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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1973, p. 3

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pale yellow hooded coat of lace with long f ull sleeves and a short train. She wore ber grandmother's gold locket and gold charm bracelet, gift of the groom. The matron of honour and flower girl wore floor length gowns of mauve polyester cotton flocked with tiny white flowers and carried daisies and baby's breath. The flower girl's basket hàd been carried by the bride herseif as a flower girl. The best man was a long she carried a bridai bouquet of time friend of the groom, an orchid on a white bible, a Leszek Ostrowski of Montreal gold cross and six rosebuds, and ushers were brothers of each tied witb a wite ribbon. the bride and groom, Ron The bride's sister, Mrs. W. Thomspon, Whitby, Ont. and Boyce, was matron of honor >oh Illaszewicz, Cite des and she chose a light mauve vieux Montagnes, P.Q. empire styled crepe gown. After calling on the groom's The bridesmaids, Marilyn grandmother in Montreal. Wall, andJean Ross sîster of who was unable to attend the the bride, wore empiregowns wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Illas- of maltese chiffon with a pink zewicz and their friends and under-lay. They carried bou- relatives gathered at the home quets of red roses. The flower of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Munro, bearer was three-year-old St. Lambert, P.Q. for an Angela Ross, niece of the informai buffet and reception. bride, and the ring bearer was Mr. K. Weller of Bowmanville, four-year-old Robert Ross Jr. Ont. toasted bye bride on their Groomsman was Master arnîval. The hride's mother Corporal Douglas Ross from was, attired in a green the army, and the ushers were flowered polyester crepe CorporalsRohert and Barry floor lengtb gown. The Ross, botb of the Air Force. gtVoom's mother chose lilac The bride's mother neceived silk double knit and they both the guests in a mint green wore corsages ofwi te roses. dress, white coat and acces- The bride attended Bow- sories. Due te illness in the manville Central aînd High grooms family, his, parents Schools, lake of Two Moun- were unabie to attend, tains High Scbool, Dawson CEGEPin Montreal and bas ILLASZEWICZIIOMPSON just completed her second year at McGill University. In Holy Family Panîsh The groom graduated from St Cburcb,Cite des Deux Mont- Joseph's Teacher's College in, agnes, May, 12,1973, Father O" 1970 'and received bis B.A. Sullivan united in marriage from Loyola College in May of Brenda Ruth, youngest daugh- this year. He bas been teach- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ing at Marymount High School Thompson, St. Eustache, P.Q. in Montreal for the past two and George Gustav, son of years. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Illasze -________ wicz, Cite des Deux Montag-jr nes. P.Q. in' a double ring W1Yelsh Family GREEN-ROSS Am the U nited Church, in T'aymouth, New Brunswick, on Saturday, dune 2nd, 1973, the Rev. K. Roger son officiat- ed at the marriage of Georg- ina Eldora Ross and Able Seaman Brian Kenneth Geo- rge Green. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ross of Taymouth and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green of Bethany. The church vas decorated with apple bosmthe organist was Mrs. C. Peterson and the soloist -Miss Wendy Hall. Given i inmarriage by her father, the bride wore a.lovely em~pire waisted A lne gown of white saýt i nwith a floor length train. The cuffs of the long sleeves, the mandarin collar and bodice wvere trimmed with imported lace. A tiara of seed pearîs and diamond sequins held a shoulder length veil and Announce New flealing Substance: Slirinks Ples E-xdnsveheaingsubstanceproentoShrkk hemùorrhoids and repair danmgd tkq.e. A renowned research instituts bas found a unique heaing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. Tt relieves itching end djiscomfort in minutes and speeds(L up healing of the injured, inflanied tissue. in case after case, wbile getty reieving pain, actual redution, (elrinkage) took place. Most important of al resulta were so thorough that tbis improve- ment was maintfained over a period of many montb.. This waa- accomptiahed with a new heaing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickliy helpa heal injured oels, and stimulates growth of new tissus. Now Bio-Dyne is offred in oint- ment and su ppository form caled Preparation H. As-k for it at ail drug storesq. Satisfaction or your money refunded. Public Meetings Presentation of Proposed Alternative Routes 500 WV Hydro Transmission Line Middleport-to Pickering As part 0of the BH.I envronmental study on behalf of the SOLANDT COMMISSION to select a route for the Middleport- Pic--k eing 500 kV transmrission line, public meetings wîil be held in the region extending from Hamilton f0 Oshawa. The purpose f fthese mieetings wî f0 present several alternative routes for in5ic dscusFiûiný Th5 public wîil be nvted te express preferences as t0 the best alîgnmient, and to make recommendations for changes in routing, where appropriate, Maps s1howîng these alternative routes may be viewed in the Ontario Room, Macdonald Block, Queens Park,Toronto, from Jurie 27th-29th and from July 16th lh as well as atthe public meetings. Infrmaýtion can also be oibtaîned from the SOLANOT COMMIS- SION. 9h Floor, Ferguson Block, Queens Park, and at municipal offi ces in the study area. Public meeings wîll 0e held as follows: Toronto: Thursday june 2810 10 a m. Macdonald Block. Que( Miton: Tuesday jul]y3rd 7:30 p m. Martin Street School Freelton: WnsayJuIly th 730 p.m. The Marian Hall Brampt on: Thrsday July 51h 7:30 p. m Cent ennial Hîgh Schoo Acion: Fr[day JuIy 6th i:30 p mý Acton Hîgh School Aurora: Monday Jul--ýy 910 7:3 0 p rn Aurora Hghlands Gol Maple: Tu]esday Jiu[y loth 7 30 p n- Maple Communîty Cent WVednesday uIiy 111ý h ',30 pmý Mark Il School Claemont: Thursday JuIy 121h 7:30 p.m. Claremont Public Scho Bolton: rîday JuIy 13th 7:30 p.m. Bolton Communîty Cen For furher information please caîl 361-1682 I iens Park IfClub entre Annual Reunilon At Creum of Rade y Members of the Welsh family gathered at the -Cream of Barley Park on Sunday June l7th, for their annual picnic. During the afternoon the committee in charge of ,the picnic, consisting of Jack Welsh, Preêsident; Paul Shack- elton, Secy-Treas. and Judy Bragg and Brenda Jones, Sports Committee, conducted a program of races and games. >Following a picnîc supper the following officers for next years picnic were elected Pres. Luther Welsb; Secy. Treas. Charles Welsh; Sports Convenor Jack Welsh. Survey D0%elayed on Hydro power Une The Ontario Hydro lias deiayed the unveiling of the possible routes fer the 500 KV power line that will oass through the United Counties. connecting the Pickering gen- erating plant with 'the new hydro plant ini Lennox.- Originally. Hydro had plan- ned to release a study of possible alternative routes for the new line on June 4th. A second round of public mieet- ings te discuss the proposais had been siatedfor dune llth through June 22nd in the varieus municipalities aiong, the route. Earlier this wnter. Hydro heid a series of public meet- ings te gather opinions and information concernîing pos- sibi e routes for the power corridor. Based on this infor- mation a study bas' been prepared by Hydro which was te be released on June th. M A delay in the printing ef the r-eevant materiai bas been biamied for the postponement. According to a Hydro spokes- man in Belleville, the material bas net yet been printed out by 1the computers. When the study has been printed it will be mailed to al residents in municipalities atfected by the power lune. .The deiay mneans that the public meetings to discuss the location of the route mav b postponed until Juixv Mns Grace Fallis visîtec with relatives 'in Toronto over the past weekend. While tbere she attended lier parents' 58th wedding anniversary. Pontypodl Sr. Men play- ed in a bail tournament in Campbellf9nd 'on the <weekend. They won over Sprîngbrook 9-8, but los' te Cobourg 7-0 and to Campbellfond 9-2. In the absence of Rev. Ficko on Sunday morning, Rev. Gilmeur Smith o. Peterborough was guest speaker - his subi ect "Ev- olution". Mns. Ficko will be the speaker for this coming Sunday. T he r will be ne services dunini the month of July. Murray Finney and Rick Bowers left on Sunday foi British Columbia .wherc ~they hope to find summei employment. A net h e 1Ponitypool y o u n g man 1Rick Mucha, is in thE Banff area. Recent scores in softbal have been: Pontypool Sr Men over Millibrook 4-3 Ir 1a real good gamie. The, havewon all their gameý so far. PontLypool Jr. Mei lost to Bunrketon and ou: _j Midgets are, as ýyet, unde feated. Las, week the, Married in -St. john',s Anglican Church IIr. and Mrs. John A very pretty weddîng was solemnized in St. Georges Anglican Church, Oshawa, on Satunday. dune 2>1973 at 5 p.m. In a candlight service Rever- end Trever C. Denny united in marniage. Karen Pat- ricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Penny, Oshaw~a and John Carl Gebeers. son ef Mr. andý M,,rs. John T. Geboers, Boxxmanville. A friend of the groom Mn. Cory Kuip- woni ovýer Omnemee 12-3 and 6-5 over Millbrook. On Monday evening our Pee Wee team had their first boss when Bethany beat them 12-4. We under- stand oun ladies won over Bethany. A mother and daughter Explorer banquet is to be held bn the church. base- ment on Friday evening at 6:30.- We ane sorny to say that Mrs:- Hazel Bowins is again in hospital. She un,- denwent surgery on -Mon- day in Toronto General Hospital. Her noon num- ber is NU 720. We ail wish Mns. Bowins the best. Randy Finney, A n d y Fischen, R od ne y Arm- strong and David.ý Fallis; were among the 300 Cubs who joined in the West Durham ,District Cubonee held in Manydale Park near Newtonvllbe f ro m Friday evening tili Sun- day afternoon, The number etoef e in a cluster is an important factor wberl identifying coniferous, trees. Red Pine for instance bas needies in clusters of two, wbile White Pine bas clusters of fîve, i Carl Geboers Photo by AI Perry ers was the organist. Givent INSTA&LLA in marriage by ber fatherý the bride was lovely in ain CABLE TV OFF ERS YOU A CHOICE 0F THE o r a n z a fo r m a ,, i l e t h rgn esigned with a N sha ped ruffle on the 'bodice, filled in witb an insertion c," chantilly lace, stand-upýi collar, basque waist. lant- ern sleeves witb an aproi styled skirt and full lengtbî chapel train trimmedwithî Chantilly lace. She carried a bridai. bouquet of yellow roses and white carnation. The mat- ron of bonior Mrs. Bernard(i- MacLeansister of the- groom, the bridesmaidý ALL ABOVE STATIONS COME THROUGH ON1 miss Joyceln Perry, cousin of the bride and the flower TUE VHF B AND (DIAL POSITIONS 2 thrlu 13)1 FOR1 girl. Miss Janice Perr ,i sister of the bride wero gowned alike in floni- W T RGA F Thurs. iprted mystic blue l W T R A E F A a cednylon. Their bouquetý1 were of yellow, and white- COMPLETE DAYS SENATE Fi carnations, while the flow,- HEARINGS REPLAYED DURING F er girl carried a basket o2 white and yeîîow mums. EVENING PRIME TIME Th etman was M Ryan Geboers, brother ol ï the groom and the use 5 h.,17 Bufýfal (ýCable Ch. 13) Tune-,Iýn ~Mn Mr. Alan Perry brother o1i theibride and Mr, Hovic Bryan, f riend of the gro01omTus For the reception held at- the Kinsmen Hall, Oshaw0î'- ed the mother of the brid ___________________________________ received the guests in a gown of Capri blue chiffon, CALL YOU R LOCAL OFFICE OR ORDER Y and a corsage of yello;L roses and white carnationri O R E RE E The grooro's mother aIssisL-,OR R P E E ted in receiving in a gowný HE WILL BE CALLING AT YOUR DOOR Wl of coral crimplene and a. corsage of pink roses aiipd2 ing a honcymoon tnip t Points East, the. ha,, lLV% couple will be residing PINE: RIDGE CABLE TV LTD. R.R. 2, Bowmanvîlle. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, dune 20, 1973 3 Frilendship Cl'ub Hus Potluck SuppeIr F'orty-fivie members of the thein bearty appreciation and Friendcsbip 'Club of Trinity thanks to the Committee for United Churcb enjoyed a pot their untiring efforts in ar- luck dinner and meeting on ranging these events wbich Friday, June the 8tb at 5:30 bring a lot of pleasune to ahl p.m, in the Sunday Schooi 'the members. rooms, wbicb will conclude After the meeting a social these meetings until faîl. , our, was spent in playing After dinner a short busi- gamnes and visiting. ness session was conducted by Members will be notîfied by Mrs. Albert Cole and Mrs. Ted letter of the next negular Morris and plans discussed for meeting. a visit to Parkwood Estates in _________ Oshawa, GANDHI TO VISIT Mrs. A. W. Harding and CANADA Mr.Amy Tate were winners During her eight-day ofthe spot prizes 'and Miss (dune 17-24) visit te Can- Mýargaret Perkins the birth- ada, the Prime Minister of day gift. Indla, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, On beh al of the club a wjll have talks wîth Prime w~edding gift w~as presented to Minister Trudeau, address Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor by aJoin t Session of the Sen- Mrs Moris Ths ws aý_ae and the House of comn- Mrs.Moris his as c- ions, and attend 'lunc- knowledged by Mr. Taylor tiens~ in Toronto, Niagara- with a fitting reply. on - the - Lake, Montreal. On a motion by Mrs. Walter Calgary, Banff, Vancouver' Woolley the membens showed and Victoria. AGREE Liberal Party and Pro-_ gressive Conservatv e memnbers agreed in the House of Commons to push for a 200-mile off- shore fishlng limit at the 1974 Law of the Sea Con- ference in Chule. This pro- posai, outlîned by Fisher- les Minister Jack Davis in St. Andrew's, N.B., Is an attempt to restrict coastal fishing to Canadian fisher- men. Speeializing la: " Perms - Colors Clairol Wigs Latest Cutting Techniques PHONE 623-5455 31~ King St. W. Bowmanvillë Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mann Jr. A double ring ceremonY was performed in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on, Saturday. May 5th. 1973, when Rev- erend Thomas Gracie unit- ed in marriage Judith Elizabeth. daughter of Mrs. Joan Vinish and ýthe late Mn. George Vinish. BoW- manville,, a n d Thomas Mann Jr., son of Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Mann, Peter- borough, Ontario. Mn. Cliff Ev'ans was the organ- ist. Given in marniage hv her brother. Mn., -Patrick Vinish, the bride chose a dress with an empire waist in Peau de Grendine and a long, hotîded ceat with bishop siceves and soft train in whitle flocked silk organza., Her bridai bou- quet was of orange and y e lo0xv r'oses, bay' breatb, ste'phanIotis 'an d ivy. The bridai attendants were Misses -Cathy Poste and Karen Webster. both Pretty Candlelight Service VICRobbie Photography of Bowm-anville, who were gowned alike in dresses, of whisper crepe, with em- pire waistlines, full bisboo sleex'es, in shades of mel- on.,'gnld and mess ,green wjth melon sashes and piping. They carried nose- gaYs in matching shades. The best man was Mn. Paul Mann, Cobourg, and the ushe- Mn. Bll Clark, Followin'g the ceremony areception -i was held at the( Holiday Inn, Oshawa, Gueýsts were received by the mothers of the bride anid groom, ýMrs. Vinis'h chloosing a fer-mai length mi1n1 grceen! dress andc coaý M1anoabb leformai gow accnted bya cr ')e fpikrcs TION , E FOLLOWING 14 CHANNELS YOUR SET WITH CABLE TV ON EXAMPLE:- CIL 17 on 13-CII. 19 onlO0 .OCAL PROGRAMMING - CABLECAST 8 istrawberry Tea 6:30 - Ail About Sailing 7:30 - FISH, the Group with the Helping Hand 8:30 - Hospital Auxiliary - '60 Years of Service' 6:30 - Dunc Ulley, talks on exciting Bus Tour for Kids 7:00 - Basebail, taped at Memorial Park, Sat,, June l6th 5: 15 -Repeat of Hosptal Auxiliary 6:00- Special Interest Program to beannounced 8:34 - Repeat of Hospital Auxiliary -6:30 Special lnterest Program 6:30,- Around tueTown, to be announced MT HiN THEN EXT 10 DAYS KING ST. - BOWMANVILLEe PHONE ceremony. Escorted by ber father, the bride, carnying yellow sweet- .heart roses and baby's breatb, was pneceded down the, aisle by ber niece, Miss Nancy Munro as flower girl and ber sister, Mrs. Jas . Munro, St. Lambert, P.Q. as matron of honour. The bride's simply styled sleeveless floorlength gown was a pale yellow terylene batiste worn under a Sp~ecai - cabIe tv offe for Bowmanville Residents ON,:LýY LIMITEDTIME Fe ONLY!'! ~Md*un Coronation Engagement Ring $225. - Wedding Ring $58. Just like your dream. Tirneless. Reaching the infinity of a thousand stars. Reflecting a heritage of love as oie! as time. As young as the dawm. Fleurette by Orange Blossom. Hîooperý-s Jewlellers Ltd. 13OWMANVILLE

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