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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1973, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesmn. wn a vlli August 15, 1973 ConinungLif tory fl-ae It,&wilI be recalled that a few weeks ago, the Pamela Il was perched high oit the rocks a t the west side of Bowmanville's'harbor. Through some ingeniouis patchinig and towing, she was finally brought to shore where the holés in the hiulil were repaired. On Saturday,, a'crane was brought in to return her to the waters of the harbor. These three photos show some of heavy chains holding the slingsinetpl;acc,,iîapped atid allowved the stern to the stages of that transfer that began in daylight and concluded at dusk. drp ti oe h diinlrparca emd ihu aln h boat out of the water, so witvh any ýýkîin f lck, Lthe Pamnela Il will soon be tjnfortunately, the Pamnela II's troubles stili persisted and sh-e riding the swells of LaUOntajoag iïaft a ummer that has been experienced some cracked ribs and a bent driveshaft when one of the centful and costly for the ownier. Low- Key Rotary Meeting Features a, Pair 0f Keiths b y Bob bensotn Initroducing t he featured speaker at Rotary meetings is usually a serious responsibil- ' i ty, to be handled with tact and ~good taste. However, when the speaker is Dr. Keith Siemon and the man doing the introducing is Keith Jackson, something a littie different is to be expected, forii either mnan is known for being dour ar humorless. Predictably, Jackson broke al the rules for introducing a speaker, much to the delight ,«" his fe-llowv Rotarians. lf yu'easkeýd byProg. -AVAILAI PAI1NT and W,~ 55 KING ST. W. rami Chairman Art Ribey to V'Cm going to tell you about eithen introduce or thank a Me." speaker, always choose to -My name is Keifh Jackson. introduce him," Jackson ad- 1 run a variety; store in town vised. "That way, you can say and I was born in a lit tle place whateven yonu wanf and, beffer called stîll. you don'f have to stayý At this point if sounded as if awake and lisfen to what be Jackson was reatlly senious says. " about launiching ino is1 life "You know," continued hsoybut thie Laughfen from Jackson in, his droîl, dry style, the chlb drownied hlm out and "I've introduced Keith Slemon Slemon- finallyI yanked him s0 many tîmes, af so miany down from the speaker's places, that people are begin- podium. ning f0 ask who 1 am. ç;o. Keitb Slemon's presentation rather than-.wasfe a lot of time tIo the club fook the fonm of a telling youi things you already pictonial fouir through Spain, kniow about Slemon'anywa, Portualand Mrcc.Dr. Slemnon, bis "five poker bud- dies" and thein wives ail gof >ur houle e r had.. together for the European junket in -April. The group renfed cars and spent a few relaxing and scenic weeks fouring the soufhern Eunop- ean countnies and the nonfb of ýBLE ATAfrica. If would be futile to fry to or describe the offen-magnifi- cent colon slides or reproduce ETR Y wSlemon's snappy commentary IALL APERbut here are a few samplings: !A LL PA E ROne of the sldes was shot, PHON E,623-5431 looking down a beaufiful, wýell-treed valley in North CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES ON Att 1973 MODES &Qy~ The FRANCONIA Ï:4748.9 SERIES 210 Mediterranean styled console. Fuil base. Casters. 26"~ Super Chrom- 26" SUPER aoo.Pcue akfnse a e acolr. PictuD) r e c a nise Ove-r CHROMACOLON(D4748P9>. 100% Solid-State Titan SOLID STATE 210 Chassis witb exclusive new Ze- (NO TDES)nith Power Sentry System. Solid- (NO TBES)State Super Video Range Tuner, Super-Screen Picture. Cbromatic One-button Tuning. AFC. VHF/ UHF Spottite Panel s. Al sets lit Factory-sealed cartons "VIWE SERVICE WHAT VIE SELL OURSELVES" w--- Arm426 Simcoe S.ý Oshawa FALCOTV 723-0011 Atrica. -I always thought this part of Africa was ail desert," sadSluon bu s hss Ï 1 picture shows, I was certainly Mr. and Mrs. Ohs.L I-S wron . -maidwere guestso Saturday 1 "We only saw camels once at the Reike-Vetzal wedding at leý ail the im-e we were in North U'ovle a Africa," h fe commented about UMonlle. Bue sakj' one of the slides., Mr. and Mrs. Blrunce Tink, J "Actually, we had a came]ln r ndMs ec alorig with us for the whole adewMr. amnMrs. ercy tri", c sid sacasicalythe R.C.M.P. Centennial Re- referring to one of the rented view beld at the Coliseum, cars which was pîctured in the Toonto, on Sunday. next stide, hood up, at the side Mn. and Mrs. Wes _Yellow- of the road. "Those rented lees and Mn. and Mrs. Harold cars were nothing but trouble, Yellowlees and John, Orýono, broken water puimps, flat visited on Sunday with Mr.1- tires, just everything, hec and Mrs. James Elliott, tr lamnented. -f. g "Ifyo'regong o pamor Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ye- Pdntugal, I highly recommend lowlees attended the funeralýî the National lInns", he a1dvis- on Friday of thie late Mr"s. ed. "T'le ones saw were Gay otpi saaand beauifuland elaiveyinex- had as theirlles ftr he pensive. Be sure f0 booük your funeral 'Mr. G3eorge Wells, reservations for themn well in islington; Mrs. Frank Neweill advance, hc added, because MadMs ap eel they're' very much inBrmn Mr. and Mrs.RapNeel demand".Warner Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Another thing that the Hector Sh ortridge and Mr. speaker accordedU a very and Mrs. Ralph Larmen, 'high' rating was a Spanish Blackstock. drink called Sant 'Gria, "It Walfer Taylor, Ellen Cry- was perfect on a bot day," he derman, Brenda and Janice enthused. Appanently the Yellowlees attended "the Jr. drink is made from red wine, Farmers' Field Day' held at brandy, soda and some citrus Guelph. fruit. GyeLpaHmtn Another slide depicted trip spGale Laham, H amtorn, member Ken Hockin posing sKnafw aswih.ahy beside a burro laden with Mn. and Mrs. Harry Knox pottery. No one in the noom iitdMs.W.Knxa expected Slemon f0 pass up a Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on chance like that.. "We're back in Spain again Mr nd' r. osCrdn ond here we seesa picture 0f a and erewe ec , pctue aman attended the 25th wed- jackass. Thene's also a donkey ding anniversary celebration carrying some pots in the heîd for Mr. andi Mrs. Hdnwold photo. " S.Jh ttehtý,o r in other' Rotary Affairs . JonathhmefMr ClubPreidet Hary ook and Mrs. J. H. Abernethy, redlutb lrsieter ooàr-Bowmanville. iea Bernard tey, om anà- Mr. and Mrs.,Ross Kdssatz i1l ernrdhie f wene necent visit- vleChief ndicatee. he i taigons with Mn. and Mrs. Timn with isn in Anrowhes sad, Jay, Richmond Hill. Sah skahonile necuper- Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis, Sasktchwan whle ecuer-Mrs. Ross Kossafz, Shelley ating fnom bis necent coronany adKvn iie nTus attck.He dde thf h day with Mn. Ross Kossatz at expecfs to be back to Bow Waterloo University. manville and the club by eanly Mr. Jesse Jones, Peterbor- PrvesîdentCok s n ough, was a Stînday visifon Preidet Cok alo aiýwith Mn. and Mns. Ernest nounced that Knox Henry, the Hockaday. Genenal Manager at Brook- Mn. and Mrs. Joe Snowden dale-Kingsway Nunseny was adM.adMs ly elected to the, Board of aBdoome andd the ld Directons of the, Canadian roeatndth Ol Natona Exibtio onAugstTyme Fiddlens' Contest ,held 2nd. Mn. Henry has been ca Selone and also eane vice-chairman of the CNE'scaenonevadMs.Sn Horficultural Building for the Flu-Fig hte~rs past yean and, for the last two years, bas been tbe nursery Flu-fighting is a difficuit industry's representative at maneuver. But newweapons tbe big fair.n may be on the way. Guests at the meeting in- One of them coôuld be a new cluded William Bissentfromi live virus vaccine that bas Vonkers, New York. He is a alneady been developed by Salvation Army Officer and, nesearchers at the University was deemed a suifably h@nest of Michigan,. The vaccine, man to make the club weekly which is cunrently being draw, organized by Harry Van trial-tested for safety and Belle. Van Belle announced, tii effeciesca dmn- the loud gnoans of the Rotaýr- ctivensan boetms- ians and cries of "fixed! naaltere y nsalA daoprets or that the guest had drawn the nslsry.Amjravn ticket that Van Belle himself tage of the vaccine is that it was holding. However, he fends off infection at, the identified bis guest, Don Peel opening of the thnoat and nose fnom Oshawa, as the real - before the virus ever entens owner of the ticket. So, Peel the windpipe or the Iungs. was the recipient of a pain ofl Anothen advarifage is that tickets to Wednesday's foot- the vaccine can be developed ball garne between Toronto quickly. The trouble with flu and Montreal. vinuses is thaf a vaccine -- effective ag aînst one variat ion) WORLD INFLAT ION of the virus may be complete- At a meeting of the Inter- ly useless against another, national Monetary Fund, in variation. And flu viruses cani ,Washington, Finance Mnister undergo drastic in John Turner called on thle their makeup fnequently. Non- wold's leading finance minis- mlly, it takes s> otst ters for, world-wide action m i otst aganstinfatin. isig pic-develop a new vaccine affer a .s have bec ome a seriousvaitoapesinteir. problein for aIl indlustrial Wîfh the newrmachine, if take--s counti-je>. sxwes and Dale, Kelly l3noomne, Bow- Collette'Taylor is pnm and Rujss accompanies by Mr, manville, spent a week af \week atQinMLcCap ad Mrs. Gordon Thiedorf ani IN A Baptisteý Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Barr u C wng amîily, Mount Forest, have Dale Broome spenit he :imd boys, Peterbo;rough Mn i'tý refurne(l home fnom. a week's nowden, Maple. weekend with Kelly Broorne, and Mrs, Ron Baker and v-acatioý mnNorthen Ontario Mn. Isaac Hardy and Stan- Bowmanville. TarmyOsawa, Miss elen a-ýnd the Ottawav distict1 Thein ýy and Mrs. Endicott, Lind- Mn., and Mrs. Phillip Alexz- Bkr oot.wene Sunday sýon Stan joined tbemýýr at ay, spent the weekend at the ander, Downsview, spent thesupe guests of Mn, and iMwý Sp,,-eerville on the holiday ne Snowden home. weekend wi b Mr. and Mr;. Tom Bker weekend tfon the rs of the Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome Wes Hilîs and family Mn and Mrs, Jiro Gordon tnjp, IUEur YuxuçU 11uulur263-2282 S I'V' i ay or TAUNTON ROAD - HAMPO 263-228S3Ngh --w --a

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