400 Friends Bid Minister a Fond Fare-we!i VOLUME 119 1 ae liWMn VILOTIIWDEDXMY3,17 se oyN 4BER 22 New MunÎcipgjLty to Be Named Newcastle Durha e I T he long awaited aninounicemient of the iscn provincial government's plani for regional Parets governmients w'as made by the Hion. John Wýhite, the Minister of Intergovernmentai Affairs, ini the Ontario Legisiature on Monday' afternioon, IMayM 28th. Specu ~laitat Port Hope anid Cobourg would hbe left out of the new regioni proved to) be correct. The easteýrn houndarv for the new region, which was clldDuriham in the an1- niouncernent. has. been dr-awn atl the lIope- Clarke fine. Bowmaiiville and Newc,(astle, plus ail of ' Darlington and Clarke Townships, have been unted into 'one municipality, mruch lîkýe the original proposals Put forward in Decemrber Thie new municipality was referred to as Newcastle in White s announcement. ()tntntaeio PickeringMan Wins L8gion PrizeMoney on Bondcà, e-moeLn d Children Learn How to Cope With Ast hmu After 24 years as Minister of st. Paul's United' Church, the Rev. ]larold A. Turne-r is reiring and Saturday evening at Bowmanville High School, 400 f'ýrids gathered for a farewell party. H1e and Mrs. Turner received nmny tributes during the evening for their dedication and devotion to thew St. Paul's congregation'. They are shown here, following thie presentations, greeting their friends. HisD evout y- JDedicLa tfla n Neri 40menhrs orm l~0W anv1 1. onn;xv11 w . Car Cir aîJsa N r' la d A TuJ ih i i the 10w mn île lih hho TwollCar Crash NJ) say l av 2thshoil' imast o Cur h Stetan stoped ai h corner ni M), Tu!nr eirnwtiro Enniskilen Robbery A xx o cotusotianîd utieertnt:-surounds thel- ?obr tsiemnons Store ii 1oojiskfl-en onihusa a 244ha la Fîx uxo, en x hoare 'bel- i g<slx'ao1)ndoi gp (ontinued on Plage Tux ot 'l'le NI1n y draxv o> the Legion Welare Kund xxas made at the Ladies Auxilliaiv býiigo,, in the Lcgit>îî Hall. on Vednesdav. .May 2:lrti Mrs.1-elen Bray brook, 33 Centre SretPowmanville. a xx muer oi the $2001bingo priic a ca tiet on by chairii m StanDunItomake the two draxxs.Nirs. Brav iyiook slctdticket '00. E3162,. hldbk Gordon S. MeCilo GO. iwRodad, 1< R tikrn stcwn of thc tirsi prize 118.1 ,Second prize ticket n.E5469 xxas hei-td t)y tA schwîiur o! IPeterbýorough hoxste xx inner ti(d the $O) 1Seller- awartls w t Peter Richardson, 20Nipigo(n St.. O)shaxxa. $162. for ftOc sale :)f the vwin ing ticket and $i0.to GWegît 109 1-igh Street, Bowmaxi\ile t'or the sale of second prize- ticket. Uiturîý,iately thecîîîonthiy total m was again iower, that the previous mnonth xith the total of $3436.,('hairmqan Duon and his, co-chairman Don Wrîght are hioping t(hat sales, tor tOc (Coninued on Page'lTwo tý Downjr 5.1 1 Milis Darlinegton Budget Reduces Taix Rate, Increases Spengdinrý,g 12c2 97 1Ptge7 tr2 >a cO i 02ii am>2nd en trop ii i tO rhaveîîal mii ci sLithe 1973 iiii t x iiO Yo th Suf fers Broken Leg n otorcycle Collides itCar on iný Stre, A 7yertLd Boxx mnt Ile y ot fwa hospiioivzed x1 [th whis belîeved 10 ýobe a broken1 leg ller10emotoex ce1w xxa idgcoiedx 1acr on iniree. nar 0eir ýýciiers.on Swuday ,A..\io2710. shiiallr 0000 houi ,. LIx.n MNcholis. 1tri 101 Scugýog vtet as pr~o ceedig o nRing Street on hîs motre cead trîd1 makea lfi m mb Brock's BPsato H oidexit a cai xxhiO xas utiîî athe (rom paring neteronlie Laurie Rose Carnochian, 30. from ,RR ,BowmanviI!e. No daînage xxas donc, b the car and oniy $15t0 was caused bh tcbike. However, t0e Motorvexie (li on Nichols' leg anýId Oc xvas taken to Bowuman- ic s ýMemorial Hospitailfoi treaýt nent. Antique Ciccklýs Exhibited ut Cak Twp. Museum For supporters oi h ee boitiugh ,Victoria. Northmm beriaîid anid [)trhain 'ut separate Sehool Board, 01t, residential tax rate Oias heeno set ai 116.86 milis doxco :1 t Continued on Page Two, BlITS For s eve.ral weeks, a gro(up of parents and terchildreni has been meeting In 1te basemnent of Bowmlanviille Public Library, leairning about exercises, diets and otlher things that wýilîl help them to !ope, with asthmna. The six we] sessions have been conducted by the N-D) Tuberculosis and Rtespiratory Diseases Associ4on n co-perinwthheDsrc Haype, M'drs . . H. amilton, Public Health Nurse; Nuitritionïist- Miss E. Randaîli, Dr. ÏE. D. Hiubbard, shown in ths photo; Pedia tricinDr. G,,. Alan Rutnd1ce and Dr. Camneron C. Gray. Eeuie Vc-rsdn and MedicalDirc of the O0ntario TB-RDAsoitin As at the fr-ot i this photo are Mr. imHarltn, righ, and M1arion Vanstone of the MHRD cAssociation. N-D Tuberc Iosis and àD Association Complimented for its Pioneeri g pirit Du ar Ibecuos ad tin was descrý-ibcd a enhd th localA ssoia h fist ; Caadato d ofthe bright sos1 io ni ls arihens oao tahn c ntario TB an RD aIpoPrn sprthreupisaothe a- nirtrc ~, ssocî,atîon attheiaal Pa~sSecretary ad fson i lMa 23 rd, e pad special tribîir Mr.Pctes lt)po Waitr Dais, xecutjýixto M .Marjdry Pewtressý. rdabayste ran r oa f thé York-Tor c- tie secretary of th, r1nHenPu ~~ TOP BOWLER - AI Osborne, mnanage ofLbey Bowl, feels that Doris Joli is probably the best woman five-pin bowler in North Amierica. In Calgary over the Victoria holiday weekend she won, the national competitions and establishied a 264.2 average for 16 gaines. Her rnearest rival had 2077. Total pinfaîl was 4228 against 3644. In tLhe team evenit, Fran Elis. Donna Kennedy, Bernîce Terry, Onie Etcher and DorisJoi cam thir 'd with 15,752 pins for 16 games. The teai winner frorn Copper Cliff ha0 16,327. RLAINED OUT - The bicycle roadenthat uas schedufled foirBqmavlligh School last Saturday morning was rained out and wiIl b held this Saturday. iF the rain quits, starting at 9:00 o'clock. No new contestants %OUl be ac- cepted, oi)Iý those who already have regis- ter ed. DRUMHEA - Itvil! be alrnost like coming home for Bert Mortlock this Sunday afternoon at 1:45 when he is slated to be the guest speaker at a Scout-Guide,-Cu'tb-Brownie DrtîmJbead service at Memorial Park. Bert was a Scout promoter and leader here when he wais Associate Editor with The Statesman, quite a f'ew years ago. lie is now either a,,full-fled-ged minister or in the process of beconhing one. Don Venton, -one of his former Scouts. will introduce NIr., ortiock, PROBLEMS - Our nwsystem of typesetting lias its built in problemis because instead of solid slugs of inetal, wer or-king with strips of paper, that are ieced together and stuk onshieets. The> are diffiuit to keep track of. especially he the pieces ot 'paper- are quite small. As a resuilt, some, headings have ap- peared on the wrong itemsi recent editions, creatinig amnoying reactions fromi readers. Progress can be compliedy but we're winffing bit hy bit. Craft Demnonstratîons ut Museum Op-ening TîmiCaeeTomishîp Mus- opc(ncd ltOmsyefmr and Clamkc () K. sOiri' o>Boxmon- eurn 11on Cuc tetin OrooReueeTed Woomdyard and D.exiM.,which is curreitti>to openec! frils itsecond i,,seaisoinio Bme~ antChairman ureid 1in the nex oom opraio lsIPrdaMay o O uem omteCurator Mrs.D. oh!) t adiea gisplay ,of antique idiaedtat t1c1u1( u nexv roro lia been dcks trmltOc collecijon of and acie.xihmo'px APOLOG(-XIES -- While we( hate to admit our shiortcoinigs -ýini pr-int, we n-i[st apologize to Mr. aind Mrl oii Fulton, Libjerty St., North. Te . attended an hi«storic futýioninM the Niagara area Iast -week, dressed in beautiful and appropriate tiiîi~. aîd xhbît tiscostumnes. We hiad hoped to pu.bish a photo of ',ei.îs pe bexxen 0ethem with lus VWorshilp IMayor Ivan Hlobbs, but 8:10 pm o ~hrsdys ndcompletely forgot the first appointmnent and on the Vrid!ayýs and 2:00 10 500 P.11 second try, the pîcture wvas nio good. Hope'te on sotavshad ia good timle! !l>ox'tiont iltes IMuseum On SilerStretopcîed torm1tOcl sco5o on Tursdy evciiîg nev exhbits an ýaýtch tO xSmoepo)polorduiing 11w Jaoenperîod Aiso On hn or vgutye lorbridn rugs an Mrs Shron Kap shoedthir kilsaImac Severa new ad 1in~rsi' dmspiys xere nvcied o someneye beore-shown tipho- toîah akun Iby local ph)oo and Po rtmiogtonhor as thcy xx erc main> yealsago. TOc, musuipn wil be open tom 10l,e rest n oc summer Ilom :00i 1 50) p im. daily. ïxcept Mondays.1- 'VIBE'R'22
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
Questions or comments? Please contact the Library by calling 905-623-7322 ext. 2712 or by emailing info@clarington-library.on.ca.