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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1973, p. 11

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Mrs. Sam Brereton Phone 987-4221 Newcastle 's Civic Holiday Parade Photos Before we da or rite1 ettes for a ny inconvenienice we Ma" have caused themi by1 incorrectly reporting the wrnnme of the winner of pher Chase Loujnge which1 was raffled Off at tho Lion' Ca niMonda y, Aug. 6. The winner was R.; Fredricks of Bowmcanvile, flot Mrs. Aud- rey Flether as we reported. Do hope this straightens outi any munderstanding! Throughout our last week- end clebrations we were pleasanitly surprised to see, many famniiar faces back in1 the villge. Tuoe we were so pleased to see e Mr ajndi Mrs. Bob Shupak an-d Karen ofI Toronto, Mrs. ShupIlýakas thei formier Jean Sy)Hlms O ALL Wma. P, Johnsto'n a ud G rea se fURNClA(ýE INSTrALLATIONSý AND REPAiRS Sional Convention in Ottawa. MIr. and Mrs. "B3uster" 1 ari n Mr. and Mrs. Tom -ast/e pne lpenlthe weekend with M1r. aind MIrs. Ed.ý Neilson n ~oiT Sharb-totLaýke. /e t.iitrwf M.and ( !era! Mrýs. jac4k Pruner and grl \veiî'Mr. and "Mrls.J im Mr and Mrs. (hrlsGlenny Murphy amnd boyVý ofTIroquois. ancd daughter i Lindlsay 1Ontl remembher tf0 Glene's !froin Vil1sit's1ib i'l. and Mr thefarm on 115 or 35-)as ýif was VEdmund ý(1Majer anud IMaýryvsia thien, "\rl"Ace Clarke from over flie bholiday weeken-d Ottawa. Teie er o doubf were Mr. and MsChris others aiilthei(y were in to nuamkins and Kimberly,Mr their old frens ould be and Mrs. Greg Tonpkins anmd delîghfed f0 know they are Honniie. Mr. and Mrs. Danny well se wby not let us know ilritton, ail of Toronto. Mr about their viitand 's A. Milne and Andrea Mr. aind M1rs. Tom Spn0e.1o Port Hlope. Pvt. Gary Mr. nd rs. Buser" arrs Mjer. stationed at Corn- and Rleeve and ciMrs. Alfred wlî~N.S., bas fiished bis Gray recentfly reuneiromi a basic training and spent thie very pleasantl mot or trip tO sarne eeen with lis parenis GodnLake' Gananloque. orir)f0 is r-tloiga er and Niagara Falls, N.Y'. Mis eborab dair aller and Ibeni over into Caniada speinug a very happy fbhree again and lhome Wile ini weIk vctinwitb bler famuily Coi'nýaJll fbey ced on Mr. bias relurnued te Pince Geo- and Mrs. Fred Sbiaddnck. rge, 1B.ýC former iresidenîfs of New Reentvisitor il r casîle. ýCecil Ca'ýrvetb er M.and It xýaS ver! Ilice f10 'seeMrs.Doug Ro-,bertýs and ciid- George and Dunreafh Wallon enofTVle'vEw la ,tie past few ceksFlihe are due(, Nir,. Carvelh w,v jusi Wallons bave been y\îsiting lasI Safurdayý, celebrated bis Iriends anid relatives mni and ;82nd. birthdlay Happy B1uith- around Newýcasfle and gvre on day. Cecil! hand for the .501h Anniversarv Mrs. Audrey Gogerty sýpent celebraf onsoTf tbe opening df a deligbtful vacation wvilh Mr. auir hl.W X( undersland lhey and Mrts. FarI Feairy and baive sinice returned le their otheri reilatives at Pl1aski, N.Y hiomini Florida. With ber mloîhecr, Mrs. Go(g- Mr, and M Nrs. Aif Garroid er y hre in Newcasfle, for enjoyed a delightful f wo weeks the holiday weeikend w'leeMr. at the Brerefen cottage at and Ms . Jack Wloîand Smith Falis. The wealber and cildren oI Bow anrville. This fishing were bofli good soia lasI weuekend Audrey vsifed good firne 'ýas bad by ail. Ilie W lsns aifIheir cottage on ris. John lPluister o)f Osb1- iink Lake. awaý, recenfly \vsfed wth Mr. Wile uwe wer-e (onvacation and Mrs. Georgoe Zwier and ourii daugbhter,. Charlotte, anîd 1enjoyed the activifies ofT the biei fam iily, . a Mrs. 501h anniversary eebaios Danny Alldread ani Shari- Mr, and 1Mrs. BobH iolmeusLynn of «Scarborough stayed aI Slreefsville calleýd on bl; ,is thouse and kepf Aimee parents Mr. and Nrs. Jkcomiipaniy and the home fies Hlolmes. Suniday n5iht.>Bo b tburning. Wben we returned anid Sue- wýerce enroute hborne Shari-Lyno sfayed wilh Grani- from hu ie Ksmen Internia-da and Granýdpa for a few re "Vou uie your DaCK, use your head. Throwling youir baek inito mo,1ve or lift somiethI11g, something means that maybe lfirst test thie weight. if -yoU youai mit ijuist thro w youtr can't lift 'ut easily, get somne back out. That's painful hielp. That's seif-dIefentce. andi no way to enýjoy Anid it works, the fiee thing(S in life. fo youan 'When you've got to yu family. - S~Tef- ene YourWorkmýen's Compensation Board and The Safety Associations, onta"j The Canadian Statesm;in, Bowmanville, August 15, 1973 I ý! 1(ut ,-ýS l iu ( , , \ ud 'a Jelj(icIiS lunchin cparish Hll' basenen1 Thre er NvetandNthe folloing ar th Mr Fre Yaes Beatifl Decorated akedmade b\ M aiDrnLake issanenh byd ASno Ceramis)Mr Bjellev ilinintBe Mr. and Mr int BulN 's sstersan fmii, ru Gad MRaReid ade Mi Miss Juhaad M issSle Grayof oomee nding thiscee wih h ýI) eir aut and unclendeee aileNd Mr s.lfe Gry andeorge. ae Outa acoreo 2-1f. R as Newst olenvas ted !for sf plc ihNewton vill'sate bu b theLaend thi ae wcas htle Newfottnvilaepbet ewc-),uat jusf couldnt seemAtoi stop- followed by ber situe Jean- etfe Wagar, wbo bit 3-Y Although Ithe other lwo ïgirls brit singles each lime-. Jeanette cleared the bases in the t hird inningby hiftng a hoerun a grand slaan! Newtonv-ille scored most of thir runls in the ihîrd and fourfh innings ;I' which times tbey scored a tMoalofixeen runs. The wînning pitcher was J. Wl iams while Newcastle usen three in' Ibis gamne, Denise Tufford, Jeanette Wagar and A eu it p f rom Consurn- eî's Asocitio of Canada: keep bouseAdcar. keys seartean do not attach, your naMe and adress f0 the key ing.Il akes only a few seodst make qn impres- sio oha sandrdkey, while ourr sus ithe parking lot, ExtenalAffirsMlinister Mithel Shrp ld ihJe House otCmmn thiaf Canada, is jus,, begnnng1figbt the eiromnnnitalreat created by~ ~~j Amlcntners carrying oiu fo Aasa alonig Can- adasBriîsb 'olumhbia coast. Caad ill continue to moak tepesenatios 10the Unmted ae on the tanker roue ut lie said, if can do niofintg 10 pre-vent the Trans- Ala ýs ka îPipeline -frorn being bout.,, days, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Darlene Jenkmns. Cunningharn spenf a few days. The playoffs stalrt Tuesday. recenlly witb Mr. and Mrs. Aug. 14 wben hosis th'- Garýden Art Tuson a tt he Tuson 'cottage HiI Panthers. Necasle ill on Kashabog Lake, north ofT be up for Ibis game Sýo be surei Havelock. The Cunningbams le corne out and sujpport Ille also spent a couple ofT days aI fearn. [ibe Tennant cottage on Bal- (intended for lasI week.)' sami Lake. Bantam Girl's Softbalî M0isszes Sandra Kean, Samîd- On Tuesday mighl. July 31sf,, ra Ga rrod, Aimnee Brerelon Newcastle Bantam irl'r andl'O. GrvJohsoj spntvelled te Garden Iii1 wer and r. Gry Jbnso spet t ey defeated the Garden 1h11 theweked iMiss Sandîra Pnbes- ewall o 1ofl Kelsey and bJ er parents al the Pnhr. o f K 1 Holiday Ranch, Castle- a good starî by scoring se\ven il IL runs in Ihefirsýt inning and Ahi'. adNc.SmBee holding Gardien Hlililo1 onfly Mnf r and Mrs. mane lwtuo. In the second inning Mr. aind M,ýrs. Danny Alldreadi-ete emvaai cr andi Shari-Lynn, ofT Scarbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aquilina and Gýayle atne the Asb reunion held at rn Park on Sndray. Around i 30' peo1ple gathered at the homne ofT Ar. and _Mrs. Rod Carvetb, Oronjo on Satur- day. Juiy 28 l surprise and bonor Mr. and Mrs. BIl Treleaven- ofT Peterborough on the occasion ofIthIeir 251h wedding anniversary. AIl sat dow'n le a delicious Salad Supper alter wicb the guests oi hoinor er reef~ia beautiful sle tea service and a sum of money. Family and friends were present frorni Toronto, Bowmanville, Osh- awa. Newtonvîlle, Orono and Newcasfle. Making it a veryA special occasion for Bill and Anne was the presence ofT Ann's motîhér and sister f rom Winnipeg, and bier 'sisîer and brotber-in-law Irom New York. Congratulations! 'Mr. and Mrs. Sarn Brerelon, Aîmee and Irene spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Brereton and family ofT Port Hope. t was an extra spciday for all because a ~. fogelber mosl ofT the Chas.BU mI Breref on clan. The only ones absent Wfrmthe' galbering _____________ were the Marty Brereton family and Mary Ellen's husband, Jimmy. If really wasIT a very nice day. DO TA His friends in the village will be sorry fo learn ofT the sudden> passing ofT Phil Booth Van- >A U Dusen on Monday, Aug. 6, ai is home in Belleville. Phil 1 V4 THICK ALUI vas in bis 69th year. H1e leaVEs A D ARS tn mourn bis loss bis wîfe EIvelyn Anderson and four 'idaugblters. 11e was prede-> c2eased by a daughter and a son and bis fermer wife Elizabeth ( Mary) Way. H1e iseq leaves behind bis broth- rsand sisters John, oi, foronte. Bruce ofT Texas, Douglas ofT Ottawa, Mrs. Ji <Georgina) Phels ofT Fl- MUda. Ms. George (,Jesseý) MalrVa NuenwoT Clfrn ia, SV E I7 Elrs oi)isgtiw oClrk, s Mrs. Viec (No rmia) ackson ofT Australia, Mrs. Aex(Befty CUSTOIV tîîgrabam iof B Belleville, Miss Yvonne VanDuDsen oIT LasVeg- O LEHN is, Miss June VanDusen of OITLEI N foront io. Pli Va nDusen was a STY LE ITl 4fonemrnasýon by trade and an - WITH- SCI eýarniest wý,orker for the Mason- U o4 ic Temple Lodge, A.F.A.M,,u)t À i Royal Canadian Legion andco bnsaw t biis United Cburch. Burialcobns es seIrvice %vas Thursday, Aug. 9,' ov 1 il0h interment in Belleville ASL Cemefery. SI. George's Anglican Chîur- A 2h, annual Garden Part, held ast Saturday on the cburchi Iawn, was a huge success;. The 2rowds were srnailer than TWO CONV E usual but, ll the bootbs were %vell patronized and the finan- cial resull was gratifying N 11 W Y. WES indeed. The Counfry Store and the Home Baking'as well as the Pennyv Sale Table wýere the (OSHAWA buiest s'pots. The Kiddieland,WOD OW iways a popular attraction,a as 'busy fhrougbout the ifternioon as the kids tried ery bard te beat the gairnes. T'he Fisb Pond xent rigbt eut )fT business. Rev. H.. Robert Hayne, gel the proceedings unde %,ypromptly 0at '2 P.m. bycutting the ribbon and 401 HGW~ ÀIficiaily, declaring the Gard- en Pa.rty open He ailse read a LtelegCraii rern Ivor and Neil Brawley . wbo wýere unaible te attend,'wsîn the Garden PartyyIand soso everyU ALSO AVAILABLE IN WHITE - $2999 each -y 5%5 PLEASE ALtLOW 31- 4 WEEKS DELIVERY 1 MADE ALUMINUM STORM & SCREEN WNOS BASEMENT WNDWUNITS VERTICAL STDE SLIDERý WITH- WITH PEMNETSCREEN V%,O TRACK SCREEN AND GLASS INSER,-kýT ORi PERMI- REEN ANENT GLASS V,1H11 MOV »ches Up to 419 inches ABLE SCREEN. urement comibined mecasutrement Up to 59ic $11*49 -AS LOW is, oAlOW S $ 2 NIENT LOCATIONS WHERE YOU CAN SERVE YOtJRSELF IN COMPLETE ST NIAN VtLLE ANDY COURTICE YARD Ohw AND SALESROOM Ohw PHON E COURTICE 728-1611 ky 728-1 6'l7 INDOOR COM ,FORT -WAR HOUSE LUMBEFLANO Wood ïi ONURT W DONWA 4 < but in the Ibird inning New- KEV SAFETY casfle donubfled Garden Hill's brunk Drivers M ay Face teirtbeeAs the game went " r i w s i g Therapy on Gard-ien Hill seemed t10 lose beoarfl tothe bard-hiting Tepoica oenelporiatlin and communica- Newca(, istle îean. i eigure f onsdrlions Wdnsdy study the -l'he final score was 24-1l abandoing fines and prison Phei rorr ased on la.vor of Newcas;tle. Darlene îerns for drunkeikrn drivers and apycoo Icareatment of Jlenkins pitched a fine game subsfituting a 'hrainwash conicted druk drivers in 0be for Newcas,1ý.ie,having ten n"cusArzaciy strikeouts and allowing only The Ontarin otrLau "mpsnmn and fines eight bits. Tfie.good hitters for se th i ii, Ii-li u d 1lwok. sa Vlill Newcasfle werec Susan Wagcar akdtemnsr ftasîst ot we rtork" faî iliam- 41-6, Louise Steeves 4',jean- - eSuae ietroTpbi ette 'Wagar 5-6 - two doublqes bookletsrprne fomteadgvnet relations for, and a triple and Laura originlibrochure o 0 ears theTrnobac of 01e McKnight bit a lon!g triple. ago. Also forisle ereloely motor club. "Drunken drivers> The next game is Tuesdîay, souvenir pins oft he occasion will bav'e to corne face to face Aug. 7 at whicb lime INewcast- depicting thIledasan a wi hthir sty' le of living.", le 'wîll play host to the model of tbe4Comnunity H ll Hesaiid Ibe piogram is "a Newfuuville team.pce at $2.00. These are kind( of bin)-ýjwashinig" ii In oür write uip about the excellenti souvenirs of f bis wb 1icb drivers are giveýn "botb Holiday WeekendCelba suiiu occasion anid canbarls' lions we neglected f0, tell you slill be. purchased aI storels Mr. LeSu agesad a lfim tbrougbout the entire weekend thrýougbiout the village. If ýtU included in the Irealmnent members ofT the Newcastle haven't got botb or either onecnanssee o iba Hjorficulturcal Society were. yet do get thern rigbl away 10deatJhIs cusdbydf ne selling souvenirs of the cele- keep-as a moinento of our, rvn bralions. On1 sale for .75 were vîllage's bistory. V OW ti e£ ON SALE UNTIL AUGUST 2Sth MINUM DOORS& WINDOWS MiýINUMý, DOOR W[IH SELF STORING GLASS, READY HUNG, WITH' SCREEN AND AL kFETY 9-IAN & HYDRAULIC CLOSER, LEFT OR RIGUT OPE NING. SIZES 32"rx80", 3 ËIE 46 x 84 0

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