10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 6, 1973 Repotfo ue' Ark by Alex Carruthers JMPP 1June 1, 1973 The announcernent on Monday last by the Honorable John White of the boundaries of the new Regional Governrnent east of Metro ushered in a new era of municipal govern- ment for much of the United Counties. of Northurnbe'rland and DurhaM. Following the December 18 proposai by the government, aý number of alternative plans were proposed, b;,ut none of these received the unan)ious consent of the municipalities involved, The govern- ment plan with certain modification and the exclusion of the municipali- Lies east of the Carke-Hope boun- dary will now forrn the basis for legislation to be submitted for first reading to the legisiature within the next few days. In order to maintain -a rural environrnent to the greatest degree possible, and to maintain a strong econornic base, I strongly supported the position of Darlington Township council, to have the west ten lots of that township retained. The govern- ment revised its original proposal in this respect, and granted the municipality 's request. The request of Manvers and Cavani for an adjuistment of their boundaries, which I supported, was also granted. Mr. Rowe and 1 objected strongly to any change in the boundaries of the local school board with the exception of Cavan, Manvers and Cartwright where much of the education is purchased from adjoining municipalîties out- side the couinies. I 'arn pleased to note that the present board's jurisdiction will remain viable. The decision of the municipal councils in the Diamond Triangle to remnain out of the region was confirmed no doubt only after very serious consideration, and I regret that 1 was unable to support it. Only after careful consideration of the alte-rnative plans, and with a concern for, the future of our communities did I corne, to the conclusion that exclusion of these municipalities would not be in the înterests of thelocal communities. My position is based on a number of factors including the following: a) The need for a larger econornic base than that provided by dhe county systern. b) The need to ensure the proper location and type of industry for local communities. c)The need to ensure ernployment opportunities at the local level. d) The need to ensure a buffer green belt between the Diamond Triangle area and the growth aý'ea to the west. e) The need for the communities of the Diarnond Triangle to.be ina position to- control the urban sprawl from the west. f) The need for amalgamation in order to stop the competition for industrial and commercial as- sessrnent between municipali- ties. h) The need to restore to the greatest degree possible local" autonomy which has been erod- ed over the years because of the inability of small municipalities to finance their needs. i) The need to control the growing tendency for the communities of the Dia mond Triangle to be- corne dormitories for the indus- trial communities to the west. The zeal for systernatic progress has rnarked the whole history of Ontario and with the restructuring of municipal government, another step is beîng taken to ensure a sound, social and economic future within a viable democratic frame-, work. Durhamip Agri News Assistant 1Nowý that mnost cattle are on pasture, there -areý a couple of points that shiould be remem- bered regarding the running of a bull with the cti.The owner of any bull found off his owners premnises,.flot confined or led hy an attendant, shall be guilty of an offense and on sunlmary conviction, shall be liable to a penalty of $25.00, Also, where a cow has got in caif by a bull running It large, the owner of the cow shail be entitled to recover the ful amount of actual damage on loss sustained by him from the owner of the bul. Allotment of Free, Mar-ket Shar-ing Quota Due to the fact that the Market Sharing Quota which lias been allocated to Ontario for 1973-74 dairy year bas nofý been totaly aullocated to the farmers of the province, the Milk Marketing Board of Ontar-o is making available to Producers who have increas- ed p)roductjinand-or will increase p--roductio)n due to a IDanned etninproýram, JOHN F. Generai n ac PIRE and AUTOMïOBILE INSURANCE Contat : HARRY VOERMNAN 623-3111 eor623-39j50 3a3 KING ST. E. 8 WNIAINVILLE by, Bob Watt Agricultural Representative quota. it is available tu ail Wolf Damage to Livestock producers wbo require addi- In 19721 an Act was set up to tional market sharing quota to compensate persons who suf- cover their estimated total fered loss due to the death or creamn and milk shipments in injury to bis livestock, caused tbis. dairy year. There is a by a wolf or a coyote. if you special, form available for believe the wolves or coyotes producersý to apply to the responsible for the death or Board's Head Office by June injury of any livestock on your 10, 1973. You sbould note that farm, you must first make it is tbe Producer's responsi- certain the carcass of an bility to make application to animal killed and any support- the Board for additional ing evidence is not destroyed subsidy quota. These forms or rcmoved fromn the site, then are available either from the contact the local office of the Ontario Milk Marketing Ministry of Natural Resources Board, 50 Maitland Strèet, immediately, wbo will inform Toronto, or by pboning Mr. their local evaluer. The office Wallace Cavanagb at: Bridge- of the district forester for this north 705 292-8856.1 area is at the Ontarlo Govern- Urban-Rural Exchange ment Buildings, :322 Kent Vernon Avery, wbo is the Street West, Lindsay; Phione Area Coordinator for the 705 324-121. Rural-Urban Exchange bas Durhamn Dairy Princess informed us that the IProg-ram competitiont is now.ý under way in this area. An invitation is extended to This program provides urban single f armn girls to enter this and rural youtb the. opportun- competition, wbich will be ity to exchange eacb other's bield at the Blackstock Fair way of life. Anyone in Ontario Groundis, the evening of from tbe ages of 12-15, can Tbursday, July l9th. Competi- apply for the program, wbe- tors must be 17 years of age by ther urban or rural. The August l6tb, and under 26, and Program içill basically in- bc familiar witb milking volve tbe urban youth going to procedures. A training day tbe farmn for approximately a will be beld for aIl competitors week and then preferabIý the to present information to themn next week, the rural youth will on dairy production, poise and then visit the'urban person at walking, public speaking, etc. bis or ber home. Tbere is also For applications, contact opportunity for those wbo do Francis Jose at Newcastle 2 not bave cildren which may 987-4789. Final date for entries ý be involved in the excbange to is Saturday, June l6tb. act as host familles for, the urban youtb'. If' you wisb anDuhm 4Hs application form, to either become a delegate or act as a e besConi bosýt family, please contactî our office at 234 King- St. E., The Durhiam 4-H*rs mc- Bowmanville- Phone bers counicil held their first QUALITY and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT ASk OPeraýtor for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 DX FUE L OIL CALE, US TO-DAY FOR PROMP-'T, ICOURTEOUS SERVICE meeting on May 28tb at 8:00 in tbe Agricultural Office in Bowmanville, Election of of- ficers was held with resuits as follows: President Walter Taylor, Vice President MIari- lyn Knox, Secretary Sally Langmaid and Press Reporter Mary Cornisb. Everyone introduced them- selves and told what club tbey represented. We then discuss- ed the following: - field lday - building for Oronio Fair grounds - how to make 4-H mieet- ings more interesting - urbani rural exchanges - judging workshop, - intercounty exchanges The nextrmeeting is on Junie 2Ist at 8:30. Nancy Knox mnoved the meeting be adjourned and Ron Vice seconded it. -Mary Cornish The Black Ash is the only ash tree growin.g in Newfound- land. CHICK~ ENTHGH A E~ Q ~ I Breu aorie ra naGil & DRUMSTICKS 20, A lb " uu)3 SHOULDER OR BUTI Porkic hops FROZr!N, IMPORTED NEW 7EALAND, SHOU Lamb Steaks cSHOPSY BRAND, COLE SLAW OR Potato !Salad BURNS BR-,ND, STORE PACK, BEEF 1 POsE SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, MEAIY Pork Hocks ILDER SUPIER-RIGHT RED BRAND GRADE ',A" BEEF lb 88/ F<" IN 88< ONLESS, POT ROAST 24-oz carton 4rkRislb$10 ',X BRAND (2.LB VAC PA, 1.S lb7/We ne rs llb Vac Pa, 8 SX BRAND, FROZEN lbu <Hmu, ate -l k 18 LEMC jane Pa-rkýer, PMeringLu Full 8-inchi, 2Il"-oz pî iiae 'oc) JANEF PARKER (lart 'N Sweet 'N Good to Eat!), ACTION P;R CED) JANE PARKER, PINEAPP1.E TOPPED C'herry PiJe FuIli 8rnch 2::z pe 6 < Sweet Roils Golden Loaf Caie 13 -oz cakes $10Bu lDn Lie (SAVE 17e) kg o 9 JANE PARKER SAVE 6< JANE PARKER, PRFMIL' 4 QUt.t: (ACTION MRCE-p? LIQlD hoclat Brwnis 1-ozfl53~VienriaEBread 324-.zve Cracked Wheat, Siiced ACTION PRICEDCAAAN.1G DE ORD 4OZEL TB JANE PARKER BEDFR ,RP WHOLE Ac A LB CHICKEN LEGS l SllerRihtRed Brand GrdeA"Beef - RES ON[Y Prime RIb Steaks ilb A3 LExtraj Le o riefJn iPrkrB edG d!j 7M,