Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Ré.al Estate for SaleReal Estate for Sale iReal Estate for Sale WEEKLY SATUURD)AY, MAY 26 Selling Saturday, May2tTWEL Auction sale of householdLOSFR AE W lr,. at 1 p.m. sharp at Durham LI VESTO CK SALES furniture and antiques, the W753'-x 200' Zug. Bldg. Lots. County Sales Arena,, Ornp~, at Durham County Sales Arena prnperty of the'late Mrs. VeraD U I$n0 n p $500 nnG the complete herd dispersai Of Orono- Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Vllentyne' will be held i0at oNwtnile o ot iý' Iff Mr.Ro Caveh, ewaste.Selin Hose, CtteSwine, the village of Sunderland, jus ELSTTLMTD to lake, go east 4 1miles toi Selling without reserve ap- Calves, Sheep, etc. Wm. west of the post office. F]I&a sîg'ns. Sales-man at pro-perty EAU prox. 45 good, young, Here- Mosley, Auctioneer and Pro- back cupboprd, Mason andweed.6 32 7 ford and Charolais cows, with prietor. Phone 623-4685 2'Or Risch piano,ý recliner chair' ** RET ATN, Broker 62 -2 7 Caoligsicalvesa thre eir d;939639rn.2-tf and foot-stool, hall seat and bat RR. 3 Woodbridge - 893-1795ý ai big irdbyatheeyar-rack, parleur table ith bail 234 King St. E., Bowmaniville 19-3ý 67 KING EAST old kon of Appolon, which AUDY A h feet, 3-pce. chesterfield1,' 8-pcae. 623-3393- BOWMANVILLE will also bie ntfe red for- sale. STRAMY2t dining room suite, antique1 Also included in this sale will 1:15 p.m., at Saveon Productsiedock, antique rocker, Edisonl HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bero , solid brick, 2 bie 30 good crossbred, Charo- Warehouse on Highway 28, in gramophone (good condition), Country Living, Leskard iNew,3bdonbikbý-soewl-'ibtsmni/ lais steers and 30 good Charo- the Village of Bewdecn 3 iron beds with brais knobs,~ 10 acrs ith 7 room brickisplit, largedroorns, brick. b ack s, entrwal-obsemt, 11/2o las crsbrd hefrs alsisting of. cbest o rw rarrovw back chair, smrail fan and stone split levcl homo,lelectrie hleat, beautiful n park. This Won't Last. weighing approx. 600 lbs. Be beds, Lazy Boy, chesterfield, back rocking chair, refriger- stone fireplace, attached 2 carlrvn lotreed tvstnn: ono u sure to attend this sale wbere washstand, refrigerator, stove, ator, gas, steve. Boston rocker, garage. swimming pool, smal ravinre lot,.aot nvsmet ontwn Du- some of the finest cattie in automatic wasber, picture Hoover washing mcieban Trifevw.$350142-ý68eln apartmeýnts with good in- Durham County are being put frames, il lamps, books, gard- china cabinet, quantity Of Terms.. Cal Pat Yeo. 1 11cre rcdt el 2- Up for auction. Obarlie Reid, en tools and other items ton dîshes, several antiques, large' 11cre,,in osl! 2- Autone,98-D1. 2-2 numereus to mention. Auc- quantity of other furniture. Orono PRIVA )1E tree beoorn tinerRge anite.21-1 Property sold. Terms-cash. Sale 16 acres. 3 bedroorn home, al]. tae rrtieo tioneerReger anniste. - at12:30. Reg. and Larry cenvenienres, large barn, 1000,gn od 'moa;6'< B A E SATURDAY, MAY 26thJobnson, Auctiners, Phono feet Wilmott CreekwithIo :n'lsfrm Osaa Poe Clearing auction of House GRIST MILL (705)! 3157-32710; G le r a 1 d cabin. Best treut stream easti-865 2- LUMBER hold and Barbersbop contets, AUCTION'BARN' Graham, Clerk. 21-1 Excellentovalestate S70,000.0 ,1 T for Oscar Bell, Baldwin Street, NEWTONVILLE $2000 dG.Cî o eorge .uiyleveii Brooklin (beside Bank). Con-FRD .MA 5h70 m Special 2 Session AntiqueFotr JATRS RERHM sisting in part:, 8 pic. dining RDYMA 25h700P* Auction, Thursday evoning,Potr L TOSARE H01 suite (walnut); quantity din- Chesterfield Suites, Cup- May 31 at 7:00 p.m. and Sat- Kendal Hilis lPhone 6ý 23-5300 W i only>20000 dlown pay- ing chairs (walnut): planter boards, Chests, Beds,.Mattress- urday, Juno 2 at 12 noce, at 65 acres Ganaraska River. 35 Bomnil:Spot les ts 7) mnt and y our own building table (Oak); swivel chair; bar- es-ife als mal~0. Herongate Country Auctions' acres open land, balance ma n c sm det. brick hmelot you can belingna new ber cair; ickerrocke and -Inca ted 4 miles nortb ofiture w oods. Bare on property. Il1._ ao, eloctric ea Bavr o-me of your own chair; telephoco table and trical Appliances, St ove, Rouge Hill on Altona Road Excellent value $32,000.00. Cail fenced hakar ,)oolshodtb1is summer. The -lo,,w, low chair; hall tree;, hall table; Fridge, 'Tables, Chairs, Store (off No. 2 H-ighwav), or 1 mileýRoy Foster. and other extîas,-. This houselmortgagos on miany Beaver press back chairs; iron beds; Scales, Western Saddle and seuth cf Whitevale. Complete Nwonimerust ho seen te ho nppprdiat- ilomes carnies for less than nid phonograpb; washstand; mnany more' consignments to seli-out of well known antiqueN nvIe ed. Priced ai 8850 e mrost cenit paymnents and off ors dressers; pine blanket boxes; ore shop. Selling Thursday even- 33 acre market gardon farin,yu ttuo eqiy Oerl pille benchos; copper boiler cme ing, nloariy'250 items, includ- stream and bush. Large green- Kasshabçîng 1ake: 35) m-iles yosî ocfuotu enutb.o a lo sad irons; spinning wheel; Terms -' Cash ing: Canadiaprsdgls in bouse. Asking $49900,00. Cail f rom Perbru, 3 yýea rsdoa'slsbeueofB- wol iner wsbbolsan Actoner:Stapeo rsNv cta Sa lwrBill Turansky. old, 3 bdl. rmn. cottage wth ver s factory precision build- pitchers; other wooden primi- asafeobeach foivaSchildrSta.FAok"ringafmethndsh fnd volume pur-' tives; scythe; pellet gun; te- 21-1 Nugget Spooner, Diamond Me- Bowmanville igùc ($190 1as. 20s caing ptower n thue builin pcs;..dalihon &cake plate, goblet iSpîlI bungalow,11broadloom ' - materials industry. So if bacco utter;brassEyes", Hbal l Splivibngaleomandodining 0-9you'ro fed up with making chen utensils; quantity Of THURSDAY, MAY 31 - 1 pm.opotVitra stn glass iroomiiFioishedro reo ro witb ___ otyear oyu rsn glass and china; chrome kit- HLTISjewol casket, CanadianBu-brseigeo,3edem frige hmiifer; elctie, IXE RIN pesingaspBkecut-inbra en. havbdoos.cot epouto th esplcei chen set; 23". Silvertone TV.; AREUP NT termilk goblet. Bohemian rubyAskingk$39 90000., CalI Bil home... or if you're shop- Viking dryer; K eiv i n a t o r D R Q PM T vase, Flint'Glass geblet. De- T k &- ping for a newer home or stove; propane stove; electric' Complote Uxview HoIsteiniqlîvor trame, ý 4 bottie crueto naile Commercial LIMTlo l oll ening . .. make your heaters; barbeque and access; Dispersai owned by Bruce M.,S'et, Daisy and Buttnn bride'sI Idcal for shopping plaza on REALTÛRS me e te a new Boaver Home. 8 x 10 highwall tent; tools; Bar-ton, Uxbridge, selling at basket in silver trame, Staf- Ibis largo lot with frontages cf E 0Yeu'il ho glnd you did. Phono la-dders; baby carniage (like tbe farm at the end of Second fordshiro dogs, 13 c chn 32 ft. by 107 fI. on twe main ?403RYN TH , now; ad moy the iner-Ave. la Uxbridge, 415 1egistor- tea set, copper lutr1 pîc1r treets, 8500 sq. ft. cf factnry 6340 A OTE esting items. Terms cash. NO ed, classified, D.H.I.A. tested. Ridgeway siop piFo Bu p.1 Atatv13bdcmBomni 62 Stevenson Rd. N.- Oshawa reev.House sold. Refresh- Alil frem Unit sir'es. 15 bred china, Limoges hand-painted hîick home with soparate din- Rcemy- 2 sîoroy oldtr home, 723-558 monts available. Henry Kahn, te Pickland Citation R (Ex'). tray, shavingmug, apine fiat-liog reom. Askin $1415,000.00. 4 hcdroomus, 2 hahros De20t Auction Services - Wbitby, fIord BCA 128-140 - gond re- back, chieken coop chairs, .Terms, Cail Phyllis McRobbie. tached garage with concretel M81-61891. 20-2 cords with high test. 4-H chests of dra\vers, oak side-l die Batflyl.isaeiW _____calves including 2 January board,. spool cradle, Jacques ýBowmanville. Commercial dr6ive. B10'atfuhly la$ds,5Ü0d calves by Pickland Citation R & Hayes mnarbie lamp table, Great polential in -this cn- Wedniesday, May 3th - Farm (Ex.), Heifers are from pop- Bowmanville style rocker with.raly located gocd 2 storev brickiBowmanville stock, Implements, Furniture grcwo. Several cows and heif- Lied bcd. ornate irnanad loess and residein the upstairs duplex. One 5 0cm anone' and Antiques: 33 head cf Here- ors springing at time cf sale. brass bied, wicker doîl bed, a partment. 1 lý baths, 100' lot six rccm unil. Lot is 53' x 132 ford and Shortborn Stocker Daricool 27 cao bulk tank, De- line dlli crib, piano stool. depth. Lot only $400.T1s. tobl aae Listed at Cattle. 19 steers 1 yr. nid, Laval S.S. sinks, DeLaval higbback oak bed, bambo cl IPhyllis McRobbie. ;$34900.00. 14 hieifers, 1 yr. nid;,233 pigs, milkers, 20 tees rmixed grain band-painted tire screen, bang- -Cmeca s Hamnpsh-ire hog, 1l sows with (excellent quality). Folders ing iamp brass font,1 brass Newcastle, omecilUs Oshawa' North-East 109 pigs by side, 27 snws bred available. T. Robert Flett on lamp. hanging lamP with Early Caniadian home with Beautiful 4 bedroombc- March, April and May, 45 Pedigrees. Lloyd Wilson and matching milk glass shadr and authentic Williamsburg deco'. Spliit on a pool sized lot. Bod chunks, 40 weaned pigs, 1972 W. D. Atkinsop, Sale Man- font, Beehive, Ambon, Crown 3,000 sq. ft. of living space, 5 loomed'living, dining aryd hallý Leyland (Nuffieid) tractor 344 agers ýand Auctionees's, Ux- 'nd' Darlin.g fruit jars, blue bedro oms large study, lot with lare as. Built-in steve, oven and - power steerint, complote with bridge 416-852-3524. 21-1 flowereu crock "Farrar Iber- stream, and pond site. Mus1 dishwasher. Large f amil y irqnm 1nl 1972 F7ze-On No. 80 leidustrial ville.< Que.", oid botties, Port ho seen te be appreciated as itiand 2 baths. Attacbed garage..'.. .. rliiir-loader, lot. B275 trac-I Wednesday, June 6th - Farm Perry ginger, bottle, cottage is loaded xith extrais. Asking Asking $49,700.00. tor-, 3 pt. Int. W4 tractor, 1966 Sold - Auction Sale of Farm dock, gingerbread dlock, O.G. S69,500.00. Termis. To isetk John Deere 45EB seif-propel- Maehinery, he rorî ofoc, inareutrdckcalhyis cRbbie ispc Lots of Lots led comibinie, 12-' grain beader, George W. Craft, Lot .16, Con. 'vool winder and manv other Hampton on a uietdstrelt.s power steering (gond), 17 3 tnae w. ierestiomI items. Auctionoer's Beef Farm inewHamptedo b uidig ts -t. Triple K 32 tooth 12' cultivaI- soutb of Peterborough Sale 'Tne-All above list seling 85 acres cf choice pasture Close te schools on a paved " oýr, 1969 New Hollaed. 71 P0w- Barn and 1/ mile east (off Pet- Thursday evoning. May3 tadhy adTtee' srnra. 18 x20.Bidn or mnwer, Ne'w Holland hay erbornugh By-Pass): 1971 M.F. 7:00 p.rm. Plan teU attend IbisIspring fed Ircut pond., 8 room permits availabir. Tesms. condîitionen, PTO; 1968 New 135 diesel tracter, power steen- cne! Terms cash. No rei v.bikhuoo iha e H-o1lland side-rake, 196,8 John ing, heavy duty front end, Henry KahnAtin Srie ieet locat.ion. Priced right Jack Gibbs - - 723-1,152 Deore 24T haler, PTO; May- puîîey wî K manure lae hty6868 r24-44.Ie 6,0 0 alBill Suth-iDaIvid Aion - 8-46 - 2' hay elevator, baleih ydrauiic bucket; 1966 No. 92-1rad lred ot - 2323 c)oker, balle buecher, bille M.F. Baler, P.T.O.; 1969 M.F- Dairy Farm - Stirling Mlil ae - 6353 k...irk,, George White 150 bus. 130 bus. manure sproader, P.T. R a saefrS l 143 acres cf very productive E Drum - - 2594 mnanure. sproader. PTO; John O,; 1965 M.F. No. 32 7' powern layiuam soul, Coud barn with Pamela Car - 7833 Doore manure s pr e ad er,Iwe moer g3ondirie;;cCrmik Hý N~o. 11side Peter Kowal, Jr, stable çieanier and 2 silos. Peter Clhopee - 725-18461 oun drebng mie, lexoriblerake, .New Hliaed 404 hay Brick and trame bouse, 10 Ktle1wits-7320 brros, rg ma c , fMeiblecenditionor, P.T.O., M.H. 8' 'REAL ESTATE ruerms. -Road frontage on [bigb- I . 23- F 15 iaos combinao sed nil. binder, P.T.O.; Dion threshing GENERAL INSURANCE way. A choice farm il, excL1- George Twaites -72-2008I 5 is ý,rointio sed rilmachine 28-48 complote with -Bwavleln oaina 9,0.0 aiSeeSea 2-29 M..6 blacie tiller, snow gri1hoesta bedr 2 King St. W. -Bwnnil etlcto t$500.Cl tv mgl - 7584 bo r,3 lit., PTO; John 100' drive boit; Lincoln electrie Phonie 623-2453 BhSteln.W.MFees - 7512 eadn Hny olct Deene5tnle e aning wag-lw.0ider, complote: Ford Fergu- Vr eta,.1/ soe Pigeon Lake Area Reg, Aker - 725-12011 W. Frank Real Estate at the on it rck Oac 5-ton roll-10 2furwpug,2'ayhVy cetl, /s tro 100 acres with mapie bush "lEstablished 1936" Bowrnanville Office is happy iracrac Otbio -urwpouh 4 a on:crfe lmnmsd n pigfdpn.Abg 11t welccrne Gercidine (iionoy) oi er aing wagon withrakelevator, grain auger, 2 relier rne: claref ralminum Did- loatsiong-fedond. APigo21-1Woolacott as a member ta bis 1957 GMC 1-ton stake, truck beanlng wagnns with racksa- e 8 athoms;3 nece iccaeon ovrlookinsPiueo wi'tbheist umber, cedar ot, t15 dise combination aeed at ad2 Pieebt;clbaLk coe1 riyPr.asales staff. Grliebsse feed racks, pig feeders, soif- drill, 1971 Paîz silo0 unloader garage and paved drive. Prie- $44500.00. Cali Bill Suther- cestuliy ccmpleîed the minro- fedesfullio f odmcomplote; 3 pI. blado, full lino e a 30l0.Iand. ductioll te Real Estate Course machinery, bey, grain, straw, o f machiner y, quanîiîy of Lovely 4 bednoorn 4 year nid 1 and bas also joinod the beds, dressons. ahîn, oa ot uniyc u oi large living romr and RilçO Lake chest of dnawcrs, settee and 2 ber. Torrns cash. No reserve. dinetîe, nicely finishied lec. Winterized cottage aI Baille-1 Ostawe ad. D istr dict on chairsrchinatcabinet dishes s. vedrEtalvear oa xprd. el.tren' car chn caiedseSale et 1:00 p.m. Carl Hick- îrccm: well iandscaped ltiooBah icuîgsne e 4BL'"' yasc xeinei h e piçturo tramesiclmps, many sn Auctioneor, Reeboro, Ont.. $29,900. frigerator and most furniture. liaul business wili ho an asset items. Thehpopertydanofelon New pressure sYstem. Vory indealingwith tho public and otenbushidad niqe1-705-324-9959. 21-2 B3cs37aea 3 cemoe eio Nwydcr~ King St. W., sbw item. Te popety f EdonBlakstck rea;83 ace mderi dsig. Nwlydecr- assisting with any of your Feo, Loti19, Con. 3, Cart- 'WEDNESDAY, MAV 30,1i p mfarrn. tue drained gnod claylated. Outstaoding value at 5,7G-3333 lUcal Estato needs. Pleese cal wighit Twp. 1 mile easI of lOSEN oam soul creek and spring-; 21813 500.' Ro-sonabieý termis. 786-ig2970 - ak at bier borne in New- Nesteta onHwy 7A10 est , HLSTINSsîonoy bouse and large bare. Caîl Dane Pound'.BuligLt-LaeSuo tonvillo or the office, 623-3393 qarter lino - 4 miles south - 'DAIRY EQUIPMENT $85,000. BwavleSuni B s Beach.80' ront-21 first farrn onast on 2,miles snutb Complote Duomead Hol- Newtonville Area :mmculte sore, 3be - eun good conlcessioni road, easI of Biackstock. Terms stein Dispersai owfiîed, by 35 acre parcel cf land ro brick bouse lb ht omlag I ck foerty cash. No resonve. Furniture Murray and Donald makng aseaces sal a i an. acinryaILot32 Cn.8,PieenngTw.,with some gravel deposit. baîhs. Finished nrec. rocrn vith waîen, $12,300. 10 lake by 12 n1,oon. CaIlle aI 3:00 p.m 114 miles soutb cnd 4 iniles 2. 49 acres with spring pond. ban. Lovle andcapd lot. EST ETO CarlHicisonAu ienr, Bo- west of Cianomont or 5 miles 3. 35 acres with gravel i sig$050 ciAde lrdsLnigCrwîh boro. 20-2 southeast, et Stouffville or and cedar bush; small aider- Plain. 3 Becutiful high lots, 1:30 :-wcrOsaend1banf 200 ft., access tu, Lake Scugog, the çtath 0of Miss Cal bor- _____from Hwy. 7 go 11/ miles north type trame bouse. Are You Considering a $9,900 each. Oae kwood whnGdidointo of Broughamn and 4 miles wost we(Kti) di i 0fh SatndyJun 2d Crn- to farrn. 80 heed, 15 register- After hours- Cai: MOVE or TRANSFER? Bail Point Rtoss Memoriai optl ploIe Clarclîtf Dispensai Auc- ed, 65 registened grades, D.1-1.j. Barton - - 623-3098 We are equipped to handi psxmtl crs x idaT e ceMa 5 tion, Sale of Livestock and Im- I.A. tested -, records te oven G. Beech - - 623-5265 your home needs anywvhere cllent building_ site, $10,000. Trhe funeral srie~a 2,0 b.milk. BCA's 10 203. .Kwli aaaadUSA os r eonn cr hrdy a 7tfo plemoents, the propenty of Clan- 2,0 b. ~ srs- 6- -86.ein thusay1a lt, nr once M. Johnston and the late A-ll frcm poulrC unit 'sires 2-56!a aad ndUS.. ts keareabeComing scarcY teMacýkeýyFuneral Par- Clffr H obstn Lt3, such as OrmsbY (V.G. Dank FINE QUALT Ielkeae. d ody urs, Lind(sa. with inter- Clto. 9, N ohnongbantwpLedr(ST.), Starlite (Ex.), kk TRUBY INGLETON ment in' the Union Cerne- 1 mile south of Peterborough Chieflain (Ex.), etc. This bord l1N11NSAD ~ CBtOOS 2-67 r5633 oy atngt oiw By-Pass on, Hwy. 28 .10 is in excellent condition - cows MRES" "Ra saeSrie 1iigtesrietelde Spnigvilo (01hCon.MARK1 aeelrgo nd eifes eîrem 0fIntheserviebyhe laias Hnes2'eeto,2 wbeel-1-and -tubing, pipe vice and " E s t a t e i1i3 ipmeperty. Askingý $14,000 Withi Knp, sawi wr hl edi trailer, tanaing iii, cattie Ibreaders, ,ecotylene welder Kep sea eebl oler, painit spn-ayer, sleighs, complote, shoot motel bench:~Irs iday visitons with ber par- bimi dryer, post jack, gardon tools, 14' cedan strip boat, 40 Broke r Hastings - ýCompletoly, fum-,, ents, Mn. and Mns. Alan tmactr, Ponee chain sew, b.p. Evinrude, motur, 2-wheel-1B kihdadwncnzd3bd isn 12' arpt, ~ mom o tt ag e bradioni Mn. and Mrs. Rick Glaýss quatity oet bols, olyedsock treilon, 9' x 62 12'57 hruhot Oenih cbn pntTesa 1 hus equlpmýent, f ull lino oft me- kitchen table and chairs. JaesW.Roino bhot an mto, ah fr n', a istn1i bohri chinery, Wo)ods 20 cen bulk stand, gas range with bncilon, Sme ni ae oisnba n oo.c'.fri a iiighsbohri mniik tank (Swoetwator), Uni- t'efrigenatnn, leathorette ches- proily anouaces the appointmeat of maîmon. PsOn, Sanay, Mey l9ts. versal punp- and lUne for 33 terfield aad chair. Lezy Boy, SME NI sSlsMne n Pontypoml <anea - 1 acr nMm.adayMrs. Don Frew, cows, 2 U-niversel units, sltua- double steialess siaks and feue- building lot on good rn.Vlne Alan and Virginia, les 1as tnk, otwtor ots, tape recorder, transistor JAMES W. ROBINSON as Real Estate Consultant Asri8,0 it em. M.end, s aoFo tn.othen items. 21 B0tt ado, hinp rcrdtnnl our now Branch Office loceted at aild Dweyne were guesîs steel stenchions, il Beatty table, chine, glassware, Park- Lloy d Atchison - 705-932-2770 aIj the Frow-Pryjima wed- water bowls. Ternms cash. No or desk sets, ebeese boards, 67 KING STREET EAST, SUITE 2A, BOWMANVILLE, Alan Rout - - 725-03531 ding in Canton United reserve. Machine sale et 12:30 well plaques, ertificia flow- frài osriga]terfinsrii en p.rn. Dniny equipment ados ea te ew aundused "'ii ead Jim r'oknnowrit vn i hi tinuEwaJas - 623-7152t ýChunch and the reception cale at' 2'30, beginning witb items. Terms cash. No ne,- in any ot their Real Estate needs Me coad - 6391 itv Centre la Os9hawa. HoIteis.'Car Flcksn, ý,Isjýere. aleat :00Pr. CrlWilf Hawke - -983-5274, Mn. and _Mns. Arthur Hosen.1r iksn ae ev.Slee :0pm al WH11Y NOT DROP IN AND SEE THEM TODAY HlnMDai 2-91Hln eoSna t n.and Auction&er, Reaboro, Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro,j 1ee eoad 6331:Hln eeSna f /532-95.20-2 Ontario, 1-705-324-9959. 20-2 21-1 2 1itroron and evening dia- The Canadian Statesman, Rowmianville, May 23, 1973 17 Pirovincia%îl Courti May 22nd, 1973 ~ Judge B. B. Baxtor pro- sidied with Crowtn Alton- ney G. BonnycastIe and duty counsel Mr. M. ýB. Kelly. Martin Wind, 84 Conces-, Sien St. W., Bowmanville, -pleaded "guilty"_ta taking non guests witi their cou- sins, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Beatty and family ,at Dunstord. Mrs. Norman' Johnstone spont lest Monday evening and Tuesday witi Mns.,M. Reynolds etf Rexdale. On Sunday Mrs. N. Johnstone, Lori, Brent and Sid Visser visited witb bier sisten, Mrs. J. Loveli, ,bi Barrie. Fniends are pleesed that iýss Valerie Frew lbas ne- ceived employrnenî, with the Pont Penny Star. Mn. ped Mî's.Bort Bow,- ors, John and Brian, Osh- awa,,acnmpanied bis par- eots Mn. and Mrs. George Bawei's te Stur geon Lake wbere ' lev enjoyed the holiday wveekend w i t i thir -new ,cabîn lî'ilIer. Monday luncheon guests with Mr-. and Law- r'ence Cooledge were Miss Bonnie Scales end Mn. C1nay t on Assoîstine nIo Kingston, The annuel spriog sup- per aI Nestieton United Chuî'ch on Satur'day even- lng reachod an ail-liie high socicliy and tinan- cially - e sincere bhank you to ail who assisted. Mn.- and Mî's. Russel Lermfer have sold their farm and will ,be takîng lite ensien in Ibeir relire- ment yeam's. On Mnda.y (Iodai.) a record cm'owud t- teeded the cuclion saile. Nestieton V.C.W. seî'ved sandwiches, bot dogs, etc.. .otfee and pop 10 their ceustorners. !Mn. and Mm's. Eldon Foc have also soid their tarm. Theîn auction will ho Set- urdey, May 26tb. -Presbyteriaa Ladies' Aid The nogular meeting cf lhe Ladies' Aid cf Nestie- ton Preshyterica Church was held on Wednesdav oveningIt 7:30, at the home et Mrs. Gracn t Thompson. The presideot, Mus. H. Visser woicomed lie mem- bers and thanked the hos- boss for having the meet- ing. T'le hymo "Ho Lead- Chi Me" was sung tellow- cd by tbe Lord's prayer. The devotional 'period was in charge of Mrs. G. Thompson. rending il Kings 4, versesr1-7, witb the expianatinand prcy- or frorn tie Upper Reem. The minutes wore read bhi lesecrelany-trecsurer, Miss R. Proutt, and aise tie conrespondence. Busi- ness nid and new wes dis- c-ussed and saime planning donc for the June meeting, when we will hope te bave some guesîs. Ar- rangemnents were a I s io made te ser:ve a lunchi fol- lwmga flerlThurs- day atternoon. Théerol eau using, a Bible verse cnntaining the word "seed" was answer- cd hy cigil members. The hymo "Sun' et My Soul" and the Mizpai Benediction cio's e d lie meeting. The program consisted 0fa reading by Miss Euh Proutt givmng the onigin of the wniîing of lie popular byrn "Amazing Grace"', and Mrs. G. Tiompson gave a briot resume cf tbe, chapter headings of lhe bock by Marjenie Hommes, '"l've Geltet Talk te Saine- hody. Qed", and read soem excerpîs cf intenest. Lunch was served by Mrs. G. Thompson assislod by Miss Rluth Prouît, and the approcintion was ex- pressed hy Mns. B. Davi- son. United Church Women Mns. Lawrence Malcolm was hostess for the May meeting of Nestieton Unit- ed Churci Wemea on Tuesday afternoen. Foliowing lie thome hymo ced the Lord's pray- or, the presideet, IMrs. -Note Holland, read a poemo "The Boad liaI Ceunts". For the develional, Mrs. Malcolm chose "Service tei Others" as lie thome ton honr message. She tbld (f lie incredibie Dulci lady, in ber cîgities, %wbh hid Jewish rotugees dur- ing lie Hitler regime. Sic was the first rogistered lady weîcb-maker in the world. Sic and ail bier tamily wore devout Chnis- tians and spent Ibeir livos la service te othersq. "Tic Hiding Place." tilmed in Cahifornaa,, wcs .iased on Moýher cf lie Poorosl cf tie Poor." Sic was bon la Yugoslevia and, et 18. she loft home la become a, nun. Foliowing hem train- ing et Lometa Ahboy, la Ireland. she wes sont te India. Thero sic baugit et a Convent Hi#h Scicol and becarne ils principal. In 1946, she reeived per- mission te go labo tic "slurns" - a ",froc" flua. IntoIbis Calcutta slum,, a 10 speed bicycle April 141h troni Central School. Comp. Bird roportedVicIer Rowe hdroponted bis bi- cycle rnissing. A- pro-sen- tence report is te ho pro- pared for June 121h hefone sentencing.' George Holiey, 165 Tho- Agincourt Mon Injured -on 401J A 56-ycar-old Aginocut, man suffered a serios cf sonicus injuries in a single, car crash on Higiway 401, near the Waveriy Bocd Exil, in tie early morning icurs cf Fni- day, May lSth. The injured man is Arthur Soyons cf Sieppard Avenue la Agincount. Ho wes driving n ccmpany station wagon, own- cdi by Archer Interion Designs, iM. lie westbound lane cf -401 \&,len tîhe accident occunred. Tic vebicle driflod olto tic gravol sinulder and Soyons tost control cnd drove off tic road and mb tict dilci. Althougi lie car didn't roll over. lie impact was suffie- ieetly severe 10 cause $2,500 damage 10 lie frame cnd tic front ed of lie vebicie. Se vers was taken 10 Bcw- manville's Memoriai Hospital and transferred siomtly after arrivai 10 Nortti York Generai HospitaL e was reported to be in fair condition wien ho loft BMH witi lacerations fo his face and noso as Weil as injuries 10 Iheleft side cf bis cfiest, igit shouider and upper aurm.. Tic accident was investi- gated by OPP Constable H-. T. B1urke. Ie 1948, walked a woman bn a white sari. Sichad à no ncome. no savings noC !oIopciFtx- - only five mupces <ieqss licetwo, dollars), and an inspirod callîng in help lhe pooresi ef lodia. Todav lime woman ib tic whitec-sari" Is amcng the bosî known in India. To- day' ber assoIs inciode 7500 chihdren in 60 scicols. 960,000 aclients carcd for in 213 dispeosaries. 47,000 victims of lepm-osy le 54 clinios. 16010 abandcned or ,rpben chihdren in 20 inmes. ird .3400 destituto or dying people, in 23 hmos - a]l Ibis ile 35' cil- es aed towns in India and in a diozcrn cher couetries.' Rie is lovecj iv lic peor, admired by Hindlu, Mus- lim and Cimisîiae. Last November sic recel vcd lndia's Jawahcrial Nehru Award fon dedicdmed ser- vice regardicset nation- a1lity. casteoro crecd. Mo- lier Teresa socs divinitv le ail ed pmaclisos tbbc in- iiuctîcMocf Christ - 'lnas- muci s 'cehavedoue if unIne ono etble least o (f Ihese, my brethi-on, yc hlave, done il unIe e. Mus Beader read a poem. "Prayer fer c 00w House." Follov7ing .lie Mlzpai benediclioe,' Mrs. Jack- soe's group- assisted lb" iostess witb lunch and Mrs. Victer Pansons, ex- pmossed lie appreciatien. Mrs. Parsons wil ho iostess fton11eJune meet- ing. li DykstruS5 QUALIT) WORLD 0F FOODS- ;ERVI CE ày AD "SATISFACTION" LEAN - MEATY - BONELESS POT RAST>mqm $1.25 IL MAPLE LEAF DElMPSTER EUROPEAN STYLE Onidon Roils SALAMI u 69 $129lb. Save 25e CANADA PACKERS DE VON OR -RANCH STYLE BA&CON, 9lb PRODUCE DEPARTMENT FRESH DAILY -SPECIAL!!!1 </A No. 1 3-1b. Bag Maclntosh APPLES d49c. FRESU FRES11 BRUSSELS Green Peppers SPROUTS I2F 7 d4 3 G L.arge Size HEINZ - Sweet Mlixed Large 32-oz. "ar, PICKLES 59C BAKER'S SEMI-SWEET - Save 16e - 12 oz, lkg. Chocolote Chipits 59c Culverhouse - Red Pitted - Save lic - 1-z Tins CHERRIES 2 for 59c LIBBY'S TROPICAL- Save 6o - 32-oz. bot. FRUIT PUNCH, '29c AYLMIER APPLE - Sikve 17e - 19-oz. Tis PIE FILLING 2 for 69c CORONADO Save 10c - 12-oz. Tin CORNED BEEF 79C DYKSTRA'S Food Market 77 KING ST. W. F RE E PAR KING Il BOWMAN VILLE mas St., Napanee, ebfarged Febnuany 2lst, w1ith faing te stop et e stop -siga when ontonring Highwey 401, was fined $20, cosîs $3, in dot aulI two deys. Coast. Mecoy wes the investiget- ing otficer. Donald Langloy, 19, 267 Liberty N., Bowmnnvlle, plended "guilty" te drix- ing wbile heving consuni- ed contrary te, section 236 efthIe Criminel Code. Consî. Cneig investigeted e mmcm accident nean the Golf Club. Breth rend- ings wore .15 and .14%. The fine was $150, costo $3, ia deteult 15 deys. Denais Ahrnmoft, 22, BER. 1, Oshawa, cberged Novemben 301h, did drive cenelessly in the Township of Canýtwrigbt, ploaded ,"guilty" tbrough couasol., Censt. Moon touad e vehi- cie on ils noof. The fine was $100, cosîs $3, in de- tault 10 days, and. given four weeks to pay. Richard fIrdlicka, 18, ot 574 Dean Ct., Oshma, cbanged Merci 31s1 wvilh careloss driving on Hligb- way 2 et the Onitarlo-Dur- hein county lino, pleeded "guilty". Bis car struck a tracton traileri on ihie Spuir station lot wiîh d ramage 10 bis own car $800 and te the tracter trailer $300. Restitution bas been made fer the tiailer. *The fine was $100, costs $3, in do- fault 10 deys.. Peter Sulbenlandr, 23, B.B. 1, Oreno, cbiarged De- cember 301h with halving liquor: in nîher tha-nhbI rusidence, received a$6 fine, cosîs $3, ln defeult six days, and liquon coni- fiscated. Const. Legato ini- vcsîigated a car stoppedi west et Mespont. Donald Reid, 45, U6 Markland Dr.. Etobien-ke, charged Januany -2lst, ITownship of M anv%-e rs, witbhchviag iquor in other than bis residence, received a fine, et $50, cosîs $3, in dot ault five days. Michael Serncszyszyn, 67, BER. 1, Betbany, charged Jaouary 27tb, Township ot Manvers on Highwayi 7A, pleaded 'oct guilty' bý failing te sec if way was dlean wben making a lett turatm a service station and if il was sate te do so at that lime. Const. Mc- Leoad investigated ate car accident. Damnage te eacb car was $1,000. Hoe was fcued "guilty"ý as charged aed lhe fine wes $20,. cests $17, in defanîtf tbree days. Norman H. Da-vis, 28, Kendal, nepresented bl"y K. Van Nest, lm bd plead- od "net guiity" aIt e pro- vicus hearing te a cag et takiog a mtnyi froni Jos. White, July 101'h last, bcd the charg-e dis- missed. RESULTS COUINT! MULTIPLE LISTING SERVIZE Oshawa &District Real Esta te Board