2 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmnanville, June 6, 1973 Another N.wComDanv dred ofScouts and Guides Buys Indus tric The sale of five acres of industnial land ta Trillium Take Part in Drumhead Service Ceraic Tile Inc., was ami- Several1 hundred yeungsters embled youngsters that his paraded ta Memarial Park on association with the Boy Scout B, Sunday, June 3rd ta take jpart movenrient began in Bowman- Bý in the West Durham Drum- ville over 40 years ago. During S( head Service. Cubs, Scouts the depression hie was an à and Rovers, plus their female assistant editor at the States- y counterparts ' Browrnies, Girl man and was called by Jim rt Guides and Ventures, ail took Bowman, the Scautmaster of ti part in the ceremonies. the lst Bowmanville Troap, ta m Don Venton from Peter- write a story about the Scout borough was an hand ta Christmas drive faor needy p introduce the guest speaker, families. t. and a man who had been is H1e was so impressed Witl. Y Scoutmaster in Bowmanville how hard the Scouts were Ai in years gone by, The Rev. B. warking ta make other people er .'et'Mrac.happy that lie vlunteered ta n( Mr. Mortloek told the ass- help out with the Traap. h( will becin the P ci PRACTICE 0F DENTISTRY b S( in association with un vi DR.WM. RUDELL br ar at i 7.5 King Stvi. -Bowrnanville th comnigJune 11j 1973 i CALL 623-5790 BE F OR APPOINTMENTSt SWARTZ & SWARTZ ec Barristers, Solicitors, Notaies Publiein, ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE s RELOCATION 0F THEIR OFFICES v' Eý TO THE n CANADA PEMANENT BUILDING Di SECOND FLOOR ar 212 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIOth, th, EFFECTIVE MIONDAY, JUNE IITH, 1973. du Ronald L. Swartz, B.A., LL.B. Howard S. Swartz, B.A., LL.B. Joel R. Palter, B.A., LL.B. NEW TELEPHONE 576-3392 LETL us S1 YOUR BRIDAL rYLE HAIRDO' ILET US HELP YOLJ CAPTURE THIE MAGIC 0F YOUR SPECIAL DAY WITI{ A JIAIR STYLE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU. XUT'N XUERL CalI U's - We will be glad to help you 71 King Si. E. 623-5019 "WE LISTEN BETTER" I A few months later banker Bowman was transferred and 3ert Mortlock took over as coutmaster"I continued ta be 1Scoutmaster for the next 40 ears . . . and I have neyer ,egretted one moment of the ime and effort demanded of ounced at the June 'itn me-ieting of the Bowmanville1 Town Council. The five acres are Iocated1 south of the CNR tracks on the former Short farm, south of1 Highway 401. According ta Clerk-Administrator Joe Me-1 Council Approvos ENNISKILLEN 14(From Page Onle) il La ' Council mnenbers in favor and ilroy, the deal has been in the three opposed. Mayor Hobbs affing for some time and, cast the deciding vote in favor 1: consequently the poet was of the sale. sold at the aid preopey500 The comittee, comnposed per acre. pieo 30.of Deputy-Reeve Maurice Tecompany, wýhich must Prout1 and Councillors Olive begin construction of their Cobban and Norm Allison, premises wfithin one year, will îtahd w oniinst1h be' mnanufacturinig a new sale. -First, the fire hall must t italian concept in decorative be de6olished wiihing six I batroo ti ~ 1 montlis of acquisition and,1 secondly, that Veltri must ne.",L C I o begin builitng an apartment Mortlock etired from his Alter Scnool Spokesman fr uilding on the property, also osition in the top executive of (FromPgOni(rm Page One) wihnsxmnh fthen lie Boy Scouts of Canada last School Board 'Pleased" th WPae hne îte i i otso 7eand lias become an TeSlalBadtute great harm fromthWie purcliase. enlcnmnse.H ur hcho or rsesPrs ead se o The committee also consid- t( rngicn instr.Hecum-met at a special session on lae ab n eea te ered an offer from A.-L.v ,ntly preaches in a parisliun 4tli in ýCbugt businessmien formed the Can- Mattliews oi R.R.3, Bowman-G oth of Ottawa.JneCbug t adian Council for Foir Tax-vil. corig aDeuy In bis speech at the Drum- eaietepooasrgr-tien ta fight the p)ropa)sed Reeve Prout, 'the 'Matthews e edsrielimeiedteing educational jurisdictions. ilain offer involved renavating the t In a letter ta the Minister Th egstouni andntoabidn n unntintrist 'oungsters that the empliasis Education appreciates fi tature Concil gained "nati)oal builingandtuming t ito n Scauting and Guiding is on meeting the trustees stated tatu'red and rce il mu off reailsap.Howevreltmi's1 ioing the Good Tumn for other "the Northumberland andth critor obiiîg ferosemdmrec- eople. Dra onyBado opposition wbieb resulted in eptable because an apatmenta "What brouglit nie into Dra onyBado comnpleteý revision of 'the building would provide thes cauting was the simple, Education appreciated the governimeotal proposais. town with cansidemabiy more ,hristman Goad Tumo of the consîderation thai bas been Oto h FxCuclge'txrvne ,oys of the First Bowmanville exteoded ta this anea ta permit thie Canaidian Federation of Mattbews appeared at icout Troop. It is the Good the continuance of a sounid,InendnBuis.'aotCnclnMnayigtad 'niun whicon' ks seta sedadvibeed o-jnal political action arganiza- voiced bis concern that the use vnqehcontin n udifyoutionrveallsbutem sigprincd f taion that measures and repre-, of the pnoperty wauld be other iant outirngad Guiding stahe ren u asmal ptio n tns a bnoad cross-section af that retail purposes. ing ou ers oalhappiness The Bresent prusdin. sinîall and mcdium-sized Co- Mattbews argucd "the fine un cene ntdotht ao Te oad xpesedreif adian-owned businesses- hall site is a. part of the 'unevr dy"that tbe western 10 lots of Bullocli 1 tId tbe Rotanians downtown çone whieh shad The pîth and substance of Danlington Township will ne- ta b elfcso bsntb eeoe ota ld [r. Mrtlak's emars tamain under thein jurisdiction.efrsi aetbihavldrtî s. H delta he youngsters was contained There are five sehools, includ efrsi eCoalsia ai eatucls,Huldperpetae i a qUote lie cited fnom the ing Courtice Secondany, which dialogue betwcen Cnda ontwnlnsfrmti audrOf Scouting, Lord have 'beein built by the Board buýsiniess and the govemomnent 3adn-(ýell"Ty-teleae n hisara n ecet easin Ottawa; purposes.- hiden-orlealitle bTrt lavn tî rai ncn em The complexity and ramifi- Develapen Veltri was also wo orld itte ete"ta "Wene the 10 lots adjoining cations of- legislation whichprsitath meinad1 ou foun it."the western boundary of oud taain uiesla expressed some canicero about Also onhand for the Darlington ta be transferned anfectanha thebuone ale siuatd or nste eing9a rumhead service were sev- the entire sehool systern'mn t b a co thdefordly pylea ontucin maloutheandGidreaaderdistrct arlingth wod'etertexperts --"hired guns", ta He indicated there is mucliv ncouti Aan Guide leaers, c, ltdIeBadslte.use Bulloch's phrase - ta planning involved in a devel-i luinAeaCoistri net ,"For example. haîf tlie stu- lobby fan tliem in OttawaliasopetftisknadsidI oanHaes DitrctCamm- dents wlio presently attend be tebî amaie. eo tharantee1andstant taI' ,sîoner Jean Honweg, Pro- entebgcmais,- 1 incial Rover Representative Courtice Secondary would be But, "hee re efnîe uild wteein six months ave Majereson, District Ca: outside its area if the 10 lots confliets between the interesîS althougli that is my inten- nmissioner, Robent Nicholîs. were transferred ta Ontario of the large multi-national tien." istniet Scouter,Gren McOuat County. corporations and small Cana- However, Couneil approvcdi ind District Cub Master The trustees addcd "The dian businesses," asserted the report and it is now, up ta ree Charland. Bor el tagyta Bullocli Veltri ta decîde if lie will Music for the Mardi In and education needs will be semved In the past if lias been the aceept the deal.t he national anthems ai The best by confirming the present case that if Canadian business rumliead was performed b western boundary af Darling- has been nepnescnted ai ail in Durham Club's ie BHS band underth ton and it commends the taw ilisbenytrd irectennoof EliotimTpemtentGpoeinm.n, assocbations, whicli tend ta be Annual Bus Trip .Lnda MuytionA Ref Btu aruhe narrow in focus and have valid L~Dra NnsyM y r " elBIPPle" -e Car-r but specifie prablems. The Toronto's Durham County Dunham MPaAeexOCar result bias been that "Cana- Club will hold their annual bus Turner age ne) h et ruthers indicated that it dian businesslias spoken ta trip on Sat., June 9th. This Tner ugscdat the sntcme- wasn't ani easy matter ta Ottawa witb divided voices," pilgrimagc ta DumlamCounty ingt tatreementwsntcom-e salvage the jurisdictians of lie said Bullocli. rcnewing aid fnîendships lias bctegeeCt ounetheaPete-Boartd. eadDula Even the Canadian trade cantinued for 75 years. ohroughCîtyrieCatnci s.taBoRd.el oe MP o-associations tendcd ta go oui Mrs. E. V. Hoar will be weicrc therintao is "uselRw <P o-and bine a legal expert ta write liostcss at noon, opening hem Hruen aid th is a g-a thuniberland) and myscîf had on expensi ve bief for tbcmi or lovely garden and home for io argumen asnomthsot ang a real battle ta get those ta taîk ta senior civil servants. picnic lunches. After lunch a ion asc onassssmnt nd ounanis trauli, sad *You endcd up with mandar- visit lias beenarnedt theuhes potential of theLakeswa, arca as an indusînial center. Caruhrs s taking ta mandarins. "Pmwo"Osaa Howcvcr thene are those who BHe suggestcd that there was -The niast important people faveur an- east-west -region considerable pressure ta place in Ibis dialogue, the actual oews that tic Red SWield because of the sharcd necea- lie, educationial t juisdiction businessmen, and the mcm- Campaigo las sligitly exceed- tional interests with Lindsay ton ail oi the new Durham bers of Parliament, are ail to cd ils goal. and the Kawatlia Lakes. region, including Bowman- allen thc most uninfonmcd." bncoming Rotary president "We'ne up for the higliest ville, Ncwcastle and the "Maore businessmen have ta llarnv Cooke was congratulaI- h ce ~jokcct. Townships of Darlington and bgfo spakngdme'l t c a is recent bitliday. Io the view Of Port HOpe's Clarke, undlen the Ontario depLyinýiiiisters and assist- 'H'ie "Ba1ron of the Tymoniani Mayor Michael Wldyka, County Board ofi Education.ondpuymisrsnd. adas' and a seniaus there would lie a "definite Only a Mattem oTime ameberyiiistI andmn. > tatfomr.BiITis communîly of interest" be- AltIhough the letter froni the ~ale'ioayfar:hre.wsaaddamm tenPHoeand Pentaerbustesuexhessd li oe Salvalian Army Captajin Scoît bership pin for 15 years ai wea Petroghiaheethtthr 401b a osie-Hewlett passed alog lie good perfect attendance. wcnea "ighay 01"linking able period of stability free __________________________ the aneas. . from modification of external For thc sbort-tcrm Mayor boundaries" it appears liaI Waldyka said the mast impor- tic proposed boundanies are toatly nedo rstr ctre l T vem nmntpropoaieB b y 's toaant hng t do is etruture o0 emoay caunly syulstcIne omng sîated "as a transitional stage interesîs between aIl tirce il proposed tiat the sehools in k..) o es r n e arcas fram lie ecologîcal and h e ono ecsl envinonmental point of view. (iLe. Bowmanville, Darling-i United Counlies Warden ton, Clarke and Newcastle) O Wcstan, Banister wasn 't s0 will be under tic jurisdiction 2'%p sure there was any link of the Northiumberland -Dur- belwcen the lakesiore c0. iam Board." e munilies and tie narticmn Local trustee Sid Wordn areas, commented at tic June 4th "I'm not vcry canvinced Board meeting, "It's crazy for tiaI we have a community of tic education ta be run in RE U AR intcrest itbl Peterborough.. . Cabourg when ail tic rest of a continued exploration of aur lie arca is under Ontario R C position is nccessary." County and in the DurhamOFE The 20 municipal and county region." GODFERM represcolatives wio atlcnded G O R M A tic conférence decided ta 'Dr. lian Wilson, a Cobourg ue7t ue1 cotnue ta mccl and discuss trustee, added "tic only> their cammon and'differing eon il is lefI is se tiat tice [U. pnoblcms. Mayor Turner Of rcmaîning arca will be a i'iO oper s The famous BronZart process encases the Pcterborough as ciosen as viable' enîity. It's only a shoe'i solid metal, yet Preserves thase tic chairman for the next motter of lime before thec Jew eiierà creases and scuff-marks which give each metigwhc wllbccald f he ae wllgoofreJVcleo shoe ils own special identity. They are mceing, isci wl aldofleaeawl o f apolished toa awarm, lustrous finish and if Cntario "oin4,. desired, may be mounited on bookends, OshwaOficiis LO G Ltde picture tframe, TV lamps. ash trays, etc.. <FromPagOfe Ms LNGandSAULT BOWMANVILLE .RR<ndtaly uaateeh -FomPae ne M. ndMrs. John Van- _________ ________________ Pltin Vderbnnnk. Wf Wtb 1 1e1 no1 optimislic Osbawa wauld be accamnmodated altiaugli li said Mr. Davis. told tic delegatian the proposals "w rcot permanent."' He said lie wauld seek -ta oblain goveromeot caucus support fan Osiawa's position befone declaring iimself an indepen- dent ta figit tic bill i the legislature. "I'm in full support of tic wbole concept of regianal govemoment," lie said. But he said tic changes in tic Oshaws scieme wene donc witiaut bis knowledgc "allier- wisc I would lhave been in Iliere kicking and scrcam- inq0 Dr. Melîveen said he cauld live wlth tic sctup if tic government recanîs and dcliv- crs lie 10 lots of 4,000 acres of Darlinglon Township back inothti Oshawa fold. Under lie sctup, annaunced last wcck Oshawa, with a populo- lion of about 90,000, would lie the centre of a ncw regional sctup tcntaiivcly named Dur- ham. Il would make up about hoîf of tic regiani's 180,000 people. By limiling ils expan- sion, Mayor Potticany soid Oshawa wbuld be financing dcvcbopmcnt oulside ils bord- crs witli no potential ilseif for growth.' Suoday guests of Mn. and* Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Messrs. Clinis and Mi- chael James cf Toronto wene SundCIa * suppen gutests of Mvr. and Mns. G. Baker. îMn. end Mî's. W. Vancyk were Friday e ve ni n il guests cf Mn. and Mns. H. De Mille. Bowmanvilie. Misses Mollie Marshall and Grace Smithi occ m- panied Mr. and Mns. F. 0. Smithi. Bowmanville, tLe Newmarket and socot Sot- irday Witli Mn. and Mrs. Rov Boudneau and, famiiv 2,rd( Suoday went si«it- seeing -ut Niagara Falls and surnounding anea. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Comenaon w e re Sundoy supper guests of Mn. ond Mms. M. Keliett,,Janetviile. Miss Rutliann Comemaon had Sundoy, supper with Miss Linda Brown. MrÉ. G. Bernard and famniiy enjoyed a nice trip on Sundoy to Bockvilic. Mrs, G. Ben-tley, Ajax, and Mr. and Mms. Douglas Gibson, -Toronto, s p e n t Saturday with Mm. and Mms. Ryc Gibson. Mrs. H., Wiiiioms, Miýss Karen Rear and Mm. and Mrs. Ion Reor, Aiderwood, spent Sunday with the R. GIbsons. Bowmanville Public Utilities NOT"" iC E Power Interrupntion IN ORDER ToMAKE LINE ALTIERATIONS, THERE WILL BE A POWER INTERRUPTION Sunday Morning June 'IOth from 6:00 a.m.fo 6:30 a.M. M. J. Watson, Manager Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, M4rs. Fred GrIffin, Union, M4rs. Eaml Trewin attended a shower for Miss Cara- lyne Murray, Oakwood, at the home of hem aunt, Mms. Armnold Taylor, Blackstock, Saturday evening. Mrs. Keith, McGill and ,Irs. Earl, Trewin accom- panied al~us laad of'Avon represen'tatives on a trip La Montreal, Wednesday, M~/ay 30th. Armiving atthe Avon plant at noon houn. bliey wvere guests at a hot dinner in the cafeteria and spent an ir.teresting after- noon tauning the plant which everyane enjoyed., Mn. Oscar Inwin, Carie- ton Place, xvas a weekend visitan of iMr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwîn. Out~ deepest sympatliy is extended to Mfr. and Mrs. Grant Wermy (nee Eleanor Leiglitan) and famil on, tli. ioss of Eleanor's fa- tlier, thie late Mr. Herbert Leigliton of Bowmanville. also to Eleanor's mother. sister and brother and their familles. We are pleased ta ýrepor;L that Mms. Floyd Beckett is home again after ber re- cent attention in liospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donny Ni- eliols, St. Catharines. visît- cd ever the -weekend xvith Mr. and Mrs. M. Pollard and faniily and Mrs. Ger-' lip Lvons. Mx'., and Mrs, Joe McGill and family. i'ississauga. spcnt the ýx eekend with MOr. and Mis. H. McGill and \vere, Suîiday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vîrtue. Miss Mariam Cha n t. Toronto, \vas a weekend guest of lier sIsten. Mi% and Mrs. F. W. Werry. The Sharp familles ai- tendlndthe Welcli.Henry weddintg on Saturday even- ing lin tle St. Andrew's Prcsbyterlin Church. Ter- o)nto. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford He(tz, Faiinview. Penn., are visiting the Lamb families. ,Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and James were, Tuesdav inonn dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Angus King. Lit- tle Britain. Mrs. E, Wright, Miss Betty Wright acconipanied by Miss Elsie Oke visited witlb Misses Marjorie and Greta Okc. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. San- Jlerson, Columbus, Mrs Lena Heard and Mrs. Johin Lyte. Oshawa, were Mon- da-y vlsiters of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrighit. Mosport Ail set (Fram Page One) drivers. The cntire arv behlind the pits. where Gasolin- Aile'.,IS located, lias bevii î'epaved and the first of sex'ural service bars lias Tb(.en installed for easy ftieil ig eof racing ca ir5. The lJniRoyal Big has becn construeted ini the ~ ~ ~ a ara nov a ti Chule justhefer t li takreaches the faniruS Til in Field wasilreomn \\i , haefluslh toilets and runn in.g 4 ater the first (if ils kind aithte track. Tlw 30-foot Cam-puls cerner tower is being <'rped betweenl the sec(- eîid and iibird turns. Ti will be tlw, focal peint of te paging syste n bulletin boardi which wil I allow friends ta met te- gsetîier. EverY haif liaur, , Bulletins ýfrom lCam-pus Corner" teill be broadeasit on tlie P.A. system. Masport will continue its policy of supplying4 \vater and woed free Risckard'Claims. States. Reeve Rikard pointed out thatr ie has been flooded with calis and letters fromn Darling- ton residents who read the Times article. He indicated that these people said they had moved ta Darlington fromn Oshawa and there is no way they want to go baek. Rickard quoted from one' letter he received on Wednes- day morning. "The Saturday issue of the Oshawa Times horrified me when 1 saw Mayor Jim's full page spread and the crumbs he threw at Darlington residents as in- .ducements," stated the letter. The letter of prtest froni the Darlington Council im- plied that the Oshawa Mayor's tour of Darlington wasmerely a callous land-grab and not the genrerous and charitable ges- ture suggested in the Oshawa Times story. "W% hy. are they not honest and admit they want the large new secondary school, the four new, modern elementary schools, Da rlington Provincial Park, the indu9tries we have established, the haif dozen churches 'and the unspoiled Farewell Creek and open space we have preserved through aur planning?" asked the letter. -Lower Taxes in Oshawa?" "If anyone wishes ta," quated Rickard, "I suggest they compare the tax rate, the debt per capita, the financial status of the twa municipali- ties, and the' cast af having work done and administration in general." 'l will discuss or debate this issue with city of Oshawa officiaIs at any time," he challenged. "Many peaple have voiced suspicions about the city of Oshawa and some members are doing their best ta justify those suspicions," hie said. "I do not think this (Times article) reflects the thinking of the majority of the people in Oshawa," Rickard concluded. Mr. and, Mrs. E. R. Tay- Mr. and Mrs., KeiÏh Mc- lor were Friday supper Gi, Brian and Cindy at- guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. tended the decoration ser- Cryderman, Sauina. vice at Lakeport Cemetery 'Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tay- and were dinner guests of lor visited with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mrs. Gardon Strong who Haass, Bowmanvilie. ceiebrated their 4th wed- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ding anniversary at the Avery attended the 40th United Churcli, Black- Wedding Anniversary of stock, and also attended a M r. and Mrs. Gordon sh-ower for Miss Carolyne Strong, Blackstock, Satur- Murray at the home of Mr. day evening, also called on and Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes. Biackstock, Saturday ev- Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton ening. and famlly were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vir- supper guests of Mr. and tue, Judy and Laurie were Mrs. Da v id Bothwell, Sunday, callers at Mr. and Bowmanviile. Mrs. AI Martin's, Bow- The E. Wrights and manvilie.thr familles attended the Mr. and Mrs. L. Stain- Hiampton, Anniversary ser- ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Niel- vice and were supper sen and Susan attended a euests of Mr. and Mrs. dance recital at Cobourg Ron Clemens. Collegiate where t he ir Miss Elsie Oke, Bow- granddaughter M\1iss De- mianville. was a recent vis- anna Stainton took part itor with Mr. and Mrs. E. en Saturdaev -enin&,. Wi i-_ht.> OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, F C.A., 9J.A. GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.L~ BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 -1 ........ M ARTY STEL is the Body Shop Manager at MacDonald Ford here in Bowmnan- ville andhe is the man to see if your car or tru'ck requires body work or painting.. Estimates are f ree and prompt. Just give him a phone' cali at 623-4,481 and heIlI corne right over. Our rep-utatiîonl is on theline -BELTONE HEARING AID SE VICE We sincerely want to provide the best possible service to the hearing handicapped of this area. We ask, therefore, that you get in touch with us if you have a problern with a hearing aid - Beltone or any other make. If you feel you are not getting full benefit frorn your aid, please bring it in to. our offices and let us dlean it and make any minor adjustrnents that* may be needed. Often, that's all it takes to get a quality hearing aid back into good operating condition, and we're happy to do it without charge. If you'd rather, just sit down and talk about your hearing problern and sorne of the ways hearing problems can be helped today, well take the tirne te do it. And again, we'll do it without any charge whatsoever. We strongly feel that every unsoîveld hearing problern -~ every unresolved complaint about a hearing aid could affect our reputation. ýWe are. jealous 'of that reputation and we know that if you are unhappy with the service you arereceiving or with the hearing aid you have, word gets a round. It eats away at our good narne. So if you have a prýollern with your hearing aid or the service you are receiving, please cal or corne in. We sincerely feel we can show you the better way to better hearing. We will be in Bowmanville on Thursday, June l4th. Please stop -in at Hooper's Jewellers, 29 King St. East any time between 1 p.m. and 4 p.rn. Or call 623-5747 and we wiIl be happy to visit you at born e. DIANNE BERNATH 410 George St. N. Peteirborough, Ontario Phonie745-3244 ARCHIE GROTH is the Service Manager at MacDon- aùd Ford here in Bowmanville. He will be more than happy f0 arrange an appointment to have your car or truck (including the big ones) fixed ini cur friendty shop. Give him a phone caîl now at 623-4481 and we wiIl get it in right away.