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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1973, p. 15

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.,unch Appeal for Funds Plan to Build, New Facilities for Durhamr, Christian High School Editor's Note: The foùjowing "The aim is that through his is released by the Durham talents, each. student wîll Chist 'ian High Sehool and serve God above ail, and our puýbished in the community neighbour as ourselves; to inteest:contibute to society not Man:'y residents of Bowman- merely as another consumer, v.ille are unaware of a but as a responsoble citizen p)arent-run Christian high trying to change and r eform in izchool in their midst. Durham obedience to his God. Christian High School on "In a society where many Scugog Road presently has 115 young people are disillusioned tudents enrolled in grades 9, witn the goals of success andi through 12. pleasure and drop out rather Due to an increase in than join the system dominat- tudents since 1968 (when it these ideals, there is a hiad only«35 students), Durham Christian High plans to. build 1% À%" aind move to new, facilities.Re-elect R The school is presently situa- ated on the property of Knox Christian Schoolin Bowman- M part-time teachers, instruct, A Kendal man, Roy Foster, classes in five portable class- will continue as president of rnomns as well as two rooms in the Northumberland and Dur- Knox. ham Progressive Conserva- At the Apnil 24 meeting of tive Association this year. Mr. the Durham Christian, High Foster has held the 'Office for Sch(,oo Association, parents three years and was re-elected voted to go ahead with plans unopposed at the annual PC for building a new school. The meeting at Bewdley May il th. ste for the new building will, A turnout of close to 75 be on the west side of Scugog people from across the riding Road, north of Highway No. 2 elected the new 1973-74 PC and the cost wilI be approxîm- executiv e with only a few ately $130,000. The.members changes., The election was are çommencinga campaign' conducted by MP AI Lawrence called F.A.C.E. (faitb 'i elected to office last October. actiionfor Christian educa- tion) to finance the building. Acting as the five vice- The schoo's purpose is to be presidents this year will bc a Christian alternatve to Roger Wilson of Bewdley; Ev. secular education, and for each subject - whether hist- ç 0 ory, biology, art or 'physical . r tary oi from a distinctly Christian Faiulkn er A(< standpoint. A common view among N r Christians today is that while N LI.. LJbDIJ5 "Christ is Lorýd", his Kingship Secretary of State Hugh is imited to the privacv of Faulkner was in Port Hope on churches and homes. This bas Friday, May llth, to address a often resulted in split-person- Northumberland-DÙrham ality Christians, trying to obey Liberal Association fund-rais. the Lord in their private lives, ing dinner. but their public life (business, The Liberal MVP from Pet- polities, education, etc.) is erborough spoke to Liberal unaffected by their being party members at Port Hope's Christians. Legion Hall.' The belief of the-D.C.H.S. Faulkner stated that he is Association is that Christ rules opposed to wage and price over every area of life - controls even on a short-term inluding education. Prinicipal basis. "There is no Single Revnld iebngastLates, examnple of this type of Mary and Arnold Hambly BURKETON WISH TO TiiANK THEIR MANY CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST FOUR YEARS.' Effective May 3th, 1973 ANNE & BILL SUTTON wilI be taking over and operaing the present store. MARY HAMBLY is moving the fabric uine froin Burketon to the corner of Taunton and Solina Roads under the name MîeARY ANNE'S FABRICS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK from l10:00 A.M. TO 6 P.M. desperate need for well- educated Christians who can give it a new vision to live by.ý" The ideal for D.C.H.S. is to be a place where young people can learn to expenience life as an exciting whole: u.nder the nule of Jesus Christ, the King. 1The schoolis interdenomin- ational and invites ail parents to enroîl their children. For more information contact : the Principal, Durham Christian High, Box 238, Bowmanville,, Ontario, 623-59e0 >Y Foster to raI PC Part y Burch of Port Hopel;lucienl Lami-bierý of Kendal;ýBob Craig of Darlington rTwýp. ;and Jimi Gordon of çobourg. Secnetary wýill continue to be PoIly Edwards of Cobourg with- Jack Plooard of Gardeni Hill conitinuiýng, as trecasurer. Charles lReid of 'Onono mill be YoungPrgesv Con- senvative ascato repre- sentatiîve and Shirley Robson of Enniskillen will become the new women'iis represent-ativ-e. As w'ell the chairman, secretaries and trearsurers ofl each of[the inicipal PC associations automnatically forma Part of the exeutive. -Guide fStafe Jdresses Dînner controls work'ig in any coun-, try in Western Europe, Eng- land or the United States," he said. The US. Price index bas risen 8.8 per cent this year, he pointed out and they have been using price controls. In Canada, the index has gone up less, 7.7 per cent, without using controls. , " ,Controls create resent- ment among groups and individuais who feel unfairly dune by and they would resuit 'in a climate of constant confrontation." He also discussed the sub- jeet of regional government, calling for the government to hoid a moratorium on the subjeet. "The advantages and disadvantages of regional gov- ernment aren't clear enough," he saidi. The rninis-ter did-say that he hoped thre government (of Ontario) would involve, his home riding of Peterborough with the historie towns of Port Hope and Cobourg. Regarding the present Lib- eral Minorityf government, IMr. Faulkner told his Liberal audience that the resuits of the last election have been good' for the party as a whole and on the caucus. The results have been to make the party conscious of how close it must remain to the vast majority of the population, he stated. "It has brought us back ' dloser to the peopie,"ý he said.ý On Tuesday, K enridalt Womeni's Institute spon-, sored a bu)Ls trip of over 40 ladies to go to a Fabric' Centre in Toronto. Judg- i'ng from the parceis of mnaterials brought home it must have pr-oven a very success fuliy lfor the mer- cl1iant and ilso a happy ammnumm jiug milk shopping from, your car... D0 IRYB îRRfl!lo SPECIALS - 6V9I . -ri-9r ITVA ~~ pure Dairy Barn Orange Jic 3 >100 DAIRY BARN Bread Ice Cream , 2Faor Chocolaite MiIk Cannoed 'Pop-210 Here's what you can buy at Dairy Barn Stores: BUY Qt PURE ORANGE JUICE 0E LICIO0US ,CG TTAG E CHE ES E EXTRA RICH C 1:E CE EAM FRESH MILK RIcH CREAMS NUTRITIGUS YOGURT CREAMERY BUTTER THICK SOUR CREAM- FLA VOUE IUL CHEESE FARM FRESHEGOS MAPLE LEAF BACON TASTY HAMBURG P ATTIES .IUICY XIENERS FLASH FROZEN FRIED CHICKEN POPULAP BRAND CIGARETTES VITAMIN ENR ICHED BREAD CR ISPY POTATO CHIPS POPULAR BRAND SOFT DRNKS Our Hon, richer th ment Staî 211 Bi OPEN 7 .' 424 ozý 4 Loaves *09 " ý'2gal. ctn. *5 ,t tn 20c oz. tins $2.79 0ALITY! Mo Mitk is quaranteed 10 hani minimum Govern- indards. 5 King St. E. Iowmanvillie IYSAWEEK.,7AMtolIPM Worited for Attempted Rape The Newcastle Detachm-ent of thle Ontario Provincial Police has asked for assistance in locating a man and a vehicle in connection with an attempted rape of a 15-year-old girl. The offense is believed to have occurred on the third concessi on road of Darlington Township at approx-imately 1:30A a.m. Tuesday, May 8th. Any person having information concerning this vehicle or occupant is asked to contact the OPP detachment in Newcastle. The information received will be kept confidential. An artist's sketch of tlhe wanted man appears above. The, 15-year-old victim was abducted in Toronto at 11:30 p.m., May 7th and transported 'to just north of Bowmanville where the offense occurred., VEHICLE - 1965 Pontiac convertible With black top - rear window cracked and taped. Black interior - four decals on glove box door. May have Ontario or Maritimes licence plates. OCCUPANT - Maie - white 20-21 years - 5'"- 6'2" - 150 lbs. - thin muscular - light broxvn hair, - long and straight below shQulders - left front tooth chipped - face poch marked - scar on left eyebrow. Wearing T shirt With " Keep on' Trucking " on front - blue .eans - animal head on belt buekle. MAPLE Our sincere sympathy is expressed to Miss Ann Hot,, Mr. George Hoit and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medcalf, sisters and brother of the late Miss Phyllis Hoît. The funeral was from M'ýaple Grove and Base Line communities called to express condolences. Weekend callers with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman were Mr. -and Mrs. L. C. White Maple Grove on Fri. evening and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Hamilton who are 'n)embers of a Trailer Club, -farked their trailer in the Freeman's driveway on Fni. night and continued on to Picton in the morning. Sunday evening visitors with the ý' Freemans were Miss Marlion Snowden, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. John Huband, and Mrs. William Woolley, Oshawa, Mrs. L., C. Snowden and Mr. .Bob Snowden. outing for the ladies. Kendal Women's Insti- tute met on Wednesday evening at the home of .Mrs. Garland Cathcart with fine members pres- ent. The president, Mns. J. Henderson opened the meeting by the singing of the Institute Ode followed by the rcpeating ofi the~ Mary Stewart C o lite e t. Plans were made for the dlnner in lune. 'Lun- cheon Is Served'. Each member was given tickets f0 seli for the meal. It was moved to assist any girl goîng to summer camp from the Kendal area. A tasty lunch was provided by Mrs. Wm. Hoy and Mrs. Allen Foster. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. John Henderson on, Thursday the l4th 0f June. Members please note the change of date. Mr. and Mrs. David Skerratt, bis brothers and their w-Ives left Toronto airpont on Thursday for a thrce weck vacation visit- ing many countries in Europe. Recent visitors wi:th Miss Helen.Boyd were MIr. and Mrs.-Milton 1Boyd of Ton- onto. Mr. ýnd Mrs. Jvan, Start- up and son of London were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John MeMillan at the summer cottage. Rev. Norman McKenzie and Mrs. McKenzie were at their summer cottage over the weekend and at- tended church on Sunday morning at Kendal. ,There was a very good attendance at church Sun- day morning. Rev. T. Snel- grove chose as his text 'Who Is This Jesus?' It %vas announced that the Sunday School Anniver- cary service was to bc heid June the 3rd and next Sunday morning the mem- bers of the Royal Orange Lodge -would parade to the church wIth a band, fol- lowed by an Orange Ser- vice, Kendal was quite well i-epresented on Sunday af- ternoon at the United Church Women's service, held in,3hiloh church. Aspeedy re-ove!ry is wished for Mrs. Ia Zwarun who is a patient in Oshawva Genenal Hospital, Mrs. !K eit 'h Bickell spent the weekend with ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Ath - arii Mn. and Mrs. Sam .,Van Camp and famnily, Mn. and Mrs. Neil Bnowrîell and fam- ily, and Mrs. Roy Van Camp spent the holiday weekend at their cottages at Mink Lake where Mn. Tom VanCamp and Miss, Jeanette Henderson, Ottawa joined the families for the weekend also. Miss June MeClunie, St. Catharines, Miss Marguerite Wright, Oshawa, were Thuns- day guests of, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wright. Mn. and Mns. 1. Murdock, Solina Rd.. held a surprise party necently for Mn. and Mns. Tom McGuirk in honor of thein 25th. Anniversary when; a number of neighbours were present. Mn. and Mns. Sherman Hoy, Ottawa Valley were guests of bis sister Mn. and Mrs. H. DeMille, Osbawa, Mn. and Mrs. W.Klose, Peter and .Michael, Orono wene callers; with Mn. and M'rs. Tomu McGuirk. IBURKETON Mrs. R, Davey, spent Motber's Day with theý Grant family of Zion, Mrs. A. C. Step)henson is a patient in Porti Penny Hospital. We ail wish ber a speedy nrecovery. Mn. Tom Trick remnains in hospital in Port Pennytý recoveing from m i n or surgery,. We hope)( he will soon bc oeaan lVLr. and M2ý'rs. C.Copr Orono, called on-,Il rs. W. Bryan on Sunda;y. Mrs. J. Peelding, Janei and Mary, Osbiawaý, w Sunday guests of Mýrs. T. Bailey. 'Mr. Stanley Taylor was- a Sunday dinnen guest (of Mr. and Mrs. E. -R. TaylIor. Enniskilleii. Hambly's General Store of Bunketon bhas beeýn sold to Anne and Bih Suttonyr of Newcastle. wýho 0 h take over thie store on May 3lýst net 1ZION Mrs. ' eo Lîttenington and Raymond, were in Ottawa last week and visited friends in Kingston on their way home. Mn. and Mns. C. Menulley and relatives from Pont Hope, spent Mothen's Day with their son John and family, Belle- ville. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Tuford Port Hope wene recen t visitons of Mn. and Mns. C. Meneilley. Mn. and Mns. Vennon Tra-*. ver, Welland visited bis sisten, Mn. and M'rs. Chas. Raby, Satunday aftennoon. Mns. E. Bannowclough, also Mrs. Arnold Thorncjvke calledl on Mrs. C. Raby last week. We are sonry to, learn Mrs. Tbonndyke since then bas been admitted to the Port Hope and District Hospital. STuesday,,Mn. and Mns. Meaeilley spent in, Oshawa, visiting Mn. Meneilleyssisten. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 2-,, 1973 Northumber lan*Id ond Durhaomý, County Board of Education Revenue Fund Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1972 ASSETS Investments - at cost .......... ........ Accounts receivable Municipalities for supplementary taxes ............... Other sehool, boards ........... ..... Government of Ontario ........ ..... Government of Canada............. O thers .* - ... .1. . . . . Due from capital fund ............ ..... Prepaid expenses.,.'... Total current assets ........... Deficits of Former Boards at January 1, 1969 ....... T otal.. . . .. . . . . . . . $ 500,000 52,221 50,825 '575,868 ..... ..... 516 34,423 ..... .... 3,3304 LIABILITIES Bank indebtedness ..... ... ..... Accounts payable Municipalities Over-requisitions (elementary) ............ Over-requisitions (secondary) ............. Other school boards,.-. ............ Government of Canada ...... .............. Trade payables and accrued liabilities.... Due to capital fund .. ... . . . .. . . . . .. Total current liabilîties ..... Reserve for working funds................ Total.. . 609,432 76,577 ...... .....107,854 ..... ..... ....15,817 .... ... .... ... 2,767 ...... .....327,387 ...... $1,190,238 .$1.... ... 390.. .. . 23 8 Approved on Behaîf of The Býoard May 1oth, 1973 Chairman .. ......... A. J. Rowan Director of Education and Secretary ................ .............. W. Frank Thomr Statement of 'Revenue Funld Expenditure for the Year Ended December 31, 1972 Expenditure Elementary Business administration......... ..................$ Comrputer services .... .......... 1.. Instruction.................... ................. Educational services ....... ............ ............... Attenidance, health and food services...... ....... .......... Plant operation ...... ........ ....... ......... Plant maintenance .... ..... .... ... Transportation ...... .. ... ... .. Tuition fees .............. ...... ........ Capital expenditures (non-allocable) ............. Other operating expenditures . ý.............. Debt charges on capital borrowing ... ....... ..... Non-operating expenditure,' excluding transfers to reserves. .......... Recoveries of expenditure Other school boards ................ ............. Government of Ontario, tuition fees and miscellaneous.,.............. ....... Government of Canada ..... ........ ... Individuals........................... .......... Other revenues, excluding transfers to reserves .... .... 207,708 33,951 6,986,215 107,339 6,105 997,059 336,070 961,764 13,180' 245,345 81,678 1,054,334 60,9ï62 6,75.5,44 104 ,362 836,587 202,i24 713,315 731, 121 37,626 77,624 1,188,555 ý.QO 95 179, 28,337, 5,010 15,849 159,633 Net expenditure.................... ................ $10,899,262 Financed by: Government of Ontario general legislative grants ...................... ......... $ 7,814,877 Local taxation raised in 1972................. ............... 3,260,962 Decrease (increase) in reserves........................ UQ $10.975.839 Net under (over) requisition required to be 1applied to 1973 taxation.... $(76,577) $ 31,306 2,927 9ý,188 34,323 8464 $ 162, 338 $10,744,941 3,307,5i42 $10.852.6q95 (107,854) Capital (Building), Fund Balance'Sheet as at December 31, 1972 ASSETS Due from revenue fund................. .......... ........... $ 50,404 Total current assets ..................................... $ 50,404 Lýand, buildings and equipment - at cost........ ...... ..........48131 Total . . .. .. . .. .44.. .. . .864 ,235 LIABILITIES Bank indebtedness.................... ........... ......... $ 20 8,832 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ..................... ........ 3,452 Due to revenue fund ... 1....... ........................13I3 Total current liabilities ..... ....................... $ 345,615 Unmatured debenture debt. «.......... .................... 17,746,201S Investment in fixed assets .................................. 26.772 17 Total ........................................... ....... ...... ....... $44.864.23.5 AUDITQR S REPORT To the supporters of Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, We have examinied the Revenue Fund and Capital (Building) Fund Balance Sheets of the Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education as at December 31, 1972 and the Revenue Fund Statement of Revenue Fund Expenditure for the year then end,-1. Our examination iîncluded a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests ocf accounting records and other supporting evidence as we, considered necessary in theý circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Board as at December,31, 1972 and the results of'its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario school boards applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Cobourg, Ontario. March 29, 1973. J. A. Langhorne, C.A. No, 4399 of the firm of Sharpe, Langhorrc, Tdwnsend & C,. el ý 15 ýlý

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