8The Canadian Statesman, Bnwmanville, May 9, 1973 puy% I 623-330 FLASI-BACK - 25 Years Ago- The following members of the newly formed Bowmanville Tennis Club wc re elected officers for the, coming season. President Arnold Anderson, Vice Pres., Bill Tait, Secretary, Mel McNulty, Treasurer, Jack McNulty, grounds committee, Art Bell, Bill MeFeeters, tournament committee, Marion James, Bert Johnston,, social committee, Mrs. Darcli and Mrs. Norman O'Rourke.- Also,.. Gilbert 'Jones, former manager of Dominion Stores and now a District Supervisor. landed an 18ý" speckled trout, weighing Iliree pounds. FLASIBAC{ -10 Vears AgQ - John Bent- ley'N, Prospect Street, cauglit a 251 ' " long steel- hfd ront on Saturday. It weighed 512 lbs. anïd le used 11a Mep' hre numiber one to entice the fish. - and. . . Dean's Song - a two 4 * ear old trotter owned hy Jack Reid, col- Itulapsed îd (ied during training. One of the graetcolts 1 ever traîned. stated owner Reid. l'le colt hiad 'been raised by the Hon. VEarl Rtow e-, o Lieut. Governor of Ontario. SEASON ENDS - Consum-ers' Gas Mites were elimînatcd' by Malton in the Mississauga Paperweight, Tournament on Saturday bringing 0,heir season te a close. Congratulations to team CpanBilly Hof)garth who collectcd 100 scoring points on 58 goals and 42 assists in 62 games, and lo the other members of the tcam on a very successful season. Have a good summer. GB1K L RO(DEO - fo r Eleînentary School' stu- dents front Grades Onue to Eiglit in Darlingtoil and Bowvmanville. will béeheld at the new Higli School, Bowmiaîville, Saturday, May 26 at 1):00 a.in. simarp. Application fornis are avail- able at Eenna~Schools iin Darlington and Bowmanv.ille. 1'nder the direction of Cons- table Murray Jonit issistcd by the Bowinan- ville lRecreation i) epartinent tflecRodeo is, sponsored b-, Glen a , Dairy, Nichols Mot- ors, Kinsmven Club and Oshawa Wood Prodiucts. Ti' publie is cordially invited to altend thîs evetît and there is aniple parking. C 11P SAMý1AC('-- ai t tuej orth 11ei d of Oshawa will, be( uised during the Ontio Sumnmer Games in a dual puroseý. Three h1undred and fîfityatietes 11I 1)e houýscd and Ldait he site and t-be sWimmtiing eve(,nts wl be held in the camiip's pool. The pool is being upgraded to a regulation 50)C mietre course. Non-tuirbulent lane markers in 25 mietre lengths are beiing purchased and will be uised by other facilitýies in the comnmunity. The po ol will lic painted 10 conforns with international regu-tlationis. Another purchase being made is nets for- water polo. "Sirice the upgrading of Camp Sanmac Pool1 was approved requesis 10 use it have been reccivcd. The Caniadian Amateur Swimming Associationi wants to hold a mid-summer chiampionshîpý meet there. It wiIl also allow concentrated training camps. AI] ncw equipment purchased gwihl ic used in Oshawa for future benefit. CANOEI NU ANYONE? - An open mlieeting of the AJax Canoe Club wili be beld May 13 at '2:00 p).xi. in thie .jax\ Commnunity Centre for aInyole intereste-d in canoeing - b)egimller or experienced. Voluntee,-s are needed to help> ortianize and operate club acti<,ities. BANQUET- Members of the Commercial Hockey Laguearermitnded oif their hbanqluet f MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE 'Fhi annual banquet nf the Mlen's Major League was held aI MIemorial Park on Sat.. MIay 5th. 1973. The ladies oI Memorial Park Association served an ecletroast beef dinner 10 the, bowlers. Russ Oke thank- c d t he ladies for, the deliciotîs dinnev Steve t Oke XXas aXarded the Dr. Keith Stemon most iui prvxed boxx er trophy frouîî AI Osborne along xvîth a cash award. Ed Leslie XVas presented Xxuth the Menit Pini tuonî President Bob Kettfor is contribution 1theficleague antI the toxx'n of Boxxniiaiilte, 'I'rophues were giveil ouf b tht- varions winners by the uxecutive and cash aXXards xxer cielandled by, Ed Leslieand XlOsborne. Roui Etcher XX as the- big xx muner inic he en's Major hournanient, Etcher wxon flie singles xvith 88.3, he then tombineti ,vith Bill Luxton tu capture the doubles. Roullxx oo the lîiglî aggregate ,,-lso thte high stigle i0n anyevelît 373 anud the hugh triple 847. It lias been a x ery suCcessiut season and thue- owlem-s are tooking forxxard to next ' eau- for an even better one. Ladies Monday Night" Aprîi 301h. 1973 1lug inge ileen -Mono-e 30: highi triple, Donna Brad- iey 7-52. high average, Donna Bradley 230 'venila Standings Pins Pis. SiWlt fDaivis 4683(j .3 Kileen Moore 45748 3:1 Sharlene Cain 46695 2>9 ,Jackie Patfield t,-783 29 Dot. Brooks l5476 25 D)onna Bradle\ 14480W8 24 Barb. Osborne 414 t 22 Helen Rýogers 441975 21 I0111e -fieldp 440981; li Shiley oi 434 s- ionn Brdly 23>a.g 44857 17ge Donna Bradey 752, Fulee trleeUiî79 Libers ty2nD'helce Shirley Dp avis c pIs. Dn Brndey 2c0amigh ad rg Ej,1ieenMolle en3 thise týr;ie tiitoi bie tn y aBerls(, mar in f 78)I.1786 ihe txvo to p teni cmp Fen p rdey-a Lsn Sto. 'aphnMiy KiktnEnuide 'lie i. Mo licet. (bru Ferii Bradley. Jati usmî LormaAa,-a F rguson. Meim Sewell. Darie Fvgul Hst- The xvy ,Ilers id.eide Hiîleoes xere las etonvs thelnu'yrSanh. estosee ouseai thie b)anqtuet 1uiesday. May G. Downey 170, M. Ovenden 170, A . Dilling 167, B. Piper 166, L. Burgess 165, M, Dam-son 164, G.' Dykstra 159, D. De Vos 156, R. Wybenga 156, S. Brinkrnan 155, W. McNeil 154, J. Woudstra 151, M. Knapp 151, M. Evers 151, D. Leamnan 146, S. Haisma 145,.CC Hilchie 141,1 C. Wubbolt 138, Legion Dart League Holds Anriual Banquet On ýSatuÏrday. at thc Legion Hall, Qucen luague weî-e, from leit tb right, Vern Connors, Street, the annual closing banquet was held for the Marx- Alleni, Fric S tancer, Cliff Bould and Dick Legion Dat-t League when, trophies and presenta- Patfield. lions were nmade. Thc chain fions of the mnen's MIxedLXC eague UIlaîplorls were, D-WuîiUU Fbu Sheehan. Colin Ford and Ab -Mavin. New Juvenille Bail Clu b Searching for la Sponsor t.nvvx 1'erris. coach uit tht- -iM I d FtkNe f1i23 ->-4 (J7 auild b-yanii,ît-x tixx iaiivillt' Juv-x 11;\lîiiîx le, 2-3 9. 249. \îîx eiî1ilt- sthtuatl. us gi-nd1ujiatlassistancite utlel.c',l tht- .tmnx i pIlayus aiteiidiuîg xx ukouts 1i îia>u 'h lb e itle ioptens, iii- tii~l Ui c' u 10iti cli (I ll tî uîî liig Il,(i-Isoilut'sdlay->l.May 221îtd iiithet li< ii i l bt'jax il, ui~ llnpt-. at 1-:1. Il s X i i y,,t. )Sllîi; il\ eteilmnu- îiii,-1 lle tuI' x u iani île CI h Uii tiui l J uîîlo'-ntilklorud. lPort iiin but-abîc.t- uiscliîudle a lluuc-.Coubouug andît Bellevi llt' Itnnîiie cnîîest on eittic) Saii daynv ni îdzi½. \1nt i)t h ni, 90(h, but al t ns XX rituiit.L tontlhing has lîeeil i i îîliiedL The lui iuts at practîses, as- ninle (iomI)ctitl)ionalun nalong absece, htis been encnurng- ilig. I'eiis niitic ipat es daXveriotEest îng anidlennpetit ive vea n tihie I itemiifl grupingý Wîth hpactîces sel np for :\oinda s anid Xediiesdays al fiO P.11)p nilnd a5:3ton Sutida v coanchi I eris i iS X icont iniue t n i ake a close loo k at, hi s tfn km i as lie jiepaies for the seasoui npei1ei whie plax -v enthius- ia-ni is high. themJLi\tes* main probin i -nînins that 0i '~PnSfivlii1 Xithis tlin tý. tiieve us -tilt n 100 pervcet Th'le initeviiediate Etectrons, îîn dev t he spoisovshii p ti Locke' TV XilI be spnvtin.- tXX unîtovins tfins eandai(thav agv-eed tobalX the Jux coites to Lise their onId tngs uiil theN hiave ttiv OX îspoinsor. Whie the guinevnsity nt the Locke TV c-lub 'nd tilheiv sponsov iii appvecintetl ttie Ju'eites are still 1 er conocerrned X t h acquirung a sponorv(nispon- sors', nf thetv on n'lhe tîrst season of' npevation is atxxays the roosi expensix enaturaatîxv for, ano tean i and anvnoe iiite-esîcd i helping the teai carna c ne of the tnllom - POIL VOWLES [TEATING SPECIALIST 1 Queen Street Bowynanville PHONE 623-17591 24 HOUR SERVICE Oit, Gas & Etectriu Furnace & Air Condition ins3ta1la- tions - Central & Wtndow Units- Clare Hecla & Findley Equdpment Free Estirnates Buidget Terms Availabte I.t Bt .t{T 11E1.1B 11)IlGtLAU1 Api il 24111 I -uni Stinugs TIn i lxi kto li I ad- ;ii Laxndi' I la dsi liil i st ephe-us toi i i ilis ftuu S i3<ilerf i Ifx uilIluwa >îu gallit- stliodtlu Iligl suigi' Pins Pis. >1:j 27 Di 1 4 25 177,5 2012 2 7 5 -)1 18 2.1>211 17 27937 1 f >ii7 liX BOV<MANILLETNI LB-hl l fiî'st nýîig of lte mveason 11 n sdy ~vci iîîg at the honie of Mr. andMr.CffEa, Church Strecet. Officers elected were: Pre-s., Franîk Mohun, Secî-etaî-v, Mrs. Arnold LoblI), i reasuirer, Dir. CIhas. Cattran. Anong iem dealt xih were thie rates for miembership qand the holding of ciics foi- Junior- and Senior beginners. More details will follow. EASTERN ONTAIO CHAMIPS- While most of us in this area will be resting on the Victoria Day holiday weekend, five lady bowlers from, Bowmativille 'will lie woî-king hard under considerable stress, trying te win a trophy in Calgarv.1 They are Fran FIls, Donna Kennedy, Bernice Terry. Onie Etcher and Doris Joli of Liberty Bowl who qualified for thîe competition in recent roll offs. There are three teams frornJ Ontario in both bhe men's and women's secbicns, and others from across Canada competing in the five-pin National Classified Bowling Champion- ships for- the Thomas'Adarns Distillers trophy. Their many friends and fellow bowlers will wish bhe girls wcli and hope they'll corne flying home, with the trophy. A BIKE IIIRE- will lie sponsored by the Oshawa recreation deparinient May 12 start- ing fî-om the Youth Centre, Centre St. t e- dl. About 30 young people are expected to take part. Anyone interested cau register by phoning the b youth centre. IIARNESS BACING - will lie held at bbc Osh-ý.\a Fair hcld in Alexandra Park in July, wibh, pari-mutuel privileges bwo afternoons., Two classes for log sawing will lie held. Th e first class will lie for teenagers up to 16 ye.ars and women; while the second will lie for men 16 years and up. There will also be two herse drawing contests. The first class is for heavy horses with the second class for light herses. t ligli double 529 -<262-267) P'., e luxtmn. rp XA% ena ges t, KoRnerhs 215- . SShaînton >1.: . 'S Lax 10ge 212, 1B step)lîeiis919.Marion CibsOfi 200, Max, ltdvc2ýi-at2t00,M. Kivkitui 19C,. Ctuombes 1192, A. Bonus ini -S Rtobinisonî188. F' L.and 188,.N1.L. Mou188, F. i .xtoii i86,. P h'uînish 18;-. SPORTALK FORMULA VEE - A cash incentive program «f Canadian Formula Vee racing drivers wr announced today by Hans J. Bauder, president of Robert Bosch (Canada) Limited. The company will award cash prizes of $250 for first place, $150 for second and $100 for third in the 1973 National Formula Vee Championship as determined at the Canadian Automobile Sports Clubs' Race of Champions to be held in Edmonton, October 14, if the winners are registered users of Bosch spark plugs. The awards program also includes $100 travel assistance to the highest placed Bosch spark plug user from each of the five C.A.S.C. regions who competes in the Race of Champions. BICYCLES - Are becoming more and more popular and parents continue -to make the saine commnon nîistake when buying one for- their child. They frequently buy a bicycle too large. thinking the child will grow into it. if the child cannot rest the bail of bis foot on the si-ouiid while sitting on the seat, then the bicycle is too big for him, says the Ontario Safety League. The right size and design can only be determined by the child's height, skill and experiemîce. A COACH1ING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMI - is considered a major step forward in Hockey Development in Ontario by the National Technkfial Advisory Committee to the CAHA and Hockey Canada. The Coaching Program consists of three levels- a three hour clinic, a -one day clinie and a weekend coaching conference, ail of which are to be administered by, the OHA under Technical Director, Ron Smith, in co-operation with Molson's Brewery, Don Hayes Hockey Sehools and the Youth & Recreation Branch. Plans cail for anywhere from 100 to 150 of the three hour clinics to be held in Ontario next season, 12 one day clinics and at least one weekend conference, tentatively scheduled for early fall. The three, hour clinics are a continuance of the ones held last season in 60 Ontario centres with over 2000 coaches in attendance, and consist of mainly basic skills, how to use ice time and discussions on attitudes and behavior of coaches, players, referees and parents. ENNISKILLEN - Elementary school pupils hield a Bike Rodeo at the school on Friday with Constable Murray Joynt in charge of testing about 60 pupils on the skill they showed in handling their bicycles and thefr genteral knowledge of safety rules. PINE RIDGE CAMPI-NG .>CENTRE PA RTS AN DACC ESSORI1E S FOR ALL MAKESOF TRAILERIS TV Aerials Mi rrors Chemical Toi Iets Awnings Hitches Etc. Featuring. "73 JAYCO HARDTOP CAMPERS Write or caîl for VPREE Catalogue lwy. 2 East - Port Hope Phone 885-5447 hen-RiPontiac introduced Astre -we told you if was right on. UT LOOKS LIKE A LOT 0F YOU AGREE! dworî's PRIGHT s1.378 ON :>ONTiACTHE CANADIAN BUILT COMPACT SEE IT TODAY AT Coitveni&-nt )n the spot GMAC and MIC financing. weldon Brown Ray Lathangue Bruce Winning PRESIDENT, Tom Cowan SALES MGR., Stew Preston NV, * SONTARI COUN TRY .MUSIC TWO SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE onnuFrgo iShow Ifunk WillIiums Jrt Juii Ilowurd SUNDA Y, M1AY l3th, 8 p.m. Admiscion: $5.00 - $4.00 Tivcts On, Sale AUDITORIULM BOX OFFICE SPORTS VILLA AJAX: CENTRE FSNiOKE SHOP BOWMIANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRe' WIIITBY: DONALD TRAVEL 1