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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 9

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rhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 30, 1973 HORSE TO JOIN WALK - At ieast 50,000 mrarchers are expected to join a veteran long-distance walker named Laddie in a June 2 waikathon to raise funds for Metro's new zoo. Laddie happens to be a horse, but that hasn't stopped bis friends from lining Up about 50 sponsors for his romp aiong the 15- ile route. After ail, this is called a Walk fer the Anim-ais - so Laddie's just helpingbis own kind. Joining Laddie a week fromn Satur- day wiil be Mletro's six mnayors and tens, of thousands of other walkers expected to raise at Ieast $500.000 fo)r the new zoo now under fi construction in Scarborough's Rouge Valley. t Incidentally, ousr own Bownianvilie Zoo is now open daily and wel worth taking in.. _______________c DWET ANVONE - The New Seveni Day Milk Diet0 is a complete seven day slimming programi which b is bu-it around thne goo dness of nature's beautifulL Iood - mnilk. Tfhe 24-page, full color bookiet includes properly balanced meal plans, recipes, aa body.-toning exercise- program, a weight-height, ý_hart, a food guide a nd some tips to help the dieteri survive. To help chart the diet achievement, you can also send away for a permanent press DietU Apron, which fea tu.res the seven daily meal plans,c plus a tape mneasure waistband. The bookiet is availabie free of charge by writing to: Milk Diet,j Dept. B3, 345 Fint Road, Downsview, Ontario. Get ready for summer activities by being in top form. SYMPATHY - is extended to the family of the late R. Paul Ottman, Oshawa, who passed i away in Wellesley Hospital, -Toronto, on Thursday, Maiy 17, 1973. A graduate fromn *Central College, Scarborough, in 1971 as a L registered motorcycle mechanic, lhe also at- tended Kingsway College School, Central Cllegiate wbere he graduated as top award student from Motorcycle Mechanic Circle. He was the Ontario and Canadiani motorcycle t chamnpion in the 750 cc class in 1971. He had also graduated from Durham Cialiege. OSHAWA WEEK - The $55,000 operating budget _ f or Fanfare for Oshawa Week was approved Friday by the city's social services committee. Revenue from Fanfare is expected to offset the city's expenditures through the sale of entrancet passports and medallions. The budget wlll cornes up for discussion and finalization at Tuesday's f m eeti ng of ci ty counicil. TÔ date $26,930 of the totali budget has been approved by council. The committee will request council to approve ýa further $21,980, Mayor Jim Potticary sai d at Friday's special meeting of Fanfare and Summer Games officials that over 80,000 passports have already been distributed. It is expected a miinimum of 125,000 people will turn up for the ennts spread betweern June 24 and .July 2. The ~inmenare located at the Oshawa Shopping Centre to seli the passports Fridays from six p.m. to nine p.m. and Saturdaysfrom eight a.m. to six, p.m. The medallions, to be sold by the Neighborhood Associations, will raise money for local park improvemnent.. The Oshawa Folk Arts Council is allowed $4,500 for' its Fanfareï presentations of the parade schiedufled for June 24,' concerts, trophies and prizes. Other concerts and shows, whlih include a western jamboree, a variety show and dance, other variety show and dance, other variety acts and a rock concert will cost $2,050. Rentafls for the programn will be an additional 280.Admi-inistration of Fanfare week, which includJes, advertising costs, will amrount to $41,850. Members of the Fanfare comminittee will meet with the Oshawa police Tuesday to discuiss handling of traffic and crowd control probllemis which are anticipated. To date council bas commnitted $53,497 for initial wr of setting up thei gamies. The total budget a mouints to SHOP AT HOME SERVICE CALL.. >GETrS f LADY WRESTLERS ..F WFTE EAGLE v THE NY LITTLE HAWK S> MASKED MIGHTYMALR IUMPHRY TIGE R bOULA 520 Ibs. vs. vs, O DVE WRESTLERSIRNDVE 1 qLRONO_ ARENA Rec. Reviews Bowmnanville Recr'eation and Ontario Hyre mployees Uniion Pee PWce sebýal League In the peninjg game of he season tHe Athietiîcs de- feated the Indfian1s b%, a 2(- o 4 count. The AtIletics scored ie 'uns ini thIe first on 10j wlkS and a Ihome runi[, by Paul Cascagnette. Theýy pieked l'l o11-ne mre iin thc 'secon-d cn tmeasad ïa stolen hase by Darral Jncs. The lndis pirkedup aý ýi their runs in th ) ýingle by Rick H dtywa. ý1rd and four walks and a home- -un by Dean'Ruther 1fo (d ilnd asingle by Murra isser The Athleties cami-stOr-- ng back in the furtih witb1 three more runs anýd pick(>d .ip il more- in the fifth in- :luding a ho(,me run by Jim Y'Neîi. Theo winninpr pi! ' h- eu M'as Dean H Jolmes h-,-ile In the, Tbiusd!av ih game ef the Rceto Dept. anid OïinrH dro Empioyee Union- Pee Wee Basebaîl League. the Ath- letics defeated- the Braves by a 17 te Il score. The Athletics scorcd four in the first on two waiks and bits by Dean Rutherford and Mlurray Visser. The Braves picked up txvo in the first onfour walks and a passed ball., The Braves tied theý score in the seco(-nd on a walk te Jim Murphy and a triple by MlikeRen1. The Atble!fics took the 1-ia! in the third oni four bits and a 7a 11-:andpiedu four runs.TeBrescm stormning back witb six 1bigL r-uns in the tido ak te Clemrenger,Leln an Gordoýn and biits ,by ar ard Murphy. The Braves picked up one monre ruein l- the fourth. The -_Atietlc ' 3cored se-ven runs le the1 fourthl on four wisand five hits te wîni the -contest 17 teo 11, Dickinson, K. Stephens, S. Libe ty B llesHoldSkunks which vwere made by Marian Hennig were present- ed b1y lher to fthe team whîch Their Annual Banquet hàd dr on wn un The LibeTy- Belles Tuesday and a set oà glasses as table ens, J.Eison, H. Nihil, P. afternoon leygue held their favors as well as the pen Bmedl ,AM.SetoL M. lnE. banquet at Memiorial Park, which asatweh place on the Sewell. Tuesday, May 1:3th A social tal.lowest Gamues b)owled dur- haîf-hur was held at 6 At 7:00 p.m. ue helddrws ng each schiedulle were pre- o1hk doc, flwed by, a delie- on extra gifts. The champs sented by Marian Hennng. io us atbeef dinner at 6x%, were then presented chith theirMlst.scedule B. Jewers- 82, par Garace assung bytrophies by Alan OsbeO*c. 2nd. M. Blunt - 75. Lws evryn flowdby the Tearn membhers are: CaPt. M. Average for each schedule Toast tc 1(he Queen.ý Kirkton, J. Chant, B.ý Sierhui-s, were presented by JudIy Mar- Pres. W. Coomnbes thank- M., Kent,!. Hlarrison, L. Hlone, t[n. lst schedule B. Jewers ed bhe ldies forthe deliios S, Stainton. M.4 2nd, L. Tripp - 120. mieal and asked them to At -7:30 1)pl. .we heldmore MarionGibson presented the accept, a ghtt e4 a cup and draws: Pres. CoomIbes pre ladies that had, bowled 300t saucer fromn the Oeague. sented Alan Osborne wthA1 games with necklaces mich Pres. Coombhes introduced the gift etifiate from Fen' S had the gamne engraved oni the head table with our guesýt Mens Wer romi the leaguie. back. being Alan Osborne, mianager Pres. Cmbes called on 9My Kirktp Brenda Ste- ofLietBol Each lady Màaian Henning to present phens, and miarion Gibson present was then asked to file Sec. Carol R1oberts adT's presented the ladies that had tu He bac of the hall where Mary Kirukton \with flower bowled. 250 or over with a they were given a lawn chai asket'ýýus wch jsiehtae bracelet. Brenda Stephens for- the legu or their work presented the ladies that durig theyea. bowled less 100 a bowling c , .s PrsWila oombes pre- ramn bonnets. sentd the runners-up with TFhe laies who bowled The elections o the Drama thir trophie:Cap. F. Brad- perfect attendance two sched- Club's executive for next ey, J. isan, N. FergusonM'ý ules were presented uwith sait season were Med this past Seto,Pansy Johnston, E. Sewý- and pepper shakers and mioni- week. Walter Taylor is the elI, D. Ferguson. ey by Marian Henning. Na ne, new president and Joanne High Average trophies wvere read by Sec. Carol Roberts. Johnson the secretary-trea- presented by Treas. Mary Thie ladies who bowled ope~ surer for next year.-, I Kirkton, lst. schedufle F. schedule were presentedwil At tbec L.O.S.S.A. track mneet Bradley 194. 2nd. C. R-'oberts sai't and pepper shakers byý on Wed., 12 athletes qualified 215. High. Double tropies Jd Martin, namtes read by for COSSA. Arelene Keat- were presented by Maiaec. Roýberts. ley followed up bier excellent Hennîng lst. schedlule C. Hidden Doubles for the las! performance at the WVest Roberts 581, 2nd. S.,ain day of bowling were read by, Durham ïMeet, wt three 591. Sec. Roberts presented b firss in S0m,80m urdles and igh Single trophies were Treas. Kirkton Winners:S. long, jumip. She beaf1 te log presented by Judy artin, lst. Wlson, P. Fallis, D). Fox, J. jumpq)retird with sa fantatic schedule W.,-,Coombes an-d H. Luxton , MN. KrtoE.Seel 16"Jump Jun Tin1mmers Nihill 31!9, 2d. A. Bons il. . Cook. B. Jolles, J.Matn alsoý did el ih 2 irsts 'in 60 Low Place Team trohies Ml. AMDoncald, J. Tominson. and 100 ni and a 3rd in high for Ist.schedule wvere presenlt- J, Chapple, B. Stephens. jurn"p. hr h qualiie ed by Brendla teens. Capt. ec Roberts gave a report were Shirle Ptese:2d!n E. Dadjýson, Hi. Cook, N. offoeran rdwhc high jump, Deb Miler: Mth!n VanAbbemia,A,. Bate, R., Morr- had been sent out during the hurdJes, Diane Oke 4thinplisB Crossey, K, Steph)lens. year. Treas. Kirkton gave ber lOOmi, Lillian. Lavender: 4th in Lwplace Team trophierpot for the year and the shot put, Annette' Kuyier-: 4hfo-dsheue1ee1rset bank balance. in javelin, Mdark Ha4newich th ed byMabrion Gibson. Capt. C. Pres. Coombes then w'ent in javelin and both the Sr. girs HRoet, .MaDnad Dot over'the rules from týhe year and Jr. girls relay teamns. Mutton, Marie Gfibson., R. and any change,, that where te be made. Elcinof Officers was field: Past Pres. Wilma Cee- £ï mbes, Pres. Judy Martin, Vice Pres. Marian Henning,' Sec. Carol Roberts, Treas. Brenda St ephecns, Social: Rose !Dickin- sýon, Helen C)ook . Jean Chapple, Eleanor D'adson, Mary Kirkton. Pres. Coombes, presented the head table flowiers to Dot Fox wbo was celebrating ber 25th anniversary. Yvonne Osborne asked that a vote of thanks go to Pres, Coombes and ber committee for the work, theyv bad done and a very sucuessful year. When Tickets -Availlable At: MtUTTON'S SHELL SERVICE King St. East the tables were cleared and' everyone had settled we hiad morle draws each haif bowir until 10 o'clock W INNEBAGO MOTOR HOMES HONDA MOTORCYCLES New - LUsedt JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS-BOATS HARDTOP TEN\TTRAI LER'fS all at Oro4no.Hw.115 93i44 Gentlemen...gsart YOur campfimrs., Ea c-ya r ije eýa r1yJlC-une,) CthouS ar ds etf r acingq, ta ns coin v e rgce depriiah)e 0Tîý1ý OntecUefryýsi de 'fa0 fake ýpart in what has becamrle one eoftfhemajoir eveýnts et spring. Tents pitched, the grass and tree1 cavered huils transform inia an instant city. By rning fhe crowd has doubled. T1he suej and nature rise ta the occasionýr as the sweet smeillef bacon and eggs sizzingiý over open tires take tlhe chi'l off the country air. Sudden ear,-spifting screams et' 1000 IHP engines and'flashes et bril- liant calerbing camnpers saprn te trackside. le secondis al fhat re- mains is the acridi scent et racing fuel and a distant hollow blare. Qualifying has begun. Welcome fa auto ra1cieg. Te Mesport. Homne et the htfh consecu- !ive Labaits Blue Can-Am. These irst two days are devoted ta estabulishieg drivers positions., for the star[ et the race. Or whether they quality afil. fordriver and carrmust meta strint time lirnit for the right ta participate Free Camipinrig Campers are pravided with free camp- sites, waod aed water. Food, drink and washrcoom tacilities are located at vations poi nts aronnd the frack. The Drivers The Can-Am se;(ries.attracîs many big camne international drivers such as Mark Deeahnue, George Folmer and Jackie Oliver as fhey vie for top honours en this the first et a series et nine races. The Cars Yan'ii aise eebig narne cars like Porsche, McLaren, Lola, Ferrari andj Shadow, mosi et which are European n engin. The body et a Gan-Am car consistn a wvater-.,hin layer et fibregiajss. T'-e, frame artd ther confiponenfs are formied trami-nlight-weight alliýninm and ether aiiays. The transmission isalfive speedi mannal with the polential et np ta 240 miles per hour in top geair. Athongh the mile book stî;pulates roarn for a driver and passenger, oiy one persan is ailowed te pilaf thecar. Attee arn. wo prlminaryraces At 2:30, th coutonbgn tî ersCnAm, Corne for the day cansitigt orm"ulaFards and Adter a railing stan n which tho <tafnuierl)or lake ad-vantage sedans peed he Labatts cars circle ,the f 'rack, fhifag et the 'hre dy upr icete Blue Dries Parade draps nàfret et he pi aea e'speid niS U 0agmr. and main and the race is on. The rsnt This scar rain eits rrist event. wiU be firsi hand hisîorýy. impressive trm ad a genuielyentcr- We aÈ Labatt's hearf4y tiing experience youci're neotlieyt I invite yene tendforget... WC hape ta se-e yen there. to ý,SheIICAN-AM RACE MOSPORT PARK - 3 DAYS - JUNE 8-9-10 GET AN ENTRY COUPON WITH EVERY $3.00 PURCHASE 0F SHELL GASOLINE at the following locations: *DON PLAIN'S SHELL KING and LIBERTY STREETS *RON MUTTON'S SHELL 919 KING ST1. EASTr *H. W. KNAPP'S AUTOS LTD. 24 ASE LINE Contest to run Mýay 12th to Jun"e t4 THREE DRAWS-2 PASSES EACH Draws to be made Weclnesday, June 6th Onte dra'w wMI be made at each station Iisted above. Tues., June5 8: 30 p.m. - JUNE 8 910 _I TOPI?7 TICKET LOCATIONS-BGOWMANVILLE Organized by CA.RDA. Sanctioned by C.A.S.C., F.I.A. À q %mý-

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