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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1973, p. 14

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14The Canadian Statesman, Bo'wmanviile, July 4, 1973 FO-R CLASSFDI Tuesay,4:30pm Births Coming Events Receptions Articles For Sale AiclesFor Sale Help Wanted Worlk Wanted Wanted to Buy i Auctio Sle ALLIN-Dr. and Mrs.- _. Aýnnual Meteaif Family Pic- Mt. and Mrs. Paul Bizi BALE buncher, good cniin.1-OTalumjinuim boat with EXPERIENCE D hViidssir11E RILLIG CathmarjUSED Furniture and Appli-l Furniture, us196Fd Allin, Port Perry, announce fic wif eIed at Orono Park, (Muriel Stevens) and fariily Pho e 263-8447» 274'196 vnuemoo,$5.fulo atti eehn1 ,!'i Di (1n td, Pontypool. anices. Paddy's Market, Hamp Falçon, tools, ectepoet il b ien6 viird, nto $5. ul r23t ,l -tf ,ý,mPhone 70527-54. i-tf t on 26â -2241, __26-hi of A. RoosiletL ot4 o.4 the arrivai of their chsnUi_,173a 20. 2Ë*frmZieCnoAfia reWTRfor sale and deliver.IPhone 623-2196. 27-1 623-5455.~ _______-.- nouaaying at home and invite ed Cali Cliff Pethick 62,3-2313. XPRTNC- -a - be ýýls ored, .30" tule.. H-OUSE iBowmanville, -U eahtw.tunstha daughter Meredith Aitboni 29-tfRECF oi-.gT1C-vvCliclet 46 ci 4hC Saturday, June 23, 1973.' 27-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~Fish and Chips. Alil you car relatives and friends to mneet __ R GW L;orn ek a cs.Ca4c-l- (1)Utc 4t o.)flowra ______ atevrySatrdy,$14ehm 23S..au1s973.hFel BAN-ne1rguatin oo ke atdTlehoepoe 223.Represenýtative 797-2925, _27-1* west '% mile -rn i CRYERMN - Dae ad pen Friday, Saturday and lowship Roomn, afternoun andltc BRAND0.I i omt95 7 lar bWd Tlpon are -Strdy ul 4 Carolyn are hippy to an- Sunday. Acres Restaurant evening, July 5. 27-11a1.8X4 CLEANING esoinoedd r 987-431 _ CASH foi' real o]d cupboards including modemtekdng nounce the birth of a daughter iTaunton Rd. 26-2 0 n W2t7W- ARE .& .Jnio evie el-WNOWcenng ad e-tables, boxes, elc.WiteA- room suite (j erodcet Diana Christine o June 29 at - The famnilyofMi-,an Mrs. BICYCLE~, girl' s, 26", good phone 623-3624. 1 6-2 terior aitig.Piea,e tele- vertser 379, c/o The Canadian erfieid suite(tatrmed- OsaaGnrlHsiaTe Centennial of the Werry James W. Kloepfer invite rel a- condition; best offer. Phone fr1$49 q.y. KTCESelftao at-poe 24942 s i 2519, owa-20xelent inubaquuiyo Osihwag eral 4ozsp itaiear ' ci ii ehedatives, neighbours and friends 62:3-5206, 27-1* I f ep ul ipr- --vil.2--'auminx, kuk utia foriCahy, b. 4os Ass the Blackstock Fair Grounds to an Open, House at their BLU-NDERBULSS,antïlue, go-od FREET, IMA'ýTNTES time. pl npro i;clý os us yx fo Cth. 7~*on July 21 and, 22. Satumday, home, Bethany, on Sunday cnitowokngodr ee-LRE EETIN0F Apy i pro 03S36LGervcki adod os 12______ OronEo.o2di2ionleankng yordsTbasemLARts9,LD(ITItOck ServiCe lOwne, ronto mts o REKKER-Joe and Diane ( 1 noncod uffet Lun- July 8 froni 1 , 4 p.m. on the phone 987-4519, 27-1 CLR BABYSITTER for twr' cili<iejsi'tîTlehn evSlea 23 ..Ti Avm) r podtoanonecheon; 2 p.m., Sports and occasion of their 25th Wedding tiitec soa1ephre, ___serve.______ lubSalroemt od;a e STery)BAKERprService, newceren, to corne Îi, CaliE3 67632326-5* Faruers, Attention will be an excletse se the birth of their daughterSecalEents;8:'30 p.m.Da, e niesm.Bs ihsenly. and used parts. Graham's AlA or 623-3919. .2-1 TCKSRIEbis for compeeitnAc Lisa Maie, 7 ibs. 7'71/4 . n areqe;8:0 .m, ane.27 1-Grae.1-1626-872 2-t EAUWelPRMNETsacorohep VAERoerstire o dij DADSTCKSEVIE ioees Td p-cee' Bth 26, 1973, at Mm1H "onBingo and Cards. Sunday, Il Gaage 141Canada72.25-friRMNEing Company - ^ ' 1at MA'ýRGWILL FUR FARWI almos- a .m., Faxily Church Service I eoim USED Fumniture and Appli- FU NT R wanted. Apply J. AndersontriIný opn. nu: aagmn aday 2728 pital, Bowmanivilie. A sist DntrU NI a,'oe saw 7I,6ü4 e- p amtn,6- for Scott. Speciai thanks to a26 Kag St. E-, 27- Sit C. td, ew;isti peenave Harr ýy LWade ownersiip. W e aecaea->mLn26203 Dr. ~ ~ ~ mis SletrDrHubran u this once-in-a-ijfetimne GRAY, Lucinda Jane-In 10v- ton, 263-2241. 26-tf 2 in t BE11ownianville Nwate9743 2-fri myuWen npecesay nrSyesnaternir. Flor. n event. 27-1* ing memory of a dear mother OE500BTU i odto-623-3808 22-6 BY n il-TeTmno.CIJil]etl322 AUCTIONS 27~1* a'nd grandother who pasFsed er, used one seasan. Phone T'VTLA Star i eetn pliain jL i. o lC3Git iiAcinBr _______ ~away July 2, 1969. 63-04.271TA~r.LLAN for paper muts n iltra an0 M9,l oRS -1,T D RR.aBomavlie, OntrioNEWTONIL SMIH-oh ad usa ae otceWishing today, we've wse FURNACE Phone_728-5117. 24417ii1n t Poe63-5187 RW OEIGLD FRIDAY, JULY6hI:0pm SMTHJon nd Ssa aebefore GUINEA fowl, geese, chickens, 8-tf happy to announce the arrivai Dr. E. D. Hubbard'sq Office, 1 heasnts. Phone_623-7257 BOILER ,PERS0N reqrmed foi- gnrd Bwjasie ntario»___ ____ What-not, rs-onb, otheir son Geoffrey Quen- 222 King St> E., wili ho closed G od could have spamed yoi a. n 2-1 ~S HUIDIFIER maintenance work, Cum,.v ly Shet aîîd Foat Glas oif Ibs5ozs., on Mofiday, july 1 - July 23 inclusive. many years more;, or ROT WATER A sideboards (butternut wSades Withsuet tougt ad dep GRAG tolslarg asort HETER For interview cal 983-9171. Store Fronts - Float Mrrors many rockers, desrcet Junie 25, 1973, at Oshawa Gen- 25-3, regret, ment, in gond condition. Tele- No payments for six' montha 62PtendadCrdGas Auction sale at Petllick's of drawers, cerl ih hv erai Hoiital 27~1*Loving memqories we'Il neyer phone 987-4037. 27-1NRSN Asitnepr-__ adGazn 17f Auction Barn, Naydon. one bells, gramophoete.bx DeahsDrdWllim eae ore and nm-ei- for- FORD Ferguson tractor, 3-pt.NRIGAsta, xei mile, east of Enniskillen on beds, crocks,coktvsol ___________DENTAL SURGEON Sdymi dhitch, exceptional condition. HARVEY PARTNTER tie Calirfere62ar3 o f WlXE LDI Aot 10ay vntiu ic Jles and Quebec heaterwsen ade JanE, yteiEv--tgten yd TrceyJ 27-1 2a7-1 im.Caî 2-3711, Beau Aot10 niulrtce n BRDEY yri Ev--tWIHSTO ANNOIJINCE J by ad Trty, J -,lsaPhone 983-5958 _______Yor SS SrvceDele Vll 2- WISES 7 Yur MobSerleeDeServicl.e2-1other piecs of fuiniture. Sale latond dryeswahrg Civic Hospital, Noth Bay, onON i-rmSevc ex- at 7ryer, 7-pce. chromeh 1973,da Elv Giingof Cailner2, TEOEIGO HILLS-In 1 oving memory of tractor, 1,000 pound tank. Tele- FREE ESTIMATES 'MATURE Cierk - Typist lwîth a ok em ah set, bathtub, dul tils 1nt., in heriff7thofeaBlovded eOffce ada ote n radoh hoe7646.2.y93-26Oool Wrie Bx38nc/o PathaTQV ERIC iifPethick, Auctioneer. , k as optlbd Vs er Stella (Couch) who pass- 1972 750 KAWASAKI, bIuý __or_ 27i ptiotabe ad ubrelabo wife of the late George Brad- AT BOWMANVILLE' ed awav July 3, 1967. fire mist, immiaculate shape; Bowmanville, 62273-3100 sEaL citney (newlaw oes leDavis (Mary), and G.Sere-RFSINLBIDN Somcwhere back of the sunset, 2400 miles. Phono 623-4220. Zenith 14620 ERTAYfrGerin-___ 7iLVSOKSLSktce alsadcar Rested at the Northcutt Ellîott v She sieeps in a land of giory --srneOfc;peeeýcgv (chrome and iodtrnCs Funemal Home. Funerai serv- 22 igS.E Mid the blue and the gold USED baby carrnage, like new. 24ouSrie n, t expem'enced person.RE atD.rhioCmi ySle rnatatr.'su ice was heid at, 1 o'c]ock BOWAIANVILLE of the skies. Inquire at Muider's Store, 23 _____ 41-tf Write Advertiser 382, c/o The Çýî ar-uet - Orono- Eery ()Oý -v 7:2'us, ý-0 p.m many band angad oos Tuesday afternoon. Interment -Lovingly remombered by King St. E., Phonue 623- 5515. 1-' Upholstery SellingPHore-,Cattie, Sin.ndeerlot fhdwe Hampton Cemetery. 27-1 B PONMN 27-1 USED EQUIPMENT CadinttemP..Bç _______ daughtor Elizabeth, son-in- 190, Bowmanvilie. 2- rfsinh3 land CleSep t.WM items. McGAEY-At Momnorial Hos- 623-7412 or 623-4731 îwDvdadgacldren. BOA 23" Television, black and 11.B1 DTATR MANAGER for dîvY aiv REi STMAES Mo. U iqcueer23and85Pr-ATes-Cs 127-1* white, four yoars old, 'good Live P.T.O., 3-pt, hitch, Retail Store. Good remunerra- hn 2-02 pitr hn 2-65o ntoer pital, Bowvinanviloe, on Mon- 27-2cniin ba fephono rompietoly overhauled $185o9ap1snwiham 13AVLL 98-36,Orn.20 tf STLENBRS dea-,y, July 2 1973,asober PENWARDEN-In loving me- 723-5379. 27-1 1.H. FARMALL Super "C" hition. Must ho clear,7goSee +____ in h8n eaRR, Hu'aido Carcis 0f Trno mry of William J. PeTlwarden C PLTst fprdisRACTOR wîth 2 row vnhais anxious o , - 1tfACTOEEstt fo yea. Thnk passecl away Juiy 7th, ýad Scuffler - Excellent prove himseif/herselt, and a JAK1JPLY ution salea the late Mae .Todd, dear zath- I i epress m sincer 1955 pipe'is cndiio,- 10 A 1met'te ublcURGESS AAjax plus Com-fror sh o xpes m sncrel95ýpie uters etr ppedis..-ndtin -------- 85, eroextrao m ettpipebic eofDna(Mrs. Dont thanks to, evemyone who s <0 Sadly missed aiong life's way, Phono Orono 983-5919, 62OXDBON3fro N rvoseproc e OIE BRYR F- URNACES Household - Farm Sales Munity Sale,tobheda Adam262 AVI BRWN.R.rr2 NNrv-uscastle e e-Stirtevant's AcinHl,2 Sericams), held i2Netle.ri kindly sont their good wishes Quietly remembered evem N obe e ihbx3-pt. hitch PLOW 100 quired. Phono 623-2951. 27-1 t,~AE LIVESTOCK A SPECIALTY alSreOhwTus FueaiCaol o Mis duing my récent disabîlity. çlay, -LUBG REPAIRS H>#~ ayJUi Stat6pm Dul onWdodya 'lc.l- Dr. A. Westgamth. 27-1 No longer un our life to s haro sning and bookeaso bond .1JORN DEERE FERTLZER ortumBrlanfandDuraun PR l NPTN23-17 19-t or ergmao0godcn eont Lnesakevuew oCemeteryn-But in our hearts hoie ilîoard, gond condition. Boas- DISTRIB'UTOR 15 -----u---- Board 0fEdncuto 1UOEHAPTNditon, efrieleti tv Neretnvie 2-1I oud iketoexen m always there. onabie. Phone 623-5068. 27-1 JOHN DE ERE 15-run Invites applicationsý for the 263-2151 -dto) e Newonvlle 271 1 wold iketo xted m -Lvinly eiyemere CoNEWAiTEationr PrkRILL BOBio, DIand ----RANK (goodgposticondition), BB ad ThoKrgoiwarIdt- sincere thanks to friends, rela--oinyreeeed yNEATETrie Pr& 0foownpsto:MalArss OSBORNE, Melbourne Rich- tives and neighbors for icads, wifo and famlily. 271* 7nlps-Your district Rambier MASSEY No. 1 BALER 265 Newcastle Publie Sehool P.O. Box 43, - Bowmanville ing machine,cooteeio, ard, Phm.B. - Pasedaa gifts, flowers and visita white Tmailer Denier. New and JMA QIMN O KINDERGARTEN AIDE 30)-tf STAPLETON chesterfîeldsutcsto suddonly at Kendai, Juno l3th, in Memorial Hospital and ta TURNEY-In iovîng momory used tmailers. Iil'ghw,ýay No. drl nwrtn oaoai rs, bd cmt) 1973, Mol. R. Osborne, beloveci Dm. Ewert andi staff of, the of a dean uhad father and ?, Ne~wcastle, 987-5131. 16-tf 134 Kingý St. E., Býowmoanville MAppÈ. i. wnitnro: ecslVN EM -R UTO ER husbniîd of Marlon Fines, dear Third Floor. grandfathen, EnetTurny hnt2-68yrv.E uro eo'te INEM OE ACIN ESofaudto ndyrcfetal 1 C ra ea. 2 -1who passod znway July 6, 1966 BEDROOM suite, complote; "î,e 1358 Ontaro. __ 27-1 (Cymrru Decor) Speeiaiizing in ail types 0f an tw o odtbe ( thn fat.;er o Rerf ed . ooStcnlomeDa.y71 Winnesit, -ieo;chstr -. 24 .pt6i ofPaerandna Putlg SALES and ESTATES potadioendtecodl(yr Ont.;~~~~b brte fRv tne eotntîko asgone feld suite, ail Burma teak- Carpetry Phno Neeastle987 467-otbe1leiiovcu Whon ere' ailntoNthestle, s8Tv47steidone rfoor oihedc Osborne, Oshuawa; Alan 1. Iwish toi express my sincere Wby wood. new, Must so-24-597. Sa1i- t' 1ýBookkeeper 101ERNOTNG oNeutnîe78-93 riboo.svlrck, Coigan; Gemald K., W. KAlehns ossirv. STrulner. nre OWg fiee. Phone 12157.3-fMNSWthgodb]c frexadneetoui-Lîktv.,Bwnvle6tfC2oleinan camp-soe, oea and Marjory (Mrs. WRexalo, nks to . Drn.nursn fmiychinl roenDESES.Bds,,Chesteu- band, engmaved iLonback -manufacturer - 83 o43 2-58WDEDY UY1 irrdae.pwriw Grant,),ssiMississauga. nd saFf f teralorandreastBtffeorfe lat fFloorfiedsy irela-s fBut f Id- Dvià hkidorddaFumnu-denGaIVEdesSAheater,4-t rugm saefinantiuacet pcreenaw service was held at the Hum- tives andi fiicns for fiowers, -Always remembered hy wif e ture. Antiques and Applianees. Hill Ganaiak3,a Consc U',tîfo Pleasant workîngder,'babycriaemta phroy Funeral Home, Toronto, caîls and carda sent to me dur- , d i27-1 Pa~d d < sMarket, Hampton Ar Phoo 7236775. n FIVeaCndtinst ofMioZk kîwnrole, al-r on Stunday, June 16, 1973 at ing my stay in Memoniai Hos--,,ad miy 263-2241. 26-tf 2- Apply in wrliting to SEPT-l'IC TA NK h edo h rmss w yertrtbe olcr 1:0aM'l- pitai., omnil.SADl-ýýy apô 16 miles niorth of Gneenbank on riago, high charFrchdo, WiNDVRA naue n m.LleBok 7l Tenders Wanted SADN yauo.1 Wanited Advertiser38PMIN Highwvay 7 -and 12: 250 items tires, fluorescnighs na Satuday Jun 30 197,1 TENERSacres, buyer must iiatvest;eoThCnajl tesan j'9iOMKN includîng a ibrais bed, roundi- Pellet gun, toos ihs WNOE-tNpneo-TNESAllis-Chalmera tactor ith PRIVATE party desires farm p.O. Box 19pBo îvil ' iggls cin1abnefit akpusmnymoe rice Myrtie Anderson, ageti 87i We would like to thaiik al Sealed Tenders will bc e elev- cultivators, planter, also uuOiae- or acreago leat 50 --- --C odntl-tOnmru yeara, beloved wîfe of the lateithe neighbours in Enniskillen ed until 4:00 p.m. EDST Thursý- maker. Phono 728-4011. etpiaea s olk.TW FBWAVýýl,1hntp rm-friuewelcoe aero HerortWidovm; ea moh-for thein kintinosa and for the day, .uly 12, 1973, for Fuel >27-4* foot paritceas t,7 o ake.tOW 0 BWMNVLLI Ne 7t6-vi2l e rbckeuîîho'ur. woodeî teltoenumeerouyo etoniI Hr0fbrt, Beatre, Foenclvl gf osre enj-Oti , Septenxber 1, 1973, to lune - -Snipriuareo 2Hbr no c,ylindor tp rm- furnit9uro. er of ert loeeiovey gir stay. sre 3oyd0. 19741 heating season. STRAWBERRIES - Pick ývour Dr.- North. Wiliw l r eaAIA OTO FIE hn 8-25 hn ihhndseec p ndeyeein ewe H. Alcey) of 1Bownvile, anti AI anieyv, TneframC o onOtine frs$1.ibra i or on14649-2.271itten a s Ippqiln r aTracs.Sl ti . n ..MlsKnAc Xirod gatiohe f o- Brett and Sherri Hoakun. taýine-d fro)m the office of: cnanr.oia od urhiitr-D-t-A iner.2-in 2-51 Se (rvcas eld iut Wanrtm-an ____ uniaoradTraue. No. 2 Highway to the fimst to- W-____ hepsiin fAnml Ytrl '--"-,-ti euedy FueraevlsHome, apume W- wshtoextntaay oa Nrthumbenlanti and Durham uuucn farm. J. Barnoski DOGS boardeti on farun, $1.25 Officer for te ow toaBw- MAONYSurDiaYJlY 7th rn 'j1Wetinseay uylt Mondray. IonemntNapa n e ihanto rient yis forCourty Board of Education: 786-2202. ____ 27-1 a day. Phono 263-2129. 26-2 manville. Please send detisBricun anntoeuleail Coumsdin moAutiole F Atesat CMeteray. lienetNpnesnere h- . findfrP. O. Box 470, D'Arcy St, HARDTOP Campons. Save up -0Cxelec nHilrlvn Ick. B&lFckEPStonE Saeil ohdinunr-Hseodurtrhep-- 2~~-1 , F or Salie ata to:CHandYai& FIREPLACESlandi Park agnin this year. It orty of ReitiRd ioue o __________ ------___ 2__ Ï____their kindnoss white I was i, un N Coorg tro. 27 - o$ al igdemcn LîvesandLocer 8 C. 1 Memorial Hospital. A special Cbug O5-no.2 1 $00 dun__saleo_______________FoS_ daa____ 8,esCo1,Emitwp,1 thaksto henureswhowee trator modela. Parts and ne- i1Poe6327 every year, you bring it, we'Ilmenouo.Oeen CARNATION 'sokinti and efficient. Instructions cessories for ail makes of trail- Pone Suff3k30ringLamb7$35 M. e-diLirtOT o.CT. Poe72-27 a.mgetting ig e an inettr 1 ie FLowEB.S and SEED STORE Mr Birdie) Short. LERNTODRVE e~rs.Pine Ridige Camping Poo6334.2.1 lr-(l4tsor-4-f7an os ilh odi r1mes soas fLnia 33 Division Street May 7.* RCTOTRIES nteHwy. No. 2,, Port Hope. THREE ateens, approximateîy 4 TmeaneStetBOB ER the orden it cornes i. No elec- 2(4tik mi thofDnod) Rospital Arrangements- NowRAyou antrai ihLere Phono 885-5447. 27-3 500-550 Ibs. Phono 263-8027. Bowmanville, Ontario LiC SAS trical uappliances arepteti.2steswîhacigcar, _________rrngeent__________tai____t er 137 ELGIlN STREET Tem ah aeu la.M. pine drop lea alpt Corsages We woulti ike to express in Canada Accommodation DOMESTIC & COMMFRCIAL 24*Piumbing - Heti Reg. anti Larry Johnsarîn Aue hlit tv,2atqedea Potted . our approciation anti thanks to and expenses paid white train- REFRIGERATION UNITS 100 LAYI NG hiens, I-l & N, e hn 70)3737rs, bots, vahtnitie Plants the frients anti neîghbours of ing! Tuition Tax Deductible! and APPLIANCES $1.25 eaeh. Phono 623-07:Nessuore andsteps toies 71st iewssaduecp Weddlng the Base Lino Co>rmmunity for For application and Interview, S A L E S & S E R V 1 C E ___. 27-1* ,fS New Work and Rear ___hudwihhuch niu iVedàigtheur presentation ant i gft on write: OUL_ hrsratr,__ _____23241sle Strdv BouquetsSuntiay, June 24, 1973 un hon- DOUBE hoso l:ilertant CAseINDER&CO IServce ad Estmate -- gassroorbok cse, atiqu * f - Safety Departunent Kool Enterprie em wheeis with bmakes, - al6324oucinslStriaJloekat bo ae niu Fnrlour of our rodent marriage. TRANS CANADA PHONE 623-3221 trgoodt ,rmas.Phll th 11 .n. t uvon ro- uhartiq tbraaledmnbd Arrangementa aine ati ria Meen TRANSPORT TRAINING 24 Division St., Bownaiville 983-5691. 271ilui the Village Of Bewdley. stand, tiiningî We Send F-Iowers by Wire 27-.1* Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay ____ 26-tf RGSTRDWestern Aplpu- B4,elesl-unlydu o R efrîgerat1on consisting of choasts of draweîse, chairs, ouc iln al 17-f iwîs t exres rn ~ or au:41-864931 NEED a PRESSURE SYSTEM? loosa Stuti Service. Kell1y ra and earn 2% Fi nder'lS F- ani itni coo abe,washaant. bufft, 3 ours,6 u cais Phioneo 623-7141 or 623-5577 SUrPcPUPS:dî4ig 6o443tlh'e, artrobe.t rock, wo u his cere ______________27_1_IonFalls,_Ont.ass-112 wirons, typewri.ter tiesk cee'haksto7: EPAIRS TO ALL wano---pictuCmmerifluadesmsoh portable typertr oecih ventsd egbr WosO RIT R D qute boe63241frRfrgrto - fl o l u mps, erocks, ebesterfieltisos, glass anticiadSnen Euchre partyHAREYNeRtonviare 1Q-ydspositin Phone BERT SYER armehns,, tWO ga aplaceeti nwhoeci n Hall, e patN wovl gilts anti aiso those Who sent ROOM anti hourd, north-of Ooo ~Loutstandung d Psiin anti sovosso6ctri-5774 i n i attross a, crae stoe, L a l rdi Ju ly 6, 8 15 P.m . no983-5206 - Z n t 41-t of or ai n h n 8 -6 1 e î o h T h la d othen item s too rnuum erou high chair, pl y et n a y Laisbiglunch. Evoryrone stay in Memoriai Hospitali..Ab____________borne__________ ______Phone_983-92.1* 1-fNights - 623-3177 to mention. Roger Bannister ohritems. T msc h.N arligton Al-Sar 27-1 vr pca hns àDs o etCounty Broadloom IOSSBADDTwo iLander Hardware Auctioneer. 27-1 reservo. Sale t100p Darlngto AlISter Soccer Hubharti anti Sproull anti First, ____________ad________arlHïcson p.m. Sutuntiay, July 7th, ~TWO-bectroom apnrtiment, cent- 174?. Brock St., South of 401 PSUEBADN EHNC udLFTI ikoAcinoRa u. t Tyrone. Wantevers Joy Werry. 27-1 ri;$u1s5ny.00pon WIBS aiS AVILABL BES vs. All-Stars. 27-1 623-3303. 25-tf The Lowest g- 116-r5 BX$50 ot nteACIO AE hm,1753495. 2- __________ 21t mna Hspta orthurwod-mnthly nludes bout, Couple LOW MONTRLY TERMS 27' * Snlury Range: $3,62 - $3,75 Orw lu h onDoe14T mu c ait oorgia - n ria enfu itoaoechtprffmtor pnhonNOT1IE TO CREDITORS bhal1er, P T0; Co c krhuJt t 7'io w -conditioin. Mauyohrio T R EN T A ~ George anti Mue Sliea IG.Van Dyk Realtor, 623-'4428. FREE DELIVERY idvda ekn 1h eg iVÇ, i, , av , f e-s t 0- -e , Ga- ht . Tiis a utfn CTDA~.~DEDD 26 Rng StEgf tlino f inahinery hny.Wulnu Hickof.iActuocermiR1bono 623-3808 22-Salegroup o n liaeonnas-onte i/hdyo pni197,gaeogtblLnyBo h i On. -0-249y. 2- FURNIabl also. cokie tuk s atii i-rns atn. QUEBE CJTYJ 'Our pie IOuiy oute tha e CQalifcational- Jul,ýV ly. 973, a teinwh hdae ' _____________Sale_ Shtmmeatu - IFhaditî-bnt thiracktl3 Sua, scy , ,OUNT! 2 ingS Ew m iapet4hpi div ti iar nd - alitton of infu,- of- ui,arnuit e i nons, yotittauna, moka antie WpEcil o STENCAAA RSH V GET BLES RTOR 3 6 A2E3-r3h0e8ou22-6ani gchek he o inai Srion s. ignon the f pt - i l itou 197ehable g rtaplzB aye-705h3s. UH-V F Cooet enas ffragistor sin rice. eéfLsiepîthor e sha h n t ;toi en otg ied glsschnavoy lrg qunt CAIONI AIRS se ourow , rction. a thestndptertie ptiO pp reic a soli o eýr l2t ay ý, i19 ay f, an]tiqu es S o oster f R BMAVILREDSS M RK T tnnS- MacJDON1wýAvi 1LD F- eORD T1PersonlOfcr yipalctostoen N -sre ntr aeu 47 ~ ~ ~ ~ FRS, VinEStEW, Bwuanvll Phne623 522 19rin 5ina E sast 2. 62ep-4481'î Milboo, ntni ý"_p.. ar Hiekcn Acin Ra sat o Telephone 23-3182 HV'Y, 115 SOTU 0F ORON _v.. - AMloN Maaer 'Whofer afielpol e t OurLOA 100- 032-2624 BOWANVILLE, Ontio. corRaorOt. 10534 YELOSON -AR ETUE n2NW O-3E At, n Hms r-tfe eawyshv 9d3.Proa of27y 271' eh' l25-399e9 26'1d

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