14The, Canadian Statesmar,-ni, tflanvlle. August 15, 1973 52 Lot Subdivision Un ~ ~ V Neteo illage Cartwrýight Township Coun- The unii cil bas givenapproval in bx council a principle tua- 52 lot sýubdivision fn-eeting xxas in tbe vllgeutNesîleton. park that: xx fLa rry* Doble and M\,orlay the develop: Brctromr Port Perry are Iocated in ai devetoping the subdivision aind Doble indicated tie humesiTbe,pi-op wihl be situated on 20,000 nrspected b square feet lots paouti, ngineer ai acre. planning hri Tliç bouses will be iucatfed jartment of nortb of Highway 7A andc east m)rics and Ir ut tbe Nestîcton Road.I on a Xfairs in Toi 30 acre lot bebind tbe& exîtiing .'erk-Treasu bornes. Txvo entrances base V an Camp in been planned mb tohe subdîvippruval cou sion frum bbctheNestîcton iRoad. rom une to Quee-n's Avnue Approach to, Goodyear Plant Being wi J change sugg ested i. their .luIv z6th sthat the 1 ) acre iii bc înciuded in pment 'shofflibe in area xîl re l'osa] hh een ý\ tie tonshp's ld setw ihe anch i he D 1Treasuî y Econ.01 nt erg.overnmeinLI rontu. Carîwrighi mer Miss Dureen ndicaled Ilial ïmai Id take aux xxhere [ive years. ReCently Wed NemJ%on andcktc Uie and1 Mfs"Drlton MDorreit. DîkoBu-linigton -The orgo anisit x 1as be bride',, lo)i-mer Musiceiteacher Mrs G Inldys Thoimlpson aind the soloîstwa Leanne orelsitr t h bride. wbho wa, :ccompanîed Thewbide given in mar niage byh.\ber ather, xxre an origmialgown nfi ribbiou tbrc-aded Nottingham lace; The titted basque bodice fwa s l'le vtown s Works Department staff is hard at work thesedays, under WVorks DIl-ept. Foreman Gord Sellers, widening and reconstructing the Queen'«s Avenue road that leads to the Gýoodyear, plant. It will be widened by 8'9", cost $5.000' and should be a great improvemnent. compiemented by\a i ;ctuciai neckliiue and longiltied sleev os 'Che sottiy gatbered demli beill skirt xx as edged itf1 lac( scllops The bidsruilec brim lace Victolrian chapeaL xas enbanced b,-y a fal ut tul illusion vei ing. Sbe carrieda long-stemîned( single rose, The vmaid ut hoýnor, Misý Janelie rtind out i bride, wo)re a nmve au orgauIla Tbe titted 50i(k bodîce ,in turquise as n- baniced b\ a Victoinec line and fui] VictorIan seeve compiemented b,. pearl but- tons. Tbe hridesînaids, the brides tbcee sisters, Ceaune, Heather. -and Janis Dorreli. wure similar gowus witl mauve titted budice. They carried wite baskets of maue aisesandînuras, whit canatins.coriower and habyý's breatbl. The besî inan %was Ltb grooms-.triend, lYi- Pat O'ourke ut Burliugtun and tbiè usbers wr Mr Bruce Dickson, brother uotegro grom ro BrligtofIl The reception and (jdancc was beld in th 0e Holiday Ilnn. sb wawere ithebid~ motheur receied guestis iii ar arctic blue silk ciffon gowr witb matcbing blouson jacket, trimmced wibb peau-de-suie. Macîgflowecs graced.her salbag. Tbe groom's ~motbher assîsted in receiving in a formai lengtb mauve~ ,gown wearing a corsage ni sha-ded mauves and piuks. Foc travelling to the East- ern Provinces, tbe bride chose a two piece suit ut imported OrO NEWS ,4 TOWN 0F BOWMANViLLE r4 THE SHORELUNE PROP-ERaTY Ik A SSISTANCE ACT'1973 The Tw of Bovmianville has agreedIvo pýari:cipate fin a municipal-provincial proý- gramo to provideý assistance to owners of shorelinie properties adversely affected by high water le-vels.' The programi, which will be carried out tunder ltegisiatio.n recently enactedby the province of Ontiarlo, provides a procedure,, by whiich oner4ofshoreine properties maty obtain Iebans to assist in carrying ont work toi repair or pirotect,.these properties where suc work is related to the high water A brie-4 description of the program is as f ollowýýS: 1. pplcatonsfor boans shoulId be, made ,aid approvied b efore work is 2. Loans onila' pproved projects will bc avail-able after the work has been coin- pleted and ýertified as satisfactory by a Mnlaicîpial spector. 3. bIterest oni the boans wilI be at the rate oýf 8 per cent p-3er annum. 4. Loans wiîîI be repaid to the Towin in twenty annual instalinients, collectîble- as taxes. 5.Loans wilbeiitdo 90 pr cent of the total cost of the work in ail cases, and to a imaximum of $20.100.00 in the case of building repairs, an~d to a maxmim o 15.0per footA of shoreline in- the case of construction of such works aws r-etaining t«wIalladdykes. Ownewrs ofsorin property in the Town of Bowanvllewishing to obtain more detailedinomtn and application fornis mtay do so at the Office of the J. M. Mcllroy, A.M&C.T. Clerk-Administrator 40 Temper'anceStreet Bowmanville, Ontario Letter to Editor August 13.1973 pcenic at Cartwright Communl- it Park on Suniday. Mc. and Mcs Th!omas Dick- son. ,ý\ Bewley:Mc. and Mrs. .James Dcsnand tfamlily, Beaverion. were weekend vis- Dear Su-, idm-s xitb Mc. and Ms.R. 1 ar nont iii the habit of Howe andfaiy xvibîng letters tbutbbc Editur - MNrs.Lloyýd Avery, ap but there were, a couple ut Grove, anîd Mrs. Clarence items in ast xeeks States- Axccx v ere co-bostessets al a m-an that amazed and iriitab sbuweý'r for Miss Kabby Kil- cd mc. 1 thiuk bbc une is a man. atecluo, ýon Tuesday dircectresuit outhbbc ther. eeigat bbc home uot Mrs. The tîcst îs bbc unamimous (irncAvey vote ut Boxvmanville counc ,il M-adMsCSa o tavorinig bbe soutb corridor toc and tanmily spent an trno bbc Hydro power hines, and bbewith Mr. and Mrts Ke-n stabement by une, that bhey floskin, Salem. didu't gix'e a boout wbeîe t Mr. and Mrs. Kin u1lnus- xvcut. ley. Rochester. NYý., wece 1tbhimk 'i t bis type of visilurs xvih Mr. and Mcs. L, thimking by, officiais. big and' Stainton and Mrs. E. Sta11iton, little. that is contr ibutiug to Mc. and MVrg F. W,. Werry tihe 'shorbages thal seem , o xece guesbs un Snturday no00n surprise you. in bt ocm ut a picnic beld at Ilb secms bu me that aýnY Mc and Mvrs. F. Billiugs. respouisible person xxould ce-ai Boxx'wmanville, n hor uto ize that you cannut kcep On Flurida neigbborcs cuveruug up good agriculturai Mc. and Mrs. Garnet Towýns., land xibh ronds, irdustral Petemborougb Mc nniid Mrs, develupmenb, Hydro huies. Milbon Stainton,. were visitors nîrpurts etc. withoubcreabýing wbbMc.r dMs un real shortages. One onily b- hwbu amb i (ook acuuund bthncýms out ni M 4Mîs lanWry pr-oductiun in Souflteru QtaSnd ; nd J.ames spUt a mu bu cealfize ti.Thece is oly ve bgaddsbainton's a, smnail lxpecenlage ut gond cotage t Bcceridge. Mlus- land-,>su w01y put ;1u 'tkok Éoxvýet-s ac oss l f eere Mcanîd Ms ibrVue )brroutecs at'0lbl iss E'dua Vane, Ms HRe Jbiuk wue-shouldaigveBud.Pr Pry. ee several bouts abotut Ibis and Sudi cales IlbbcE tle bccdecisions concerning bctrhw. se ut our land and 1esource-s. M n c rc Pullau-d accoinpanîed N - r. aud T'hankuig you, 1h nmMrs. Stuai ý(Lamb tu ýýR(1ýetoue Xours ruly, xvisiting wýilb Mr. and Ms Wi]bert Craig. Ra] anmb aI their cott1age m ýore. Mc. and Mrs. C. Avecy and inda, Mcr. and Mcrs. Muctrayv MaIýrstll were- guesbs aithbb Pulz Aerywedding ,on Sat- ucdvy; als',o afttcd ed b A\vecy reun 1ion at bbecCouser- v abion Area picnic grounds un S)undaiy. Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Wecry ,iltendcd tbbc Van Camp Piuic on Sunday toc noon dinnler At Caecsarea, and' had- Sundaý cývcning dinner xibb Mr. and Mcs. Jim Morcccatt, Bow- mianville, and tamily birbbday parby toc Mrs. F. W. Weccy Mc. and Mcs. E. R. Taylor abtended bbc Tomis familv p)i(-ic on Sunday aIt Caqri wight Communiby Packî on Mundav Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylom had supper witb Mcr. and Mrs. Jim Aenty Mr. and Mrs. F. Spry, Mc». Roy Spry, Rochester, N.Y were recent visiburs witb Mcr. and Mrs. E. Wrighb, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp witb Mc, and Mrs. B.Wnaa er, Scagrave, spent the holi- day xeekend at O)ttaýwa and Mr. iaidAMrs C'harles Prout aci Janley. MrjIs. aryGregg, G"(,leî u iMrlns pent holidays amiong Ibe Shar-p Canaiuda and tbbfc Rpubie i ) tuet Nam hae gre t( esablis'h dpomtere!lations at bbe amnbassadocial level. EdwxardAnhoySkrabc alcenady i* Sagonaspart ut bbc, Canadia i bruce cnussionî w-ill serive- as bbc tirst head ut the Canadianmiso BURKETON MNr. 'and Mrs. D. Ga,.tchehl, Oshlawa spent the weekend with'Mr.. and Mrs. A. E. Stephenson and family. Mrs. P~. Bailey spent Thurs- day with friends in I3owman- ville. Rev. and Mrs. E. MýcKaig and taîl.Grace Bay, Nw fouuuiand. aire viitigwtb Mr.. and Mi-s ïH Grace ,and t amilMr.SGrant amesand Davidcalld un frsRDavev ,ii Saturday, Mr. A. Hubbard, Bowman- ville. calied on, Burketon friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs D. Hoiroyd. Barbara and Donnie, Oshawa, xvere weekend cahiers uf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and familv. Miss Mary Peeling, Oshawxa and Miss Shaion Bailey. California were uvernigbit guestsof Mrs, Tom Bailey. Mr. AI Swain and girls. Hampton were receut guests of Mrs F. Tabb. 1Mr and Mrs C, Cooper. Oronu were tea guests ut Mrs. W. B3ryan on Friday. The'sympathy of the comm- unity is extended to the relatives and trieuds in the passing of Mrs. W. Fee. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brentý and Christine had a successfui! showing of hurses at Bellevihie Fair witb, Christine winning iirst and 3 seconds. Mr. and Mrs. Lurne Annis, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Gobie.aud boys, Biackstock, Mr. andMrs. Leslie Goble and girls, Pointypool, Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis were Sunday visitors uf Mr. and Mrs. Stan Guoble and Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble and boys, Mrs. Stanley Goble -attended Belleville Fair with, their horses with ail a very successful showing. Keith winning first in the Champion Stallion on Line, and other prizes, In Tyrone Hall, Friday night Keep'ing if Cleon, with Bill Dodds t'omiposting for beginners Law n trim-mings, fallen teavesand kitchen wastes can make up as much as 20 per cent of our m unicipal solid waste problemn Some of us have to pay directllV to have these carted away. This cost is stili there for those of "us who have n iuncipal garbage collection. It's just hidden in our tax bill. 1Did it ex er strike you that this is unnatural? Every other living entity on the face of the earth contributes its substance and its wastes to the common resource pool of al] life. Onlv man buries his wastes) and makes themn unava ilable. Our sy stems of disposing ot sewage and waste were deveiopedas a resuit of concentration of population and they were developed with the goals of disease prevention and a pleasaniter irnmediate environment. But our i- t is maturing now andwe are beginning (o learn a bit miore(- about our wastes. Part of this learning is arediscover the realization'that treated sewagse sludge andproperly comnposted wastes can be put to good use nstead of being dumped in a safe, out-of-the-way place. One way we can put our xastes to good use on an inixidual level is.through composting. Kitchen wastes, dead leaves and lawni trimmnings are good raw material to start with. The simplest' compost heap is just a pile of these rnaterials in an out-of-the-way corner of the yard. Al the real work is done by wormsq, mold and the bacteria normaliy tound in the soul. The pile can 4~e made more attractive by keeping it i an open siat bin or barrel and can b? covered to prevent excssive moisture. It should be turndd every week or so to ensure even composition, and covering and regular turning help prevent odor problems, Xithin {two months, or at most six months, the composting is cornplete and the mixture is dlean, stable and readv for use. Ilts nul a complete fertilizer, but it is a useful soil conditioner for working into gardens and around the roots of' trees and, shrubs for, healthier, growth. 'LENNOX-OSHAW TRAINSMI1SI10 LINE STUDY, dI '1 'rs. Leu Hadder. Michiael Mi -,tdaPlm ut Willowdale houle um and Michael of Scarborough. visited Ir. and _Mrs. Robert Mr. and M-.J EK MidLke- e are spendiug tbis week, xxý i Murtuni and Marilyn on Sun- ton visited 1\r. and Mrs. a Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Middleton day afternipun. Elmer Middletou, aiso Mr. and visiting uther relatives Mr. and Mr.sGordon Dent and Mrs. Geo. Muss ut Osbawa ,s and frieuds. 1 tofWitby recenly,% visited bis on Sunday< e Mr. David Mottai, ut lndian mutber Mcs. Ernest Dent and Mr. Keitb Wait ut Peterbor- dl River returned hume, on tamýivi1 for several days. ough was a dinner guest ut bis k Tuesday alter spcndýiug a M George W. Heuderson, cousins Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball xvweek with Mr. and Mrs, Alck ae 6a formerly ut' Clarke ou Saturday. MoiftIand family andv\isitîu Tin, bp, usband ut Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jake>) bisgrandfabec Mr, Wm S, Blanche Henderson, and son iMiddletýon wbo bave sold thieir Mottat, o thte late Mr. and Mrs. business xiii soon be residing Miss Merle Power Miss George FI Heuderson (nec in Oshawa. Hlazel Poxwer, Mr iiaroid Wannans passed away on Mr Roy Teinant bad the ePower and Ibeir bouse guest Mondany. AuguSt 6tb ajt the rnislortuue bu break bis left Miss Eva Ehien Miller fcomn Noi tb hi nik Generai1 Hospi tai. bel wben a. Iadder he was on -Texas. U.S.A., spent Suuday Funeral service was on Wd-wbîlé repairing a bai-n door hat their bouse un Taunton nesday atternoon tfrom tIle decided to move. Y Rnad at Clarke Union. Jerreît Chape],WilnwIdale , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Greci' ot If Mc. Ray Dicksonn xhu xas a Intem-ment in Orono eeey Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Nor patient lu the Boxxmauvilie Mr. and M\rs Ruper yers. man Wheeier. Mc. and Mcs. rMemorial Hospital bas return Mr, and Mrs. Zack Adams, Norman Wbeeler, Evari and 1ed home. Mc afid Mrs. Wayburn Adams Emily' uf Toronto, Mr. and e Mrs. Lance Plain xx'tb McIs. ut Boxvmianville were Satur- Mrs.Re Sutton were, picuic t Frank 'Ardron of Toronto iett day1 evening guesbs ut Mr. and supper guests on Saturday ut d on Monday toc an 18 day bus Mrs. Reg Subton. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray etour bu the East Coast and Mcs. Brayton Stirîson whoand sou' David and in the Newýfoum1ndda a patient in the Oshawa eveniug alI attended the pî-ay Mc. and Mcs, Haioid Bar Genecai Hospitailiis couvales- "Muses" at Newcastle. ruwcoi.gb i Viesiyvile cng t te hoe u be- M. and Mrs;. E, R.Taylor ot - autîeratNemake. Ennîsklen ere I recent din- Englsh cttu in hade ni M. dMc-s. Ken Bah spent urguests of Mrc and Mrs. -blue and grey beigbte5ued by MRaiil e unsM~ Cs Tylori1gcý s an ivory pendant and match- [Roy MN4ufaý and _Mrs.B RceyLnIeItMiss i ing grey- accessories. u Boveu at Bro1ute. sauga. spent Tbursday andi Dr. and Mcrs. Keith Taylonr Friday ut iast week xith is i Tbe groom is an emploýee o Nancy and Bo)nnie ut Bcamnp- çhum David Chatterton. tWestmgbnuse in Hamilton and ton- Mc.rayýmond Bruce ni Mrs. Gen. Morton, Mr. and the bride, a teacher for Halton Newton,.Iiii(e.'Mrs. Marshall Mirs. Gordon Morbon wýere rCounty Board ut Education in Chatterton, Mr. and Mrs Suinday supper guests ut Mcr sOakville. The couple x ilI Orville Chatterton. Carol and anid Mrs. Robert Morton and eside in Burlington. PDavid attcuded bbe arnnuai Mýarilyn. e Prior bu the weddiug sbow- Chatterton lamily picnie a:0 Mc. and Mrs. Grant Mottat f ers were given by Mrs. Ivan Beýlleville on Suuday. anid sous ut Oakville spent the Moutjuy, Mcls.,James Mac- Conigratulations bu Mc. and weekend with bis father Mc. - iw. Mcs. Ray Essecy and Mlvrs. Stepheu Black Itheý Wm. MottaI. B Mrs. Lee Steeves. A presenta- tormer Lyrîda June Pinglet on Mc. and Mîs. Howard Sta- ition was m )ade by the teachers theirm-tacriage at bbc home ir, pleton ut Oshawa, Mrs. Jnck and students f rom ber classes ber parent, McNI. and NMrs. MfctayoStackville andbhousc ut Gcandview Public Sebonl, Oscar Pingle, R. R. 1, Hap-gustMc. Roy McKay ut Betbnny, A Jack and jili ton, on Saturday, July 28tb. Broute visited Mc. and Mrs. showcc was given in Burline 1Mrs, Wm. IIbbinsu Kicbyý Ken Ball on Saturday eveing. ton by the grooms neigbbors - xxho xxas a patient in Bowman i ndMsiegSto Mc, and Mcs. Jue IIk ville Menmorial Hospital toi- visibed Mrs. Wallace Piekel ut trousseau tea was beld at the loxxing a car. accident lnst Ebenezer o(n Tuesday atiter- home ut the brîde's mother ekbsrtne bu eronutltwe. prior bu bbc wcddiug. Wcdding guesbs wcî-e pres- stbock, Burliugton, Camnbridge. Mrm ad Mis Loyd Cucrie, Mcs. Doris Hiolroyd. Bow- Charlton, Duîîdalk, Dundas, V'slxdale. were Monday vis- nîanxilWe, was, with bbe S. i Hamilton, King, Kitcener itors xith Mms. E. MI. Semon Lamb's and famiiy. i Las Vegas, Gypsumville aînd Mcs. May Beusun, Saska Mr. and Mcs. F. W. Wer'y, Manitoba; Mississauga. Mt toon. returned to Wilowdale bad Saburday suppec with Mr. Forest, Nestîctun. Oshiawa. witb tbcm, ienvmngi in a few and Mrs. Russell Stainton. Ottawa, Peter-borough, Toc- days toc home at SaskatLoon. Hlampton, celehcabing bbc bwu0 onto Wodstck.Mc. and Mî-s. EaI Trewin ladies mutual birtbdays. Coni oîît Wodstck.aîteudcd bbc Toms tmiygrabulainsHoping tormanly Additional public meetin~gs wil be held about mid-September in Darlington, Clarke and Hope Town- ships to provide f urther opportunity for public response concerning the establishing of the t.ennox-Oshawa power corridor. A more northerly route is now being studied and wvill be inelclded for discussion on preferred routes during these meetings. Location and dates of meetings wiIl be an- nounced, as wilI an extended deadline forQ written submîsions. BEATTH E HIGH COST 0F MEAT MILK FOR SAKE I, en Rue r there were 7 tables of Ette t-tgh, Lorna Irichards, Lattimer, Evert Watson, L Woods, Marjorie Vance, ï)-is, Earl Prescott, 50-50 Draw, Cecil Woods. Carrying.,Prize, John Broome. Lucky Chair, Evert Watson.