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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1973, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 6, 1973 FLASHBACK - 25 Vears Ago - Mike's Softball team defeated Newcastle 23-14 on June lst. Team o~embers were: Mik's - Williams p., Hately c.., ,Hi Osbor ne lst, Fei'guson 2nd, A. Osborne 3rd, Bagneli ss, Clemence If, Ames cf, White rf; ~Newcastle - Rickard p, Preston c, McMullen ist, B onathan 2nd, Johnston 3rd, Gibson ss, Embley f, Hoar cf, Brown and Stevenson. FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - Following a fine b)aniquetonS Saturday at Mernorial Park, individual awards were made to the following bowlers: Vern Connors, Stu Carson, Russ Hatel.y, Jack Bond, Allan Wray, Jim Murphy and Winnie Vanstone. The Bob Noble trophy was also awarded to the winning teani.. BOWMANVILLE COUNTRY CLUB - wîll host the Canadian Ladies Golf Association Tourna- mrent at the club on Tuesday, June 'l2th. Spectators are welcome to corne and watch some fine golfing, during the day. BýOWLEiýRS - Three Young. AduIt Bowlers fromi Liberty Bowl competed in the Provin- cial Bowý,linig Congress held in Sudbury rec- ently. Tbey were Ken Cobb, Randy Beau- prie and Hea,,ther Selleck. Ken placed third in the M'en's Singles, Randy fifth and Heather 1lëth in the ladies singles. It is quite an honor to comnpete at this level and we offer theni con- OSHAWASKI CLUB - president for the next seaison is Linda Morrison, a 15 year veteran of the club. 1.Vrs. Morrison, an outstanding. skier, becomnes the first ever 'lady, president. Ron MacGr.ath, last year's president, will serve as past president and treasurer. First vice president is Erv H.-unter, Social Lois Brodie, Planning Peter .Wllson, Jumping Ron Richards, Ilouse Commitee 1Bruce Bagg, Machinery Jimmie Souch, Ski Patrol 'George Lean, Nancy Green and Alpine Skiing Joe Jessen, Publicity Ruth Langmaid, Insurance Vern Walker, Skiing co-ordinator, John Nichols, Area Manager Dick Rutherford and Membership Uap Grose. CLINIC - A golf clinic for Junior Girls was held at Peterborough Country Club on Satur- d ay3, Juniiie 2nd, under the auspices of the Can- adiakn Ladies Golf Association. Ten members of the Bowmanville Country Club attended and Pro Bob Burrows, Bowmanville, as- sisted ini some of the instructing. MRS.CAO ORME - of Orono entered ber four-year-old Dachsbund, Duchess, in a contest recently and came first in Obedience in a class of 25 entries, winning 195 points out of a possible 200. JIMMIý1E DUIGMAiN - of the Oshawa Green Gaels, w1as named player of the week for May '28th. This is to bie a weekly feature saluting miemibers of the Gaels and is sponsored by Gus Brown M1-otors Ltd., Whitbv. KEM TODRIVE PORSCHE - in the Can-Am at Mosport this year, Charlie Kemp and George Folîmer, last year's Cari-Am champion, are teamjmates with the Royal Cola-Bobby Rinzler racing teamn, wbich supplies them both with Porschie 917-lOKs. Donohue, 1with Roger Penske's, teami, rmay have better connections with the Porsche factory, but tests of bis new car at Road Atanta were disappointing, according to Kemp's intelligence. "This ya, Charlie says, smiling al over, j()b 1 cars are capable of winning the race. We shou,,ldý finish in the top three, and througb the series wve should win at least two or tbree races.Because the race at Mosport is the firsti of the series, it's tremendously important. Everyone bas new developmients being tried in comnpetition for' the first timne." REMUOVAL 0F SNOWMIOBILES - from the roads by1975 bas beeýn the subý-ject of discus- sion by the Ontario legiisiative icommittee who bias called fo)r a moixture of laws and education to prottect ther people fromn snowmobilers amid to protect sniowmiobilers froni theni- selve. Mot us on roads, would bie phased, second eveInt in a seven-race series for tbe Bulova championship on Saturday. He set a mark of 1:.32.7 seconds (95.498 miles an hour) over the 2.45-ile MoI'sport circuit. Driving a Titan MK 6, Burritt'bung back until the îast haîf mile before he maebis miove to pass the leader, Bob Beyea of Willowdale, Beyea, diriving a Crosslie 25 F finished one-baîf seconid bebind Burritt. Defend- ing -chamipion Luke DeSadeleer of Willowdale drove is Vitor Titan i MK 6 C to a distant third, firishing 32 Is'econds behind theleaders. Gunther Dýcker oie Agincourt finisbed fourth and Stuart, Mioore «f West Hlli was fifth, Lockes TV Electrons Subdue Oshaiwa Legion In -Sunday Afternoon Gaima Umpire 'Red, Swindells called this Electron safe to put loc aIs into lead Doug Crough hit a two-run horner Crough and Akey Combine for Win Over Kendal 3-2 by Jim Clarke Left bander D ou g Crough xriggled ouf of a final ianing predicament last Wedaesday night as Bowmianvillc's Locke TV Electrons claimed a 3-2 decison over the' Kenda] Eagles. Darkness halled the best game of the season after six inamngs, but not before the home team Eagles had almost pulled out a vie- tor7y> Crough, ]A-1 a fre(man rol. rplaedtle Fiece botÎtom ü'fîthe ;ixth , wti Bow,\maavile],eadiag 3-1. The younig southpaw proi-ptly walked the firsz txvo Kendai bitters, with darkness very mueh in eývidence. Pete Maartease's bunt was pounced on by catch- er Pat O'Reilly who fired te Kim Rogers at third, nailiag the runner, t was a great play by the versa- tile, O'Reilly. Shortstop Pete Henderson followed by drilling a single, leav- lng Bowmanville abead 3-2. Crough then walked bis thIrd man, te f111 tht' bases with ocly one away. The battling Locke TV beaver refused te fold un- der the pressure, as he got John Quantrili on a pop teo OReilly. lHe oîescrved Akey's vic"ory by fanning John M\ath r-whohatw 'ýf Kendal's seven safeties. Kendai led 1-0 after the f irst, but Bowmanvill1' îled it in the second on Larry Forsey's base hit. The Electrons moved ini front 3-1 in their sixth. on bits from Ray Crornbic and O'Reilly. Around the Bases: Bowmanville's RBI lead- er in 1972, Crombie slam- mced eut three hits, includ- Ing a rue scoring double in the si.xth. George Sains- bIury. O'Reilly, Forsey and Akeyv colleted the other Akey alloûwedl one rua and six, hits, xv hile strikiag out three and walking ofliy one, The "Hawk"~ is ccxv 2-0 this year. HIs other victory was a 10 strikeout. 5-4 decision over Port Hope. Quantrili, seeiag bis first workout agaiast the Electrons, whiffed, three and walked the samo n umber. For the Fagles. Mather had two hits, with the rt'- mainder collected by John Witheridge. Ronfle West, Headerson, Maartense and Quantrili. The game was delayed by rain for 20 r-.-inutes, but both teams produced some excellent bal] once things finally got underway. The next meeting be- tween these two teams is on Thur.sday, June 2Ist, at Soucr Creek. Oshawa c Leg ion 12-8 by jim Clarke For the second uirne this youcg seasea, the Locke TV Electroas dcep arýte d from Kiasmen Siadium n the wrong end of îhe score. Lasi Saturday evea- iag saw Bownanvllle jolt- ed 12-8 by the Oshawa Legiocaires. T h- e y had dropped a 5)-2 verdict on May l9th laOsai 'sbal park. While iathe1lir scason opening stback they per- ferme wcl,1the lectrons' defnce sagedin IlaU Saturday's matchas te made ex'ecerrors. Kr Roger absrbedthe lossj, as Oshawa tagged hlmfo 13 bits e he is aine In ing stay. manager John Staîion had txxo burlers wt w,,ounded mw-iangs,, G ary Akey and Donnie For01seY, while Pat O'Reilly andf Deug Crough were mis- iag froilaction. O)sjha bulît u Lp a3 - lead atrtreinas on nlytbre its, ahi Texas leaguers. Bowmaaýï- vilI2le ad ý-registered fu eresat this earlystg crs la troule. The Electreas rehd Oshawa's starter Gary Carrolla ibte fifib for three ruas on threc biits and two mriscues, te traîil 4-3. Guy Parks delivcerd a two rua double. Osbawa paraded 10 m c teJfIc plate lan theiir fifth as they rnded up six ruaso. Ted Whiteley's bases- loaded double was a key blow, With one away, Murray Godfrey baage,,d out Oshawa's fifi biÎt (cf the garne. BrianDsrce rapped te secondbama Murray O'Brien wbo), after juggliag thebal appeaýr- ed te) have taedout the runnr (odfey)goiag to secod. Te base umapire ruled the Oshawa player had luded the' tag and both mec werc safe. It was ail doxvn bil for the luckless Electroas the rest cf the xvay. Tralliaig 12 - 4, Bowmanville did manage four ruas la the ninih, off reliefer Masa One. Duriag bis two ina- ing workout be was nick- cd for five ruas and five safeties. Around the Bases; Ted Luitonea.hcaded the wicners' 13-bit barragce xithi a double and twe singlesý.. Ken Toffan, God- frew arid lDesrocher bcd two apicce. Parks continu- cd bis blistericg bittiag pace fer the Electreas. wilha 3 for 5 night aad three RPI's. Ray Crombie ccd Larry Perris coatri- butcd twe bits each, Per- ris' txvo safeies werc bis fîfth in 14 at bats, for a 357 average. The hustling, firsi year mac aise eut dowa Osb- awa's speedy Une trî lcg te score frerni third on a fly te rigbt field. Perris Ontesame passed bail play, Leo Kelly was called out At plate We 8ihPat 0O'eiIy Leading Way InHis Firs' by jim Clarke Pat O'Reilly made his first mouad appearance of 1973 a wîaaiag one, as the Locke TV Electroas haad- ed the Oshawa Legion- aires a 7-5 lossata. Soper Creek Park oni Sunday af- terneen. The victory was Bo-wmaaviile's fourth ln six outî 'ngs.and their third in as many starts at home. Lasi season the Electrons w,'erc. 5-7 at Soper Creek. O'Reilly, in registering his first triumph of the year, gave up eight hits, while fanning six and ai- lowing two walks. Osh- awa's Ken Toffan gave O'Reiliy most of bis prob- lems, as the colorf ci, -right fielder slammed eut tbree bits, including a home- run, for two RBI'shiht game. Deug Crough, a 33;: bat- ter ibis year. crashed a two rua b orner in the Electrons' eigbth w i t b them ahead 5-4. t was Bowmaaville's first round tripper cf the y e a r, Crough finished the 1972 regular campaiga witha 352 average. Bowmanville Ied 2-0) 01, s it batler, a aciice bunt playaw] ic and GyPa kInc c the fr.Osvawho. Coverpowei'ed the Electrons- th rýiht befOreî, 2-3, fired a perfect strike te catcher Larry Piper, AI- though it was one of the Electrons' more trouble- some defensive coniesis, Crembie pulled off a piP of a play la left field. He showed plenty cf speed la the third when he pulled down a Bob Reid drive te deep lefi. tMound Appearance roughed up O'Reilly in the The Electroas' manage second, te take a 3-2 lead. Johni Stainton, used tE Toffan produced a run players, his fe.west te dat scoriag single, with Osh- This Sunday afteraoon awa's other scores cominM 2 p.m,. the Electreas ho as the result cf a sacrifice, Port Hope. On Thursdî an iafield groundout and night, lune 14th, Oshav an errer. are the eisitors for a 6: The Electrbfls mový,ed affair. ahead 4-3, as Mike John- son and Crough baaged i)ut ruri scoring singles off Oshawals hurler. Murray, Godfrey, in the' last cf the thîrd. "Oshawa squared' tbîags ift 4-4 when they ted off the fourth with roffac's long gene blast )ver the right field fence. The Electroas pushed home the' tie breakicg rimn e in the seventh incing, 7 olsae courlesy cf a wild pitch by Godfrey, -ith the bases Sedan, full and twe awaY. A real luxury Crough's four bagger anLi taaing later provided ILi. BAY556 D'ReillY with a three run ý" '71 Corlnet 2-Dr e dg e. The Legionaires V8 uoai threateaed, in the ninth, V8,auomti but had te settie for a walls and dise single rua., With runners sharp compact Dn first and third base, and two eut, O'Reilly got '70 PontiaC Lai Toffan te lice te firsi 4 r ea basemnariLeo Kelly te ecd, 1-,aDr omadan Around the Bases: esold and s( The Electren.-n o sporting a 4t-2 onlssince- new. Lie record. i. bounded frm "7J Buick EsI Lheir 12-8 thumping o Saturday eveaiag xith a4-Dr.- .much iîrpreved disl a, Loaded witb especiaily ia the field. tive driven, rE Jehnsen, one of a prom- isiag crop of'rookies, was; EBF524 strong at third, wbile Parks and Kelly performn- ccl smeohly from shorit and first. Creugb headed the Electrens' modest four RE T SE bit offensive, with a sJigle aloag witb the borner, for, '68 Chev. /2-.To three RBI's.. Parks an,! Johnson added singles. Fleetside bod, Osýhaw' Toffan, w i t 1 unhkenw three h its, was tbeir lead-rn ieew er,' while Ted Lutton had S PE C a 2 for 5 day - 8 G C 1 -T Hurler Godfrey whiffed '8GM 1/.T -six aad walked four. He 6 cylinder, sta aise bit Kelly twice, lead- Le iag off'the first and third Lc îaaings. Both trnes the FOR ONLY league'S premier fi rst 166 GMC Tanci, baseman ended up sceriag14dupb as a--resuit.14 upbi COURTICE on Saturctay,, June 9th, those eager, beavers, the l8th Oshawa Cubs and Scouts, will be out and about to pick up papers ia abig Paper Drive. Folks are urged to bundie and tie? papers and have them-- oeut in a visible place for the boys,. They wýjll start collectIngý at 9:00 arn., so take advantage ing order Convenie RENT, Toi ,IGR., Ste' er, ten ate. at eost Lay ýwa :30 DARLUNGTOIN SOCCER SENIOR Mike Ormiston- picked -up. îis second shut out of the season as Coulrtice coasted to a 2-0 victory, over Salem. Courtice goals were scored by Pete Pinsent and Brian Bur- gess. The other Saturday night game saw home team Hamp- ton edged out by Tyrone by the narrow score of 2-1. Tyrone goals were scored by Gary Cornish and Rory Gibbs with Pete Schoenderbek getting the lone Hampton goal. JUNIOR On Thurs'day Courtice Juniors picked up a win Tykes Split Two Games This' year's edition of the Memorial Part Tykes have en- gaged in two games of theý 1973 season and corne out with a split. On Tuesday, May 22nd, Port Hope came to town and beat the Tykes to the tune of 19 to 6. The Bowmanvil ,le squad with three players left irom last year, were only four runs behind until the last inning when they fell apart and gave up nine runs to Port Hope. Paul Dadson and Kent Wilcox were the pick for Bowman- ville. R. Sutton was also one of Port ope's big hitters. On Friday, may 25th, the Tykes travelled to Orono and returned with a 28 to 9 win over a smaller and younger team. Pitchers Henry Rozema and Chuck Welsh went the route with Tod Hooper behind the plate. Brooke Cole, Mark Abbott and Steve Braun were the big hitters for Bowman- ville. D. Major and P. Long were the pitchers for Orono against Hampton by a score e, 5-2. In the other two gamý, playe'd that night Solina dé-' feated Solina North 3-O with Mtvrone and Zion battling to a ~~raw. standings Senior G.P. W L T Pts. Tyrone,, 3 13 'O O 6 Courtice 5 3 2 O 6 Solina 3 2 0 1 5 Salem 5 1 4 0 2 Hampton 4 O' 3 i11 Junior G.P. W L Y Pts. Solina 3 3 O O 6 Courtice 3 2 1 O 4 Hampton 3 1 2 O 2 Zion 2 O O 2 2 Týyrone 2 O 1 i 1 Solina N. 3 O 2 1i i hitting for his team- Games this week areý Cob>- urg here on Tuesday, May 29'c'n and te Whitby on Wednesdaýý, May 3Oth and at Port Hope on Friday, June lst. Schedule of Home Games. June 5-Oshawa at Bowmanville 14-Port Hope at Bow'ville 19 -Oshawaat Bowmaa'vdlle 21-Cobourg at Bow' ville 28-Whitby at Bowman ville July lO0-Orono at Bowman ville 12-Whitby at Bowma niville 17-Lindsay at Bowmariville 29-Belleville at, Bovv'vilie PHIL VWE FIEATING SI'ECIA [AST 1 Qucen Streetz Bowmanville: PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERLVICE 011, Gas & Electric Furnace & Air Condition I nstalla- tions - Central & fVindow Units - Clare Hec la& Findley Equipiwent Free Estimaten Budget TermsA railable ARTICLES NEEDÉD for ~ BOWMANVILLE KIWANIS CLULB TO BE HELD JUNE 16tii AT CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOO L Refreshrnents will be availablîe ALL DONATIONS ACCEPTIEDý Nothing f00 BIG or too SMALL Contact any Club Membery FREE PICK-UP CHECK VOUR ATTIC - BASEMEYT or GARAGE FOR ITEMS THAT, WOULD HELP US RAISE MONEY TO HELP BOWMANVILLE. Trucks wiIl be canvassing Bowrnanvi Ie on Saturday rnorning, June 9th, to collIect doijations. Cail: Warren Townsley 623- 5215 George Moore- 6235610 Ron Moffatt 623--2738 Andy Hoorn Weg -623-41266 d Car fdrYouI In "411"" 4-Dr. 1,'69 Chev. Bel Air Sedan4.- Dr. on Pickup '71 Chev. ¾/-Ton dy, looks and 350 V-8, automatic, 'radio, î n rLic. 88251B real top notch condition. LW.x :IAL C73407 OnL 'lesil 70 Chev. Cab & Chassis tndaFleeraio. Long, wheel base, 427 V-83, Tndrd8raio two-speed rear axie, s0 l .......$-899l series, looks and runs'lik e Jern ~new. Lic. 88428]B, 4ye 36m V '67 GMC Handy Van 1Y 36"V, 6 cylinder, st andard, in goo(il In real good condition. Lic. 44946 Lic. A79583 ent On the spot GMAC and MICfnei )m Cowan ýw Preston WATCHA NEXT WEEKý'S PAPER FOR THE GRAND OPEN ING 0F TP T RA1L ER SAýPLES SERVICE CENTRE - EPAIRS SALES - RENTALS - ACCESSORIES SEE THE SPECIALS ON HAR DTOPS -TRAV EL TRA1L ERS. IIWY. 115 AT THE GULF SAIN NewaslePhone 98 7-5141

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