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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1973, p. 9

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r _7 mer and womnen and their Vm- , Ïl special aý,ttributes, Excerpts were read fromi '~~uigthe >ýfirst day ofpeople with1, lar ge Lansar the Ol"7d andl New Testaments ltact week the major01 ightwlshing te a itet hwteattd o of il geseprvied oc es acreage fast growvntingadwm e thrugh cose wachrswih ntî-an- graSss hardly has ;- .- tiet etriso ieadcn mient and cristyto r7yoff between ansso it .nigdw hog re abot hei bhavou. o~is a bard. chore both for the and ohrclue.Untîl jl ,ne gnose seFemed to0'1beLý mower and its pusher. in1 very recent imes the tryngto ath ne lok, A meeting of the H.O.P.Eý lack of opporhunity for edu- only to turn bn-ck to o- executive was beld -at the cation prevented any chance oanld finall,'y eave it to f îy home of the leader Mrs. R. of equality, Fema2le par- bac aon1e to the lake ail J. W. S5cui1thorpe on Wed- ticipation in Worldi War 1 the tme hokingloudly, nesday morning following w as afctr-ng1nn perapslooîngfo a osjthemeein atCanon hevotes for womren in 1917-18 mnate. Manysi rmi npeiu vnn. plans in Canada but not in Quebec the watery fed d ~ md o tedn until 1940. Mrs. Nicihols Marshes. Ote prn iregthering0o the ifferent and Mrs. Payne led the di- haecorne and some gon rue okn for the -vided, Group 1 discussion of on noth. hreshrs ad peevto of thfe envirojn- the situation today. when bo-oljksare, here ,nmen it <and for cnutto in spite of Iaws protecting numbrs nd he ccaionl wt'h nformed adisers. women's rights there je stili Vire1,bout22 adis fmt t e untand equal 1psy for Witbco mny souer, oe of Mr- aind Mrs. K.ecalwr.Trered- Dînrfor thI' e (guilar forent reasoýns, the attitude montbily seeýsi1Onf pthe- UCW of bo-,th seýxes for so manv If The leader Ms K. Dinnercnulsj adt ra p ~witb Mre. Claec ihldw and on, the overage begani the devotions with there le an innate diffexence - prayer and reading of mentally and physicaliy. sripture followed by a But there is a world of dîf- poemr read by Mrs.' M feretnce in, the life of a PaYne. The offering wa* oe oa n e reeeiveby- Mrs. H. Bar- eonl-iterýpart in past cen- rofwclAougb ýand dedicated ýY.turies- Mm-- Dirnnr, hyne sandc During the busýiness Mrs. *We carry eoîplte is payer concluded tbie Arebie Ford completed tbe ofcemcsad of thu ei vire. This t' Oie plans for the ehieken supper equpmet.for tue rorameWas at Welcome cand Mrs. M. Authoized"Womnen'eLiertin an Pyn pesent'ed the ar- Convrtile qairnet. ns resnte byMesame ragemntsforithe trip in a ndMra anMr.teObw aron. MreT. Ken Howard Pale, -anothnrD1 repaie h r IAA G rnmomber of e r,C, ragemnt)fo brtbd ay unab.e o h rsn.Rad at tteGoflden PioW 5 Bernard St. 23-358()of ths U bje bgn i teir weil planneýd an!dPin- Bomnil Vi7th n omp asnof fthe tresting imeeting anid to comosiionof he odis o Ms, Dinner for tho use o cf ber home.ý Visiton s were MisClaia Darke, Mrs. RoaBeMr.V. Adr . . . son. andMs.Secott. a neigb- hor of TMrs. P. S-n'el. A sale Satu rda'y Nigt 9pmj o(.m f plants, the? 1_uual thin.g fo'r the May meinwne Ted, RIss held foliowing the, serving a m of nefresbments. Ths.ppI~ an etrsto the, Wo are sorry te ,report sýo Newv;DuthOvntopovd a any local and formier ofN gret dnc musjýie local people have been or eveningare in hospital. Mr. Wmo. "Ifomi"-Plenty f'Free Parking, Ashby), and son Larry h-ave7 Com"Eplimeptary LatesIeîak recenitly returned fnomrg- You arneIt! The Pla It!eryin Toronto. 1Mrs. J. Y0îý NFraser wns in P(,eerborough FuIlyLicesed ospitai mest week for- surg- Cover Care1OQpeperso rr ad Reg Bee goos there this wek; Mvre. Howard Panel in Bowmanville Six ile Noth f 41 onHwy 35and115 Thorndyýko e in Port fHope at orh-EstCorner of TautonRoa Ho spital1. Cai 1-83500 fo RseratinsSpecial vý,ersqes sujng to familar byn tunes were used at WeIcome Uie Church on SuLnday m, norning to bonor the Mnothecrs and Rev. J. Ramjit's mosago was 9 à à-haeed on the tory of the mothers of Moses and Sam- uel, Joehabed and Harnnab. Neil Darwin, infant son o)f *SA FETkY C C S Mr.and Mrs. rnshb ýr s ýervi.ce with Mr. adMe parents, and rceve neh- choir, with organist Mrsý. H. Roo(ýve and leader John N 0 on Sal atGroeneveid, p r o -v i d e (1 speia mueic for a festival of oyat, Coldspringe UJnit- ed Ch1urch on Sunday oven- >aDFeA[ ing, May l3th. Gl'yet Reaidy foý-r Sum-mer FAýST PROFESSIONAL WOR;0K AT PRACT' ICLPIS PAS f'o MOSPORT PA'RK - 3 DAYS- GE-2TAN ENTRPY COUPON V SHEIL GSO a t t he foloinloaio *DNPLAINeS SHFeEL L KINGàandlIýB ERTY S 1 e RON MUTTON'S SHELI 919 KING ST. E *H. W. îKNAPPIS AUTOS 24 BASE LINE Cont'et to run May l2th l'o Ju THEEDRAWS-2 PASIÇ, Drawvs 'o be made Wmednesday, 10tned r'aw iIDbe made _aa t staionlised bove.' Approxîmateiy 260,000 peo-pie are directly employed by forest indus tries in Canada. TrMnytimes that nmbrwork for service and related industries. WINNEBAGO HONDAMOOYCE New -Used MOTORS -BAT al at ONTARTOSPRT Orono H.11 5 983-5444 LRACE 'VlTH OF INE TREETS 'AST une 5th SES EACH Junie 6th each Junio C Hckey wa7d Bob Colwell presented thie Hollingshfslead -Highest Scorer," trophy ito Max Jofinsflm, Jean Devitt presented thé, Mike Pa!k'Most Valuable trophy to BianGrubbl11l. Carl Devitt presented the trophy to Randy Allen., Devitt "Loyalty" CampsReeuerp e At the annual- banquet onj- Saturday, thie Midget A Champions ofOnaro ere cnrau lat ed on the achievement by oroHaePast President of the Minor Hlockeýy Association of Ontario, and His Wor-ship MJý ayop Ivan HRobbs who on behaif of the- townvi presented individual trophies to the team mem-bers. 1He is shownî above with Capt. Joe Humenuîi.k. Drn the e2vening, Rory Gibbs also received his ofiiipresentaiïon as the Top Scorer and Jeff Legere his as the Mvost Valuable Player. Photos of theetoplayers were published following the camiosi game., Sincere congratulations are extended to four of our Public School students who won prizes in the Es- say,. Wrltîýng Contetsp o n - sored by the Lake Suo HistoicalSociety, in ners i te Crwih Sectoin were Anita Sehefý- fler, SsaneCat, Lida Whlieeler and Bamm Vn Camnp. Overaîl wlner0f the entime conmteet was Sus- anne Cat ty. ýGood work, we are proud of yo;u. Last week 1I missed part of the Cub ew -i amn sorry' to h-ave mcsdthe report orf the Cub H-loI-ke on 21 CubeCnndthree lead.cers ei ,oyed games,scvne hunlts and a cookout in Hanvey-T Graham'cs and Wlnnme at the W1 Card Party were: Ladies' highl, Met:i Read; second, Mr. Edith )Anderson: t 'hi1 rcd, MrsY M3cDiarmid: me ;),n's high, Percy VaniCap-i; sec- ond, Maýrwovod Mc Ke e; third, Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs, Ke'ih Johnsqton and Pearl, Belle- ville, and Linda of Vic- toria Collegýe were MNothi- er's Day guests and Mr. and MXrs. Harvey Ginn, Orono were callers of L%,rq. J. A. Johinston. At bot' hrhs exýcel- lent congregtions attend- ed the special Mother's Day services. At the St. John's Church Rev. R. Rose conducted an imnpres- sivel servi'.ceon Lv.The Children's Choir 31,11n1g twice. Rev. R. R ose( broughit long stemi-med car- nations and durin'g the ser- vice he asked the hilr 'Io cone in famnilles handc- in-hand aind he presenteýd each famlly with a ýflow-er totake to hi ohr Thep he asked t 1hec iid't-i ren to return to- taflow- ers, to eaeh- lady. in the( congregation. At the Unitedi Chureh. Rev. V. 7M. Parsons a- n'înlistered Cithe Sacramrent girls - Traeý rLynn Hosk in daughýlter ofý Mr. and Ms Ron H(-)kîn; Shannon Lee Portt'. dugte of Mr' and Mrs. Cam-eron Pre and ulieLynn Stron, daugterofsr. P d. rs O n 1n iday evnin Mr and Morsa-. Ni Baîeyat thyatended tuie Nîgt at prtdg ay Sr. P. Sehool.M Oshawa. hnteGae The OprbeettaoTfe hi es lent mane.CAfuntewaid pat tthe home of M mtifr. their May meeting. Aýfter a sing-sonig, Donna Kyte( londueted a short btuiness period. Pat S h, then ca,ýpabIy cnutdapo grarn con_,sitng ýof uexor,- cis es for the mrvmn of 'physicai aýnd r men ýtai l hoalth. oiwn, ih lunch, th,,meing eioc!sedý Church - aLingBd or a orse.TIn nextL mýeeting wili be, beldn ay 28th atnthe hý,1ome ýof Joain Grahm. O.N.O. NMeeting The O.N.O. held their Maýy meeting at the home of Shirley -Hoskîn wîith 26 menimbers and three visito-rsý present. After theý minutes, correspondoe wa rea froni the Kinettes, Joani Graham, Saýndra H-oskin- and Georgeon Cochrane Jean Gobieae the treas- urer's report. The weding nd ban- quet rate is now 30 as other emuiy gop have riseCýd terrate The Jue Dnee will e held on June ? with the orchestra of the Joey Van Quartet -provIding the mu- sic. The High School bas kindly agreed to leave the' loveiy decorations up. We al agreed that they did such a beautiful job. Joan Groves reminded the girls that the Hobo Tea is on for the month of June. Friends may be dropping in at any time, so be, ready! The girlS voted in favor of having an October Dance wxith the Joey Van Quar- Let if they are availabie as everyone s eems to enjov thoni so well. Shirley Hoskin r e a d sorne humorous jokes alter which lunch was served and the meeting cIosed. Sorry that littleVien Mackie le a patient atL Oshawa Hospital. On Saturday eveýning, the Annual Mother'e 5Day",Sup- per of St. John's Anglican' Church was a huge suc- cees. The ladies of the A.C.W. wish to thank al those who, atteýnded the supper. Lucky pnlzes dor-, ated by Roy Turner wý7ere wvon by Mre. Gordon Brown, as Grandmother fromn the greatect distance; and Mrs. Merrîll VanCamp ne Mohe with the closest býinthay. Joan Miahaffy do- nated an Avon-produet which ,wnis won by Mrs. Dick Davideon as \,other with tr closest Anniver- Mrund Ms.Joe B-'radi- hum and CiMiss iMarlon ,rabur %. ere wveekend guicets of Mm.i- and Mrs. Len Chamirnberlain andi famljly at Refe.On Sunday- they attended the christening of thecir grnaute Jeninifeàr Lnoat Re'nfrew. M\,rs. Fern ELawson was ai Suinda-y guiest and Mr. Bruce Lawso)n Sunday- ev- ennlinner guest oflMr. and (JMrs. MrodMcKee. Mrs. Ruýth Wilsýon and Mrs. Meuad ,ined Mr. and Mrs. Allari Wilson of Nestîfcto1.n,tMr.and Mre. Bruce Knaýpp of Oshawa and Me oke o fnmiy gtheingat the hiomo 0f r. iand M -rs. Lloyd ilson andValerie ,t WesI1i11)n îMother's, Day. Mr. nd Mrs. Bob Bey- ans and family spent the weledat their cottage on. Kelly ý's Bay on Lake Stugon.Gueste th er e weMc-, and Mes. Scott Eqsseryý and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Boni Kiliens and Da- vid, ail1 of Courtice. Sun- day v ec\ening cailers at home w ýý ,eoMe. and Mrs. RoerLfontaino of Biack- stock. Congrnalations to Nacyw onhas entered the) Boln iasb in- Good luk s vyou continue M the to Uenlmel on this comning Studa vening. The Thrsdy vonî-ng Giild mtt ! IteParieh Hall on May O!ýýth--) setthe tables for he MohIr' Edgeevtn wllithte sa whorsip nd yme.iwa dcddto hvea lunch c-ountce atd Eildon Fee's sale o n MNyL Oth Thcsummer discsse as ellas the Gardon Pairty' . Nrs. Charli'e Foc, o)ffered br homne for the June eein.The meting ws cocuc eoffeof U.C.W Geneal M en T-ue-sdýay, My 8 at8 p.m. inh vniga h C.E. Room". seripture passage from ITsa- îah, chapter 59. Elle(en Me- Lnughlin favoured the geoup with a vocal num- ber, "Amazingý Grace.I" Dora Mrtn on srlo- turc froýi Ehsas chap- ter 56. Peggy Lammrer rend an article n otsDemn- onstrate."ý Our guest sàpeae o tho evening wns Me.\1 Redrnth of Oshnwa. Rer-i msaewas on lier epr lencos of attending thr' 25t1h, nnnr-ivoeary of GCen- oral Cn(cil in Saskatoon, Sask. mest Auguet for a nîne,-dayperiod. Mrs, Red- FOR FRIIRINFORMATION PHIONE 623-2171 The Canadi-ian Statesman, Bowmnanville, Mlay 16, 1U739 A VeyzSecioMI Award It will be recalled thaL after the MeGregor Midg(4etýs won the :Sîlver Stick titie in Sarnia se-verjal months ago, David 'Lefty' Wright,' assistant coach, was seriously injured in an auto accident on the trip home. Ife was present in a wh,,eelchair at the banquet on Saturday night and Tim Cox presenited im l)w1i a speci-al awvard, thie wiing pucký-s from e-ach of their three series. 11e was given a standing ovation. PLath's nimo est inferet Iner manner made ber talk most impressive. A miiýon was mada to send n- donatîôn to the Sehool for Indian Girls in Toronto. ÏfWd deciCd (1 osend to elpinthe Miedicai Wo J dla A mto qvsmde to charýge ý3,00 Pei, Plate, te all wediý(lngs and~ banquets Owned and Operate',d by 1JAlX,.S COOMBES OSHAWVA and DISRICT SUMAMER HO-9CKEY SCHOO0L HARMAN PARK AR ENA, OSHAWA 4 one Week sessions F ROM JULY 30- AUGUST24 INSTRUCTORS hachk Lnch 1PiÇtsburgh Pnun Hiank Nýowak Hershey Bearls Steve Cardweli Plittsburgh P-v-enguins Larr BigeliPittsburlgh Penguins Hugh ilHar vyHrhe er Twolosecutive WeesU-$1 100 Singl Membr ofFamiy-$00 Third Member of Family - $30.00 lncluding Insurance Brochures with Application Forms Available nRequest For Further Information cal WM. SYTNYK - 728-3 138,ý7 1 hitby, Bro,(chures Available at thle foilowving Stlores BOB ET TE BEAUTY SALON CARNEGIE CRESI HIARDWfARE SPORTS HAVEN (Dom-inion Plaza) vTWO CAl FOR THE 1973 SUMMER SEASON T istie VIIey Prk LIB E RTY ST. NORTH - ONE BLOCK;ý,EAST Picnics -- Camrpinig-- Swimming - Snack~ Bar Facilities '7, , - w w77- 7779P hwouàndmb.d t

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