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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1973, p. 10

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10 TheCnda ttsnn Bowmanvitle, June 20, 1973 urham Agri News 1TVNT CATERILLAF{Ip CONTROL1 Jif you are now 'seeing a puumber of tent caterpillar webs on fhoeing crabs or hawtlhorne, you imay wish tW use somechenlcaw to gelid of them. Beginning atf l th blossoins have alenand reýpeating vey 0 ayv ou muay useethr0 per cent Sev-iin, W.. at i\twoitblepoonIs in a galon f wateror 50 per cent Mthxyhir Ralso at two ltablespoows peraio of water Asthe addition ot a fungicidie -Copper Suiphur or Ferbam vto cnrlthe dîs;ealse is advisablec. Pull the webs apart, and pray directly in and you will have a hetter chance of c-ontrol. Thýere are also other munti purpose sprays ,ýor dssthat caiib used stîfatoîl , reagain you ,vill have to c (heck on the labels In using the compound Sevin. care mujst be uise-d as Ji s Mi'. N1rs Geo ,K t ox a nd K~trnatteinded Decoration Day at ErskiteCmteyo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tliaiy Veil day aiý the Mvicolt-ilonderson wveddin$ at;ilSt Faul's Church, Bowmnville -and the recep- tion that ff)olwed held at the Lion's Centre. Misses Karen and Brenda Yellowlees atenl- ded the dance in th eenng Mjr. and NMrs. BruTj(( jink were Suindasppr uetso M.and Mrs lrnc ik Hjam-pton. attenided the 3t edn annvesar clebatonhe]d foi' M r 11d1M1 Ovill Jack son on SaItUrday nIight ai thie ddfelow aill, BrookIlî. Several frm the ,ommnUn- ity attendedIDecorwation Day Service 2at HmtnCemietery onASuday. MViss HelenBae.Ton, spent theý weekoind iih îMr, and Mrs. Tom Baker MIr. and Mrs Russil Vi'ce were ,Sunday supper gulest.s of MIrs. Hlilton Tink, Ehenezer. Mr, Kefth Cryýderman and' J03an11.Zion eeSna Everett Cryderman.ý MIr Glen Fraser and MI. Ricky Wain, Sduyspent t weeken-d %ith Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.Ia Elcot Fraserville wreSuindiayVisi- tors with Mi, and Mrs.Eres Mr, and NMrs Wes. Huisand fatnily received relatives and theirhome honorin (CAoland ?hilp's fortComipng mrrî M. Harry Knox and Jeffrey attended Ebenezer aniveýrsariy on Sunday and HMlon Tink. Several on epefo thecmmnt sptte qlu in Park. Mr. and Mrs.Genarr anid family, laktokwere, Frïiay evening alesaI r and Mrs. Don TaylorS. Miisses Nan Alun and Mur ian Garvin, Toronto. wevfre Sunclay supper guests of Mr, and -Mrs. We. Ylowes M!r. andMr Robert Black- burn entertained on Sunday-, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wýestlake-'s we-dding anniver- sary. Those al(tteding were Mr. and NMrs. Ron romeand Kelly. Bowmanville. Gedon FIEandi AUTOMOBILE 0!,311 r623-MU50 '3 Ki IGST. E. 80 WNAN VILLE by Bob Watt Agricultural Represenitative is very t oxt tc io be-es, also, you mnay find it under the name, Carbaryl. ALFALFA WEEVIL Now is the time that al Alfalfa fields should be exai-, incd for the purpose o)f detecting Alfaî'f a %W' eevil We- have noted [bat, in some areas there bas been a buildup of the wcevil and economic damage could occur thîs year. The main niethud of control. is cutting of the f irsi crop as early as possible. This would mean cutting before the first tlower and remnoving from the field as- quickly as can be handled. If,, however, il, ap- pears the crop cannot be harvested and there could be a great deal of feeding, you may wish to use one of the insecticides that are available such as: malathion. carbaryl or Sevin and Methioxyxfilor. We cannot, however. stress the importance of chccking foi' OLINA the Weevil and also harvesting your crop as soon as you possibly can. PREGNANCY TESTING In the May issue of Eastern Breeders Newsletter, Dr. M; F. Milis, had ani)ntieresting article on Pregnancy Testîng. He indicated that there can be a substantial loss if the heifer has been out on pasture and you are not s;ure if she is pregnant or not. He indieated that heilers that have been bred in the February to June period and counted on to0 corn e into the milk, herd fromn December to March anmd if they did turn out to be 'lot in caif, it can cost at least $400 in lost milk sales - that's for a cost of $2.00 plus the time and effort of corralling the heifers up. even if they have now been turned out, to hiave them ec1hecked. certainly could be well worth the effort. Westlake, Shirley and Kevin President of Eldad was in WVestlake and Mr. Tom Rook, charge of the opening, bus- Courtice. , m 1iess and chairman for the Mr' and Mrs. Frank West-, program. Shie was assisted by lake called at Northcutt Ellînti Margaret Hooey Secretary- Funeral Home on Sunday to Treasurer. Joyce Taylor pres- pay respects to the late Mrs. ided at the piano for the Ruby Stevens. hymns. Two beautiful arr- 1Mr. and Mrs.,tArmer Hlugg- angements of sprîng flowers ins were Sunday evening were prepared by Janice callers wîth Mr. and Mrs. Yellowlees. The Devotional John Knox., was takeni by two ladies fromn Mr. and Mrs. Ray Middle- Enfield, Mrs. , Linida Rogers ton, Robin and Billy, Midland, and Mrs. ilda Wright. were Saturday supper guests For variety, we enjoyed a, of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter. musicaltreat of mnusie brou- Mr, and Mrs. Larry Potter, ght by Enniskilleni. Mrs. C. R. M\elissa and Christopher were Chambers was in charge of Monday guests of Mr. Ivan [bis and accompanied thie Law anid Mr. Gordon Law, numbers. Alan Ashtfon and Oshawa wcre callers on Satur- Judy Virtue gav\e a very day of Mr. and Mrs. Alex delightful duet with approp- Potter. riate costume. Garth Daveyý On Wednesday evening played two piano Plos, and about 75 of the Solina Comm- their final numnber,, in beauti- unity gathered ai the Solina fui harmony, was a sextette of Hall for a Community shower Judy Virtue, Kim Pollard, for Miss Carol His a bride-to- Darla Lamb, Beverly Stain- be this montih. Assîsting Carol ton, Garth Davey and Alan were ber sister Miss Jane Ashton. His. Misses Karen Yellow- The Roll Call was to give the lees and Debhie Drew, Af ter country of origin of yôur the ýopening arid passing father. Among the over 50 around of the lovely gifts, present we bhad quite aleague Carol thanked ail very sincer- of nations proving we are al cly and invited al [o come [0 one in the church.' 11 ber homie on Sunday to. see, Jean Knox, of Eldad. intro- thei r giftis, A lovely lunch was ducedt Mrs. Evelyn Redpath of serv ed in thelor hall artd a Oshawa. She told of the work sýocial imne enjoyed. Mrs. Redpat bhas done in the chu(rchi, includinig offices in Addeses lddEfild& AIl wbo xw.1-cpresuiintie- Enniskilen U.CW.'S joed a very interesting ae ounit of Mrs- Redpath's [rip [o Th UC..a( Eldad %%ws Saskatoon as a delegate of the hostess te the neighboring Uinited Church [o Gener-al 1.C.W. 's from Enfield and Council in 1972. This was for 2 Enikillen on Monday, June daysý and was filled with 4th. extremielyý worthwhiie sess- -Ail were weiconed by% ions for tlie whole period. At Lorraine Know and Faye 'Vice thiiis Council, Rev. Bruce of Eldad. Ada Yellowlees, Macbeod %vas elec[ed Moder- President of Eldgd was in ator of the United Church. charge of the openig, busin- Mrs. Redpatb considered it ess and chairmain for the was a pleasure and an bonour program. She ivas assisted by [o be sent as a dlegate [o tbis Margaret Hooey, Secretary- important part of our church. Treasurer. Joyce Taylor pres- We feit that we lived it with ided at the piano for the, ber, so enthusiastic and excit- hymns. Two beautiful arr- ing were bier descriptions angements of spring flowers spiced wvith bumol(rouls 1mci1- were prepared by Janîce dents that occurred. We do N'ellowlees. The Devotional appreciate ber coming [o wsas taken by two ladies frorn speak to uis. 'lhle eeting Enfield, Mrs. Linda Rogers closed with al joining hands and Mrs. Iiîlda Wright. and repeating the, Lord'sq Prayer. The U.C.W. ai Eldad was A happy social hour foul- bostess [o the neighboring owed with lunch serv:ed by U.C.W. 's f rom Enfîeld and Eldad ladies. Mrs, Pat Simip- Enniskilipn on Monday, Jane son of Enfield and Mirs. 4th. Doree n Pollard of Enniskillen Ail were, welcomed by expressed the pleasure andi Lorraine Knox and Faye Vice, Thank Yous of the visîting of Eidad. Ada Yellowlees, groups. Lack of Space 1for School Libraries "5Urgent Problem", A teasîilîty 1ýstu~Whîcschools wthout lîbrary fa1;cili- examinied the nleed to improve te library facilities in Northum- It is epctdthat fihe berland-Durham tïsehools has opening of the old BHS for pointed out "urgent prob- grade seven and eight stu- lems" in each area of the dents from Central andVi- UJnited Counties. cnt Massey Public Sehools wîll1 The report, prepared by the free some portable1 claiss- Board of Education adminis- rooms. However, the report tration. recommended that stated, "Even if we mnove the port able cla ssroomns shioLd be Grade Seven andi Eight stu bought or relocated [l or dents from Central Public School, thie three portables there wojuld not be available [o MON EY ON open libraries. They should be QUALITY held for aniticipated inicreased DX PREMIUM enrn)lments at Car-twýright Central, 0Orono and NewcaS- FUEL OIL tle.", and STOVE tOUL In addition it was pointed out that "Cartwright High School also requires a, port- able to provide needed 1libra ry space. The library is now housed in a lassroom wich E L O I lmu is also used for classes." After a lengthy, discussion. the Board decided to refer the report back to the administrâ- [son for further study, pa rticu- larly in relation to estimnated costs and priojrîties. BOWMANVLLLE CUSTOMERS CALCOLLECT Ask Operatar for 668-3381 or Dîi 1-668-3381 DX FUEL QOIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Cet Cash, Today through Phone 623-3303 îLU'EGREEN, WI4ITE, PINK, YEI.LOW WAX PAPER REfFllt 1Cut-Rite âI' Ch-,1 LorL"n,OanEIc Ihirriff JeIIy Powders Morsbmallows WHITE, YFLLOW, ORANGE. GREEN A&P Papier Towels PÀ?iNTXY SHEEF. SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENID, Rt, Or onge Juice ItOBN >H000, ô VARIETIS, CEL.ERETION Cake Mixes CI4OICE QUALITEr, CREAM STYLE Alymer corn TOPS aRAND, BEEF CHICKEN tiISt Dog Food 26 FL.( 9-O i pk o 4rals2/$1.00 k.spb.ry, Rsbry taoer iozpkg 4/sI.0 pkg of 2rails i1/51.00 MARVEI. BRAND. ASSORIEDFL IAVOURS Ice Creom ANN PAGE, IN fOMATO SAUCE A&P BRANO Saltînes AYLMER, PLAIN oRt GARLIC Diii Pickles COFFEE QUEEN, FRtOZEN Coffee Creamer ECONSTTUTEOYour Choice -Z BOUILE fou,0 R POUCH PAK 25¼/-0Z TIN0 0 Super Right Red Brond Grade "AÀ" BEEF ASeTE AKS FORSY 4 RI%< ONLY P!rime Rîb Steaks Blade Steaks Cross Rib Steaks Calîfornia Steaks NEW ZEALANO IMf*OktiF Lamb Steaks LOIN U RIB thsu SHOPSY ORt COORSN BRAND. COLE SLAW ORt Potato Sa lad EýURNS 2RANÎ!) MYTH1E PIECE Side Bacon bURNS, FETER MPFER &RAND, KY1THE FIECE Biol ogjna OUgNb %eRNLO, STORE PACK, #EFE& PORK Scusages Flamburg Patties Px EPA0.RED French's Mustard fCE NTRE CUTS LB 88eci End cuts lb 7 8 lb 48< lb 78< 2-1b box l9 (7e-07 jAR 34t) REGàJLAk. BACON AND CHEESE, SMOXE NOuSE BACON Kam Luncheon Meat (2 aZ tin 59< kEP 09 GREEN M.uthwasah n On0..) (PREPI-WCED '9v Close-Up Toothpaste 2 30OmI tubes 89 Pepsodnt Tothbruh Aduistze 3 9< 50>414 AFRCAN OTSPAN SEEDLESS NAVEL VO"RANGâ'ES Ozt59%' CENTRE CUl Pork Loin Chops RIe LOIN Pork (hops" COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs, E * g WHERE ECONOMY ORIGiNATES tt PRtCtrS SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, UNE 23rd, 1973, A&P POLICY, Alwey, do what ;,boncst and fair for every customerý RAINCHECK: If - dv.rfosed speciail is teér soId ouf, anE the Manager fieRaincheck. It nntitIeý you te the tan,. item êt the $.Me special price the followicsg week. Or if Y04a wish w-1t ive you a comparable item a# the same specbal price. GUARANTEE: A&I' ffetan uncondifional Mo ney-baclc guaranlee. Ne meatte, whaf it is, ne matte, -h. ,aesit, if A&P sel!, il, A&P go.-antna', if ane pint carton 4i$i.0 28 fi o7 tin3/ir 0 16-0, tnr3/$1.00' 24-fl-a1 Zrir 3/$1.00 (ACTION PRICED> 40a zcarton 41$1,00 HANSON, RECONSTITUIFO PURE, UNSWEETENED M x o n c Orange Juice 3-tO ~tt iMxo ac TUCK &RAND Garbage Bags PKGS OF 10 3 FO R LEÂVER, FIECES & STEMS Mushrooms 10-FLOZ TINS PFEKFREA, 4VARIETIES Hi- FodDriks48 t PKTGS0 0 î~ sli.8 - IkORnl Great on a tGrill! SX BRAND WIENERS Apple pie UC JANE PAR!ýFR Peach Pie jANeK PARKER Date Crunch JANE PARKER, SLCED (DEUCIOUS PLAIN OR TOASTED) Raisin Bread JANE PIAkER Glaized Donut: JANE PARKER, Siced, Old-Fashion Full 8-rn, 24-oz pie 5 9< (SAVE 6I Full 8 -un, 24-oz pie 59? (ACTION PRICED> 2 12-ozfoi Irays 89< (BUT 3 - SAvE tIc> 316-OZ baves 89< (SAVE Ici or (ACTION PRICED) Italion Bread 3 24-,,,a.'s510 TOMATOES FACIAL TISSUE Boxes of 180-Z-pUy sheets Fa - ur y?- 2-L9VAC FAC 1-LB VAC FAC 4-La box .1b 98Y sl,28 68,11 s2'.69 Baker y Values! JAPNE PARKER, ORANGE O'R CHOCOLATE (SUT 2 CAKES - SAVE c Chiffon 1- Cake Cakes JANE PARKER li's the bea.afy wjfh the C,umbs on Top!> Save tOc m ixo ath ',RAFï, MACARONI &C>MfSl Dinner 7/ DOZ PKG- PANTRY SWEEF, SMAU. Whole Carrots Norvq A&P siRAN, FANCY OuAiltTy Apple Sauce- 14.FL 0?TI ZWEkr TREAT CRUSNEO, -, Pinecapple iH R. DZTI Tomnato Juice 19-FLOZ TIN 6$100 E==M

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