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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1973, p. 8

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8 The Canladian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 23, 1973 ~p%623-3307 F'LASJJ1BACK - 25 Years Ago - Bowmanville Jr. Baseba11 Teamr started their season in the best of style, May 24th when they defeated Peterborough 8-0. Members of the team are- J. West, 3rd, F. ~Hooper s.s., W. Woodward, r.f., G. Cox, c.f., W. iDadson. p., G. Sturrock l st, F. Cowle 2nd, D. Rundie, L.f., . Martin, c. FLASHBnACK 10 Years Ago - Ted Fairey, our )ii's softball reporter, tells us that a couple *.f pitchers shar-e the spot-light for the first tw7o weeks of league action. John James becatne the first player to blast a softbali over the high school left field feuce, and Bill IOsborne claimed 22 strike-outs. k and Curtis Miller, an employee of Robson Mlotors caught a 41 2 Ilb. 24" rainbow trout in one of the streamns arouud Leskard. M) L-UCK - This column will have gone to 'y the timne the recently formed Juvenile ~meets Port Hope in that> town on but we can only hope they had a good i camne through with a win. Jim Clarke ry on the teamn elsewhere so we won't nÏt-on his,ý remarks. Apparently, the turnout rospecîs has beeni good and several merchauts -e com-e through with somne imuch needed sta flce. O_)KEY SCHOOL - Bill Leaman, Captain .of thieiH. W. Knapp TowiiyNg ajor Bauitamt hockey team wiI be on the staff of Bobby Orr's Hockey School, Orillia, for the summner season, beginning Jane 14th to Septemaber. tJNDEUWAY Town League Softball got 'mdrwy ast week and had a couple of owd-pleasing efforts on Tuesdlay with Kramip's *feating Ellis and Frank's taking Stephen'*s by te run mrrargins. Thursday's efforts were quite fferent. Frank's î'an away from Ellis and ,ephien's did the same with Kramp's. However, &e players wilI no doubt settie away as their rms, legs and reflexes return to normal, with it of good ga.mes in prospect on Tuesdays and rsdays ail summner long. The girls league ,uld also be starting to roll shortly and, we Jerstand, plans have been made for regular reports on their activities. 0o!\1SSION - Sorry', but ,oltehow the namne of the M'"ost Valua ble Defencemnan in the Com)- mercial Hlockey League was omitted iu the report Iast week. IDon Forsey mas ithe ïwler and received. a trophy for his efforts. It looks as though Donniie Is going to be one of the as- sets aise of the Electrons bail club this year. lie had the good fortunte to score the winning run on M'Nondlay. TONY'S FSBL TEAM 0F OSHAWA - have signed ail their players to contracts this week. New players are Brian Campbell. Roy Graham and Ron Bradley. On, Sunday in the opening gaine hey defeated Welland, the homne teamn, 2-1. On iesday, they played their homne opener against 'onto C.F.T.O.'s. Next Tuesday they will b*e to Woodstock at Alexandra Park, Oshawa. WýELCOM-,E - Last week, Charhie Lo)w of Toronto officiahýly took o-ver as General Man- ager of Bowmianville Country Club and wîll bc spendiug his wakinig hours co-ordinatig pro- cedusres and generally looking after the ad- ministra tive d1etails. He also hopes to im prove his golf wifle dloing the job and plans to become involved in tfre commrunity's affairs while building up contacts with prospective miembers. Hlis first big chore iincludes a con- centrated effort toIlave the second nine holes in operation as soon as possible. To do this, he has been able to talk Ken Nicks into taking full charge of the project. Two faiiar faces have returned to the club for the summner inciutd- throuigh somle enlergetic, conceentrated batting practice as soon as possible. They had SO many men left ouk bases, as 'compared with Port Hope, that they should have cleaned the> visitors by a wide margin, but could't cou- nect with the bail. Hlawk Akey on the mound did a good job, except for allowinig soîme costly field homers and at the end Don Me.Murter and 'George Sainsbury came throuigh with timely fits to score the needed runs lin the bottomi of the uinth. Several of the young newcomers to the ranks showed that they are going to provide some needed bench strength,icudg Doir aud Larry Forsey, Kim «Rogers, Larry Pi Ns urray O'RârieriÊ TENNIS CLINIC This Saturday rnorning, froni 9:00 to il o'clock a tennis cliniie will be held at the courts behind thev Lions Contre on' BeechAen, tor boyýs and girlsý front1 t1" i.ýycars of age' This is a combined effort of the 1;omsianville Tennis Club and the tecreauion Dept. Qual1ified instructorvs wil he on hand t rvd iniorniatioli Electrons Pull Out a Win in thbe Bottomn of Nhinth Donnie Forsey crosses thie plate tg score Rolly Spencer who) was clldin when no the winuing run in Mlonday's encountler bewen fficiais had showed up at giame tÏrme. lle was the Locke TV Electrons and their archrias si'.e by Jjim M,,urphy,ý. Waiting for the bail Port Hlope Flyer's. The rut) camre in tlhe bciioo that didn't -ornpe in Lrne, is Flyers' catcher of the niuth Mhen Don MMre laid dw a Wayne Hogg, wea-ring a disgustled look. wvell placed bunt. In the background is 'umpire One of the key players inth gamewa club Presiderit George Sainsbu)Lrywh is s1hown hýere. wearing out the seat of his pants s he ý,sides into home f or on e of the teamn's runs. He wvas St. Joseph's St. Jsp' ie ol in)g League held terbn quet on Safurda, May 19 in St. Joseph's Auditoirium Following a delicious meal1 the awrsfor 1tue '72-'73A season ;vere presenlted. They are as olow Chliamnps:.j im Fair.Eilee n Hard ', Dealnn. mbel Bi irod Mag Perrs le and Donna K enne-dy. ýun- ner-up Chiampus:Bi]H- royd. Eiens ce.Dry Someseaes îenHr Frances Campa and Jo Faýir1-andlrnrunBhHl roy d Ladies' Hich Aver -p age: 1iee 0Hvcky ad nunner.up was Man Van qtone, Men'-s I-ig Trile a Les Hunt. Ladies' ighc High Sing ayCn runner-up. George Go bs Ladbes' HMAhSini' DonnaPY the banquet 'high aeen- M" joyed by everyOne. Gary Cna n et ners were Frances Campa. BobWenr Vi Post. Allen MacLean, Terry Moloy. J-Te- 1 ,- 1u uv Ann Pox er.Ron, and Tan- ine Coe. Speclal thanks to the for the delicous dinner a ;nd the flo ing lcal mrb ants Milo donated iz. I.G.A. and FaksVrev MERRY MNAKERS Sehnb 3200sc,!Smrginssoy 3f)719, Himn30.545,.or ,30(t483, Siebaýrth 2971Towis- Iey 29890. High sin1gle, Gloria Smrath Hligh double, .June Sie-barth 430 (20C-22).S à Hligh average, Mary Huis- Commercial League Hîolds Hockey b)y jiniClarke Suoncer's Real E sta te. th 93Commercial Lea- gue hams. ahkýed o(ff with morfSt of thie silver- ware ait hast Saturdav igLht's annuai banquet. The Acýres Rsarn was thie settîng fîor an en- joyable supper. folhWed by the Shection c of ficers and the trophy presenta- tions. President J o h n Fohrpreýsidied over the affair whch sawý more tro- phies (39) than people 'n ittendance. The eus neUw e 2t suai his club rerive in- -!ividUalaarsforfiis ing' in firsi pla ce as welh aýs trophj-i fo catrn the hmùnhp î<e riVeîitch. wit h a showy 2:88 average and four suot for Spen- cers. nabbed the top goal- tkending award. i Brooks' Grant W ri gh t with 3:06 credenitials wasrane-p It was the fourth timne in the past gt seasons that Ken vaq the recipient nI thev top tnctminder honirs. Stecve Býurns. oýf Brooks. baggedthe scoring tie fo'the fo)urth ite in five years, shading WValIt e r Frank'q (Gary Wilson 3h points to, 27 over the 16- gaite regular sehedule. Anothier Brookçs' Super-- test award 'winne ' wa s John Adants. their captain. whn %vas presented wîth the ost spor-tsmanlike tuÔhy Tuillv' Thompson, a ea'nnae.was only two points behýindc in the vot- in.wjth 12 points, whihc Muttoýn's Rîck Woohner ( 10) and "Wod" ee (P) were close behind. Spencer*s flashy dfne mnan. Donnie Forsey top- pe(d the bluehinesý with 17 oitwith Ted Brownv of Mutton's Sheli Powhnr là votes and WValt1e r Frank's John Fowher, 13. n -n)Il reney lose fit for? the top de-foneemrn award The Mic, VaIuaýble Play- er dur-ingý the reglar sea- son was wn by eog wIl17, votes. compared t, 141 by the 1969-70 win- mwî', Steve B Prtis. Sainis- hur,'s ;win in this categorwa hs 4.OThe l Banquet The Commecýillage new tophie'sthseai t'te Payrand iaj-Best Rookie prize. Spncr' Ken Aslhton took the for- mer witli 10pons while Randy Roers rceived the laitter, îll"Thomipson (hi pts) ith "'Bltch" CoP aînd Woodyv" Lee at 6 traihed Ashton. TedBon wAas a dis'tanit secnd to ogers i te Rpokiv î-il Captain Laî'ry Prrsof Spencers won the Mc Valuable Player iiit Playoffs trophy wvith 2 points. Doug Crough (Il pts-) and Ashton (6 ;>tsý. both on thewinniýng Spen- cer's club. trailed i i thie voting. Aspecial preýset1tatic>n on ehalf of the Sp,ýen-cers players. andi coach Lloyd Hamilon, as made by aryPerris to a deeply aýppre-,ciative Roly' Spen- ceIr. TI)e following comprise the- Comimercial League's 1973-74 Executive: Presi- dnLarry' Peýrris: Past PresiJdcnt, Johni Fowler; Vie Presidenit, G a ry Ae: Treasurer. G a'ir y Wiltsoni. and Publiuity, Jiin ,IOTOR HOES h DAmoTOL{CYCLLS Ne\%-used JOHNSON OUTBOARD ONTARIO SPORTS Oshawa Tony's Refresh monts MEMORIAL PARK Wednesday, Ma4cy 30 6:30 Pm ONLY SOtc ADMWISSION TO THENEXT BG KINSM-EN SUPER to1be heb, eiE h PETERBOROUGH NVEM0R!AL CENTRE SATURDAY, eMAY 26th I$7,500 in Prize Money INCIUDING F'ULL CRDGAME FOR $'P10.00 FULLCAR» BIu; suME FOR A H GAME 1 3COSTnu;I IF * , ~ G' 2it 'GA E R I'setc.N( 4"!-A ý 1

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