Honredon Fî-t tieth Anniverscry Ce!ebrale Golden Wedding Anniversory Mr, and Mrs. Albert Piper of Bowmaniville are shown above cutting the cake at their 5th wedding-,anniversary celebration held at the Legion Hall, Bowmanville, on April 28th, 1973. Friends and relatives numbering 150, were1 present from Edmonton, Alta., Allantown,/ Pa.,. Chatham, London, Montreal, Toronto and Bowmanville. --McRobbief Photography OBITUÂRY Mrs. lutgh Muirphyv, Senior .A 1ongý tinte resident of Tyrone, Mrs. Rugit Mur- phy Sr. passod away in ber 85tb yoar, on Suniday. June 10, 1973. la Me-morial HospitaL, Bowm-anviile. Born ini Countv Dowri, Iceland, Editb C Regan, daughter of thc laie Mr. andM's Tixontias Hegan, was educated ln Ireland anîd on Decettibor 29, 1915 was ntarricd ta the late Hugb Muîphy> A iriember of Tvrone- United Cburcc, site was 0i1s0 a mnemnbe of LO0B.A. No. 12,14: the Xl oîtda xi,n octtor appoiftt Nit C(oi <ita \dNori8s i itnitu mgtaitla ad progI cSsttxg qulle Mxxll eh Mrs oiotris is s ilii im liospitali Xin. iRoll ori F'ut ia a s Iloie aIxee fo x ïsiIl its potrcals. pitii [ of) eu ba .u .3 i. ,e ft, Clai herbait te ne- nixirs îtle.tbit ol tiieîap ti ic rt - lwo t xx ,îik xxtititI ler liispi lai. Mn lr.John l)eKokpiî. VLx bidge- N t i11tii t s R XW es1l be ilsut1 tlili \i d i Sta k\lit' xx i xx lb 'tu Oi ul;a a uled t i i Tmksîiiis tit Stittibrl)a îîd N i..i ore ad ,N s. ttlttsîî î lei t U.C,.Wý.; Club 50 and Club 49> Surviving are her sons. Walter, Newcastle: Hugh and Bert, Bowmanville; Harold, Tyrone: and a daughter Edith (Mrs. Roy~ McLaughlin). Blackstock; 13î gadhlenand fnue zrî'et-gra indchiidren. Reverund IR.tC. Hopkins conducted the 'funeral voî- uic, which was heid at the orhuttEiliottFa June 12. 1973. Palibarers wë<rc grandsoas Donad,!1c Wayne. , Glenn, Carry eand Trevor Muphy and Da- bd Kyxe. Beautiful foral tribute'v,'e re ceiývëd :i- testing to the esteern Ini xvhieh lhe deceaseci was hed. f4m Club 49, Club ,0. L.OBEA. 1244 and LOL. 764, Interment was in Bel hesda Cernetery. -MEXmTRAL IHOSPITAL WEEICLYREPORT For i week of June 11-17 incluve: .\-dmissions 70ý Bîrths. 1 Imale, I femnale 2 Disliages7 2 Moroperations 14 ,min or operations 32 Ernurencytreatments 290 Vîsîting hours 3-8 p ni. daily. -'j'. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris On audatron and evening, june 9th, 1973, Mr. and Ms Robert "Morris of Bowmý,iianville celebrated their 5Oth weddinig anniiversarytý wjith a rcepion at îMemorial Park Clubhouse,:where they received thei r guests and gifts fr-om family and many friends. Here they posed for the Statesman,ptnding to eut theruagnificent wedding cake. Saturday, dune u P. 1973, wIyas acbapydy o c Sn Mi i RobentMorris1 BCouWn t owmanvîlle whentheyiîadthePOle- ried, roltios n or-l. as thy ceebraed teir GodeùWddnianivr ary a theameortPar year and ob eit Moris ien uî1965,mrrag Cheu r c bBamcovple.e ce.ivcd rnany cards, lele- gramns and ifts. Ris Wor- ship MyrIvîan Hobbs presented f1l'owers on be- half of theý town: Alex CaruttesMPP, present- cd aà comm-,-,emorative pla- que rontthe Provincial govrnmnt A telegram of congi-ratlatio-ns xvas ce- ceivedl front the Rt. Honý 1qoand Miehener. Gover- nor-General of Canada: the famnily and friends presented] them' wîtb a re- laxer chair and the bowl- ing teaint alsopesne Thu hall wmas beautifuilvy decorated for- the occasion by theli' granddaughters. Lunch xvas supplied by neighbors and friends, and- membens of the famils' preslded at the tea tables. Members of the family who were present at the ceception included their E LIZ AB E TH VI1LL E î --tr liystttThe choir li au esîl'i l\a~o ua llixx io h te g t~~~~~~~~~h g1 oo e 1ARmi n r tu ach u and soînu w cru ,Ifltrr¶oi wàs j jj JtJS (jdt Lati-. x cu rad toi- the third lime ion Jantes XXaiker and aitda Lnuttsberr \, who are beut agaa i ed soon At lite son Ernest. bi wîfeAtm t'iîe t ciile-'te s. Miss and theircilrenober \tit X ak! x spreseîtte and LoiArPetefrboro: xx thta ds pt l ot[)the daughteî Sirley and bius- band, !Mr. and Mrs, . RA Sidxsho at hîtS LTewitt, anqd their childrenx I u îxlaii îsda Christene, Catbrine, Cocio- slie pia ' N îg ti elsu Ilyn a-nd Wesley, Scarboco. ht sutidax suiol She leaýiics gt'anchiildren DonnaJlac- sctionxot k aî Utc Chalea ,obs, Mrs. Paulat Cryder- maý1n and her busband Brian. Also present were two beautilul solosr. Tho1s. the bride's four brothers. Stevens introduced the gue>si Bih,1 Chaîrles;, jack% and speaker, Doctor Cnsn5ýce Eret cadbr tîhcve sis- Jackson aý retired Meudicai tr, Mrs. 1Lil Hogat adMss0ooarv irontlaaDr. busbnd ougas f Osb- awa, and Mrs.Grc Ve ad.A lsrpwssoa K-night of Bomnil depicl.îng tbc- eaclyý synptfoms The gi.oom's sister Ivy, which a lack of feeling in the Mcs. Waltec Rundile and hands and feet, the treatntt herbusband, and bis bro-' and opecations peclor.med on ther and wife, Mr. and the muscles. Later pîctures Mrsde. h ors as tsowed the rehabilitation. tendd ___________back to a usetul Illfe. Miss C. W. Stewart tbanked the speak K ENDAL er, Mrs. Downes none Mr, Artnir Thornprson and Wednesdayý evening June 27th Mr. Reg. Elliott wece in at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. A social Powassan last Monday attend- haîf Itour wxas spent over the ing the funeral oftheir cousin lunch. Mr. Melzar Cbeaney, Mrs. Edaa McKay, and ber Syrnpathy is extended to daughter froni Saskatchewan Mcs. Mark Wagac. b er hus- also another daughter [o band and family in the recent Ottawxa visited with Mc. and passing of ber tfather Mr. Mrs, George Mercer also Mr. Howes who ived near King- and Mrs- Eddie Coucoux aà[cxx si.on. days [isweek. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomp- Nr. and Niers. R. Elliott son from Delta. Britisb Col- spent Wednesday ta Peter- umbia visited a feW days thîs bocough visiting Mrs. Icene week with -Mr, and Mrs. Richardson. Garland Cathoant anid Arthur neli Brownie bus trip was Thonipson. . Wednesday. There were sev- On Wednesday evenifig Ken- enteen Brownies. their leader dal United Church Womnen Mcs. George McDonald, Bro- held a open meetinîg in tlic nie Mothers and other intter- Sunday School rooni The Rv. sted folk, They visited Tor- T. Snelgcove o ýpened oie onto Island and report Iîaving. tneeting. Mrs. John Fonk gav e a very good day. Kendal Women's Institute M. met on Thursday éening at ,the home of Mcs John E Henderson for the dune meet- E ing. Mcs. Garland Cathcart soeon the lite of the Late 1 E Timiotbv Eaton and the histocy ocf flecE. Eaton Company. Fuutal plans were made foc the Luncheon is Serx'cd' dinner on Wedncsday evcning .iune 2th. The July meetinîg is to bc a vtsit fo Mrsý Eddie Cour- aux's cottage on Lake Kusbog going on Junrly ioth. À [ast' lunch was servcd hy tie - ~~yxhost ess Mcs.Henderson. Wcckend visitors with Helen Boyd were Mc. and Mrs. George Cleen'ts, Jilland Neil of Toronto -also Mrs., Bernice Martin, Heather. Philip and B'rent of Toronto. hýawn Langstaffson 'of Mr. anid Mrs. Gordon Langstaff is a patient in Bowmanville Memnoial Hospital with a broken leg. t is hopcd that he wiIli soon be able f0 be, homne Mrv. and Mrs, Robert Young- manm and lamily attended the uwcdding of Mýr. a nd Mrs, Roy Y'oungman at Tyýrone United M Church on Saturday, The bride was, formierly Miss Doroerî Marie Goswell, uinder the leader'ship-of Mr. à L Hon Sutcliff went on a 1, 1973 camping trip over the week- 1973 end. They stayed a Merrydale PAINTand Camnp. At church o(n Sunday morn- VAL LPAPE R ing MNrs. Keith Wood played t he organ. The Rev. T. PH ONE 623-541 Snelgrove chose as his Fath- er's Day text The Faitb in On Wednesday, everlng the Sm m" a " XX onen S InsîluJemet ai lte, \ 5t tir i N lit X it 0 11-,.i hnieofrîs i reideal Virjs R X tiati-1d XI r-sP R i sberry, 1uil rsdd.hu .ni dRatSil doin itede Jhe iale Ou 1(1 Iaitii.î Xi'aa 1x cru ead bx is 1 o i-is. is ('t\ Giur Osax aur ac erîn [l att'h' kt t Ita 'irt 1xa ecxe o u otri~ept\ î~adii~ i Do You Have An nteresing HOBBY or JOB SKILL you would be ivilling ta teach ta aduits in an Evening lass Programme? Others 'have -taught Sewing,ý Art, Cake Decorating, Gourmet Cooking, Upholstery, Wood Refinishing, and Antique Collecling. If sa, cali or write GART H GILPIN, Evetinn Class Principal, COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL, ýR. R. 3, Bowmanville, Ontariao (Northumberland and Durham County Board of Educatýýi) School: 728-5146 Hm:623-29ý97 The Robe:ýri McLuh Gale ry Civic Centre Oshawa CHILDREN'S SUMMIER' AYRT CLASSES Monda throgh F iday1000 a.m.- 12 nooli FstSessiona: JuilY. 4th- July 24t1i Second Session: August lst - August 2-)2nd Studfents will explore various aspects of pitgdrawving, collage and tlire edineii- sionl pojets.Ail materials supplied. Fesu $1.00 (Gallery niemibers $13.00) To pre-re(gister- telep)hone: 576-3000' MOORTONE EXT'ERIOR FINI! 0OIL BASE o LATEX WH ITE orCOLORS $>6,66 gallon --OR - $222 qua rt SALE ENDS JUNE 3th, ABERNETHY'S% 1se, KING ST. W If theres anything advertilsed in todayý's paper youI-' lke to own, remember who con help you buy it Our produçt makes theîr product your produci- Cail R, W. Bob" Taylor...1i King Street East. < owmanville. Tel, (416) 623-3326 1 spoKe 011 - t ne 1-101Y l'rillity ý