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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1973, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowm-anville, July 4, 1973 FLASHIBACK - 25 Years Ago- Courtice and ïMaple Grove! are again tied for leadership in the Rural S9ftball League. Standings as of July 5: Maple Grove . 5 2 10 Courtice 5 2 10 Ebenezer .. 3 3 6 Tyrone 1 7 2 Three pitchers battling it out for pitchîng honors are 'Percy Werry, Ken Staiker and Harry Snowden. FLASH1BACK -.10 Years Ago - Bowman- vill1e's newly formed Junior "B"-softball team wvill sec their first action Saturday afternoon at Alexandra Park, Oshawa. A big Junior tournamnent gfets,ý underwayt at 1:00 o'clock, in- cludingî sevýeral top "A" entries. Members of the teain includfe John Twist, Don Bagneli, Ray Cobe Larï'y Piper, Paul Mutton, John James, Alex Wiseman, Bill Osborne, GatWright and Dave Werry JUVENILE BASEBALL OUTFIT - are in action this Thursday evening, (July 5th) in Oshawa, for a 7:30 contest. It wiIl be the locals first meeting of the year against' the Motor Cityclub and they expect one of their stiffest batties. The game will take place in Kinsmen Stadium. On Saturday, July 7th, Kingston will be in town for, some exhibition activity, beginning at 1:00 p.m., at Soper Creek. The management and players of the Juveniles would appreciate a good turnout on Saturday, as they' take on their very capable visitors. Victories have been sc-arce so. far this campaign for Bowmnanville, but with a month or more of league games to go, the club remains optimistic. The Juveniles last league game was on Sunday, June 24th, when they dropped an 8-6 decision in Belleville. The Midget-Juvenile grouping that Bowmanville competes in began a s a 10 team league, but dropped to nine when Ajax departed. The Juveniles dropped their league opener 7-6 to Port Hope and since then have picked up victories over Frankford and Belleville in league play. They performed well despite a loss in Peterborough, but were below form in losing at home to Frankford' and suffering defeats in Cobourg and Belleville. The month of July and its results 'should present the Juveniles' coaching staff with a much clearer picture of the team's playoff chances in this,' their first year of operation. The 1973 Juveniles are being sponsored by the following merchants - Jeffrey's Superette, Graham's I.G.A., Brock's BP, Percy's Fina and Pab's. Cab. HOLEIN+OE --Tom Forestail garnered the ace last Wednesday evening, June 27th at Peblestone. It occurred on the fourth hole, 15i0 yards, par three-,ý, using a seven11- iron. Tom was playýing wi-,th Dale Hloy, Don Pringle and Chluck Brick. KINETTE TOURNAMENT- The Bowmanville Kinette Club held a most successful, golf tournamnent at Erinli Golf Course on Wednesday, June 13th. Gini Masterson was in charge of arrangements and Mrs. Les Smale served a delicious buffet dinner tothe league turn-out. A meeting was held after the dinner, bringing to a close a very good day. HOSPITALIZED -- Following cartilage surg- ery on hîs right knee in Oshawa Hlospital last week, John Wood of the McGregor Midget Al Stars, son of Mlr. and Mrs. Murray Wood, Scugog Street. is progressing favorably, but probably is maore synipathetic now with Bobby Orr ian h1isknee problems. John expeets to be back iiia ction in time for the fait hockey sea-son. ONTARIO QUALIFICATIONS - On Tuesday at the Peterborough-Kawartha Country Club, the District I11 qualifying rounds were played. In the Juvenile Division, Dave Greenlaw (16) of Kawartha placed fîrst with a 76> Rick James (15) of Bowmianville and PaLl Sobil (15) of Pebblestone tied f'or second with a 77. In the Junior Division, 75 by Rick King (17) of Kawartha wa low while Dave 'XI llan ( T/ n,ýý11ý-f17) 0ý f1 Orona Public School Holds lmpress ive Graduation -Ceremony Valedictorian Ian Moffat, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat, Orono, is shown above being congratulated by Principal Douglas Moffatt of Orono Public Sehool,'following the Graduation Exercises there on Monday, June 25th. At left is H. R. Moorcroft, Superintendent, Western Area, and at right is Wm. Carman, Board of Education member. The auditorium of the scbool wa packed 'with studenîs, parents, teachers and friends as the program began. The graduates were piped in by three members of the Bow- manville Legion Pipe Band,t John Westover, Gary Co]e andj Ron Therteli. Along with the graduation diplomas. students receIved awards for both athletic and academic achievements. Scboolcrests for high stan- dards in athieties and aca- demie -achievement were given to Patti Lunn, Jef f Dedonge, Janet Schoenmaker, Ricky Annaerf and Ken Hut- ton. f or the best improvement sbown o'ver the year were Sheila Clark. grade five, Marie Hancock, grade six, Palti Hooey and Peter Boots, grade seven and Mark Breen, grade eigbt. Jeff DeJonge claimed the best boy athiete award while Phyllis Cox received the same honor for the girl's division. The "super-prize". as term- cd by school principal D. Moffat. was awarded 10 Jeff DeJonge for being the best al-round student. Jeff was gîven the Antioch Trophy which was donated by William Lycett. A dinner t or the graduates was given by the Home and School Association before tho. ceremonies. and the students later finished the evening with a dance. Valediclorian Ian Moffats speech follows: Tonight we havýe gathercd trn this auditorium -as a class for the last linîe. AIr. Moflat. teacbing staff ladies and gentlemen, fellow classmales. 1 would like to take a few ,minutes 10 reminisce about the past eight years at Orono Public Sehool. "The f irst time wc entered school many of us were shy littlo people but Ibis was short lived. By the end of the year we had spent sometimne under the teacher's desk and facing many corners. "The highlights of 'Most choir and band. Mr. DewelI,c Mrs. Lunn and Mr. Caldwellf spent many hours conducting,r somnetimes 'm sure they were discouraged, but neyer gavei up. At this lime 1 would like toc thank the people responsible for us being able- to go 10 Clarke High School ho write af music- test. I-opefully -we will( end up with one credit lowxardst our first ycar in Secondary1 School. "WNe. the senior class, some- limes appeared in our sparest iv, n,.nfo,. tniiincç insen,,ofn doing our work on many îng us thaL the projects wouîd projects. but we managed 10 pay off in the end. Also 1 would meet the deaçiline. like to lhank my fellow -Thi as 'ben a memior- classmates this evening for able year especiaîly our three the honor of representing day outing at Camp Tawingo them which involved us in the sýtudy of thue.-environment. Mr. Mof- "We will have many happy faîf and Ms Moores. Our memories, as we go lhrough Grade Eight teachers,1 were lite Of the days we spent two of our chaperones. We together ini sports, entertain- hope they were proud of us. ment and many of ber fields oif enjoyment bore , at Orono *Tonghh we should also be Public School. Wilh joy, yet a fbanking our parents for being lutIle sorrow we must say s0 patient with us and assur- farewell." his a\>ei-aigc slip to 33T he roczet, arined short stop. \v as practically l3oNvnmanv lIe-son t ire offensiv e sho\ix during their f irst 01110 gaines,. a ho bit f'or a 416. average l'hc Electrons nexi actimon 15 oni Thluîsday uuîglît . Jul th M xx î(h Kendal x îsiting Sopor rckfor a 6:30gaie On SuIndaN , the t]th b i,. k T. V. gang vl ho attemptîng to upset lbague eading. sh- axxa Trhis is an other hoine encouniter. begînning ai 2 p ni, Nexit Aodnesday evenîng. Bowmianxille travef 10 Port Hope for a 7:30 affatu xx hile the Fil ors return the followi ng niglbt (or a 6:30 match. Plans are already underx a (or the second animal. , x mianville Electrons x s-The St- aîrs of thie PasI- gamne. slated for Sunday. July, 22nd, Last \ear \as flic f irst between the local 1 nterrmediates and mnany former. outstanding hasobal figures. Public and plaver response was excellent and tbis year's'event is expected to ho cxery bit as enjoyahie. Wvuhat's New at Clarke Museum And.'Archives A generat collection i,-f Canadian Pottery a n. id crocks found in Ontario plus a display of typicat kerosene lamps and light- ing devices dated frorn 1850 to 1900. The collection Is kindlY on boan fromn Mr. and lvrs. R. Lambert and runs fromn June 28,h 10 end of Julv. The Museumn is located at Chut ch % Centre Streets. Orono:O Hours are 2:30-5:30 and 6:30-8:30 Thursdax' and Friday, and 2:00-5:00 Sundays. by Maureen Remington, t AX Hý EFUNDS ON TIIE VA Y As of June 21, the Depart- ment of National Revenue processed almost' I eihlmillion tax returns 6 .202,793 refunds, folalling nearly si billion have been sent to lax payers. Some two and a haif million returns remnain to be processed and most of these are expected 10 ho handled by the end of the month. Kramps Downi ElIlis Shoos 8u5 To Romain in Third Position m plu'..'- Elecron 4- 'ure éWin Streuk Franks Defeait Stephens 5-2 uosedyOhaa1 ' « During Port Hope Tornurneni Gi> W 1I RF RA HlF lIA Teani Avg. 12 8 4 68 54 99 91 .248 R. Crombîe ..... G. Parks M. Johnson...... L. Perris........... M. O'Brien ........... D. Crough.......... K. Rogers................. L. Kelly.................... C. Kilpatrick ... . ..... G. Sainsbury . D. Bagneill. ... . . . . . L. Forsey.......... D. McMurter . P. O'Reilly .............. R. Little . L. Piper .. . . . . D. Forsey -ý-ý.... - PITCIIING Akey Crough.. O'Reilly. Rogers.ý n~ Va'ýýp Ž,oars were ouîr scliooî trips 1'ULY wbieh proved ti c ebotb b1ýý uni t Iarke educational and interesting, Sinoko Cets lIn Your E.',.' One trip xe will nover forget îcoulçl hav~e hbee <shwa was an outinig (o Toronto ?xuriraY Goditrex s therne o Islands. When ready (o return* on Suîiday fero na e one of our classmates M7ashlddfl'Lok bVEec missing. Fortunafely' vho xas ron x ii a two hif. 5-4 found and hie is graduating decisuon in Port H-ope, tonight. The lownianx ille buncfi "Our class alw\ays semned co~pfuginithe four feani. to be on the mv.Duî-ing HO 3 turn1arîent. senit grade seven we wýere in the haas starfmng pitciier. Anglican Churcb and thon îýarroll packing affer rnoved, b portables where wo only tino thui'd of an iuîning. h wahched OUR school being turiwed oui f0 he their uudoiiig dîsmanhled. as iltefroc lirowing. Godfrey "'Approxitnately seven arrivecl u!o oxcrpower the years ago Orono Public School Ebcto i fh a stoamning xvas fortunate onough f0 t (ast hall- 1 receive Mr. Moffatt as Princu 1The' d foaor f3oxxman1uic pal. Although people say bho s xxds jInst their firiunce Port x ery strict, ho bas done a Hlope dumped flii 9-3 ai gruat dea] hi make sebool life Soper Crock on Jonc loth. The more interesting. If il had flot Electrons. oxvners of an 8-4. bee,,n for the principal of Ibis xoî-lost, record i the balfxvaN sehoffl Ibere, wouldn't bave point n tt1-4 edle xere been a Tabloid Sports Day iwnigaln na oi aI11e Kendl. Wen i coms arun xiii stî'ak uîîîfil Godfrc\ and' Kendl. Wen i coms arund ouipauîj. camii-on tihen 10 elèection timo mnany people (Jax Hwk- Akev,. who hear thai Mr. Moffatwill ho tu»xs c( xIi onocîgh to xxiii Ieaving this sbo One argu- scfferocdlis cifeatiun four nient ho anîdI will nover setile decîsuo)ns flîis ý car Afici- a is the spolling> of our namecs rjough ,furf xviýIns "We are tortunahe hohve Haýwk m-oxrd hurling been able Io have, such a good o1wuîe1. bit. iuout hall unhýiil Kimn gî-cnjidinig in mnusic wth aur Rges 1paedh the fi [P R il 36 13 30 21 7 15 21 15 16 18 16 22 5. 3 71 î'ugh[h.Dmring bis s(-cii niig ts. OhaV a iuickcd .XAkcv foi rocur runs and six lîfs. Rogers xx ms tonched f'or their final rcîn mi the cughtiî. on Buian Des- roche's second. rmuu prodccuug sinîglei the igam e. Boxeuîanville uîeceded only simx hatteus tu o toi C Obawas ('urisexiu, as tiheviook a h'- lcad ' tefiraf Rax Cuoin ie. xit i a 'muî orn double and Rogers îxxIýo run singloexxoro the iliugblows. The îîoxt 24 i3oxvanviïl(e hitters xxeue uetured bk God- friex, t)sfaxx a carne back Lot mc the score iii (hoe firsf on a xxalký l'cd Luhuon's t riple, and a pair :)t Texa, bague sîngles hy GTodfrey anti Desrtmcb, es. The Legmouaircs imoved in mfront.4 .3ý nî the second, on PiI Browuf*s Irotind rmie double. Keni foffan*s suniglo and an iuîfifd lut, I)cspîte_%ku,ý s irong conlo jatk. m-ouint job o\verlthe uîexf mx'e innngs. 'ihu IElecironis _montnced tobho ix -mied k (;odf'rey's offerungs,. \X'ile Akey wasuri oxxing doxxn 14 of' 1.7 bafters. fbirougb ithe sex- euîfî. Godfrex hiatl ossed perf'ect haI lriutul Ilie let rouln nitfi Runs 10, 7 3 3 0 13 0 Hlits 14 15 4 7 6 7 7 8 2 3 2 3 2 2 0 RBI 7 3 2 7 7 5 1 2 4 -2 0 Avg. .350 .308 .304 .300 .259 .250 .250 .242 .214 .214 .182 .158 .133 .069 .000 'by Te n'Y Baker r Only two gamnes were played ln last week's Mot- bail action. Kramps down- ed.Ellis Shoes 8-5 to re- , main in third place, two ~games behind Franks wbo r beat Stephen Fuels 5-2 The loss left Stophens iri' second place, one game E, behlnd Franks. A full siate of games la 35 scheduled for this week wlth Stephens at Ellis and Err Franks at Kramps on Tuesday, Franks at 1 Kramps and Stephens at g Ellis on Wednesday night. and on Thursday night' 2 Stephens will visit Franks 0 and Ellis wIll be at Kramps. In Tuesday's first game, 3 Harvey Webster, Br ia n SAdams, Ken Cryderman and Brian Evans each rap- 2 Ded a pair of Mits to give 2 6 o 1 o 2 O O k,..... 50 33 14 12 15 7 Mf er roti muîg tht' 2mnm lie uacocf smuce eniertng, the game un flic firsf. Godt(e cearriod a 5-:3 edge m t te fiiual imîring. Gu * Parks slamnmetl a drive off fle icptchoî, buf xvas tiroxxn oui. Crombuo slaslîed a single to lc'fi Pincih buter, Charlie Kilpatrick skiedtl f0conter- field. Roger-s xxas nteuntion aliv xalked. Mike Jobîsoî kept the' Eleet mon ralîx show- ung, baîugung oui, a single, scoring Croînhie. Godfm-ey got Pat O-Reilîx on anm nfield roller. 10crusb Boxx'mauvilio's conback liopes aund elirimi- afe them from the tourna- ment. Arouind bThelBases - Osh- axva« s ',un as themr fhrd mut fixe ganlos tins xoam- against thie Etectrons. They have otscored Bowmanvilie 30-25 and bold a 43-35 edgo in bits affer the f'ive meetings. Croni- hi, afier a slowx staît ibhis 1\ azi. fias taken over (ho T.V ciowds leading baftmng mark, xx mtlî a 350. average. Tht' x ciciam. bit fuelder had Lwo of lBoxxrmauuille's foui' bits on Suiîda. scorod txice and drouxe mun one ,mua. Wc're lookmuîg foi Guy Parks Io rebound froun bis rocent t for- tl 4 att inuîid t]t batLiha.sseemi Kr-3mp5 the wmn. Webster (5-1) scattered 13 hits In picking up the wIn. Len Kenny, Randy Beauprie anmd Ken Barrie each had three hits for Ellis and Jim Green pickèd up a pair. Kenny (0-3) took the 1058. Kramps exploded for six runs'In the fourth to take the lead. Jim Beam paced Frank's attack against Stephens wlth three bits. Keith An- derson, Terry Baker and Woody Lee each had a pair of bits. Franks held a 3-2 lead until the sixth when they added a pair of runs to sait the game away. Jim Ryhorchuk and Don Lorusso each had a pair of bits for, Stephens. Baker (4-1) tossed the win, Lorusso (1-2) took the loas. The League will be holding a 50-50 draw ç mencing with the -.ale oI- tickets this week. They' can be obtaihed at the bal t park The draw is licensed' under the Lotteries Act, and the proiceeds .willUgo towards payilng for ecjuip-- ment, lights and umpfres so that1 the League can continue to function as a recreational outiet for the, youth of BowTnanville. iVINNEBAGO IMOTOR HOMES 91ONDA MOTORCYCLES New -lsed JOHNSON OUTBOARD dO TORS - BOATS HARDTOP TENT TRAILERS all at ONTARIO SPORTS Orom.Q Hwy. 115 q835444 11U ROME MAINTE14ANCE PROBLFM9? nvMijr qW SOLI J5!~ *RIDING INSTRUCTION PHJONE FOR FURTHERIINFORMIATION O)wîed andI Operated by DANN and FAYE CORBY Farm M.-naqer PAULVAINEYK, Jr. WINS PLACE ON TEAM - At the Summer Gaines in Oshawa over the weekend, Arlene Keatley of Courtice Secondary School was the (>fly athiete froin this area to win a place on thev Ontario team that will conpete in the Canada Garnes in British Columbia. She fin- ishied third in the 200-metre hurdies and second in the 100-metres. I 0,000 FANS - Motorcycle and sports car fans had a good weekend camping and racing at Mosport Park. There was plenty of excitement and some close competition that provided top quality entertainrnent and some great ,sunburns. KENDA1ý EAGLES WIN - In the final gaine of the Sunday basebaîl tournaMent in Port Hope Kendal Eagles ca me through to beat Oshawa Legionaires 9-4 in a real, upset. Ear- lier, they had eliminated Port Hope. Hurlers RalphKennedy was voted the star of the first gaine and John Quantrill won the honor in the final. Eagles' shortstop Steve West was voted the star of the entire tournament. ALL-STAR TEAM - At the conclusion of the Port Hope tournament, an,Ail-Star teamn was chosen. Gary Akey of the Electrons was chosen as the pitcher fo6r the first team. First baseman Leo Kelly and lef t fielder Ray Crombie also won spots on the team. Oshawa Legion's Ted Lutton, Bernie McGuire and Ken Toffan were picked for second, third and right field. Port Hope's Jim Jones was selected for short stop and Dennis O'Brien won the catcher's job. Kendal's John Mathers was chosen for the centre field spot. KOOL-AID TOURNEY - Brampton War- riors won the grand championship in the Kool- Aid tournarment in Cobourg on Saturday, win- ning four games, with Whitby in second place. Bowmanville's entry trimmed Ajax 4-2 but lost to Whitby 14-5. 1 31 2 2 f

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