6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 23, 1973 TYRONE (lntended for last week) Our Sunday sehool Anniver- sary, May 27th at 11:15'a.m. Guest speaker Rev. J. John- son, Hampton. See Comning Events. Mrs. F. B. GlaspelI, Mrs. Alex MeMasters, Zion; Mr. and MNrs. Barry St. John, London, and Mr. and Mrs. ,Grant Glaspeil andi boys, were ~Mother's Day guests of Mr. ~and Mrs. R. B. Glaspeil. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd visited their daughter Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Genereaux and girls, Manilla. Congratulations to a dear lady, Mrs. Mfinnie McHolmr of 'Port Hope who celebrated ber "WHAT SAYS THE FINE PRINT?" 96tb birthday Monday, May l4th., ý Congratulations to a former -Tyrone boy, Randy Anderson wbo was marnied- and lives in Tasu, B.C. Randy is a grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Young, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rundie and cbildren, Bowmanville; Mr. Randy Oke and friend, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Rundle and Gai]. Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodley and family attended the chris- tening of their nepbew Andrew Glen Hodgkinson at St. Peter's Cburcb, Erindale, Sunday afternoon. Recent guests of MIr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar were Mr. and Mrs. G. Wbîte, Bowm-anviile, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McQuaid and family, Maple Grove; Mrs. K. Harmer and Stephen, Miss Louise Hloar, Bow-man- ville, and MNr. and Mrs. Tomi Hoar, Pontypool witb Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar for Motber's Day. Baby Charlene Potts, Hay- don, visited ber gireat grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Ràbm. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Goble, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble and boys, Nestleti and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Symons, Bowmanville Air and Mrs. Walter Rahm were. Sunday guests of their son. M.r and Mrs. Clem Rabm and family, Orono, and at- tended the cbristening of their granddaugbter Melody Kim at Orono United Cburcb Sun- day rmorn ing. Hobbs Chorallers under tbe directionof MAr. Rod Crawford were guest choir at Tyýrone United Church Sunday morn- ing. MNr. Morley Wymnan of the Gideonis Society' delivered a meslsage on "Tbrie Gospel IMust Be Pr'ocliamned." Sorry Noelle INewton had tbe mnisfortune of breaking bier wrist Saturday afternoon. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark and famîily were Mr.ý and Mrs. Bihl Hossack, and fmlMr. and Mrs.Wan Van Dusen,and boy s and Gary Thibault, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tbibault and famnily, Ros.in.11 Sunday dinner guests of the Clark famiily 'were AMr.and Mrs. Emierson Milîs and fainily, Toronto; Mrs. Nada M.Eugene Kramer, Mr. Lou Moody and son Gary, Port Coîborne. Friday nigbt eucbire there were,14 tables. Prizes wvent to Ruby Birkett, Grace Sih Aima White, Bruce Ormiston, Gord Smnitb, Ermna Watson 5)0-570 Doris Manns. Glad to see MNr. Mitchell ug and around. Durhc Assistant -JUNIOR FARMER WORKSHOP by Nancy Knox UL is difficuit for one to e a reciate the Canadian merican relationship until one is submerged in the American culture. I was fortunate, enough recently to experience this when four Canadians from the Province of Ontario were selected to represent the 4-H and Junior' Farmer Associations in a Hloosier' Social Reeceation Workshop in Indiana, U.S.A. The workshop is an annual event that involves anyone willing to participate (in the state of Indiana) in order to, learn social recreation tech- niques. Upon arriv ai at Indiana, we, were labelled -the four Can- ucks" and tLhe nam'e stayed with us the whole week. Often we were called upon to lead a -Canadian" song or game. Aýnd the Americans shared many ideas with us regarding livestock programns, the 1973 'Forage Club bas been set up. It is based on samiples of 7M A riN e-1wi/S;different feeds that will be 9 taken from your farm during the summenýr and faîl and by Bob Watt tested for their nutrients. This will be the basis for wne Agricltur Repesenalveworksbop on Ration Planning and FormnulatLion. The number different gaines. stunts, crafts across the Ine fence or in any of samiples and also the type of and party ideas. way in or upon tbe jland feed to be analyzed is up to the A worksbop of this type was 'adjining that upon whcib the individual participant. Dead- an entirely inew experiene for tree stood causing damage to une to juin the Club is June 1, .me, there was a wide ranyge of the crop upon sucb land or to 1973., and if you ,would like to activitis and people involed. sueh fence, the owner or receive thei fformnation and After an experience as re- occupant of Nhe land on- whicb aIpplicaýtionl form, would you warding aistfis, 1 can appre- thereie stood shail forthwitb please phone our office in ciare even more the oppor- remove i and also forthwith Bomanviie - 623-3348 as tunities available to the youth repanirtene or otberwise soon ais possible, ofltoday, and our- heritage as make good.any damage cSus- -Canucks". ed by the falling ofrhtrie e".SIHTYDSTR 'l'le Line Fence Act It is somnetimies a problemn Uponi study of the Line to know wýho is responsile ion ~ ot oewy 1'ene Acd, theece a couiple dekan up, for example an elm Umeemsa ocil Mwer whe of points %wbich I fee] are trnee hat fbas been blown down bopessodesa!lish a borne important that we sbould be and perhaps this 1may gîve or mildl strbed tahoen- aware of, Ownrs of adjoi n u .oeclrifiation intNés area. agersfro ,, o 8 erso ing occupied lands shal make, Il you wish mnore informatioýn ag.t keep uip and repair a puet on parts of the Act, orL portion 'of the fenc(e tbat, examiple, concerning arbitra- Hle's ailready bOugbt a marks tbe boundary between tion and so on. we bave a copy house buttbereS apob- tbem or, if tbere is nio fence, of the Act in our office and you lemn. Abojjj 30 of his tbey shahl make up and keep would be quite wvecomie te o Wd-e neigbbors bave rip and repair the same bavne a look at it. already petitioned council proportion of a fence to mark Durbam Forwage lub k) reject tbe proposaI. The: tbe boundary-. Another sec- With the objective of assis.- apparently, are miore tion of tbe Act deals witb ing tarmeurs in m1aking tbile fMan -nuldIy dîsturbed" by trees, -If' an y tine is tbr-own most efficient use of tser the plan. Guess bed better t down by accidet or otbewise hme grown feeds, in tPer work On them &iVst Senior Citizens EnjÏoy Photos of Japanese Tnplý The Senior Citizens of Bow- manvilie stanted off their montbly May meeting on May 5tb in the Lions Centre, Beech Ave. In the absence of Mrs. Cawker, Mrs. Darch acted as president. O Canada was sung and the minutes of the last meeting were rend by Mrs. Young. She annotinced- a Senior Citizens Convention in Sudbury, August 21-22. Reser-, vations to be in by June. Mr. Fanning sent in a letter' acknowledging the club fee for $8 bad been, paid. Miss Gilbert' was îeported hi. Three bus trips for the 'summer were voted on and the one to Tweed was chosen. No dates were giveni but wbien il is decided, the telepboning groups wiih be notified and tbe groups will telephone eacb member on their list and give ahi partic- uhars. 1Fuchre will be carnied on tbroughout tbe summrer on Tbursday afternoons as usual. Mlost people seemed to wish 'lie monthiy meeting for June be dlis-onitinued.., Mrs. Armitage gave the treaisurer's report. MIrs. Lang then introduced Jr 7Martin, the speaker and phiotographer Wh àIlel oi o oletaVacations on Far m Spendent agency deals only Asa eKMo uwith strong, reliable insur- eNe ' .E ~ance comnpanies, and he per- More, and more Ontario grants, and training programns77 K Ssonally secuires promnpt and holiday-seekers are looking sponsored by the Ontario cfll aimi settlemnent. fora vacation close to home. Federation of Agriculture, They want sometbing differ- designed to assist tbem to get O M AN IL ent 'and exciting, but not too int1o the vacation business on a far from the front door. For solid footing.,o orso"n IImany, an Ontario farm vaca- Cuirrently, there are some 45 OP'ENeIUNDAY fo urs pin ~ammî~ III~UUIIL~tion is an attractive and farmn famnilies in Ontarioco enne inexpensîve choice. inivive%,d :ii the Onitario Farm EU Agrowng umbe of armVacation prograrn. Under the Ageficy Limite r reting vnager of Agr1 (i-Ciuturai Rebabilitation S24 King Si. E. Box 100 tbs anew vaion maket o and D)ýeelopmient Administra- FRESHI PORK AOASTS BOWMyAN VILLE, ONTARIO supplement their incomnes and tonARDA nt'ai oinîtr DOUGLAS S. J ME nieet people wbose way of îjfe Arcluei fem Shoulder Office 623-5681 ïzL&* s a little different fromn their farm vacations may be eligi p Re5idence 62323 own. Tbey are also taking bie for -grants up to a advatageof povinialmaximum of $1,500 or 40 per cent of the approved costs of home improvements. Accord- irlg lu sources at the Ontario N O T IC E Fedieration of Agricultuire NOTICEA),; farm vacation 5 H o spnit alI ta La un fwhude olast B several tbousanid dollars of A\ I u tN/aI u n tee r adinî rss j incomne to am.AlfrrscretyaN UWf' Program me ~~~;:lved in 1txe progralm arePrkCip e 5cou For'1)qualify vfor- A'RDA assist- ý7 Fraprogramme to be Iaunched anjc, farmiers interested in MEATY PORK SIDE MCQUAiDE Î, shortly by the hospital, volunteers becoming farmivacation hostsSar RisB8 c M t must prove a nieed for SaeR are needed for a Volunteer-in-Serv- suipplementf farmn incomne andLOD1 i ice progra mmne. If à nyone ca n spa re miust agree - to take the TABLERITE RINDLESS LR12 fewhous n adalyweklyor training courses offered by the Side Bacon LB 99 a fewhourson adailyweeky or OFA. The farm munLst be even monthly basis, you wiII be working farmn and accurate Sdoing your hospitaland the patient a recaiorutib to f te vacaionopertio. ."SPECIAL" great service. Rae C. Cunningham, direc- SThe volunteer does flot in any way tor of properties for the OFA, SOLID WHITE suppanttheproessinalor aid suggests that farmers wbo suppanttheproëssinalor aid don't enjoy meeting people Sstaff, but to bring to the patient, and and wbo would find guestsa Salico the enerl pblic visting the nuisance foarget about the th gneaipuli vsiifarem,,, vacation programi. The T a Shospital, the mnany smnall personal entire family sbould be eager services that the busy staff are at hst.Piumbing facilities, the availability of suitable roomns Stimes unable to give because of the the -extra cooking, required, 7-OZ.PL ~, more urgent demands for their anJiingest ase I questions frotn uninformed Sprofessional attention. guests are. also important WILL YOU PLEASE HELP? fctr Rates now being charged by For further information, please contact: farmers acting as vacation CHOICE PURE 45 FLANC Mrs. . L. hildshosts range from $60 to $7 per OZA.l uie TIN I erné Volunter Coordinaor week for aduits andfrom $35JK ~ Vluter C-odiato 1 $0 per week for cbildren- FANCY IGA (IN TON Mlemorial Hospital Farmeurs wbo are interested 14JFL $ ýUBowmanville, Ontario and wiýsh 10 ýobtain furtber 1IGAMppIesauce Z. TINS * en informnation sbould get in louich with their agricuitural_____________________ 4ANNULV- r&ruiesietr 4JIL AN3UALWatching PORT HOPE - COBOURG HOME SHOW COMBINED WITH GARÔENINGand SPORTS Fri. Sat. May 25-26 2tolop.m. PETER CAMPBELL MEMORIAL INK WARDSTREET PORT 11OPE EVERYTHING FOR HOME and GAR DEN CANOES -BOATS -MOTORCYCLES ENTERTAINMENT LAKESHORE WAVES SQUARE DANCING Free -Admissioný FREE PARKING wm,. ...H.COGGXrNs CatrdAccuntant !,15lbrt St S., Bowmanviile Phone23-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm, Ciiartered Accountant 36-2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone, 725-6539 Chîro'r a ctic __ Cl G. EDWEN MANN, D.C. me * Chiropractor A 15 EinSt, LOIor. fiHorsey st O Phione 623-5509 Il <rA Office Hours: EBy appointi4nen A DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR, D.D.S. ex 26i Frank Streeut, Bowmýan%,ihie Su <neýar Dom-inion Store) 1hE O1ffice hours: 9:30 arn. to 9 P.m, ncdigSaturday Mr Telecphone 62 3-31 81 gr Dr. . M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 22 KÏing StIE., Bow.manville O0ffice Houurs: 9 arn Go6pm. daiiy C1osed Sat"urdbvay ad SUnday' Office Phone - 623-5790 D.WILLIAM EN, .DS Professionial B!dg. Bowmanvijle 222 ingSt.E. -Suite 106 O fu3eHurs: Weekdays 9 - 5 the " Food" b~il., // 1- G,.', Men yOU timnk of your "food" bill, do you imp the cost of pantyhose wit hthe turnips? ose ID 1 /5 of ail items bought in the super- larket are non-foods. shopper recently askeci why we didn't get ut of magazines and records and' back Io oceries so that food prices would be lower. :tually, the tacts are just theopposite... n-foods are one way food stores hold food ýces down. Profits on general merchandise e not as thin as those on food and this xplains the increase of non-food products 'ailable in food stores. In'other words, what upermarké,ts carit make- on the parsnips, hey make on the pantyhose. Ars. Green is available Io ialk "shýopping" tg ýoups. Cai 259-6633, or write -125 The lueensway. Toronto, M8Y 1H?. FOOD PRICES'EFFECTIVE 'VED., TO SA T., MAY 23-26 LO MILL BREAKFhAST t MPORTED STORE IA NWZALN 9 CAE M311 ,a e PACIÇAGSD NWZAAOCAESNON. )E (3 VARFTILambàLog Roaists LB. àml Bi BG 9 E P3VRE IES 8 fln PiePES J80Z79 Lamb Lg t88ksLB sl.29 LADY SCOTT <ASSORTED ColORS UIU~PERKG PKS ELO ~FACIAL 2" WITH PERESERVEDI WIHPPEOI 20-OZ OORIGHTS RS VD- Tissue 32) 9 Xe Pizza F Tfl J .I IlA AITITIPc: 20 AUam, & el Crn 2, MATO SAUCE) swith Park EA.%#%P- V . L.III 1i QUJIiV 1iilIL.%ýi 9% MÊ MILKE30NE LARGE 12FL. TINS 0le Dog Biscuits OZTlN 27c CoAffeCreamer 49 KRAFT PK c Mral Wi 32-FL. OZ. JAR 3Cý MIR SEEEPACK n oz "c fa t 0F2 24-FL . L JIAR LuiUeegnOZ. PLASTIC U6UC 5 iqudD retBTLs POWDERED ~YORK BLANCHED OR SPANiSH",l-zAN OL',(SM E PC)RSUE Bold Detergent sK Uox1. Salted Peanuts 2 Fri89 c icPRESSURE NABISCOà%9 BARGAIN PAK YELLOW (G INCH) ï Shredded Wheat2 i aper Plce P'LAIN, SJGARED OR CINNAMO-N 3 8 VASELINE LOTION (ýBONUSAC IGA DonutsJ Ci ntensive Care O~L67 ïOASTNl ASTE SUNTAN LO-TIOt OR OIL Date Turnovers 20F9 c aprtn OFLsD OEMPSTER S Onion RailS 72 PEEK FREAN Biscuits 'VAýrTE IGA RIPPLE, REGULAP OR SALT & VINEGAR-FLAý ORED Patata hpo à%fl B LACK DIAMOND DANISH %pCream Cheese VARfTIS442 7-OZ. LACK DýiMONO OLD 'COLORED OR Wi-ITE 89c Cheddar Cheose sn BFP FUIT NECTARj 70oZ j apeor Granr4 .32 FLý PKGS, 7%uaiJe OZB:S. OMSTEAD (iN BATTER) Fis Royale FROZENc SARA LEE (CHERRY OR, STRAWBERRY) à Cheese Cake FROZEN 180Z F -SPECIAL- Margarin 10%V E ETABLEOI 7OLD SOUTH FROZEN J uice (CONCENTRATE) FROM FL.ORIDA 12-FL. oz. TINS YORK HOMOÀOENIZED Peanut Butter ý-LB. ASTICs' JAR 1J "FRESH FOR FLAVOUR" PRODUCE 0OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 LUSCIQUS SWVEET CALIFORNIA Imiported Tomatoes 3 LBsý 99c S'WEET & JUICY CALIFORNIA PLKr aw Ub K'KzesVaeniîa Oranges :[ 1369 G3ARDEN FRESH 39 0 PRUCE EUS A 2 PI NT CANADA NO. 1 GRADE29 BOXES CANADA FANCY GRADE C/A LB Or for the evening. He gave a splendid talk and show--d many interesting pictt1reý his trip to Japan. Euchre followed for those wvishingto, play. Mrs. Hender- son entertained those flot interested in car-ds in the Reading Room until 9:3',0. (ET CASH TPODAY FOR OU) APPII4NýCES THROVIGH STATESMA N C L A S SIF iEDi)S HARVEY PARTNER ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HO0ME HEFAT SERVICE