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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1973, p. 1

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Vix-Year-QId Bv Dreams of Exciting Ccreer VOLUME118 _ 20 pages BOWANVLLE ONARL, EDNSDA, MY 1 1731.5e Per Co0py NU 1 IBLFEE 20 Reeve Garnet Rickarýý Sets Record Strc i t Cotrary to what has been int-eted ireceîtly, in the press in Port Ihope and elsewhiere,, Dart- ington Reeve GanetRickard dlid NOT -reveal that the government had rejected Oshawa's hid for the centre of the proposed regioti and had chosenl Newcastie as the gvrmn seat.- Reeve Riekard explained to the Statesjnan that ail he had stated was that Newvcastle was the geographic centre of the proposed region east of Mletro Toronto. 1Reeve ieckard had made tion. What e a tyngt the original comment i the impress uw uptat meeting Greenwood Towýers in Port was that pieole îshould stop Hope last t4wek x ý'ere hewas rfrrn o the ewreina addresing meeing oflte the'OsawaCentred reon DiaondTrange Asoia- (Turn to Page Two) Local Studrents GÔet ;Pa1,~4OO OFY Gôran.t To AssîstEley Twenty - Nine Students Gradiuate from B aby - Sitting Cour-,se Teh younig peopie from Bowmanville have been awarded an $1]40 Opor- tunfiies for Youth grant f'or a project they cali Senior Citi- zens Assistance. Wayne Hlunt, who acted as, a spokesmnan for the gro)up indicated tht the-project is similar i0 one run two years a!go iintown. The 10 student,, ail buttomit of whom is fromi Bowmanille(, wili perform a citizenis in, oxavil n area They -vintend to visitalil the Olid Age Homes in the area, four in Bowmanviile and two in NewcastIe, provide trans- porta tion for those oider people wh-o cannot get to There were doý,zens of inte-resting displays at di Bowmaicnvle igh ictSchool last WednesdaybutSI] son of MTNr. and Mlrs. M-ýerrili Brown, Queen Street OPF mo,(torcycýle. Colstable David Miecoy I oaned IE youngste,-r probabitly imagineod he was gunn'ing the highway, catching a spe-eder. We have many M displays, but nio roomt for thfemn this week. Incident and thie Newcý,ýastle detachntnl is holding an headquarters on Frî'day and wi-ll wxelcomre vîsitor Test Toen'SAir, Wte ents ~ ~ ~ iii eBemn roatecre(ks auddamsIn in a relatielý that therel",is o serious ce euirpnent.pollution e atrreorcs paSt three weeks, The tess seug Wtediscover amn carrid euton the anmunt etfsuch thigs ns nd;( the arinl the ciorine, ammonfia or phos- ïdistict. Sme 14 pjorus pre-sent lun the .vater. jies were tken The graphs etf these tests ýExpo '73 Career Day af x-year-old Doug Brown, Lwas fascinlated 'by, the :)oug his fheletand the big machine dwnthe hos-pitals uel a (hegroup lhas the, use mol tree cars) and sponso,,r automobile tours of the area. lu11)addlition, thev intend [to perform iight work th aueesIo bu done at the hmsof Bomanvlll&s older citizen[s, schas cutting laýwns, paintingltrim, Clearing garages, nds seon.LAi]thee services iil be free of charge, of course. Hiunt îndicaled that the group wiI perate -out O o a office at thle Victor ,ano building at 74 King yStreet 'Fhe projeet îiýs sated to e underway n une 4tA and run for 12jeks thriouigh unil August 2t New PoIicy Covers Nom-Union Staff olre pic tures o« va îous As of teMonday, May 7th, alytis is Poliîce Week mein fth('Bwznuvii Ope bse attheir twnconliainnuinie ('Uý ( ieoý lare now >tntement reglarding staffPol- tit. t î tficre cb d aud t istribut i o ochelicalsi~ f nforcement lýofice4r, "wsdraf- theQ water with lnone -beingo atedi. for, the miost part, last seriou"s or lhealth-datamagingi natue. omevery neetnverb h eoitgCm tacs cme ut f tesestuiesmittee, 1madeu lp of former one f te mst nterstig Cuncllor en ïHooper and bieing ý,the fact that h s(Il reet e t-eeeJim (Tu r n to Pèae Two> Blell, wth thew advice and ClakeHigh School Athletes Again Win? Meet In A Romp (n Thursday at Bowmanville High School, athletes from the ftour ýWest Durhamseonar 'sehool]s priiptdin a track and fîeld meet wt Chutke again wînining the oeaichamipioniship a they have doune for the past 10 years. Their score was 440, 252 for boys' eventls anid 188 for girls. Bowrianville was in sec-ond spot with 301, bo-ys' 188 andI girlsý' 113.Cutc came thîrd with -148, 40 for the boys and 108 for girls. Cartwright trailed, %with 93, 69 for boys and 24 f'or girls. In the boys' events, the championsvweire aIlfrom Clarke, înspired no chdubty the feaeteam Captain Peggy DeWtshw above holding thie sehoitol trophy. Others, fr-oni lef t to right: Mlidget cham-pioýn Don Mîýartin, Junior champion Jimi Brennanj, tied f or the Senior crown, Rob, Russell and Nei Brennan. c x pm shiptitefr the girls wrejBuday of Bowmanv.,ille. Mr Ann Gr-oetelaars of nut ar ong A~ee col, rmlftuto rght,1 Bowmianville won the Mîidget championship. The ýor chmpioni Arlene Keatýley ofl Courticej events were hamnpered somnewhlat by wet groundls the Jui-iior title, Mary Ann De-WittL of j and stro-ng winds. June Timumers of Courtice and Cathy! tratf) o u cio Thle nw ôîc ovrfv basicareas i.sandars o OIn May th), 9 girls graduated fromn the baby-sittinig course a t Cent ral Pubi c School sponisor-ed by the Nrhmeln-uhmTub- erculosis and ftes-,pîrýa t ory\1 Diseases A,3ssociaioni. E. R'ichard Lvein mmedicate past rsietofi the ascain spoke to the ýgirls about theý responsibiiity theyv now have because of thep knowledge ïtheyve gin2. any parents attended the ceLremioniEsý held in the basemnentl of the library. rThe igraduates,front roov, left to right, [STjrg iUTSRE b. ~i j iBITS PIECES t NOTýý FOREAL A briefie nBdVru' Rleal Estate adivertisemnrt last weekc apparently- waus well read on Wednesdajy nigh-t, 'and brought reprcssions far beyond hlis or.u xettos It'listed a Chrysler Car Dealership for sale, without mentioning the location. Readers jumped to conclusions and ahi day Thursdiay were p;honing5ý County Chrysler at Mà1aple Grove either wanting [o buy or expressing surprise that they wresehhing. Owner Lloyd James anid his wife Ka-y understandably were annoyed because their Place is NOT for sale, they like it here anid are doing well, The one advertised was somewhlere else, far removed from Bowmnanville area. Sorry!1 But,ý the many caîls did show quite clearly that people read The StRatesmnan from cover to cover, DOESN'T LIVE THERE - lin last week's Provincial Court, a viiung man on a d1rugç charge, frsome' reason listed bisaddrel-SS as 180 Duke StreeC, Bowmvan ville. but the folks wbo hive there say theY lhave n1eyer met the chap . .. and hie certain1Y doesn't live at that a dd re ss. QUIET H1OLIDA'Y - Because of the new safety restrictions on fireworksdipa, the Rotary Club has been forced to abandon the project. Apparently, they have been unable to obaiq- suitable site to set them off. MISSED H1lM - Wve were boping to say h1ello to gardenin"g expert John Basa at Van Belle Gardensý on Saturtday afternoon, and nxaybev taker a picture of lim Iwith some of, the hunldreds oliq)hocame to seu him on saýt- urday Unfotunatly, e were ak bit Late in arriving and he'd araydeparted so we'l have t'o %wait untîl next year. BANQU ' ETS - Wvýouild you believe t1hat on Saturday night, there were at least six banquets that we knýow, of in town and immediate area, four bowling and twvo hockey. AIl evening- we were taking pictures of wi,,nninig teamns and players, while the aroma of roast turkey or heef dîd its hest to wreck our sJimming diet, aided and abetted by the sight of hompemade pies covered wt whipped creamn or mouth-watering meringue. We estimait- ed that over 100 men and womien were 'lnvolved in serving the mneals, cleaning up --nid %ashing the dishes. Wonder what would happen If ail those groups su4denly said to heck with it, w,ýe won't serve any more meals. A lot of good causes thecy support by the receipts from thlose banquets would go clown the drain. CHANGES -- This town is cbanging so rapidly it's difficit to keep up. This week, MceDon- aid's Varîety store, King st. East, has chngd ands and will now be operated by Henry Jacobs. And Larxner's I-anidy' Store on Scugsog Street ba's closed. WVe noticed that W 1ýestern Tire ha,-s brightened up t.he f'ront of their store on Kof g St. W'est anid Mylecs Radio and TV is in the process of renovating the priemises formely occupîed hy Colhiss Eljectric at the cornier of King and S8ilver. Forr Gradtes7&s Susan Goudey.ý SanoraCa, Erin NicLks, Diane Stevens, Heather Anyan; second row, Barb Bryson, Carol Lunan, Melody Aibîn, Barb Waitson, Leslea Diypeand'v'al1,Slooýs; third irowý, Joyce, JasperslFayer, Suzanne Clioff, Nanicy Bon Barb King, JoanneHlroyd, Janet Mackenzie and Jane Colm-er; tourth rwLenoreAd sJy Hlone, Darlene, Topple, Jd Ricaýrd, Rolly lRobbns, Brenda Curts, Donna Munday, Elly Davey, Sherrys Langlais; absent, AJule Walker. r Essure oaRe- he Nrthuberluud Dur- )n Tursay, ay rdin an urgent needfor he laciliies et heý( old( Bomniiigb schwolon OQuecu Street 'Phw delegatiol l thý1atume w lihJohnilSimith , !tleuParilua t i on M iister To inW els1 inlddthree boardtrse, AStri:kkeAI Werryand Kn thris an immeodiatenedt pubilicshos At mpr'eent. i hepb eut building boom, presr cdtue ucrease sharply es 1Turn te Paýge Tvwe) Chocose New Queen of Cour#ice -Secondcry School At -, the aualCourtice Secondary School Prom n Saturdayn 9't Nancy -l"Iihs ofEniihn was chosýýen as th-is ya' ue.Sei h here beiîngcone by Was year's Queen Elizabeth Gerrils, wvhile at righst is first Princess Mdarg Skinner and second Princess Joyce MceGregor is on the ef t. The Prom was a most enjoyabl-e event with elaborate decorations transforming the cafeteria into a simulated niight, club atmAosphe,,,re. tests haýve bc the water a! 1 1

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