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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1973, p. 17

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-Auction Sales W EEL LIVESTOCK SALES at Durham County Sales Arena Oronoc- Every Thurs,, 7:30 p.n. Selling Horses, Cattie, Swia<, Calves, Sheep, etc. WM Mosley, Auctioneer anid Pro- prietor. Phone 623-4685 or ~9839363, Orop . 20-tf BB anmid FRANK STAPLETON AUCTIONEERS Speciaizing ln ail types of SALES and ESTATES Phone Newcastle 987-4767 or Newtonville 786-2953 16-tf SATURDAY, AUGUST lStl B3usiness Sold. - Auction Sale 0f Parts, Farm Machin- ery, Farm Machinery Acces- sories and Industrial Equip- ment. Property of MacFar- land Equipment Ltd., R.R. 7 Peterborough, 3 miles eat of Pcterborough City Limits on Highway No. 7. Watch far list next week. Sale time 10 a.m. beginning with large quantity of parts, accessories and farm machinery. Indus- trial equipment at 3 p.m. ROY Williams, .A,%uctoneer, Camp- belîford. Cari Hickson, Auc- tioneer and Salesmanageî, Reaboro, 324-9959. 31-3 Funiture, Dishes, Antiques etc., the property of Mrs Johin Murray, 279 Queen St. Port Perry, opposite I.G.A. Saturday, Aug. l8th., Includ- ing Wainut Dining Roon Suite, Chesterfield S u it e Needie Point Fine Sereer, Needie Point Bench, Wicker chairs, wicker rockers, an- tique tables, crocks, trunks, etc. This funniture is fron o-ne of Port Perry's fine older hýomïes and it wiil be an ex- cellent 'sale. Rouse s50k Terms cash, Sale at 12:30 pir Auctioneers: Ted Spenceley, Bethany 277-2989; G r an Werry, Hampton 263-2603. 32-2 Auction Sale of farm ma- cinery, thie pnoperty of Ray- miond Gi man , t18, Con. 9, Manivers Twpr., 12 miles south of Lindsay ta lth Concession and 21/i miles eat or 11/t mil2s north of Bank in Beth- aniy andc 2 miles west. -Satur- day, Au-,. lth - 32 acres mix- -d grain; 76 McCormic] combine (hydraulic header); M.H-. drill (15' nun) grain box; 4130 Case diesel tractar (good (1condition); Massey 82 tractor; 5 ton Otaco wagon and rack: double leighsa; M.F. hale-r Noj 3; J.D. ide nake (5 bar); M.F. 3-12's trip beam pbowv; Grain auger, 16'; Se- doüra Snow Blower; 7' New idea Powýer Mowevr; Cock- shutt Tille-: r;Tactor chains; DeLý1aal iiker Uit: Scaies, Int. ultivtor 1'; Cedar Po-sta: taco Hros(15'); 3 drum rafoler; farmi trailer; thte hp.eiectnic grinder; P'2'Mayathelevator<it gai, fuel druni 2water trougihs; disc har:row: ;A.C. trip beamii plow (4-14's) 5 h.p. roton illr;ont rolier R.D.1 h.,p. mtr washîng machine; portable TV (19"): R.D. Mof- fat stove 24" (2 years old), tw vo -china cabinets; six chromne chairs; single bcd; wooden planes, numerous ther items. Terma Cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Owen Fitzgerald, Auctioneer, Beth- any 277-2959. 3- W-EDNESDAY, AUG. 22nd F'ainm Sold. - Auction Sale of Fnnm Mtnhinery, House- hiold Furniture and Antiques. Property of Marvin. J. Ham- ilton, Lot 2, Con. 7, Feneior ïownship, 5 miles north of Lindsay on Righway 36, to Snug, Harbor, turn second- fr.Masaey Rarris 22 trac- ton, Cockshutt' 2 furraw ploxw on rubber, Cockshutt side rakc, Cockshutt 623 B trac- toný, manure spreader, Cock- shiuýt~ 5' Mower on rubben, Massey Rarris il run dill, Mass ey Ramris cultivator, 'Mlco 32' hay elevator, rub- ber tired wagon with rack, electnie matons, cutting box, f anning miii, quantity of posta, paies 14', fence stakes, 3 eiectric fencens, lumber, cedar, rails, muskrat traps, 19740 18 hp. Olympie Ski-Doo, coal an-d woad furnace witi blower, Il' boat with 31/ h.p. mnotor, 16' canoe good. Many other items3, hay, straw, 31 Model A Ford homemade tractor, 24" Rider riding iawî mowýer, quantity of lumber, Model A en-gine,- 2 ploughs, hay mower, elevator, 2 wag- ans, side -ake, Chore Master gadntractor, wheelbarrow, table saw, garden toois,2 tables and iamps, 2 pce. ches- terfield, 21" TV., TV iamp, fonr lamp, eiectnic stove, VýikiJng fridge (large sizei, large Viking deep freeze, up- righit, table and four chairs, three looking glasses, two beds, two dressers, two chesli of drawers, amali round table, ýdd.-chairs, fruit jars and a quantlty of dishes. 3aome of these article,2s are an- t1qvu. Fam soid. Sale at one Lawrrence Ramris, e-k;~ Cliff Pethlck, Auction. 'Il. 33-1 Auction Sales j Steve Liptay AUCTIONEER ta Household - Farmi Sales a. eLIVESTOCK A SPECIALTY 263-2117 19-tf )r THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd Farm Sold. Auction Sale farm machinery, household furniture and antiques. Pro- perty of Huber G. Burke, Lot 7, Concession 10, Ops Township, 3 miles north west of Omemee, on No. 7 High- way or 1 mile south east of Reaboro. Massey 30 tractor,1 f Massey Harris 'z furrowi plough, Massey Harris 171 1 ooth cultivator, 16' 'chain1 n harrows, Case rubber tired - wagon, rake, seed drill, fan- - ning milI, 2 sets of scales, 2 -saw tables with saws, Deep1 well pump, quantity of 2" . maple planks. Quantity of lumber, separator. set 'of ) ie n~ sighs, whistle trees, horse rcoliars, walking plough, elec- tric fencer, oul tank, cross eut ýsaws 1948 Chevroiet 1/2 ton Struck, drill tools, many other items. Fumed oak round din- ing room table, buffet, 5 ex- )- tra boards, C. chairs, 2 fumed oak chairs, one a rocker. rwicker stool, book rack and ~rocker, odd pieces of toilet sets, library table, picture frames, coal oul lamp, crocks, s jug, chesterfield suite, swivel i. rocker, platform rocker, bal mrror, churn, phonograph, extension table, bureau, pine box, sewing machine, wash- ning machine, rugs, lamps, eAdmirai refrigerator, stain- 1, lesssteel sink, silverware, ýr copper and glass iamjp, quan- 'tîty of books, dishes, glass S. and china, many other an- ci tique and household items ýr from an old establishcd -homestead. Terms cash. No Ireserve. Sale i p.m. Carl IHickson, Auctioneer, Rea- Yboro 324-9959. 32-2 t »2 SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th Business Sold. Auétion Sale of Farm Machinery and In- dustrial Equipment. Proper.tyý 9, f MacFariane Equ.ipment ,Ltd. (N. A. MacFarlane IHC nDealer), R.R. 7, Peterborou gh, 2 miles east of Peterborough1 City Limits on I-wy. No. 7.' -IHC TD9 Crawler biade; IHC -TD9 Crawler' loader;,2 IHC kTDC Crawler loaders; IHC Hough 30-4W loader, 11/ yd.; >IHC 500 Crawler loader, 4 irn 1 bucket, gas; OC 120 Oliver Sloader; Cockshutt 30 fork1 nlift; 10' Case 430 Industrial rubber tire loader' 12 small Crawler bulldozer blades. e long grappies Back hoe buc- -' kets, loader cylinders, loader ~buckets, winch skidder, Log Iarch, large quantity of small -Industrial parts; 1967 Inter- national No. 1206, Diesel Tracter, 120 hp. cab. and dual rw hl e e las; International 414 Diesel tractor with Kelly hy- 2draulic loader, Int. 606 Die- sel tractor,; 1968 David Brown Il 990 Diesel tractor; 1968 Davidl Brown dee rco;Cs ýr 430 diesel tractor, Massey 30 tracter.,!,Massey 22 tractor,., 'Farmail A tactor, Farmali C tracter and others: IHC No. 175 self-propelled 10' swath- er, IHC No. 201 self-propelled 10' swather, 1HC No. 225 self- x propelled 10. swather, IHC NoS16 9' mower conditioner; SOwatonna 9' pu~ll type hay ,- swaither; IHC No. 35 fastt Il hitch, 3 furrow plow, Allis LChalmers 4 furrow trip beamn îpiow; Overumn 3 furrow trip beamn plow, IHC No. 46 4 fur- roýv ttip beam plow, Massey Ferguson 4 Iurrow trip beamn e plow. 2 IHC cultivators, New Holland 222 manure spread-t er, 135 bushels; IHC No. 160 -Flail spreader, 160 busheis; i IHC No. 103 manure spread- f er, 100 bushels; IHC ý21U 0power mower, 3 Allia Chai- I mers power mowers, Oliver -7' power mower, IHC No. 32 v power mower; IHC 50, 2 rowv ecorn barvester, IHC hay head -and corn head, IHC forage -harvester, 6' cutter head, Pa- ,pec 2 row harvester, Gehl 1F--4 harvester, Ford 4 row rcorn planter, large quantity -of miscelaneous equipment 1including Brillion grass seed- cer, Turner 12' land leveiler, f loaders, New idea 12' ferti- lizer spreader. Brady Flail cchopper, New Holland bale thrower, Lely corn acid ap- )plicator, Anderson, 5' rock h picker, rock wind rower. )Many other pieces of mach-1 Yinery; 1968 GMC V-6 diesel 7truck; 1966 IHC No. 1100 1/2 'ton truck; 1967 IHC'No. 1300 367 King St. E., Bowinville ~Just Listed rn Cute 2 bedroom bungalow 2 nrural setting near the lake. -An ideal starter home or re- tirement cottage. Piced to seil at $14,000.00 with terms. 1 Aüre Lot We oniy have one left in 0this small community. Good 'road, only 25 minutes to Osh- cawa. Where can you match It ' at $P,000.00?-1 3Samuel Aunis 623-7664 eJames Robinson - 623-3Q5 Meraber: Toronto Real Estate Board 33-1 i-teal Estate for Sale iPeai Lstate loî Sale6 M"oFOR SALE P0-76941 137 Kng St. E., Rowmanvilim 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR Bowmnnville, lovely 3 bcd- room aiuminumn home with1 campant and acparate dining room, a lot 66 x 180. ASKING ONLY $28900. Stone Rame on Lake On- tarie, 3 bedroam' bungalow, fiepince in front roam, large lot, nice tone patio with brick fence. ASKING ONLY $22900. Elsie Spencer 623-3259 Mary Smith, Newtonville - 78f;-2283 or 786-Z9911 Banner Passant- 623-3258 Shawn Ferry - 7379 Gary Winacott - 725-8887 Ursula Beeching 1 76-4541 Rlly Spencer -623-7694 33-1 REALTOR 623-2503 Orono - 4 bedroom bunga- low in quiet area, with patio and fenced yard. Cali for in- formnation. Orono - legal tri-plex with 2 and 3 bedroama, close .to shopping, good incarne poten- (i. Cail for information. Millbrook - aider 11/2 star- ey 3 bedromn homne, newly renovated with kitchen cup- boards, double sinks, bath and drilled artesian well. Asking $19,900 with terms. >1Pontypool area - good i acre building lot facing on main rond, aaking $6.80 with $1,500 down. Hampton anen - beautiful 12 acre parcel of property with amail barn and 2 roamn cottage, lange free flowing creek. Asking $45,000 with terras. Bowmanville - butildling lot an Cave Rond, with septic tank and weli, asking $7,200 with terms. Lloyd Atchison -759227 Alan Rout -'-025-0353 Edwia Jeans - 623-7152 Mac McDonald 623-3911 Wilf Hawke --983-5274 Helen MeD)onald 623-3911 Pefer Kowal, Jr. REALTOR REAL ESTATVJE EERLINSURANCE ý5 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-2453 if yau require a four-bcd- romr home, why not let us show you (bis one? It is situ- ated, on a deep lot, close ta achool, and shopping, eaniy possession can bie had, and the price ia $25900. Immacurate, three bedroamn home on nice shaded lot, in gaod reidential area of tawn, featuring separate dining- roani, foun-piece and two- piece bath, and finisbed rec. room, piced at $39,000 with tera. Twa out of town bidn lots 100' x 175', pnîced at $5,000 encb. We have aiso several acre- ages of vaiaus size for sale. Aftem hours cali: J. Barton-- G. Beech - P. Kowal Jr.- 623-3098 623-5265 623-5868 30 King St. W. 623-4403 Lots of Roorn In this older 2 storey brick home, 3 bedrooms, firepiace in extra large living-room, modern kitchen, sunroom, sewing room, and lot size of 66' x 270' depth. Nicely land- scaped, large garden. $39,- 900.00 asking price wjth 612%, murtgage, try your offer. 2 Bedroomn Brick $22,000.00 will buy you this cute home with lovely yard, garage and paved drive. Owner moving to apartment will hold mortgage. Hurry on this one. Farm - $74,500.00 Fulil Price Included -87 acres of land fronting on 2 ronds, creek andi large pond. 2 barns with water and hydro, new silo, 4 bedroom brick home, mod- ern conveniences, new fur- Ilace. Just east of Orono. Ranch Bungalow on IA Acre 8 year oid brick, 4 bed- rooms, dining-room, finished rec room, with wet bar, dou- ble paved drive, garage, beautifully landscaped, tool shed. Close to Oshawa, but country 'atmosphere. Listed at $51,500.00, Caîl for more details. Could we interest you in buying or selling a building lot, 10 acre lot, vacant land. Caîl the office and find out what we bave to offer. David Allisoa 987-4867 Elfie Jost - - 263-2032 Melville Dale,- 623-5638 Valerie Brear - 668-8353 Peggy Gray - 576-3889 Kathleen Twaites 723-2008 George Twaites M 2-2008 Ed Drumnm 725-O345 Peter Chepee . 725-1846 Reg. Alcer - 725-0201 Win. bMFeeters -125-1728 "Establîshed 1936" BEA VER' LUMBER LTD. STARTER HOME With only $200.00 down pay- ment and your own building lot you can be living in a new Beaver Home of your awn (bis summer. The low, low martgages on many Beaver Homes carnies for les (han most rent payments and off ers you future equity. Overal cost (00, is often thousands of dollars less because of, Bea- ver's factory precision build- ing methods and volume pur- chasing power in the building, matenials industny. So if yau're fed up with making, costly repairs (o your present home . . . or if you're shop- ping for a newer home on have outgrown the place you're renting . .. make your move ta a new Beaver Home., You'll be glad Fou did. Phone .RAY NORTRET 62 Stevenson Rd. N.- Oshawa 723-3588. ______________ 20-tf 143 Acres,,Tyrone Two barna, brick house 10 roams. A beautiful location with high building site, springa and creek. Asking $275,000.00. Terms. Caîl Bill Sutherl and. 34 Acres, Brookla Farm 5 roam brick bouse, smali barn. Propcrty lacated in grawing area. Look at (bis for n -good investment. Ask- ing $175,000,00. Terms. Cal Bill Sutherland. 214 Acres, Bowmanvill e Close ta town limita. Ter- rific investment ,at ,only $423,000.00. Terms. Cali Phyl- lis McRobbie. 89 Acres, Manvers Township Near Pontypoal.. 20 acres woaded. Ideal etreat proper- ty. Must be sold at once. $40000.00. Terma. Cali Dano Found. 160 Acre Automnatie Feedlot Leakard. Rigbly autamated feeding syatem. Feeds 30o bcdf cattie. -) streams, beau- tiful view from 8 room home. 2 silos 25 x 75. Barnns, 120 x 120, 80 x 40 and 50 x 35. Feedmom 40 x 40. New fenc- es. $250000.00 wvitb $75,000.0o down. CÔ0' OPen Gravel Pit 114 acres wtb streamy for waahiag. Nean Leakard. $125,000.00. Terra. 97 Acres, Lake Ontario Bawmanvilie.' 2 as t o r e v brick home. Iýear Cloverleaf and on 401 Service Rond. 1200' waterfrontage., Terrifie- investment at only $250000. Terms. 21 Acres Bowmanvilie Frontage on 401 highway. Good building site, with stmeam. Terrificeinvestment at $46,000.00 witb $i5,000,00 down. Caîl Cinre McCuilough. 48 Acres Newtonville Area 14 acres, woods, stream. Very scenic pnopenty. $35,- 000.00. Terma. Cail Bill Tur- anaky. Cavan Towniship Building lots near Hlwy. il5. Starting at $3,200.00. Cail Bill Turansky. Newcastle 3 bedmoom bungalow on a lange lot, nicely landgcaped. Good garden. Aaking $35,900. Termma Cail Bill Turansky. N'-weastle Area 2 storey family home, close1 to schools, good rond, large1 lot witb flowing spring at rear. Asking .$27000,00. Cali Bill Turansky. Electnical Heated- 3. Bedrom nBungalow1 Rene is a beautiful weil1 kept home with a apacious Iliving roorn, finished nec. roomi, modemn kitchen and aiso a dining room. The lot is 73' x 236' with a large gar-i den and alsa a beautiful kI!D 147 Ring St. E., Bowmanville REALTOR 623-7461 or 623-2492 Located north of Rice Lake this 98 acre farm with 3 bed- room home. 2 large barnna. Exceptionai value at only $61,900. 5> miles east of Town: Cute 2 bedroom home with garage, finiahed ec. rooni with bar, 4 pe. bath, oul heat, lot 77 ft. fronlage. Aakîng $29.900. Picturesque 10 acre parcel of land overlooking Rice Lake Building permit avail- able. Real money maker, storage and warehouse now used as Auctian Barn, priced ta seil. Cail today. NORTH BOWMANVILLE: 2 bedrooni bungalow witb full tiasement, broadloom, uil heat, 11/ batbs, lot 75' x 130'. Asking $29,900. NEWCASTLE. Nicely dec- orated 4 bedrooni home, fln- ished mec. noom, large lot, caîl today on this anc. atone rockery with a faun- tain. The house -also bas a single car attached garage. Asking oniy $42,500.00. Cal Charlie Reid. Newtonville Area Brick, bungalow, 3 bcd- rooma, finishcd famiiy room in basemént. Large wooded lot,' ail in new amen on Hwy. No. 2 with achool bus service and 401- exit less (ban 2 miles. Oniy $39,900. with, terms. Cail Geraldine Woola- cott. Bownianville Older 3 bedroorn bungalow, niceiy broadloamed, sepanate dînîng noom. Large lot 86' x 165', landscaped, good ganden with a strawberry patch. Quiet amen. Only $29,900.00. Terms. Cail Phyllis Mcg(ob- hie. Bowmanville Cottage Exclusive and quiet amen la (bis 2 bedroom, red cedan siding cottage. Very clean and tidy, 3 pce bath wltb new pressure systerni, separ- ate diningroani. Large lot 100, x 175', beautifully treed- and hiedged. Small guest b ouse. Only $-1.500.00. Cail Phyllis McRobbie. Bowmanville Commn-ercial Brick home with office. Vcmy central on tawn's main street. Ideal for Doctor, Den- tiat or Lawyer's office. Ask- ing $40,000.00. Termm. Cal Phyllis McRobbie. Industrial Space, Bowmanville 75,000 square ft. New build- ing wîll subdivide $1,50 per sq. ft. Office Space, Bowmanville Very central location. $3,50 per sq. ft. Are You Consldering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are equippel t. bamidie your home needs anywhere la Canada and U.S.A. After 9:00 pan. caii: Roy Foster - Orono 983-5301 Bill Turansky - Orono 983-5420 Geraldine Woolaeott N'ewtonvlie Bill Sutherland- Bob Cullen - Audrey Plain - Norm Wetherup- Pat Yeo - - - Dîne Found Dolores Ross - Kay Brown - Phyllis McRobbie- Charlie Reid - Orono1 786-2970 623-3102 623-3393 623-3563 723-4809 623-3077 6z3-3965 725-1498 623-3150 623-7159 983-5914 Clare McCullough - 576-30601 33-i1 Export Meat Controls Will Cause chaos Says Local Former "The Fedenal government was wrang ta succurnb ta demanda by apposition mcm- bers and the media for contrais on exporta of beef and park,' " anys Bruce Taylor, executive memben, Ontario Fedemation _af ,4icultune. i'ayior la a ivestock producer n lnniskillen, Ontario. " Coatrolling the expont of beef and pont wîli put chaos into the market place,' pro- testa Taylor. "Rt is regrettable (bat the Fedenai gaverament yielded ta the anrtificial press- ures of the opposition and the media. On Monday, the govenament cut off ail exponts of live cattie and hoga, fresb, cbilied, and frozen park and beef, A permit system la promised 50 existing orders can be filied. Taylor dlaims the permit system could be a long time la coming. "In the nicantirne, the bonder is closed, and packers anc jumping at (the chance ta slice a few dollars off the pice ta the farmer." He wamned, "The resuit of interfering in the, market 1 lace is a slap in the face ta armera. It does not- take many blunders like (bis ta destroy the confidence lof farmens la the future, and cauld ultimately neduc'e -the supply of ment on the market. This is no idie (breat today, when meat supplies are ai- neady tight. "Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau admits that the rail stnike is increasîng the cost of food. He would be doing something constructive if lie bnought the stnike (o an immediate end so (bat food can be distributed acros(lie nation. Cutailing exporta mreneya_,dds mor2danptio (a an alncady chaotic mark- eting system,"- l«ffEgRIAUIIOSPITAL Weekly Report For the week of Aug. 6-12 inclusive. Admissions ............. 61 Births-3 maie, 2 female .. 5 Discbarges....... m Major Operations........ 7 Minor Operations....... 15 Ernergencv Treatmentqi q2.5 Visîting boums 3-8 p.m. daiy-. The Canadian Statesmnan,, Bowmanville, Aug. 1à, 1973 17 Provincial Courtt August 14,1973 Judge Runciman presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney K., Stubington and duty counselDoug Barber. Robert Cox, 18, R.R. 6, Bowmanvîlle, charged June 16 with failing to share haîf the road pleaded "guilty". He hit a dump truck on highway 2. There were no injuries. The fine was $35. and costs. He was given 4 weeks topay. Cedardale Scrap Iron and Metals Ltd. 500 Waterloo St. Oshawa, were charged June 1, by the Department of Comm- unicatiûns, for having a load in excess weight and a futher charge of excess width to which they Pleaded "uiltY" through their counsel. The weight was 19,000 lbs over and the width was over 102 inches. The overweight charge brou- ght a $5i00. fine and costa and the second charge $50. and costa. Miss Jacqueline Battams 17, 310 Elgin St. E. Oshawa, chargedby Const. Moon, with failîng to stop for a red stop sý n had the charge dismîss- Miss Michelle Owen, 17 Kalamazee, Mich, pleaded "guilty" to failing to yield at the corner of Church and Teprance Sts. The charge wa ad by Const. Bromley on July 8. The fine was $20, and costa. Wrn. Minard, 19, R.R.- 3, Bowmanville, pleaded "guilty" to driving while ability was imapired by alco- hol and "guilty" to another charge of driving while dis- Mn. HAY M.and Mrs. Frank Ken- nedy, Collingwaod; Mrs. H. Perryman, Calgary; Miss Susan Lewis, Mn. Deibent Potta, Annprion, spent their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts. Mns. \W. Martin, Sunset Lodge, Bowmanville, was a Sunday visiton. Mn. and Mrs. L. Ashton and family, Thorn- buny, was a Monday visitor with the Patta family. Mn. and Mns. Ronald Potts and David, Port Coîborne, also visited the Potts family thnough the week. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Gar- nard and Tim, Keswick, werc Sunday visitons with his par- ents, Mr. and Mns. C. Gar- nard. Miss Sue Stuant, Hamilton, is visiting Mn. and Mrs. D. J. Camenon. Mn. and Mns. L. Smith, Mna. K. Tennant, Mns. L. Snowdon, Mn. and Mns. Russell Tabb were Satunday evening callens at Mrs. Irene Tabb's. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Blackburn and Windy, Whit- by; Mr. and Mns. Wayne Bkckburn and Suisan, Orono, wene Sunday supper guesta of the W. Blackburn farnily. Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, OBITUARIES MRS. JEAN SAWDON A 64-year-old resident of Oshawa, Jean Graham' Saw- don, diedSatunday, Aug. 11, at Oshawa Genenal Hospital, after a lcngthy ilînesa. A grandmother and a.great- grandmother-; Mns Swdon was the former Jean Gracie and had resided in Oshawa for the past 33 years. She lived at 885 Oxford St., Apt. 206. Born in Glengannock, Scot- land, she waa (lhe daughter of the late John and Isabella Gracie. A widow, Mna. Saw- don's husband, Abent, whom, she mannicd Auguat 17, 1919, ià also deceascd. Mrs. Sawdan was a memben of the Finat Baptiat Church of' Oshawa and a memben of the home league of the Salvation Army. She was a former meînben of thie Orange Onden. SMns. Sawdon is survived by twa sons, John, of Oshawa aad James of Bawmanville; two sistens, Mns. F. Lenants (Mar- garet) of Oshawa, and Mns. R. Beattie (Isabella) of England. She is also survived by thnec brothers, James of England, William of Scotland, and John ,of Oshawa, 10 gnandchildnen and ane gneat-grandchild. Funenai services for Mrs. Sawdon wene hcld Tuesday, August 14, at the W. C. Town Funeral Home with Rev. W. Joncs of 'the Finat Baptiat Churcli conducting the serv- ice. Mrs, Sawdan was interred at Union Cemetery. ARTH~UR BUTT Arthur Buýt, 84, died Man- ,da after a' short ilines at Oshawa Geacral Hospital. He livcd on the Nash Rd.,, RR 3, Bowmanville. Bora June 9,1890 in Higher Towa, Samfpfond, Pevercîl, England, hie was mannicd in Brooklin and bas been -a resident of Oshawa and anea for 50 years. He was an adhenent of St. Stephea's United Chunch, a member of Bnanch 43, Royal Canadian Legion, and an armji veteran of the Firat He la survived b y bis wifc, the former ýMabel Huggins, one daugliten Mns. Garnet Jordon (Thelma) fnam Zion; two sans Weley Butt of Victoria, B.C. and Maurice of Bowmanville; and one stepsan Elmen Huggins of Blackstock; anc sigter Clara in England; two brothers Anchie and Dol pbus; 13 gndchildnen, and 10 great-grandchildren. Services wene held at Arm- strong Funemal Home Wed- nesday, Aug. 15 at 3 p.rn., with intemmieat at Ehenezer Cerne- tery, Courtice. Maj. Norman Coles and Stanley Saywell conducted the services. Memonial donations should be directed ta the Canadian Cancer Society. GET CASH TODAY FOR OL» APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMANý C L A SS1F 1E D PHIONE 623-3303, quaiified on, July 29. Tests were .21. Hîs lîcense had been suspended July 10 from a previous charge Previous convictions were read ou t. The crown said his record is. àppalling. O the first charge he was sentenced to 14 days in jail and on the second charge $50 and costs, in default 15 days in jail. Miss Reina Deruyter 18, R.R. 3, Millbrook, charged July 14 with failing to corne to a compiete stop, pleaded ',guilty. There was approx- imately $2,000. damage done to the two cars . The fine was $25. and $3. costa. Const. Bromley investigated an acc- ident on Ontario St. Stephen Ulrich,18, of 69 King St. E., owmanville, charged by Const. Bromley with driv- in on King St. E. without a driver'slîcense pleaded "guilty". The fine was $25. and costa. He was given 2 weeks to pay. - Robert Hicks, 22, (Jrono, charged June 7 with having no operator's license was fined $35. and costa. He was given a license suspension as well. The crown read aut several previous convictions. Const. McLeod was the investigating officer. James Major, Orono, plead- ed"guilty" to a char ge of allowing commercial vehicles to park in a residential area contrary to zoning hy-law 1653. Judge Runciman levied a fine of $100. and costa. Donald MI. Tennant, Orono, pleaded "not guilty" to a charge of parking commercial DONC Dale and Neil attended the Foley picnic with the meal at noon, at Cedan Park, on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Rosa Ashton, Beth, Barbara, Aia and Grant were Sundny guests of Mn. and Mns. Boyd Werny, Malton. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Paterson, Doug and Bian, accompanied Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Gallag- hem on a camping (rip on the weekend. Mns. Inene Tabb, Lily and Shirley, were Suniday lunch- con guests of Mn. and Mrs. Stan Cowling. Mn. and Mns. Fred Ashton and MNrs. A. Read accompan- ied Mn. and Mns. Clayton Read, ta Stnatfond, ta see the Shakespenian play, "The- Tamiag of the Shnew" on Thunsdlay. 1Mns. Ian Graham and Cnaig, are holidaying with hem par- enta at Montreal. Mn. and Mns. D. J. Cameron were guesta at the McKee - Downey wedding on Saturday. Mrs. Maria Roth and Miss Sylvia Schle 'gel' of Lamb- sheim, Gernany, are visitiag with Mný. and Mns. John-Roth of Haydon, for five weeks. Wininers at West Bea'ch Sports Daly Following are the wianems of the various sports events at West Beach aven the Civic Holiday weekend: Treasune Hunt - Gwen Gratton, Nova Ward. Treasure Hunt - Gwcn Gratton, Nova Ward, Tysan Parker, Murray Wilkinson. Hanse Shae - Tom Wright and Mult Corson, Runners up , Bnian Wilkinson and Harvey Greenly. Volley Bahl Tounarnient - Winning Team : Goe Stephen, Harvey Bottreil, John Bo(t- mli, Doug Browning, Denais Handcastle. Sand Castle - Robin Wright, Kelly Greenly. Mîxed Piggy Back Race - N. Stephen, D. Conson. Ladies Spot Race - Norma Lowe Mens Balioo4 Race - Milt Corson Mixed Wheelbarrow Race - N. Stephen and R. Flanzer. Mixed Shoe Race - D. Itedman, E. Redman. Ladies Shae Kicking - Tiali Parker. Sack Race 15 & under- Danny Kiipatrick, Tim Kai- ght. Mens Sack Race - Ron Parker Egg Thnow - 15 & unden - Jerry Anderson, Nova Ward Egg Throw - 16 & aven - John Bottreli and Sylvia Bottreil. unique Religiaus Service ïHeId at Pine Ridlge Schoolý uver NU< pensons par(icîp- a(ed in a unique relîgious service at Pîne Ridge Schooi, Bowmanville, last Sunday' coaducted by the Chaplain and about 20 boys.' Rev. Bnian Patterson said about 30 area citizens also attendcd the service which fcatuned a sketch which indlu- dcd references ta war, pollu- tion and crime. Slidé, fnom T7he Rock opera Jesus UChisit Suerstar wee aso shown ada "lîglit show" contribut- cd ta the mood of the service. This la (lie second time some(hing out of the ondinary service bas been used at the achool. Earlier (has summen thene was a sunnise service at the schaol's ou(door chapel., This eveat will be anc of the last organized at the sebool by the Chaplain. He la ieaviag the, achool on August 24tb ta go (o St. Stephens in Downsview whene be will serve inaa capacity yet (o lie deterrnined until bis ordination, expected in May of next year. Neanfy 77-million new (mecs wene produced la 1972 by 10 Ontario goverament nurseries for the artifîcial regeneraion pragram - a co-opemative undertaking of the Ontario gaverament and thie foreat industmy to provide forest cropa in areas where naturai restocking la difficult. r vehicles in a resiaential area contrary to zonîng by-law 1653. H. R. Best, building inspector, said council asked that eoinmercial vehicles be removed from residential zone within a certain time, from lot 28, conc.5, Orono, Mr. Tennant said hie was unaware of any by-law of this type. His vehicles were used to clear up areas where he parked. Solic- itor C. Ewert for the council statedhle should have inquired re zoning arens. Mr. Tênnanit was found "guilty" and the fine was $50. and costs, Percy Harlan, 64 King St. Oshawa, pleaded "guilty" to having liquor in other that his resîdence on Auguat 13. Corp. Parker receîved a cali to a bouse on King St. E. Bowman- ville where Mn. Harlan was drinking wine on the steps. He intimated hie would return immedintely to Oshawa if released and thîs was granted with stipulation to stay away from Bowmanville for at least 30 davs. William~ James Hallowell R.R. 2, Newtonville, chargeâ May 27, with operating a vehicle on county road 8 'at a greater speed that 50 miles an hour pleaded "not guilty". Const. McLeod was patrolling on number 2 highway, app- roachin Mili Street, Newcas- tle, an observed a vehicle eastbound, going at a high rate of speed, between 95 and 100 miles an hour for approx- imately 4 miles . Hallowell turned left onto county road 8 and speeds were 105 to 110 miles an hour. Judge Runci- man found him "guilty", levied a fine of $100. and costs. He was given 4 weeks to pay.4é Commit tee Studies Region Police -A total of 224 police officers in seven police forces within the region will bc amalgamat- ed when the Regional Police office cornes into effect Jan- uary lst. Judge J. P. Kelly, Chairman of the Oshiawa Police Com- mission, heads a l-member Steering Committee designed to make that transfer a smooth one. Judge Kelly said the com- mittee has completed the gathering of information and- is -rapidly approaching the point where problem areas prepared by Oshawa Police Chief Jon Jenkins and his operational committee. That report, saîd Judge Kelly, took two weeks tn complete and involved both written questionnaires and visits by research officers. "The burden was alleviated to a great exte nt by the Ontari Provincial Police who were RESULTS COUNT 1 LISTNG SEIVUiE Oshazwa & District Real Estate, Boardi most helpful," lie said. The data gath ,ered by the cornittee will help the new five member Police Board analyze the state of service ,provided and determined if new equipment or more men are needed. One major decision thé Board will have to deal with, said Judge Kelly, is the role of the Ontario Provincial Poice in the Region. They could be phased out entirely or only partially. The steering coin mittee may make recorn- mendations concerning that issue but the, Board of Coin- missioners will have the final decision, said Judge Kelly. Sgt. John McGuey -of Bow- manville Police Dept. is a member of the Steering Comn- mittee. CANADIAN MUSEUMS, Secretary of State Hugli Faulkner announced 18 grants totalling almost $2 million to, museums a 'nd galleries across the country, as part of the federal governrnent's Nation- al Museum Policy. The Policy, announced in March 1972, is concerned with making Canadian museum, collections available to the widest number of Can4dians,. Franks, Ellis, Win Openers Last night at Memiorial Park, the Men's Softball League playoffs got underway and will continue next Tues- day. Kramp's lost 9-2 to Frank's and Ellis defeated Stephens 3-1. The heat value of fire'wood is directly related to its weight. RACING Port Perry Fair Grounds Aug. 1l9th Sept. 2 &3 f 1 17 I 8 HEATS PARI-MUTUAL WAGERING Post Time 1: 30 p.m. FINE QUALIT? MONUMENTS AND> MARKERS STAFFORD EROS LT!>. 6È) xu#â;,g LIMITED Box las 318 Dunda St. B. - Whitby Phone Wbltby 668-355 Bargains -Service Quality - Selection BONELESS ROUND STEAK $1,79 lb. MARGARET'S ONTARIO No. 1 HONEY DIP fFLD DONUTS TOMATOES 35c K $1,l09. Save 10e 4-Qt. Basket, FRESH -CRISP LETTUCE .27a ARRIVING DAILY j Freestone PE A CH.E S Attra ctiveiy Priced SUMMIT TOASTMASTER WHITE SLICED ICE CREAM PrtinBra 12 Gai1. 24-oz. Loaveu& MITCHELL'S FANCY - 19-oz. Tins SAVE 9-c APPLE SAUCE 2 for î49e ROSEDALE - 19-oz. Tins SAVE- 16e CREAM STYLE CORN --2 -for39,c MITCHELL'S- Large Economy 100-oz, Tin APPLE JUICE -- 79c AYLMER ASSORTED - 9-oz. Jars SAVE 1.8e Jcmor Jellies 3 for $1.OO LBBY'S - 48-oz. Tins SAVE 2lc TOMAATO JUICE 2 for 89C Prices Effective Aug. 15-16-17-18 DYKSTRA'S FREE PA.-viRKNG Food Marketot 0F QU AlIT 73 '77 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE 1 Real Estate for Sale * MuREMW~ 234 King St. E, Rowmanvle 623-3393

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