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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1973, p. 7

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Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mdarn, Stayner amd Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin, Port Col- borne, vîsited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. George St ýple- tO.n, Waverly Gardens, on their -way home from holiday- ing la Prince EwrdIland. Mn. and Mis. Aujstin Larm- er, Mr. and Mrs. Ross R-,icharýds and -Mrs. Gordon Beech were in Scarborougb last week b helpheir brother and ister-in-l, ev.and iMrs. Eugene Beecb, celebrate ther 4001 wedding aniver- sary. Scott anid aiCoocr are spend'ing thi wek at hockey camip near Sundridge. Mr. and Mrs. Mur-ray1 Pres- cott and Cny St . Catharines, visited bier m1other jMrs. G. icMluilen and attended the MieMullen - Wïallgren wed- ding. Cindy remained for holidays. Mnis. Camieron, Ms Cous- ins. Mârs. Carl Bshami Pat of Belleile, visited w\ýith NMrs. G. M MIle1j -n and aîtended the MciMutllen -Wallgren Aed- Weekend vsitrs tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin' Taylor were MNr and Mrs.ý Clive Mlilîs, and children Weady, »ebbie, Jeinie, Paul and And1rew\, from Lmeb Ontaro. M rs. Roger 1Layes ancf son Denny, of St. Catharinies were Sirnday visitors vith be parens Mre and âMrs. J. N ma Silver Sret.Aso RZEHO0BC)TH Cbristian Refarmeci Ck>rch Phone 623-489 SIJNDAY SRVICs 10 an 7 pn Back tw. Gd4 Hou D)ialf1101 Radio Every Sunday 11h30 a. The sourceof1ail gfood is trust in ,G;od, submuission unto His command, and conltentmienit in Ris. holy wviIl and PHONE 623-3171 Sandra (Mrs. George Moffatt) and sons Tommny and BihIy MceKalba isibéed ber grand- parenits Mn 'and Mr LJ Mn. and Mns. J. Newmaýn, Silver Sti, spent a few -"days at Pigeon Lake wiilh Mr and Mrs. John 'Wiiis Mn and Mrs. Lloyd Bayley, C'amphe1lhiIie. Ont., en route ho0me from uldasvisited the Hl. E. Purdy's, Temper- anu tre es, nr. and Ms.George B)urtis and B'ryan ut R. R. 2, Orono, entertained as necent \weekend guesîs, Mn and Mrs. Robert Miantin, Tununtu; Nr. and Mrs. Henry Adamson, -Scar- boogb ir. and Mrs. Geo- rge Simions, Wiiiowdale; Miss Linda Simnons,Wiowae Mn. AanGillbreck, Wiliow- dale; Mn. and 1Mns. Jamnes Winters, Býowmnnville: Mc. and MIrs.MamnnBurtisBow- manville; Mn. and Nrs. Stut- hey a nd Cherylec, Scazroruýugb. 'Mn. and MIrs. ArthnwHouper and famiiy. FrederickAv. husted a family ga1tbeinrg aI their home on Sunday of appruximately 40 guests. Among those atteningmwee his sistetr Mn. and Mrs. Jack Gitten tFlorecc, Niagara Fahîs, brothers Mr. and Mrs. Hlubient Houper, Mimnicu; Mr. and Mr. d Hooper and famicly, apance; àMn. and Mire Bud Houper anid famnily, Saidt Ste Marie'Mn. and Mrs.Che, cousins, and Miss H1ilda Burke, aunt, Mim- lcu. The weathen was beautiful and ideal ton the puol--party. Adienne TruU, a Ceacher and the daughben ut Mn. and Mris. John C. Truli, was mannied Satunday bu Richard I-ohb president of' Aquanaut Pooil Service andi sonit o Mn. and MIrs. Kenneth Rb.The Truls wneone of bbc finsbt thre failles lu selUle in Danlingbon Township <wbicb icueDanlingbon Provin- ciA Park). Ia facb, the father ut bbc brie, John C'amerua Truli, is a direct enat of the tirst white cbiid bora in the area. J. C. TruhI is vice-presi- dent u tagad Luesli"ad Co. LMd, a bokenage bouse. It' bis brother, Dr. Douglas TrulI, wois the owarer ut the two ruil funeral homes. And Douglas proposed the ltoast bu the bride at the wedding neceplion in Ibe Ontanlo Clb. Raymond Truli, another uncle, was soloist at the KiîrswayLamrblon cene- mnony. The m nany tniends out-Mn. Anthur Býrunt %wil', be pleased bu learn lheis imaýking satistac- tory progress, fohhowing sur- gery in Toronto Western Uospital. At as he is populanly kaowni. is out ut intenisive cane and in Rwom 54, iftb fluor, North Pavilion. Thris cohumn wvould like bu thank readers for contnibuting items and ask bbey please 1phone any news tbey would hike publÂsbed tb 623ý-3303 and bbc office stalffwl be pleased to bakeý the information. We direct communicaion iiwith Kinsînen membei-s and (com- munity ladrsacius Cnada node auint bhiseff and nee(ds, Ouellet tudavanîoîce ta an ciglbt-ent stmp om- memorating Ibeit)ibani- versary ut the bîîtihIlutfNellie McClung, a virousadvocate ut social nrefurni and xomens sufferage., xiIi be îssued 29 Augusb 1973 -ý Niiie cCiung can rigbly be coide!red onue ut thie poeesft h emns "Hec suic-cestul1.;edsbîip in the causýe ut pu)hîtiii equIality for womeii and bier own, pnecede-erit îIng achieve- menîs in puli le belped tu open the way«t oi- Canaiani wonmen ho priiaetîi i ment was bgun inthe1880' carnigýn fin mitolia led nli lhi provinice eoin irist lf rntolpoiia equaiity Il s wmnini 1916. AIera ilinth s i car Olitario iii 11.Nx ctirii 1918, Ne Bunsxic-k in [919 tivextumn. td 1fflge EiyMurph. ,whu xxunIli the T 0 N also thank thiem for- Iheîr uniderstandjing wýhen mristakes bave occurned. As you knoýw we are converting lu ,autrumýa tic typesetting machi1nes" Frîens arepMW 1s tn, whlicb biave onl ben on' he tlephaie obre1r turnedl market the last cupeot home f om Portier Hs years and iltaOkes a iu t a!I on Tuweda und A1lw~ doing, but uwith your 1ep11e1 Gore Bner rture are gettng Ibere. Remember home o n Tbrsda pleaised lu bave the rnews, ur Gordon CGiiTson wreMr mail il ftu ThettemnBxJohn McGreg n 1aa rrn 190, Bwavil.Littie Britain ýwo ee cc l'le Otnuplace soie 1ompniedby er arents. Mr mpen] 10 aun..Io01:0 a L.mi. Te 1, Ms!Ips tHaph exiisand attractions arýe Englanld, Mand Mr alfn open unil 10 pmu. Cbildrn's Rîch, u!tcOkxxood.Mi and Villiage open unitil 9:00 lp.m Mrs. Edvi Bll ndi Mrs People swlo camie Io CanladaGldy Taîîranciolo., as visitorws or illegaily on or eîWbsr.icax Md baveunti midightOc5oer ;daycaliers lu appiy for andcd immigrant hinTbunsduAu Mn anti M status, AManpower and immi (hIeWs Travis. Toronto, pen gration MnstnRobert And- the da',and '. cc dîneran rasanoucedtoayThiýs"spper gues oj Mn andi Mrsý opporunîtyis povide by rant Thompson lgisaton introduced by M. Mn1. andMns- oma Andras in te lHouse ut Watson and CW-isand Ms Comnmos on June- jlto amend Parker, 1Port Peirry weýre jtlhe. lImm',i gr at1ionlA ppea e; îsdurng he wek. it Board Act. The nw hwii Ms.Ed. Lwsnanid !ruce be proclimd August 15 Siuna vnîgvsiosere n. and Mr%. Lloyd Hamîl Miss Liiia awon amd Mis. ton have ret urned front a mi) i CWcci rudburn. Lndsay N. enjoyable imotor trip to Sud - nd M Ars. Gordon Srn bunry ov,(-r the eknl Basoc An exhbOiofutdawngs. iXis. S. lBrooks. Boxx man- jpainrigs and pints bhy two Moùnîrealartiste. Ellyn Safra fj rsd n and Toniy Kcopens aI the re Robet MLaughinGallery oni Tuesday-, Auguistil141 continuing tbrough Sept. 3rd. Educated at the Uýniversity of Toronto, Ellyn Safra compiel-o ed beN at tuu s aI Ibeý Ontanlo, Colege of Art and 1,1e Artisî's WVorksbop. Using India ink and goid leat, theïý artist achieves some enchant- i «,.i ing effecs thrugh ber highiy ,~ ima,_ginative rawings. 1In ber paintings, Safra's use ut colon can only be descnied as ps luxurijant. ThoeNeecution of the works is superh ; the wealth of M detail isreminiscent ofutht centuy Feish pitig. In 41 form nand content thie panings J of Tony Keck are comnpletelyý 20hcentiury. Educated at the, U iversity utl Liverpool, Eng- e land, Keck completeti iséls'te stud iesatleSMae Cohleeou Art, London, Engiand. Keck fiJîs hèiare cnasswitb (;ILoRGýýi: lîx \( images of musîcias and Heir ere rîg hCr instruments; theuse images I ýu ýCm are epeated ajcruss the sur- bridge-, Otai, aseece fwe ina stawto o!53rId NatÎionai Presidentl of The black and white, iieed on1lyv( J by a small. area of a colored dnig' b rgnzainsA cinle throgh wbich thes nual Convenition in Otawa, positive-negatve patern coln- Orîari iisvead Perr Îies. lanhard of Morîtrrea On1tanlo Plaýe altenldance rsdetadoffcii asoe set a Simce Day weekend ma o h iOOmembe record - a totral ut 9;,17S8 CanadanYungre'0wev pensons badt visited the Prov- 1ranztown. \uiîu h mncil Goverrnment %sowce Kinsmn's Cief Exutý-ive'sIi by the lose ut the holiday li M 0 me iîbeset rvling weekenid, Augusi i6. This is an lm ýlb M2 peu centnincreaseu ver lasî tbroughout tIle eighi Kinsmený! season's Simcoe Day weekend1Ditrict ad eein ladr couint uof" ,63ln the f irsi ut theovr40inneClb year ut uperation, 197, the nacruss Cnd attendance for, the saine A 12-yeac Kinsmonx îa weekend xas cor,874. lvingseT dbi icaIa a Senator fJim Coyle bas .îust Clu Presde(1Dst crTe neturnied trom the Annual suerandGoenrh i- Fidle Contest at Sheihurne ict One, *wýhîch is cnmpniscd overfthe week*enld with the nf soutbweten(}îaiW neis Ihal Rjudy Meks u Ossalia won rt puce in 1theu, Mrer in 1971 72cu Open Ckass. ilh Jobnny Ahways eom luns ty sc)îd Mouing of Spinghili, N.S., inindwedring îasbeiiia second spot, and EdGI yurkiout CPum itte t heoCu oefu Woodsbock in third position,. Commrce and he las ce ved Mnr. and 1Mns. Zack Adamsh ýuJh(i >a Mn. and ïMrs. Ru1,pent Byers,teyuhu li sa M1r. anid Mrs. Wa,',ybunn Adamis Eeutv er r'ceasun dined at .the Acres Restaurant er and CoacPU ut t beiour hast Sunday, on the occasion of Hce soito Mur.Adams Sris hirthdax a l K is mployed iaithe Lalerthey visited île. and t1ni fr ,> ng Steci AM. Reg Suttua, Oronu). Tesrr n eusiPrcsdci Mn. and àMrs. John K illeenu fth a SlCrprto Rue ary d John David l'of Limied.1rS Sha-w',s have j.ustrtund uigbiuevaieîns from a f'our-week camping CitEeuieu h is trip ru B.C. and all tlhe iii nonlhern States utUSA"nn4soito. e ilb Among the friends and reîativ- isupporre in i l etiviti eýs that lhey visited werc r vbswfe bnc h and AMr s. Gerahd Scott Ine Ivnsbx brecidei M4ilda Mile, frmeilr té-eher at mx ing bas sesrvcd the Nai commncesat ithe COLLEGE Tues., Sept. 4 hI iefloing tmoui ý r' 'I1' Xceert d cea' 1 ine12 PHOEBE TOWNER Oui Sunday July 29,1973 at Miscricundia Hospibal. Phuebe Tuv\nen, aged 92 yeýars, beloved wife utJamesToxvner (ut 179 Jet enson Ave.OMs. Townier was ;bort'n in eeunFhs, Otario, and bad rsddin Wiipeg f,ýl or, 15 years and tr Bowmnviie.aI 3ý7 Otario Street f ori25 yeans. Besides ber husband James, che, lees t,: o mouu r tpassingý oueson James A\lison unt Toî'ontu, Ont.. une daugbter MIs. H. onnox(ýZnonna) ut cbidrn.Fuena snvcewas beîd Wdcdyat 11 :30 a.m.' in the Cropo Funieral Chapel, Main St. ab Luxtoni Ave., with Rev\Caon). G. airclough oficîaýting. Cremalion f ollow- ed atBuolwnCemtr iuîn.I[n lieu otf lowers dona0)tins maiy bue made bu c, i cMai>v ut heinchoice Hfawes passedl away suddeniy inî Bomanvile on Monday, Juiy 3,973aIth ue aut74. Bun in axo Twsbp 'dor.tNnIn, b auhc '.411esptnIalt1e day wasb oîH}. aîuu bergraddugber jai, i poe quite popular. About I3icksockandtheL.Mlc l f\ilty ined uLp for th-e rýgg Reex e ad Mrs Lv, rendenangingin pnice Ilrom .70 per aticdedtheWaccnsPicic he tres. "jIbisi nuicheap on aniserxxrebots eî~oedThe tugLJ-ofl-war acr- Wan fro Caiwîgî oukOs teund out lte polrJ in ortPeix Texinciuded altrnatve dcigs clothes danin. ai gme. odeo n al Tepinclunch Theo)u 1arrabîlFail t dunnihe attl, iernoion Te Coesareai weru ues a1 lrt1 ýiss fMooes SnCk shoppe was oný i ecbuchseric weh'1 l ptoî ah and \l(ecentvisitonslidîh M.dand evryQne ,toiIoug -i enjoye MrsCha ls er thmslves and are op ing M i'i M Vanir-ilkeh« ndfi bti at ty m a rtuacin aas and MrsnE Ponter.-Torantu o nteyea ( shaîxa voufmet and ade newz Mc ad Mrs1C. iemn f0Mnd Brig~,Catwnghand area recsidlents Mc and Mis DaveiRobinl- werenvldedbatn son , (ut Ba;Irrie. Spe'nt th1E, Katýnyn' Kbvinls Miracle and MS lu MMoor 'l'ho seaing ocapacity ut the Mn, aiid Mis. Geoge o- aneniauias taxed intte limlit ers wcre Stna n udvadthe ice i tfacewafîid guests ut mcian- Ms EIimn nwchchairs. They Wright ;at thein otgrhm un. Lke. f-Ptj'ýTwo Sstr were ~tiii-dy eeinga vt HealipS c-ay.afeon vs. Lews Sle,u on bot I n hebasbaIlrourinme in ~ ~ i Linsa u sth hiday - - gaesotn Iewn(,to Sudy O t nayi'te,- do Jub loden Nes lelo n v . . Aorchrs Netctnion oth.\ eorhad- games l cume îrsi inth ' . H ace tournamen nb lb smi-finai ton!' xsMd T wn lvsY lose e d . ga gamc ahiliitb xyut Iresu,, ited, iiuc fr h in Ia wiNurforg Nosontotonhein oxentime<the tenîJ.i0ning) Ontanîo i graateuatSoft.ball Ntissociationis, or iii ththe.A.S.A\ Nesîhelon vs PortPenY u Sudayatr one t(etOfC secis. he hirùireewIll e t heDr.J.O.Ru p1tc i estîctun on MosN- (, eel wated roi daacetne10nigbt)The am graduhi, h sliO iindnor Ferl ahlsi. >(i at hemhawa G1enoel] ~pinxxte TaierPak me frmsuen ts of Cou);i Oshawadaandudoperated bl\, Mc -19 id Mc-, Baltour Mooforre. as ~ ~ ~ ~ ps anatrctv ae frf n JMr. Meneelv ,a andraatin n unan Jampe eno en,40eR..of attenoo Ihe'Leion"9 .rOaie ude.ya cedineber. thir amiiesMn. Meneeyis boa abot ue .m.unilarkthy IeMaleora, iahneeesnAlyi in~ ~ ~~~Wih aouysfdueo prtCo.M previ orsded in sxvmmiig viitng r ela- shpaua, andJha en(l'iing ing. n Ib horeshu pithîngiýn on ToUistipofToon toe pastya.Mnof ney a \os. Osaw nte n a - iiliMi'. enely is. rvi rb .3111- Marmoil, Ue step70aonrau fis teaugte, Jen tMs Robnt k eegadi1In ut Belleille, twosiers, llen t Hms7 1ay-onAusti) u Tonntu SPRAY DEODORANT n i, KING ST. W, came by bus loads, in cars and on foot (about six thousand) to sec and to hear this Baptist ordained minister preach on the "Healing Power of God". hi Katbryn s oxvords, "l ami fot a w-,oma,ýn ýi tbh a great faith - 1am a ïwomnan witb a little faith iii the Great God!" For the pasi numiber of years lie as henin Pittsburgh. Shinsists that ýlthosý,,who dai hlngs procue rnedi-' calveictin Hecr vice xvas awe înspir ing as- a breathless bush feli uver tat rovwd of bumnr b)einlgs-. The large voluineer choir led in a nmberof e knowî sogs 11d splenldid piao ad vcalsolos weýre a prldio Ktry'1alk on herwork ad xprinc .She take aboluelynucredil for th? iraculous bealings. In bier audince îthPope Plaul she receivdbis blessig During her serie.ighlt wasretoet. he ea were werecurd, hose with1) respir- atory troub[leýs were relieved hearing aids were discardedi One little gîrl of four with a lwo per cent vision, bad her eyesigbt restored. This is buin theordIs out andel's 4cars olf he duaf be unstoppedl, Then the ,lamlle shah leap as an hrt, and te tngeof the, dumb hauilhub 'ls'e. hi, Bibjlîlpohs vsfi f illed Grciduate Peter MaeEachenii lU isWih plesue tIat un announe the appoint- l ment ut Pele'r MacEac-h-p crii as District Ilepresen- L latinýe for Yug&Bgi Limited Ralun Peter bas an excellenta knouledge AUv Ral Estate Advantages if a large firr n î'ing for ynu. pins Pnee'cul oturî bi hB asIl ofcsin ae.a Naltîouuai rviocatioui Soima and Lindsay mdmiyothen facilies iil a Pbe'sdisposai. bîîy , on ii eau Pew1tr lu"WïENUE CECN 62:-494 AIBERTO VO5 ~ HAIR SPRAY ~ i3o~ Sugg Usi 298 64 623-5792 ALBIERTO -~ l/î~z Sqq. Lst 2A9 BO0WMkýAA NV IL L F FOR EMAERGENCY SERVICE CALL. Art Evans 623-4566 or Mark /ous~ 728-2053 TRINITY IJNITED CHURUI Rev. .WelyOakýe, B.Th. lMîite John Crooiksbank - MusicDrctrOais 10k . -WORSHIP SERVICE st. Paul's United Church muemlbers wilI worshi a Trinity during August and the first Sunday) in September. Rev. WVýesley Qake lin charge f both congregations. Nursery Care A Wa rm- Welcome A waits AIl Worshippers -WELL WORTH LOOKING FOÏR'i EFFECTIVE MON.. AUG. 13 TO SAT. AtuG. 118 WATCH FOR THESE ADS - THEY'LL SV YU MONEV L I TRUE bstb;y1Clioroi WlESRVE THE AIGIIT TO LIMIT QUANTTES AlÎex McGregor I-D*A Drugs, The Canadian Statesmnan, Bow,ýmanville, Auigust 15. 1973 7 Cburch servces wee hid tion srices h1-eld in Port ontfhelawatMNr. ,nd Mrs. M ÀHo>i. Aller tAeservices ail, G. um arihme ai,,Canton. AÀ alonF wthMr. and Mrs. J. large crowd aittended. Mr, R. Quantri and family, Mir. and Buchifan n Sitbfield was the( Mrs J Crirand famgily, guiest speaker.Me spoke on tge Port Hope. Bob Plunkett, et lettr from Paul fo the Toronto, had a pîcnic supper Galatians. The canton choir aýititeQunriihomne. sang Nexi Sunday srie Mr. anid Mrs. R. WVesteuser- w[ -1il(b at ecoeat 10 a.1iad lyon Sarvilewere- On Sat ýurda,, ihe Gairden Hi 1 aith Thicksun's Sunday. Unitecd Chuirch Wîn cal(- i MI, Mou4ney, and Mr'Is. W.ý ered for the Wrdn' icnic oe i1gnvisited wîth helWa Oronlo on atra. ran MsJ.Peacoçk at Un-it 2 ldies imet a : hi M\0P1cok'shomne this basemnt nandmfladethe potato wek t0 inake. Thé ladjý ies u theGardon 1-fi I FDL' EL unit seve lnch afler ,the t2 xîse to purchase a [uneral serx ies ut the lare sed a rma new car Mrs. W.'ett ibrhoe!ndaerrthrtan a used car Tuesday.ho .Kadx(S Cnsmerns* Asso- mrs BWbeero s ( nu~to u Cnad Anew ýcar the spl. eleleerlygiveýs a Mr. and Ms odnLock iwriten gar nad fbas his woodToruto w r Thick nxnshp o 1maike any sonsSardyîcsarpir L!r- and Msr ayo' Ov-ery, Oshýaa. called at MrI P\EIDSOA and Mirs L Muldrws IA nsr'Asociaiono wvek and Mr. and Mrs naarcîdsuer hat Waiden, Gures Landig xxereco"S-muenc "pp producîs with Mr and Mrs. Muollre ca iped sptietan1k opera- for suipper Sundaý o 3t ae towels and Mr. adMr-s. HHo)Wlentacîli seshave iwet Guelpb sp-ent the: weekaeAh reent rpd with Mr. and Mrs. W .Quawc rnt hcbpeet ai nu il atîenlde'd 1thwdecora dcmosto Y l"Il1 FI iMIC") 1 L'-JT! OR j] c ri s e s e e s e la Vetzal, daughters of Vetzal, Courtice, have ted. Deborah, at left, Wellesley School of has accepted a position [dy Hospital, Whitby. aSt. Michael's School of ronto. She has a position Hlospital. They are both rtice Secondary School. educatd in h'.,and ion dune 9ý. P1927 was united in Re-sidîng in Bo-wmanville since127she %Vas a devoled houisewife and a member of the Ch1-urcb of England. The fnerai was beld on husaAugust 2nd. from the Nortbcutl Elliott Fuieýral IIome witb reverend Farr- offiia iitin3g. Many beautiful floral tokens weereceived among whîchlel oa ne from the Ontario ,Heart Foundation. Interment was in Bowmanvillý ernee-' te ry.

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