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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1973, p. 2

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"IThe Canadian Statesmran, B&wmanville, May .16, '1973 May 15th, 1973 2, Newcastle, plie a ded der. He is 'lot to) associate' Judge R. B. Baxter pore- ,guiltyV, to a charge oif ithI Robert Sowden, he is sided, %vith As5si st a nt forgery during April. It to reside with his parents, Crown Attorney,, K. Stub- was a il e ged D'eBlasio and is to stay away fromn ington and duty coýuUnSel made out a of $410 Port Hfope except in day- Mr. D. Barber. tohiel and signed by a li'ght hours he can go Frank Grof, R.R. 5, Bowý,- brother-in-law, E. Zanider. there on business. rnanvî.lle, charged b.1y the It was cashed ut Axai- Malcolm Har-vey, who Department of H e alith strong's Store, Orono. His hias been in custody sincC2 with failing to comply to counsel stated restitution April 2nd, on a charge of a sanitary disposai be- would be made. HE was break and enter, waIs tween April 9th arid Ari1l remnanded to July 10th for' again remnanded in cus- 2tpleaded "gullty". Mr. a pire se'ntence report. tody tu June l2Ith whjle a Barber counsl for r. Cont. Schultz was the in- pre sentence rpr spe Gr0f, said an exeniv vstigati;ng officer. pared, Several charges installation has beýen made Robt. Thloms, 19, Garden' were read out and he and it Should not happen Hill, charged last Novem- pleaded "guilty" ta 41. again. The Crown s;aid heý ber with dangerous driv- Raymond Spratt, 44, 374 iA~ been given conisder- ing wý.hile on probation. Çadillac Ave., S. Oshaw,,a, able timne to make the ai- was given a further terni pleaded "gCuilty" ta driv- terations and he must of probation and is to ap- ing while having consýum- realize tlis situation Ca-,»- pear in court when re- ed over .08 on April 8th. not exist. The fine was quested. Three additional Const. Martin observed a $200, cýosts $3, or 20 day.5 conditions were, added to car weaving on1 Taunton Mý,arip PDeBlasioi, 34, R.R. the original probation or- Road.' Tests wvere .12 and Adam & Eve Unisex 'Il TEMPE RANCE ST. (Just Off Four Corniers) BWINIL _ tM>â BOWMAva à&Ea vuwý Our Specialty 15 * a THE NEW MODERN CUTS for Men und Women MATHEW OPENING SPECIAL on'PERMS $10.50 Permi - Special $ 8.50 $20.50 Perm - Specia'l $15.50 $15.50 Permi - Special $11.50 $25.50 Perm - Speciai $20.50 FOR APPOINTMAENTA O P HONE 6231 Rectiring BHS Principal Ler' Lucas waIs r' finle spirits Friday afterioor', 111:11t andi bie haid good rao to be. Hle is pictured sitting atop a s;it on tractor-iawnmower he was presente-d by'vthei' high )schnoo students as a retirement gift. Next ta rncplLuc,-as is JerryPotr who waýs thle President of the cB-HS Stu- denits' onclduriri'g 9, -8 Aiso shaing in the good humor is BHS iLcacher, Farn- vinus convictions regard- ing,_ payme(nts3 for hauing Cecli E. White., Bancroft, charged for hlaving no reuar direcion,.al llghts ar'd no brake lights, was fined $20, costs$, in decfault twa days. Norman Dýavis. 28, Ken- dal, repme-ýsen.ted by K Van Nest, pleaded "tnot guîlty" at aý previous court heaing to taking a moto- cycle from- Jos. White on' July 10th, 1'972. Paul Jack- son, a witness,' failed ta appear, sO, the trial was pspedta a later date. StvnA. Badgely, 173 Mary St., Belleville, char- gedMrcb22nd with driv- ing_ 62 ile (s Pur hour in a 40 miez n rNew,,castl, cost $3 jr'defultn evc 48, Rj.R. 1, Orona, epre- ser'ted by r.T. Kly pleaded "g 1,0 tatw.o charges of ind!cent as- sault on two malepuîs The chargeus were ivsi gated by Const. Ka-zaký.1 Mr. Kelly saîd Mr. McCoy intends fte bave Canada. Judge Baxter put Mr. Mc- Coy on probation for two years and drint(is per- iod hie is flot taO seek or accepit a pDosition in the teachling profession anyv- where Itn Canada. Rteeve Garnet ( From, nPa-)g e On e) The Dariington Reeve e-- phasized that 'at no time has the goývennt (of Ontario) anniounced (bath Oshawa is ta be the, centre of the region or (ba0t tbe regitoniil be namned after Obw. -0Oshawa ,;'will be just anotb- em municipa lity in the region" be said, -and the various municipalities will he goir'g into the re set-up on an equal footing." "'People in Port [lape ar'd Cobourg are saying tha)t (bey have no ties with Oshawýa but, tikback, what ties did Darlir'gton have with Cobourg when the United Counties were fommied 100 yeams ago, in me Miorse and buggy days r The Uitedi Counties aren't ciie te Coboulrg go' Rickrd dd idicatu tirat b felt the provinice rýcoginized that sbawa 1 is avey powefuicit inour ecan- Thle economc base an'd earingi£ potentiai of Osbawa is very great", lbe said, "'and its influence mnust be reckoned wi th."- He urged the members of the Diamrond Triangle asso- ciation Io consider wbere their ir'terests eaIliylie -ta thep area tat the east, with Treýnton and Belleville; Lo the northi, withi Peter'borough; or (o th(, west, with the rcst of the- United C ountics and Oshîawa. Dcputyý-Recvc V. A. Vos- burgb of Plort Hope asked Rliekard at the meeting what the regi on shouid be caiicd if-it wem'e not the Oshawýa centrcd Reeve Riekard mceplicd that the namie would be chosen by the memer unlicipalities wbich form the region. EXPANDING BUSINESS An annauncement in (bis edition States thalt thei in-surance business operat- ed by? ANlsonE. 0Osbomne fr-om hIis 1h(ome onLo's L-ane is bigeprdd bas joined Mm. Oshomn;e as arteran(lie office Is mcngnoved ta the rear of the Registry Office, com LeresIey who drove coldiuy irni a 'reaiiy* tetractor in througb the m)emnorable gift when bfe halls. retired. Mr. Porter, now, taking an MýA in Phaiirmacy iýa cMal-ster University, .was on hand Friday ta mnake the, officiai presentation on behiaîf of al the students fr'om 196f2-73. Every year Silice Mr. Lulca's has been principal, the Stud- ents Counlcîl fhas put miorey into a bank accounti so they The amingl thing is that lie didr't get ir'd of either the speciai fund Or the fact that there was ta be a presentatian on Frýiday\. He wcas obviousiy flabb)jergaýsted by1 the gift and quite touched., -1 don't know what to say, other than thank y ou ail very m-tuchi," he saidl. Test Town'es New PIicîey (From Pagçe One) (From Pane One) bad an unusuai amiount o 0 ivace,3Bee itsad aikiiityoracdi~y -Ouside Welfare; 4. MàiscelJieous of this; factor, tere wvas 'litt'ie Conditions and Prov-isions, out of the ncormal to report. indcudng standards of con- Tbe air tests aiso rec Inctc and .5. Pnlis nothing out (of,'the odiay.0iToamnrdinents ( o the. course, Ithere are occasional r.commjIendations' proposed momlentis 'wheraur ind(ustr'ie-s by the Negotiating Commriittee do show a abniormudaaoun't w passed b)y Couincil before of smokeisugfot from the plic was adopted. Foi- the smokestack. The tes"ts Iowrnig a motion by Counicillor. taken did not shiow ý7any Larr'eMson, the temmn of evidence of elemnents sucb as sriebfr onem carbon-dioxide cor carbon-sploy ie isentitled twifouri mnonoxide in abnormi quanti- p wfeks acatn was s ot - die. T"e aile the Water , v ison-vsshrelc in g00d shape at the present frm 4 ears la 12 yeaus. momet. Asda drug plan wýas enacted for i-dl theemlyescovered One of thenost ists ing udle hepolicy. fact ors in aur studis a(4he ITnder t rpo to Oie- amnount of gambage tbrown ar'cesý section, the poiicy into the Creeks in Bowman- sates, laried employees vile. Articls such as tires, ae fmee at any time ta discuss batties and canýs wrplentîtullpronigriev'ances w h thir and the presence of broker' departmiert head." If the glass was, inded, a MazaS employee is not satrsied, he for younig children. People mythen itake bc is or hem, seem ta like ta catch fish and grievance ( tde Clue-d icave tb.em iyir'g (orot in the nistratorandif mot (ber' sun aiong the banks of the saîi i, myakfra Creeks.d People stiforhum icaes and ol tH reu n inutview witb the Negoiating towr', and (bis adds ta aim !commit, nd lin ts pollution. 0f course, the faction, Cnisl. c lý automobile is stili the nmi h eate oiycas source of aur air pollution and specifies that -dismissais are no anc semns ta bave four'd a madfe for serious imiisconidutiý, solution ta (bs prablemn. TMeepeatcd minisdemneariors or streets of the tawn wmee an cor'stantly unsatrsactory and wcll-kcptwbicb is cvi- womk performance." dence of tbe wrk of the WVorks Twelve "tips" egarding !DeparMient and the intecest stand(ards of c-onduct wcrec of the citizens in (beir towr'. inicluded in the nw policyý,"t Wc( didi expect ta discover heip the mye do a bte much more pollution t(hanr i w jb."- founid in aur tests. The fact Emnployees are advised (o (bat Abs was nat so car' be be coureou, punctual and explair'ed by the întcrcst 0of considemate. Thcy aorcdis- conccmned lpeoiplenin kceping )coraed from mýaking per- our town as frec as possible sonal telephonie calis and fromn industries (biat would accepting tîps and gifts. cause pollution. Wc enccd (o be R'egarding tips and gifts, the con-statiy a, n aur guard (bat satmet Sys you arc these conditons \CH continue.s' ,Ne se what bas happenod 0 expected ta caurteously de- the strcamqs in the cities and uhne suchl offers wt the we do not want ouwWanard epaainthat 1ti~e servi'ce air (o be paiiutcd in such a1you ender is a normal maniner. activity and acceptance of a gitt is against the policy of the Everyone car' heip (o keep tO\vn. conditioýns as they> are iv "Intîdxicants,' andj work do fllowing thesu e fewrîlesý: fo mx saesaother Do not hum ileavesorgrbg (cwoi fo nt ricte in your backyard r Do nottlitter intoxicants) to \wo1k and the streets wýithi paper and nvr use (hemn while at ork. otherrefuse; Use thle waste Breauých of this rule wili flot be cans providedl for yourj use;:oeae Try waiking înstead of using ________ the car for those short trips ., this keeps the air dlean and PHOTOS ON DI1SP1LAY also keeps you healihy. Re-m- An exhibition of photo- ember every liittie thing you do graphs by James Mc- helps kepBwavle pol- Knight of Oshawa is cur- lution free. rently on display at 'the This study was conducted Photographic Gallery.' in by: D-oug Viia, rthur Ille lower level of the Doyle. Dave Gilchrist, ea Library1. The exhibition Five Geographyý,. B H.S wrli Conti nue until June 9th., WE RENT EVRHNG BEFORE STARTINO YOUR NEXT PROJECT, LOO0K OVER THE EQUIPM-'ENT WE HAVE AVAILABLE. WE NOW HANDLE JACCUZI SWIMMING POOL Chemicals and Acces sories Ti!m's R E NT- AL L PHONE 6234321 .55 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE R e tiri1ng BH1OMS Principacl Flabbergaisted by Gift DELOITTE, H-ASKINS & SELLS School EBoard (From Page One) year. The local board wants to usýe the old hîgh school as a senqior- eiemientary school grades 7 and Pi. Thle sehool was to have been rer'ovated this year but the 'spending ceiiings imposed by the provincial government made (bis impossible. The original cost estimates ta renavate the entire-schiool ,were $90Ô,000. However, local trustee Strike told the MNay ioth Board af Education, meetingý, that "with only a few improvements, the portion of the aid high schoo bulît in, 19,54 couild probably bc used very s0on., Ile reported that the educa- tion authorities had saîd it wouild be possible ta use the old BHS without a comiplete building project approved by the fire imarshaii. Thie board passed Strike's motinon ta study the future uise of the výacant schoor as a seniýor eiemientary seho)ol. Director otf Education Fraink Thom cauitioned that the Board muLst not assumne that because the Ministry is behind themi that the students ýar' just mIove in. "A year ago the Mlinlistry \old hv turned thumbfs down on the idl"ie said. 71 King St. East - Bowmranvi:le Les and Jim McDonald wish to thank 'thleir many customecrs and friends for their past support and request continued patronage for the new owner. MR. HENRY JACOBS Due to the new Fire Regulations, we are unable to fnd asuitable site for our annual Fireworks Display, Therefore, we are forced to cancel it at this time. BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB W. M. W~Isonl, President. NOTI CE 0F APPLICATION BY TH E COR PORATION 0F TH E TOWN OF BOWMANVI LLE % to DISPENSE WITH A VOT"nE 0F THE ELECTORSIw TAýKE NOTICE THAT: I. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bo)wnianiville intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the works referred to in Schedule "A" hereto, at an estimated cost in respect of eachi work as shown in such sehedule and that the suni of $47, ,945 less ant anticipated subsidy froni the Department of Highways off Ontario in the amount of $395 that is $24,000 shahl be raised by the sale of debentures p-ayable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding ten years. 2.Application will be made to the Ontario Mlunicipal Board fora order to dispense with the assent of the 'electors toth undertaking of the said Works. Any ratepayer may witini twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, send b1y post prepaid to 'the Clerk of the Townt of Bowmanville the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objections to such approval and the grounds of sncb objection. 3.The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statuite that the assent of the electors shaîl not be required and -may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objection wîll be considered.11 DATED AT THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE TIS 16THl DAY 0F MvAY, 1973. J. M. MeILROY, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk-Administrator 40 Temperance Street Bowmianville, Ontario SCIIEDULE "A" Road Improvements The followring Streets shall be pa'ved with. 1l/-, inch of Hot--Mix Asphalt: STREET Base Line Mlearns Avenue Ontario Base Line Rehder Avenue Edsall Avenue Frederick Ave. Jacknian Road Mearns Ave. Queens Avenue Brown Street Mearns Avenue Queen Street Fourth Street Elgin Street Grant Lane Cemetery Road Flett Street FROM 300' E. of Liberty Mearnis Av enu e Concession South 850' Liberty Nelson Waverly 1400' East Scugog 685' West ScuIgo g 665' West Scugog1 685' West Scugog 3000.' West 300' N. Base Line6l5' North Queen Street 170' South King Street 400' South C. P.R. Tracks 31001 North to 3rd Concession Ontario Street Liberty Street High Street 5551 West C.P.R. Bridge 3100' Nortrh Division Street Centre Street King Street 760' South Jane Street Parkway Cres. AMOUNT $ 5,325.00 1,870.00 1,700.00 2,800.00 1,500.00 1,475.00 1,500.00 6,10().00 1,500'.00 4.50.00 1,000.00 6,820.00 2,860.00 1,475.00 6,820.00 5004.00 1,35000 2,900.00 $47,945,00 Cliartered Accountanis OFFICES 'IN MAJOR CANADIAN VITIES BELL, CANADA BUILDIN(x OiSHIAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEUL, F C.A., R.I.A. GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C. 4. BURT R. WVATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 Announcîn g.. the Sa le of McleDo-tnald Variety u MIN OPEN

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