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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1973, p. 14

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~heCandia Satiem nBowmanville, -May 16, 1973 MR. R. 4 Bowmianv7ille, Ont, Dear Editor, Durham County Federation af 'Agic-ulture ,bas received iniformation that the Ministry ol théenvrnetfor the Province of Ontario intends ta proceed with a hearing on the application of CP Rail ta0 establish a sanitary landiil] site in Hope Township for Metro garbage. These hear- ings are scheduled to begin the week ot June llth. Throughi your newspaper wve would li-ke ta take the oppor- t'unity !0oouthlne the policy af the Federatýion regarding this proposed site and any other sites which the Govermenit might allow in Durhami Coun- ty or tLhe province ai' Ontario. We intend to write govern- ment leaders stating our, opposition toa any inf site COUNT INEri FUE TU RES ON YOUR 1w h ,ekwt, v.o e SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH- SALES BOùeCK'eS BP SALES & SERVICE -We Service What W-- Seli" Phone 6358 E Kng St. E., Bowmanville andt particuiarly the 'proposed site in Hope Township. A briel wiil also be presented at the hearing ta be held in Hope Township inJune., 1 Despite the iii feeling gen- erated by Iandfiii and incm- eration methods, despite their inadequacies, Mtro bullishly plans ta stake its future in burning and burying. Metro is nat' alone. Many other com- munities around Otaria are encountering difficuiltyý in dis- posing af their garbage and bave heen enicouraged tai follow suit. They must nat bev aliowed ta make long-term- cammitments ta such outdat- ed disposai metbods and1 shauld be pressured into considering the oniy feasible alternatives - the reduction and recyciing ai garbage. Seriaus consideration must be given ta proposais from the two private firms, Angia-Can- adian Pulp and Paper Milîs Ltd. and Black-Ciawson Ltd. Bath campanies have expres- sed interest in building recyc- ling plants in Metro at no capital cost ta the taxpayer. The Black-Clawson com- pany's plant could veriy well handie al ai Metro's garhage., The campany is aiready operating a successiui pilot recyciing plant in Franklin, Ohiao. Perhaps Metro -or the Province ai Ontario should build its own plant and not wait'for private industry ta make a profit from aur throwaways. Recently, a hearing was conducted by the Ministry ai the Enviroament in Pickering regarding the, application by Metra ta estahhish landfilii sites in that township. Thou-> sands ai dollars are heing literally wasted at these hearings. If gavernment al- laws these hearings ta con- tinue mucbh more money ai the ordinary\ persan will be wast- ed. The hiring ai lawyers and having witniesses attend these hearings is expensive. There is sometbing wrongr with aur society if protebting is ta be tbe principle cri teria ta be folowed before govern- ment wîll recagnize that there are ýalternatives Ita landfill1 sites for disposing i gar:bage. IPLANTUNG TIME- Drop Arounid Check Our Prices Sec Oulr Selection Lloyds, Greenhouss 728-3636 Spcil other's Day Arrangements POTTED ROSES - 25 VARIET1ES Weil Leafed - Special $2.00 SpigGarden Plant s - Fiower andVgtae AC)om1plete fine for Suin and Shade Roses, Caina eaniums, Evergreen, -srobs, Trees Hagt Pots, Mixed Pans, Peai Mas, Fe'rtilizer a c c o c a O I ~- Tauntofi CI Nv N ID EAH EEK* W LL AW R 4 RLLS 0F COLOU- R PRINT FILM, DEVELOPED ANC PRINTED FREE -JUST RIGHT FOR A PICTURi-E PERFECT VACATION AN ENTRY WITHEVE RY PHOTO ORDER LFT HER, AlexMcGrgorI.D.A. Drugs King St. WeSt 623-5792 BOWMa-nville 'IXGCÀ TST fPROARL 9JN f,1N NEF MST CoeRECTLYANSRASK1LLESI QSTN Thie people of Hope Twsi should not have ta spend large sums af money ta) register complainits against the pro- posai. If the proposai ta establish a site i Hope is defeated will the Govn7(imenit allow Metro ta oveta another area an-d start these ridicuilous prace(dure(,s over again9 Whîle no officiaI application hâý,s been made ta Hope Townlship flor the eýstablish- ment ai this site. and thus no officiaistanid lbas been tCakeni by council it is aur under- standing that the majority ai the council do niot support this proposai. If t he Ministry ai the Envranentwas ta approve this application and CP Raifl increased their initial offer ta Hope Township wie would hopeý that the township would not change their stand and have the land presently zoned agriculturte rezoned indus trial. Recenitily Hope had an official plani approved by thie Ont1aria uicplBoard. Wiewe recaýgniize thjat an official plan is not bDindin)g on federal and provincial agen-' cies will the Ontario Municipal Board overrule the decision aif Hope Towniship not ta rezane the are-ia and allow the site. If so, the vaýlue of having an officiai plan becomes very questionabie. During the pas: few years the goverament has insisted that townshiýpsý, have an officiai plan. Regardless ai assuranices by CP Rail we feel that landfill areas wilI become unattrac- tive during the time ai filling. Adjacent land wili be devai- udby the proximhity ai the dump. There are a number ai streams in the proposed site, aind no matter whati5rcd ures are iollowed thlere is alwaiys adaniger ai them In closing wewoldsay that it is aur belief that the Ontaria Governimenit must accept the responsibilityý for the establisbmient ai recyc ling plants ta look after týhe neeýds ai Metro and ather muntiicipal- iiies that are encountering the problem af disposing of gar- bagec. We see no reason ta continume the, outdated meaýns ai dispasing af garbage im landfill sites. We recogniize that hiitaily it might cast a consideraý-ble amnount of moniey but even- tually the bypoucscufld Sinciy youIl -rs. Secretary Durham Fi ederation of Agricu1lure LONG SAULT Mrs. Gardon) Baker. Ana, Ruth and Garry wreSunday dinner guecsts anid Sunday, supper guests wýere Mr. and IMrs. G. Baker, Ruth1 and Garry. Mr. Chris James and Mil. anid Mrs. John BPaker and boyýs of Mr. anid Mrs. Keîth Gable and boys, Nestleton.' M\r. and 'Mrs. Cecil Langiey and Shlerry, Bowm,ýnanviiie, were Sundayafenn visit- ors and Mrs. Sophie Kayacs was a Sunday supper guest ai Mr. and Mrs. G. Kayacs.,, Mr. and Mrs. 1van Rowley, Mr. and Mrs.Suat owlePy and famîily, M. and Mrs.. Johnson, Black- stock; Mliss Jean Johnson, Mr.Fletcher and Mr. John Johnsoni, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnlsonl. Mýr. and Mrs. Paul any weIre Saturday evein!g gýuests, Mr. and Mrs._ C, Pen-warden and lamiiy and Mfr. and Mrs. John Vaneyk and famoily were Sunday aitrnon vsitrs]ndmr. -A 4tbi prize smaller Corning Wýare saucepan. C. W Waýod- ley. Joey and Becky Carley are- holidiaying with their grand- parents, Mr, amid Mrs, Turpin, Oshawa. 'lhle I07:,Conivocation ,for the grantI-,in ol dipomas ti gfrauates Of Dtiam Col- lege aof Applied Arts and Technoiogy wil eheld May 2.11,11a',7:30 lu Oshawi a Civie Au\iditoriùmii. MrJstcePa- rick Galiga aio the Supreine Court of Ontario wii bethe guest speaker, Salatin Amy' Re Si eId1 ,JCai se, ou cati uuy Iappi- area wîich wilînelp suppui -aiua lilgîu tt îeuua tL uv"lie 's ns"is the theme ai ibis such community serviees as disaster relief, anld family Red Shieid Caimpa'ign Com- yeaýr'sSalvatîin Arrny Red summe-r,;camps for under- wiaeservices, ta men,"tion mittee. Fromleit ta r-ight tbey Shield Canipa),iga. $4,772 is the prîviieged chiildren a ý suicideý just a text. are Ai] Aluin, the head ai the goal sel, for the Bowmanville emergency, service, .ho)spitLký Pictured ahove arei-e te rural drive, W. Ross Strike, Hi,,gh Water Tables Causing Problems For Many Farmers As homeowners with wet basemients realized this year, water tables in March reached near -record high levels across the province. According to H. R. Whiteley, water resource engineer with the School of E ngineering, Ontario Agricul- tural College, the last time water tables were this high was in 1969. The probiems are particu- larlyv obvious in ýnormally dry rural areas, where depres- sions are holding standing' wvater for the first time in many yvears. In many cases water collected in these dep- ressions as a resuit of exces- sive rain falling on frozen ground early in March. The Mrs. Vera Hobbs, co-ordinator af the general appeal, Salva- tion Army Captain Scott Hewlett, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Bill Wilson, chairman af the., in6ustrial appeal and Mac MacKenzie, the campaign treasurer. Dr. H. B. Rund]e, the caýmpaign chairmani, was un-ableta , be present for the photogra ph. water wili disappear, but it wili take time. Farmers who may be con- sidering drainage for these depre-ssions should balance the cost ai the tule installations against the inlrequency ai this year's probiem. Cost ai tile, equipment rentai, and labor muibe considered, This is also a good time for prospective bouse builders ta check their lots for passible wet basement probiems. Pro- fessor Whiteley suggests that it may be advisabie ta build a hause without a basement rathfer than ta battle the damaging, but infrequent epi- sodes aifiooding, resuiting irom high water tables. Prospective home buyers should check the basement keeping in mind this year's problems. Homeowners who had probiems with wet base- ments should check drains and dlean out any obstructing materials. Weeping tules con- nected ta 'a storm sewer systemn should provide ade- quate drainage araund mast bonies. 3~~S BGDY0F su 1%R1S'AVINGS POLYESTER/CTTO V TANK Tp A. Spýc ially made for Walkers by a la ga t shirt maker Very cool, in 50% Polyester, 50Cm oýn- Whiite;, Redv, Pink, Powder or Yellow. POLYESTER JAMAICA SHORTS 13. Machine washable and Caniadien nmade. Slip-onrjflf style in a choice of thriee weaves: Lacoste, eeersucker £14 'q or Isaknit Whte avyYellow or Red.Sizes:10 ,18 r FAMOUS0MAKER SWI M S UITS C. We hiave bikr-i, ns,0e, two and three piece suis b in this monuiey-saving collection. 'Two famous brand9 namnes. Prints and plains in Nylons and Lycras. Sizes: 30-40in the group. TALK ABOUT TOTE BAGS fashionepble. -Jhpckt n zippers i Wth long( handies 10 sing over ,ui shoulder! Some vwith shor't handies t'oo!lChoose yours in Beige, Navy or.Red canves or White vinyl. 599 SUMMER SANDALS BY A FAMOUS CANADiAN MAKER F. Choice of twvo disconitinuej(d styles et this a- very low price.Syhec thon, with f lower trm or backless sendal with buckl'e., lesLiher uppers. Whtte,__ Tan, Red or Navy. Sîzes,. C6-9. ASSORTED SUMERJEWfEL-LERY We have a fine colle ction of ropes7, pins, b eads bracelets and earrings 10 complernent your summer & feshions. ln White or spettator colours: Red/White/ Navy.,Very low priced I9 SHEER NYLON KNEE HI'GHýS3fo The perfect sîockings Io wear under pents. WîVth streich top, in Beige, Taupe or Nevy, One size fts 9-11. Prîced 10 buy by the dozeni ALL NMUDE PANTY HOSE Great for wearîng with short sumrner dresses and sandels. Al nude, plain knit in Beige, Taupe or Spice. Sizes: Averge'and Tali, 2 for 99ý GIRLS' SUMMrvER FUN FASHIONS IN 10 0% PO0LY EST7ERF SIZES: 7-14: In White or Navy. (I Hater Top-Wth 3-button front, lie bell, coni, f irasting stitching.2.9c M. Shorts- Zîpper fly front wvith button, 2 sida '0 A pockets. fake cuffs, contrestîng sttching. ' . not illustrated: Pant Skirt-With contrasting Red, White, Blue ela.itiç waisî. SIZES. 4-6X: ln White or Red. 1. A alter Top- 3- button losi ng. tie beît, contrasting stiching. J. Pant Skirt--Contrasting Red, White, Biue elastic waist. flot jllustrated. ,Shorts-With fake cujffs,. haîf boxer waist, contrastîng sttchîng. TA NK1f'TO ,P S FOC !R-'Gi R LS K. A sýelection 0of value prced tank tops in i100)/ Polyestecr and Polyester/ Cotton. Solîd shades or geomnetric patterns. MoIti-colour, White, Pink or Blue, Sïzes 8-14. SIEERSUCKER PANTS -LI They're plaid, they re cuffed, they're i cool c otton seersucker, everything 1hat a little girl could hpefor! Wlh ',boxer waîst, n Red or Llec. Sîzes>: 4 5X. 100% NYLON SHRT SETS M. Happy litIle short sets 10 keep her cool aIl summer long. Button or crew neck style. In Pink, Red, Yellowv or Lilac. Sizes. 2-3X. INFANT'S TERRY SUNSUITS N. Sculptlured Cotton Terry sunsýuits xithi trîm, Suiebe orboys and girls,1In trea of their favo)urite coi0LtS. Pînk, Yellow or Aqua SiZes: 12 1end 24 mornths COTTO- I'0N K NI T : SHO 0R TA LL S 0. Comfortable and cosy wîtih 3 button cîosing, dra3wstring'wa;ist, bution crotch. For boyýs or girls. Choîce 'of Ibree coloursý Pink, Yelow or Aque. aizes,: 242e, 36 nonths. Girvorer ntavailable ilu bcorboroitgh Toîru Centre A f~d rN 2.59 3.99 1. 99 319 16 169 5 KING ST. EAST -BOWMAN VILLE ditaor's Mail

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