2 The Canadian Statesmari, Bowmanville, August 15, 1973 Last Warden's Picnic For United Counties HeId on Saiturday It was sunny but windy when employees and mem- bers of N-D United Counties C'ouncis and their familles got together for the Warden's PincSalturday, but, as Wardeni Weston Banister qui- pped', "What do y ou expect %Vhen a bunchi of politicians get to;gether?" There wasn't much talk of politics once th'le women of the Garden Hill United Church began to set up picnic tables laden with salads, cold cuts, homemade rolîs and butter tarts, and beverages. About 70 people attended the picnic which was held in the Orono Park. Prior to the picnic, children swam in the nearby swimming pool while womecn and men broke off into separate groups for friendly talk. A bhasebali game between the Durhami team and that of Northuminberland was watched as one woman, 'with little cheering and more holding of brah.While many of the mien badn't playedl basebal for a) long time, they if ade a good effort. Durham defeated Northumbherland in a close match, 18 to 15. A tropby lfor the winning team was presented by War- den Banister to Hope Twp. Reeve Howard Quantrill. Races were held for the children who were given (From PageOne) Bernard H1eming, Chairman of the Ty rone Comnmunity Centre Board, said that the 3600 square foot building wouldi include a dance hall, kitchen area and a natural ice arena. liHe suggested that the butild- ing could be used for hockey and f ree sk ating in the winter months which would comple- ment the proposed Darlington Rý'ecreation Complex by allow- ing local young people to form teams and practise on the aurlice, leaving the arti- ficial ice for league gamnes. Hie said, "an annual winter 4 arnival is planned as well as skating parties, using both the hiall and arena. During spring, sýummiier and faîl, the arena would be used for roller skating, indoor soccer practic- es, floor hiockey, children's SatuLrda.y movies, and table 1 tni S. Mr. Hîenning told the Town- ship Counicil that if the money weýre aviladble on De-emiberý i. the building could be constructed Lby Februiary ï. PHONE TFAKE OUT SERVICE MINIM OPEN 7 DAI Sun . to 4ed. - Thturs. to Sat. candy as prizes. Toward the end of the picnic, WardenBanister ann- ounced prizes for those pers- ons having a wedding anni- versary or bîrthday on the day of the picnic, but no one claimed them. An elderiy couple married in 1971 came forward for the prize for the youngest married couple. The Warden's Picnic bas been beld for over 40 years as sniall craft harbors branch responsible for the planning and administration of the program. One of their im- mediate tasks will bc a series of regional surveys to assess priorities for construction. improvements or repairs t'O small craft harbors. Tlhe federal government has rec- ently approved additional f unds for the small craft harbors programs which gives it a current budget of approxi- mately $25 million. Mr. Davis said the program could not be accomplished overnight. -There are approximnately 600 applications on file for harbor improvement and it will take us about six years to catch up." he said. "Our funds are not unlimited. untiserpioeesDrainage Di*tch bers of council to relax together. (From Page One) This will be the final run off from the subdivisions Warden's picnic for thé United on Waverly Road into »te Counties with the. unit being Bowmanville Creek. broken up by regional govern- The lawyer for Wil-Swar ment, Jan. 1, 1974. told Council bis client bas ___________-. "gone the extra mile"- in Federal Survey negotiations and have offered the Schwarz famiiy $5,000 forl (Fromn Page One) the easemnent. lie appealed to start educating themn all over, council to settle the mnatter1.î again," he said. "Wbat I was and consider expropriation of expecting was a definite the property, if necessary.' program stating what work is The lawyer for the going to be done and when." Schwarz's countered that the Mr. Lawrence said the swail will cut off the lower 15 program would bave to be acres of the farm and that reviewed when Parliament'cattle will not be able to get resumed and hie would attack -across. lie also saîd à major it strongly. concern is the damnage that Irvin Gui, owner of Gill's could result in the event of Marina, said lie is not sure flooding of the swail. where this change in respon- The Wil-Swar lawyer im di- sibility leaves hlm. cated the Schwarz famîly He purchased five acres of bave said they are willing-to land from the Town five years grant the easement if a ago and was boping for federal guarantee can be obtained assistance to develop the that building permits will be barbor under the Marina available for a 26 lot subdiv-1 Assistance Program, of the ision the Sc'hwarz's are Public Works Department. planning to develop at the I Under that plan the Federal soutb end of their property,r Government would match dol- below the swail. The develop- lar for dollar bis investment in ers' lawyer suggested that it is the improvements. not wîtbin the jurisdiction of Mr. GuI said the harbor eîther bis client or the Town needs dredging in order to Councîl to'give guch a guaran- accomymodate sailboats' with tee. more than a five foot draft. In a report to Council, Town Power boats, be said, would Engineer Charles Watt rec-t encounter few problems in the ommended temporary meas-c harbor at this time, in fact a 48 uires to bandie the drainagee foot power boat from New situation and added that if ther York City docked at the Schwarz easement is flott Marina just recently, he said. obtained by the required Pleasure cr aft from Roch- completion date, i.e. Septema-f ester, Niagara-on-the-Lake ber, 1975, the developer will be1 and Frencbmen's Bay reguý required to constru.et an larly visit the barbor, be said, alternate drainage outlet. The and of the 92 visiting sailboats Wil-Swar lawyer protested so far this season, 27 were that an alternate route will American. cost over $300,000. Eiivironment Minister Jack After the meeting îMayor Davis said the transfer of the Ivan 'Hob.bs commented that itt control of 2,000 Federally is really not Counil's place tot owned fishing and pleasure mediate such disputes. The craft harbors across Canada onus is on the developer to was part of a "well considered settie ail sucb matters hlm-« package to assist commercial self, Hobbs pointed out. fishermen and growing rec- None-tbe-less, Council dec- reational needs of pleasure- ided ta table the Toýwn boat owners. We bave set up a Engineer's report on f lie situation until the next Coin- hmittee of the Wbole meeting r~wiT A and requested that Engin eer Watt prepare a furtber rep ort, - BOWMANVILLE Bad edsK DOMNIN PAZ (From Page One) 623-3301ELIER for youngsters five to eigbt :andFE$2.50ER years of age. Justin Murray, IUM 2.50spokesman for the sponsoring Xs A WEEK Kinsmen Club, said this game bas-involved over 60 cbildren Il a.m. to 12 midnight over the past year and bas Il a.m. te 2 a.ni. received tremendous support __________________s from Bowmanville parents. TO ALL RESIDENTS 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING WNednesday, Aug ust 22, 1973 - 7:-30 pom. Court Building, Church Street, Bowmanville SUBJECT 0F MEETING Rezoning PIJRPOSE 0F MEETING Ani amendmnent to the Town's Officiai Plan and Zoning By-law has been proposedto permit the deveiopment of a Shopping Centre, sinice the proposai requires the approval of the Town, the purpose of thie meeting is to expiain the plan and to o1btain your views as to its appropriateness. THE PROPOSAL Th"le Shopping Centre is proposed to lôcate on a 9 acre site at the south east corner of King Street and Simpson Avenue. Its total.floor area wiii comprise of 111,790 square feet consisting of a Department Store, Super Market, several smaller retail stores, a Mail area and substantiai parking area. AN INVITATION Young Beauty Contesta nts in 'Miss Playground' Competition' Region îChairman SEstablilshes Office iL At Durhcam College For$ 1 in Cash. (Fromn Page One) community betterment prog- ram and devoted many hours of manual labor to develop the property During the past few years, the Bowmanville Recreation Department assisted the Rot- ary club in the operation, staffing and maintenance of the facilities. Bill Wilson, past president of the club, said the club purchased the property with the idea that 10 years later it would be handed over to the autoriiesand except for about half an acre which the club intends to keep for its own purposes. the club bas met that goal Competition was keen because ail of the seven young contestants in the "Miss Playground" competition were as cute as could be fast night and the judges had a difficuit time choosing the wînner. They are, from Ieft to right, Sharon VanderGaast of Knox, Lynn Young of Vincent Massey, Connie Hill of West Beach, the winner Lee Anne Stephens of Lions Centre, Wendy Yezik of Memorial Park, Nancy Henderson of East Beach and Cathy Dadson of Lord Elgin. FoIk Type Concert,., Not Rock Lions Attend Approved by Clarke Council Annual School 0 f instruction, For Mos port. on Sot. Sept*.1 Ps n rs tofcr J and Lion members gatbered Entertainers Ian and Sylvia along the lines of the Mariposa a the Sun Valley Motor Inn in swung the vote at a special Festival held at Toronto Belleville on August lltb and meeting of Carke Township Island. On theassumption that l2th to exchange information Couticil *Monday resulting in the proposed activity is of the and intmruti etter permission being given to Mariposa type, the members equiiceteo their olnteso MsotPark officiais f0 of thîs council xiii await the sicet thei r communities stage a one day family outcome of the one day famiy Some 200 menihers repre- concert. type Marîposa concert as senting Lions Clubs from The event pîanned for Sat- proposed for Sat., Septem- Pickering to Brockvilie and urday, September 1, bad ber 1, from 4:O0p.m .tol10p.m. from Barry's Bay 'to Cob- originaliy been rumored to be at Mosport Park before final- oconk attended., a rock concert but counicil izing its proposedamendment "'One million men serving rejected that idea at a meeting to the existing bylaw." The mankind" is the slogan of the tbe previous week. statement was approved by President of. the International theentire Carke council. Association of Lions Clubs, In a statement to the press Hie said he would not Canadian Lion Tris Coffin of following fhi6 week's meeting, comment on the statement nor Montreal. Lionîsm is workîng Reeve Woodyard said: the implication that Carke in 149 countries of the free "Whereas this council, baving Township is considering am- world. received and considered the ending a byiaw to permit A bighligbf of each School is presentation of Mosport offie- future concerts without ap- the presence of the Exchange iais regarding a folk music pealing to council witb each Stude nts from our District and concert featuring such enter- new proposaI. Districts in Connecticut and tainers as Ian and Sylvia, etc., Neither the names of the Pennsylvania at the Sunday the members of this counicil entertaîners performing at the mornîng nreakiast. aeof the opinion that such a concert nor the number of acts The foliowing Bowmanviiïe' ar members attencied: V-resicient concert would not be defined expected have been released Jim Frank,, First Vice Pres. as a rock festival but as more by Mosport officiais. Bruce Lush, Second Vie ,, , Pres. Maurice Richards, Zone J uven. me in Hosaita I Chairmnan, zone 10 Southb Ed Leslie, Lion Tamier L. Tmi Af ter High Speed Chose son,. SecretarY Ed Greetraii An Osbawýa juvenîlie is n f ive2 other youths fýled on font. hospîtal in Býowmanvîlle a thee of the juveniles was RcadA e result 0f a police chasear in,îe1 1ftP rahanl a througb Biackstock early Tuesday. Constable Fifz Gaylord spofted a car stolen in Oshawa as he paitrolied through Biack- stock about 2:30 a.m. Tues- day. He attempted to stop it but when it sped off be gave cbase. The chase ended when the car crasbed into a ditch and Announce Regilon <Fromn Page One) errors made in the enumera- tion. There will be a complete revision of tbe vofers' list August 29 and 30. The week of September i f0 6 will see the lists being printed. The big time wiil come on Friday, September 7tb and Monday, September lOth when candidates wiil present their nomination papers dulyý filled out. September 29 wiil be the day for the advance poil that will be beid from il a.m. f0' 8: 00 P. M. Monday, October lst will be the day that the people select tbree representatives to tbe area municipaiity of the, Town of Newcastle and three repre- sentatives f0 the Regionai Government Council as well as a Mayor for the Town. The steering committee bas started f0 bold meetings and the duty of this commitfee formed of one member of eacb council and one senior officiai provide data and information for the new, Councils taken from the files of the old Councils of Bowmanville, Clarke, Newcastle and Dar- lington. Bowmanvile's representa- tives on the Steering Commit- tee are Mayor Ivan Hobbs and Clerk-Administrator Joe Mc llroy. Darlingfon Township is represented by Reeve Garnet Rickard and Clerk Walter Rundie. Reeve Ted Woodyard and Township Cierk Horace Best are repre- senting Clarke Township and the village of Newcastle bas sent Reeve A. R. "Ait" Gray and Clerk-Treasurer Gertrude Gray to sit on the committee. At the group's first meeting Walter Rundie of Darlington was eiected as chairman and Joe Mellroy was picked f0 acf as secretary. According to government instructions, it was pointed ouf that the Steering Commiftee does not bave the aufbority to finalize future-policies or. negotiafe on behaîf of the- new councils. The Sfeering Com- mnittee was formed f0 pass on its extensive local kncowledge taken into custody ai the Mr. Rickard has also been scene. active in farm ürganizations Constabhie Gaylord said the as President of the Canadian identity of fhe other fwo Seed Growers, a Director of juveniles and three aduits in the Onfarlo Agriculturai Coi- tbe car af the time of the chase lege at Guelph. during ifs is known but not ail of the changeover f0 ui'iversity sta- sus~pects bave been talked to, tus, President of the Durham by police as yet. Federafion of Agriculture and The car was not damaged in Director on the Ontario Fed- the accident. eration, President of Durham Central Agricuiturai Society f0 the new group when if takes and President of the Ontario over January 1, 19741 Soil and Crop Improvement The Steering Commiiitfee is Association. lie bas also been to go fbrougb bylawý,s current- President of Eowmianville ly in force in the local areas Rotairy Club and af present is and repeal those wbicb are a member of the Board of obsoiete, consolîdate those General Purposes, Masonic whicb are unit orm, standard- Grand Lodge of Canada in tbe ize those whicb are ali ke in Progressive' - ConservativE principie but vary in content also been a candidate for tbe and continue those whicb are Progressive-Conservative and xiii be applicable parfy in federal elections. fhrougbout the new area The Dariingfon Reeve bas, municipality. aiso been credited or blamed, 1The Steering Commitfece is depending on your point of to provide a complete inven- view, with piaying an impor- tory of the different munici- tant role in refaining Darling- paiity land holdings sbowing ton Township as a unit during location, use and restrictions.' the regional government nego- Same tbing with buildings. tiations, effectively quashing Itemize macbinery and equip- Osbawa's plans f0 obtain the nment, particuiarly office, 10 westeriy lots. roads, tire, water, sewage, At the moment, be is the roads and bridges. The com- only candidate for mayor, but înittee is also charged witb it is expecfed there wiLi be indicating, long termn munici- others contesting the election, pal ccîmmitmenfs wbich bave including Bnwmanville's not been finalized. Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs who bas The committee will have f0 made no announcement to list schedules of fax arrears date. long term receivables and investments. If wiil also have ly r% 'cn f0 ist capital commitments-0 r deenues- eais fcapi-Hy r Pln tai grants- use of reserve f unds, reserves and current fl9gS income. The committee wiil presenit details of remuneration and OnCo'Êvrrvidors expenses paid f0 exisfing councils, boards and commis- According te an advert- sions and also gather informa- isement appearing ont page tion on present staff. Il of fuis edition, Ontario The committee as per gov- Hydre is planning addi- ernment instructions wiil tional meetings'in Septem- make recommendations con- ber on the corridors for ifs cerning the remunerafion and proposed transmission fine expenses for the new Councls from Lennox te Oshawa. and salaries of new senior Darlington, Clarke and officiais. Ilope residents are mei- Details of day f0 day tioned specificaily in the workng§.f prsentCounilsadvf, se if is evident that woring ofîmesef Cunclstheir prefests have been and council offices will aiso be taken inte consîderation by given such as due date for the Ilydre officiais, who taxes, details of licenses and state that a suggested permifs, details of existing nerthern route is aise local grant structures and under considerafion. The details of concessions mn deaffline for receiving municipal buildings. briefs has aiseý been ex- T. W. MvcEacbern, Munici- tended. pal Administration Officer is Defails, ef dates, times the, Queen's- Park officiai and locations of meetings supervising administrative will bie announced lafer. and organizational informa- b mn rvn ~tr tion. M. D. Hicks, FinancialInwes ave eercplaced bv Manaemet Ofice, isthesmaîî aircraft for tire deter- man concerned with financial to upss information. inpupss ai D fil ai w T w ff ri fi pl eý, tf Pl hi li bi r( GIen Rue Truck Abîmze in Field Bowmanville firefighters responded to two alarms on M'onday. One was a truck fire and the otber a false alarm. A truck owned by Glen Rae Dairy farms caughit tire in a ield and sustained $450 dam- age.- 'About 10.30 p.m. fîremen were cailed to a bouse fire in Tyrone but wbiie en route they were informed by radio that the lire was oniy burning rubbish. A t reak accident caused a lire that destroyed a hydre, poie near the Oshawa Motel early Tuesday morning. Bowmanville firemen found bhat a lightning arrester on the pole bad exploded and the cap had fallen, on a bigb tension in, grounding it to the pole. Power was not interrupted but the pole will have to be replaced. Kendal Royals Beat Frankf ord, For EOBA Crown Ovrthe weekend, the Kendal Royals Junior baill club, fresb from winning a recent tournainent, wrapp- ed up th-eir EOBA play- dewn witb Frankford te win the Eastern Ontario Jr. C. championship. On Sat- îîrday, they had an 18-inn-, ing endurance test in Frankford f0 win 4-:1. There were two gamies in Kendal on Sunday, botb won by Kendal 15-0 and 5-1. Tbey now advance mbt the Ontario playdowns, but ne details of the nexf oppen- ents are availabie. The Chairman of the Reg îonal Municipality of Durham bas selected Durham College, in Oshawa as the temiporary site for bis office. Walter Beatb said the per- marent site wîll not be establisbed until the' fegional council. meets in October at which time he said lie would probably recommend a loca- tion. ie said he will be appointing only one major official before the council meets. The person selected as acting clerk would also .act as deputy chairman and woutl swear in the new council members ollowing the eleet- lois in Octber. Mr. Beath said that the nature of his job will probably mean that he will resign from a number of other bodies on which lhe sits, h BIS ~ PIECES MORE FLOWERS- Another beautiful bouquet of glads arrived at the office this week, again from Mrs. J. A. Barnes. This bouquet included a beautiful spike called The Statesman, a gladiolus that was propagated by the late Percy Greenfield in 1961. Again, many thanks. CONTEST - If you like contests, you'11 be able to spend some interesting minutes going over the new "Naine the Cartoon," contest that starts in this edition. In addition to the fun of solving the problems,' there are merchandise awards too for winners. POLITICS - The time is rapidiy approaching when prospective candidates for municipal and region offices will be declaring their in- tentions. They should be coming in thick and fast between now and nomination days early in September. D ELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountiants O.FFICEVS IN MAJOI CANADIAN CITIES I BELL,(CA NADA BUILD)ING (>SIAW~ (ENTE -OSIIAWA GORDOl)(N F. SEI)(GEWICK, C.A.- I BUI'I' . WAERS.F.C.A. PHONE 728--7527 ALLEN . CHAPMAN C.A. TIMOHîY J. O'NEILL C.A. are p!eased f0 announice that they hâîve joined the f irm of TURN ER, McCABE & ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS THE RICHMOND CENTRE Suite 202.,54 Centre Street Northi OSHAWA, ONTARIO Telephone 728-1312 ýx 1 , ad 1 it 9P KU OFFERED FOR SALE' TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE De%*bentures Duel1 September Amount 1980, $15,000 1981 19,000 1982 20,000 1983 21,000 Price: 100.00 and accrued interest to yieid8.25 per cent Denominations: $1 ,000 Enquiries or orders for aiiy amount (subjec t to allocation) may be made through the office of the Town Treasurer Telephone No. 623-3379 or directly to BURGESS GRAHAM SECURITIES LIMITED 44 King Street West Toronto Telephone: 416-364-8471 J be presented, your questions At the meeting, the scheme wili answered and your views invited. Furthner information availabie from the unidersigned. Signed Howard Wight The Secretary, Bowmanviile Planning Boarkid Municipal Offices, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. iniured in the crash and was