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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1973, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesmian, Bowmanville, June 20, 1973 B LAC K O.N.O. Junie Meeting The O.N.O. met at the home of Jean Goble with 27 muembers and 1 visiter present. The minutes were read and adopted and correspondence was ack- now.Àledged fromn Jui Mountjoy and the Hospital Auxiliary. Jean Goble re- ported a healthy balance in the Treasuiry. The next O.N.O. dance will be hield on October 6 with the Joey Van Quartef as Orchestra. The Graduation Banquet on June 19 was discussed and every member is to bing their favouite dess- ert . Following the business was a display of lovely plaques, after wýhich lunch was served and the meet- ing closed. Last 'Monday Mike Wheeler flew from Toronto te Lisbon for an extended trip through Europe. Our besf wishes go withMike W,, this adventure. Congratulations f0 Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Duff who celebrated their 25th Wed- ding Anniversary on Saf- urday evening. June 25 to July 1 will be Canada Wleek. The Town- ship emnployees will have a holiday on June 27 to enable them f0 attend the Queen's visit in. Cobourg. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Edith MýcLaugshlîn on the passing of her mother Mrs. Edithi Murphy last week in Bowmanville Hos- pitil. Mrs. Gladys Sugg,?itt is a patient of Toronto Western Hospifal following leg sur- gery last week. John Vernn- ing has been fransferred to Princess Margaret Hosp- ital, Toronto for further freatmnent. Winners at the Senior Cifizen)'s Card Party were Ladies' High - Ruhy Mal- colm, Second-Olive Gim-J lett, Third-Ethel Goble, Mien's High-Isabell Wright, Second-Gordon Strong, Th- ird-Jim Latimer. On Aug. 7,8, ai-nd9 Kathiryn Khmn a prea- cher aind faith healer is coming fo PeferbIorough. Anyone xishing to go by bus to attend pflease con- tact MIrs. Carl Wrightf or Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm at Nes0teon. Jack Guniter, Paul Lar- mier, Dave Dalton, Harold Wrighnt and Gord Bryans spent anl enjoyable wee-"- end camaping at the back of Walter Wrighf's farm. On Wednesdly Jtpe 13 he Candace unit of the U.C.W. changed their formn Di a mieeting to ani excur- sion. Eleven niemhbers and twko visitors travelled fo Oshawa, had lncheon f0- g3ethier at noon and spent the afternoon enjoying a tour of the beautiful home and gardens of fhe R. S. MLlaighlin Estate. Also on Wednesday af fer- noon quife a number of local ladies attended the fris Tea hield at the homne of Mirs. Lýlareni on Scugogý Islanld. On Friday night MIr. and Mlrs. Bob Bryans and Stevie isited M,,r. Jimi Bryans and MIr. and Mrs. Ben Killens and David iill of Court ice. On Saturday MIr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans,' Patti and Steve attended the tird annual picnic of the descendients of Mae and Morley Wilkens at the home of Mr. andi Mns. Bill Mleldrum and Scott at Port, Hope. Mrs. Alex Clem-entsý of Norwood spent Thursday adnd Mns. Lloyd Broomne and famiily. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker were Miss Heler Baker,Toronto and John and G-Men Cowling, Bowmanville, for the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Larny Welsh and LaurelI,Bow- manville were Sunday supper guests anti Mn. anti Mrs. maunice Baker, Uxbridge were Sunday evening callers. Mn. and Mrs. Everett Cry- derman hati Mr. Chas. Smith, Oshawa, Mns, Ai Leemnatnc Shena, Petenb,ýoroug.çh andi ai thein family wifh them on Sunday for Father's Day. Mr. ant iMrs. Jimi Park, SaskatLoon, Sask, M0rs. Mary Westlake, Peterborough, Mrs, Tom Flett, Columbus, Mr, ancj Mrs. Don Kelett ardd Terry STOCK Porter and childnen. On Thunsday afternoon Mrs. Wm Hooey was host- ess for an unusual alter- noon party - that of the unveiling of hier lovely new quilt. Following the actual unveiling, Mrs. Haoey spoke briefly in her inter- esting manner of the hist- ory of quilt making and the making of this panficular quilt. Lunch of farts and ftea concluded the întenest- ing affernoon for the ladies. On Safurday' affernoon Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cuck, Mc. and Mrs. Tenny- son, Mrs. Ella Venningý, Mn. and Mrs. Bil Ferguson and Kevin, Mar- ion James of Bowmanville and Mrs. O. Hill attended th e Beacock Picnic which was held in the Prince Abert, Community Hall. On Thunsday the Kintier- ganten held their Orienta-, tion Day for next year's kindengarten pupils. The two new feachers were there f0 meef the chiltiren - Mrs. JudiMountjoy for the Morning Class and Mrs. Cathering Corden for the Affennoon Class. The Annual Decoration Service was held in the St. John's Anglican Church Sunday affennoon foiloweti by a visit ta the St. John's Cemetery. The aftecnoon unit of the U.C.W. met at the home of the leader, Mns. Florence Larmer'and affer a most enjoyable dessert, 'our meeting was openeti with Plora Sameils conducting the worship. The Lord is~- My Shepherti was sung, the, Lord's Frayer repea-teti and a passage from Corin- thians 3 was read from the Living Bible . . A readîing, 'Some things must be wattered"~ was given. Florence Larmer extený- ded a warm welcome fo 15ý membens and 4 visitors. minutes were reati and the roll cal aken. Several items of business was attendedt f. The;theme was conduet- ed by D)ora Marfyni about prayer. She gavean excell- ent readîng, "Pive Steps foward Successfuil Prayer"' which gave everyo)ne muich f0 think about. This wýas toliowed by a discussioni period.: A very amiusing conitesf given by Ms Florence Larmer wals ve2ry miucb enjoyed by ahl. The meeting closed with the benediction. Sunday guesfs of Mcr. and M,àrs.George Bcyaiif, Dwayne antIdJuflie uwee Mcr. and Mrs. Dea)n Ornitoni, ShelleyI and Diane, Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Precoor, ail of Brooklin, Mr. anti MIrs. Hon Bray, Steven and Paul of Port Ferry. Cub Camp Twenty-one Cubs and leaders enjoyed thein week- endi camp fnom Pitiay evening at 6:30 unfil Sun- day affernoon at 2 p.rný This camp was held af the back of Ralph Larmecr's, farm by the creek. The five leadiers were Marion Lac- mer, Toni Duivestyn, Jack Roffle, Jack Lee and Ela- mne Biiecy. While fhey were there, these Cubs enjoyed scaveager hunts, cape quoits, making andi flying kites, tug-of-war. cafching mianows and tatipoles, seeing who coulti sfay awake the latesf and who coulti eat the most. On Saturday affernoon they wenf to Cartwright Comm- unity Park for swimming OLINA anti Mn. Ken Barrie, Bowman- ville, Mn. anti Mrs. Murray Pletf were Moaday supper guests of Mr. ai-i Mrs. Doug Flett anti Linda Mn.' Poster Snowtien, Feinview Lotige, Whitby, MnI. anti Mcs. William Snowçlen, Allen, Gary anti John anti Miss Mlanyanin Gall, Kedron, Mn. Isaac Hardy anti Stanley anti Mns. Entiicott. Lindsay, wxere Sunday visitons with Mn. anti Mns. Joc Snowtien andi family. Mn. anti Mcs. Don Taylor anti femily attentiet the Aber- aetby famnily pîcnic et Orono on Safuntiay. Mr. ant i Mrs. Bruce Tink ettendoti the Columbus Cen- tenniel Chunch service on Suntiay anti in the afternoon affendeti the Fascoo famîhy picnie et Soline Hall. MVr. anti Mrs. Wes. Yeliow- lees were Suntiay visitons, wifh Mn. anti Mrs. Roy Grills, Vlentia. 11 Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Vice ettendeti the Columbus Cent- ennial church service on Sundey anti were supper guests of Mrs. Greta MvcCor- mack. M.--.ant iMnIs. Jim Fotter, Danny anti Laule, Salem, were Sunday caîhers anti Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Fotter, Davîi The -charm of a preffy dol has always helti an irresistible attraction for liffle girls and eight-year-old Nancy Willan (ieft) anti her sisten Terri, aged nine, were no exceptions. Prom the way fhey were leasf one skif, songs and games. On Sunday morning affer a breakfast of pancakes cooked by the men, Rev. Victor Pansons came for a Cub's Own (worship Ser- vice) which was mosf impressive.1 on Sunday affernoon tents were taken downi and at camp losing the foilow- ing awards were presenteti -Best Tent Aw,,ard - Black Sx-Ivan Duivestyn, Fred Mariow, Terry Wade and Bian Mikkehsen. Happiest Campten Dougie Grove, a new camp en who alw'ays wr smile and ,was alwayS where thel action wns. The leaders coulti not give a Best Camper Award because A 21 camapens shioud itihve neceîved it. The new 1sf afwi Crest, designed by Josie Hamii-ilfon and whih has jusf been neceived and wilh be uwon by Il Cubs, Scouts anti Venuners of Cant wighit were presenteti. The awand for the1ý most polnts for inspectwl for. the yea,-r wswon b h,ýlle YelIow six, mfade upof'i-i cochrane, Scott Wikinison, Kelly Nelove, Stephen Distenson anti Alan Fer- ~guson. These boys wvil son fie aknbwias a pnize. Ail feif thaf [thýis was an eellentcamp ln ah ways. B&PWoe Heur Co-ordinator' Bowimaivilie Business & Prof essional Womnen's Club met un \May l7fh in the auditorui of St. Andrew's Church \ith 16 m embers anti one visifor present. Presitient Marlon Burge'ss waýs ila he oloiga tieiciauis dia- nec. P1resitient _Marlonit ifro- duced the guesf speaker of the- evening, Mrs. Louise Hami-il- ton, the new Discharge Plan- ning Co-ordinat or of Bowman- ville Memorial Hlositil. This is a nw pl)an designedti t assist familles ta place, pat- lents la nursing homes wvhen fhey arQ no longer e]ig-ible for hospital cane. Mrs. Hlamiifon toiti the club that hiec dreamti is a big new n1ursîag home inBomnie that OilI accommodate double the numnber of patieýnts nw anti Allen, Hampton wce Suntiay supper guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Patter. Mr. anti Mrs, Doug Plett atfendeti the Columbus Cent- ennielsevc anti wene supp- ci- guests of Mýýrs.Tom Phett. Mn.- anti Mrs. Frank West- lake, Gortion, Shirley, anti Kevini ant i Mn. Tom Cook, Courtice, were supper guests on Suinday of Mn\I. anti Mns. Hon Broomne, Bovimanville. Recent cailers with Mnr. anti Mrs. Frank Wesfleke wore Mn. antiMrs. C. 'Wcstlake, Mn.1 anti Mcs. Geo. Merlow anti1 family, Oshawa, anti Mn. anti Mrs. L. Johanson, Liadsay. 1 Mn, antiMn. rek est-j lake ant i MIrs. Bob Blackburn attondeti the funeral of the lete Mrs. R. Sýtovons, Bowm-an- ville. On Sutiay Mn. anti Mrs. John Knox anti Nancy etten deti Decoration Day se.rvice et Bcoughamr anti were supper guests of MnU. anti Mns Howert iMalcoimn. Mn. anti Mns. Frank West- leke anti Gordon were necenit callens on Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Cook. Mn. anti Mcs. Doug Plot t, Miss Linda Fietf, Mn. anti Mrs. Murray. Flett anti Miss Pearl Leach vxore cguests 0on Saturdey et the Youn,ýgman- GaCSwpll wedtiing. admiring the stuffeti animais the pictune, made by Mrs. anti dolis at the Hobby Show Collacoft of R. R. 4, Bowman- on Saturday, June 9th, they ville. ,was one of several probabiy wouhd have loved f0 displays featuneti at the an- fake every one of them home nuai Pine Ridge Hobby Show, wxith them. helt i a the( home of Miss Helen The stuffed toys dispiay in VanDusen on Honsey Street ln 'addition f0 these andi othen, dolîs, there w.ene hand- craffeti walking canes, pastry andi baked goods, and a variety of handicrafts made by area nesidents on sale at the Hobby Show. Photo Exhibition at Library ine, current exnibition ont sent in thns scale. iYork, nas been aeeply invol- the Phoogýra.phy Gaillry en- His wokgnrlyi ost ved in photography since 1967. titled "Si(li Lives" opened iniflueniced by that of Walker However, he is also well Jun ilandfeaure th wok EansandRobrt ra kknown as an. artist having Juf To1 ibson aiTrn t o hooganhd.iRober ye1,hld cone-man exhibitions of his p;an1tgs it Tmlotosince Thew 35 photoigraphs are part deiin y vn .lty"h 1959 at such noted centlres as of a sre begun fwo year,.s com'-ments. -if lloIsle a the David Mirvishi, Jerrold ago as thbe photographer's wyin mwhich to adapt to thre iMorris and Dorothiy Cameron re (on a"tensions witin ouuside world. TLhe sbetGleis the contemrporary land- atrIchoei ntiiet is photographs have been scape." Mr. Gibson explains. a certain exIten..moivte exhibited internationally and -By; conmtaininig the tensions by culris ity about what a isare included in the collection with-in a frame (the boundis ofinwiIoolieheif5 of The National Gallery of the 'photographie print) they phiotographed." Caniada, the National Film- becomne somnething ) can cope Mr. Gibson, who holds a Boa)rd, Eastman Hlouse and withi. 1T ;ica ea>,l t these Mlaster of. Fine AtsDegree Visuial Studies Workshop, realities ,,,hen they are pre- lromi the University of New Rochester, N.Y. M a n y Nestietan and Cartwright residents were guests at the social eveni-i ing and presentation on Saturday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- colm an, the occasion of their 25th wedding anni- versary, in the United Church, Hall, Yelverton. This cornmunity congratu- lates them and extends best wishes for many years of continued -health and happincss. Recent visitors with Mr' and Mrs. Charles Briggs xere Mr. H. Hamner, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. K. Samelîs, Mr. and Mrs. K. Gilbank, Blackstock, Mrs. Murray Coates, Mr. and Mrs. S. Piaughman, Porti Perry. Mr. and Mrs. T. Briggs and Claire, Kth ener, Mr. and Mrs. Harald Avery ancd family, Burke- ton, Mr. Merwin, 'Mount- joy, Osawa, Mrs. V Monjoy and Mr, Clr once Mountjoy, Nestleton., Sudy cinner guests wif 1 hetl Lawrence Mal- 'aoi ani wer'e Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Van Nest, Braintffrd. Mrs. Cl1a ra, Schmidt and boys, New- castie. Mrs eiït'h Wilson of Duntr-oan is vacationing for a couple of weeks withi her sisteàr and. brothïer-in- law,Mr and Mrs. Sam Cawker. Mrs Nasnith Henry receiving careý. She touched briefly aon the iHome-Care Program and Poster Homes for elderly patients which hop)efully will come uncler the niew Regional Goverinment. Mrs. Hamilton answered questions l'rom the girls and was thanked for her most interesting falk which inci- dentally was ber "maiden speech" since taking on her new position. Monthly draw was won by Shirley Colliss. Annual reports were read and filed. The June meeting wilI be held on Wednesday, June 20th at St. Andrew's Chiurch to be followed by an oufing Io Par-kwvood in Oshawa. XVec stil] miss Velma Gay who is in hiospitl.ý Hope You wilbe back with us soon, V7elmfa. anti san Mr. Bruce Henry, Janetville, visited for Sun- day supper with Mmr. anti Mcs. Harry McýýLaughiin. Mr. anti Mcs. Lawrence Cooletige accompanieti by their graindtiaughter Wan- da Cooletige, af Caesarea, are spending f bis week with their daûgliter, anti son-în-law, Mr. anti Mms. Harry Morris anti famniiy at Seeley's Bey. Mr. anti Mrs., Adelbecýt Beacock of Lindsay., whaý spent a mast enjaýyabl"ý affemrnoan at the 46th ce- union of the Beacock Famy- :ly et Prince Albert, were Saturtiay evening calions withMc. anti M-rs. Bruce Ileeslip. On Wetinestiay. June i3th, tbey visiteti hec brother ant i sster-in-law, Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Jamie-* son at Barrie. Mvrs. Ernest Jamniesan was alsa, a guest. Thiswaa triple celebra- tiantahna M.Beacock oný bis '751h11 rbtayand alath Dilthtiay,.V af Mc. Roy JaniecsoI'1 n antiMrs. Ernest JaMie"saîî The Ba- rocks '2'eCIr eu' ovec night gucats of thieir friends, Mr. anti Mris, Cecil Germ-an et Nýew Lowell. Congratula- tions!: Sitnday- dinner guests with Mr. antiMd Wlrt Vine anti failýy % wýerM. antýi Mrs. Reg.Miitleo antýi fmiMississauga. ic. iint Mrs. George BoWerPs spent Wetinestiay ta Fritiay wývth>their dau- ghter, Mrs. Dorotby Chap- man anti family et Nartht Bey. On 'Saturtiey evenmg_- tbey were dinner guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Z. Adams, Bo wmanx 111e, anti visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Rass Adiams la Oshawa. Sincere sy,,m- petby is extendedti t Mrs. Ross Atims an the tieath of bier mather wbo pesseti awey vory sutitenly lai Englanti. O n Maon day e ffernoan o0f lest weok, Mrs. Ben Du Jan, lVIrs. George Heaslip ant i\ Ms. Richard Davison ettentiet ia W.!. cammittee meeting et the home of 7&s. Milton Fisher. They tiecitieti' fahave the Wo- men's Institute bus trip on Tuesdiay, July lîOth. They plan ta visiî't the City Hall, t'oe Allen Gantions anti at- te-nd the MerI,1y Poppins Musicale at the Hlollyw oat Theatre, following which dinnor et a restaurent ashoulti conclutie a tielight- fui day of relaxation. Plan ta submit yaur na mes early li aon e frthat ou wvi 1not h dsppitei On Satucday c.anti Mýrs. Richbard Devisan en- jayeti Fatbecr's Day ,dia- nec with their son anti daugbter-in-lew, Mr. anti Mcs. R. Douglas Davison, Neil anti Scott, in Peter- borough. Mr. anti Mý,rs. Normn Mairs antid c.anti Mrs. Rabert Mairs enjoyeti a Suntiay drive ta PefclawV anti surrountiing eacea. On Suntiay Mcr. anti Mýrs. Richard lMecKenzie ý anti Claire were evening tiin- nec guests 0of bis parents, Dr. anti Mrs. W. F. MDac- Keazie in Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. Ian Scojtt Charles anti Je'-nfen, of Corbyville, spent Mondey with hem pýarents, Mr, ai Mrs. Ralph Sadien. Congratulations to Mr. Ralph Sadien anti Mn. Bruce Lawsan wbo ex- hibiteti their heckneys, et M\iilbcoak Faim on Satur- day. McI. Satilor recoiveti three firsts, one second anti anc thirti. Mm. Lawsan was the winnec of twa ficst pnizes. Mr. Satiler also exhibiteti Mr, Chnis Lockýyec's backney ponios et Picton Faim on Satun- day. Again ho was success- fui in wýinning one first, twa (,seconds anti anc thicti prize. Mr. Sailenromerain- cd avecnight on Seturtiev with the Scotts et Corby- ville. On Sunday af lest week Mm. anti Mrs. Milton Fish- ce- af Ceesacea, Mn. anti Mrs. Vernon Fisher of Wootiville andi Mn. anti Mrs. Eacl Baker of Lindi- say enjoyeti a femiiy gath- ering when tbey were dia- ner anti supper guests of thoir brother anti sister- in-lew. Mr. anti Mrs. Mon- loy7 Fisherc la Scarboroug-h. Scott Fisher of West Hill speat Seturtiay ta Tuostiay with bis grand- parents, Mr. anti Mns. m. Fishier, ant ,irMc.anti Mns. Delton Fisher visîteti for Tuesday e.veniaig dianer. Mn. anti Mms. Neil Bcoom- fielti anti taughter Andrea of Cobourg were Sunay evening dinnen guests. Mn. anti Mns. Clarke Williams wece Father's ùay guests of their daugh- Irresistible Stfuffed Doils at thne Hobby Show fer anti son-in-law, Mn. anti Mcs. Doug. Fallisand boys in Bowmanville. Mc. anti Mrs. Lamne Mc- Kee attendeti, Millbrook Fair on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. George Tomîjason anti Gregg of Glenn Wil- liams anti Mcs. Inene Hon- decshot of Oshawa wemre Suntiay miti-tay dinner guests of the McKees. The Bert Sheas. the Jim Me-, Kees anti the Dave Frews were Fathen's Day caîlens. .Mr. anti Mcs. John Mc.- Millen Tammy anti Brent, Caesanca, entortaineti hem parents, Mn. anti Mcs. Mc- Kee, for Sunday evening dinnen. Mcs. Norman Irvine and Mms. Allan- Irvine, Bow- manville, were Monday aftennoon visitons with Maxr anti Mms. Bruce Heas- 1 p. Nestleton Softbahl <Girls' Team> Nestleton girls' sof tball teamn have a bus.y schc- c~l.Since ihe stant 0f _he season they have beon very fortunate. Havinp comnpeteti in four gamnes fhey have emergeti the winnens in all gamnes. They are keeping thein fingens crosseti that thein lucl< wihl holti when they mee, Yelventon Monday even- ing (tanight). Local folk have become, quite inter. esteti. Sweaters have been provitietianti benches h ave been donateti. Keer, up the gooti wonk girls! Lake Scugog Softbal The return game Janet- ville vs Nestleton was playeti Sunday afennoon at Nestlcf on. This vias an excellent exhibition. with Bian Wilson pitching for Janetville anti Rick Camp- bell for Nestîcton. Thcý gamie finisheti 6-4 in favoi of Nestleton, with gooci spart smanshlp on b o t]-h 31des'. Lindsay League _Nestîctoi vs Downey- ville was playet inlaLinti- Say on Suntiay evening This was a ten inning game wvithi the score 2-1 ir f avor 0f Ný1estîcton - a ver3 interesting anti excitinp game. Catwright lvldgets The Mitigef s are comn- mnencing their caneens in basebail anti necti your support. On Tuesday ev- ening they playeti Lindisay in Nestîcton anti on Sun- day competeti in Peterbor- ough with 'Peterborough but lost bath gamnes. They are arnbýtious anti will kcep gaing. Grand Opening Spning Waten Traihen Park On Sunday, June 17th, Spring Watec Trailen Park was afficlally a p en ed when Mr. anti Mrs, Bal- four Moore, the proprie- tors, were hosts, for the occasion. "The park is iocated about one mile easf of Nestlefan village on 7A Highway. It has a choice location wvi t h beautiful trees on two sities for the background. Thene are 15 acres of parx1anti with six acres tievelopeti. The spring wvater pond is ap- praximately 85 feet by 185 feet. R-oatiways have been developeti, anti avec 30 trailer sites have been os- tablished. L adii es' andi men's wash-cooms a n e equippeti, with showens, hot anti cold running water. This is a superb setting foc an ideal vacation. The Moores were gonlal and gnacious hosts as they ne- celveti iheir guests. Gooti luck is exentiet to you in t his intenesting and new venture. In 1929 when the Mersey Paper Company commenced operations, if was the finsi modern newsprint, miii in Nova Scotia. Nineteen-year-ohd Mania Rofh is pictuneti above with hec wihd flower- drawings whîch will become a regulan feafure on the pages of the Miss Rlofh, -who graduateti fcom Court ice Seconidary, Sehool hast year, iveswýifh hec parents on their rusticahhy hantiscapeti, 20 acre properfy aorth of Haydon an tî's easy f0 sec from whene hec inspirations come. Wild flow- ens of innumrerable varicties abound la the dense woodhot on anti arounti the Rofh home. Maria, who has "beca dcawing as long as 1 can rememer',began ta focus« hc attentions on wihd flowers hast yeac. She came to Canada trom ecmaniy when she was sixyes olt i-ind is the yaunge-st of the four chiltirer' of John airflBaibet ý1te ot. 2M01 anti Mrs. Rofh hiave adonneti their homne wifh beautiful,, erceigardens ani their love af inature has obviouishy been passeti on f0 fheic daughfer. Maria is planning f0 marcy a young man from Oshawa ln the faîl anti, not surprisingiy, he's an acfist too. Honor Alne and Llô'yd Ayre On 25th Wedding Ailnive-rsary Apnetty wetiding vias soie- mizet inl St Andirews Fresby- ferien Chunch, Bowmanville, on Saturday May 15th,1948 When Rev. Victor Wahken uniteti in marniage Alne Elizabeth Letitia Northcutt, da ughter of Mn. anti Mns. Arley W. G. ýNorthcuff wiýth Willi am Arthur Lloyd Ayre, son of the hate Mr. anti Mrs. Alfreti Ayre, Hampton. In orden f0 celobrafe this event Anine anti Loyd were assîsteti by thein immetiiete families in planning a pacty for 105 relatives anti frientis which took place on Friday May 25,1973 et the Nightingale Centennial Hall - Bowman- ville. Receiving with Alne anti Lloyd wene their daugh- fers Cintiy,Wendy anti son John, ahi looking panty like with pnefty corsages anti bout onnienes. John was in change of the guest book anti display of bridai photos anti papen clîppings of 25 years ago. Sitting af the heati table were membens of the original wedtiing Dartv.,Maiti of honor - Mrs. C. A. Eby (nec Audrney Box) Bridosmaitis - Mns. Arnold Gardiner (nec Audrey Ayre) , Mrs. Charles Brock- man (nee Audirey Nothcutt), Mn. Boyti Ayne,best man, Mrs. Rota Dudley (orgenisf) Mn. Art Stainton who offereti grace befone the meal. Mn. Adam Hawley (soloist) was unable f0 be present. FoIhowing a delectable buff- et dinnen prepaned anti serveti by the members of the Rebecca Lodge, Mn, Bihl Bragg the genial M.C. who with well chosen rerranks honoreti the special couple, thon calleti on Mn. Donald Foultis, Owen Sound to pro- pose a toast f0 the bride anti groom Mr. Boyd Ayre matie a presentafion of crystal on behaif of Lloyds imimediate family, Mn. Art Stainton anti Mrs. Allen Wery matie a presentation of a "Money Tree" on behaîf of the Trul family anti an elegant five piece ýSilver Tee Service was presenteti to the couple by Mn. Russell Dow from fientis. Several individuel gifts anti beautiful flower arrange- monts wccc neceivoti. Tribut os wei'e pait f0ArIme anti Lloyd by Rev. Oake anti Mn. Gannet Rickend w1r&' spoke highly of the part both' beti playet inathe cornmunity anti thein church. A sincero expression of appreciation was gi ven by Lloyd for himiself and Arlino wiche had touches of humour anti ho thanketi everyone for their kintinesses, bcst wishes anti gifts. The excellent daence pro- iramn was in change of MU. C. Ferry Black. At midnight the Home Walfz broughf to a chose a long remremnbeneti paËfy for Anlino, Lloyd relatives and, friends. Guests affentiet from Ton- onto, Barrie, Sfayner, Owen Soundi, Oshawa, Whitby, Port Hope, Hampton, Millbrook, Blacksfock, Enniskihhen, New- castle,Tyrone anti Bowman-- ville. On Suntiay May 27th Alne anti Lloyd receiveti over 20Q guesfs et the home of hon parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Arley W.I G. Northcutt on the occasion of their Silver Anni- versary. Mrs. Arnolti Gartiner sister of the groom anti Mrs. Charles Bnockman sisten of the bride acteti as hostesses. Receîving with Arline and Lloyd weco thein tieughf ors Cindy anti Wendy anti son John took change 'of the door anti annivensary guest book. The tea table was cenfeneti with a graceful silver bowl of pink rose butis, shasta tiaisies anti babys bneath, flanketi by white cantiies in silven cantiel- abra ,belonging fa ber mothen. Fouring tea in the afternoon wene Mrs. Newton Etigar, Mrs. Hansen Richards, Osh-, awa, Mns. J.* Barton, Mrs. Gernïet Richard, Bowman- ville, Senving were Mrs. Larry -Mefealf, Mns. John Buzmnin- ski, Mrs. Russ Clark ail'af Oshawa. Fnositiing in the evening wene NMrs. Audirey Eby,Port. Hope, Mrs. Manjonie Blanch- anti, Hampton, Mrs. Ena Bragg, Bowmanville,Mns. Doris Lee, Ketiron. Senving viene Mrs., George Box,Port Hope, Mrs. C. Russell, Mns. J Barton, B.owmanville. MUSIC RESULTS The following/ is a. list of 1successful candidates, in ex- aminations held recently by the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto in Bowman- ville, Ontario. The names are arranged in order of merit. GradeIX Piano Hionors - Frances Vander- gaast; Heather Barrie G'rade VIII Plino Honors - Annette Taylor; Rosemnary Y. Kennedy, Col- ette Taylor (equal) Pass - Rita Y. Mostert, Valerie J. Taylor (equal); Jennifer Rehder; Sharon E. Kennedy; Hilary C. Johnson Grade 1V11 piano First Class Honors - Mark S. Munday Honors -- Patricia 1.D. Lnn; Annette E. Rypstra' Grade VI Piano Honors - Stephen M. Arscott; Beverley A. Caswell Grade V Piano First Class Honiors -- Ian P. Munday Honors -- Nancy J. Allin G;rade 1IV Piano First Class Honors - Carolyn A. Baxter Honors - Karen J. Anderson; Patti J., May Pass - Anne E. Stubingtoni Grade 111 Piano Honors ' Sylvia Hartemink; Carol A. Trolly; Verity R. Sylvester Pass - Janice E. Heard; Henrietta Fayer Grade II Piano First Class Honors - Roger, W. Proctor; Michael L. Gil- lespie Honors - Debbie K. Neye; James Elliott; Charlene A Cooper, Grade I Piano First Class Honors _' Nancy- Christine Rietmuller; Perry- James Rietmuller. Young Artist Draws Flws

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