12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 15, 1973 Mr, and Mrs. Norton Van- Saturday they attended the d Camp, Listowel, spent several Dickson-Dorrell weddling and days With Mr. and Mrs. Percy on Sunday attend'ed the Toms c VanCamp last weelc and picnic. Darcy, Annie, IMelody It attended the annual VanCamp and Lisa are remiaining for F Picnic on Sunday. some holidays witb tlheir 13 Congratulations to Mr. and cousins and friends. Mrs. Bill Dickson (nee Nancy A good crowd attended thew Dorreli) who were married in community shower held in li a lovely wedding in the United' honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jimns Church on Saturday. Kelly and Mr. and Mlrs. Winners at the Senior ,Citi- Donald Biekie in \Itbe C.E. p. zens Card Party on Tuesday roomr of the United Churceh on B evening were Ladies Hîgh - Saturday evening. Vernion& Ethel Cooke, Second - Wilma Asselstine acted as the cap-& VanCamp, Third - Ruby able Master ofýCeremonies for f( Tripp;, Men's High - Will the evening's program wbich Forder, Second - Ewart, WatS ncluded a piano solo by Barry soný Third - Perey VanCamp. VanCamp, a reading by Aileen U 1on Wednesday and Thurs- VanCamp, a reading by Don- o day evenings, several bus- na Swain, a piano solo by loads of local folk travelled to Cheryl Wright and a readlng c Peterborough to attend the by Mrs. Harold Larmer. Atg Kathryn Kubîmryani Revival, this point, Vern presented JimM services at the Mlemorial and Barbara with a card tableV Centre. and chair set, a table centre on Saturday, MVr. aind Mrs. and a sumn of money as well asq Merrill VanCamp andMàr. and some individual gifts. He h Mirs. Vernon; Asselstineat- presented June and Donald aa tended the Warden's Picnic coffee table with mi-atchinga beld in Orono. end tables, a sumr of moriey Miss Gertrude Henry, Tor- and niiscellanieous gifts. Botha onto, is spending some time couples expressed their ap- t with Mr. and MNrs . Tomi Dean, preciation after whichi a luncha Janet and Brian. and social time was enjoyed o MVr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreil by al. and family of Charlton spent Sorry that Mr. Leslie'Taylor a the weekend in Blackstock was unable to. attend his6 and stayed witb ber parents daughter's sbôwer as he had Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. On injured his foot and was undera :)C K doctor's care. Sincere sympathy of the community is extenided to the family of the late Mrs. Fanny F'ee who passed away sudden- .y on Saturday. er two sons, lldon and Charles,, their wiîves and grandchildren, al live in the area. Her funeral service wvas held on Tuesday. Mîr. Wilbert Werry is stili a patient in bospital and Earl Bradburrn bas been relea'sed and is able to corne home again. Better health is wished for you both as wel as to any )tbers wbo are not wel. Mrs. Bahl and Brian of Lxbridge -were Suiday,ý visit- ors of Mrs. Aima Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Drinkwat- er, Ottawa,' were Wveekend guests of ber mother M,\rs. W. W, VanCamp and attendled the VanCamrp picnic. Mr. GeralId Asselstine, Co- quitdam, B.C., is spending bis holidays witb bis parents, Mr. and M'rs. Vernon Asseistine and family. Mrs. A]. Asselitne, Tani., and 'Michýael of Guelph spent the week witb her parents, Mr and Mrs. Joe Frey and visited otber relatives. On thle week- end AI came to pick themr up and al- returned homne to Giuelph. Mr.- and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family have retujrnedý NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal1 Board by the tDýorpor tion of the Township of Darlington for the approv al of a By-law to regulate the land use passedl pursua ntI to Section 30 of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpo)ration of the Township of Dakrlingaton intends to apphy to the Ontario Municipal Board parsoant te thè provisent of Section 3) of the ]Planning Act for approval of By-haw, 2516 passed on the 20tb. day of July, 1973. A copy of the By-haw is furnished herewithi. A note giving an explanation of thse purpose and effect of the By-haw and stating tbe lands affected thereby is also furnished herewîth. Any person may, 'within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send or deliver by registered mail to the Clerk of thse Township of Darlington notice of is objection te approval of the said By-law together with a statement of thse grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of thse By-law may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice send by registered notice or deliver to thse Clerk of the Township of Darlington notice of bis support of approvalof tise said Py-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may bc held, ivinig also the màme and address to which sucb, notice should be given. Thse Ontario Municipal Board muay approve of tise said By-iaw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-law wihl be considered. Notice of any Hearing that may be' hehd wilh be given onl.y to persons wbo have filed an objection or notice of support, and who bave left with or delivered to tise Cerk undersigned thse address to which notice of isearing is to be sent. The ast day for filing objections wilh be %ugust 22, 1973. Dated at the Township of Darlington this Stis. day of August,193 W. E. Rundle. Clerk. Townshsip of Darlington. HAMPTON, 4O-ntario. PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW 2516 By-haw 2516 amends Section 15 of By-law 2111, by deieting the present section 15 and substituting therefor a new Section which makès if cear that an infra ction of any of the provisions of the By-law is an offence, and provides for penalties for such infractions. THIE'CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2516 A By-law to amend By-law Number 2111. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington deems it advisable to amend By-Iaw 2111, as amended. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Toweiship of Darlington ENACTS as follows: 1. That By-law Number 2111is hereby amended by deleting therefrom in its lentirety Section 15 and substitutiing therefor the following new Section 15: "1. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. Every person who uses any lot, or erects or uses any buildinîg or structure or any part of any lot building or structure in a manner contrary to any requirement of this By-law, or who causes or permits such use-or erection, or who violates anyprovision of this By-law or causes or permîts a violation, shall be guilty of an offence and uoon conviction therefor shahl forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than Fifty'Dollars ($50.60) and flot exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($30.00) exclusive of costs for each sncb offence, and every such penalty shali be recoverable uinder The Municipal Act and the Summary Convictions Act". ~ 2. This By-law shall become e4ffe-ctive on dte date hiereopf subject to receiving the approval of theý Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BYLAWREAD A FIRST, SECOND ANDJ THIRD) TIME AND FINALLV PASSED ON THE '20th DAY 0F JULY, A.D. 1973. REEVE "W. E. RUND)LE" CLERK home after spending the past[ and Mrs. Rowena Sherry of month at their cottage on Port Hope. Sunday evening Kelly's Bay on Sturgeon Lake. callers were Mr. and Mýrs. On ýJuly 25 they held the Ivan Drain ofPeroouh second Bryans family picnic at the cottage with about 65 Blackstock Fair Auig. 25th relatives gathering for the At the Fair Bo(ard Mveeting occasion; Mrs. Russell Bry- on Thursday; evenjing, plans ans of Oshawa was in charge were finalized in several ot mhe gamnes and activities. matters. A judo demnonstra- About 55 members of the tion by the Port Perry Judo VanCamp families gathered Club under dirction of Fred at the Cartwright Park on Walker- was planned. The Sunday for their annual pic- Oshawa Shriners' Oriental nie. Mrs. Keith VanCamp and Band will lead the parade family were in charge'of the scheduled to leave, the High games and sports. Officers School by 12:15. The grand- were President - Jack Van- stand hias been carefully Camp, Sec.-Treasurer - Ruby inspected and necessary re- VanCamip, Incoming Presi- pairs including a new founda- dent for 1974 - Mrs. W. W. tion has been ,carried out. VanCamp. Attractions will include the The annual Toms picnic was Abernethy Family1 of Oak- also held in the Cartwright wood, a potato peeling contest, Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. a sidewalk magician, Mr. Lloyd Slemon and family were Arthur Latchem will be mov- in charge of the various games ing throughout the Fair and sports activities. Next grounds, Mr. Walter Beath, year the pienie will be the new chairman of the conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Durham Region will be in Harvey Graham. attendance. Mid-week guests of Mrs. Committees were set uiptfor Ruth Wilson and Mrs. fencing, parking, clean--up and McQuade were Orvil McKee, to arrange a sow and baby pig Calgary and Jean and Janice display. McKee of Oshawa. Two dances will be field in Robert Green underwent the Rec. Centre with music surgery in Oshawa Hospital on provided by the Sandy Aber- Monday. We hope hie doesn't nethy Orchestra and in theý take too long to recover. arena by a five-pieýce group Mrs. Ruth Wilson anfd Mrs. called "Thne Open Water". McQuade were Saturday Lady director Mrs. Pat evening guests of Mr. and Sleep reported that two new Mrs. Allan Wilson of Nestîcton display cases had been com- at a birthday party in honor of pleted. She requested help to Marg's mother, Mrs. Sid set-up tables, etc. on the Lockyer of Brooklin who was Monday night of Fair Week. celebrating ber goth birthday. President Vernon Asselstine Sunday guests of Mrs. also asked for help preparing Wilson and Mrs. MeQuade the grounds before the date of were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon the lO8th Blackstock Fair on Archer and girls of Brighton August 25. Leétters tgo the Edit'fJor NOTICE TO OWNERS 0F LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON woman who wahked away with ber own wheel-chair. Orask the man with the dishocated dise, wbo prop- erhy relocated it! Yes, God is stihi in the healing business. It is flot really that bard to believe, if you have bad a personal en- counter witb Jesus your- self. 1 met Christ two summers ago and mny ife bas neyer been the same. Once 1 found 'it biard to believe. But the same Jesus who restored the blind man bis sigbt in the Bible, (John 9), opened my spiritual eyes. 1 now ex- dlaim with him, "One thîng I know, that, once 1 was blinid, now 1 see!'ý O h, yes!' You are probab- hy wondering'a what 1 told the restaurant emnployee. h exciaimred, "God is rnoving everwhee."We imust simpifly get in on thieaction! John Hughefllts 975 Queen Street (2nd year nministe-riai stditat Ese2 Pentecostal Bible Clee Petelrborough) Dear _Mr. Srniley: Weil you asked for i t- in your July llth column - and 1 expeet by now",you are up to-your nostrils in etters fromn here, there and everybody. I wondered who could justify ME writing when the dust is lying in roils ,aiong the hall, the "breaky",dishes are 11. done only and we won't mention the heahthy growth of the weeds in ethe cabba- es. Then 1 saw you were born on June 2 and my hub and 1 were m-narried on June 2 and that's as good an, excuse as you'll get, and I'm using il-. We had just turned 18 when we got married 17 years ago and tbey said it wouldn't hast. One of us always says these hast five words ever anniversary and this year was the happiest ever. You probably won't rerneiner me writing you once before - that was, when every- thing was going badly for us in our "chosen home- land"~, New Zealand. Now the pendulum bas swung the other way - my husband bas a wonderfui job, we have a wonderful ittie holding of twoý acres on which we grow toma- toes, cucumberýtis and cab- bages for the body and narcissus for the soul; our five Canadian youngMc-uns_ are wonderful adwne of ai wonders, we look to the birth of our irst K-iw yourqg-uat l Christmas and if e 'is full of wonder ahi round. 1 go along witb that publisher who wants you to write the book -- forget the busted clothesline as I have "done forgot" the dishes this morning and do it. Who knows,' they rnay put it in one of those time capsule thirtgs to be opened 1000 years frorn now. Have fun visualizing the look oný their faces as tbey begin to read . .the stirring roll of drumnis in the background. digni- taries from ai ove r (the Ambassador from MJars, etc.) Wbat fun -- and you worry about the choth)es- line! Ah weil. Cannot choseý without say- ing "I stilh en.joy your colurnn", 1 and ",the blessi ng of the Lord be upon you and t)n ,your new- ittie granidcbild anid every- one in between." Sincerely your, Mrs. M. Bartlett, RD 8 Frankton, New Zealand. 1 now, about those dishes D YK#ç Fond î Contest Sý BACON (Limit 2 lbs 73-77 MIN S TRA'"S MarkLe t RI VALUE iper cuist4>mer) NG ST. MEST MCGREGO HARDWMF Your FONE STC FLOORIN CENTRE 95 KING VW. NOTE: Our Jug tops orS DDA D signature froin ANY of our products valid in this contest STATION& instead of entry form. ufCA AH Try our pure New Pi-op, APPLE or ORANGE Stan Suddard JUICE Fly-ing Dutchunan Inno in the new 8o oz. 401 & Liberty Sts. returnabie boittes VES! We have the nlew Glen Rue Duiry mo0ney gaule cards! R MARYANE' FABRICS Open i l day Wednesdays -. BUTTERICK and VOGUE PATTERNS SEING MACHINES EýLNA -WHITE' CONTEST SPECIAL! IIJERSEY & COTTON G I I 50-"to72- wide I j SPECIAL 99C YARD 623-2542. 3j3 KING W. 623-4351, QUALITYABNEHS YOU CAN TRUST A Bnai ESTERNMoore WESTERNPaints DeCorating Speciaiists 7 17, silice 1920 WESTERN TIRE 5Kn«W.635 85 KING VW.1 623-3134 5 igW 2-41 N WFor Friendly Personal Service Kigtç FAIL sEs STYLES623-2546 80 KINGW.6326 67 King Street EastBomvieOtro635I9 TIM'SR E NT-A LL W',ýe rent almlost everything- SALES and SERVICE We rent and seli most types " ~of equipment by the day, week or mionth for home or industry.' 623-4321 55 King St.JE. at Di vision >";- Bowmanville CONTEST Our final SUMMER ci SAI C0NTItN 7 Kinq W. Il m US s the Cartoon" CONTEST Rt.LES: Pick out t hc STRAV W ORDS in somne of tisese ads. If correctly arranged they will make Up the caption for the cartoon. Prmnt your answer on an entry form from any contest advertiser and mail or bring, to the Contes Editor, The Stte ln,6 Ki, g St. IN, Bowmanxille on sor before next Mondav noon. Merchandise vouchers value $1000 wilI ho nailed to the readr with the first correct ansver drawn. The{ secoqnd and third wîll cadîc ei a merchandise v'oucher vaue $5.00. Send in as many' etntiesw as you wish but each NIUST- ho completed on an officiai contest entrv form or'enclose a 4 product signature trom ANY Glen Rat' Dairy product. This contest will appear weekly until September 19th, 19Î3 after which the grand prize draw for $10000 ($25.00 cheque to ans' tour contest sponsors as chosen by winner) will bc made from al entries received. Further details will bc published later in The Statesman. 00E L70. Hzigh-way 2 two ifles west of Bowmanviile H ELP 1. suppose!"l WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR THE '74 MODELS BIGý DISCOUNTS - GOOD SELECTION ON ALL 73s5 623-2586 ApolloqBYBDU "ltest drive one te-day!" SURE IS BARD TO BELIE VE! Dear Editor:-1 That was the hesitated reaction that I received rerently from a McDon- ald's restaurant employee in Peterborough. In fact this same ph rase adequate- hy expresses the same shocked arnazement of many other people when 1 tell tbem. We had just left the Memorial Centre in Peter- borough where Kathryn Kubîman was having ber hast miracle service. It was a warm Thursday evening as thousands bad jammed the even warmer auditor- ium to see the power of God manifested in 1973. Rows of buses, street crowded cars,' f illed seats, standing spec- tators, critics, doctors, busine-ss-menýi,fatr workers, blievers and un- believers a)like ail were part of the scenery that represented various parts of the continient. Some home convinced that God does heal. Sorne came wondering and found much to their amazement that God had healed themn of some particular ailmen t during the service. Every eye and every ear was keenfly aware that God is alive., The Holy- Spirit passed ail human boundar- ies and beiefs and mani- fested His presence in the auditorium. Miss Kulhman gave ail the glory toJesus Christ! She directed al worship to 'Him and in- structed the masses to do like-wise. As thousands of arms stretched heaven- wards in praise and rever-, ence to Jesus Christ, (as the apostie Paul instructed us to do in 1 Time. 2:8), the presence of almighty God descended. 1 feit the power of God for myself! I arn an eyve-wýitness to the fact that scores were healed in their bodies and rnany in their souls. 1 saw the lame walk and the deaf hear! One 14-year-old girl walked for the first time in several years and ran down the aisie bubbling witb joy and gratitude to the Lord Jesus Christ. One nurse came, witb ber cripphed patient, who bad not walked norm- ally for 15 years. As the nurse testified publicly of brptet's healing. she too feli prostrate on the floor by the power of the living God! It couid be that you are wondering right now whe- ther or not to believe what you are reading. Maybe you are thbinking quietly to yoursehf, "I have neyer seen God move amopig people hike that way!" If you bave not, couldit be that you are not going to the places where God's people are going? Af ter ail, that is wbere you wîhl see God meet His people. The Bible says that' God, will reward them that diligent- ly seek Hlm (Heb. 11: 6). There neyer passes a Sunday that God does not reveal His divine presence in our cburcb. Many bave testîfied of bealings, of* miracles, and of personal encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ! But then agaîn, wben we mreet together, we ask Christ to descendin our midst. We do not play cburch. We meet witb God! People- maeet Him anywbere today when tbey cor-ne together As hesintswho was beahed of muscle spasrns, wbether or not God bieails today. Ask tbe _STEPHEN CAR VETH MOTORS Ltd. ~cD '69 FORD FUELS 4-Dr., power ste:ring HAROLD KNIGHT new tires. Safety New Priop. checked. 138Wharf Rd. SPECiAL -$1295 Bowmanville NEWCA STLE 623-5410 987-4756 McGREGOR Roy NICHIOLS Motors I.DA. DRUGS CHEVROLE1T CO-NTE ST SPECIAL elSALES -SERVICE Listerinle Antiseptic ready P Gargie and lMothlwalsi) 30-oz. Bottl ie ny$ 8 KI 1NG ST. W. 623-5792 SERVICE CALL, Art Evans or Mark BorutskieI 623-4566 728-2053 Bowmanville 623-2556 "is LADIES' WEAR SPECIAL! LE lIu ES'! first, - 623-5854 AMBER VARiET#Y (formerly Brysoni's) Siiokers' Suppflies Bi gham Pipes - Ma àgazines - Cards - Gifts - Model Car Kits,I Etc. 31 King St. W. il I ICK 166 KING EAST 623-3396 A~*ici~ g BEAVER Ate siEtî C LUMBER, BEAUTY Co. Ltd. SA LONï Quality Building Materials 623-931 BEAVER'S GOT ~ 6232931 TALL PHONE 623-3388 soit Sum-mer Permn 246 King St. E. Reg. $ 20 -ie0 $1550il Standard Perm MD N L' (-eg. , $15î.50i SPECIAL $10,50 VA ET phone either' RUBY - LINDA 71 KING EAST CATHY -JANE T Open Weekdays or MIA 9 a.m. -ll1P.m. for an appoint ment Sundays 333 KING ST. EAST ila. . -i . Bowmanviile Plaza -C.set Tsh CONTEST SPECIALS! 10 SPEDTOUR DE FRANCE BRi'CYCLE Sale &94 CAN T1 Asso 160 Chi Courtice 728-6206 tADIAN, rIRE kurch St. Bowmanville. JEFFREY'lS ? PERCYËS Prop. SUPERETTE pERCY LUXTON 1 623- 2500 OPEN TILL 10 p, M. Tune Ups - Gen. Repairs 7DAYS A WEEK; Licensed Mechanic 83 lIBERTY SMon. thru Fni. '7a.m. -9 p.m. plaoonSat. 8a.m. -6 p.m. 623-5879 3n' NOTIrCE TO OWNERS 0F LAND IN THE CITY 0F OSHAWA, THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLEI AND-IN THE TOWNSHIPS-0F CLARKE, MANVERS, CARTWRIGHT, AND EAST WHITBY. "Naine1 -1- -.M