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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1973, p. 10

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10 heCiainStena.Bowniaýnviile. Mav. 16. 1973 DuramAg-ri Ne-ws by Bob Watt Assistant DURHIAM HlosTls Agricu Itu rai" Repre setMat ive County. We wlcome David f,0 the County and if you gef a chance to meef him diuring his stay. Dujring the pcriod of Maiy wcare( sýure you will enjüo 1 3th to 250h, Doi-anin Counjty tulking wifl i hm. will have flipleasure1ol VIEf >B I VE DEIV s young ftarmrer.Mr. David. On Suniday, May 2Othi Young19 oi Scotland is one of a Annuai Ontarlo Sliecp Br-(eeI gr'Oup of yoong farmers froin crIs Field Day wýili be held a flic United Kingdomn. wlio ari Cear Mains Fain1S lM * isiting naroduring ,1973 1Blair I Bolton The dfay wxvi Doring hfis sfay Iin0( fli -ein ;ut 11l00)plm i, ýtla Comnty, MI' Young wîl b( 1nui ber f ii 0 rnt ve tA faing wf foltfamilles 4:ý00 p in. lIr ilb c in flic Coonty. Thy re Mr and lamb b)arbeqjue an Ms.Llyd Kellogg and RX.. P OAIZ SALE iaij ly"R RI. IPort Hop The I2fh Sýtati ef anid Mr. aind Ms.Alvin Bloaî' Sale wýill lic hcld ut the Mecland Iuîinily oif'R. R 2.,Rt' ( PTest Stati ionutWater Bowmnvile Dringbisstayioostaringut 800 in i Il fl ic unt, iloun g 1i; ulvfiere1-ii)about 2 bie obserong " cu, uulpr o xîugboaýrs foi sl ductýion ilproce'd"us as welil as1 Bt Y BEEIfworP1,KLIE isifing oflwirpacsofinter toi E\lSpr514V ; est in lic area Wliiie bere., A suggestion froîîî iooî Daýj vi wil-(also li tkîi<ng pat sp:cuists ut fic n01fario Food Farier ctivtc lic tu ad Food sc "tafe AG"fRICULTURAL CALENDAR 1\lay 13-2 P laid Yong )u urhan ;ut nd Il', ing xith hosi famniius. (mit Monlda,i Mýay 21 Du1 ',-HlAMemlbcrsCoucîlMeing_ It lic A rîclfua) fi tarn t im Cobe Bon rnnville muelph Conv ocaion Exere s urha -HFed rpsCu Thursdy. Ma,24 lii thej rioPTettaonWa TburŽ,M In24 Dur tiani Hanrseand Ponv (Lu Meeting.F CridaxMay25 Bua LeriAssY oiation Anma Mee3in1ai tr Kemp>v9ll 3iltegeof gricu F. rtTc noloU oy he d- at et S. iox ut Brîîokl(0 inm AtUnîi cAsocai k t eîi fJlic t l1an ios Lue IRR 4 towmaîvill il (tub, 4 ro eti ing utjc flýic [ tloît I VhopeýI ban OHSwin[ CubMeing h Tliursayd Joeig Durs tini4 BefClMeeing u ilie aim it NewuSMay.1 Nes, 1ustite uellms a tuhe f2 Grss I laîidManagmentDy u th turep leulinologx BETH1silaNY t h PUIBLIC AUCTION (NO RESERVE) Soturday, May l9th 1: 00 Heousehjold items and effects rrovdfromn storage and private Sources consisting- of: Fi iDG FS STOVES GARDEN TOOL01S 1IOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & APPLIANCES TVs Color adBak& White, ANTIQUES and COLLECTORS' ITEMS- ETC. Snac Baron Promtises CLARK-UHM UTO ,4Mle 1Noth of 101 on 11.) Poe987-5151 or 987-5161 MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL 011 and STOVE OIL BOWMIANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLI<ECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALL US TO-DAY FOR PR-eOMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE cents per scrving and stili get good nutrition for your rnonev. Try beef or pork liver. Liver lias ahlost nIo ws onle pound wil i f of five servinigs. tmking it one of the rniost eonînca eafs availble iveris tender. cook it for a very shortl fîme: just ui] ithe ýpinik color lias disappear-ed. Beefanid pork liver have asrngrfao fian calves liv-er. For a milk, anidjet stanid n ieil( refigra o for bout î;xxýo horsbfore .ook-,ing, enuhvitamin Atosupl vonrur ned for moehan six daxfý s. iain A is>eeaî thoit Ito benecsaytor' on ffs ifainivris us an ex'm en sure fi ronl xvhich italas apart1of fic tbe Sunday School picic on ý dun-e 24 tMs.Jon Neasfi ankéedtc lad(ies wolid h11ed tosev lunc(h rs rgelsl Thie UýCW bave been iasked to cater f0 a suipper for' a busI toad oflSen1iOr Citizeis f.rom Fast York. and mfembers bave, aiso benasked f0 cater to NMr. andI 1Mrs. Henry 'Jakeninmwho Will be celebrating flieir 6t weddng anivesarvon June, Th inxtmeting , ill be lie](l t te Sona Sliool ail on Jonc 4 at 8 pam The worshijp sriea Pofosread itbeScripiture andMrs. Michielle rceîved Mr,, Nocl Wood was flie uetspeaJker. ýShe showed 4lidesý of a recenit Itp she aind ber hand had ta1keni in muemanly intcrestfing coi- Ments on each slide. This vaýs a wndcfulopportunity for members f0 totour KEnglandf firougli picture-Ls. Mrs. HIazel ifley thanked M. Woods for a mout enjobe afrnoon. The olden Star Seniori Citizens of Beui hanly ard Ca van) e'njîoYed a'leisrel da o bnoon Wd _saMay ýlini Ilie 1Befhany ,Parisl i Hall Ray syeýr. r. hsSniffli Mrs. Ken Syer. ýMrs. VEmery Sîinitli, Mrs, Mary oronan Mr.Port eous. A qujilt, donafted byý Mrs., Maýlcolin1son 1andlqilfed byI)ý Mrsht, Mrs. Porleouls, Mrs. Rtowan,NMrs. MaLCDonl- ald. Ir. orrowý and Mrs. Neapis ls sbeuiflydispiay cd(. Mrs Rob)inson drew the Ilueky ticket whcvas won by' Mrs. R"oss Smithi of Campbell Tvips cr dscssd nd it w,,as- dicide'd to tk h out ltur froi Graivenhurst >ýion dune 27, Ti c ket s m jb puciae roi-il Mrs. jordann and Mr has Sînili. On1 ýM ia Illef lii eein ilýîl be il] filicfori of1a potluc , ýk dinner ut12:30.Anivitai;tioli st' fthflicfillbrIOok Senlior Citizens Mfrs. Argmiinormcd fli, inembers present at Ifliee ing that the denfuirisf s ini l'etferborouigl11iarerecogiiîzîn:g the Senior tCifien YELVERTON Mi. alnd M atu or mItertined Mr. an1d Ms Lilrb Weldcoîî of Lindsaiy and yland Mrs Murice oe oi Sa1tI1rdMy of is weck Mr. Ken Lmiis spenidîig a \weeks hoidas wth the, 11,ay Kobinsons enlgaged in] ether resîden't in mnodemrÏ imes ut least. History wvill no doubt record hjm i'as a fuatesmuin of exceptional abiliff whose Contribution f0 )nta1rio will runk hili withl fellow Preieirs and probably hus record for continiuous 'cars as Ontarlo premier will îever be equalled. ItlI'y eems tragic vwhen [lic inevit- abie fiyiiliy occurs ýand the lite f a greai man is sufdouf. Ai. WHITE PINIK YLLOW F~ cil¶ISUm bc) S 250 i.. hees MA L OR NIE P :RNK YBLLOW, AG -UA Toilet '[issule ALVARI1,iI. CAEMIXES iHood 319 ai $1,() 39 (ACTION ýPRICED(ý b.77< AiLLPRCES SHOWýNIN THI>S AD GUJARANTEEO EFFECTIVE THiiOUGP SATURD)AY.MAY 19th, 1973. Br occoli ynh 9 CAtrýORNiA Ri, LARGEORIGINAL BUNCHES Cr rot) s Ibn 49 THURtS., -MAY 17 ....9-9 FR1., iVIAY 1 81m .. .. ...... 9-9 SAT., NMA Y 19 ....9 .. Q-<6 MON., MAY 121 ..... ... ...Closed I Ba-B-QFavpuiles-Great on a Grill! Pork Shoulders RURNS RANO- Cooked Ham RNT RAE P P IN!> fýON i-rNI>CI Side Bacon Side Bacon flic S*yI~4'4Sii Syl.. V',cii. r,, 6 oz lv p PS THT AlEC i b V~C p SUP'x RIGNE RED BRAFIO GDEBE EF 'STE'AKS BLAUE STEAKS SIIOULDER STEAKS lb6 RED PRAND GRADE AÀ BEFF STEAKSCROS' RISor 2 G PEAT ONý YOUR GRILLi?(2 f VAC FAC $1,2P: SX WUENERS vu pac 68< FRESH URKEYCUIS & WHOLE WHOLE BREAST'or LEGS BREASTS Leg Quarters b79< b109 b18<0 E:ttra Low Prices-Absolutely No Compromise In Quality! >OST5SI ACTION ,iCEO Potato Chips 6 VAýR;ÉTiE Bick,'s Relishes PRBPRICEO 69c (0 zpkg59< 3 -~n $1 .00 Pue Chrry Pe.cE.i nb~r c grct S y Rat c n IMPERiAT (OUA.ETTRSI Margarine ACiiON PRICEUJ 3 lb pkg 96< V. i ~ML 'tMIX 3 oz, Lido Cookeies 89Cý b' ' f, Irish M'V' " Ei & CGuey, ý Veut8.1 S-. (ACTION PIE Puriton Stews nfi-> 5 9< DAVID, iMP.RE PURE (ACTION PRIC-ED Chocolate Mallows i okg ý5 9 PLAIN WiTFI ON>ONS ýitlH ONIONS Y MUJSHkIOOSi Heinz B. B. 0. SAUCE 3 $1 - ýsl0O m x & MATCm, DICLO 88815 OcARROTSý0 Aylmer VGTBE N l0 CheCkthese 91.eYValues! ,, ead£ -M~P~K ~o~79< SoshBar CoIl,,e PRV C0O ,,NE pAýRKER PS014 0 cake DoflUts 3Rk $.0 FINE POINT Bic Deluxe Pen AIL vAR' IETIES Miniute Rîce MX .f o24 Coca - Cola s 229 C MicPRE AR N RICEU) Maï-r-malIcwws 2op g5 Hl FLAVOURIS (PLUS tiIDEPOSIT B veagsYUONCUB6 0 ohîs99< t I I j g FIRSI 4 RIES GONk PRIME RIB STEAKS as1.26 HOPSY FRAND, CLE SLA\V O, cdil 7~ Potato »Saplad 2 ~6 8d bP (' t r 6 8v'N C U W E ~C O A C IL U M PA C ýE D SX BRNO Sl-in3 VARiIES $138Cooked wMeats a88 'iX BRANO 4 VARIETiES <IIOTSwjET LIu ARC 74c Italian auae 8 8 68, Shrimp CCTI iq~i-~ PUERET BRAND GOLDEN RTET 9 8< Frozen Cod zpq4 (PREPRICEP 49, EACHI 3 pensb$1 .^e (ATON YwCD

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