Now You See Him. SPLASH ! .. Nowe You Don ft Dunking Pon'typool Garage owner Ro.y Gaynor turnied out to be -a popular game at the Street Fair and Dance held in the village onI Fridaýy evening, July 2th. The first dozen or so people to try their luck were unsuccessful in their attempts to hit the trigger and drop Gaynor into the tank so one of the other organizers of the carnival. who shall remain nameless, walked behind and helped things along a littie, much to the chagrin of a thoroughly soaked Gaynor. Local merchants organized the carnival and the main street in Pontypool was blocked off, transforming it into an instant fair grounds. Several rides, games of chance and cash draws were featured in the fair and a street dance high-lighted the evenîng. 3AJiu4i2 Mrs, Sam Brereton playgroiund Report ýhe Newýcastie Girls Sothali! .july 2otb) broujght about the teani ha)d finalyv decîded f0 e-nd of the third week of imeef the halegeutthe Iboys playground wicb wný,s known bard bail teani. After seeing as Craivt eek. During the girls pay their first fewý tis 5 day period the ciidren games the boys thouight it and leaders miade bu tfiy wouid make an îateresting mobiles, abstracet art, inkl blob eveaing to see how fhiey and printiag witb potntoes compare tu the 'Rce Lakei along with a try of fr-isbee but beague, on Monday night we there %vas such rianiazing found ouf. The winners at this1 lack of inferesfthat this was time dIo nof want f0 make their dropped. presence known ns onot f On Friday tbere was a embarrass the other team. cj-stume contest wiîthý Joey Just the few peuple who were Forget and Debbie Pruner at the game know for sure the wvinni1ng firsf and second for true players of Newcastle. A the ol der kids and Grace Ton re-match of these two teams and TLodd Pet rick wviniing firsf. seerns fo bc an evenDt of the and second in thie yournger near future. Gooud hitters for Nýewca-'t1e Girls lthaf aibt xfcamne a Treasure Hunt were Dnie ufod.Jnnete SJoey and Bobby F1ofrget Wagar - orle boigah eu and Frankie M1iler wýianing and Maryv Parker, for tih boys first p)rize ,and Lbon-RoseTi Nicholson, Don Wilks ocre.Jacquline and Sus- Steve White inad Paul S. The an r White, Cheryl Sifh, umpiriag was fairhy dune by, Darcy H,, 'uberf, Todd Pefrick, Mr.D. Nicholson and Mr. AimaGlavihe. ebbe Prun- Nicholson. er, hao DeJoag and Merr- On Tuesday mighf the New- id,; stephlenson alfyn for castle gir's teamn travelled f0 second.Newfonville fu meet the Rond- Thie top 9okrsu our runners. Both teams piayed Pollu,1;ti Confrol Coitfee -ery weil as the final score for thiis week are Susan White, indicated 14-13 la favor uf the Janet Pruner, Dunnyv Chard, Roadrunners. Joey Forget, bisa Kýent and Newcastle gui. off to ai good1 Anigle Amnith. start by scoring four ruas la Oiur speciali fbanks goes ouft he firsf inaing whifle Newton11- to ahi arets ho )su kinjjdlv ville oniy scored une. Nevtoni- oaedfreshie and cokes ille scored fw\ýo ruas in thle io Mrs. S. Brereton aand Nancy ;econd fo0 make, a chose gamne, Sf ephienson for- donatin1g priz- 4-:3 lha ,he third inniinp, es aad Jeanette Wagar- and Newcasfhe scored three 1JnUs Sandra Keisey f'or ncting as aadNeonil proved f0 be judges. equafl Lby vscuring th1free finies Banitam Girls Bsbai aiso., On Moniday ighfil July l16th Both fenmis scor-ed once lai the fourfh ina1ing. Ia fhe fïffh înaîng Newýtonviiie Lied tire score by scoring onie more rua -thani Newcasfie was able Io - - - - ~ .Newfonviile vwent fabead im the ARO/IM THNE BENO AND ,ixth inning tf0 make the final 0OVER Tr-RE /-IL L - ?Y £ score 14-13 Top hif fers forI W! CN! 7 KIL TH Necaste wre CfhyTufford WE 3-5N£Jea0effe Wngar1-2, Maryý C81LL Parker 2-5L Louise steives 44. Darlene Jenikinis was (lhe losing, pitcher Mwho pifched a *-.very good game while the - ~ pitching for Newfoaviiie was handhed by J. Wilams. Top bitters for Newtonvilie were J. Kimball 3-41 S. Spry 3-4, C. ' x . Hem:eitive Swiming On Wednesday nighf July ifb hNewcasthe's compefitvie, ftSw,ýimmiag feani met for the1 IftIt1t<* f rsf fime la 1973. Affer a W M. P JO'years rest fhey stili looked Gei- - Motor Oil - Fuiý(spet od ntewt und Greast There were a few aew FURAGEINTALATINSmemibers.ouf and quife a fewj AND REPAMS uo the ld faces were at the' AN RPAES Wailtona Pool. basf year thisf NecaL19-91- 111 team compefed ia meets at1 ___________________Oshawa. Whifby, Camp Sai- ac and the Cîvîc Auditorium- An y new mnembers wouid be w~icmedespeciaIly girls nround the ages 11-12-13. The (eam meets every Moaday- Wedesay-husday after- tions fee ,is $2.00. IPlease aew memnbers are needed. BETHANY Recent guecsts with MNr. and fMrs. Frank White e Mr. and MIrs. 'John Flett, London, Mr. and Mrs Frank 'Sanider- cock, Trenton; Mr, and AMrs. F'rank Sayer, Canphelîford;, Mr. and _Mrs Charles John- ston, Trenfon; Mrs. Arthur Foiley, Cold Harbour; Mir. and Mrs. Edward Allen, Lockport. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Porteous visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Soles, Lindsay. Mr. and IMrs. Jack Neais and daughter bisa spent the weekend at Coe Hill. Mrs- Ray Porteous bias return1ed home fý rnCivic Hiospit' Mrs. Jamecs Kloephier wbo recent]ý ceiebrated their 25th wedding aaaiversary. Mr. andhMrs. Ross Carr have returnedý homne from visifing wifh their son and daugbter-ia-law, Mr. and _Mrs. Creighfon Carr in Pictoni. The community was saddea- ed to learai of the sudden death of MIrs. Harvey Fallis la Lindsay ion iMoaday, The former Vernabeihe Leée, she badi lived allber early years la Bethiany and waVIs an active participant la cburch and social affairs before moving fo Lindsay. Sympafhy 18 extead- ed f0 ber many relatives and friends in this area. Manvers Township Couacil Note's AIl members were present for the Juiy nmeeting of Manvers Townsbîip Countcit wit'h Reeve Haàrveyý Mahcolmn presiding.F, Councillor borne Curfin wns autbhorized fo engage n con- tractor f0 repair sidewalks in the three villages of Befhiny, Janetville anid Pontypoolinl the locations previously rec- omimended la a report af the jureeimeeting and with -an approximafe limit of $500.00 per village. The enfrance ut the Betîhany Waste -Disposai site is now to be on the Couaity Road only, as the Dept. have recommended une entrance oniy. Messrs. GeeGaihoway & Assoc. Lfd. wreautborized fo prepare specifîcations and tender forais for a aew heatiag system in the Town- ship Hall3at Befbany. Tenders were opened for, the newhi -tofruck for the Towarsbiip. Due f0o somne con- fusion onl the metbod of feadering by one supplier, the Rioad Superîntendent Maurice Sot Hooro for your mono-y. M More -AVAiLABLE AT PAINT ancf WALL PA PE R P HON E 623-5431 odo ri OnMonda9 venn ul Y'elverton Chuirch; basement ,vsfilledj to capacity whien lOO 00ladies congcregated fo bonor bride-elect ,Anti Wilson prior lto her wedding 0on Saturday The first part of the program colsistedi of a meni, Ory quiz, a conItest a nd a' musical romancecots Miss Pami Stinison read a poem reý duties of a houisewife. Ann wvas invited to 'a seat of honlor suitablyI bedecked wt vibbon for the occasion She was thef-n subjected toan poetic address read by Miss Mitzi Malcolm., Annà was then presented ,ît a iscellani- eous -si'e of gýifts and was ably assisted bý, twio sister, Norma Beggs and sister Barbara Wilson. Ann abiy exIressed ber appreciation for %_81 lovely gifts and to those ladies Who had arranged the evening. Among thie bounty of gi1ts was a gift giveni by the Sr, glilssoftball team ,of whijjch Ann bas been an active, valuable player for a nurrber of years. A sumaptuou-sluc cýoncIuded the evening. B3elated congriauaionis to the Werry Clan and thnose responsibie for the planning of their Centennial Werr.ypinc This hbas become quite an historie occasion for imembers of the family tree and those responisible, for its perpetuaq- tion deserve considerable cre- dit for thecir dedication to the cause. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolim and family, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Malcolmi, Mr. and Mrs. Terry M,ýalcojlmili attended a portion of the 2 day festivities~ , A Wýerry a OFDREE -~ ~ At the Liberai Parfy's JConference on Western Objec- Phone 987-221 tives in Vancouver, Prim&i .3Minister Trudeau announced plans for the deceatralizaf ion Bradley wias t» seek guidance of the Depart ment ofl Regional from the Dept. of Transport & Economic Expanision. About Communication and the ten- 30 per cent of D-REE emiploy- der of the lowest priced ees now w%,,ork outside Ottawa vehicie %vas to be accepted. and 70 per cen t i n Ottawa. Tbis Messrs. Terry Philpof and will be rev.ersed su tha t 70 per John Laraby interviewed the cent are located across tbe Council, regarding the POSSi- country and only 30 per cent in bilities of getting a land Ottawa. Regional offices willi severance to purchase the Olçl be set up. And more powý,erv ill1 Feed Mihi on the C.P.R. bYe givea f0 regional and righf-of-way in Befhany. The provincial-, offic-es to myake1 matter was turned over to the the-ir- own djecisions wifhout Consulting Enginieers fo see if consuflfing Ottawa. a severance in accordance wifh the Township Zoaiag could be worked ouf. Mr, Dave Beauclerc of Greer, Galloway & Assoc. Ltd. gave a report on the Manetta > re-zoaiag application and rec- o.rmmended thaf the re-zoning application of Mr. Sam Manet- ta b turned over to. the ontar1ig Municipal Board for E their cdnsideratîon. ,M Messrs. Greer, Galloway & Assoc. Ltd. gave a report recommeading thaf, a portion [ I F of the- Water Systemn at the Jaaetville subdivision be dug, up as it dues not mýfeet the specifications. The Couacil concurred wifh the recom- inendation q Leffers from the following partis ad been received prior to tbe Council meeting requesting an opporfuaity tc park in the Township on part of the easf bal! o! lot 9, concession 4. Mrs. Carol R. Bolton, L. Robert Bolton, L. T. Faîrhurst, C. R. Bramble, T:« Mannonen and the Secrefary of Manvers Rafepayers Assoc. Mrs. Carol R. Bolton made her ~Y presentation wbich took the foxrm of a 20 page brief, with L. R. Bolton and L. T. Fairhurst assistîag la the presentation. Mrs. Noel Wood, representiag ~ AO Manvers Ratepayers Assoc. presented a brie! to Couacil 'w dealing with this Mobile Homel Development. 4X8 h-t Auna Fair cnlled on the 4 'Set Council and ouf lined a propos- ON LY ed subdivision bee has under consideration for bis lands in ~ W lot 4, concession 6. Objection was aiso-rnised for provision W V R 0 la By-inw 1515-72 beiag omît- LARGE CHIPS B( ted for the future growth o! TOGETHER INTO Lotus., Mr. D. L_ Tideman of SHEETS~ Ontario Hydro cailed on the ON L Y Couacil and presented. a ... report for the proposed mod- U ernization o! the street ligbt UXA GL ing in the village of Poatypool. Tbe total cost would amount to $16,275.00. The streef lîghts would be mercury vapor -- lamps. There would be a total of 48 streef lights. was asked f0 contact the Pontypool Chamber o! Com- merce and seek an expression o! opinion as f0 whether t he town weii on the Main. St, should be fîlled ia or not. The top is preseatiy in n dangerous condition. A by-law îs f0 be prepared resfrîcting the use o! Manvers garbage dumps f0 residents onWV, and househoid garbage. A form letter' 15 to be prepared- by the Manvers Township Area Comnmittee t'O be approved in principal; the said leffer f0 be put info the hands o! ail resideats and non-resideafts o! M%,anvers Township, s0 that an opinion poli can be fakeaad the wishes o! the Manvers Tax Payers defermniaed la respect f0 the building o! an Arena annd the, financing o! same. A grant o! $25.00 was given to the -BLackstock Agiculfural Society. Manvers TLowaship Arena Comnmittee were f0 bc advised that the Township wish fo withdraw the land optionN authorization given on June- 14, 1973. RTON The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 25,1M7 'i Attnîn Mïih 'ficp- nýM nlr- odo brother of a brother-in-law of ~ ~I the Art Rowans was guest ~~~ ~~ speaker Sun. at their Cfiurch 15J service in Biackstock. Sorry we couldn't work it into our On Sat. aiternoon a loveIy ~vdîg took Place in ' Yelvrto tlnted ubrch " " wxheni one of Yelverton's popular gals Ana Wilson was uinited in' marriage to Mr. Ross Hurreni. A beautifuU . sunny July afternoon accent- uated tbe beauty of the bridai party and their badsome attendants comnplimented by the colorful array of the gues!s haberdïashery both maie and feniale. Rev. Geraid Hofste- dter was the officiating clergy- mani Yeiverton U.C.W. serv- ed a delicious roast beef dinner. At the reception wbhich, followed Air. Lloyd Wilson wasj the 'able Mý C. ýkeeping proceedings mnoving with humor and wit. In the evening a wedding dance was beld in Janetville Commnunity Hall witb .tbe Faye Adamis Band in attendance. Following, their b oneymoon the happy couple will reside in Lindsav where the groom is employed. The best wishes of the cornmunity are extended to Ann and Ross in their, marital adventure. Best wishes to Mr.";î and Mrs. Jim bleggs, Anne's twin sister and husband .vho observed their lst anniversary to-day. Were pleased to ob)serve our geniai Jerry Hofstetter photo- graph on front page of Statesmian while doing bis U thing recenitlyat Orono Sing- Along. We're surprised that Jerry apparenitly is amibidex terous ia that where bie pIaysý bis accordion with rigbt band in ths at eapparentiy bas changed to lef t band for fhe picture aik about versa- tality. For tbose interested in thie sports front. The Jr. girls won all their three gamnes this week, Janetville, Cavan and Tý, nmeso Millbrook by a considerable Tommeso margin. The Sr. girls won Rickardi left, and Aleii tbeir 2 games we understand, Great Lodge of Canac The Janetville - Velverton biew a comfortabie lead on Hendry was named Dis Sun. and Kedron at Janetville recently in the RoyaI ý 7-1 at its peak t0 eke out a tie Iodge's Board of Gene, 11-11 aîter the end of the 9th. ir,-- a long duIl gaine (212brin Morton of London were Sat the 90 degree beat and g!uests of Mr. and Mrs. Don bumidity. A lotof errors on Brown. both sides prolonged the Mr. Robt. Burns and Mlarti agony. Malcolmi are spening a fem Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mo1crton Of days at the Ralp Macoim-s Toronto and Miss Mlarina this week. WUMMER SÀ CORRI REIN[ FOR FE ABOU' YE LIMITE ,-wY WHITE 1O ALUMINUM SIU951 EAVESTROUGH ARD YEARS 0F CAREFRE: IONDED 10" 'Troug h,ý 1/ix 4'x8' Conductor Pipe ~ 9S sa.Elbows WHITE ALUMINUM SIDING AT REGULAR EVERYDAY Ideal for the' do-it-yours insulatorLbacker boai is fa ctory bonded t( Newcastle's Durham Maàsonie Lodge, Garnet B., ýx W. Hendry have attained high standings in the da, in the Province of Ontario, A.F. & A.Mi,1. IMr. ;t'krict Deputy Grand Master at the annual mneeting York Hotel and Mr, Rickard wras appointed to thle rai Purposes. Ghad t6 report that Mr, Geordieý Kerr wns able tq retura homTe from hospit ai this week. AIl juin laisn n Geordie impruved - beaith in future. odrte)fu e,.erc defoliaý tioni of Balsam Fir an l Spruce overi 7.5 million cre of the -Maritimne provinices is fore." cast for 1973- by the Canmadinni Foresfry Si 'vice, Ji Efp R O D U ÇT Sïj1,1_ VO AVINE 'S UGATED FIBREGLASS PANELS FORCED .NCES-DIVIDER WALLS-PATIO ROOFS-ETC,, TT 26" WIDE 8 lO NG 12' LONG 'LLOW or REGULAR $5.59 REGULAR $8.1 iREEN $,9 EE SERVICE $4.02 1eaCh End Caps' 40C each $4.35 each Inside and Outside ec Corners eeeeeee $2,32 each 89cConnectors , 73c each PRICES - selfer ird ,, . alumnipanel. horzonalpanels 9' wide I ,c'ARTON 99d'l .RUNN',ING, ;449.41 FEET ALL ACCESSORIES IN STOCK TWO CONV ENI ENT LOCATIONýSWHIER SERVE YOURSELF IN COMPLETE INDOOI Seul Driveway - Renewer JUST POUR-ROLL-SEAL U-PTO 300 SQUARE FEET PER GALLON ON SALE UNTIL SAT, JULY 28th ONLY E YOU CAN RCOMFORTr Oshawa ,2HW.ES*AD COURTICE YARD -AS- W o d - - OHAACourtie Rd. & Boor East BN T PRODUCTS e -- OWA PHON E __ ~ ~~~COURTICE (IOSHAWIA MMIa r 1617 Downtown Oshawa i/, ewcaste &o cia! ianci ,,qer f (11! ABERNETHY'S K UNG ST. W. W -, 401HIGWA 28-611 728! §11 Ill j6MAj'Wý "7ýý