FOR CiLASSFD Tuesday, 4:3041 m Reepin orig vnt Atcls o Sl Articles for Sale Work Wantedt For Rent Auction Sales Auctio Sle Births R___________ ___________ 1_ArticlesForSa.,____ ________________'il,___ BARET~-î1le o s, very In honour of their Fiftiethl Decorationý Day ServiceI BIK - girl's 24" ,,lider; best QUANTITY of good grain XELNTdycre1 utien sale atPthc' SATURDAY,AGSTZt plesed to announec the ar- Wedding Anniversary, the Pontypool Cemetery, Sunday, offe-, Phone 623-5275. 33-1 cor. Pho-.-o 987-4439;. 31-t pre-school children in my , Mapýle Grove arýea, Phone af mle as 0fEnnsklleSe pIea i a rohrRbetfaiy fMr. ndMrs. lo-Au.g 1that 2:30 p.m. 32-2 B---OURhome. Cal 623-7084., 33ler pm.623-2626. i-ill SatordfayeveigoAst25. Furonitr.Poet fM rival 0f herbr7ohe, o ueyrd'family w .indte ow- n ---t-h100 _LB. CROUP 1 milk quota. BPAINTING inter3-ior and *ex- NISHED Ed 25 Funitue. Sha, 7b.7 o. o u rdFro inyu Sean Bingo wcekl every Mon- Phone 986-4326. ter p.m. 27, 17,at Memorial Hospi- open house o udy e- Bnowel vr ln-Poe9642.33-1 FRSHY ICED ti, an aeroangn berom, enA'real good collection of hWhtrgonvile C e b r 9h rm o 4 a d d y ngt, if d MASSEmu-- rriso., aEdE CpRrN- trally locatd. 623nearticles, a large tcollection of f Bailieboro, n x 0 A g - bal, Bowmý,-anville. Proud par- obr9h rm2t n a ihBon o mun- -arisClpper com- C 0, R T Phono 623-4728. 32-3 70 31nwatils(heae can Church.Fidacob- ents are Bob and Cagrol. 31 7b9oco t3 liniyerG oreRabine No., 50 P.T.O. Phone 723-WEL7402LN..Cahmr ip,w sunls se adches tinelcrc n wo20oe St.N.,Por Hoe, ntalo.eastr Nwcs5l,0cp..,6258. 3- torrasd tn nWell Dilling Ltd., Pontypool. ONE-bedroom apar t rm ein t, smnall articles from a handy- Frigidaire refeaodo (nec~~, Phone 705-277-2504. il-tf available Sept. Ist. Cali 6ý23- store). Sale at seven o'clock. a tbl an 6chis wa - (n New by) pro uidly a - Fis h a d Chips. ,Il y u cao GIRL S blue. CCM bike, good 'iist east Ù AT R els1b re2867tu . 33-2I k e hik Au ton e .I tg ch n ep oa d H o e nounce the birth of thieir son, In MemorýL»aias eat, everySaudy$1. condition. Phone 623-2157. %VacTum, floor polishe0, car- C h ni to p h r L a ren c , 6 bs.O p en F rid a yý , S t r a y a d _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 - A P L E G R OV E R OýA D V ard 's W ell B o in g . T ele. A P A R T M E N T , u p stairs, he au, 7 z. n ugs 1, 93 t ACOK-f lvn em- Sundcay Acr ies Rstaurant IDOUBLE hed with niattress Supply shouId beplentiiful phono 312-2030 Representative ed, available Sept.. lst. Phornpet sweeperruding TrtoGenieral Hospital. ory of my dear husband, He- Taunton Rd. 33-2 nd bookease, excellent con- by1ia.HryL.WdTlpoe623-36913 ~Aucton Sale - Furnîburea, table and 6 carcebr 33-l* bert J., who passed avvay ition. Phono 623-2756. 33-1 We'reope: 97-4531 1l6-tf ACE--r-wthcota Dishes, Antiques, Machinery,fedan2chisatqu __ _ _suddenly Aug. 14h, 1971. 'reot'D -T8 AC E f rra"ith c t -_i etcildthe SWAN -- Roger and Cheryl Asleep in God's beaut"fifl M ONJ-ILJ.INC- ./FRESH corn at Elmer Cox MON. - TUE~S. - WVED. iWATER wells oréd or dru]i- near Mosport. Cal 72,5-09;ý-u l e property of Hector hall tree, eso raes Farman Lamb's Rd. North. 2:30 to 8:30 m. A~. Canada Drilling Comfpany. o)r alter 8 p.m. 668-5220. Hodgias, 213 Simcoe St, high bop bedaddesr (ne FrSy)aresopruc t - :4 32- D Prince Albert (Port Perry), bedroom chair rnbd r (nee Forey) lar so prouda10 a ron. ailRSDAY o7:45 p.m. Phiono 623-7189. 33-4l' THURS. - FR1. - SAT, ýPhono Oshawa 576-6004. Re-_______________atraug21hlnudcaivnyadsooV- announcebhlec arlrva fa Away from aIl sorr0w30nd sponsored0 1» -Ipsentative Harry L. Wade. 'onerf1 1111 grlHona Pin.OsawaMifof oSearviTcEBeERSevic. nw 1:30aKn.LoL830,.m Necasle 87-53 22tf NNIKILEN tw be- ig nt.FarailCubbrcto, tola wah tan, pne ox Denise, 8 lbs. 1/4 oz., August Somne day when 1 fe's ioueY J»LEAVlN and used parts. Graham's SUNDAY 1 p.m. to 8:30 9874n1î2.--i-- rooin apartmeat, second floor,mwrpocliare.cfeetbswngahn, 9thc.i Andaetsisrfre Brd. hillasinde Oeil S H A WV A "0 -tf Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 5t B I L L' S G L A S S self contained, aduîts only. (al for above tractor), ches- 'odd tables, ca l ap and___________r._ad____________and_ Apli- Ted VW atson àn terRORS LTD.!P oe26-88 ifield suite, deep freeze, P0oWýer law n o e, lw Prudgrnpaensar M. ewiL i b bgthr ndM RRO SLT .1hoo26-86. 3- ound table, buffet, antique -chlairs, gardenbl, adr an Ms.Go.Fose aan. Pontypool Field Day an UsE D Furnîturet, and p-62-52DvsoSt-Pne2318.i«1 Mr. andMs.Ray Swaân. irst -oi yrmebrdadDance, Sat., Aug. l8thl, for acs ad' akt ap 2-227Dvso t hn 2-17APARTMENT, heated, con- dressers, brass bed, dishes,isomire dishesmn te ton 263-2241.1Maud26-tfYPO33ParkBow vanville, Ontario 1tral, fridge, stove, parkin_ .tl, 5, books, etc. Terms cash. items. ITe-rms csh o e GldsWllts aue 31Board. Paad t 230. TWO mon's Western saddles SetadFla ls Adults only, no pots. Avaii- House, soldSl I1pm ev.Sl ..Cr ik Gamos - Race - Bail game one brown, one blck Best Cars For Sale SeAed T'nits - Storm Windows able immediately. CalStates- Auclioneers: Ted Spenceley, son, AuctioneRaoo FotcnÉgr'n-alrad.Store Fronts - Float Mirrors man-Oce6330. 3lEethany- 277-2989; Grant 324-9 959, 3- Forthcomin ry of John Cales, Egrnem terwrd dmssonAdjuits offe. .Pho~ne 623-4322. 32-2 16-N-RA-NL-af atendaidClre ls OffAiceVI6L3-3m3n.32 ACTON AL oy"chiildrenunen 2 (re. 1W5erryNT 1-lampIon 263-2603.dCoord Gas BWMNVLL Marriages who passed away August 2'l, Dne83 .. 40cu1~CEDAR fencing rails at ton. Phone 263-8184. 3-1 ad aîn 1-tfodapt, four rooms nd bath.603 M r. n d rs. D o u g a s . 1 7~ >5 0 5 0 dc r a w ; b a r p r1,i i l e g s. B r k e to n G a r a g e o r p h o eA L GP t. o u re smo i s a n dt. b a h -ri I 3i3u-io2B -NLIr. aid MrsDouglas The cal sudi9 1967 FORD % ton piup. rs 'i11 was suddenurie th33-1nrh-623-7276 alter 6. 33- 4D.fVr opn elE-Srno ae-Dra ETNIL acmnanuctefot-The shock severe Phono 705-277-2115. 33-1 A . OBRE fpindes'Z Co cpanystR-eaIasE,-Srig al Duhl N com1,ng marriage of their To part »ath one, GENDRON carniage, swing ~re aePoo6324. 3-fCut ae rnOoo RDY UUTlt hotWOODVLIEW f Nl dors '69 luth Tpolserywill be holding ils first 70Àpm dauhtrCaolMaieb r.WeLovl e so d db ear OMNTYCNR o, Jhite cher oreaw, HONeDA Mtocyce Oc. -UVlýI1 ..LMODERýN 3 bedroom br ick mnhySrnoSl nLreVneinRgltr son 0)f Mr. and Mrs. Lawrïence wife Ermna and walyer, Jolly jumpor0.reaso- inesc23c-42 xe,4.0. rofessionally Cieaned bungalow, country setting. *ndatyAuigurS 7ale8p.mon allWal Cock(atiqe) Robent LawceMiîon,, -Lvigl rmbeed bJan NTER 0-NG able. Phono 623-512 33-1 Phono 623-4234. 3273-1 p.. Sy,,ll al W.tlsn Osaw ,trlo0. Jane, Joey, R fie nd ai, XTBUTAO 25Shrp "ES6ÎTPNTMATES tili, adulirs preferred. Available There 'are- a number Of Gone-With-TheWn ap Thonnie and Mari- NplceEXT MO_ 7:5 pnA BaCKaas1i25Sep S, "'66airontiACLauenia, Phone 623-2002 sept. IsI. Phone 786-2211. springers lined up 'for bis (very pnetty),LreSho 4 p.m. Sepîtemb huer 2, 197, RED BARN - WAYNE ST.1parts for mrost makes. Phiono $450. Phono 623-2949. 33-1 BOWMANVILLE ___________3- sale. Be sure to attend. If you Bell, TýachersBl, ldi TnniyUntd huc, 10 HAWLY-,In miemory of n 786-2211. 33-1____ 31-tf CENTR'ALL- locale d two have springers 10 seli you can and Ou ,LampOdNtoa manviie, Otani. 33- b den ten' ndgnndather, OSpîwodToaî '8PLOTH-potsso-(possible thr ee), b e d r o o mn gel them booked anytime be- Cash RtegîsbeSmîCre MbureW,, whopseiAJ 1 T oddiesgreen with black vnlG & D. ROOFING hue available Sept. îst tweon 8 a.m. and 8 P.m. the C up b o an ,Ox oe IVlrrige21-f ibrglas otlmonorib1' 5 op, V-38 Poo 83948 220mntl.Phn 6,:day of the, sale. For informa- Chunais, Royl-in: e away BLL-J. ld r. osAuge1,194 top, running ligrhs, '3-.. 31Sp-aGzn ~l83. 33-1 lion cail 623-4865.. William Service, BoneCiaDprs ____________areBuin_________ ASPHALT SHING.LES Mosley3,- A'62uctioneer.Èion33-2rl,1 ionlyGlassonWate33-2iiecherssand KleuTHBL- Mr. Le anMrs. s argust 25. Herse ho b-55.i3- '2 NOYttion Wagoni, c'NEw AND OLD f)ROOFS 1ONE bedroom lowor duplex, ____Bow, 4 Piec( n lc Frank Bîl Bowagilere But in oun theants 12u:are ins I 2 oo. Prae EWASTLýE Trailer Park&go odton xr e f Free Estimiates nlyeupeparkingBeomSitsChssf pased 1u)nlounc. 1eithe mar- alaystre,12:5riethal saand jdShmninr'Sae-ou itrc ablrLre.$0.Poo 2-24.G-HUE-71-16 $145 monthly. Prefer nespon- Auction Sale, Saturday, Drawers, 5PcChoeS, ae f hir da ugt11,- Tevegales em r wl raienalidBand.d eo-TalrDae.Nwad3 D RW S-6327sible couple. No children or Alug. 18, 1:15 p.m., aI Saveon Anvil, VacuumBdMt aneteLoy . eth on W erisclu ose t îraun n1-Midway and rides ontoon Sburda, Auust wre iss ou mre Ilan Mny atractonsTwo ancesuseStrailrs. ighwy No.'72 ATSU 240Zttront341npos. Cil a 39 CntreSt. Poducs Waeho-ue onHwy.tresssZBffet, Wniing es30 197f3 in St. James Bond Unit- danyone kn7-ow11. 1 with _andy__ Abernethy at s Cot-e t._______________on_____trsses____ cd hurhTornt. 3-1Wit tne loead ep hsraanoren, 2 ecst- 975 4 6-f~speod, rust proofed, in good aLer 7 p.m. 33-1 28 in the village of BewdleY, Day-Bed, AuoaiCohe __________________i_______ Water" B DO site cmpe cndiinM etofr 2-LDIN ANwt îcncî,wî-consiseting of pie table, wash vasher, WnigrWses Deaths W ert oeyuwî group at 9 33-1 dinjing sulite, 9-piece; chester'- 4 133. 33-1 BAieSevc RNa ovilbleapproxiwa- stand, rocking chair, quantity Stoves, FridgLreBb- ,Tho wil- -field suite, ahl Burmr ea- PTA ta o Chief. matly 25 acres pasture wilh0 slercinpin9t001, que, DressoeLmrMnl ____________________ ea~-'6 PNIA Srao ofeetbles, school desks, 1Radios, T.V.'sMwnSnl BAiltIioSurddey aI -iitover oretlA eaineatth wodbne. usdsol.Sa r'for oo seanNV8 oSoreamIG lram ronlmlenmihlfeheserieds chomfsibo, ndSie Cais,-Stp ader il9ononSuray, Augus i -Lovînugir y remembe bQUEEN'S HOTEL fice. Phono 1-241-5971. 3-fAimechanically. As kii ng Bowmanvîlle. Ph on e 623- dse lswrchroesks, o inSdw, orsCSryhr 13Shrley is nbdulbrs ud -d-oni, NEWCASTLE RED cLurranlts, pick your own $7.Poo6343. 34~623-3100 25.33-1 lamps, electnical appliamices, CarpetS, Sets fSnl r 331h year, ife oif Tony Bas-gsons-sn-law eDonad KebdlwnmwrsarongHrns ndTamH îidean mother of Cindjy, radhdenDnMie "YN and big containers; also ùve- 19063 CAMARO SS 396 auto, 33-3* FURNISHiED cottage, Cedar eslanmwrgdnig aes Michelle and Dwvaynre. daugh- and Heather., 33-1 THE WAINDEHýRR, greens, shrubs, trees, 4 BEL, posi-trac, mileago 50, Crest Beach, 2 miles from'tbols and othor Items still ness, 1963 CeSain ber of Mrs. Robent Hicks, RH.hIqleutlpatnli0.$10fr-Cl 8- JACK BURGESS Bowmnanville. City conven- being consigned. Roger Ban- Wagon, plus eea te 2, Newcastle, sister of Jack, HAWLEY -lIn îovîng mem- Fr1., Sat., Aug. h71 oiiý îd same G2uîti61.plaiiig60$7 im Cal97 iences. Slee-ý,ps four. Aug. 15- nister, Auctioneer, 3iies Torn tao, R n1 7 1 8 limeea us an el B S 1- . l hon o 23-216 .493- 5.33-1 *O IL B U R N ER S - FU R N A CES O ct. 3 1. $1 5tenm sy.Qie R n l , A j a x , M r s' o y 0 nhsbd M l r e s p o n s i b l e t e n n t s . 6 2 3 - 4 7 t T A P e TOR S bouine W.icn w-. BSH uggsshrteed ith1968 ;PONTIAC Strato Chief CLEANED Evelyn Wlliams, W.Oshawsedawa'3-1roll bnnt nunning, $100wgon blegoo codiion LteNGnEaAnS623535.23-1THRAYAGUT3d Canol (Mns. A . GreenBwaug 4 94 or vill rade for trail bikzeOlcfed or iginal ownon,331 newPSDYAtGUT 3r Sarvie, an d iRobtentornoI d aeiltho wo nd 10 giv, TLbty Bowl t.MX.623-3100, 9 a.m.-4 p.m), brakes snow tires on rnms. PHONE HAMPTON 2-BEDHOICOM a pa rtIme nt, Auction sale of household AuoneS Sericewa hod-n te on-I'dgie i, esan moe, JJJesecOW hiL'ni,33*3Pon126-814.33-125211 argrlvin romindiingg urilue adaanyaniqus,_____ ri unrlChplBwan o erbi oie OOhm will be oýpenrlnom ithn,3 c. ah-te pnoperty of Mn. and Mrs.Acto Saeaso f villemonnvil, o Cm -iAd greelt hlm athe dor. te es n DRESSERDS, Beds. Cheser- '70 IMPALA 2-dr. handtop, Mail Addross: roomln, nowîy decorated, îm- Chistie Clarke, will bo held Osbavvi Metirgso illee o Tuesa t ilck sile thsan o ils ýiknsýfUeFurni- 350 engine, powor steing P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville ý,ti hepcns,83Cnro etr.33-i But ail I can do, dean bus- ±TursdaL uc niuýsadApineýabae;as is bet-" N A0t dviiet sses91,cionT. Cn-St. Wsin the town ofandmcoe S.SotOsaa bijndcAug.d y's Market, Hmto,58 Liberty NBowmanvil-. eboy. _____ andtnd -rgz fyo wud ie a a P il-îM £T. UILING c tlesman1, P/o. B onnng-n 192 amln 0 e ldWdnsty.v CHILDS - Suddenly aI bis is go Idtn yu rve, " ,OId osona 263-2241. _________3,"-______1__diiin__ 9, ow ile. 33-i C lsie car 96ceRtified) 8 pc ing eugl d , I 5 pm residence, 1.5 King St. W.,AnS leavo bebînd tokons off axue -lMa&oLconactDBOX 11aierB$40 piano $250;_PONTIA Strato Chiof. Ex- ARPENTRY dining roo Bo wmairnville on Wednesday, love, 10 rie ,o in 20 É- -TA -Slao Cýü.C R E T Yciii- r n1 Suite 'Li 15 3toi.MC.d mpln -ug stÎ5, 1i , JclC id T I e b s us a d G d M g r. A I Os bo rn e stainless steel cabinet $25; collent condiio . W ill s îl, R N V T N A N IN a t d T e t captai n chainr, antique ike,- agc', 49 yeDlýs, b --ver nuqde. Phone hall rack $100; B & W TV cenified V-8oc l ý bu-Iaktpowe soin)g, TILE FLOORINGblc;11 aged 9 yeas, blovodbus- vo ade. hon$15u; smalvacuum leanerl 8 laktp lyr sig AUIU IIG 50 TO 100 ACHES 0fland, antique sofau (100 yrs.), wck-lck 15Inak;od band ef MrinChilds, dean I likO to think whenlilfe is 83563or63327$1.Pon 23349 3l*i$50 hoe6213. A3340 CODNCRGOK Bwavleara ,n rco okrfa akpAu-girider; vacumceao;2 f a r ýý 'dùnc 323-28 3.-1* $550 Phoe- 3-1-*; CONwbeolOREcargoandolly; Istoaifroe fathr o Ki~ bothr 0 hevonmaybe,33-2 ADMIRAL ,AMv/FM sbreo, ~ ~ FULI adRC OM Phono 725-9674. 33-lhar c3anique> with glassaxewlwhlsndio; Grace (Mns, . Tenhuno) Wherever combneddockhi-i rdioN-..anERdn dons, edrom site, oe ur10C... irossun l ~ a r y (i M rs M u n a y M c : H o w ill s t a n d a t t h e d o o , k Lihi- f i c F M L E t a c e w u d i k o s e b d b d c b s o r i l d l Knight), Don anld t0,lteUp there 10 welcomo me. EHBIIN 72 x 21 x 14, dark wood, prac- SEE THE USED CAR, oto63-1 EnAEteall ueouts1id" bL)la)catique loaher erouldnd up;2cmrs es Joe C hîiIS ld g a te - v rem em be ed by -w ife EicaIByTnOw. C a l 623-2315. A V R IS M N 3 - to r near B m a vllu e o us i b a ckini n tio um l able r,( roedst u in g o chs;a s rt do2c ý"ùrsFueaiCapl Bw Ll. 31 f33-1 ON PAGE THREE VIC M OE anea. Phone 579-2742,. 33- f cane bottom chairs tric motors;dnlprs;ru __________fo__________e_____VI C E M O R Etype,il p p; b MorrisFunera ChaplrBow Lylae33-1df ___________________s yavilefo eric o r1 165RMBRrraiksler xo-3-(100 yrs.). Quantity of other ok ine;ms da y at 2 o'clock. In erm ent W A D D IN G T O N - la liov lg A tm a te u r 19ich; m im ons; a cksr; apro- 3 - (C ym u D ecor) T O o b ee b d o m gond furniu e. P atter a glass cei! ne us te l; xyg n a et BomavileCemneteny. 33-1 memory of a dean friend, pane;' 2_5 ffI. electnie cord: Urne apartment or bouse, immrie-cope, ib banad ylenie bottles;hdalecl rielp W nd Paperhanigîn -Palntlng indens;.bydrulic pum-11by Bed iwaddinguton wo as- 11Pantinags sîeeps s; used %very -little. _______________________ dlmoustache'iies y FE rneElzbt--AtOur fami ,6,i19 0 Carpentry îa ely. Phono 623-7751. pilcîuor (pink), îgî draulie control valve; 2 Cor At airfy Arust hRasnbl.PhnoaeeenEPEINCD ha deseHOUSE RENOVATING 3-"cup an(' saucer, blue gass vair turbochnosemi FeEr, FacsEizbt cleba'aenbyp.u 2337535- 55. rprt2m. 3eohoe Lbel .,Bwaivile COUjPLE with baby looking 12, mon oISet u. of oth;ýenlomprsr soîeto the Comni-1ty Hospital' Port broken, pieces, sotfu' orfprdinnerwano foron Peny n aura,cgs ln oe rmor STUDENTS 0F NEED a PREýSSURE YSTM 2-45.2-f27for two-bedroom ap19mea nennos;oato raios;f E d w r ' ~~~~ r d s ~P E R S O N f o r e l d e r l y c o u p l e ,6 2 3 - 3 5 6 8 I f o r S e p t . i s t . P h o n o 2 6 3 - 8 8 6 g o i h s t n n f h n e d l y ; 2 3 C e . m t r v1 1973, France E.Arer, c Bt hain: vaureen __SUMP PUMPS 10live in, Phiono 263-8435. 331 belL3, many othen inbenestig e sat;10fI oneyn bealvedsf e of a the IeWm ut abhh e'n an frREPAIES TO ALL NMAKES 133-1 -_______---_______items. Terms cash. Sale at kebains adplescso ChBes F00, de an moen 0f a kowwe Au qir26th ETANK FAMILY of four would lîke 1 p.m. Reg. and Larry John- hisan Bossie (Mrs AnJae A\rm-Ws nwwe1,elagi. HUg5 on TARVEY PAflTNER, H!OUfSEKEE' ËPING b, ýp wn- LL.~ he ero amo buesn utoor.P.(0)pottery; sofacar;dosr stnong i'stiwag;,AnnileansSdly isse y o, uh d fl lm. hno63-55.ILLtinTabout 10 or 15 minutes cdrive 457-3270. 331 marbie top vntywthbr Haroy rsrn)nisa and thaleias o 331l' NO ILDS Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 Strathae.n Nursing Homte. PU ±Y.LF.LJ.r4m Bowmanviîîe. Phono d crop, handie;olam;bt Blackstock. Also survived by WADDINGTON, Mien ait H.. ERTTOMKIS 623-7818. 3- WDEDA UUT2 tr' pce oaer eecn 9 nadhidnnand 4groat- mBabe)-î oigmmr 0 A-( 4 DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL WAIT , / aîress, 0xperii rng; 95 Cev Ipaa ~rndhidmn.Den iserLf e who pasp away 'i-"' REFRIGERATION UNITS enced or willing 10 learn. ewo ileBsiness Farm sold. - Auction Sale lange glass nkdo I anne passe.Ralh Beac6h fl.Apply fla person, or phone, 0NFrm Mahiey ndnvI.igas ndsivBwae stoe)an Jsi Achr.In Sfl the leavos of rmemory adAPINE Quoen's Hutel, Newcastle, Phone 786-2552 Opportunities Household Fumniluro. Proper- plus miscelaeu aries ber 89tfh yean. Funenal son- fal, S. On WAVERLY S A LE-S & SE R V ICE 987-4684. 33-1 25ItANMNYI y of Eldon McInniis, Loi 6, Terme cash MyeKng vice aIthe -&Chapol cf McDen- Gnî abr raue3- 1d -+~rrrssPRESS ooaos eur-______________IN2,_____Tonshp,_______eer mol Piiiblpr PrtPery he al.imînediately, p ieoce work - SPARE TIME . miles north of Woodvllle 10____ o ni iTeayAuUsti141h i Some may fonget, now Ihat P-DABLINGTON i, oo wge cn eMon on Women bo ne-stock Lorneville and 1/4 mile Auction saipiaeoll etr, ainu. our gnTRENTW'AY 24 Division St., Bownianville earned.ý Apply Cunvply Woo)d MASONRY arndeolleet money frorn New 1972 Massey FergusoIi 35 ges from OshaWa oo oda 23- p.. ntrmn Uio Cm youm gono ma-27fPoutOoo 32Tpelil ult onoe-tatr ihcb oe te-Sitvn _____ IMEIAtLerffce tafBrckoBng. toe ated dispensons in youn area. ing, appmoxiniately 100 heurs, Hall St., Csaa hndy ________ No selling. ToyDor- TO RSqHMEliUITyYEmusMEIA1972 ffiedoref, snckwBlblowern o 6'liAug.o ui6th, 2 atw 6lwp.m6' Croslthy FLOWER,1S and SEED STORE Evey nd rememe 3by -1r FalSpecials With our plans and instnue- order dosk. Experionco neces- HMES.FIPLC hvcarfens $000PT iw:?!,seyeguorfieat; tby3ndStryeet- tiens, you can mnake youn own sary. Apply 'North Plant, Phone 623-2176 t10 $3000.00 casb. Seven 1 3ifuirnowvtrip beamn plow, stove; Washn macbie 33Dviin tee ADIGTNTO fruit dryor using salvage Cu-, luWo Poucs twelve boums weeklycan net ase Fergulson No. 3 balon, chromie suite! eeiin u Cosgsmemomy of a dean mobben NEW ENGLAND, parts and inexponsivo mater- Highway 115, Orono. 33-149 imo.xeletbish y. orro ul te, owM mower, 3' pont'7Liter ti and grandmotber, M i n ni i e and CAPE COD îals. Only ordinary tools are tie ' . , horrut.pwr on; itrswivelcai;an cha is Potd(Babe), wýho passed away Seven Days requimed. Dried p eaches, WAITER/Waitress forpýart- BOB BEERS For porsonal interview write: broatdc&aster, 3 point; cultiva- humidifier;,lîom okr Pîlnts - August 116, 1970. DprîgSt,2n poans, and apples surpais any lime or fuil-timre (pOmma.n- 137 ELGIN STREET including phono aumber Iton, 3 point; Massey Ramris fireplacegat;amnu Weddlng ~ They say memnioris are gol DprigSp.2n 29th candy made for being purely nt) work.- Exponienco prO-e- B.V. DISTRIBUTORS id- rake. Field spray 100) gai. windows;cffeabedsk den, " delicieus. This unit bas a ferred buit net neceoîary. Plumbi>ng, - ±eating LMTDtn, on;2'1a lv-ktce aie;S Boqesp Weil, mayhe that is true, AGAWVA CANYON and large capacity and will cost Houri arrangeable. Phono Pressure System DepI. "A" tomi,16 grain auger, Lister chair; 'pop coe eeîi) Butwe ovr 'abdmm AKNCILN juil a few dollars ob build. 983-5560. 32-2 NwWr and Rire 117 ecunnseh Rond, East 1ï2' chain harnows,2 cattle trunk; ironen iyl;rdo ono SxComplole plans and instruc- WAITEHS I Wailressos,. cash- Service and Estimnates WVINDSOR 20, Ontario oilers, 16' feed rack, nollen bypewrlten; ofc hi;so lion arecook andothe kithen 3-1ibeaniing- wagzon with rack, Ipadrlpr suitao rps hs sypth.1IN THE ESTATE 0FI LOW MONTHLY TERMS statusý and expenience if ny r fox47eefr0,ie jin bunnr Tho Famnily. anmisyo kos, 10 yLISMltuAdverthsen 4 00, ûcCana- Plumbing, eatilfg Ont. 9 L eeodhie nsn .auiimba ihwni Wihbnonoe ns deof the Township of Ébanîingýe- FREE DELVR3K9 tae.Yin .Bo o, COBOURG, K94L year old; 9 Hereford calves shield and cnrl;98hp Itohdlke1 xtnsn egrhooettnyo Or~2 fDureA AMe- CMMRCAL, asey Ferguson 35 Diesel Trac- ler moton; rc iejces WatdtoByton, live power with Agnelie, ca-lmping oqEmnt o con Ibnke10 y fmli, W, wo lve ouwiî ha, SinserDecase, ~~ IDUSRIA an '~Indstnal anue bSer triîo Keimoe cppeton fnensrlaivs nlgbrs noerfrge.lawativeeR.Ns,2, EIDNTA WEA tîw.Phn 63-hdruhebukoW4Inor hs wser Wsinhse eeliv Rbelaf Lý,, -iiswho died ait the saiS Town- FURNrTURE ______loader____________ BeeieRbkh og n Sadly miseSby i fe Doris, îi fD igo nth CSFHE FR ESIENETIMATES 758.332 aial tnt, PT4;Ien-cpprneso;Ry2-. Clb 9 orthe ovely flow- WnRisadSugîrn4xsh daof ay, 1973,la- 26 KN t .UowR lE r .R. GOD 51 w anS hay. aw Phonoatoal3 unospoh a-cpprtn figoaof01 ors gfMeacy, an1vsie3SeiaIn-Capl.6238Kin3g6 S,,.,.. 97-56.,3-2eenational tr tor, P Ma nuer oc; chosne dsut;ga wbleinhopial isial ShOran1USE Fu-1turand AyPoenaina r, rg ltioropoo laybon- ir thni 0Dr.Simn n Pt tsatel. 786247R.p.a Mkonurses adsafo CeiosaSothers hav- ' eINP re doPuble citiaoo ing daimsneagaafnîontheesaiSs and INSTLL AN Becomo self-emplo'-ed ifl i îfances. PadSy's Market, Ham - ue make ucl ds. 4 sec- chromo suiteîtn rms miedical floor, iMemoial Hou- FREE 10 good home, fou saear eurd 0sn URAE yu ae n an %_______________tn 6-21 6 I inda anws nen-bd in ar ewo pitli otuoSLa.Poo76prtcl- n ul ro OLR Finder's fee. Apply BLS ft -tional 7' 21U powý1er rmower; pienle babbe idlywo LoaFro.33-1 2449. .3,3-1 (PX Noticellpor, BIE 110 ALSofsra.Ebor 11971 AllieS 24' bay elevatoruveInlsaomieSyr ___________Fa.____ hereof te the undersignod << UMIDIFIER CASHFINDER & COMPAINY1Mllon phono 263-2'137. wiîh undercarniage; nubber spinngwevae; electni _______ M rE ato oP lonsian62,_k53tbensonorbefovecthe 101 day 0f _SIlor HOT WATER Phono 623-2341 L. C. Mason, (QC., Law 3itrSwgnwlhnc;20 etr;16 og;tuk The fa il o hlaeMres togsdhoe. 3-103.teteber, 1973.,of loich ETE o aEtîet Ofc coe tewek0OOD useS fumniture.-AKhales mixed hay: 1967 Fond wieken chais niih;pu 331 at heasos f h EtaeNI) payments for six mosthsi 33-11 August 20th251b. 33-2-" good Seal is a To,ýwno Deal. station wagon; 1956 Chevro- mîscellaneou arils Tem IhirIane 0fnddsan to kregard O Musiiet, ;iec bisons, piano, ho- Towno UseS Furnilure, 19 lot t oa trui , in cash 255.Mye lgAuto or neigbbours for i: exprs,- Dead SokService only 10 the daimsMyle. sin f yptyaSdna hnneevd ~PRNR ok~Coaservatory. Cal 623-5698. 32- eicken feeders and drinkers, lions-aI thetlime c0f Our ne-Farmers, £->.tention DateS aI B ,mavil!Le, On- HARVEY________________CooASHaordoal343 cphoadsfuIlllino of machinory. U- Dispensaile-Teor enlt braemn.Ma y wODEAD STOCK SERVICE teuc, this 31hda'fJiy, Yu SO evc ealer 'Waiter/Vaitrese loseS for holidlays rmCAlS, oxesetoc Writ d- , eopiano, good end tables, owned byJoFrnec- 1973. tablei wn alebxeet.Wrt A-vingen washer, uisting of.a£ o.2 oSo Dri. M iklios, CunîaUgham, udrnwmngmn e RE1,SIAE o -etbe unde-n;w anag-sebanci Sarah Eîbelwy naHî, lOOft "hTeilusve. L. A. Parker &Saemn ox10 lmn car huefeldan Charaiavs îlosoS.b Le;nre n îf fM.ownersbiýp. We appreciate a b emTheio OJLU ~ooVoyageur 1"-an ircetfeladchrndavs moil opia, omnvlo a o o u hnnesnL. -C.PMasoni, QCor Rc Se[t 152nSt.lmbEgas etig3vile-250water' pump, lolephone table, auction at beDra o fç ten xelen cn, 0 CaîIl colleel 263-2721 Britr. oiioR sa rn 5 ig S. Eu.3- ACRES of land wanted wibh- lam-pu, bedu, dressons, coal oil by Sales Aea rno Rev.Convrs or vsitsanS Lic. No. 416C73 135 Wligo tet Zeniith 14620 Wavei'bey Rd. andS Hwy. 401 Bowleru wanted. Couples la 40 miles of 401. Watorfront lampu, many lother itemis. Thursday,Auut11,I8 cofrlgwrsaSMr.r ,BwavllOtrop..B139BOWMAN!iýVILLE 1w1shing 10 bowl iha the Friday preferred. Write G. Dickpian, Termi scash. No neserve. Sale p.m. alona lhte eua Fu neral Chapýel for Iheir -r- R ,Bomnil, nai POo 29'i.Nght MixeS Loaýgue (7-9 36 Woodlawn Ave. W., Ton- 1 p.m. Carl Hiekuon, Auc- weekly livOte ae~B vic. . W BWERNGLT1 BWman3Y,9 Ot- ill 3rie rioeO)U* p.m.), contact Sandra Stain- onto, or phono eveniage 920- ioneer, Re-aboro, 324-995.9. sure 1e0 atted m oiy 8-f LC 3M 134-f33-1 bon 623-ý2489. 32-2 6777. 33-1 33-2 Auctioneer.