We are pleased to see Mn. Russli Tabb "back on the job"',agiain after recent surg- eny at Shouldice Hospital, Toronto. Go easy Russell. So sorry to learn that Mrs. Roy McýGill, bad to return to BowmanvIlle Hospital. We hope bier trouble is minor and good bealth wili be for ber very quickly. MnI. îand Mrs. O. C. AshtonI were assisted in celebrating anotne(dding Annivensany by thein family andi a few frîenids. Many bapp ntun folks,! Rev. Bill and udy Wells and sons Greg and Robie,1 Peterbo)roýugh, Fred and Reva Billett, Tononto, Keith and Lois Wordeni and Richard Bowmn-anville R.R. 2, Charles and Karen Asbton, Oshawa, Laurence and June Wright,i Toronto Gondon and Alice Beecb, Bowma nviîle. MUany folks wene torn bet-1 ween tv.o loyalties viz :--Ann-1 ual fIamily ne-unions and oun regular Suniday morning Cburcb Service whicb resulted1 in a conigre2gation of under 40, woshippers at oun cburch.1 Wherever our people wene,i fellowship was the "order of th ay."Our minister's1 sermon was.based on the text "The Love of God Controls Us" from Paul's writings. Heie stressed the point that when mony. Just because of these we are nuled by God's love aIl "big decisions-" some con- self ishness is impossible. Rev. temponany ex-members of the Bigby's encouraging message Happy Gang C.G.I.T. and a was inspîring as be listed few close relatives gatbened at many ways in wbieb> we can the home of Mrs. O. C. Ashton, allow the love of God to control who had her daugbter, Lois our actions and service. The Worden- and daughter-in-law Choir's selection blended per- Karen Ashton as co-hostesses fectly with the message fnom for a tea cup, coffee mug or our DUloit as a most neasine souvenir coffee spoon bridai trio with our orÉanist sang sbower. Dainty corsages de- "Love"' witb Soprano-Mrs. signed by Mrs. Velma Griffin Shirley Pollard, Alto-Miss were pinned on the special Joyce Chambers and Bass- guests by Heather Griffin and Mr. Eric Bowman. t was Lois Worden. Prizes were won superlative - do it again in the contests by the two Dlease,! A lovely bouquet of brideselect and Mrs. Ruby gladioli enbanced the sanctu- Trewîn. Miss Deana Palma- ary with its brigbt colons teer assîsted at lunch time. whichi were picked from Rutb Remnember our manse famn- McGill's garden. ily from Apnîl 1958 to Dec. Our smali fry have no dull or 1960? Rev. Walter and Doro- idle moments as Vacation tby Logan and daughters Bible School is in full swing Joyce and Beverley. Tbey are this week at Tyrone Christian leavîng tearfully from TiI- Education Hall and swimmîng bury-Quinn Congregations lessons at Cedar Park are on after serving there for the the agenda also. past 6 years to go to St. John's Next Saturday and on one of United Church in Regina, the days at the end of summer Sask. Tbey plan a brief visit are two very speci'al dates as hene in mid-August.ý two of our 1oely 'young Mr. Carlyle Avery, Tilbury, maidens the Misses Doreen was Tbursday caller at Mn. - Trewin and Maureen McNair and Mrs. C. Avery's. have decided to walk up a Mn. and Mrs. Leonard cburcb aisle to the altar to Stainton accompanied Mr. join thein respective fiancees and Mrs. Cecil Milîs, Bow- in the Holy Bonds of Matri- manville on a three week trip BEAUTI2FY YOUR HOME NOW WITH Vinlyl.Siding DURING OUR MID-SUMMER EXPANSION SALE 1 L L E N to Wmnnîpeg, Calgary, Vancou- ver, and Lynden, Washington. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin were Sunday visitons of Miss- es Louise and Marjonie McIn- tosh, CürbettUs Pointi. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Sandier- son, Columbu 's were ona visitors at'Mr- and MUrs. A. Sharp's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman E{uwe and, family, Whitby were Friday evening visitons at R Howe's. Mr. and Mrs. Clittord Greer. and family, Hemrningford, Quebec, spent the weekend, with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and fami!,ý, and attend- ed the Werry picnic and ne-union at Blackstock, Sat. and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keth McGil and family attended the Mc- GilI picnic on Sunday., Mn. and, Mrs. Leonard Staintonr, Mrs. E. Stainton were guests at a barbecue with Mn. and Mrs. C. English, Bowmanvilie and Mr. and Mrs. George Saunder's and family of Perth. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor were Friday supper guests of Mrs. Cortenay Graham, Pur- pIe Hlli. Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto is Tak e Part !i ions, Carniva-l Parade Carnie Michelle Wilson shows off her decorated buggy hoîd'aying ,,.i ih Mn. and Mrs. A. Shairp. Mr. and Nsr-, R. How.e and famiily wreSun1da, výiîtors at Port Perry. Mr.an Mrs. E. R. Taylor. had Satiunda y dinner witb Mr, and Ns. G.Ü',McLean, Bow- rnanx ille- and were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. Trexwn. A numben of relatives att- endeci the Werry picnie and ne-union aýt Biackstock Sat and Suinday\ including Mr. and Mrs. Claene tainton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and family. Mr,, G. T. Trevail, Mrs. B, Bentha,ii Oshawa were Wed- nesdy callens at A. Shanp's. Mns. C. Avery and Linda, accompanied by Mrs. H. Avery and Sharon, of Enfield attended a bridai showen for Miss Helen Avery at the home of Irvin Cook, Whitby on Sunday. Happy fto report Mrs. S, Pethick is home, from the hospital feelýing much better we hope. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lowe and family LasVegas, Nevada is spending a few days with her grandparents Mn, and Mrs. S. Pethick. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 25, 1973 heeActive HnokGirls -Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Bradt, Family and Consumer Studies. SI Mr. and Mrs. Stan Byce and Cindy, Oshawa, visited Mr. spend the next two years teachin and Mrs. Don Griffrn, S. Side. Zambia. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Aber- Susan Hancock, centre, a tea( nethy, Manilla were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin iS working in Zambia this and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis. International. Mrs. Ruby Brown, Hampton is visiting the Brock and Margaret Findlay (nee Har 1\cKay families. from the University of British Col Mrs. Ken McKay and child- She is employed by the Big Sisti ren, Beaverton, Miss Chers hyar h aaheso Stewart. Woodville, have been hyaetedu trsoD visiting at Mr. John Cott on1s. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane,' Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cochrane. N yamÎ71e Ch a ng1 Mr. anid Mrs. Fred Samis held a family gathering last week for Mrs. Laura Walbau Pr babl1e for ,er, Buffalo, .wbo bas been visiting relatives here. Mrs. and Mrs. Leslie Coch-Ê9 0fUnte1C rane and Mr. Howard Cowlingo r d C were guests at Mr. Stan Cowlîng's cottage at Bald Lt appears th4t the United planning fo Point Lake. Counties of Northumberland- ties left ot We are happy to hear that Durham will be re-named the Regionali Miss Susan Brock is conval- County of Northumberland. original-tas escing nîeely at home after Port Hope's Town Counicil lished laàt surgery. uprea eouint hsdvlmt Miss Luanne Cotton iq ppoted atweouon tothisCoeveropme entertaining Miss Lorraine efect latiweek1uonf they o bamorga Cloutier of Jolliette, Quebecrcm edto ofMyrHmln after spending two weeks Michael Wiadyka. Mayor M there. The Port Hope Mayor was ed, "we ha Several from here attended one of fourîmunicipal politic- terms of rej Oshawa fair. Duncan Brock îans from the east end of the force bere'ý made bis trip worth while United Counties who attended 15 municip when hie exhibited peanut a meeting recently in Toronto United Cou butter cookies and got first with Hon. John White, Provin- the former prie. What are you young cial Treasurer and, Minister Of At the Qt ladies doing? Economics and Intergovern- ing, both N~ Witb so mucb activity deal- mental Affairs. Cobourg Mayor Wla îng with peas, beans, cherries. Mayor Jack Heenan, Hamil- amalgama bernies, etc. everyoneis toc ton Township Reeve Gordon with Hami], busy to make much news, let Carruthers and United Coun- Port H-ope alone read it. ties Warden Weston Banîster, ship. How, the Deputy-Reeve'of Hope White indicî MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Township, also attended' the until the WEEKLY REPORT , July l7th meeting. Mayor committee For. the week of July 16-22 W-ladyka reported that it was un with gi inclusive. Admiss-ins ..60 Birtbs - 2 male, 2 emale .4 Discbarges .,. . .8 Major Operations . . Mino Opeatios _ 22 Visitin;g bours 3-8 p.m. daily. ag'£reed at the meeting that the structuing i name "NorthumbI-erland" palities- Ieft woüuld save c (onfusion ith the land. " new ego of Durhamv. The 'comn The four-miemben delega- met on Frici -ioný hauone to QuIern's Park -ilrepartit to) ask the province tü rein- of the United state the task force studing on Julv 25th Mrs. Maýrie Tobin, Cobourg, Air and Mnrs. Sydney Morneil, D' \y and Ed., Iroquois were wkndvisitors wit Mr. and Mr.Fred Draper.M1r. and Mr.Ken cude an adNichole, ape 'Grovcé, weeSunday ,evenming callers atw teDrapers. M0rs. Roy Werry, Mrs. Bill Werry, Gayle and Dawn of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff- ord Green, Elizabeth, Roy and Ernie of Hemmingfond, Que- bec. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry of Kedron and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich of Osh- awa, were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mrs. Bill Werry and girls were weekend bouse ;ruests and al joined in the Werry Picnic Centennial Cele- brations held Saturday and 'unday at Blackstock, Ont- ario. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Elizabeth and Peter of Etobicoke were Sunday supp- er guests witb his parents. ENFIELD eTa'sk Force Rem ainder >un fie, or those municipali, )ut of the Durham Government. The tk fonce was estab- tsummer to study cnt in Pont Hope, id the Townships of and Hope. ltladyka comment- ive asked that the eference of the task wised tQ include the palities lef t in the unties, rather than rfour. " ueen's Park meet- Mayor Heenan and adyka pnessed for ation of Cobourg ton Township and Swith Hope Town- 'ever, Treasurer ýated he would wait United Counties of Reevýes comes guidelinies for ne- ralI the 15 mu>"nici- 'in "Nonthumben- mittee of Reeves lay, July 2oth and cd Counties Council ,h. Letter fo Edifor 25 King George's Rd. Toronto 21, M8-.yX 1K9 Jul]y 21,1973. Dean Sir, The Scott Paper Comý,panyv, in celebration of its fiftieth annivensary in Canadça, re- cently commissione-d ten, art- ists to cos and pa;int one example of fine old pionieer structure in, each of the provinces. The collection of ten pnînts in now offered to the pbic. The painting representing Ontario is of the Vanstone Mill in Bowmanville. To obtain a set of pnints, on 'e must send bis name, address, two wrappers from any Scott product, and t hree dollars ($3.00) to Scottl Prînts. Box 3500, Vancoýuver :3. B',C. 1 am not iconneted wtbthe Sýcott Paer Copany, but after !eeg te prints, and ýsented, i feltyour read-erIs might find it of îniterest,. Dues not dent like metai - Higb 'Does itot conduet eiectricity or attraet jimpact-resistance. iigbtning.' N" veer needs paint - durabiiity is buiit Resists damaging effects of acids, sait L..J m not painted on. water, sun, nain, oil, etc. oltcolon clear thnough - 40 times Elinsulates against cold on heat. E.' bicer hana cot o pant.Muffies' outside noises - assures a QMars, scars, abrasions don't show. E quieter. more liva ble home, Q Ioesnetpei, iak, crrde r rst.flGoes up easily over wood, ashestos, L1stucco or masonry walls. 1.i Dwý ood, or wetrlkeetal. ostre like Completeiy covers split, warped, faded wood or wea lik metal.or peeled outside walls. fL'ý;asy to dlean - with sponge and soapy El Stays beautiful wherever you live. v.J ater, or simply bose down. O Does neot support combustion. T K D A T G FS M E DOIT *SSOeeeO SAVINGS * DO IT NOW and SAVE *FREE ESTIMATES EXCLUSIVE * A EO E TN OT CANADIAN *SAEOHETGC0T DISTRIBUTOR COVERING ALL 0F ONTARIO- HAVE THOUSANDS 0F SATISFIE D CUSTOMERS - NMANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN SOLID VINYL SIDING Cali John Goodfellow Anytime LOND(, BUILDI p ROD1)MU 229 Adelaide London, 0 at 728-9211 or Ma%,il coupon to-dayj ILondon Building Products, 1229 Adelaide St. N., London, Ont. ATT' Mn. John Goodfellow lAt no obligation to me, i would like a free *iestimate on Contour T-iok* soiid vinyl siding *and installation for my home. I N G :Pnint Name ............. IPrint Address............ Prn iy.....Prciv.....Zip . I own my own home. It is . .Frame - .Brick, vCernent Block . .Stucce . .Other Please phone for appointment.. Send, free St. N. 1IS-page folder.é nt, lMy phone number is ............. w~ - ~ - - ---- -- ---- tted with honors from the University, of a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in hfe has been accepted by CUSO, and will ng Home Economies in a high school in icher at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, summer with Canadian Crossroads ncock) graduated in June with honors lIumbia with a Bachelor oif Arts Degree. ters' Association, Vancouver. M4r. and Mrs. Jim Hancock, Elmvale. Mary Hancock, left, graduat Guelph in May. She was awarded