2 Thie Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 23,19731 Enni*skilllen Public School Opens $285,OOO Addietionl t The $285,000 addition to Banister andr Dalington Enniskillen school, the EnnIskillen P u b 1 i c Reeve Garnet Rickand. as a resource cent SCIhool was officlally Op- rary), a combinatio ened on Wednesday, May Representing, the Board nasium/adtoim I6th, and several B 1oard of of Education wene, the i-roo and offices. Education and elected ne- Chairman A. J. Rowan, Two of ther presentatives w e re on and local trustees A. A. H, classroomIs were co hand for the ceremonies Stnike and A. J. Werry. 10 parýt o fheope iNrmmbrina- )ujirnarea, tn reby making six Supeintendents G 1 e n n classrooms in the open MacLeod and D. W. Pal- plan section of bbe school. terson: were also memnbers 275 students are now of the platform guests. usin.g bbc scbooi in the The new section adds kindergarten tbrough to four classnooms fa the grade 6 classes. Enniskillen Principal H. Bruce Lush introduced the programi for, the open- ing that included MPP Alex Carruithers, United Counies WaKden Weston SIs5ters Happily Reunited Af fer 60 YeorsNe DmortElcFdra : CmmiteeDuring Annual Meetintg ,as well itre (lib- ion gym- *, bealtb prcvious ,nverted en space Oshawa Legionnaires- Drop Electrons 5-2 In First Gcâme of Year by Jim Clarke Thec Oshawa Legionaines bebind the unruffled, six bit pitcbing of Dave Whiteley lipped up the Locke TV E1ecýtrons 5-2 last Saturday evening at Kinsmen Stadium. It was the opening game of the 2-game scheduleý for Manager John Stain- ton's oulfit and despile 'W, loss they turned in one 0ýf their bel er perform-ý ances in the Legionaires' bail yardI For a curtain raising en- couinter, both clubs gave the sin crow.d in attend- ýîne afine hball gameu. Wh-itcjey sub)dued thie Electrons on six bits, while walking five and wb".Iiffing a dozen, Bow- mav1csstanting throw- er, Doug, Crough, worlked five complete innings, gîv- ngup three runs on five bits. He struck out five andi walked three. Crough cxited frorn the m9und la bbc oulfield1, trai]ipg 3-0. Donnie Fon-scy, in a three frlame relief bit, was touched for Oshawa's ne- mai1ning two ruas and four biits. He fanncd four while granting one free pass. Oshawa opened the sco- ing in the second wben Whiteley slashed a two out single 10 left, scoring Mlasa 0Ono who was safe on a fieldcn's chi:ce and myoved 10 second on a sac- rýifice. Ia the fifth, Ted Lutton 'nd Kea Toffani had con- secutive doubles -with one awa-y. Cnough fanaed the next batter bu-nt threw lé'ft fielder Murray-i Godfcey's tn-ickicr past first and lb was 3-0 for Oshawa. The Electroas, c-hecked on one safcty for ffive inn- ig (Gy Parks fourth frame inle b it the scoreboard in ithein Sixth. Crough dnilled a single bo 1of'., scoring Leo' Kelly who opened, with Bow-' rnanville's second hît of the game. Ray Crombie's base knock put hlmi in sconing2 position. Whitelev took c om m and after Crough's RBI blow, retir, ing the next two men. Oshawa took a 5-1 lead in the seventh, with Lut- tnswrong field triple past Larry Perrds in right starting things. With one away, an infield error, a walk and a pair of haits followed before Forsey eýs- caped further harm hby striking out the next twoü hîtters with the bases futi. The Locke TV crowd com- pleted the 'game's, scorlng in the top of the eighth on Crombie's run producing single after Parks opened with bis second hît of the night. Around the Bases. Bowmianville made three' erroýrs, while theý Oshawa squad booted, one. The Electronis stranded nine m en compared to the Leg-, lonaires' il. Lutton, Tutin, Ono and Whiteley had two safeties each. Forý Bow-ý manville-, Pa r ks and Crombie, picked -up a pair, with singes going 10 Kel- ly anid Crough. *Manager Stainton used 1-1 players. while Oshiawa saw i10 men sec action. Cromble pulled off the defensive gemn of the night ini the eighth înning, rob- bing Toffan 0of an almost sure wrong field double. The. Oshawa batter slîced one to short left field and Crombie, after a long charge wt the throttle wide open, somehow glov- cd the bail waist high, go- ing full tilt. These saie clubs meet next on Saturday, June- 2, in Oshawa at 7:30, with the Legionaires returning the visit June 3rd at Soper Creek Park. Kendal Eagles Win Home Opener 8 to 4 Over Oshawa Legion Affer four,,yeans of frus- tration the Kendlal Eagles came up on. tbe ighit side of an 8-4 counit"oVer thn ftough Oshuvwa Leg-ionaires on Monday at home. John Quantnifl, the win- ninig pitcher, tnrewý fine hallaflr rlieingstarter Ralph Kennedy. A pos- sible rally in ithe ninth was snuffed out wben Doug- Tayl vor retired the last fhree batten's and was credited wýith thfe save. Leaders at' the plate -ere RalphKnedRn WsPete Maartense anid Jaýck Mathens witbl two aiecce and singles gin 1 Dou-)tg Taylor, Johni Quain- ruli and John Withenidge. Nwc ach andmanag' er Mor Hallowvell and John Thompson mnust bc credit- cd with the good defeas- iveu effort by the Keadal club. Hobbs Teacher Wins Kinsmnen 50-50, Drow A teacher at M.- J. Hobbs Senior Public Sehool has won this month's Bowman- ville lKinsnîen 50-50 Dra w. Bert Martin, who lives at 1 Reygate Court in Ajax was presented with a cheque foi' $662.33 by the Kinsînen Club ut their May 92nd meeting heldut flhc Acres Restaurant. Kiii Steve Bylsnia, whio teach-s %with Martin at Hlobbs School, was thie seller of the winning ticket. P""UBLIC AUCTION SC ~(NO 0RESER VE) Saturday, May 26th AssorledlHousehold Items andi F'aniture (NEW and USED) T'V's (color & black and white) COFFEIE & END TABLES (Namie Brand Manufacturers Seconds) CAPTAIN'S CHAIRS PICTURES and PAINTING$ -- DUJNE B3UGGY - General -Miscellaneous Menchandise adBric-a.Brac SakBatront Premises. CLARE~DUHAMAUCTION 3 Miles Nonth of 0 on 115jý- (ForerîyFurntureDiscouantBan PIIO0NE 98-5151 or 987-5 161 We s'tili have some space left on Charters for he U. K. th's summer. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL; Colmer1Tourms PHONE 623-3265 U14 Orcbardview Blvd. Bowmanville Announcement (From Page One) Wentworth area. The provin- cial governi-nent ,wanbts fa make anc complete presenta- bion un bbe legisia ture regard- ing ail tbree 'new regions. (Oshawa, Peel and Halton, and Hamniiton-Wentwontb) "~People offen ask me my opinion of regional gavera- menit,"said Hobbs. "Myi ans- wer ta thein is that, regardiess of my personal opinion,bbe provincial governinent'bas assured us, thaft tey are going ta establish regionai govern- ment in thîs area." "I believe ib is my ce- sponsibility tfada bbc best I can ta wark unde-r bbc new' governinent system an-d ta do, wbat is best for aur people.", "The County systern bas been in ,existence for a century and a quarter," be continued. "It does nat seem unreasonabie that that systein shouid be updated."1 st1"Alfhougb the thing, neyer says stili long enougb to came up wifb accunate figures, I have seen saine statisfics wbicb indicate a goad pictune 'for Bowmanville under ne- gionai governinent." Hobbs cautioned bis aud- ience not ta place ail the, biame on reguonal gov't. if bbc local mill rate increases nexf year. The Mayor pointed ouf that f'or the last twa years bbc, mii] rate bas been. down (and another reducfion is expected this year) but event- ual111ly if bas ta go up. "s Every cantract we let out is her than if was five yeans ago, or twa years ago, on even last yean," be lamented."'our mîli' rate is bound ta increase under wb 'icbever systern we're under in tbc future." Hobbs used a quate froin Winston Churchill f0 suin up bis attitude-towards cegional governinent. "Changes are gaod, as long as bhey are goinig in) the ci.gbt direction." are changes. 1 hope w'rego ing in tbc nigbt direction wibb regianal governi-nent and 1 ,hope you'll find if an, imprv e - ment." .Mayor Hobbs was tbanked, appropriately, by Ratacian Garnet Rickacd, the Reeve of Darlingbon Township.' A happy reunion took place in Orono this week when two sisters who haven't seen each other for 60 years were reunited. Mrs. R. (Annie) Hollingsworth, lef t, one of a family of il ebjidren, left England when she was 21 to marry Mfr. Hollingsworth whio emigrated earlier to Canada. She isnwi1hrBs yea r and haýsn't seen) her younger sister Ms Lc Blenkin since she lef t, until Mrs. Blenkin arrived for a three week visit. She is 75. Several years, ago, a brother who was born after Mrs. HollingswoIcrth lef t home also visited her at Orono. The flight was Mrs., Blenkitn's first airpiane trip and shè thoroughly enjoyed it after they rose above the clouds. An Exploration of Surfaces at the Photo Gallery The Photography Gai- bous CLOCA parks. This lery in bbc lowcr section film was made under a of Bowmianvillc Library is grant fco)m the Minîstry of pieased to present an ex- Natural Resources. The bibition of photographs by second film, "A Portrait of James McKnight who was John's Place" mxvas fiimed born and raised in Oshawa at Tbornbecks Miii, Ty- wherc be attended Central rone. Collegfiate and Durbam Collelge. The p hoto.eran~i),ý n fhis in tbc arts, James attend- cd York University, facul- ty of fine arts, wbchre be majored in film. To date, be bas made two films, both filmed in Durbam county. The first film, "~A Shade of Green", concerns the problems of conserva- tion, andwas made at var- Rickard responded «on a Noting-that Hobbs has said somewhat less optimistic he was not afraid of the future note, with another quote from (1under regional government) . Winston Churchill. "This 15' Rickard added,"'If we (the niot the beginning nor is it the eî4ected poli tic ians) accept our end, but unless we act with esoib-te),hnhr s creibiityandresonsbiltyarnueh better chiance of the it may wcll be the beginning new system working. of the end." May 27th f June 2nd Public Encouru ged to, Supp ort Nursing Home Wk. The week of May 27tb bo June 2nd bas been declared Nursing Home Week in Ont- aria. At least two nursing homes in Bowmanviile are planning a full siate of activities 10 celebrate bbc event. Mnýî. and Mrs. Fred Beau- cage, who operate bbc Beau Villa and Strathaven homnes, bave invited the public. to corne and visit relatives and friends between tbc hours of 2:00 ta 4:00 p.m. daily. On ud, May 27tb. Fay Adams and bis nmusicalgru from O0rono wili kick off Lbbc week's activities wth aï con- cert of oid-ty-ne nmusic. The first performiance xiii beg,ýin at 1:00 p.mi. Lat Beau Villaad thien mnove on f0 Strathlavenl for a second] show. Abus tour of Durhamn Conybas been scheduled duning the, week and, on Thucsday, May 3lst, a Senior Cifizens Band from Oshawa wiii be performing af bbc two Bowmanviiie homes. The fcatured event of bbc week will be a Bazaar Sale on Safurday afternoon, June 2nd. Residents froin botb, homes will be sciiing bandicrafts they bave made. As with other events,' bbc public is invited f0 at tend bbc Bazaar. Rcfresh- ments will be served 10 al visitors during bbc week. Mrs. Beaucage urges area residents 10 support Nursing Home Week. -'Pleasc vîsi someone in a nursing home," she saýid.- Even if you don't know someone in particular, comie ouf just to chiat and make somneone happy." Fîfth Convocation For Durham College Wl!! Be HeId May 24 Durhiam students, await tlhe dipilomias. Dr. G É, Willev gwili nesults of fiiil eaiain rsd at the graduatin before graduation ceremionies -ceremnonies. and there will be take place in the Oshiawa iCiV'Cvie1emarks b, R.H. 'Donald, Audfitoriumn, May21 coinl- Chariman of the College's mencing at 7:30 p.in. This Board of oenr Music year, there are 209 prospec- wl epoie by the tive graduates fromi the thiree saaCvcBn College div'isions OfAPplied Tho a 24th1 ceremonies Arts, Business and Techniol- %will mark th fifth annual ogy spring convocaýtion hcld b y the Conv'ocaition speaker is Jus-Cleg ilitcamle mb tice Patrick Galligan of the beýing ,in ,1967 Supremne Court of Ontario, who will be introducedi by MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Norman Labine, President of WEEKLY REPORT the Student Adinistrative Week of May 14-20 inclus. -M i si n.----------- 67 Council. Invocation will be by r maie 1 Rev. William Piercy and the D ^chres .87 benediction by Rev. Mý'sgr. P. Mjor peaton,. 10 Dwyen., Minor operations 251 J. L.- Robinson, Dean of Emergenicy treaii(lets 246 Academic Affairs, w.ill confer Visiting, hours 3-8- p.m. daiiy xIi t ioniare v pm , 7il to the oudima1ge as if imiposes itseý]f'lf on thvicwv- er. These moments are brougbt bIo realiiy by a careful Selectivenesp on tbe photographer's part. No brasbiness is evîdent, just an bonest affinity f0 xvbat is bo be seen. Lower Taxes Provincial Grants the.Difference The original estimates, re- leased in April, had indicated would be reduced by 1.91 tions"up to and including milis. Howevcr, the April 121h work-to-rule" will only be provincial budget contained sdi.nefr osedU several pluins for Ontario's negotiations. ajunicipalities. Working conditions are, so The> iargest single addition fan, the prime stumbling block t0 Bowmanviile's cofferss in the negotiations. an increase of $132, 535'in the Thsboloadasru- cd tbc number of teacbing subsidy under the ncW Pcop- staff for next yean by 19, due fao erty, Tax Stabilization plan. monetany limitations imposed Aiso, an $11,040 boost was ýby the provincial expenditune receîved from tbc provincial ceilings. government in bbc per capita Teachers claim this will police grant. give a pupil-teachen ratio of 18 The town receîved anothr-ta one, up froin 17.5 last yeýr increase, of $5,770, in bbc grantl and 17 two years ago. for bbc Library. $3.300 of this The board passed a suin bas been added to tbc resolution setting the ratio 18 library's budget foc increases f0 one, but rescinded it at their in salaries, books and equip- next meeting. ment. Hence, even though bhec The sanctions couid be library, will receive an addi- împosed at any time. tional' $,300O this year, bbc Work-to-nule means with- town's grant f0 the libracy drawai of ail voiuntary ser- decreased $2,470. vices suctl as covccîng sports Clerk-.Xdministrat orJo gaines and dances, by the jeteachers. Mciiov idicaed (at a New officers of bbc North- detai)ed Budget statement, uimbeniand-Durham Division including bbc compiete suml- of bbc Ontario Sccandary mary of Bow manviile's cx- Scbooi Teachers Federation penditures' and, revenues for were eiected at bbc meeting. 1973, should bie ready in lime They are: Walter Cressm.ick, for next week's edition of bbc Port Hope High Scbool!, pres-, Statesman. ident ;Jin McManis, Countice aU ,t Secondary Sebool, first vice- G <iduq es president; Joe eiuBw manville Higb Sebool, treas- uirer and David Craig, Port, Hope, second vice-president. App3noint Two (From Page One) ~,, aSecond Class Constableý. By, December, ail lhingsý goîng well, bie wili be p)ro- moted to a First Class 24-year-old MeFeeters Jis aformer Bowmanville re- sident and a graduate of BHS, He also gralduatcd froin Canestaga College and is marricd ta a Bow- manvilie girl (bbc former Kàren Burgess). The other officer will be 27 - yar -old Mino Van, Brenda becAMeFeeters Dyke, a Dutch-born Cana- youngest daughten of Mn. and dian citizen wboresides in Mr1s. William C. McFeetersof Bowmanville. He is a gra- Oshwabasgrauatd fomduate, of Anderson Street 9shaa, bs gaduaed-fom igh Scbool in Whitby VlcMaster University and wili and is currenbly employed receive ber Baclielor of Arts by Bell Canada. 'He will iegree in Geography, Friday, be appointcd as a. Proba- May 25tb. ..ionary Con-stable. Mir. McKnigbt s p ea k S about his work: "Surfaceýs, patterns and other images are,( found in the leveryday (nvironne nt. P3~Maz lveu tirown unicýeesiltiad human issociatio/ns"(.ï,ret(, tinme 0f day, sýpathl tar- rangement,. and inýfIluenic oln man aand naturei.' plrthe tlcrelat.ionlship8 0f fond images, théca merla, a.nd the perceptions of ne- 0lty in the object photo- gr aph, The exhibition of photo- grapbs openied on Monday, May l4th, and will con- tinue through 10 Saturdiay, June 9th, 1973. vocte (Froin Page One) 'i'he N-D New Demnocra- tic Party elected their Federal Committee durîng their annual meeting in Port Hope recently. The six-memnber com- mittee, which will remnain in office until after the next election, is nowv Wilf Day from Port Hope, Rev. Fletcher Stewart of Hast- ings, Elma Parker fromn Cobourg, Hugh Jenn\ýy of Warkworth, Grace Wigley from Clarke, Township, and Tina Olthof who lives in Darlington. It will be the commit- tpes job- to find a' candi- date for the next election, cal] the nomination meet- ing and organize any fund raisng activities prior to, the nomination meeting. The 13 New Democrats woattendcd thc meeting dccided to send the NDP- candidate last fail. Wilmer HiJl. to thIle federal- con- vention in Vancouver Julv 20 to 23. if h-e is able to go. Mr. Hill was planning a trip to Vancouver withlhis father later this year and woufld trv to arrange the date to oinciýde itth conveýntion un]ess re- vented by bhis ne-w duties as hýigh selhool vice,-princi- pal. The local branch of the NDP is en titled to, send five delegates to the con- vent!)ion So it was dccided thaýt up to four' others would be acceptcd on, a fit'st con first served ba- siîS as Ile.Y nade' theni- selves avaouable The dele- gates will have to pay MacLeod (From Page One) lie informed the Board Itrustees at their May 101h meeting that "I have ad- vanced mY rceltirem en t subedule one yeai- because of certain personai cea- sons.', The Board members cx- pressed regret at losing an employee as valuable as Mr. Macbeod and wîsbcd hlm well in bis retired NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE te DISPENSE WITH A VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THAT: i. The, Council of tbe Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville intends tô apply to the Ontario Mu nicipal Board forapproval of the works referred to in Schedule, "A," hereto, at an estimated cost in 'respect of each work as shown insuch sehiedule and that the sumn of $47,,945 less- an anticipated subsidy from, the Department of Highways of Ontario in the amount of $23,945, that is $24,060 shail be raised by tbe sale of debentures payable ont of the general rate over a period flot exceeding ten years. 2. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said work's. Any ratepayer may within twenty-one days after the first puiblication of this notice, send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville the address given below, a notice in writing stating bis objèctions to such approval and the grounds of sucb objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shahl not be reqired and may approve of the said works, but before doing s0 it may appoint a, time and place for a public hearing when any objection will be consîdered. IiATED AT' THE TOWIN 0F BOWMANVILL THITS 16T1I DAY 0F MAY, 1973. J. M. MeILROY, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk-Administrator 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario SCIIEDULE "A" fm ly teddawdigo jt1 F 1 j o DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES BELl. CANADA BUILDING' OSHIAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA PARTNERS:- GORDON W. RIEHL, F C.A., U.. GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.. BURT R. WATERS, C.A.' PHONE 728-7527 their own expenses. The federal convention will consîder five resolu- lions froin Port Hope this year concerning housing, bank lbans, ,agricultural equipinent, abortion,, and theý disproportionate ,cost of aàut.omobile s2àe jparts. ELIZABETH VILLE Chunch services wene held. Miss Nancy Walker sang a solo and the choir unden Mrs. Cruse sang a numben. Rev. J. A. Rainjit spoke, on, "Sait. There wasn't too many out due to the long holiday I guess. On Tuesday the ladies held a quilting at the church and got it finisbed.Mrs. E. Prouse and ,Mrs. F. Todd were with us. On Sunday some of the ladies drove f0 Sbilob and attendced thein United Churcb Women's Thank Offenîng. Mrsý., Worral' of Newtonviile xvas the speaker. Mrs. Ross Beatty was taken ta Part Hope bospital Sunday. Mrs. Berneice Wheeler is in the hospitai also. Mrs. Gordon Morris expects to get home to-day but Mn. Morris bas to stay awhile longer. Mn. O. Kennedy is ouf of the hospital and- was visiting in the area. Recent visitons wîth Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty wene, Mrs. Sidey. Sannia; Mns. Moore, Oshawa; Mc. and MNIs. L. Johnson, Oshawa; Mns. Geo. Cawker, and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Casseiton and- Road Improvenients The following, Streets shail be paved witb l1% inch Asphaît: STREET Base Line Mearns Avenue Ontario Base Line Rehder Avenue Êdsall Avenue Frederick Ave, Jackman Road Mearns Ave. Queens Avenue Brown Street Mearns Avenue Queen Street i Fourth Street 1 Elgin Street i Grant Lane 1 Cemietery Road Flett Street FROM 300' E. of LibertyMearns Avenue Concession' South 850' Liberty Nelson Waverly 1400' East Scugog 685' West Scugog 665' West Scugog 685' West Scugog 3000' West 300' N. Base LineflS' North Queen Street 170' South King Street 400' South C.P.. Trcks3100' North to 3rd Concession Ontario Street High Street C.P.R, Bridge Division Street King Street Jane Street Liberty Street 555' West 3100' North Centre Street 760' South Parkway Cres. oc Hot-Mix AMOUNT 1 ,375.00 1,70.00 2,800.00 1,500.00 1,475.00 1,500,00 6,100.00 1,500.00 450.00 1.000.00 6,820.00 2,860.00, 1,475.00 6,820.00 500.00 '11350.00 2,900.00, $47,945.oo s their niece and nephew in Simcoe on Sa.turday. Mns. K. Fowler looked affen thé green house wbiie tbey wene away. Mn. and Mrs. Don Whitbred' and, girls, Oshawa called at Mn. and Mrs. L. Muldnew 's on thein way to and from a cottage area, wbere tbey spient the holiday.. 1Mn. and Mns.'Jim 'Wbeeler bave bougbt a bouse in Tinkenvilie and will be moving soon. Mn. and Mn4s. John DeKok- en,, Uxbridge spent Monday wîth Thickson 's. Bic-ycle (From Page One) trophies as well as five overaîl sghool awards wil! bc handed ouf bo the win- ning entries. IChildren fî'om public schools in Bowmianville and Daîiington Township wvifl be 'competing for 24 jindividua 1l trophies as well lis, five overaîl scbool awards. There will be sev- en different çatcgorics of eventfs includings k iill tests, bicycle inspections. and knowledge of bîke cles and regulations. The deadline for entries is Thuî'sday, May 24th. in addition bo PC Joynt. the Bownianville, Recrea- l ion Deparîmei(nt, tbe Kins- mnClub and airea teach- cr \Vill liclpsuecis