Make Good Progress on Construction, <±nty fý iivemembeis ,of also 10 alsucceelolstudente tbe irngonclan gathered at Gadîx togthecr althie Nimigon farm Mr. and Mus, Bll Case> and on Sat. June 23rd for. their iaiiy hav e movedcd b Mînden anulfamily reunion. Pro- In i eccut bail gaines. our Sr sent with thleir parents, Mr, Mien anid Wehchi Gen Contîr andi( Mrs. Fred Nimigon, weue playod a 2-2 gaioe i Otiwme Mru. and Murs. John Nimigon last Wed, Lous DiscoinO v xiii an aiy ni Millbuook,' Mr -be ini Ponty pool nexi ona aind M[Vrs. Maurice Nimigon 'hli Jr. Men defeated Janet- and famiily of Bowmanville, ville 97 on Sunday. Jancîtile Mu. and Mrs. Steve Nimigon xxii beci Ponty'pool îîoxt andi family of Whitby, Mr. and Sunday ai 4 p.rn .t.c under- Mus. Alex Nimigon, Lindsay, stand. Oui' Mlidgets lost theit Mu. and Mrs. Nick Nimigon fiust gaine of the season tlbis and family, lialiburtonMur past weck (o Bailheboro. Our and Mus. Bill Nimigon and PeWees deteatod Jaiîetxilîe family, Touonto, Mr_ and Mrs, on Mort. evening. Mike Nimnigon aîîd family, Attending Quin -Mo tat. Lisle, Paul Nimigon and Camp on Moira Lake neai' family, Ida, Mr. and Mrs. Madoc tht'. week are Alico Jack Jamieson and famîly, Anderson. D'Arc y Vandet- Toronto, Mr. andi Mus. Mike veen. Sherry MoKee and Milieu and family, Torotoý Debbie Fallta faînýily of Mu. anid Mus. Ross Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Neals Pogue, Toronto. Others jwere and fanihy imotoued to London present from North Bay, and ast Sunday to attend tbe Alito.Gol den Wedding Anniversary W\e al wish a speedy of their aunt and tincle. Mrî. recoveryv to Miss Karen Stin- and Mus. Carl Pai ks son1, daugý-hter of Mu, and Mus.' Last Wednesday mnouring Kith Sinson of Ltu.aren members of te t C W gath- is a patient in sca,ýrbourough oed in tho chut oh basýemetit Centennial Hlospital. and packed manx. boxes of Congratulationis teMu. ;and ciothing for the Scott Mission Mus. Douglas Hlamilton tnee in Toronto. The j_ C.W thanks Brenda McLaren) xvho were ah ithose who dona[dorbu (is recently mnarried in Lndsay. very worthy cause, Guests from Pontypooli indui Coniîmeiîcing on Tues, Julv ded Mu. and Mus. Roy 3rd, rural routes 2 and 3 out of Hamilton, Mu. and Mus. Percy Pontypool wilh be conbied Gebbs, IMu. and Mus. Ralph mb otne 42 mi. long route. Porter, Mu. and Mus. Doug Tenders '<voe lot for th is r'oute Porter, Mu. and Mus. Keith and the tender of Byron Mit.chell andGrant. Kellett xas accepied, Since Mur. and Mus. Hudgins have ,lune 1956. we - the Citf Fallis' mnoved into Iheir home on the- have becri delivering tho 5th line, the former residents, mail on R.R. 2'. and shoi'tly, were Leo and Lois Normai.tefictaici Larry Buadîcys' Several otheu homes in the tiecame thu R 1>-i mail cari- Pontypool district have chan- tors. It's going 10 ho a vast ged owners recenthy. Mr. and change for us not to have to Mus. Lavý,ene Thomas have report for doty at 9 a.m, oach sold to M, and Mus. Wayne day. Xe wilh ceutairihy miss al] C'ochrane and are intendirîg o those t riendly foks who took bujild shortiy, Mu. and Mrs, tîme to greot us wi th a tiendlv Cuaig Brown have puuchased hello or wve -o flue hand sr) the home of Mu. and Mus. ofteti De,-nnis Millership oýn Hwy '35 -_________LL and a "sold" sign wýas posted EW O IL this week on the home oh Another' bridai 2hower Bruce and Shirley Soîzer. This in honor of Miss smnall village of ours is suirelv Elliott was held at the exý.panding. home of Mus. E. Webster, O)n Thursday, June 281h, 1, Port Granby, last Tuesday E. Weldon Secondary Sohiol eveliflg. .Awards and Graduation Exer- Several of ouu local'la- dies attended the Salad cises '<ere held. Recçîving SUpper, at Kendal Wed- their Secondaýry School 1-onor niesday night. Graduation Diploînas weue At Newtonville School Cathierine Lsi.Owen Mit- on Wednesday evening, cheil and Lester Urbankie- graduation certif i c a t e a w'icz. Lester topped lte eight were puesented to the fol- ntinScholars from 1. E. lowing eighteen' succesful Weldon. iCongratiulations!t Grade VIII pupils: Dar- 1ý - .lene Ellilott, Phyllis Pow- Maves owsip and.Gra-'ell Tina Searle, Veronica nie Eem1entauy Schooi Ruegge,' Carolyn Pressick, mu)st ho very proud Of the Sheila Harrison, Cindy sch olasi showing of its girls, Brown, Sharon Jaynes, anùDboy s anîd former pupils. Leslie Lightbourn, Nancy Those from t(ho Pontypool Reid, Cindy MêGregor, area reýceiv7ing theirSeod Heidi Nikiaus. Ch arl1e s ary schlool Grdato ip' Nklaus, Glen Martell, Ro- lomias wu icboer ebrt Wood, Marty Brown, Trracy Adanis. Ken Page.' ~î ramle Ke Caey Ahit ThZe VMargaret E. Han-, 0ai, Murray Finney-, Nt'c. ock Trophy, sponsored by' isRoniald Gih1zýiesp ) Ie. Did th'e Newtonvllle Womnen'.% ,i1~chpehe.Nancy -Morrison. Institute, for the student eRid, Terry Stephen- selected by lte teaching s on, D)ebbie Stinson,' Karen staff as having made the Stinson, Grant Weslon, Sev- most outstanding contri- eralavrdsandpries erebution 1.0 school actîvities eal aards ad puizeas were duuing the past, yeau, wae als rceiedby ocl sudpresented to Darlene El- ents, niameiy Cni Leslie. liott, by W.I. President Lester Urbaakiewýicz (2), Berneice Mlligan. Th, Torry 'Stephenson,. Marilyn larger replica, for the Youngman, Pam Reid and school, was presented by Kim Pickering. This, year at ast yea's winner, Char- Graduation, I. E. Weldon lene Hall. Our congratula- presented Honor Certificates thons t0 Dalene, as, well a s t all the other succesa- oj any pupil who received 85 ful students. peu cent in one ou moue Mu. and Mus; kenniox suobjee-ts. Thos fom Ponty- Vasey of Port McNicol pool receiviing these ceutifi- weue recent vIsitor3 hoe cales were:C'athy Hl!and, with Mu. and Mrs. W. Sta- Diane Pickering, Calhy and pieton. Niky Sinopoli, D)ebbie Cýasey, Local people among the ConieLelie KniPickerinîg' bus load of Senior Cili- Cýon 'nLeleKi zens who took the Thous- RonVanWiringoîî, Marilyn and Islanîds trip on Thurs- Y'ounigmn,Nanicy Fist,Terry day weue Mus. M. Whit- Stephenson, Owen Mitchell ney, Mus. W. Ellîott. Mu. ,cnd Lester Urbankiewicz. Ag- R. Bruce, Mrs. WH'Trirn ain congrattulations to ail and _Mus, Iva Farrow, and Mr. Thte dry weather has helped highway cons,,trucetion crews cosdrbyin- recent dayvs with the com plete changeover ofthe western approach to Bowman,.v'Ille. The upper photographi shows the subway that wîll handie the four lanes of traffic into and out of town, w%,ith worý,kmen on earth moving machines cutting down the grades and building up other parts as thbey prepare the new road bed. In the lower picture, the pile driver drives the new bridge supports into wvha t was the creek bed, while beyond the first bridge, earth movers eut down the Daisy h"il to provide the new road fromn Waverley Road to the bridge. __ ______ and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, As well as an enjoyable boat trip, they were treated to at delic ' ous dinner at the h u r"ch at Cataraque, where tLhe minister. Rex, Wm. Patterson (a formet. minister at Newcastle UJnited Churcht welcomed each one wtth a heart.v handshake, Mrs, L DeSînit speýnt the weekend in 'Prt Dox,ý eu, having îocompanmecl Mr, and Mus. Bihl Fowlet and fanîily of Port Hope. thîcre. on Satordax. (o x'tsit ber aunt. Mus.L, Rood- hart of A-msterdam, Roi- land. who 15 out heut.'vis]it ing relative ýs. Grant %Wade xvas i Hamiltin over the weck- enîd atterdiimu the Midget Basebaîl Tournanrrietît. SRev. T. Snelgroves Soi- day n'tonuing loplo. Ilix keeping ith non Nationatl Holiday, was The trn est Patriotism -' atm essoti. the' importancoe of uo unîting logethot i c mak- tbis countryx onc cf lastiiîg peace and good-xvîll to al The choir sang "Min, Eyes HW n h. Giory" Mr, StatBac B'x R. i! Fauoxx, audt att end ed lItIt. ýoraInIoISetv-lot. afttr noom tom dauphior MtLi Ot Oshiaxxa .ust ited lu TientonSuda IMu wa:'dMsCacc Farroxx 1!!Kutlt.n t Ga en isir'x t n.I Mecon-1xthM u rS Xgtxe Mus L.iBauv.n ' buford. Muo'ont Mu Binuou ull Gilne 1 ilmot Ltnday M- B AuffI'd. t 11t Hp u C Walkex' xau s,'op d bCi misîcs Sheila Ilarrison', , tu do a, bit of, iii uppin,,,.un fa(!t ho stop ped in uit 'ci'ndaanà aIe a lit of cookie Ris agr 1s, reported tri e bit-c're four weeks, Newtonvîlc V C W, no1 inu the Suîudav Schoi býail Wednesday, evetuing. un 27th. President BeaJoe opening wîlb a pcun m y Star," followed by ht tixeme song and t;h- Lr' PraY<er tnonsn Miue (Il Ibe tuiextousmetn were ucead aîîd appruved. anîd 1te re-port of the an- 'taýi sppoi g'veui. N'eulti< xxt )mtSi mratifyig. be- n, SIOt ine tharu h, tf last yetApeilo vlu 1jd eledmak,' I ý)tcs "f)laks were read -i'o thse emembeued Itx rtI' unuxne Commit- joaýn adRyBiokel Mus heu work on hfe, \Iîs. u tii ttc' s nalh 'lit Ru xc. Cxi 'rutt i îl f.uxsf "n h' Ne ~, and Mus. Donald Bronîî werrc guests of Mi, and Mus, Paul Piokett at a Civtc Reception in Toronto i-t lotor 0 f' Qucen Eliza- on Thui'Sdax e1njîngý Juno 281h a number oft Manvers resî1dents atten.d ed (ho Awards and Guadu- at 'ion Exorcises at the I. E W1' eldon Sccondauy School itu Uondsay. Wo eee"ex 'ueînely prount of the aca- dýi i;t suttce.ass ofthe pontas fui.n i Manx'ous Twsp,0Of tht cght Ontario Scholars fart average of over 80917r ont SIX Sobjecîs). threeo tf the pupils xxere of Man- versor5oigin - Miss Judy, Skuce. Miss Nellie Zek- veld and Mi L,esîýer Ur- b'aniewics, Others fuom Manveri' t.xhctalso -elved Secon- danv oholHonour Gra- duatinî, Diplý,omas f r o mn Manve" ncl- edDonald Cashetu. atheinoLeslie, Owxenu Micel a t ni e 1e o tmru ît'tge C, s gmc x-r yaniks ject. iuqucnLy fivr, mît six. Amungi'ho stud né u',t , avrt!.a,- pet .']xO~'i 'id ta 'hc Bali Clu atj hx'l Unfortuflat& 't'rt o onp t udS t ls n t he t tnd ta 'tht 1. ot don ( rittîru \t.atrthîtc xx is hînitît. jouît xx eeketid Nus' Louaitite x"thtor o- sto'. uîuui îxx <t xx eol~s un Quît. lit. c us tilt cxrtiatige stOt.ieth 'tht s. i x'uil <t.vxt t. tisI lxx x usited ah "xli i'larold \xc t. Xli .îîîd 'du~ Boy 't.lî<i'tot.. 'siiohI', niîd \Iot ru xxt-ît. conqi utti4 <'<Vît' tht. xx et. kcitd it ah'tt '<ha /lîioxx la tîututI' l"oxx nu l~I~ ., lion t. istttuig tuti autu t Mus hotu Lee auud lajuçiui> Xli .'tuid 'xii '- Xl'ta'tî c hotu Niai tht. ci oint Bauh<ai's lIt. ht'tu'o 'xli ai d Nit lcsl \X t ph Lîîids'îx xx etc t. o- <'<o s oh Nît ihUss# Il W I'Qht 'xli . îîîd 'xli s Johît t <t tii \l<t.'lttcl.Hictiau xl <<id x h dx' xx et t. xx eekctîd x taihors xx th~ Vin and Xli l'xeîu SIc Rat.. Beax ou tort "<lus Rrtuuy Bt uxx ut llaunp 'tut xx as o xxc-ekerid x isilor c lb the Brooks and MacKavs. t. tii Xii and Mu Bull W aNti Vvhitbx a' Sundax Guesis Niosi lai îîîeî's hax O 110 tOx <b t. 51101 s tit' x tsit'tiig nii1 oh i bot r hi ni c a îîd t.'iiei'g t. 'u~"'~ t îuu h lic hi> hteicîs 1 I \slQi (t(M II' -'i2 Pl R C ENTr ut<' di" A'4 et eitover t OOlihQ~sOtd <,pprov ai id~ ~~~o $911.scitt obat Cri itu - ct ionrtt.I ev ould Spe'a umuIghoi 37 King AtIV, Bownian v le A word ta the wis<,>e' WeN o rn e s to 0t r mnaKes goodsne yo)ur yr< 1 ,* 0 'F CHAN E OWNE ïHUP i ~After 23 years'iný business in. Bowmanviile, it is with mixed feelings that vwe announce the saleof Bowma-,nville Cleaners to OshBow Limited, operators oftîhe local Quick Clean Launciromat Service, effective July !rd. he It has been a pleasure working w ,ith andi serving tepeople of this area over the'years, andt in many ways we shahl indeed be sorry to Jose the friendly contacts that have been establisheci. Our deepest appreciation to those loyal customers and friends who have madle working here a happy experience. We wish the new owners weIl andi hope that loyalty will be extended b oOur successors who have already establîshed a good reputation here -in the Quicl< Clean Laundromat businesýs, Bowma:nvlle Cle-aners Announcement