14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mvay ,23, 1973 Aspiring Lions Governor Gives Up votes for Money When He Drows Ownm Ticket Vol unteer Helpers Bring a New Involved Type of Teaching to St. Joseph ys School Monday, May l4th, was Beefers Night at the Bow- manville Lions Club and every Lion got his chance to air his pet peeve. The first gripe of the evening was in the lighter vein. t came from Bruce Lush,wo wanted the even- ing's 50-50 Draw investigated. It seems that the Deputy-Gov- ernor Doug GaIt fromn Brigh- ton was on hiand and, as is the tradition, he made the draw- ing for the contest. Troubile is, he drew bis own numnber and won the money, somnething that always prompts a chorus of groans from the local Lions. Lion Doug is running for the office of District Governor this year and Ted Miller, neyer one to let a subject pass, especially wben money is. involved, asked ominously whether Doug wanted the Bowmanville club's money or their votes. The Deputy-District Governor held strong though, and wvoldn't be intimidated out of bis m-oney. The election for the District sofficers will.take place at the -annual District Convention in jCornwall on May 26-30. Lions sConventions are always "something else" and Corn- wall should be no exception. Governor-General Rt. Hon, Roland Michener will partici- pate in the Suniday service, which is a first for any Canadian service club. To kick off-the Convention, the Lions Friendship Arch, recently built at the 1,000 Islands International Bridge, will be dedicated. .Several interesting items turned up in the correspon- dence read at Monday's meet- ing. Club Secretary Gord' Schissler passed on a letter from Lions International mndi- cating that Lions have become the first service club in the world to reach one million members. The One Milliontb Lion was inducted into the Vîrginia Beach Lions Club on April l8th, 1973. Roving Lion Jim Rickaïd sent a letter from the United Kingdom where he is taking part in a special agricultural fellowship. According to Jim, iLionism in Engl 'and is expand- ing- and he wanted some sBowmanville club banners to pass on to the English Lions. Plans are. afoot to expand the Lions Centre on Beech Avenue. At the May l4th meeting, a new $3,000 canopy iwas approved forthe front of tjie building. The Bowmanville club hasa beef barbeque in the works for the Pine Ridge Blind Club. A tentative date bas been set in June at the Lions Centre. Eric Barr and Ed Greenan1 are one year older and the fine box was correspondingly rich- er "on Monday night. As expected,, the issue of who will cut the lawn at 'the Lions Centre headed the list of complaintsý Last year tbe Lions undertook to cut it themselves but that turned out to be not as easy as It sounded. Do we cut it ourselves, should we form teams todo th~e job, should we levy fines if a Lion misses bis turn, should we hire a young lad to do the job... Maybe it could be turned into one gigantic parking lot? ORONO. NEWS MWiss Catherine Power and MAr. John Conforzi of Toronto spent Victoria Day with ber pairents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power, MJr. and MIrs. George Jacks of arkamspent Wednesday of last week with ber-mother, MIrs. Cathertne Seal. Mýrs. Marshall Chatterton] spent 10 days w'ith Dr. and 1McClure and famîly at Missis- sauga Sunday and Monday of last week. Mr. Carlos Tamblyn travelN led by plane from Ottawa to New Brunswick on a business trip for a few-days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Mercer and daughter of Belle- ville visited their parents and weeks is now convalescing with ber daughter and son-la- law, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. J. Fagan at Markham. A few relatives and friends attended a surprise party last Friday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Morton to celebrate the 25th Wedding Anniversary of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton. These photos show some of the students of St. Joseph's Separate School in Bowmanville Darticipating in a unique 'elective' program that is described below. The -photos were taken by Jerry Leddy, Angus Francis, Joseph Coyle and Richard Krakenberg, with what he says was a "littie help" from one of the volunteer helpers, professional'photographer Mrs. Keith Taylor and daugh- orner relticves over the 101-lVl- ss Marilyn Morton of Pet- ters, Nancy and Bonnie, day -Weekend. erborough, Mr. and Mrs. Tom, Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moffatt Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Bob, M.and Mrs. Ed Hoag, and sons of Oakville visited Stevens of Bowmfanville, Mr. Mr. and Mrsý . group f yung4-TIrs Mfichael, Vern, Kimberley and Mr. Wm. S. Moffat on Sunday. and Mrs. Frank Sinclair ofBMarc Sally Langmaid, -Nancy Sea ofCavn wre undy Sndr an Suan unnof orntoMr. and Mrs. Don B aker, Uxbridge, were Sunl- oxEllen Crydermian, eveidiCvnwer uestsofM Sans aanwdbteiraunndOftaeo o eto nvllMr.ay evenlng callers and Mr. inda Flett, Kathie ic eýýeniig inne guess ofMrs.Oshaa, wih thir ant an'ndtpMrs. ofBarry%îClowli. gnand Marrrilyn Kooadx.ailThenox W IL11 Robinson on the uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geo. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. and boys, Bowmnanvill girswr ne h ed ocainof her birthday. Dionne of the Lockharts Lawrence Rarris and Mr. and were Sundaysuppergesserhp fMr.Lon Kl Mr, and Mrs. Ian McKen4ie School Road over the holiday Mrs,. G. Wilson wer-e among of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bkercîet ho waf Ms.in ch ro of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Ron weekend. the guests. 'Mn. and Mrs. Joanni Cryderman, Z-ion, the kitche,.n. Harris spepît the holiday -Mr. and Mrs, Hartman Mortonreceived a number of spent the weekend with The tables eedcr week-end camping in Algon- Baker and daughters of Nor- nice gifts and cards. One was Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryd-. ated with gl ade Wood xisited Mr. and Mrs. from his sister and brother-mn- r an surrasededin blue bab Mn. Johnl Witheridge attend- Gordon1 Power on Sunday. law Mr. and Mrs. James the weekend with Mr. Glenn dýcoraedwih heInti ,d the funeral of bis uncle Mn. Mns. F,. (O. Cooper who was a Grunerud of St. Cloud, Min- Fraser, Sudbury. IteCret A h ha Douiglas Allison in Markham patient in Bowmanville Mcmn- nesota, who were unable to, Mr. and Mns. Geo. Knx able was a b-eautýîful an- oni Tuesday of last week. anial Hospital for several attend. visîted, on Sunday with nilversaïy ai-rangement uf Mns. Wm. Knox, Fairview gol-)den 'munis as well as a INr.Roy Bnanch and MrsCa s Lodge, Whitby. bea,,utifuilly decorated cakeý. fnecd Lycett were house guests M erchant HelI La seMn. and Mrs. Chas, Lang- The immediate menibers of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ~muid a-nd famîliýy attended 0 h xct\ewr EnniskillenSndySchool sae ee Ms er S TARK VILLE AseJuvenile BaH Club and erspCleailP esî e s!n t I PKeith McGill and famrily. ery si Vi(ce1Pre, _Mis, Mîr. and Mns. Lavenne op ns I 5 rirsi >easion Mn. and Mîrs. Fred Wat-' Fred W.atson, 2nd, Vice' Souch, Bowmanville, weret son and Carissa Wordn Pe. Mrs. Hoar iii- Saturday evening guests with The 1973 BIaseball season got for belp in 'their f irst year of Mrn.s. Dorothy Pascoe and ,soýn, Secretary, and Mýrs. Mvr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. underway for.- the town's1 Gary visîte.d on Sunay illiam Ashton- District Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk, newest club, tbe Bowmanville competition. Jefferey's Super- with Mr. and Mrs. J.W Director. Tana nd etr sen th Jvenle ths ee. Te eamete ai he .(~.A bveDyer at Maple Lake. The dinner was dcli- Tana ad Pterspnt he uveils tis éek Th tam tteanc te 1(À.. hve Mr~. and Mrs. Evenett clos salads, ham, rails, eendat Lake Bernard. opened its initial campaign on agneed to supply the club with Spires spent the weekend relish, anniversary cake,_. 1Mns. Bill Reid, Orono, was a the road in Port Hope,Tuesday seven uniforms eacb. Brock's near Apsley at Clydesdale ice cream and tea. Every- dinnier guest with Mr. -and evenîng and on Thunsday BP. will be pnoviding four, Lake, ane thorouLhly enjoyed Mrs. Llew Hallowell on Satur- nigbt,(May 24th.) will be with Pab's Cab and Percy's Mn. and Mrs. Harp-lr this, and Miss P. Leach SGea. rp exprcssed a vote of thanks day last week. . travelling to Frankford for a Fina, one eacb. Tbe club er, Utica, wene S uday,'otegop ncaga Dr. and Mrs. C. Dyer, 6:30 game. deeply appreciate the above evening cahiers at Mr. andwl stewat se n Toronto, were Suntday guests Bowmanville are playing in mentioned menchants as well Mrs. Russell Vice.theil adte ir ýss ,ý witb is, sister, Mns. John a îO-team, groùplng witb as anyone who bas made a Mr, and Mns. Laurence Laynig and Mn. Layng. oppoition pnovided by Ajax, donation enabling the Juvenile Moffatt and Tammy,,Court- Litle ichelGra, Tn-Whtby, Oshawa, Peterbon- team ta operate.HayLok ice, wene Sunday eveingi 0.l', ý-s ee vsiorwihougb, two Belleville teams, of Locke's T.V. the sponsor for Alex Patter.i e t~ ont, asa wekviito wtbCobourg, Frankfond and Pont the Electrons bas kindly Mn. and Mns., Harvey bisgradpaent, M. ad Hpe.allawed the Juveniles the use YIliovleesý ententained o 1Mns. Sid Hlallowell. The Juveniles are bappy to of the, 1972 Intermediate Saturday evening, hoorin Mn. and MNis. E. C. West- annouince that numerous;peo-> uniforms until the club's new the up-coming graduation beuser,Mn and Mns. Robent pie bave answened their S.O.S. ones arrive. of their daughtem Karen. Westbieuser and Alyson spent Those present were Mn. Suniday in Toronto with Mn U A'.J ,' tki and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and and Mns. Biribauer and fam- N o VordU iet O n N~ family and Mn. and Mrs. Gien Lanmer and family, Mn. and Mns. J. Pope and Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. sont Neil, Perrytown, Rev.. ~U*U II~ ad Esseny, OhDavisMr. J. Siirv were dinner Former Northumberland coméinto effect uintil alter the and Mrs. Rssph D avis,M guests after service at Shilob. Durham- neturning offcer, next fedenal election. Shelley and Kevin, Mm. -and Suinday withMr. and Mýrs. Carroll Nîchols, saîd last week The proposed redistribution Mns. Walten Short,, Court- Lawence Fanrow and famiîy. lie bas nat eceived any would splît Durham and ice. Mm. and Mrs. Wes Yel- X ~ ~ Sunday aftemnoon the Silob announcement as ta wba wîhl Northumberland nîdings lowlees, Mm. and Mms. Mur- s U.,C.WV. service was well be appaînted ta succeed hîm in again and a portion of the amea ray Yellowlees and Mr . attenided. Mns. Worrall, New- the position for the ledemal near Lake Simcoe wouîd be and Mon. HanodYîo.e tonvýi lle, was speaker and Neil' ridwng. included with a new Durham M and ohn, Ooono. Pope, Pernytown, was soloist. The new returnîng offîcer, ridîng. Mm.kur and Ansdrenter Ladies of our U.C.W. also wheniever be or site is appoint- The Lîberal nîding associa- Sunday supper guests of " assisted and it was a lovely ed, wîll be faced with the tion president, Rager Kirk- Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- iservice, problem of organizing the patrîck, sent a bnief ta the take. M.and Mns. Llew Ual,- election macbinery for a hearing field bi Belleville Mn Gadn Wsak howll erediner uess wthredistributed iding in the apposing the pnaposed redis- senttnd he theekend t is- MnI. and Mns. Stan Falls, future, aîtbough i sse.ua-tiuin it~~~eend C atm a nd vi Rs- Toronta, Monday last week. ed the redistribution mey nat Allan Lawrence, MP (PC itedo. an Ms.Rs Northumbierland - Durham) Miss Shirley Westlake al I w sad that 'e hadn't been spent the weekend wth- %CLA KE IG Hadvisecl Who the cabinet.ad Miss Joan Grant at Moun- appointed as netunning officer tain Lake. by Diane Barnett, oatn Cancer Expo a Mr, Clarence Bray spent Such beautiful weather Boxvmanvîlle Hîgh. I thinkth ekn a Cm madeif rety brd or he hateveyan~s ffofs ere Bath Liberal and Pragres- Cleveland, Pigeon Lake. studlents ofCake ihtanay appeciated. TIhe sîve Consenvative officiaIs Mm. Genald Bray sjent sfudyv. But they did and only camplaint thet I heard have indicateld tbey don't the weekend at Balsamn their motivation was that was that the exposition was, expect an ehection this yeam, Lake and Miss Wendy there are only 16 days of too cnowded. although bath federal party Bray spent the -eekend school left. On 'Thumsday, the track associations lield their annualn with fniendsata Omemee, Siîice anc of aur ife members is celebrating a'- special day thîs week, she was bonared. Mrs. Cecil Pascoe, a long time mcmf- ber, and hem husband cela- brate their 5Ofh, WeddlingIL AnnIIive-rsary. Mrs. Relphli Davis made apresenfaitiani ta ber of the flowems an the haa tel-witb the congratulations of aur Ib- stitute. Mrs. Pasqcoewas completely srnsdandi expi-essed her tank nt Miss Leach called o)n ail the former7 presidents pe sent ta stand. Amacng these' were rs. (Gardon Lak Mrs. William Ashton and Miss Leach, the anc 00W i office. Then the former secretaies - Mrs. Wesley Yelloxvlees, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs, Evemett Cr- derman (absent), MV r s, Burney Hooey, Mrs. Wil- liama Ashton, Mme.Rad Fraser,, and Mme. Howard Milîsan, the present secre- teny. There have beenl many mare ladiessevn Saline Women's I'nStitute in this way. but the unes mentianed sf111 are faith- Neil Newton, Enniskillen. They show, top left, sereen weaving, top centre Marty Timleck with paper flowers, lower left, Debbie- Piper, Rochelle Michaud, Mrs. Sylvia Polak and Donna Daigle testing some cooking and at right, three of the photographers. Our thanks to Mr. Newton for the photo layout and the story. fui members .serving in variaus ways. We awe a i-cal debt ta twa ladies who helped found aur Bmanch (1903, 70 yeers age), Mrs. Tom Baker Sr. and Mms. Law who have passed on. Others who are alsa deceased but assiste d in many offices arefo numeraus ta mention. We ail adjourned ta the upper hall for the meet- ing. As we sang the Ode, and repeated aur Colect, they seemedta have a new and freshi meanîng. which1 will inspire us ta continue tu serve Rame and Coun- try. Mrs. Howard Milîsan, secretary, read the min- utes -of bath the former meeting and e xecutiwze meig hehd at Miss Lahshome,. v e r a 1 iiters 0f business w,,ere dis- cussed, and carrespaondence read. We arc ahmeLady laok- ing for a delegate ta thc Area Convention held la Octoher, There wilh be a canvaiss for Cancer i0 the ncam future. Please wel- caethese ladies - ýMrs. R. Fraser. Mns. R. Davis.,Mrs. R Vice, Mrs. H. Milîson and Mrs. R. Cryderman. Mrs. Wesley Yellawlecs gave a report an the Cao adiaîî Consumem Magazine ta which the WlI. is sub- scrlbing. Mms. William Ashton, District Directot-, gave an intercsting repart an the recent. District A n nu a he]d at Newtonville, She said it was a, day well spent, an(deîYenjayable, wlth 92 peaple present. la the fall, the- district, mey hald sonne special event where the district branch- es mey meet together sac- iaih\, A gamne off charadeS put an by each bran1ch ca'ncluded the pragralM, Nu x4 years -if vwil b h at Saline all and boýsted by Saline nar Anather goad reporDlt was given by Mrs. Fred Wat- son wha attended the WLT Canfenence hecd atWater- lac thlis manth. Although Mrs Watson înentioned th( AÊà1in, f09g, weather ddthelp thflirce iudais refuiliof aciiies cen- yable for ail Te1 wn b,, bus ta the, Er!]and Lýe Houmesteud. Theyha sîv2eches, sing sns mu discussionî,is, and de lightful Entert'ain m1 e n t. MîvIs. Watson cancluded bei repart with this quo- tation from one of the speeches: "A Friend - is anc ta xvhom ane may pour out the contents of one's heart - the chaff and the girain together - know- ing that the gentlest hand will take it and sift if, keep what is wamfh keep- ing, and with the breath of kindness blow the nest e wav"' 'We ai enjoyed these re- ports and thank the dele- Mrs. Tam Baker and Mrs. Ralph Davis thea canducted samne relays and garnes. Weclosed the 7th anîn.tvrsai-y party with ail joinii-ig hands and singing Auld laUng Syne. Naw we shah lo1ok forward toaa celebrati on for the 75th Aonîersmv.Don t foîget G1r-nother,-s Meeting ir Ju ie. ln the Editor's Mail Dear Editor: We are enclosing a cnpy of aur 1973 Oshawa Shrine Club Cincus Pragmam. We fake this apportunity, a)f thaaking yau ýfani suj Parting aur wonk In aid Cippled Childnen. The contribution you bave mnade in taking an "ad" in Our progmamn has, helped greatiy, and we as "'Shrin- ens" with no outstide help this year, appreciate the wonder-ful response fmom all in making this year's Circus a success. Sincerely, H. B. McGee, Chairman 1973 Cincus, President Oshawa Shrine Club. rock team- wa-s here when Jed them 34 yeý,arsago., On Monýday, May 7, the tracýk team practised,*for tri-scbool which was held on Thursday. It was really goad ta see these studlente w kngso hard f'or their echool.I On Tuesday we biad the great pleasure of beinlg vis- ited by the Leaside Band and Choir from Toronto. The band played a few numnbensý and then the ail- girl choir sang for us. The band fînished the concert off with some modern tunes. -TIhtbnk that the stuidents of Clarke really appnecîatedi the concert and if gave Clarkes band a liffi le otivation ta tny hard-. er. The day- wasn'f the nicest because if rained but fack practice wvent on de- spite thlis fact. On Wednesday the stu- dent's weme given a chance teamn reahly shioved- their stuff et the Tri-sehool meet beld et Bowmeanville Iligb, Scbool. Clarke bas won the tnophy 10 yeers in a row and this yean was no exceptian. We beat evemy- .one with a score of 440 points. Our neanest cam- pet itar was Bowmanville Wbo ended un with 301 points. Countice and Cart- wright were aiea repre- sent edet the meet. This meet showed thaf stude nts reaily cen wank bard and get goad results if fhey be- lieve in the cause sfnongly enough. Fniday was quit e an ord- inary day. No special ac- tivities wene pianned for this day. Most of- the students just concenfmated on their school wonk affer such an evenfful week. More news next week. meetings back-to-back on Fmi- daiy MX.PL E G ROVEF lst Maple Grove Cubs On Wednesdayv, May 16, the lst Maple Grave Cubs visited.the General Matons North Plant and Truck Plant., It was an exciting evening for evenyane. The Cube carried a sign with 1sf, Maple Grave Cubs an if, and we gof a lot of pub- licity out of thaf. In the truck plant fhey took 3 on 4 pictures of the group. On qehalf of the Cube, I would like ta 'note that Mn. Eeuwes, Mn. Davey, Mn. and. Mms. Wood, Mrs. Vanson, Mn. and Mrs. Hoageboom and the junior leaders jained aur graup. Saturday, May 26th, le SOLINA W. 1. Seventy- Years of Histony The Se\-entieth Anniver- semy of Solina Women's Institut e was held et the hall an Wedncsday, even- ing, May l6th, with aven 40 members present. Tiie evening began \vithe din- ner preparcd by the vil- lage graup under the lead- ership of Mme. Hamry Knox and Mrs. Rasswell Page. The weifnesses were e Cub Field Day. This year if will be held at the Ken- dal bail park, time 10 a.m. The Cubs who would like, a ride Ibe at Maple Grave United Chunrch parking lot by i9 a.m. Hot dogs, pop. oranges and cookies, will be pnovided for the Cubs. Support Scaufing le your anea. Akela: Andy Van, Hemmen. Theytillare. 34ago when Ailben tSturrock openeud lsEsso ilnc in Bowmanville he startcd a fine tradition of friendcl, proalze service touBownanvillc area farmers and homeowners. Nowý, long àfter other si-ippliers have come and gone Howard aýnd Gordon are carrying on thîs tamily tradition, .supplying Esso tarm produets and heating oils ýto farm and city customers alike. There's a good eason for this tradition, Howard Sturîiock, fhls biother Gord ( and his staff have lîved many years in Bowmanvtii-lle so they know the areaà. They know the needs of area farmers. They, know the Ineeds of local homeownters. And they've got-34 yeams of experience to dmaw on. .34 years of fast and ficndly service to their customers. 34 years of providing the finest farîji products: Esso gasollie,, diesel.fuel, motor oi.h, grease and many more. 311 vears of personal heating-oil serv ice for Bowmanviile homes. 34 yeams of bueing theme, ready to lîelp, when x'ou need them'. Howard and Gordon Sturirock are active community members too; -members of the Chamber ofCommence and active participants ini the local, spor t, activities such as hockey and bastebal, XVhen you nced farm products, furnace oil or just a littie tricndly advice, contact the Sturrock team. They'll be there when you nlecd them.ý A.H. STURROCK & SONS LTO. STURROCK ROAD BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PHONE: 623-5516 e Perflormanice, Count on it from your Esso-Agent.