PUC manager ExpIlains îue ncrea-ses foLions PULC MnaerMolc at son vî'isd heBomavîl Lions Club1o on ndayMy 11t, and«It offerd.ti el'ions many lins Iights :1ito th flpia the ,cost(s of power.l» The Lions, neyer ones t o be cDarried away withexsiv revern-ce f' or their guepst1 spekes, spcully v1oi e wboý ' Ies cal the fhead table 1(o give' the PUC manager a1 gentîe1 ribbing about the recenitbydro rate increases iu town. ' Watson took it aIl in st 1ride and explained to-te1Li- s tha in the nxt1C er Ontario Hydro must buîfld facîlities Ici produce moreelctipower than b as been Iproduled b y Ielrtn the, past 50 yas cluds sching a i ew 2.3milionKîloývit Lennox Geea ing Statio nar King- ston, the Brumce G;,ieeating Stanon La uro, huch will hv wc h aaiyo the .2 million KVPîkrg Nucla owrStaitio-n, and the 50,000 Volt tranismission ine that will connect the Lennox and Pceigplantis. Capitl,à]pro jects lîke tjhis arec ,i5 t o met ntri'spoer needs i Uc utur4e,.saidi Wat) son. And the massilve expen-dituries involve(d account fora large part of' the recent Hydro rateinrass In Jnayof this yero nstalnce, Ontar11i I Hydro;apý plied a -10per cntprîceIlhîke Ioi thIh olsae os f powcrt supplied toCocalPICý', uc a'sBo anie'.Wto pointed out ht ebrar i t hemont h tbat usuallyreticî the grceates ueofhyr poweýrLast ea te oalj PUC paîd Otario Hydro $62,949 for power used in Felbruary. Tis year, the1 power for the same month cost On tbe local level, Bownian, ville's PUC, li iprent company, OtaiolYd-iro, is1 faced witb ai mnm be of ajor' capital expenditures Ii er For instance, a 20,000 M 11VA ( Mllivolt-aîups) Transforr Sti,,on will be built on 1t old Scujgog Road, norCh of the Bas-e Line Road, tn supply power for the new subdivis- ions in botb the east and west eid cf tnThis lransforrn vu tatfion wM lcnst the local In aditin Wasonindîcatl cd thaï, Ihe overhead costs alone foi- thus yawill ruin over $600 A Ilarge part of this fi gure iwî'll bie devoted to exlending an overhead feeder line from the new west eud transformer to the Simupson Avenue subdivision, a total of two and a quarter mile-s. In addition t0 is explana- lion of rising bydro costs, the PUC manager also threw considerable light on the tbecbnology involved in pro- ducing electric power and even gave a short history of electric power' in Bowman- ville For examp)le lowmnan ville's first electricity was produced in 1887 by the Bowmanville Electrîc Light Company. A small hydro plant was built at McDougall's Pond. usîng wtrpower 10 drive the dynamiios Fifteeiî arc ligbt street lamps were the fîrst installations operaled by tbe power plant. Froni those 15 early street lightts. Bowuianvî le has prog- nessed- 10 the poinît wheî'e today there are 33 miles ot power lnes within thetown's boundaries. Ini the future al subdivisions in town will be requined to instaîl iundeu' ground wîÀ rîng, by fthe wa.. Watsiîreî'efulyindîcated thaf the ,already exîstung overhead wcireWs wîl e with us for some lim-e because the cost of replacing tlîhem with under- ground nil ietwork is prohibitive. To gîv an'pindctinof the si oad os înxVolved in a- major- ydio generafîng sta- tion. atonpoînted Lb the $746; milion Pickering Atomic Reactor plamît, whicb was conipletd in the faîli of 1971- The heaw ateî' xvhch is used in Uic peratio cifth atme pound. Eaýcb of the fouir unuts at Pickering uses 480 tons of this beavy water every bouî', wben operating at peak capa- City,. 'i-le Picker'ing installation is capable of generatîng 2,160., 000 KW of power, wbic l s enougb to supply more than 13 5million bornes. [f there are huge operating costs involved in an atomie energy plant, the costs of an oîl fired plant, sucb as the one being built at Lennox, can bardly be considered insigni- ficant. The Lentiîix faciity, whiieh is sla1ted for completion in 977,-1- il um 3,120 barrels cof ou1eer mbur at full capacity. desitete use of ciii Watson pointcd (o(i tbat the Lennox plant wîll be cine of tbe most pollution-free in Canada. Ils peak output, will be 2.3 million KW. Watson was tlîanked fer bus thorough discussion by Ted Miller.',(lt's sale to assumec that the more sarcastie Lion Ted is, the more he apprecial- es the speaker.) "I would like to comment on your talk Morley, but 1 took your suggestion and fell asleep." Miller acknowledged thal .tthe PUC manager was a man of bis word. "You 'aid you weren't much of a speaker' and you certainly lived up to tha t" From Ted Milieu' that kînd of talk indicated ,high praise iuîdeed. Watson proved to be no slouch witb the barbed longue bimself. When asked by Miller if underground wiring would be installed iin the olden sections of town. Watson replied. "Not un your lime Ted, buil nyhe in in,ý OBTTUARY Mrs. il, Coulson Seott Mrs. R. Couison Sýott on Townline North, R.P. 2, Oshawa, d Ie d Monday. May 28th at the intersec- lion of Çounty Road 2 and Concession Rd 6, as the ne- suIt of an automobile ac- rident. The former lIsabel la Sinipsoni was horu in Osh- awa April 12, 1928, daugh- ter ofr'the late Mr. and Mcs. John W. Simpsoný She wais a graduate of Cere rSt. Public School and slîwa Collegia te andVoaton l istitut1eý bytenjian Chuiirc h uwherc, she wan meeinr o (f thc W.M.Si, T Laurie Cormack Group, a choir member, a mnembIer f heFeilowýýship ;3s ateaichier inthe pi aydepalrmen'It -of hue Sunday schýooL. Mrs. Scott xas a partn)er in the Chil- dren's' Boutique Shoppe in Port Perry.' Mrs. Scott 15 survixzed by hcr husband. R. Coul- son Scott, whom she mar- rîcd in Knox _Pre(shyýterian Church, Oshawa, in 19.51: one daughter, BetIsy, and a son, John: aFnd two sis- fers, Mrs, William -Dobro-, shînsky (Victoria), and Miss Ina Simpson, both of Cnuî'tlcc. Mrs. Scoitt rested at the Mclntosh - Anderson Fun-, era Hfomne, 152 King St. E. Service was 'in the chape], Wednsd1ay, May 301h. Ceklebr ut e Ôth Wedding Anniversary' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jakeniai On Saturday, Mr-. and Mrs. Henry Jakemnan of Bethany celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary-at their homne in the village , when they receivedl many viîtors, gifts and cards congratulating them., Both are in good health and thorcoughly enjoyed the festivities. and afterwý,aids the albumn A Y D O W of pictures w aýs scanuced <lneodd fr lsI eek o'loc. roup TI, Mrs, Milison, May 22, Cl1ub 21 held !thnir CGum'oup in charge, Mrs. Mrs. Tabb. Mrq, TPts Comnt ea, Ashton. Mrs. Black- Mrs. J. Jon es, set thee table meetng t th buuMrs. Nfison,,Mrq. A. for lunch. Angel caku it Centre, Rena Potts Itakinýg Gai rard. strawberry sauce ac r the chair CforGroup 1, Meet- Eeyn a eide ra.Megadrucd ingopnedwih ynrl 56of our' bowling night, Maiy at 11:15 o'elock. "Take My Life and Let Tt 26th. Mr'. D. Mason. Miss Alice Be", followedý by the De- Programme - Mrs. T. Jones_ RRN., Kingstoin spent votional, Let's Think Tt Potts gave a reading entit1ed last' weekend witbi Mr. and Oveî', writteo by Rev. M. "<Cap Tt AI]". Mrs. Milison, Mrs. J. Joues arid'family. L. Goodman. reading, etiiled «'Litieu Mr- and Mrs 'A.T3urne, The Lord's Prayer was"Things~. Oshawa: ýMc. and MIrs. - J. repeated ini unison. Secre- Mrs. J. Joues introduced Joincs and Susan. Bowrran- tary and Treasurer reports uur well known guest, Mrs. ville-, îtd the J. 'Joncs were read . The Roli Caîl Margaret 1 Stainton- a n cl family. was an swered by sometbirng daugbtcr Mis Linda Crxdl- Mi. and Mrs. Charlie you disliked about this ermnu n w'ho sbnwnr pictures Arîderson. Caledonija, visit- Spring. Business was mak- and gave a vey nterest- cd Mr. and Mrs. Artbur ing plans for Bazar onl ing talk on Mr. nd Mrfis. Trcwn, :Williami and Paul. May 3th. Tt was decided Stainton's trip to tbe Yu- M'u and Mrs. Michael to have the usual su.PPt'r kon ast umne.Mrýs Strenge, c. oogwr in July. June meeting, Joncs thanked the ladfies ror- last wekn9vstr at Mr. Tuesday, June 5th at 8 an eî'al ieb eo and Ni'Atns arî t- tended the Eniiiskilleu Sunl-'The Canadian Statesmnary. lowmaiiville, June 6.1973 Ii day Scbool Aunivcrsaîy Servi ce. GoldenLeonaie Gregory Graham, Valley- field, Que,, spcnt several c N days last xvcek xth is EIectN w O f cersaI grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Leslie Graham.Se so sFia %e t*_ .Mr. Jîm Graham, Valley- jSe jon Final Meeting field, Que.. spent Saturday Atteu inlseson0'ie îoîowîig t he regular order and Sunday xxitli his par-saoBomnilesGieIllof bsiness, flie chair was ents. M-'. and Mrs. Leslie Legionniairýes Glce Club held a turned over to Brarîch 178, Graham. busînes;a meetiuîg'with retiring lg uîîcibeics. Chairmauï John Mrs. Walter Lov(eridgc. President Ab. Mavin in tiuson, Cul Parenteau and an Ms. Wet.Tyon, charge. Lorne McQuarriew1ho offici- wcre Tuesday evening rail- day eveiiing. aclfctceeto fofcr ors t Ms. esle Gah-ý Mrs. Roy Tbomrpsoii, Mr. toc ftie coining year. aMs. a ae v. Gaîry Thonxpson, Lceskard, l'lie ncxx oficers arc: Pres- Oshawa:Mr Milton Tamh- wercSundav visitns at ideni George Joncs. ,vice lyn, -ýilr.Mn's.rs Thompsoni's. Mu'. and F'es.(rcrîiriued'i Chal ie Jirn Tin-ibi-n, Orono. w,ýeE.Tipýnýrdjva ýertr last xveek 1Siuuday viîrsgraîîdson N oc 1 Hoopcr. li'toxx.Treasurer frp0 at the L loyd Ashton h me.wrc dyvstisa ureu.akWlh ee Mc ald Mrs Will Ab MsTomsu'.aie unifinbers ý, Jim Fair and ton, -Hampton. w'r 'eSunda1ýv M.ad rs ar i1 nkPre tra gucsts oil Mr, nd 9Dn o.treaI. er last wccx IosM tatadDu 'Ronald and Rav.'îstors at Mi'. and Mii. D O. ou Ronld nd ay.Carnerini')xvll, Il again act a Mr'. and Mr's. Ron Rusay. cadM,.Ta] -Ic iisia i ctr ltecub Oshawxa. ,-et-c Saturday ev- admi . Hr. amil, wcture ii 1' c sof'thc coi eun Iltors uMr. andi Saturdal visitors. Mrs hoiil >e lc gcatest ever Mrs. Roy ,Paterson's. Cii l n.Kns,)i Mr. nd iiý> Bo Ton ss Rr. x ,ctixtded to retîring end, Kcsxvîck. qpeuît the w,,, îidvsiosuttol>eien ain. and tb Jack weekend xx ut)h leu'grand- Crcoihm.lîih xh cxc i lba parents, Mr a0ud Mrs. ,ýi hoe Mlh hsvdtecuba Charlur Gai iaid. MsW ati.Sfsr erur oc- ox c ivxe xeacs. Mrs .1. Abbott, BurketonLthe lûx'u J.x'l pots called (onl 1randmotller. Snda il h ..Pts__________________ Mus. A.Thonipson. "on Frn and M'. Ap1j AMPTON Xli and GG'l.it. attcîidc HAMQ P ~ON 1 aiaA vIh, Smfcs Serice oFor Dld Appliances ta let u. ipatnre M Athc ca S T A Ir F S M A N seth4mmi ;ruit ni-i.A S S 1 F 1 E o s 01' 1 x uiî spivil'. lii 1! Wigl o le Oippsîî xW fi i x lii Su mxsIxcxYOUR FAMILY hii pui/v 2 xx haa IIani ui chIina f iiuîe. * 0f an lt-vci genuPoison AtdhChuart. un. th ~Stai I~Xt x Slopinild pick u yurow opv with 1n0 \uii uc iuu estd ii ii bliatimito 1n;IkI a purchase. Ve are up TO.P aI ampîui mkingtiti ofer as a pulic sel'vice ta hetlp poil tu proirct ýIIIur fanlilv. .1 With the hldx ti ln qui( kv Sxxmrnung ncl-ts xIlsaI t oui JuJx ;ird, ai. the Ci eaiim of Barley, Pool and the îwo pýools ah the Plying hDut clman IMýor Inn. A l'ive xveek course, finishing on August 3i'd. Recg strahion Fee -Resideuits $7 011 pec child anud $3î.50 forthel thîrd and each succecding child, Non-Residents $7.00 peu' ciiild and $4.001 for th( third an(! each succeeding c(ild Thý î'egîstratîon xxill be held i[Il the B)owmianv Ilef{ecriouir! Office Toxwn lall fr(oun7( p.m. to 9.00 p.ni each eeîu as tolloxisTuesday Juuîe12h Thursdjay Joncl4tlî Monday dune l8tl anid Tuesday dune 19th I ei fr I 's.. .~... 's * ~**~*. .. tv owmcânIIIl Rs Ilcitie ff * Ent Local Pro gram ringiï' ON CABLECAST 8 Monday to Thu(rsdiay M'il. your loal Cable office a fter 00MIp.m. with j our favorites' Thursday, j unte 7th 7:00 p1.m.i, Ther PetShl Care and Maintenance of Pets Bowma nville Public Interest In1erv;iews M1ONDîAY 7:30 - 8:00 - Public Intervieýws 5:1.5 - Playback of' Fridav 6:30 Interviews TUESDAXT 5:30 - Playback of Mna 7:30 interviews 6:30 - 7:00 - Public Interviews 7:00 - 7:30 - Uncle Benny and Friends with 7:30 - Public Interviews, 1' s g k xi. s e Snîilex' Bates 5 :00 - Play bac k 'lLiesdtay 6f' ntev ie s 5:30-lPlayvback Tuesda1Y 7ï0 Iterie 6.:30i)- Publâ.IcInterview's 7:30W - Macramie De1 ns(ion ' A Inew Nway bt make thinigs" Public Interview programs feature Bowînaikvilieredet dis cussing localtpi. 0F THIS SPECIAL OFFER -.623-,2506 cable tv PIN[ RIDGE CABLE TV LMD 26 KING ST. WEST - B>OWMANVILLE OR ORDER YOU'R INSTALLATION FROM OUR REPRESENTA TIVE HE WULL BE CALLING AT YOUR DOOR WITHIN THE NEXT THREE WEEKS lfun-filled tinte. Pick ilp iJUFFRF o prdes econsider this trust 3a à,W 77B -ML FOR LUMITED TIME ONLY YOU SAVE $9.95 CABLE TV OFFERS YOU 'A CIIOICE 0F THE FOLLOWING CHANNELS C'ALL YOUR LOCAL OFFICE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE