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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1973, p. 1

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Helps Mark Hospital's 6thn Anniversary 19 18 Pages O ANVLE ONTARiiO, E'lESAY UNE , 193 c Per Copy NI q'TMBER 25 Ill Baiba Foi InsidieSuitu 'l thought I'd caught A i n d his partner, PC G;aryB-aba and the 410 thiieVes". Wasý Martîn ucoerd a n's 0...CpL l. H.R. Pat' agutcspkdflih .onllsraction to the the preclo)us gemrs "WIhen t arrest ettw jewcl thieves Iast opened the, suitcase,. tbey just week outsidc Oshawa. A about spilled out into thei search of acar byCpl. Cornel trunk,"« said Col CrnlieHe Memnorial Hospia Marks 60 Years of Community Service 1 in March of ý ý13 da house and Keith Siemon, whoise remaýrKs S.~, proerty hichthe Late J. . er ery weIllreceived and ~~\ A~exander had doatd ere Often"'extreeyhmru ~~~ ~~~. ret~ýý f-urbished adoee a h parnlMn oewssa ,.~~.. firs,,t hospital in Bwavle ed Dr. Seonscajolery n' The original faceilities, which '.ere loca ted in the parking lotMr.Hln udispe h ehind the present building, about el hîstoryof the o0erated a total of 23hews Now, 60 years after Alexan- aybenayarefe drsgenerous gift, the lem - tehoptlond,0 coen oril ospta has 1,29 beds andfud and doaions oprvd ~... . .a staff of 206 noni-medical necessiis suh s eds and . . . . . . .ad isserve by octor..meica l ocen te T e uxl ~~ . . .. p~~~ersonnnel, including nursesbaktfr h ldln To mark the occasion of the Jary, of cou -e a otne ~~~ ,. ~~~~60th year of operati[ or thethifnecarabe ok bospital, several events wereritupothpesn ~*. ognzd last week. A three- To round out the prgram. day Open Hlouse attracted 450 Dr. . B. Runie, h visitors lo the hospital, a apparently hias beeni shootinig M rs 1v Coverly a member. of thecafeleria staff 'at 1Bowmavile banqjuet, which some- 160 movie film for years, brought I~4eorî1 Hspial oi te pst 8 yarsdresed n a ol-fahi e opie attendcd, was held in along a miovie he prepared. If ýr te pst,1,8yeas, d , d i atheLions Centre on Wednes- included shots of the bospital costut o helpclebrate the hospital's anni'rsa a st wee% aye cigJunc l3th, and the from 'way back wheni up to Refesmetsiniuing somei dei;clouIs baked cakes and! art, wreNewcastle Commnt Hlihlpeet made aaabebthHoptlLde s Ail iaytai0fhe40gss was the location f1or an At Friday ight's dance a n whotoued he aciitis drin th ,thee ay 7 Oen bus te,50g t informai dance on Fia siae 0culsdned tý),-e3.'Lie aciites urng ii theu da 0eii11)us.igb1t, Juýne lSth rio the nmusic of Dick Valleau's Thu e-fetured spJeakur at orchestra to wund up 0hv Wedncday îbanuet was Dr os.alswek o!l celebration eH t cs ~BITS ~PIECES Da imre t ui G001) TUBNOUT -For sv a1xees D lue, Bowmianiville mierchaits have been trying t0 get LUac-1 ti h rlei hnfot' SilvSie. v lh Allan Eeer a fu" mer prov l US Ie ni es s Oa Ofl, Sto o & £ r ~ ~ Q ed o replace Harry W'ade as 0 P lo le 0 V 0 (l0 TurOto P~age 1w loalinil 1w !lakesIore aih for 0. .1 Hb durîng ýý the asi o Iea o a I i>x~ eeni piLincd as ant outsidc iiin~ile, ewca ( l < oo ni ~ rîîîî wîh satiga 7:30 wn. There and (Mobourg %u% tlar ige iriduwiîtiprki as be a change bý t,-.ponidiing vcix irapffdi, . $92 locaion becuase of' the In ~ ~ ~ rr ao Ioes I-elas'ti'ii11< i 111(1051 o0 osblt f rain and the QuetsPakAlx aruh s2.oolN>4a0% iîusr Inen will nowv be lield in ers M .~fubm ltdoî ~i. lal a nu1Ae nI teadtru fii he ew Ib bnsr lte i he rapid idsie in(bur onnxIciligli school. C:rîticarIIy Inur1-ed in Weekend Bout Race Sale plans, buit the daIpytimre or eveing meetings havn' poduiced too imany bodies, Fiall,1i d.esperation, a m-eeting was cle for 7:00U TFuesday morin' or bre; fMst àt, çCorprih-ti-o11 Retuat...anil ù me txe -sil1 s ývwe re ove.rwhelng with 17' pr-esent. Seems loCal1 retailers a:re early, birds. GET's AON A few weeks agio, BDow-v mianville Country Club placed an adver- tisement îin The Statesmani for non-union eniter^atajnment talent. We have no idea how Beni Jack, a booking agent from Calgary happenled to see the advertisement but he thou(sht it was such a gjood idea that he wrote Club Manager Clharlie Low. to congratulate hini on the idea. Seems The Statesmian gets a round.! JOINT EFFORT - Sunday afternoon at the Enniskillen Conservation Area, Tyrone and Enniiskillen, Sunday Schools, will be- getting togethier for a dinner at 1:30 t6 be followed by sports. The occasion will also be used f0 express a formai farewell to the Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hopkins who are leaving the area. PAPER DRIVE - BoWmanvilIe Boy Scouts wdil be out in full force on Saturday for therir last paper drive untii September. Please have, bundies on the sidewalk by 8:30 a.m. U.ER MAESTY - Next Wednesday, dune 27th. Her Mý/ajesty Queeni Elizabeth and Prince Philip vvill be in Cobourg for a visit that will last for over an hour. While information is sketchy, if is understood their train will pass through Bowýmanville on the CNR tracks shortly aliter 9: 00 a.m. but will not slow down unless plans are changed. It will slow at Oshwa about 9:05 a.m. Guess well have to either go east or west to catch any more than a glimpse of the royal visifors. WELLL EQUIPPEI - As we sif here, looking aseveral photos of retiring BHS Principal Len Lucas, taken at a farewell party a( the golf club on Friday night, we came to the conclusion he's going to be busier after he retires than he ever was working. JEarlier, lie received a sit-on tractor that probably doub- les as a lawn mower, a snowv plow ani bull- dozer. Last week, the gifts included a golf bag cart and cluibs, the most protninent itemi being a bail retriever used for recoveringwyar bails fromi water pionds. There is also a large vise with ail kinds of uses. That poor guy is going to be worn out, just, learning how to operate ail that equipment. rtun hý je t' s, 6 i :ase ad ne idea of the vajlue of the hwl utsinfrmdlater CpI Coneibo ilîves on 'arka~ Cescnt in B lianville. orsou( oA the( O'ttbyO.PP.station .Around 3tb.I1 ho and PC Martin wcrce ontacted Io watlch for, a 1973) 'ocrnado. -ey pot ted the (Tom tto Page ýTwo-,c) 87 SUdenets onl summer Jobsr in DurharaCountfy I ý1k (21 'c ii Iudc ntV Ii iiii;iii oulin h i llcaii 'ut o ' l c ug r ltiIlai i i 11id I in Pî'ni'oî ir icfu lsd cdIî etiol)t loi, i hoi elil linîsleî' <'il~~~i ii nn vdru pin(îois iiit iii ai i n toai on' oli~~~be (tC iiO It ,oiuilsO <i n 1O i k l u ,Si c) VlV Ib Oiît u tanu i10cul int nr Reet Garnit(licli'lrdge tougtu i nuht i aIl-) paed(bistheornig ilen bierstal eeptithe inalW together. ityofeDrhamof Unfonisllen o eueol lus drivers, preda trucklo hore what eee l ie ers dVis le 1ur p-,eofeader Two ir/ Inured In Head-on Crash Seurc Uncov ,kieI A îw-ax ccident on T 'aun-1 Ionl Rond at Cdunlty RPoad 57 senit tvoyu o men, mltClmQ1- bers et a gil baebaltn fr-om Peterboough, teBo) mnanv"illic'sMemorial f-Ispitnl Chevrolet, f8 year oid Isabell Nichels, J'rom R.UR.:j, Keen, wcre hcndiAng east o)n T,'aunton Rend shorty nfter 8:00pimn 1973 Oldsmobý)ile, drliven b Stevenl Buzsei, age36yns attempting te make a right baud turn ente Tauntron Road from tlhe southbound lane et, Cooty l oad 57. cc-ording te cohde ead-on with the- 0ntey veh-icIeý IBotir ls wee aken Iby amlance ïte the hospital and ndmittcd, in fair condition. Mliss Batley soffered injuries te ber bark and cW9stWbie Miss Nichols incurred sealp lacerat ions BothI were treatedJ and!G dicag h le 1tolîowing day. The accident caused an simed$700 damiage te flueý vehifcle receiveru $1,000 mi damiages. Constable E.J. Jerrett et thie Newcastle 011P investigat- ed the accidlent. Buzsei has been, charged with irpaired Newspaiperwoman Describes Lit I nside Communist'Cb iiý i iiins ckitur , lb Ihie 011t1 .siix t ns tfiom' 22 h cars :1 uIlauicd guest aothIe Fewv Surprises pea Vi~~~~~ýh i'ii'(l hi', il <mutoui' houliaiges(il o loîi~ît-d. W at4ýiîigt 't, 1o tiÀi - iii retoin ibel (Tom tetoPage Two) wi1cIIh \b-Adwnm e bosel miilî 1dît 1'('td LCuba i 1, ti oo tlt s lik ii te ilatiswib the1(. United ltui a tii(td numnber cel !0 Co ssuba UsMs. kike asqusck to [take the oppor- îuit Atbugisewetas a (Tom bPage Two) SKIN US EVERYV TIME Discuissions4on amalga- inating Port HopJe and Hlope Townsip into one nicipaliy haultbeen progressing Ltoo smiothly. Ont, H(pe councillor wanits no part of iH. ID, says tha alynytm t'e had any- thliig 1t do with Port Hoýpe, they've been sklnned every Uime. "Do 1 Heuar Flive Doillrs ?"' Asks Kiwanis Auctioneer A 22-l-ear-old Solîna Riond resdet As been Lritically injued ài a speed boat regatta hdon fltue igaaRiver, nearBoflloon Sund(ay, dunle Peter Gritpicîur-ed aýbove in a pootaken blasf somm-ner,sîfrd a brolken hac«k we i ovtep ered cnfhcoked undir a wave li îhe ýc,fl7p aes ea;lsintg thue boýa,(toteflip oer. e was reotel raVfellng wtwer91ftri 100 rnph when the ccientoccurred. Gerrîts i eivdte bve ýstr-uck ilis back on th hit of (lue boat as fie wns 'thrown 0eut et flue craft. Alhubhe is improving somewbnt, i oditioný is stil listed ns.,critical in I3ufflo's Kenmore Mrc Hspital Tbee Grrits, w 'ova' rncing just bcind bis brother at lu tmeettf accxident, indintedthatdecer at tha deHicate operation te repair the damage te is back. He etty net iured nnd POOR 1CAIILIE - Our sympafhy goes ouf f0 Dr. Pete ~ ~ ~ i isxtprlye.Iiii Charlie rlellveen, fhe MPP who is representing be em tie efoe ectrsOshawa in the Ontario legislafure. H e's being 'iii hfe able we tell bow longgin a hiard time by cify polificians because the Gerisvil! be hospitalized - butif iI lielybetwoorDavis governmenf Ilie supports didn,'f take 10 lots tbreemontlus.away from Darlingfon and give fhern fo0Oshawa. If things gef f00 rough, Charlie, corne on. back Lt asfle irs wekndethome to Bowmnanville where you Rgof our sfarf. racng bisseaoW or lu There's always room for another doctor and in 10 Peter won the canadýian or 20 years, M1PF Alecx Carrutlhers miglit be Cluamp n u hE, sOotsSfhinking of refiring and you couîd fake over lis class. .seat. Kîwnaniann George MN!oore Tbe KmxinnisAcin Sale luol~ u anold ampwbie wa cosidredan unquaiified suces b sale organizer c-lub President Charlie Reuid Wren Trow-nsley.> The crowd dmes the nuctineering at flue wnalwysarond 50 Cpe Cenitral Schoi grounds on nnd if is esinted (bat 2M te Saturday affernoon. June 300 peuple took in ai least part w1tlu of Lue nuction during flue aaroon. The club ,Fte(d deties fl(ýue uderstanding of c'lose to $5,00 irom flue salcAI evenflue wisest sage Fur items were donafed by area xapl, teve and a residents. Vigr washer, boflu in -work- ing çnifosoid for 4he AuctiOn sales fend te d& grand total cf Soc, whiie a funny fluigs te pople and Ilhenofuciigmaleoc logýic efthfle bidding cCoff brouglut ini$i } 1 VOLUME f

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