The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 15, 1973 9 lectrns Ned MirCle t ~--stay Alive as They M4eet Flyers in 4th Plaïyoff Game by* ýjhm Clai-ke another Port Hope Junior Bowmanvill's baïttered and recruit, was given a 9-1 lead bewildered Lectrons will be atter three frames and that attempting to put the pieces \vas more than enough. Bave back together iýstarting at 7«30 Bemma and Wayne Hlogg, tonigbit in Port Hope's both four for five, with two and Agricuulture Pairk. tbree RBI' respectively, Tbey enter the fourtbi gamne e Pr lp"pemr in the best of seven plauyoff s on poer Pofr t hop'regmer thewrng ti o al o:ý )ulýBemma is nine for 14 and It's objective "staY a l"as Hogg is PighIt for 13. the BoFnil rw e- Manager Stain ton must group folloing Snda'dv- have a mamimotb teaml effort astating 232 umiliation. tngti h Eetosepe Porwt IHope, winners over tonighisfr the ctoshexpect Bowanvll0a year ago 41o1 ie seso xvud oetorgitra ordef'eat. Their pitching, one of thi tog points for most of game swý\eep by capturîng tîeirseason, utrgigt tonight's match before their tu fthy hoeasn uto rong home fans. ocifte oetprln After claiming 9-8 victorles the series. in hefirt wo ams i tis Jtîst how much Port Hope e years round, Port Hope ~epn h Vcu r unleashed a 21-hit barrage indon the psycbological Sunday's runaway triumpti. teeter-totter really won't be The Flyers' pitching, anything known until tonight's fourth but impressive over the first gaéufls . two mnatches was supïer'b in the If a fiftb game is required, it third gamne. Harry Livingston will be played on Saturday at limited the Locke TV bunch to,4:00 p.m. at Soper Creek. We only tbree bhits. lî singles, expect themn to. still be in Despite their losses in ato audyado b gamles one and twýo, Bowman- road to a complete recovery vill's waters appd ot aafter tonight's contest in Port total of 27 is. Lvingston, Hope. EFI1EL D Mrs. Ken Sohm, Dagmnari and Sabine, Osbawa., Mr. and1 Mrs. Walter Rutherford, Cao and David, Coîbourne, were visitors at the Pascoe home.1 Mr, and Mrs.' Fred Samisi and Miss Dianne Sfart, visifed a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols, Port Carling. 1 Miss Bonnie Wright st ayed ai week witb her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wr;tigbt, Lindsay. '1 ' rfi.S Mr. and Mrs. Don GrfiS side, bave returned from a ~tour of Kentucky and surr- ounding States. MisNancy Wrigbt has been îitber aun, Nrs. J. L. tGabraith,Osaa Mr.Keith Bavey, Elaine and Garfb visited Miss Evelyn ýVunningham, Brantford and attnded the Shaw Festival at Ni'agara during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffîn, N. sýde, were guests of Mr. and Mdrs. Merv, English and fam- ily, Newcastle. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larmier, 'Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Simpson have returned from a tbree week. tour of Europe. Wbile, there they met Mr. and Mrs. John schoontterbeek at Nij- kirk, Holland, and joined tbem in touring thaf area. Mr. and Mrs. Schoonderbeek are spen- ding a montb in Holland visiting witb relatives and. motoring to places of inferest. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coolidge and famiily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham, Oshawa, visited MJr. and Mrs. Don Griffin, S. side. Mr, & Vrs. Frank Gravelle and An!drea, Oshawa, were visitor-s witb tbe Brock's and MacKay,0s. Mrs. Eldon MacKay, Keith and Brent enjoyed a week holidaying at Bancroft. Mr. Syl Berry, Maple Lake, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hurler 'Hawk' Akey Wins Cowle Memorial Trophy NIGH'ýT HAWKS BOWLING Team-, 1 - B.1gdnJ. Rowe, A. 'Min.BPieM.Ees Team 3 -A. Sam!-an, A. Loru- s Sc. Bowney, .I Bykstra, 1. Hulme, G".Dks tra, B., Nimigon, J. Lambnerlt. WbuJ. Dixoni, D. Devos, . 6 B smith, A. Burgýess, 1. Wrigbit., R.Wybn-1)C aS. Brinkmran, Joan Anoewishing f0 owlon lea-gue caîl Marion Knaýpp '623-5263 -or MalbelTrme 623-3146.- Ally Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct 17 Schedule 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 5-4 3-1 2-6 1-5 3-2 5-6 5-6 5-6 1-6 2-5 4-1 6-3 4-5 1-2 ffl Ct. 24 1-4 ý5-3 6- Oct 31 6-3 2-4 5- NŽov. 7 2-5 3- 4 Nov 14 4-3 6-5 2- Nov 21 6-1 3-2 4* " Nov 28 5-2 4-6 1- ~ ~ ecS -4 5-3 .Dec 12 3-6 2-4 5-1 -Dec 19 5-4 6-1 2 Th elHlo,"a rd Cowle Memorial Trophy for the player who bias contributed the most to the GET CASHI TODIAY Intermrediate Electrons bil club during the seasonwas presented Sunday afternoon to a surprised Fr oLI API N and delighited Gary "Hawk" Akey. He is shown at Ieft, receiving the trophy from Norm andà Fred POEq33O Cowle, brothers of the late Howard Cowle, a member of the basebali executive for many years. Smith -and family. Other visitors at -the Smith home were: Mr. and Mrs. William Street, D)over, Del., Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hatfield, Oshawa, Mrs. Oliver Keefer, Norwood, Thiere was ai very good attendance at Maple Grove United Church on Sunday mn-in-ig. Mr.' Ken Brooks, accompanied by Mrs. William1 Laird on the piano, conducted a 10 minute "hymn sing" betore tbe regular service with the Rev. L, M. Somerville iii charge. The service oni Suinday. Aug. l9tb, will be held at Ebeniezer United Cburch af 10:30 am.witb Mr. Ken Conratlatonsto Mrs. J. Ar1tur Barnesý, Base Line, who woni 20 prizes ouf of 28 entries in the Oshawa andi BititGladiolus Society's Anual Show at the Memorial Park, Bowmanville on Satur- dayiý. Mrs. Barnes took 9 firsts, : seconds and 3 third prizes Mr,. and Mrs. Rod -White- sie Dnroon, visited ber site îr, and Ms Gordon Mr. and r. oet ee anld famqily were rcetdinner guests of their aunt and grandmi-other, Mýrs. Rex Fow- [et, and !Mrs. 1Maud Fowler, Wbiby.Theoccasion being Mr. and MsKees' 2oth Mri. anid Mrs. J. G. Spicer, Toronto, Mrs. Pearl Richard- son, Tuscon, Arizona, were Sunday supper guests of the former's cousins Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. Bob Snow- den. Mrs. Richardson remain- ed for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Wrigbf visited bis father, Mr. Norman Wright, Hillsdale Manor, Osh- awaý and called on bis, sister Mrs. L. J. Bradford the samne evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Grant, Winn1i ipeg, Manitoba, were Tbur Ïsdiay and Friday guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swallow. Mr. and Mrs. Grant accomlpaniedMr and Mrs. Swaliilow to Toronito on Fia andl-- visited Mrs., M.A De(nSem. Master Kevin White is visiting with bis couosins Bey- erly and Ricky Stapleton, Ajax. Mrý. and Mrs. Carlos Cryder man and Susan, Guelph, visited bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman. Susan is spending a holiday with bier grandparents. Mr. Norman Bown, Eben- ezer, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swall- ow attended the McKee-Bow- ney wedding at Trinity UJnited Churcb, Bowrnanvilie on Sat urday afternoon- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boye, Suitton, were F,ýriday guestso Mr. and Mrq. Stephen or and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGûîrk and Barbara have returne-d home from holidays in que- bec. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford SwalI- 0W visited Miss Margaret Perkins, Sunset Lodge, Bow- manville on Saturday after- noon, Mr. and Mrs.HaeGod have returned from hliay whbis parents in New Brunswi,ý cký Miss Ete Cryderman and ,Mr. Rlailb Cryderman flew to VanouvrB. C. on Sunday monngf spend 2 weeks vis;iting_,frinsand, relatives in Vancouvýer and Edmonton, Alberta. Mr. and Howard Cry- derman and Ralph and littlýe miss Susan Cryderman,,Guel- phi, attended the Foley 13eun- ion on Sunday at Cedar Park, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Free- mnan visited witb their daugbt- e r, Mrs. E. L. Gilbank, Orono, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright were Sunday evening callers witb Mr. Fred SHarris and daughter Miss Bonnie Harris, Wbitby. PM TO VISIT CHINA, Prime Minister Trudeau announced in Calgary that he will visit China, meet -,vith Chinese officials to discu3s trade matters and 11hliak 'ith Premier Chou En Lai, mn mid-October for -about two weeks. Mr. Trudeau was invited by Premier Chou to visit China, during the visit of- former Industry, Trade and Comn- mierce Minister Jean-Luc. Pepin in the spring of 1971. Mrs. Paul Espfie, Brooklin, Mr. and, Mrs. Alvin Johnson, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stata, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Bevon and friends, Mvr. and Mrs. Jim Allîson From a Western town Io Frewvalkers from Fiji It's the biggest Ex ever! 'TH ECNESTARTS Neyeri iietore bas the Worlds Larges Annual Exhibition, offered sncb a stun- ning vaî-iety of sights and sounds. The Scoottish World Festival (Aug. 1 --vvll drawv over 100 of the vvorlct1s finest pipe bands, including thefae Band of the Gurkhas from Nepal, appearîng for the first lime in North Ar.-erica. Higb lights include a Parade &'~ Massed Bands through down- lown Torcýnto Thursday, Aug. 16 at 1 1:00 a ri ), the Inter-Continental Pipe Band, HghadDancing and rum Major Cha.nrnponships in the Grandstand (Aug. 18 & 1ý9, Tickets-$ 1,50), and a stirring M4n.,ýary Tattoo eý-ach evenîing at 8:00 witb a casýt of over 1,000 and featurîng the celebirated RCMP Musical Ride, aaierec of style and preci- sion. Ticke-ý,s $4 00 & $5.00)ý TheUS.1R Pavillon, s0 big il occupies ti entire 40,00 '0 square feet of thenenainlBuildinig, will be displaying everything f rom records to rolling milis a nd wavi-tches to wines. The Russians are also pretsentîng the world- renowned S-,3viet Red A>,rny 3Song & Dance- Festi'ý'a; on the ianit Grandsiand stae (Aug. :0-23 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets $ 400, $ 5. 0 0 & $ 6 .QO). Uniroyal TtlîriIIl ies-rsne by Uniiroya Caýniires, (bis world-faMous group of dr-ei drivers will amaze audiiences itbh their fantastîc skill in the Grands -tAd M)atminee, 2:30 p.m. daiiy, Aug. 20 Seýpt. 3 Tickets $150. (Spccial V/2-price famirradissioni tickets are available t yor nearby (Uniroya-l Centr-e] Calgary Corrl-an al-new exhibit in ~the formeýr Ontario Government Build- ing. A recreated western town where you can even pain for gold-real gold! Fiji Firewalkers-Making their first vîsit to Nortb America, this amazing group wiHl perform their Iegendary ceremony every day but Sunday. You'll hardly believe your eyes! LoblawsDancing Waters-anotber fascînatîng new attraction. Yçiull be spellbound as hundreds of fountains dance in multi-coloured brillance to music in the Horicultural Building. Evening Grandstand Spectaculars (tbrough Sept. 2 at 8:00 p.m.). Each greai show is beadlinéd by sncb top international stars as James Last, Guess Who, Tom Jones,Cha rley Pride and many more. (Tickets-$4.50, $550 & $6.50)ý Then there's the sparkling Aquarama Wate r Show .. the Canadian I nternational Air Show, Aug.31-Sept.3 ... the Big Bands thé glamorous Miss CNE Contest (Aug, 15... the mile-and-a-half Midway .countless exhîbits from home and abroad . ..a wide array of sports. ..and mucb more, Remember, most attractions are FREE once you're insidethe grounds, Surely, the greatest i2amily-A-Fair ever1 CAINADIAN NATIlONAL EHBI1TIO0N* Aug. 1 5-Sept. 3 Toronto Open Sundays Admission so Grounds: Adulis $1.50, Senior Citzens and Students $1.00, Chîldren 50e. CNE AD MISSION GETS YOU INTO ONTARIO PL-ACE FRE-EEI ïMen's Town League Softball Plyo")f f SBe g rnL a»Nfigl Fraynks MeigK by Terry Baker entertainmient comne downý?- to p.m. Vou won't be disappoint- Fran,,îk's Variety will host Memorial Park next Tuiesday, ed as ail fouir teams are evenly Kramp's and Stephens hosted Wednesday and Thursdayt,, matched ànd capable of win- Ellis Tuesday night (Aug. 14) nights. Games start at 6,:30ý ning the playoffs. in the first g ame of the best of f ive semi-finals at Memorial Park. Only Tuesday will see carnival but next week the Mrs., Elizabeth iPaýtton, St. e-ssful in tLhe Rloyal Conserva teams will play on Tuesday, Thomas, and bier sist(er Mr1ýs. tory Examinations lor. vi Wednesday and Thursday Leora Gascon, Toronto, visit- winter and summer sessions nights. ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grade Viti,. Marianne Cliffi In last week's action Ellis Carr. ord, Marilyn Youngman; downed Kramps 9-8, Franks Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grade Vil, Sherry Johnstor, defeated Stephens by default, Spiers, Buffalo, N.Y. spent the Karen Youngman, and Pati and (lien bombed Ellis 10-5 on past week withMr Walter Preston received first class Thursday night and in the Neals. honors; Grade V, Judy Kerr. other game on Thursday nigbt Dr. John Clark and family, Sharon Palmer, Grant Curtis. Stehen bet Kamp 106.Niagara Falls, visited with bis Lynn Armstrong received Howie Bryan, Len Kenny mother, Mrs. AdtClar7ick for honors; Grade Ili, Janel and Burton Sine paced Ellis' the weekend. Darroch, Bawn White, Chery] Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Jordan Preston, with Susan 'Ryleý win over Kramps with-tiiree visited with their son. Ross receiving honors; Grade Il bits each while John Kramp who is a patient in Oshawa H ilonor marks were receivec and Harvey Webster had two Hospital. by Karen Rowan,Kimberleý each for Kramps. Kenny (1-4) Mrs. Norman Neals, Elm- Hioy, and Lorianne Mulligar: tossed the win and Webster vale, visited with lier mother, Grade 1, Hughie Clifford witl (7-5) took the loss. Ken Mrs. Thomnas Jackson and Johnny Curtis receiving hon Cryderman (first) homered sister MrJ1,s. Loriane Sitb. ors. Grade Viii- Singing: for Kramps and Bryan (first) Mrsý. BleSitbl and Mrs.,,,Iarlene Smith. Preliminar3 bomered for the winners. Jean Argue haveiretud Tbedry, First Class Honors Jim Beam (three for five) home frointhe wetcat rara Gillen and Lois Barroch and five R.B.Is paced Royal ConsevaýtorywSUtsHonors, Heather McGill an( Franks over Ellis. Woody Lee, The followin)g ppîs f Mrs. Hlen VanBeek, Pass, Da]E Bave Cryderman and Ron Jeanne MVc lahoni were succ-. Youngman. Hayes added two hits eacb. Rick Woolner had three bits P for Ellis and Boug Leddy two. Keith Anders-on (4-2) tossed the win while Burton Sine (0-6) took the defeat. Beam (sec- ond) homered for the winnerS. A John Dragstra and Jîm R yhorchuk led Stephens witb two bits each. Mike Cornel(' and Ken Cryderman had three each for Kramps Furniture. Lyhorchuk (third), Bill Oa kes first) and' Steve Watson (third) homered for Stephens. Terry Baker (6-2) tossed the in while John Kramp (2-5) took the loss. WoodyLee of Franks won the batting title witb a .457 average. Ken Cryderman led the league in R.B.I.'s (21), triples', bits and at bats, Stev,.e Watson and Jim Ryhorcbuk led the league in bomers witlh three each. Watson and Doc Adams tied for the league lead ini runs scored with 24 and Bria n Blackbu<rn led the- league with seven doubles. In the pitching department, Harvey Webster led the, league in gaines (m3), comn- plete games (11), inning pted(86 and one-thîrdl) an1d games won with svn er Bakerý ui of Franks 'had 5 strikýe-outs to lead in ha depatrtment. Terry Baker.o Stephens (6-2), Jim ybr cbuk of Stephens (4-0) and M Terr~y Baker of Frns, 61 bad other winning records of1 note, as did Harvey Webscter11 (7-5) and Kei th Ande rson (4-2) e of Franks. If you want sorre 1fine