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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1973, p. 1

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BOMNIL¶,ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGU;LT' 15, 1973 15e P-ýler Copy NUi\' LocalMon Th.,e first candidate for the position of Mayor of the Municipality of Newcastle announced his intention of contesting the post yesterday. He is Garnet B. Rickard, now Reeve of the Towni-ship of Darling ton. Mr. Rîekard is 1no stranger t(o poIitics. 1He has served on the school boards, the Darlingýi- ton couneils and United Counties Councils where lie was the first Warden to be elected from Darlington. He has close association with ail three of the wards in the newly formied Newcastle municipality. Ilis farming activities that streteli over n.cerly 800 acres lie owns or rents are in Dairinagton and 1 Clarke, his f ertilizer plant is in N ewc&astle and lie does nost of lis business in Bowmianville. (Contiiu,,d on Page Two) - Scrborough Band ~ Parde his 1Friday, Lee Ann,.e Ste,phens, daugliter of Mr. and Mýrs. James Stephien,. 90 Divsio Steet giesThe Statesmnan photographer a. sweet sideganes she rides iin thle zanrnual Mardi Gras parade put on by Bowmanville's Recrea4tion Dprmn playgrounds Iast niglit. Four years old, the new Mliss Pagon represented the Lions Centre playground group. An 80 picce baud trom Scarborough xwil1 lead a par- ade Friday to kick off the Bowmanvillé' Kinsmen Club Carnival this Friday. The band. sponsored by the East Scarborough Kinsmen Club, will lead the parade frorn the new Town Hall at 6:3(0 and proceed down Temperance Street to King Street, The. parade wili go along King Street to Liberty Street then to the nortb gate of Memorial Park, The tirst ex ent of the two-day Carnival will be the Beauty Pageant wbich so far bas six contestants including: Michelle Robinson, Terry Laurie Van Camp, students at Courtice Secondary Schooi, and Vickie Terry who works for Dafua International. :The girls will be driven along the parade route 'in six antique automobiles. One of the highlights 'of Saturday's events wil] be the T-bal game in the aifternoon (Lonfinued on Paqe Two)' R-ACES AT MO SPORT The final race in the flayers Challenge Series xill bc hi-Id at Mosport Park this we4ekenýd with 2Ô of CanDdag'5 top racinig drivers m egagit 20 from the U.S. Practice xiii be on Friday wvitlî g Vooî~~~~'bnson and Janice uorreu. rce aura nam VVe V/nÇc Soe Work DneScys 1Lawrence ïail studentsC tCartwright Player's Inte>rn)ationial at2 \W< C~~rI uve o S aI bos reZZKEZZEEK Uu n elderly man, tentatrively ktentified as WN.RusIRhiscgoSret e e e Siliy ~~ ST RTS TODA y Il ~was kilIed Shortty af'ter 2:00 p.m. today whenhsca.a itb CRtan'o h pot tmg on~~~~d "NAME ~at this fimTfe are sketchy. AH hat is known s tat r obiswsteol esni SahgwtuisswsigSrieu nîomn xhal wukbs uedoeTe H ATOO ' the Car.- ilao (2 irft lo ravil a Cnd.lme is vrlr taikli a book M I]tve thieir planls f hwredby Mr Laxxeuice saîdii l d_4 at Ibs îîng wewaut sýouxe wha Nrturbelan Dr-hoedluse(,omthngmore xork du. OTS mllln M VU E~ U ham~~~~~~~~~~ ~ P lln awene bn ussttngueaoterNo. be av sited16 tellrmedl a disappum ingad ak force Iu see xxbat is problem tIo another depart-S E P G silly" - surve eq1uired. I thoughf ail this ment if means we Vvill have tu I F pA G E 1 T6e Opposition MP saî ,;id 6e was behind us, They know (Conlinued on Page Two) 10oiaio sfo S p.7 h0ù J t wjhtegovefrumeut state- metannuncing theain(, ing of a series of rgoa surveys of sînIl craftharbors by the isheries and Mlaine MAN Y THREES yT OME DOWN' TonCouncil atarded the co Irotf0cldownt and tim trees in BarwmOU- vile to ( aun TIre Ren- otal and Timining. The Osawa fir's tender of, $1.710 was Jhe locwf0: the lhree Submiffed AI Ihi AnguIst 71Co1 imet ing. Ylail. 27tu 30-diseased, aged oî hazardous" trees CHiiiYe fakn down aruund Muwn and anothr 15 ill be fiuIi i10xeced begîn awok in ce later part of A strip uo! Land 3mu(et xxîidc and 200-300 feet long xxas the subjeci of an hour-long debale lasting ufil il p.m. at the Augus! * 6meeting oP (tie Bowmanvillc Town Council. 1'1Éhe devebopers of Waveî-ly Gardens. Wil-Swaî- Develop- For $1 in Cash , Town Buys SoperCrk Park The of ibowmanv-iile voted tu accept the land un ithe bas ac(-e(pted, "in principle" a condition the club furnish a gift of a 1ii acre park fromth draft deed and, survev at local Rot 'ary club. municipal expense, The park, located on Srnp- The club bought the land 101 son Ave. was offéred to the, \cars ago as pprt of a ton or one dollar and cowucil (Continued on Paqe Two) rinîts. have been unable tu negutiate au casernent across flic farin o! Jue andi Carl Schwarz su they cao build a shalloxx drainage swail to accommodate *okrm water (Continued on 5aoe'Two) JAC'K CIILDS DI-ES Jack "Chutck'* Childs. owner oft (hilds' Ladies Wecar,.King St.VWest, died tbis nxuing at blis home, app-ai-entiy firuni a heart atfack. The tuerai will be held Friday ai '2 p.în. trom \lî-sFuneral ('bapel. For other details, see death niotice, ftegional Governmerît is à% ooming closer and dloser forï the electors of the town of il BITS PI E C".ES New-casfle as the election schedule has been issued by Acting Clerk Jue McIllroy and NICE SURiPRISE- Yelverton correspondent the Town ,,iSteerîng)ý Committee Harvey Malcolm sends ini a mbst interesting baiSstsartedf to wr item this week about the Floyd Stinsons Who Th'ýe,'Town o! Newcastle is had quite an experience while on a trip outC composed of Bowmanville, the elveton Clarke, Darlington and the west. You'Il find it under th fvro ilage of Newcastle. heading. 16eelection schedule cails fo)r the posting of the prekimi- PANIC BUYING - On Monday, almost every mair, voters' lisf starting uext store ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t intw a opeeysl u fwieSaturday, Augusf ilý storein twn ws copletly sld ot ofes e lists are based upon bread. News bulletins on Sunday mentionedthat the enmerationi taken in the price would be going up shortly and apparently quite a few folks with freezers must Wins AwAard fi have dashed to the stores eanly Monday to buy up a stock. On Tuesday morning, the price was the same and there was a plentiful supply on hand ,~ again. June, Olficials xvîl bear appeals froni August 21 to August 28. The appeals will be ironi quaified peo-ýple vwho wxere lift ut! the lstand the (Coo nued cýýon tPage Two), TyroneRertinFcly Proincal ssitis be ý- o an, in the amounit of îng sog'InDrlnto 000 oassist in the Îfiýýnn- TonhpCouncil so that a ing of the project new; reretion facility can bec WE. Rundie, Clîerk of the blit in ITyrone.T nsî,saiîd t!he existing The Township council voted, hllis "a litie outf4 date and on Thursday, August 9th, to poîdsno ro-om for expan- ask the Treasurer of Ontario (Cniudo aeTo) WIe0s t '-iach' Il reland, Float Wins T( op Honors in Parade 'Hi reuitof chlar wok b teisupervisors and members of the town'sseveni playgrouncis was on ýdisplay lastý1 night during He annua I Mardi Gras parade, led by the Legion Pipe Band. This float enter-ed by th West Beach playground won firsf place wth he , Ielnd themne. Knox was in secndforit Holad float anid Lord Elgin won t hird wi'th Frnc. ast Býeach with itsSwitzerland flot as ivn secai enionfo is conistruction, Vî3inetMssy frcnfloat mwa-s considered ~thmof oignal MmonalPar'sEgypt woný mention for thle costum-fes and the Lions Centre's RENOVATIONS - The Stedman store ont King Street West is undergoing extensive renovations that when finished will enlarge the premises and certainly make it more attractive. COOK BOOKC - The Courtice UCW are busy these days gathering recipes for a cook book they intend to publish in the fail. If you have a favorite recipe you'd like included, phone Mrs. Bruce Johnston at 725-8027. DESPERATE- Tonight, the Locke's TV Electrons head for Port Hope in a last ditch* effort to cone up with a win in their league playoffs. So far, the hilltop Flyers have won two games by one run and on Sunday really hombed the Electrons 23-2, in a basebal fiasco. Best of luck toniglit, Electrons. Kendal Eagles are also having problems with Oshawa Legionaires and, at last report iwere down two games to zero. FAIRS BEGIN TIc- Canadian- National Exhibition openis today and runs through f0 La bor Day thîs area, preparafions are almost complete for Blackstocký,- Fair on August 25th. Quife a program las beeni lined up, withdetails appearing in the Blackstock correspondence. BACK IN FOLI> ---TIc ntew owners of Bo%%- manville Cleaners hîave dlecided to continýue the unique serviîce advertisement pub- lished in The Statesmnan for- sev-eral years b 'y thie previous ownier, £0d Leslie. The Aver-. tisement willinrclude cieaning tips and- also> mention evetîts of a pubylic service naiture that.are coing fum. Look for it' Mrs. Berniard iDilling yof Bwavleis son ihthe exÀhibiîthat won her the award for fhe Outstanding DeoaieArnee t t f aninuall Gladiolus Shiow hIlere on Saf'urday. Wfins 'MissP!aground Tfefr ]973 raiS itch 18 Pageý,s BET? IÎ4

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