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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1973, p. 17

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~gin rumea Sevie V Buy Two New Sets of Bleachers at Memorial Park Set for Millbrook June 10 The anPnual Drumhead Ser- where a wreath will be placed vice of Zone F-5, Royal and a bugler will sound Last C~aian Legion, will be held Post and Reveille. iin Mhilbrook on June 10 in The parade, headed by two conjunction with Pioneer or three bands and color Week whîch will be held fro parties from th 14Lgo dunie 8 to 17. branches in the zone, wil] I An organizational meeting march to the Mllbrook Arena was held recently with mem- where the Drumhead'Service ersan eeutive of Branch will take place. Tony Bas- !02 and a temiporary programf .ciano, of Peterborough,,wiliLbe ha enarne.the parade marshall. Pt is expjjected that the guest Among the various guest speke 'orthe event will be who will attend will be Bert Don Wilson, president of Woodcock of Hastings, newly- Provinicial Comimand. elected commander of Zone Plans so far include a F-5; Art Richards of Peter- pard hc will muster at borough; past zone command- *" ~ 3 130 p.m., and march off at er; akAasfHvlc ~ ~ . **~. 1: 45 p.m. Therewill be a short deputy district commander o<'<.. stop at the War Memorial WalterBaileyof Coe Hill, BATON RESULTS Ac'ompetitiofl was held in Dunýdas, Ont., on Sat., Ma,, ,,th. Our resuits from1 this competitiofl are as tfollows: iii the Senior Division I15)to 20 years - 15 yea old Kathiy Bjlke on a third iadvanced solo, a th-ird oin advaonced The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, May 16, 1973, j7 military march, a third i,, advanzced basic strut and a fifth in parýade solo majorette. In thp junior Division il to 14 years- il year old Sharon Fr,,irow won a fourth in advanced solo and a fifth in 14 y.,ears - il year old Cassie Wilsoni, won a third in her ad6anced T Strut. Duet, Partners - Kathy Blake and Cassie Wilson won a fourth in their advanced duet The Memorial Park Association has purchas- George Dilling were on hand on Monday, May 7th, ed two' new sets of bleachersfor the north baseball to pose for a picture with the new seats. diamond at Memorial Park. Outside Property Association President Mvarg Jeffery indicated that Supervisor Garfield Clarke (sitting on a section of the bleachers cost $600. The seating capacity at the new bleachers) and Memorial Park Caretaker! the north diamond is now 'over 125.. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOC)TI1C E' to Property Owners to Destroy Weeds Notice is hereby given to ail persons in possession of land in accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1970, C. 427, Section 4, 14 and 20, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Trown of Bowmanville are destroyed by the l5th day of June, 1973, and throughout the season as often as is necessary to prevent the ripening of their seeds and dispersai of their pollens, Bowmanville forces may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against thle ow7ner, and collecting in like manner as, for Muinicipal Taxes. In the linterest of public health, noxieus weeds requiring eradication as they appear, are Goat's-Beard, Chicory, Thisties, l-ag- weed, Poison Ivy, Wild Carrot, etc. Although Dandelions, Burdock and Goldenrod are not considered noxioùs weeds under The Weed Control Act, the co-operatikon of ail citizens is solicited in the elimination of these nuisance weeds. Ancnymous 1complaints regarding weeds cannot be, accepted. C. E. WATT, Weed Inspector. NOTI-CE The citizenis of Bowmanville are adv ised that By-Law No. 67-12, which is a by-law to regulate the settingr off of fireworks and the sale ýf fireworks is in force in -the Town of Bowmanvîlle. 1y-Law No. 67-12 reads as follows: WHIEREAS it is deemed necessary in the interest of safety and quïietuide te regulate the settingoff and sale. of fireworks; NOW TREREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Trown of Bowmanville pursuant te the provisions of Section 379(l) para graphs 30 and 31 of The Municipal Act, R.S.0. 1960, Chapter 249, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. No person shall seil at retail in the Town of Bowmnanville any fireworks of anykind or description whatsoever at any timne during the calendar year with thé exception of three business çlays immediatçly preceding the day set by Statute for theý observance of Victoria Day and Victoria Day and except the three business days immediately preceding the day set by Statute for the observance of Dominion Day and Doiniion Day, except by special authority of the Council. 2. No person shall seli by eali h said Town of Bowmnanviile any fireworks of any kind or description whatsoever te anyone under the age of ëeighteen years. 3. No person who proposes' te seil fireworks of any kind or description at retail shal' exhibit aniy display of any such fireworks in any dispiay window. This prohiiîtion shall net apply te prevent imitation of such fireworks beinig displayed provided there is ne explosive or chemical contained in such imitations. 4. Ne persen shalh fire or set off or cause te be fired or set off any fire bail, squib, crackers or fireworks' of any kind wh-a tsoever, within the tewn limits of the Town of Bowmanville except on the days set by Statute for the observation of Victoria Day a nd- or Dominion Day and then only if on bis or her own property. Provided that if specialiy authorized by a permit issuied by the Council of the said Town of Bowmanviile a ny person may fire or set off fireworks in other places or on other days. Such per- mits shahl define the location where the fireworks are te be set 'off and shahl require that ail fire works that may be set off under such permit shiail bc under the supervision of a responi-1 sible person of at least twenty-one years of age. 5. No person shall set off fire works on any public street or roadway within the Town of Bowmnanviile at any time. 6. Ail By-laws or parts of By-iaws inconsistent with this by-law are hereby repealed. 7. Any person wbo contravenes any provision of this by-law uipon co--nviction, be fiable te a penalty net exceedîng $5o.00 recoverable under the Suimmary Convictions Act, ail the provisions of which shah apply except that imprisonment may be for the termn of not îmore than twenty-one days. 8. The provisions of this By-law shahl be deemed te be in effect fromr the date of the final passing thereof. J. M. :Mc-iroy, ..CT BURKETON- With Mr,. and Mrs. W. Bryan during the we-ekend were Miss Rosemary Greer, Oshawa and friend MIr. Wm. MacDonald, Oshawa. Several from this district enjoyed a dinner held in Enniskillen United ChuÉch sponsored by the U.C.W. They also enjoyed a showing of clor-ed slides taken locally in Florida and ail over Canada, put on by Mr. 'and Mrs. Francis Werry.i Mrs. T. B-'ailey has returned home after spending a couple of weeks visiting in Oshawa. Mr. John Tabb called on Mrs. F. Tabb on Friday. Mr. Tom Trick is hospitaliz- 1 d. We hope he will soon be better and able to be home again. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Greenwood, Kendal and Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, Oron)o, were callers of Mr. and Mrs., Bryan over the weekend. The Genieral store i the i o11aw!ne by ne ibys hsbeen sold, Io SHORICUTS To LEISURE... One of the 10 models of Ford riding mowers, Jawn tractors and lown and garden tractors. Take a shortcut ta leisure -this summer! Zip throug'h your yard chores on a Ford riding mower, Iawn tractor or aown and garden tractai'. SWide selection of models. Equip- ment for every job. A4nd ai the right price. Five lawn and garden tractors -10 ta 16 hp. Two lawn tractorg -7 horsepower, Three riding mowers-5 or 7horsepowet Miore. than 50 attachments. Loovk them aver soon. TakRs yaur pick and get your Ford lawn and gardien equipment working i buildingj more kisure for you ih;s summ-,erJ Oshawa BOýWM"ANVILLE, Ont. <Hligh a y No. 2 i mile east of Courtice Rd.) I Holiday Wîeekend Features Ct I AGEO" 9078 LARC LA RC WHEE 1.00x P RET *EASY HlANOI *MADE CANAI .31' *FRA TIRI NYL .4 F' 3; si WOHEELBARROWS UP0 IA OSNEO FOR EASY POLIRING INOFORMS WEAY DUTY CONTRACTORS go~eeorM DE 49.97 S07eO eetorTRAY 25 il)"40' LNG 9o784gWood Hantdies ýAPAC T1Y 324CL if0 31.99 We Stock Cahadian 8 Matie Quality Wheel- TIR£barrows anti can-sup- 1SLMAl ply any parts needeti "LE ta repair your alier ýE INSTiJRvY LARGE CAPACITY barrows. AA STEEL EXTRA RUGGED) 7ML", 4 Cubic TO LAST.18 SUBIJRBAN HÀALLMAC, wA.RRANYY S U LS ASIABOUT ERTt TF MADE 'REOt HOE IN SFR FE CL CANADA C ORE * FLO 46H 382N" 12.77 * oGN 460384 5 -49 4' No. 46-03862 112.97 ALUMINUM 12.77 Up TO REAN ~V4 cati supply 16 speciah ladders 16'for Industry -- Incquire! -2ni ege"2e 40' Storem PROTECTIVE -NO DRIP WOOD STEAIN INTER IOR -EX TERI OR REDWOOD TIFIED WOOD STAIN Non drip, protective woo4fl stain, for interior or exteor. Available in "Redwood, 1and "lCedar"'. Ideal for wýood4ý. fences, patios, outdoorfrn- ture.- cottage siding. Reg. $5.88 Ga . SPECIAL4 $A,67IoDAYS4 Gai. QUALITY AT REASONABL PRICES -EASYTOAPP 7-7-7 ALI PURPOSE, CLEAN, ODOURLESS E ASY SPREADING 77-7 FORMULA FOR LAWNS, GARDENS AND FLOWER BIOS 260702 4 0 1,BS, 1.76 * NNORTHERN& EASTERN AREAS 2.17 PER BAC. I BEAUTI-LAWN NO. 1 MIXTURE FAST GROWING, HARDY MIX WITH NO CLOVER. REQUIRES A MINIMUM 0F CAR E. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND Cov 51L 25 L 50 L ONLY E264 .97 .265 .89l 6026i .85 60267 .79 02618 .77 HOME HARDWARE STORES WHITE PREMIUM Hmouse paont IZER LY ...260879 18 LB. 260878 3-47 ALKYD FINISH~ C OVE RS", IN i COAT WHEN DIRECTIONS4 ARE FOLLOWED. EXTERIOR GLOSS OFFER IallUP* fi '* USE YOUR 'ICHARGEX' A4T HOE H23RDWARE 1 KIN G ST. WEST - BoWlMAN iVILLE dieputy F-3 zone commander; Elmier Pearse of Peterbor- ough, zone sec retary-treasur- er; George Chappaîl, of Lake- field, zone chairman:, John Maw, of Oshawa, district commander; Cliff Cote of Lindsay. deputy district com- mander, and others. The -salute wi lletaken hy a group of oa WrdWarI veterans. Thïe Drumhei,,ad Scrvice is heing pianned and( arranged' by the local Legion br-anch un,,der the direction) of the branch president, Bo)b Carr and Rex Park, sergeanit-at- arms. Aýssemhly "area for, the form-ation] of the ,parade wmi!l be NWlhimore's store. -Examiner Mm= wn ýý - - ýâ p ',

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