2The CýAnaian Statesrmdn, Bowmanville, August 8, 1973 Area Pol'e1iicians Participate in S eci I eremony in o casti - Recently, appointed' Durham Region mian Walter Beath makes bis first appearance in area. 7 Chair- public DEINIS PIZZERIA S SIMSON AE. - BOWMANVILLE 1 ATITEFiDE 0F DOMINION PLAZA PHONE 623-3301 TAKE 01TSEVC and FREE DELIVERY MI1NI1M UM $2.511 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun. taWed. - la.mtol- Thurs. tb Sat., Ilamn 2 midi n. f0 2z night a. m. I CANADIAN NATIONAL Charterwtays Co. Lîmîfed COMMENCING AUG. l6th TO SEPT. 3rdl INCL. DIRECT TO TH-ENE. GROUNDS FROM THIE FOLLOWING POINTS: LEAVE: Read Down FAýRE 10:030 a.m. NEWCASTLE Soiit st of $3,50 the Newcastle Comnmunity Hall opening to Hall Board Chair-lady Mrs. Pauline. Storks. Rotary Seeking HostsF For Studient Exchange 1,1he lRotary Sudent xch eeýt duri ng their -,ear angePrgam prov 'des for, abîoad. thesecto and spons< rýoship 5. To study and observe ail oÈ, students in the 16 18 ge lacets of lite and cufltuini he group to 'rvelf0 notther countiy , h-eeteyaehs c-ountry to sed12 m-onths ed so that on-their retýurn to) attenîng îgh ehoo andthe r homw countirv thv1 a living with host amîi n paSS onth1 kowedg y e that curyhave, gane byadessin <bjv(ti.eS of the IP rgranePRo tar lusYot gops 1. To fuithitrna nl n oinîtyran goodV'ill and udrtniglos by enaýbling suet osuy TeBwavleRtr at first hand soofthe Club expects 1 pricptei problemsai accoplish thîsprogramme ii(,next year. menrts of peoplen dfern Beginning Jantuary 1,1974 w lands. will be hostîng two students 2. To enable studentsý to f rom abroad. These suet advance their education b will be hotused in three or fou- studying for a year in n local home-(s during the yearý environment enireydfferntn r e 10 fbecome as mucha l 10 their own and uindertakingpr o h fml as possible,>, stody ofcore ids ets nyne eetdubc - not normnally available to(1a dtfaiv<fo eces- them n the ih )Schools of a.rily a lRotarian meniber t their own country .shiould get in touch with Harry 3. To broaden their own Cooke, President of Bowman- outlook by learning to live ville Rotary Club, 623-5474: or with and meet people of Ted Manin, Chairman of Inter- dilterent cultures, creeds and national Student Exchange colors than their own, and by Committee, 623-5509 as soon as having to cope with day to day possible. probleis' in an environent compîeteîy different to the one tbey have experienced at home. 4. To acf as Ambassadors for theiîr own counbry by addressing Rot ,ary Clubs, Communîty organîzations and Youth groups in their host country and by ii-parting as much knowledge as they can of their own country and its *problems to the people they TO ALL RE$IDENTS 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTI!C E 0 F P UB LIC ME E TIN G Wednesday, August 22, 1973 - 7:30 p.me Court Bu'ilding, Chuarch Street, Iowmanville -SUBJECT 0F ME 1ETING Rezonîng PURPOSE 0F MEETING An amendment to the Town's Officiai Plan and Zoning By-iaw bas been propo-sed te permit -the deveiopment of a, Shopping Centre, since the proposai requires the approvai of the Town, the purpose of the mieeting is to explain the planand te obtain your views as te its THE PROPOSAL Tbe Shopping Centre is proposed to locate on a 9 acre site at the south east corerz of King Street and Simpson Avenue. Its total floor area will1 comprise of 111,790 square feet consisting of a Departmnent Store, Super NMarket, several smaller retail stores, a Mail area and substantial par-king area. ANJ INVITATION At the meeting, the scheme wili answvered and your views invited. be presented, your questions Frthinformnation availabie fromi the undersigned. Signed Howard Wight The Secretary, Bowmnanville Planning Board 'Municipal Offices, 40 Temperance Street, Bowm-anvilie, Otario. Appoint New t t rom Page OncIý \Aednesday, Aug. lst at a Port Hope meeting called by Don Irvine, MPP. parliamentary assistant to Treasurer John White. The new task force, called tbe Northumberland Area Task Force. wili replace the year-old Port -Hope-Cobourg Area Task Force, which representatives agreed' was too limited in ils scope. Tl will cover the entire new County of Northumberland, which is noxx a county on its own after part of Northumberland-Dur- ham was broken off to form part of the new regional municîpality of Durham to the ýwest ot il. The task force, Mr. Irvine said. will be given detailed briefings of provincial and municipal plans for growth and development in the area and will be asked f0 assess the impact of Ontarios regional development policies on muni- cipal responsibilities. admin- istration and finance and suggesb changes. The parliamentary assist- ant also said the task force xill be asked Io suggest any municipal consolidation it téeck would lead to more eftective local governmenl iin the county. The committee of elected representalives xill include the Treasurer or his parlia- mientary iassistant along with the Mavors of' Port Hope. C'obourg and Campbellford: the warden of' Northumber- land: the reexe of either Hope or Hamilton toxxnships: a reeve 10o represent the town- ships of' Cramahe and Haldi- mand and the 'Village of ('olhoi'ne: a i'eeve to represent the townships of Murra *' and Brighton and thie Village of Brighbon. and a reeve to repî'esent the townships of' Allan Lawrence, MP, recails time he and other, Conservatives visited 'Mr. Atkinson, a Liberai, asking for heip .. .and were given a warm reception. Perey, Seymour, Alnwick and T D the Village of Hastings. T wnl IM ust Provincial representation (From Page On&i on the technical committee will come from the Ministry of Environment ..il îF Treasury, Economies and In-ne sarvb v(nrspend the tergovernimental Affairs'and$300 allotted for the, main- the area technical staff will be tenance of the dm sie. named sortly.An engineer from,, thý Minis- namedshorly -try had inspected the two Mr. Irvine said the prov-ince gbgedsoaIstsnJl wîill pay any of the nece-ssary 2 41h and sfated in a1let(,er1thaf' operating cosîs of the nevý task hi aka oddm force.requires more dilycoveýr of Along xx1the primnthe garbage tPeimnaethe lary asitn.representativ odors. The nistrv ofca es at the mieeting inclu!ýdd aso stated that "ruhand May'or Michael Wladyka ofM' combustible niateriais should Port Hope, Mayor Jack He-not be deposiîed" at the site nan of Cobourg; Rede (;or southof Highwav 401beus don ('arruthers of 1-ailton of' the risk of tire toxxsh~. ReveHoxard Towxn Engineer Watt had Quantrill of' Hope, Warden asked foran additional $3Ot Wcston Banister ot' Northun- te $15.001> to mlain'tain 'the berland and Durham, Alex dumps, b ut Cnili begrud- Carruthers, MPP, and Joseph gingly granlted him nly an ('urlin. Rýichard lllijngworth a tinl$850-n de and Erneiýst Nitaiofthe that, if that amount fis flot Ministrv ,oif Tea sury,. Eonsufficient. he (can always omics arnd initergovernm,.iental request more at a late-r date. At tairîs, Tour Director Wade Gets Big Kiss From Actress Debbie Reynolds Harrv Wad lom N lls arliaiimnt Buildings in Ot- the Iiioadxxax play reei fle nas recenîiv reurned liromn a lwo-we TnldNations Pilgrirmagie for Xouth tour he conducted for 39 higli school students tomOntario., The UN. tour, sponsored byý Ihe independenl (Irder of O dd Felovs lfIStratford ()nti- ario. <on Julx tftli and visited, iî addîiion 1Io the tUnited N ilions ini New York, the laxva. thue lamous zoo in Gr'anby, Quebec, seve'rail sighls in New York and îtwo,ý d avs i Washington. Local students who madýfe the trip included two young men from Oshawa aniid Janet- ville and lwo grl. ro ort Plerry and Cobourg. The highlight of the tnp) occurred aller the --oup saw New% York. After the perforîn- anc, the play's Star. Debbi)e Reyîîolds, greeled the su dents backstage. When sh e camie to Harry Wade, the hutoyant actress gave, the Deputy Grand Masler a big kiss. MIrs. Wade jkigloldi The Statesman he basn't wvashcd bis lace since. Musical Play 1 (F rorr Page One.) the tille roîe as Moses and he deliveî'ed, a strong and con- virîcing performance. David Gray as Joshua. Moses' right- hand mian. and Joe Caruana,'s Joab, tbe cynical and often hedonis!ie Hiebrew. were also Standouts. as was Doue Lewis as the Pbaraoh. Caruana appeaî'ed lu have one of the strongest voices i thécasl and il's 100 bad we don*t gel to hear more of' bis singing i)efoie the end of' the play. 'Fliccha racler ot Joab plays an important' part in Moses bet'ause as author and direc- i' r'ha rles Ewerl presents il. ,Joaib trefleets the most serious 1)1 Moses' pro<blemns. Moses is presenled in the play, nol as a (eni (md, but ais a vei'v real nwn, besel wîlth doubîs and weaknesses. Joab represen ts. for Mose's, a tailure. Moses nevel' really sucçeeds in inaýkiig .Joa b) a good Christ ian for he is alavs ready 10 lead lhe Ilieres aslrav. mbinthe expedient ni' décadent xxay oul. Foi' aut hor-direclor Fxwo'i'. people like Joab aI xxýavs have been. and always1 \will beu.fileinosl sei'ious bbî'eaI lic CIhri'h'st ian x m o Si t e. ik msl o-ioesoa produclions., Mvoses has ils , laws. Some of the singing wasý ai 1it wobbly and off-kev aI linies but. then aai it was openîng night and the singing, wili undoubtedly improve for subséquent performances. Parts of the- second act tend to drag, such as (lie séquence in the desert, which becomes rather redundant. But, aIl things considered, theflaws are minor. The fact Ihat the play is a totalîy original production cannot be emiphasilzed 10,,o much. Charles Ewerl wrole the play himself white in university, added the lx ries 10 Ihe music and did a compétent job of directing. Bî'îan MacNamara wrote the music. which includes a few sparkîing numbers, particu- larly in the firsl acl, and Doug Luxton is cî'ediled wifh ar- î'anging the music. The costume mistress was Sue Brvson and she too deserves high marks DE[O ITTE, Due 1 September 1982 1983 It's one thîng l'or a theat re gropto present an éstablish- ed play or musical but when the entire production is orig- inal material the achievement is considerably more impres- sive. Chàrles Ewert and company deserve a round of applause for their accomplish- ment Moses will be performed again this week on August 9th, loth and lith at the Newcastle Community Hall C et Cash Today For ONId Appliances through STA TE SMNA N C LA S SIFI1EO0S I Phione 623-3303 J HASKINS & SELLS Ch-artered Accoîjntants <>îuî S N I .t(I1 N.I.NC(I TI ES E~~'ýD BUlXI ITIE IIGW. \1 U, l'~ 'IF1. PHONE 728-7527 10:45 a.m. BOWMANVILLE Old Bus Terminal $350 CHILDREN UNDER 12 HAý,LFPRICE Arrives Exhibition 12 Noon - Entratice te Exhibition Extra Ride the bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffic, parking or crowding for street cars BUSES LEAVE EXHIBITION GROUNDS 15 MINUTES AFTER GRANDSTAND PERFORMANCE SPECÉWIAL GROUP RATES FOR INFORMATION PHONE Bowmanvîlle623-381 1 %Oshowo 72,3-7171 w Amou nt, $1 1000 19,000 20,000 21,000 Price: 100.00 and accrued interest to yield 8. 25 p'er cent Denominations: $1,000 Enquiries or orders for any amount (subject teoatin may be miade through the office of the Town Treasurer Telephone 'No. 623'-3379 or directly te BOURGESS GRAHAMI SECURITIES LUMITED ,14 King Stre-et ýWest 'Toronto Telephone: 416-364-8471 OFFERED FOR SALE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE 8/,4% 1