.4. l 12 ThCanad~n S t, n Bwmanville, May, G,1973 Im Our 1U .C.W. held a Hostess Dînner last Tuesday and a bout 80 ldeatne.Mr.Alice Hoskin oýf Hmoywas hostess and wt e assist- antsý served anfine dinner. AboL 4.naeswere drawýn and thý,ee îdies were present- ed jîith gif .ts, making a plesat onclusion to the j0r. and Ms Fred Griffin, Mr. Gordon GriýffInand Mrs. R. McLughin fCeae atteded onvoatio atSir San-dford FeigColleg1ýe, Linday, hen'IvanGriffîn was aaddbsdiploma îýas Foret Tehnican.Conigratu- Mý.r. ndMr.John Cumn- ins ýhavý-eretumned from a ho0liday in Cbaand are delighted w.îth theitp. They foud tateveryone tbere sLeemeýd to have plenty of money but a great shortage of goods.> That is something to think abi!out for we spend- tif inhis country where credit is se popular. D rs. Wallace Pascoe and Mrýs. Wilfrid Bowman enjoyed a bus trip te the art centre at Kleinberg with mnembers ùf the BwavleCnda Club. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Betbh find time occasionaîýlly to atend auction sales,> in searcb 0of antiques for their vintage dwelliîng (Circa 1829). Last week tbey bougbt an old mirror that nias padded in the, back with a 1907 Ottawa Journal. iMr. and Mrs. Wallace Pals- coe, Mrs. Keith Davey, Elaine and Gartb attended Ida churcb Sunday wben Todd, son of '1,r. and Mrs. Don Sargent was baptized, and were amnong the diner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sargent at Rockbaven, Peterborough. .After se many family gath- erings on Motber's Day we are sure the Taylorfarnily, deeply feit the loss of theî i other this yer, and we sympathize witb them. Miss Marion Stinson, St. John's, N.B., is on holiday and bas been visiting ber father, Mm. Norman Stinson and other family members. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bow- manandMr. Eric Bowman,, TOW'liNOCF BOWIMANVI LLE Th ere viIb MNDAY MY 21 ST. Mody's Garbage TUSDYMAY 22ND Alon wih Tesdy'sRegular collection J. M. Mcl;"ROY, A.M.C.T. Clerki7-Admninistra toi- 'attended the service at Maple Gr7ove Chum-cbSudayWhen Kevin, son of rl n Mrs. They wýere dinner -guýe's ta Mr. 'and M .Avem y's. Mr. and Mrs. Heny Adams, Bowmnanviile; Mr. and Mrs. IvanCohneBacsck Mlrs. Russe« Cochrane, iit- ed Mr and Ms. Lesiip Cochrane. Mir. and rs LsleCoc- nane visiedat MU, Don Mr. and Mrs. im Tanblyn, Oreno. visited at the LBowmx!an homne. Legion AMembers Elect Officers shp eeting and ielecion of of ier t Brancb h1781,Royal Cania L egion, Bowma1ýn- ville, onSunday, cMay 71. the felOWng offcers wee ected andwil b intaiedJwe 2Bth: PatPresidetlStan DLunn, Pre'sident EdMaeri tice Jimi Faýir 2nd ViceRbent Hilditcýh, 3rd VieceStHu, Serta)- ry ieeW hin Treýasurer Clarenýe Oe x ecutive rmemibers, Hiarod irtley, IW. M Roiec Ron Pingleý, Peter Bathlgtet, Bob Browni, Jane HckJimn Bruto. EeroJncSgt.- at-Arms Ernie Penriect, Padre Rev. Robert Hayne. y -4 -ilice), ý qieymo orle roU DU KrUt UALLUNS GET FIFTH GALLO0N FR 'mi CHS NEWS May 13, 197: r3 La;st. Monday. the Student Council elections for next yeam's eýxecutive weme hed. Aftýer a-weckcfcamnpaigning, ali>lý th oiespresented thein vicw,ýs te the student bedy. The nesults of the electiorswere as, foilows: Sue Legen, Treasurer; Roxanne Rutkay, Secmetamy; John Mac- Lean, Vice President and Jim Orn, Presiderit. A Cancer Day was held at B.H.S. on Wcdnesday after- noon. Many discussions and demenstrations of vanieus vacations such 'as B Iell Tele- phone ComIpany., IBM and the hespital vAeedIisl!aycd. Mem bers of the Senior Band journeyed te Deep Rfieýr on Thursday to comnplete their student exehange porm They played witb the Deecp River band in an evcning ofi music. The West Durhamn Invita- tienal was held on Thumsday. Aithough the team didn't fane as well, two girls won individ- ual trophies and four meet records were broken. June Timmens tied with twe ethen girls for thie Junior aivision titie by piacing second in 60 m. and firsýt la 100 m. and higb jumrrp. (She broke the previeus high jumfp record). Anlene Keatley grabbed first la the Senior division witb three firIsts in long jump, 100 m. and 80i mn. hrie.Arlene beat the al I 80 n. m.urdies Mark_). mecord for 80 nm. Ihurdies and the four;h record-breaker was takeni by the Jr. relay team of June Tim'--.mers. Diane Oake, Dcb Mle and Jane Rey- nolds. Both muggem teamis are still undefeated up tei this point in their seasens. Anether suc- cessful weck 'cfceptio included the Midgeti's troune-1 ings cf Central by1- and C.j L, Roberts by a 20-0 score. The1 Juniors beat Central 6-4 and1 Roberts 20-12,~ -Suec-Vice STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Marlet.y Rob- inson -visited Mr. and M. roy Austin, Wesley- vile;ev T. J. Snelgrove, Mm. Jim-r Hailowell, Miss Norma Hlallowell, Mm. 'and Mme.' Llev Halowel were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mm. and Mrs. B. CaswAeil. Wednesday even-ing, last week the ladies cf' Shiloh U.C.W. met at Silhwîtb an attendance cf 19 and MmeI. Gardon Trimi presiding. The meePtingý was eîjened by al] singing "B3lest be the Tic That Binds and a message for- Motbem's, Day by Rev. Snelgmoýve. Mme. E. Robin- son seretryand Mme. Carl Ted, treasurer, gcave reports and a -)m few ,,items of .,how edr; ptiuces on 1tceir trîp- t9 the YVuko)in andAlas- kaI. Evemyn0ne en-Jnyed( the ere.Tîhe evening-'s hieavy ramstrmba subsidedby, the tine the ladies dispers- Next monthithe meetingz wile bea the home cf Mrs r.and Me.Sid IPalIe- wýýelwere gue-se with Mr. adMrs. Gardon Haloweil, MVlount Forest, duringc the week. Suda fternoon the Mo)ther's Day Srie at Shi',lh wPs well atW,(nded witha s-pecrialmesaeon the Virtues cf Homre lv Rev. T. J.Segrv.Special nisi wsProv*ýided by the 20-voce c ocf Kendal cf theprublic nwhc they wo-n fir.zt flace;edt the mecent ui esia n aise another seletion '<Arn- M~r. and Mrs. Victor Mal- 4;W1 colm visited is parents, Mr. andMrs. Rae Mýalcolm, Janet- ~~/~ ~ , ville anid ùbe ae,Mran ~~ ~ ~ Mrs iGeogeKerrYletn '-~/ for -Motbýer's IDay. S Mother's Day guss t Mr. and Mrs. Bwerýs were ~ ~ , ~,, r. and Mrs. Arnold Williams ~'v~ ~and MÎrs. Ralpb Bowers and ,p fMUIly, Trone. On Saturday evening, Mr, A and Mrs. G. Bowers were dmnner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jiim Abernethy, Bowmanville, Saturday was rnoving day., S The Jamiesons, who bave, <s been-living in the former borne Sok Mrs. Nelson Marlow, rnov-' :;i$ ed to Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Rob.Mairs, of Peterbor- ough areno occupying the cotage, of her grandparents, Mr. n r.GatTopo at ielae.Rob bas complet- - '/ d bis three year term at M, Trent University, Peterbor- awards. They are, fromn lef t to rîghit AI Co0le, Miss Susan McColl finished 84-year old Stella Hlawkînsg Nornm W.oodcock, her first year at Lady Enton trophy donor Lorne Haynes, John. Gold, teamn College on Wednesday. Her college friend, Miss Mamnie captaîni Arniold Vangoor and Nelda Dawson. Eîîiott of Oshawa, i visitin g the McColls for a few days. T LUMr'. and Mrs. Don McColl, N ES LE 0 NOshawa, were Mother's Day Mr-. and Mms. Robert Sa and infant daughter Pamrela Lynn, Cobourg, spn Hhe weekend with bis parnts. and Mrs. Lee Saw and family. Ovcmnfighit guetsith'Mirs, R. W.JacksonI and Alan wvere Mm. and Mrs. Arch-ýieMoft ai Welland.> Guests fer luch n Tuesday with Mn. Normnï Johnstone weme Mms. M. Reynýîolds, Mms. M. Schwenger, Mrs. E. Bow- man, Mrs. J. McLean and Mrs. M. Clarke of Tomonto. On Monday of last week, members of Nestieton Wem- en's Institute, met at the homne ef Mms. Bruce Heaship, te plan the preg.lrammnres for.,the 93 1974 yean. Those attending weetepres,îient, Mrs. Ben DeJe3ng, 'Vice Presidenit Mrs. Geor-ge H [easlip, Treasumer Mrs. Richiard Dvio , PRO. Mmrs. R>. !W%. Jackson and Mrs. Hary cLugliconvenor Tscenmmunity wssok ed te he ar of the suddeni deathi of Mn. Max Fallis at his homne on Sunday, May lSýth. Sîiceme sympathy is cxtended te bi:s wifc and family. Sunday visitons with -Mm. and Mrs. Grant Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. John f{ollewsý and John Scott, of Scarbomough. Guests on Sunday wîth Mm.ý and Mrs. George Donnerai weme Mr- and Mrs. Pbilip Langfeld, JaniÀce, Cerland friend, Ms D. Waker and Julie ofAginout, ms Mry WilAson 0ofNecsin-ne Engiandwhe li;Is vîiIing fhem aind Mmrs. Wma. Abbett, David and Johni, RichmrondHîI Mn. and AMrs. Donnerai spent MAondfay ini Toro)nteand weme luncheon guests of Mr. an-d Mrs, Wmn.FotnW- Lowdale. Mether's Day evening dini- ner guests with Mm. anrd . Mms Larmen Hylanid ýeme 'Mr. and ivirs., Howand Suttoýný , i, DebbieTe, Paul Rams- bury, Mmr. and Mvrs. Glern Rogers, Mm. and Mns". Maurice Samelîs and WNendy, .ail of Peterborough; Mr. an-d Mns. Jim MeMullen an ôal f Pontypool. Guests for Mother's Day witb Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison were Mr. and Mlrs. D)ouglas Davison, Scott and Nýeil, Petembuorough; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eliliot, David anud Kim, Leaskdle. Neteton WVomuen's Inst itute waýs well rpcenItcd at. the District Annual which- was held at Newtonville, Wedncs- day, May 9th. Those attening were Mrs. L. Malcolm, Mrs. J. Wygerde, Mrs. R. Davison, Mrs. R. W. Jackson, Mrs. G. Heaslip, MssRuth -Proutt, Mrs. Ivan P1-routt and Mrs. AlIan Beacock. Warmth and friendliness pcrvaded the Mlay m(eeting of Bewrnanvi-le Women's Insti- tutýe on Tbursday afteýrnioon when their gu)ests -w.ere mm bers from-i the Nestieton. BrýAnc-h. Mrs. Waltr Welts, pa-st president, who was the guest speaker, gave an infor-, Mativetaukon the Metric system TIhose attending fromi Nestîcton were Mr. . eIts, Mrs. Ml. FirUit, MIrs. G. Till, Mrs. C. Earn.sha, r. J. Wygerde, Mrs. G. Thompsoni, ,Mrs. B. De Jong, Mrs;. F. Dayes, Mrs. A. Beacock and Mrs. B. Hclasiip. The Lawrence Malcolrns were hosts.- for a, family gathering on Saturday even- ing ta honor Stanley on bis Bth birthday. Present for the occasion were bis wtife, Ruby, bis children, grandchildren, bis brother, Wilbert, nee and npes ogaua tiens. MIr. and Mms. Jamnes illet, Mfichelle and Jamies, Ottawa, wene Saturday overnight guests of the U L. alms and attended Stanley's birthday party. N.e Lawrence Maîcolm is a lay' delegate to the 49thi Bay of Quinte Confemence at KCing- ston, AMonday te Tbursday. Rlecent evening dînner guests withMm and Mrs. George Bowens and EarI were Mr. and Mus. fHenmy Trick and Mm. and Mms. Leonard Trick, Lindsay. visitors witb bis parents, Mr.1 and ' Mrs. Arthur M 1ol Ssnand Cindy. vistr with Mr. ai înd rs. Clke( Williams for MotherïLis Day were Mr. ,and Mrs. Rfln Wlamand Craig Oshawa; MIr. C. Evans, Orono, was a mi-wek visitor. A numiber of local folk enjoyed the delicious dinner on Saturday night, sponsoredi by the A.C.W. in teParisI11 Hall, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison woni the gift for the closest weddýIing anniversary. Nestieton continues to gr1oW The bouse of Mr. and Mrs. Don r'hompson is shaping up nicely. Today (Monday> ý,,,thé rafters are being put in pae -,urveyors are alIso in tw adjusting boundiary lines ort nider properties to prepare- for new development,ý,s. Saturday eeigvisîtorý with Mr. and Mrs.L rne Cooledge were MrI.. and I~ Sterling Morrisan a mýîJ ilyi, Toronto. Court Lady Sniowbirdi Congratulatiýons to Courft Lady Snowbi)îr! They bv done itagin On Sa3turdayý; night they ,were hssto a dance in thie Recreation.-, Cen- tre, Blackstock. This was huge success - a seill-i codand everyone in happy mood. Excellent ý,muýsie was provided by the G. B Merry Makers of Uxbridge. Winnems of the lucky spot prizes are not available but Mr. Norman Jobnstone of the Country Store was the gener- eus donor, The members of the Court demonstrated their culinary' art in providing refreshments of salads, cold meats and coffee. Once again, the ladies extend their appre- ciation to ail who assisted in making tbe evening sucb a happy event, socially and financially. Scouting News The leaders of Catwright Scouts and Cubs attended the .Original Conference in Ajax on Saturday. The meeting, pertaining to Scouting, com- mienced at 1:30 *p.m. An interesting craft display was s;ubi-tted by the unattached gmup n the community centre a delicious banquet was enjoyed after which the Pro- vincial Comimissioner of the Scout Movem,.ent, addressed the gmoup. A dance concluded a pleasant and educational afterneon and evening. o e O Th le Sturrock team was here when you neieed th em ?34 ye a rs ago. They sili are, 34yîr go- when ]Alberýt Sturrol opene-d his Esso agency in Bowmanbiie he startcd a fin dition of finlperýsonalized service to 13 Bowmanville area faners anid homeowniers. Now,, long after other suppliershave corne and gone owr and Gor-don are carrying on this fariy tradition, supplying Esso)frm products and heating oIs ta fammi and city cusomers alike. .Thçxer('s a good reason for this tradton. Howard Sturock, his brothecr Gord and is staff have 1ive many years in Bowmanvile s0 they know the are. heyknow the needs of area farmers. They. k(now %h needs of local homcowvners. And, they've got 34 years,0f experience to draw on. 34 yema of fast and îendY service to theýir cusýtomers. 34 ycars of providing the finest farm products: Esso gasolînýe, diesel fuel, motor oil, greaise and mpany mor.e. 34 years of persona]l heating oil sriefor Bowmianvillc homes. 34 years of being ther, r)eadv ýto hdp i,() l ou ned tteml. Howard ,anod onSturro& are ac tivecommniry memnbers too; members of heChamnber of Cmereandactive/pariits in the local sports aciitMes sluchlas hockeyv and basebail. When you needlarm promdumîs, fumnace o01r1ju;1a ittie f riendly advice, contact (he, Sturrock tcarn. They'll be thecc when you need thcm.w A.H. STURROCK & SONStLTD. STURROCK ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR;O PHONE: 623-5516 Perfor-mance. Count on it fromn yourEsoget COF TOP BOWILERS- At the Canadian Order of. Foresters ainnual bow%ýling banquet at Centennial1 Hall, Queen'Street, on Saturday night, this top1 bowling team was among those honored withi