie n nc looklef.5 .Douglaswixlable !i throghthc churCh. es larj- Sle al'.o noîtubaîýk a Centeiit Gatchel. Iî1 fex cntis bîng considei'cd I.Sudds, ix îivi îs n u ee and Jean OefnsyPshtrCi oni cri nhilii' Guest '-oloisi N r-.A-nnaî Krîiedcînann g'a.\ e inspirationl iln Soiig xxi the xx ýýordc. ni l'en TI lousand AngeI'-. aCCompan- ccl I organîsi of t O d (ayNMTiss îened the il, theatrîn xxoslp Cichic ted Oc Ntî ,s Helen nesdax ctiper guests of Mr. Tette'p c(îisuilant ini leader- and Mrs. Roberf Camneron. i p d Cet îpm enmttfoi t he MrNfi dMrs. H.Cameron Haof claii sti an Educai con a nd tun l xerv Suîîda Sîndc if t1i.iîiinians U, Suppeî gesis ofIîand ?drs, lnueiught oui i nan) suggestionis (Clas P'ei'xardeni Ni VNF De Groot Linden I t producnes fi agrant f]oxx ers in laie suni mranid ithe$1 d ar kg r e e leax es persîsi xxel ciro îîth(,b nd lelix ered extra MEET JOHN BRADSHAW IN PERSON We are plea o have oui g dfrend Job tBradshaw J~ spend a tew hours with us ou Sýaturda', between12 and30 J1 J. g help ýon \\ ih vour problens, \Ibîi-sla x t ai't Children's Playground m l igim ea N. L Potted Happy Shrubs lit tît lil.. s o Loct'ioîn ouIl 'ted ROSE' L.oxe lxpolvan- b' m'ýý oses. blcîomnng i ri mcd and pink. ('ait Uc planted iin thiegardemi afterwxards. Git XX iapped atc $7.95 d 1)elivercd A flcoral de l- ight, assortcd floxxers ini a ' gay array o] Flowerama colors arbusbîc Dîsh al'. arrangcd in a loxx base $7.095 bow-l Gift Wrapped and Delivered Mountbatten S Juniper $9-.95 , ('on-idered tcî be the best aIt- round pyramid evergi ccii 'Nilers Dus C'ard RY' 1sad Dclix <retî OUR LANDLSC AP I DEPT.! !Beaîîlty and Qtuaîitcý (,o 1-anodil auîd 623-4441 -BOWMANVILLE 623-4441 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 9, 1973 5 Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble, Nirs. G. Bernard visited the Tyrone, vîsited with the Rye R. Gîbsons on Sunday after- Gibsons on Sunday evening. noon. of how to show love for- one another in daily living and xx ithin the group one is associated xxîth. The lov e of Je sus Christ miust show both ai home anid afar off, Cliiîs tians rmusi 1),patient. tolerant and readv tuo accept responsi- biiý iig thc more excel- lent xxax of Love. . The Hall Rallv xxill be held n XXai'kxxori'îlîOctober, :3a(t 'E liXl1-O('K RETIRE-S We neiiclcctcdtl 10menction varlier that louîgtlme bar- lber andi top Itiwnl bowler Mlerx-iî Brock bas rcîired froui the barbcriiîg busi- uess oniiTenîpcuane St.Ile and bis w-ife a're liv ing in O)shaîx a but et cntil hope to take up residence ini V ictoruia. Bt..11ki shop bas bceen taken ovci'b-, Artistjc B-arbers xxho also operate il salo bu asi iof the lonuîiîîim store. LONG SAULT Nuý a1(1ndtî- Itarrix Sie- ficiga. Alber ta. xxeei e d- I POTTED j ili w i a itIdcli xci cd MI 1X E PAN eA1 1 ,rn y]mg t lant-r ai FLOWERS Violetls A lav 1 niarkect the i irsi da, r an geoft mlat ihe 5 per Ceni R.S.'Fax colors. w~as taken off $2.00 and up MEETA L~4FLOWERAMA Mr. Grant Fish ý PECIAL!! rti san expert onl Iixed bo(uquet h mial uch as insecti- of mums, car- cdesfugicides.1le wil] be nations, tulips, happy to help you solve y oui dattoduls. ec. garden problems on1 Saturdav $ .9 IISHAI ALOCATI<J u î pc n Dlxcc R.p EGER BEG--ONIA Pot Sbeimîg acclaîm-n cd flhcexxortd o'.ei'ras the upMost b'uiu .MII i iidoor , i po ,t . -<, l GiuXrpedlnt De MAY13IS and red itrange iid Dcelix cret pimîk floxxers. 4F "-~ ']'m'meuîdous ý varîcty of phdl odendrons. 5spadelteai. c s"- ton amote plants. EXOTIC ~.0t 3o FO0LI1AG E Gift Wrapped PLANTS aidl)clivertd FREE DA IL VfflBE U ý"FL OWERAMA" >AY9a.m*-9p.m., FRIDAY 9c.m.-9p.m., SATURDAY 9a.m.9 From Our Garden Centres: 'epingBrc îîîg hianl -M- F laming ' ditlo 'ruwas li J x~ prodmc'î jIi i) ccia ag)in MEET Mr. Richard Tichelaa r A gardeîî(-'expe-rt froîîî ('lîpian. Ricliid wilI 0e very happy t10 discuss YOUr, garcien pi'obleiîis on Satur . l\tDur Ifilihxay No,. 2 Home Berry Paitc1h ti0 Siraw emr'. plants 10t Raspherrc plants 2Red ( ur- ramii plant- B lack Cur raiplamt '.[ NI ijer's Du 2Goosuerry aîîd Dcliv plants Ail 26 plants $13.99 SP LUCE ~$ Staxýs blue all thetimct(24") Nlotier's Day (-a rd and Il ýv Ca rd ivred $16~9s lelivercd on HîgFiway No. 2 iOur Flower Shops: AZALEAS $8.9$9.9c5 CU Pand SAUCER Hopa Flowering Red Crab Hawthorn e lc-S. J idouble i <'O 'i' liit oi- (lmw eursi, i - NT oiohcr iii mu til [ne $$1299 N Iîhc"sDu Ca tr1(I ir laYxt , aird \Iuthie ant I)t'lji et iii D ian îd and Y DELIVERY TO OSHA WA !heBIGardenSCntre fan Belle Gardens Ltd. C)~ 292 KING .Y*ST. WEST cesà: 287 BOND ST. WEST nABUILDING 579-1118i The BIG Garden Centire Van Belle Gardens Ltd, Just 3 miles east of Oshawa' __m Location m -s-e 1 1 DAY 6.2, 3 - ý ','- - 1

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