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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1973, p. 7

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-Çfemns oj Phone Mr. and Mrs. Howar Piekard spent Mother's Da wii the,-h 'r dauuhter an famnily, Mr. and Mes. yBrh Watts, Tracy and Trc Rexdale, 0Ont. Mr. aýnd Mrs. Wmr. ragand Mr. Allen- Bragi the ,veekend in Primmir and were guests atbt MUrs. L. M.Ket has r( turned Cobrrno hom after spendîng a few vda-y with 'Mrs, George W. Jame King St '. East. Mr. and Mrs, R. MvcBrid( R.R. 4, Bowmanv-ille, hosi ed a family reunion recenl ly to celebrate the birthda of Collins McBride of Pei erborough. Guests attenc ed from St. Thomnas, Hanr ilton, Toronto, Oshawa an Peterborou-gh-. Mrs. Harold St. John an Lynn, Scarborough, wer Friday dinner guests ar Mr. and Mrs. Gog Bowei NestIcton, wereý Saturdla' evening dinergurts0 REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Sýcu.gog Street phonme 623-7407, SUND)AY SERVICES Back to God Ilour Dia1 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:310 a.m. United Church Rev. H. A. Trner Jn ors an nêseiae Il a.m. jKindergarten and Primary nîpeg Baillet. 1,Q Toronto Symphony Concerts, aine 1~ rock concerts and five jazz tÇnterest concerts. Performîng will be Oscar Peterson. Ray 623-303Charles, S;tomiping Tom Con- 623-3301nors, Wilf Carter and the Ivan Romanoff Singers. 7d M. an Mms JîmThc Durhamr College of rd r, nd rs.Jim1Aber- Applied Arts and Tech- ay nethy, Concession Street. nology- will hold the 1973 nd Congratulations > to M. Convocation on Thursday, gn Leslie Anderson, who ee May 24, 7:30. Mm.r Justice a. brnted bis 91st birtilday Patrick Galligan of the SU- witb a fanmily dinner party-preme Court of Ontario J. at bis home, 29 Centre St., will be the Convocationi 1g on Sunday. speaker af the ceremony te iii Mm. and Mms. W. W. Bag1- be beld au the Oshawa Cbiv- is neil were ia Sudbury on the jr Auditorium. te -%eekend te attend the Members Of theLaes g9 wedding of Mr. Vemu Grubin Mna ih oln e- and Jeoanne Leblanc'. Mr. Longue held tirl Annlual nE Grubin waýrs formnerly a Banquet Monday Ieoning atL YE mombor of Pino Ridge Memloriai Park. Presidlent 5s School staff. Mm. and Mrs. Onie Etcher, the executive Bagnoli also visited Mm. and pdgetMngrA s le Mr.Er unigima borne and Mrs. Osborne, of ;t MrissKay Moesan Libertv Bowl: Mrs. John tt- Miss May Coseusnnms-Seo oand Mrs. John James eyMis-Maryning aI Onshaw were 'seated at the head ýt. es-n-tareturnOshwatable, The ta-bles were deýc- d- odIis wl k Hom acartion- orated vith -arrangements n- d in tho Gek rranBaaas.-f cfed canations and white ' nithe Corind '.conam si,,gle mumns, and brandy Tdeoo Coir rcentîy mdade snifters 1wltb red roses. A ie acoo br o r cet aedeiicious tuirkey ýdinner was re brefconcert tour to Silv- serred hy the menmbers of id or dreek, N.Y., where tbey hv eoiiPr soi ýr oined with Silver Creek atonfoioedbyenertan 3'y Secondamy School Choir li etby tenaumlf a musical prograin. Area uan et students weme entertained Qurartette .R.Edý,- Sovernight ia the homes of Dobead- -iny e.ý- Silver Ceek studeats. 't hborouighspecnt Sunda.y.wif h i-s worth noting that 1,he s mothor, 1Mrs. W.,A Courtice Choir iaced Pfirst Eduer. Wellington Street. in the recent Oshawa i naroPlc wi ee wnsMusic Festival me- cvig extremely high forttird seaýson onn sat- pmasefrm m.GiesBr- udav, May 19 nla ý96acre ant, the adjudicator. parkiand ite. iNManynew Miss Donna Richardson entertalanits a re offterd -and Mm. ro fbet Depew such as thecbidensVii- Carneton Uivorsity, speni lage xeirh asadcda ex the weekend with moth water pla ra , the f i rst orI Msn T.Depew. o t crl! ýwI TI)(,hecledCross bave a the receprtion aeai , adp lovr; îirafghan ,and quilt, musical dlock wili efm bicb tey will raffle off erery hour and I the Wein- il, Ma' t the Red Cross cone.WaI nomtv Poo. iý Tickets are avail- "taiking :,char"wl re abe romn Kay Forsey and those seated. 0 oher members of the 'Red The Sarm nf 1Bap- Cros Socety tis wasadmnistered by Otroplace pov ~Re.We-sley Oake during, Ioutdoer amphitheatme will the orbi service la Trîn- fea-tore the National Ballel itv United] Church on, Sun of anaatheRoylin- dv May 13, and the fol- ] ofCanda, he oya W 1 , - piiA,. ,n wÊre'vl- Thy heart is my home; sanctif.y 1iÉfor my descentï PHONE 623-3171 ITRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N.Wsly ake, B.Th. Mnse - SUDAYMAY20th, 1973 -i 1A.M.-WORSHIPSERVICE- SUNDAY SCHOOL, HOURS' JuiItermediate and Senior Depts. at 10 a.m.. Beg-inners, Kindergarten and Primary Depts. at Il Nurséry Care in Church Parlor A %WARM WIELCOME TO EVERYONE cedinto the flosi lv Cn mlregC cation Chad- wic Wllim.snorf Mmj and MrsI ilam Bak moe;Paul Scottc"m",e s(,)on o D. 7,drs.DT) ag tu tcf Mnad Mrs. Lanny Coopr: Dhorahl Carlton.son of M>. and Mrs Mrs. paysd puk. The Rtary Club of Perth -have agreed te assist the local Old Tîme Fiddlers As- sociation la presenting th annual. Fiddling and Stop Daning Competiton. The Contest this year vwill munity Centre onp rdy July 13ndStuda July H4. A lar_,ge turmottcf both entiecs and fans is expect- ed. CSommittes have been formed by the Rctary Club for aîl phases cf the com- pettie înludngaccom- - mdaton.prizes (over $1300 la prize monies) and entry forms w v ill ho availabie very 'I b KING ST. WEST 623-5792 Juvenile Hockey Awards Ken Mackenzie of St. Mary's Cenent p resented Steve Watson with the Roy Nichols tropby for being the Highest Scorer. MurirayTabprescnted he ostValua1ble Player aadto RnyThýiele. soon. Any adv-,ance inf or-sordHeigeHbay mnatio ilxn lbe sec Ure'd Sq!u arely 1 on thehoiy ford, Dep-t. of Ariulur wIli,, ix te ca andFod,10Sunset B rd., rouesandfoo pth) o e Perth, 0Ontarjo.porr.frtarspi- Mr. Tom Park, son of iis t) bmstadr David, S.Park and the l atethou 'th11w,( roine Helen Park, wili assume hie from Nia-gara al t h dutiesý as Principal of RKath 5msrail omnvc ec leeti Roxe Schooi in Whit- on QuebeesGapePei by, effective July 1, 1973. sula. The pbl)iairi Heri One of the new and chal- tage Highys ii b a lenging responsibililties con- ailabie at aIlI nai n nected with bis -appoint- Quehec bodr csSfg ment, is the establisbIment from the U-S. o frec cf an Early Childhoo-d Edlu- copy, riteHetaeHg pro ro me, foi rrî ad iesBrnc eastBic for the cademnic year19q73l- Co) Ltdj. and theCanadia 1974. Stanjdards ssocatio re- Claire Syer graduated cently anucd ealof fromn Sir Sandford Fleming certain o)utd-oor hrstia College, Peterborough, On string lights soldil 1972. Saturýday, May 19. Those Outdoor Iigh1ts tu«'ch("aseýd in ettending included is- par- 1972 under, the Irndna! ents, r. and Mrs. J. Syer of Noman,, Nol.C, E.andC pn rther Bruce, Fire braýnd inames ozsoe'm-, Chief Jim Hayman, Mr. and 1retail chainlýs13hould be(-,re- Mrs. W.B, Syer, Mr. and ,tIue as soo asposile Mrs. A. D. Brooking. and toon ,f the 26 exchange Mrs. W. Hale, Sr. cetesarSs the countryý To enjoy Ontario's apple metesl this aIrea ar counltrv weekendtortiNoaLts 37 Kend Saturday and Sunday, fol';- RdS~rro .adN low No. 2 Highway hog aDsîns 5 adl Whitby. wlhere tbere aýre, the odDwnvi large Red Wing Ori-har-ds. ____- Bow'ýmanville and Newcasitle BWMNILFn \vith its Gibson Onad After Wekcome. the road ThurP;Ijsdýay. May ith. lthe sws outh througb th Bomaicii W.I held u oldi towns of Port Hope and Ma:iv meeting in Ti;nt,ý Cobourg. Orchards re thei roi n wi "suburbs" of the vi (ge'fCurhSooronan er Grafton, Wickiowý. Coiborn ie joine by1 10 mnembers oi and Brighton. A iittie, east Ne-stîcton WA, Mrs. Wisemani of Brighton is the heari cýf took the chair for President the appe country. Six m-,. iles Mrs. C. Downey'. and weicomn east there wiil ho sîgnsW cd our 'vi.siting i riends and pointing to the Smnithfýiecdra a short po'cm n "A ExurinenalFrut ýirrl'ThouLght" We sang the, Ode ,where an outdnoor chuircii'ý 'p1w leC;iic.t service lvi ie held cmadrpae h ole.te rnenlcing 230 p.m udv.MsWsrnnra avrei taeiboy hoebaedapl dn. lý i ndv Mnue Othe QuintePcsii 'frpît îe. detta tait are Bcneî's Oc1mxrn w bre he -3toini aanuYl 'r a- i nd hireport ofred grouridn ore aarre for own 1I!4 meing 91.he sd id bbc doiang. seeinoo a losomdnemetngxiijb,0 opendandlie norae om faprneatbe1otg Onth shores o akcO- Sukn l ta i ar er Dar ing n r.SBteygv sa and eveal ohercamp Coventionbeldîn Nwton Speech Montb. The purposeevr'ractookfrne of this campaign is to RIert members and Jour om Canadians to the prevaleijnce Economiist ai she was qiteI 1cf communication dsr-pieased with te short courses, ers, to the problems ii Iey held tbroWýughut liie yar Nx cause, and to, sources for yeair the Di11strc Annui is to) their treatment. The Cari- lbe bld inSoina, and Mrs- adian Hearing Society 111radeywili be atndn!he 1972 alone, placed moreNainlCnetoinBnt thian 700 deaf and had f alCovntoni hearing individuais in gain- represenîed fui employment. Mrs. T. Butterv Miilbrook Fair will be us in Waterloo ai theWl beid this year on Saturday, Provincial Training Cofler June 16 and Sunday,' June ence. After theyrgited 17. Features of the Fair three bosloads wmenît o \vsit will ho aparade. the Peter teEln e oeta March Midway, a contest to teEln e select a "Miss Millbrook and she describ)ed it as a page Fair" and band concerts by in history that cannot b-e tori the Belleville Sea Cadets out, and said it was wl ot Band. There will aiso be while for os ai] te visit.Lt was horse-dr awingcomýpetitioiii, orged at Ibis Confperlene for us Hunter an,.d Jumper Di - to give friends and nieighbors visions, and rime events In c fo- [oi the Arabi-an Division, andcois fou 'Hm an iowmiv ill et: old'ntru heie g to Decorio,,n Day will be held bcm ebr.Sethank wn Sunlday, Juae lth,. ed ius for seiîî,,g beradsi Ontario and Quebec, wiýth atthough 0,it rained nearly ail federmal assistance, will th"s the time, she had enj0vyed year si)end $250,000 to put every minute and feit ,it ad broglt hr ack ila close xpaigso well about theý tuiwihhII-stitute work ebrie system and boped mwe aftc beng ut f clse ontct iii find it as easy as she said, wibb it for, 12 to 14 yeCars. to adajit curseives to it. Mrs. utr then introd(uc- NMrs. Wiseman gave theý edL MNrs.Wet fromn Nestl*ietonmotto, "We are net too oid to to speazk fto us on the mýetri;c learri if we are not too tazy to systemi. Ln 1791 the Fr-ench try '- She said fnr, us ta make recommended that there be a good use of our dictionaries coron method of mneasuring when we corne acmoss a word and weigbîag and by,ý the tuma w e arent acqoainted witýh,. an cIi the 201hcetir the, nietric Atlas te acquaintousls svswiemwas used lail 11but 21 w it h loca tion cf places. (ency- counitries, Cnd en one. cIojpedias and visits te the bu1dt now or govecriwmwit iniibra hryý fer ail hkinds of Jonc 1970 p)assed the lawý to inform ien are ouirs for the introduce us te the use ci troble.anddoa't forgetor kilegram, mnetre and litre for, cwn Insitute magaýzines if wve weigbing and taorn.She aCre nt ltee azy te goo t thse saiid this I wiii eriof grdai orcsc informat ion. The lyý and even inow ,somedrgsmetng lse itb G;od(av are being maýrked both in ilthLevuen it igramns and ori-old tb h Sandf,'wes, Iaisty treats cd. She said ifi order te anid i tawerie semved iby Mrs co-operate wi th the rest of th(,Buter:s roop aftera peas world in buyiincand elling :ant afternoon ,xitb or- visjiii, goeds thîs will .he te or hfrinds. Advantage. She said if y ýou wanàit te go mebre. fbinkmer IMP4NWl and wisbed os good luck an!d Thmohymetn wa she woold vîsit us ig-i i i feld on Miay with President lbree years to sec Ms.Bran 1 te har.Th box% e earned. Roll eail was Ode was sung anýiId the Mary' -ýGixf- vur waistîinemes Stwart CefllcI rpete l uirtmeniit in mnetric' and was uisen ouCt Scei in dui,1'and a bit of fun. aseedIlasecedt sang The Suoshlinl ourMs hn, r onea Smiefoioed y wosogsand Mrs. Bryant are te trom '11'TbeSound ofMui. organize this. The Junje inetd- Mrs. Crydermran thanited ing is te be on Wednesday, botb ladies. Mrs. Huifor ber dune G, meeting at the Cborcli lovely solos and Mrs. Welts for at 1 p.m., and then on te Tbr ,~ndmanStar..ranBowranvileMay16, 1973 7 ln Eqih No Less Drows Proise For Dirop-Qûut Rep-ýort Next year's Vice-Principal at BHTS, Terry Hawkinsý, wbo is corent -lythie Coordiniator cof Guidiance fe'r the Nothumber- Iand-Durhiam lBe(ard, recenmtIy receivedl a glowing ltIer cf pris rom thie PresiJdent cf Sir Sand(.fomd Flemning College tsaw or, a tour cf Park- M'rs. Chant teck the chair for, the North Grouji. Mette was taken by Mrs. M"ackiin wbe read a paper on "Hot Wreck an Institute".,f eiiowed h,' a poem entitled 'Institute Our goest speaker. intr-odiced by.ý Mrs. Bryant, was ýýMrs. Fitsîmos.Home Eoo îst for Durham Ceuntly wbo speke te us on, the Metrie System. 1-er tailk was vemx' inoratve iernbcchwe itrid a qwîz on the Metine Sy m ad came 'otehe concluhsion t1hat we had a ýlot to The meing Iwa- ý;s closed by singing ; O Caa a". ateand chrr oaf witb ebeese and a cul) cf tea wà seved by the Nortb Grop. rs., Chant cenducted a contesitotebring the afbeeruon te a close.-, Dr. D. B. Sutherland, the president cf the community coliege, was mnost impressed with Mn. Hawkins' report on Secondary School Dnop-outs. caliing it " a weil theught out and useful study." Sthertand aise asked that a cepy cif the report be forward- ed teoeanPîlm-an cf Trent Uiiiverisihy.-J Lknow tifat he wudfiad it valuabie," ho said. la cemmenting on the reýport Sutbieriand said "yoo have accemplished something whicb is extremely rare in educationai repomting these days, you hv actuaiiy writ- ton the report la English." Wilitb t coment vogue for scietific ilanguage' and othen frs oif unfathomabie gcbhl1)1edy g cnuk whîch pass for Englsb' Hawinsciarity Births 3 1maie,4fmale -7 )ischiargos ...81 Viner eperations - 31 'mergency treatînienîis 280 ?oieto residents of the Town of Bowmainvlle and residents of the- Township of Darlingtou of an applicati to the Ontario MunicipliBo0ard for the approA ofBy-Law No. 7.3-25, a by-law tao amend the zoning by-1a -la of te Towni of Bowmianville and passed pursuant to Section 35 of ( the Planning Act. TAKE NO0TICE that the Council of the orortinof ithe Townl of Bowmanville intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Botard pursuant to th.e provisions of Section 35 of The Plainning. Act for approval oA By-lawi No. 73-25, whkich wýas passed on the 701h day of 'May, 1973. An explanation and sunmary of this By-law i urish rewvith. ANY PERSONS INTER11ESTEDÎMAY, .vithiin fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the lerk of the Town of BowmanvAle, notice of bis objection to approval of tie said Bîy-law, together wiNth a statement of the grounds of sncb objection. ANY PERISON wýishing to support the, application for approval of thie said B-law may within fourteen ( 14) dayvs after the date of this notice send by registered miail or- deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Bowmsanvlle notice of his support of approval of the said By-law together wvith a requiest for notice of any bearing that may be held giving also the naine and address to which sudh notice shoufld be giveni. THE ý,ONTARIO MNICIPLstBOARD may approve of the Said hy-law but before doiug soit mnay appoint a finie and place when any objection te) the By-law wilI 4e osdrd Notice of any hearig that rnay be held illH to given tonly to uersons who have filed an objection or notice of support and wbo have left Aith or delivered to the Clerk undelrsined, the address to whic niotice of hearing is to le sent. 1973. TUIE LAST ATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS WILL B the 3ýoth dfay fM DATEI) a(t Lie Town of Bowmanville this le6th dayof01'y, 973l. J. 'M. MîroClerk, - Town of Bowmanville 40 TmerneStreet, Bowmianville, Ontario. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE By-Iaw% No. 73-25 To aniend Zoning By-law No. 72-3'1 and Zoning By-lawý No. 1587 as amended. The Concil of the Corporation of the Towný of Bowmanville enacts as follows: 1. That ,Section 3 of By-law No. 72-311 is hereby amended by changing "(b) Mînîimip Lot Area- 10 Acres" under tbe heading 14.2 .eýgulationis for agricultiàral Uses Permitted in Clause (a) of Subsec-tion 14.1 Lu reaïd -(b)Mi- muni Lot Area - 2i acres" 2. ta) Thiat Schedule "A" of By-law 72-31 and Schedule "A" of By-lam 1.587 is hereby amended by changing the land use designations of a strip of lanid straddling and adjacent to a tributary of ffIe Soper Creek Iocated north westerly froîn the inters'ection of King Street and Mau Street fr-oni D) to O and0 froînD toE, a s oo the r-evised map) attacied to this By-law as Schedule '" (b TatSheul A"ofBylw 2-1is herb ntne h ngn h Ce land use designadon ,of a ori f, lanid sïtîdlnga rbar odie orani O, a shwmin te vised rp attacewd 1o tiiis Bylw sSheue". 3. No part of t1his By-law shai corne into focrcý-e %ithout thec apprýoval of tIce Ontario Municipal Board but subject thereto this By-law shail take effect froni the date of its passing. Î. B y-lawý read a fi-st, second and third ime and finally passed on this seventh day of May, 1973'. (Signed) Joseph M. Mcîlroy Cierk-Adinistrator (Signed) Ivan M. Hobbs Mayor By-Iaw,% 73-25 amnends Zoning By-law Numiber 72-31 -and Zoning By-law Number 1587 as amnended as follows: (a) Section 1Iincreases the minimum lot area requirement for lands designated Rural from 10 acres to 25 acres in order to im plem)-ent certain policies of the Official- Plan. The polîcies for lands designated Rural state that development of an urban nature will flot be permitted. The consent policies ýof tl PIlani state that non-farm- developmnent on lands designated Rural should be discouraged. (b) The two strips of la nd straddling tri butairi es of l e Bowma nville and Soper- Creeks have been rezoned to Conservation and Hazard Zone in accordance with the 'and use designation of the Official Plan and in accordance wit-h the requiremnents of theý Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. The by-ia a be ins::pectedatUcCeksoica i TwHl. NOTE - The area concerned isj shwn on -,a miýLp wics available for insp-ctionI at the Clerk's Office in the Town Hall.

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