6' HTe Canadian Statesman,,Bowmanville, July 25, 1973 Getig KWithiný Hearing Rag W h e n emplo * ees at duce it, hearing protection Goodyear, l'maville, ghould be worni even step into a certain booth where the noise does flot in the plant, it isn't to cause discomfort, says Mrs. mnake a phone, cal or Witherspj-oon. change into a Supermani As for thce employees, costumne. It's to mnake sure they're cooperative. "They their, hearing is pro)tectecd. realize that there are The bootht is sounidproof times when- protection ic and tests are coinducted to needed, so they wear it," determine t'he emnployees' said Mrs. Wther-spon, hiearingn range andi disabil- wnroCl. ities if anyv. Tests arenmade Wnfocln on allilnew emp ,o0ye,,es and W ~ ~~T T a.gain a year lte. WemLYIiLLE test themn sooner than this ifthey work in ai place Joint church, service for that's coýnsidered noî)syý," Hope Township charge was said the plant nur-se, Phiyl- held at Canton an 'Sunday' ls Wi-therspocon. miorning, July 22nd with M4r. -The test takes about 15 Hon Hylton in charge of the r4iJnute.s on the averagr, service. He took as the themie Mýrs, Witherspioon sa.id. of his message the story of the Employvees at Bowmiýan- wanderings of the Israelites v.ille must wear earplugs in noisy arueas. ailth6ugh on their way to the promised the plant is notl considered land, illustrated by accounts noijsy as a who ,I\Tobodyg- of their many human failings ever ge tsd to nose. and distress because at times sauid M \'r S. ipo. they showed lack of faith in "they just thinkthyd God. The choir sang two hecause thieir harngbe- special numbers and a beauti- comies less acute." . fui arrangement of white and EIar'PlUgýsa made in red l flwers was thie floral the planrt cInicbyMrs, Witherspoon t's a rî fei tivey siple roc ss, he r.Clifford Brice retuirned says. tsapatclk on Sa,,turday miorning witfîh hs SIlly uttythIatis rmolrdd fieBoyScots who had right in the x, which) completed their bicycle trnp to ariounts to utmmd Georgian Bay and bacýk. Mark earlug." fee says theyý prepared their While t 'he plant's engin- olwn supper and break-fast but deerîng department le con- ate at noan at a restaurant. Sciouis of the noise gener- atdand is seejking o e-They had some ramn the first d-hv hbut nthe.ruïise 2'odunna- Aerial Photo "âhoirs Detail of Road ZCOnstruction aît4West nofBwavle ther. The othier boys were: Andrew McColi. John Groene- veld, John Eymian and Ronni& Van] Dorp. Willie Miller has been iit ing -with friends in Toronto for the past week.. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne réturned last week from a bus trip to Vermiont, stapping a t Corniwall, Ont. and Burlingtan on their xay' . They saw mueh of the area thiat had suffered from severe flooding in Ver- mont and ail crops, as a resuit were backward with tractors still getting stuck in hay fields. This tour was to inspeci, mostly, dairy farms and up ta date ways of hârvesting and storing produce. Clara Darke cam-e home fromn Port Hope haspital Iast week but was obliged to tgo back, again thie next day for further -car'e. Berniece Best wais one of the cuistodians at the Hlistorical Centre in Port Hlope on. Saturdayý and Mrs. C. Dickin- son the previous day. Both were pleased wvith the numbex' Coninie and David of Peter- boroughi are spending a few days with MJr. and Mrs. Hl. (ý d) tofainily is compleng Sa coreof study. The vr dry weather is playýing havoc with gardens and f ruit crops. Bernies lacked their usual size and juicyvness and didn't last long. Mr. and MIrs. George Tuf- ford are away on a trip ta the west and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashby have returned fnom 0T~best rrienid 'àur home ever had!.. A'AILABLE AT- PAINT and WALLPAPER 55 KING ST. W. PHON E 623-5431 Ingfis WASHER SPI - DR YE R ANLSUP TO 12 LB8S. WASHI1NG AT ONCE- NO PUBN HOOKUPS NEEDED TANGLE FREEACTTRWS FIVEYEARFACTRY ARRA'NTY ON GEAR ASSEMBIY ON~YARWVARATY ON [LABOUR A NI)AL OTH1fERPýARTS ONLY I SEE VTHE W',ASHER SPIN-DRYER AN MNYOTHER GREAT IN GLIS A PPLI ANCES AT CarnegieCREST HARDWAE'L1,TD. :,;6ý Kn g's, , Bw ani thein annuial trip t Califorma UIMlUL ta visit Neal Ashibyv whIo has been invalided there since an t accident same years ago. SUNý,LIGHT MFG. PREPRICED7 49c iCA CHOICE !GA FRýOZEN -BEEF, TURKEY OR CHI.CKENl P4 L ozPue 8-F 7lFLBanquet8O Business Directory Liquid 3eui e3e Tchu Meat S49 5 Accouintancy PATC4 PG WM. 1. IH. COOG-NýS ChartIered Accountanit 115 libertyStreet South Bowmnanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL BCorin. Chartered Accountant 3l' Kinig St. E., Osh'aw.a Telephone 725-6539 Chi ropÀr act ic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office~: 15 Elgin Street,' corner of {o-sey Street Phone 623-550q Office- Hours: By appointment Dental- GA 13IO IT IAT(SOIOVARIEliES) Mumîn2m FO ~I"m",.,5o9 c arbecuesac HO-LIDAýY FARM FROZENI Cabbage ReIS BABýY nDiLS,SWVEET MIXED OR RREAD ï, BUTTER' -'KC 7 9c Rose Pîikles DR. ANGUS NM. BLAIR GRAPF. LEMONADE O R ORANGL 26FakD.).,S. J0%Diks> 8 26FakSt., Bowmyanvillîeil Made rlkz 89 (near Dominion Store> Office Hours-: 9:30 a.rn. ta 9 P.m. thm ora y including Saturdayathm orwa Telepihone 623-3181 so G DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon ALL IGA STORES 222 King Street East I H AAINAES Professional Bldg INFTE VACTH AEA Office Houns: FETH Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 SAME LOW PRICES If busy, - 623-4731 FEATURED IN THIS OR. WILLIAM KENT ADVERTISMENT. 222 King St. E., Suite 10C Professional Bldg. Bowrnanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 ta 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E, Bowmanvilke Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday TO AST-,MASýTER ',l(Ml-O 4 OFF) Br;an Muffins <- (PKG HOLLANDIA (5,VARý IES'0 Cookies 3 $ Harvest fMargarine f',69è iGA REGULAR f'OS 113 FL I oauChips (I C7, ""ugar crîsp ',0l'T -& DRY 4 BONUS PACK< PINK (DR WHITE 34 ~ ~ ~ (F FL AIEULR J NbSÇNTE!DI7_FL. OZ zï7JA l Deodorant AFRO TI N si, 27 Lux Beauty Soap 13- PK, NARS ASORTD LAORS OLGTEREGULAR OR WINT ERFRESH .JAOK'S (MYFG. PREPRICED 19C) SJelly Powdors 3 " 2 D ental Cream LTBin CrmlCr 4 PRODUCE OF USA NO. 1 GRADE LUSCIQUS CALIFORNIAA Cantaloupe 7ZEA 9 SALAD TIME ONTARIO NOiGRD LOCAL GROWN LETTUCE LOCAL GROWVN CRISP CELERY STALKS ONTAR ID PROD.UCE 0F REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA OUTSPAN NAVELORANGES AND JUICY rnonp><~ Inr, TII ý, >- In , l,"Toi . , p L29C DOZ 7f SIZE 11 9,C oz55 cELLO SACS JiACK S (MFG PREPRICED 390) 6-O Z. A CELLO Beer 4Nuts i FLAVOR CRYSTALS ASST'D. FLAVORS Hawaîaiin Punch 7 3REEN GIANT, (GIANT SIZEl % 1- Sweet Peas 2 McCAIN INSTANT Mashed Potataées 2TI DEMPlïSTER S (MFG. 4C OFF) on Relia, RF ah- FL Al TINS49 -LBc rI4 9 \A>N r rpnvr TIrpr PiýH Y>I>'k4'- .-'>r-- "Where does he qef the Money! " The fir-st raie -of geltn ahead je to poetwhat you have. çover yourrik and exiosuir- es ith aeuaeinsuraîlct rom tîhe Jme hnsurance Agency liited, to reimburse you for ally lo pmoumay 24 King St. E-, Box 100t BOWMAN VILLE, ONi~APIO Oms..623,5-81 Reidence 62315023 ro Hot Dog Buns rSEIL IG SORTED FLAVORS Drinks,, 26-FL oz. NON- RETURNABLEI BOTTLES IG-A CHOICE Pe0ach Hfalves OZ. TIN »---q r- %»MMRMMMMMRMMUMO