ENNISKILLEN (Intended for last week) MUay we first of: ail, express our sincerest appreciation to this worthy weekly for the generous advance publicity our special program was given? The auditorium of our church was packed with an audience who enjoyed a most superlative treat of music when our choir director and organist Mrs. Ulahl Chambers and her Junior choir of12 girls and four boys presented their musical production w%,hich was spiced 'Io perfection by a vocal trio with their guitars and five string banjo viz: Miss Renee Heeringa and the Bowman cousins Roland and Eric. Mr. Ray Ashton and Senior choir member of the tenor section was the genial M.C. and interspersed thec musical num- bers with humorous anecdot- es. The instrumental numbers by several of the choir memrbers were fromn music pupils of the versatile Mrs. Chambers, Misses Joyce Cha mbers and Sharon Werry were usherettes. The program oÉ~22 numbers began with an open- ing chorus "Hallelujah" by the choir which was followed by the chairman's address of welcome. The chorus next, included (a) "Joy Is Like the Rain" (b) Three Tents, (c) Knock, Knock" by the choir. bisa Kinsman and Janet Rowan played a piano duet. A vocal duet by Wendy Stephen- son and Patti Edwards, Ramn- drops~ Keep Falling on My Head. Colonel Bogie was welI played by the recorder group of Susan Werry, Kim Pollard, Scott Werry, Gart'h Davey wîth Debby Pollard on the triangle and Darla Lamb on tambourines. The choir sang three choruses "Teddy Bears Picice", "Sweet Gingerbread Mlan"' and "It's a Smail World". The Lamb sisters Gail and DarIa played a piano duet. The four maie members of the choir, Garth Davey, Scott Werry, Donald Rowan and Allan Ashton looked the part of hobos as they sang King of the Road. Judy Virtue played a pleasing piano solc Renee Heeringa, Eric aný Roland Bowman had a toi tapping trio of- (a) 'Gyps. Rover, Love Me, Love ani Kum by Yýa, Scott Werry: piano solo was niext. The choi sang four lovely choruses (a iThat's the Way to Fin( Happiness, (b> Bubbly Joy (c Reflections, (d) Praise Hîm.1 1recorder trio, Susan and Scot Werry and Garth Davey (wh( had also participated'in th( Peterborough Festiva group). A comnical-vocal duet i] special costume was mirti provoking by Judy Virtue anc Allan Ashton entitled Sunhon net Sally. Beverley Stai ntor and Debbie Pollard playedî piano duet. The choir agair sang three 'choruses, Gooc Morning Star Shine,.I'd LikE to Teach the World to Sing a n Put on a Happy Face witl, poster happy faces as well aý their own pleasant faces. Garth Davey gave tw< delightful piano selections. The Bowman boys and Renee again wvere splendid in.ren- dering "Country Road" and Gordon Lighitfoot's piece Yoi. Are Whht I Arn, also accomi panied the choir in singing "This Land Is Your Land", Mrs. Chambers joining with hier tambourine. Mrs. Chambers extendec thanks to ail who contributecl to the success of the concert. The choir's closing number was "Gently Evening Bend. eth" in three parts, first ani second soprano and alto. The chairman Ray Ashton and Mr. E. A. Werry exteilded appreciation to the performn- ers. A beautifuil bouquet of a dozen red rosus was presented to Mrs. Chambers by Debby Pollard and Janet Sharp. The special evening of music ended with 0 Canada. A social hiaîf hour and lunch was enjoyedin the S.S. room. Mrs. O. C. Ashton has gone to spend a week with bler brothers and their families at Templeton, Que., and Ottawa; will assist at the trousseau tea for hier niece Miss Verna Get together: with a man you can trust. He's yourTexaco Farmn Distributor. And he's an expert. Trust him to help you keep your equipment in top condition with top quality lubricants. He'll gîve you thie most up-to-date information on equipment maintenance. And he'l do ali this with excellent products at good prices. People trust their Texaco man. That's why they keep comning back. We trustyou will too. AL.WEARN LTD. ENNISKILLEN 263-2291 LTEXACPJ HAMPTON 26-2282 Dry (Ieaning LbopSPEU 1ALS CANADA'S LARGEST DRY CLEANERS 242 KJ-NG ST. E. SPECIALS EFFECTIVE MAY2,3,26 MEN'S or WOMIEN'S PNTS 49c ANYCOAT $V"1 DRAP ES 200F 79c 89C PER1 UNLINED P ER LINED PANEL > PANEL I., Dalton.SW id Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewi )were Sunday evening te I ;Y guests withn Mrs. C. E. Horn, id Oshawa. s Mr and Mrs. Geo. Irwinam r ere Friday supper guests of MVr. and Mr-s. Jimn Skilleni, d Cobourg. Mr. and MIrs. Edgar Wright A and Betty were Friday supper t guests 'Of Miss M'aýrguerite ýo Wright, Oshawa and where le they also visited withfl Mrs. tl Marion Keith whio lha s re turin - ed from Calîfornia and is n leaving on May 25th for Spain. Il Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick, d Scarborough, were Mother's 1-Day visitors with their par- 'n ents, Mr.ý and Mrs. S. Pihick. a Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lyons n and Dean, Orangeville; Mr. d~ and Mrs. Vic Van Alstine, 1Mr. e and Mrs. Ken Van, Alstine, d Dundalk were weekend visit- hors, at Mr. and Mrs. m. s Pollard's. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Ashton,11 Ronald and lRay, lHaydon:; Mr. * J. R. Ornliston were Sundayeguests at Mr. and Mj jýrs. I -Sharp's. d Miss Jackie Veale of Van- -6 ucouver spent a week's holidlayI wvith hier friend, Miss Heniriet- ta Foote, Nova Scotia. Both girls are now visiting with 'Jackie's aunt and unce, r. . and Mrs. Ted Werry and Ifarnily. Miss Foote returns to saskatoon selon, also Miss Judy Adamns, Peterborough is visiting w ith the girls at the 'Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron; Mr. Frank, Lee, Oshawa; Mr. and, *Mrs. Russ Tabb, were oh er's Day dinner guests at A. J. Mr. and Mrs., E. Trewin and Donald were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor, 1Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, Oshawa, were'Sunday supper guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Doris Holroyd, Bow- mxanville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamb. Sunday callers at Mr.' and Mrs. Roy McGill's were Mr. and'Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ron- ald and Ray, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill, Toronto; Mr. Ma.x Short, Lakefield; Mr and Mrs. Howard Gimblett, Oshawa and their immediate families. Mrs. Edith Stainton is holidaying, at Mr. and Mrs. C. Carlson's, Etobicoke. Mrs. E. Dickinsoh, Hillsdale Manor, Mrs. C. Bennett, ,,. Oshaa, ereThursday visit- ors at S. Pethîck's. INr.aindMArs. M. Pollard and ".V famiily were Sundfay visitors at Mr. and Mmh-. ArtPoars Bruhm M.and Mrs. R. Howe and family were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs- Thomas Dick- son's, Bewdley. Many friends and relatives called on Mr. and Mrs. E. R,. Taylor, Sunday to wish Mrs. Taylor a happy birthday. Congratulations. Miss June McClunie, St. Catharines; Miss ýMarguerite Wright, Mrs. Norma ýBrad- ford, Mr. Norman E. Wright, Oshawa, were Sunday v isitors with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar families were callers. Mrs. N. E., Collacýutt, Bow- manville; Miss Christie Lac roix, Courtice, were Mother's Day guests at W. Griffin's. Mrs.-A. Perigoe, Caesarea,. wâs a Monday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Werry. Mrs. Jim Moorcraft, Mrs. Bert Hoskin, Bowmianv'ille- Mr. and Mrs. Grant WîlIiamsý,;II. and family, Port Perry, were Mother's Day callers at Mr. and Mrs. F., W. Werry's. Mr. Da.vîd Cecchetto, Sud- The board of Education wiIl allow al their em- ployees to take the day off if they wish to go to Cobourg on June 27th to observe the Royal visit. A report to the School Board aoted that classes will have been terminated' by that date, but that school staff sbould still be onduty. The report added "it is felt that a visit by a reigning monarch is a very special occasion and has signif- icant educational value." Tbe tw of Cobourg bas already declared June 27th as a civic holiday in honor of the, Queen's visit. 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As l0w as As Iow as 339 215 -3 Lin. ft.2 Lin. ft. FREE: Simpl y ask for a Free 1973 Fencing Guide from Beaver. It tells ail you need tQ know. Wodod stai.n Super value! Choose from Redwood, Cedar or Walnut. Preserves, proteots and beautifies. Interior/exterior use. 4 44 gai. PHONE 623-3388 STORE HOURS: Mon. to Wed., 8:30 'tii Thurs., Fri., 8:30 'tii 9' Saturday, 83 ti5 q -77.1 M. m