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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1973, p. 1

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\7011UN'f', li9 Bowanvllemerchants were blessed witlh ideal weather for their aninual Sidewailk Sale last week, and thie crowds turned out en masse to, enjoythsecl bargains and otIher attýractionrs. After a busy three days, and two even.ings, m-ost of the store owners reported excellent business ïand clerks comnpiaiýýned of aching Ieg muscles and tired bodies after being Onthi feet thro.ugC-hout the sale. This youngi fellow in the carrnage ïoprpears "toý be com-plaining 'because somebody is blocluing his view of a storwinow Jon D, Gow vi ng Joins Staff The NUDoardoftEdcatiPm ment of HlnMLed affe 39 Marae enior Publi bas a new Supnnedntoper ervitoeucation Shoolin 'îgaa ais Instruction. He I onDTn,( gwo is pre 1,senî ak hisnwdtewt h Gowving a formner senior public thewrincpal I hPincess Woti LuedýIonP eTwýo scnoal principal foni Njiagana ne-Cesary due wo the reire R sre id e e to The draw lp n oneyat i CU. eintht -, fvieNMr. nmenîal Hearing Bord eld - stok onTuesday morning, f4$100. Tht- event war a retSue(cesS. aidied con- aplctonse.R.Aboe en of IR. R 2. saa ots 02 Cigar Ashes Improve Flaîvor R esidents Questi'on Iyr sProposais Crowds of dlose to 30 residents from Clarke "oaore Danlîngton and East Whtby Townships pack ed into the gym atM.J H1obb-s School nearM Hiampton to attend the sn g twý,o Ontanio 1-ydr- 1,naWc A sponsored pulic met ings on July 23rd andli-sînu 24th. Ad by mneetings chair- muan Normani M nng tepe oanswer the comm many, often angry que- ý- tionls fired at the concerning the proposed routes of the 500,000 volet power unes Srom Len- fox to Oshawa. ' Monday's meeting, c the first of i1o Hydro has scheuiedalong the 100 Mil rote of the power corridor, began at 8:00 1pm n asted until close to maidnight.le sbpsuged Hydro to loca1te a%~.'- foutb, 2,400ff feet wîide corridr-u anhnnortb ha he thee1 A8 (coftinî on Psq4-l'wo)ï SELB GRNT IESF Word wa reeied hi m1-orning that wvell-knowni Selb Grat ofBowAn1an wP1e, Mho for many years Vsd , thil] eil ing anid roofing business heýre died of a hecart attack Tuesdayý at Burk's Fails, Otro Funeral arrangement, are stitl uneertatin aïs bis daughter , IVrs. Geo. Bebee and ber husband could fl bloat",a te are on a1 cpigtrip 'o the a oatThe ýbody wuill b e brjou;ght home,ý to Northc-utt zbOt Fune1ra!l Homne fi service -and burial. ~X~i~MM The a uditoriumn of M. J. Hobhs Public Schooi was a busy rough tlime, especiaily at the Monday in ghti meeting. This spot on Monday and Tuesday as residents of the area who may photo shows two people from- the audience on thleir- feet asking have their properties affected by the proposed 500,000 volt questions whiie officiails prepaire to write themn down on1 large power corridor from Lennox to Oshawa swarmed into the sheets of paper before replyiing. place. They wanted answers and gave the hydro officiais aj SPECIAL MEETING F b)(eenal led iitfor Thu1rsýday .July 26th Il t7:30 ito deal it Il clm phintsfroill resiet homes bouiii the .area rc Ptl. tis udstood fcbuider wilI, be ' pee tltemeig 'BITS wD PICES Durham Liberals Get Together To Plon Reorganizatione Act vities- Waltr BathCbarmàn oie the Cetrai nlario Jointl -PlaningiBard, i, berng motdas t ir Ist Chair ma ilte new Dunbamn The reetyeetdexecu- wa sabîsedto review th Ilve ati ia 91roup of entIusias- Rdn raiain ntal Libenai lAssociation nmet at th comitc eeMn. KEte pl Wa h home of Mnr. ant iMrs. Aian vis!e, Mn. K. Van1 Nest and,~ ~ Býeer on Sa.,,tuday evening, Mn E. Scoit. D',Jxikev !3rL> ebolJ I at Earniy discusion nreisocii a n n d r ais i cuC,> Ir f arouind ocnztinrnan isfolwdAKomtp acres oi annsdae ptGOE naroHdocranl inth Or the Riding.Acmîte asa an~r lndli ste~rthei cus aylstweekwhen soi1T1hQdy goofçd iC solid w~.-md ~-utnti s out to hûs cidr)but eeîns Septem~ber The Site is mocateio 0 proposedi powe-r corridors that didn't correspond Da mninadcanwng tI-îmcaps in the newspaper adverti sem ents. - of anckes officiais can dIo l smiie gnJimiy and say thy'Cre r grarnA of Pancses rmyA The Lions Club) did a roaring business atý their W-esterni-style bre--aklfast on Sunlayj oring t teirBeech Avenue ComimunityCet, wre in iin to, thie Anti;que- Car Club guests, a large num-lber of 13owmianvile èciens turned up. Fortunateiy, there was pletity of food MAth mny o the early mnorning breakffasters digging inito second helpirsgs of sausages bacon and flapjacks. Officialirmixer of the pancalke batter Dr. Ed wvert %vas kept busy puigOut lhis special mi-ixtuire, while Rance Dillig loksonin t i ctr.Drï. E-wirt assured The Statesman mtographer that cigar ashnes realiy add an initjeesting fiavýo-r to thýe HUL MAN - WVe know that feelinig ail too well in the newsp)aper business. Last week, ýevery- thing wasc,going w-eII until the paper came off the presses when We not1iced very qutickly that the! pictures on the froynt page had been prinit- ed ini reverse. As a resuit there was a lefti handed han4 hak y the Lions President, a left-handed accordio~n player andl a souithpaw, guitar player. That was bail enough but on0- page t wo the Artrek artist and the, M-a pie Grove Cubs changed places, proving once agintat humnans make mistakes. NEW BUCKETS - The town 's main street has, been suppiied with some new and very attractive garbage containers by Mlaris Veitri of Mvaianna Deveiopments. There are lots of them available now, so please heip to keep Bowmnanviiie dean by using them instead of just dropping your junk on1 the sidewaik when you are through with it. BLOOD ')ClINIC - Next Wedniesday, the Red cross Blood Clinic will e held at the Lions Centre on Bteech Avenue from 1: 30 to 4:30 andl 6):30 to 9:00 p.m. At this time of year becaus-e tif the nmber of mî,otorr accidents and other resnthe demand for biod transfusions is at an ail time highi and mn donors are awýay on hoidays. So, please drop ovýer and leave a bit of the lie.aigstuff. You miit need some onie of these 41ays and wouldn't it be awful if the blood bank was bare?1 VARIETY NiGHT -- 'Wel, we had the hdianous donkey basebailigame on Tuesday that everybody seemed to enjoy, now the-re's anothier attraction comiîng uip on Thursday at the Tow,ýn Hall wýhenj the Recreation D--epartm-enit_ wi present a Vaniety PNigcht, probabiy featuring artists from the' piaygrounds w7ho have been working hard preparing thei-r specialties. Everybody's welcome and best of ail it's FREF! Th-at's at 7:00 p.m.ý LOST Someyoungster lost his or her wnist.. waktch at the wading pool at Mmra Park. Wts at the Recreation office waiting to be restoreil to as ightful owner. SPUD THIEF - We find it hard to beIieve but hear a rumor that, an area farm-er is most upset, flot over the proposedé hydro, power corridor through hbis property, but som-tethîng else. Thle %way we heard it h'e went out to ]ook at, his potato crop the other morning and somne miserable lhum-an s1kunik had dug up and stoIen the whole wrkNo doubt that farmer was annoyed to put it mildiy mnv ho coiîld bï,1n irn' mntînuedon Page Two) À cnowd ni close it~ i~t.o n~i-d tiannie wt.h NC~ ls eas )provi For High Schools Peginning thîs Septembier. >iecondary school students ti thi, ÎNonthumriberla nd-Durham ýi11 Board of' Education area wil bo ta1ught the tacts abtim veneneal diseaýse. T'he board tussuniani Plan Public Meeting ut Tyrone Hext Mort. At the, public meeting hpld by OntniHyro lasýt Monday e-venling III M .J Hohhs Public Sehool, manIy peopie put forth ieasons to oppose ali of theý altnt high výoltage po,ýer line routesý propomed by Ont- ano1 Iyr nd their Cons-ulII Rsdnsol EstWhIitby Darlington and (lreTown- ships who would be interested in submnitting a;lca resi- dents' brief to the Solandt Commission are urged Io atted a meetig in th Tyrone Com-mnIy Hall on MnndayJ, july 3t)th ai 8:00 p.rn. s1harp. T'his 1metng willH asically consider proposîng a moicre Northerly route. probabl near the Stb concession of Eaý1St1 WhIlîtl 1 th0e (9th ;)l l)airlIngtoii and the 10th ni Wl)URH!AM rEXH11B1TI1tRS UWIN MN F.VRA ARM At *)hawýa Fait. lasi îI ý wadsaet u ei- de-Its uit Durha tlm1k[Lunt. 1 '11 v on ttev1- T Sïtaknle tUagg lrophii 4 ontht moeSi diiinand M],r. W ýDill- [inan pies heBwm ti.b~(itt.G.R.Gotham (ni ;11t4og the, pnie inic litht- Agriý i tural cas .-b. Glen ~elyGlasý doîninate'd the enîIes.i Sio4xde n . R.i . iand T. .Pesne .R winr.along ith Clan tncTmk oif R. W.1, specat dctoa kit the disease tbno'eughoL ihtaca higýh schoM decision cmewaýipte Dr, lotte Horneribe ý,NI (CntnutionPage 'I 1take on nthe local Kinsmýen in a e gamnl idonkey bsebal o Tl'eiudonikeys cranyp Ad their 1reputiation !forn'stubb- e d onss o heserv ice c-lub membrs Sme o0t&eantîm1 on ftedonkey's wo l hae abý0!ou beri more a0 bo1 r il is.Th nders. T'lhe besiinqustlot, Char was nameti iNicky anti be (on y tied ait 8 to atten tlireo long, !Ènnings anti adonkey race to br-eak the tie aswon y Kiwalis Club mnem-ber.ý T E'vg amroe bore onlly a passin-g nesemlance to hamst-- bai u a couiple of undretid childiren ildii't ea-lly seem to isd thatanti hati a whale fa The Kiwanîs clu raiset over $150kfortheir teasuny thî-ougb the game, pa"rt of whc iibe useti to, purchase an em-ergency boat for the Bowmainvîlle Fmre Depart- ment. Werry Clan Has ils Own Cq'at of Arms During tie î00txi annmversary MWerry 1pi1Cmn1C, celebrations in Blackstock- last weekend, it was dîsciosed that the famîily has ilts own coat ofarsshw here by Mrs. Glenni Larmer. The plaques are available from a-,firi i in Wýinipeg, at a cost of$2.0 VOLUM~~ 119 .3 Paues NUMBER 30 18_P , ages 1 ý thë-,.str-eêt iiajice," ana i, uir Ne

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